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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1913)
K1UIUV, FEBRUARY 28, 1914. WEEKLY ROGCK BI7XR COURIER NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Oreeoa January 21, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Ed mund M. Purdin, of Kerby, Oregon who. on November 14. mi, uiade homestead entry aerial No. oTo; for E H NW A , Sec. 18 and eV SV4. Sec. 7, township 39 S., ranae 7 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make commutation proof, to establish claim to the, land above described before Herbert Smith. United Sta:e commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the Hth day of March. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses E. F. Tyce. David Coulter, T J I Tyce and Roy Well, all of Kerbv. i Oregon. ' ' : . B. F. JOXESResister. .NOTICE FOR lTBLIC.VriOX Department of the Interior. l s j Land Office, Roseburg. Oregon.' January a, ii3. Notice is hereby given that Vern Cook of Kerby, Oregon, who. on No vember 30, 1911, made homestead entry, serial No. 07673. for NFU i SW4. NWi; SEVi and Lots 2 and 3 of section 13, township 39 s ! m w ... " ' I Tinge i w... Willamette meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described before Herbert Smith. U. S. cominje sloner, at his office, at Grants Pass PACK SKTK SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION a. i G.tson and Ella 0;- on. h;s ;ie. tz& tte;r , unknown htirs; H. S:m- i iES cd tit unknown beiri. Rorauo S;akisi J atd Caroline Simkita. ) -ft. aaj thcir un.' known teirs; Ben Sim- ) kms and Onuh Simkins n;s wife, and tteir un- known heirs; also all ) utfcer persons or parUes ) unknown claiming any r-ilu. title, estate, hen or interest in the real es- late described in the ) complaint. Defendants. I Tik I An V - 7" wvu, ana fclla Gibson, his, 'fe. and their unknown heirs- H -inikins and his unknown heirs; Horatio Smiklns and Caroline; Mmkins. his wife and their un-! known heirs; Ben Simkins and! Omah Simkins. his wife, and their I unknown heirs; also all other Dr ! ons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in vest in tne real estate described in the complaint. Defendants In the name of the state of Ore son you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer 'the complaint filed against you on or be- NOTICE OK SALE. Oregon, on the 3rd day of March, i "r,!:..' V1 date of lhe j oiiuu o mis summons mcn said first date of publication of the summona is ta 24th day of January. A. D., 1913. and the last date of publicaUoa and the time within which you are required to ap pear and answer the said complaint is the 7th day of March, 1913. and If you fail so to answer said complaint oua lor want taereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for. to-wit: That the olaln- 1913 Claimant names as witness: J. E. Hodgdon, Carles May Casad George Baldwin. J. H. Maynord. all of Kerby, Oregon. B. F. JONES. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. s. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. January 6th. 19r3. Notice is hereby given that Joseph McClelland, whose postoffire address. Is 631 Clackamas street, Portland, Oregon, did, on the 4th day of March, 1912, file in this offiue sworn statement and application, No. 07876 to purchase the lots 2 3 and 4 and SW4 NE14, section 2, township 37 S., range 5 west Willamette mer idian, and the timber thereon, un der the provisions ot the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known aa the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pur suant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been ap praised 1456.00, the timber estim ated 1,140,000 board feet at 40 cents per M, and the land oothing; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 2th day .of March, 1913, before register and .receiver United Stales land office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat nt Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging tacts which would defeat the entry. B. F. JONES, Register. by KOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that the undersigned joint administrators of the estate of Benjamin Dlmmlck, deceased, have filed their final account of the ad ministration of said estate In the county court for Josephine county, state or Oregon, and that the hear ing of said account has been set by said court for Saturday the 15th day of March, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the county court room In the court house at Grants Pass, Oregon, and all persons interested are notified to file their objection thereto, if any there be, on or before said date. Said notice Is published in the Rogue River Courier a weekly paper published at Grants Pass, Oregon, by order of Stephen Jewell, county judge, made the 13th day of Febru ary, 1913. EDWARD E. DIMMICK, ' VIRGIL L. DIMMICK, Joint Administrators of the Estate of Benjamin Dlmmlck, Deceased. tiff be decreed to be the absolute and unqualified owner in fee simple of Lot 3 in Block 61 of the Original Townsite of the town, now city, of Grants Pass. Josephine county, Ore gon, as the same is platted and on file in the office f the county clerk of said county and state. That the defendants and each of them and their unknown heirs and also all oth er persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate .lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein and all ex ecutors, administrators, and assigns and all persons claiming by, through or under said defendant be forever enjoined and detaired from assert ing any claim, right, title, lien, es tate or Interest therein or thereto. That plaintiffs title to said Lot 3 In Block 61 of the Original Townsite of the town of Grants Pass, Jose phine county, Oregon, be forever quieted and that it Is declared to be a good and valid one in both law and equity and that full and complete equitable relief be had. This summons la pnblished In the Rogue River Courier by order of Hon. F. M. Calkins, Jidge of the above entitled court, made and en tered on the 22nd day of January, 1913, and Is to be published for six consecutive weeks. C. H. and V. A. CLEMENTS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that I, the undersigned administrator, with the will annexed of the estate of Francis H. Cobb, deceased, have filed in the county court of the state of Oregon for Josephine county my final ac count in said administration. And that by an order duly made by the Judge of said court, Saturday, March 8, 1913, at the boor of 2 o clock p. m. of said day has been set apart for hearing objections to said ac count. That persons objecting to the same or any part thereof, will file their objections in said court on or before the said date. GEORGE W. COLVIO, Administrator with the Will Annex ed of the Estate of Francis II. Cobb, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, January 18,, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Adol phus Nale, of Dryden, Oregon, who, on August 8, 1911, made homestead entry, serial No. 07429, for Lots 4 and 6 and EM SWVi of section 24, township 38 S., range 7 W., Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith, U. S. commissioner, at his office at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 1st day of March. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Warren Tuttle, Clarence Messen ger, Gllman Harmon and William Mastln, all of Dryden, Oregon. B. F. JONES, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given, that Lillian M. Perkins and Elmer H. Perkins, the undersigned, have been appoint ed joint executors of the Estate of Howard Alonzo Perkins, deceased, by the county court for Josephine coun ty, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified, to the undersigned executors at the law of fice of H. D. Norton In Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon, on or be fore the expiration of six months from the date of first publication of !fron, to Is notice. Date of first publication, Jan. 31 1913. LILLIAN M. PERKINS. ELMER H. PERKINS, Joint Executors. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, December 11, 1912. Notice is hereby given that George A. Bark, whose postoffice address Is 210 East 28th street, Los Angeles, California, did, on the 18th day of March 1912, file in this office sworn statement and application, No. 07902 to purchase the SE, section 20, township 39 S., range 8 west WillametU meridian, and the tim ber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known aa the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $200.00, the timber estimated 360,001 board feet at 60 cents per M., and the land $20.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 7th day off March, 1913, before Herbert Smith, United Etates commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate an contest at any tlem before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. B. F. JONES, Register. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Neas arrived Portland Wednesday. Mr. ! Neas Is just returning from a trip to Sit-'ourney, Iowa, where lie went with the body of LIb father. Mrs. Neas met her hssband In Portland. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon- ..:!iaai J. Harris. Com- ) p'.ainant, ) vs. ) English-Canadian Com- I piny. Limited, a corpora- ) tion organiied under the laws of the Kingdom ) of Great Britain and Ire- ) land; Walter Morshead. J. M. Bassett. William ) Bailey. The Waldo Gold ) Dredging Company, a cor- ) poration organixed and existing under the laws of I the state of So. Dakota. ) and A. C. Hough, Defend ants. 'William Pearson. Com plainant, vs. W. J. Harris; the Eng lish-Canadian Company, ) Limited, a corporation ) organized under the laws I of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; Wal- ter Morshead. J. M. Bas- ) set. William Ballev. the Waldo Gold Dredging I company, a corporation ) .organised and existing ) under the laws of the ) State of South Dakota. ) and A. C. Hough, Defead- ) ants. ) Notice of sale of real property special master of chancery. Notice Is hereby given. That pur suant to a decree of the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon in the above en titled consolidated caase, together with aa order and writ duly issued by the clerk of said ourt in said cause commanding me to sell the real property hereinafter described for lue satisfaction of that certain Judg ment and decree heretofore render ed in said court and consolidated cause in favwr of William J. Harris in the sum of $33, 86). 34. with In terest thereon from January 13, 1909, at the rate of ten per cent per annum. $1,100.40 costs and dis bursements, together with costs on appeal In the sum of $2u.25 and in terest thereon from November 7, 1912, and the charges and expenses of sale, that 1 will at tne front door of the county court house at Grants Pass, in Josephine county. Oreeon. on Monday. March 3. 1913, at the hour of eleven o'clock; in the forenoon of said day, offer for sale at public auc tlon and sell to the highest and best bidder, for terms cash In hand and subject to the confirmation of tha court, all the following described real property, to-wit: That certain placer mining claim and premises kaown as the number four consolidated mining claim, and described as the west half of the west half, and the west half of the east half of the southwest quarter, and the south half of the southeast quar ter of the northwest quarter of sec tion 26, the north half of the south half of the southeast quarter of tho southeast quarter, and the north half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the south half of the northeast quarter of the south east quarter, and the south half of the north half of the northeast quar ter of the southeast quarter of sec tion 27, township 40 south of range 8 west of Willamette meridian, situ ated in the Waldo Mining District. Josephine County, Oregon, and con taining 280 acres of land, more or less, together with the ditches, ditch rights and water rights, and the ten ements, hereditaments and appurt enances thereunto belonging or is anywise appertaining. Dated at Grants Pass, In Josephine county, Oregon, this 31st day of Jan nary, 1913. EDWArtD 8. VANDYKE. Special Master In Chancery. OBJECTS TO RAISE OK SPEAKER'S SALARY OLYMPIA. Wash.. Feb. 25. On jthe ground thai the constitution fixos the salaries of members of the legis lature at $5 per day, and no more. Representative H. E. Foster of King, ha served notice on Stat Auditor Clausen not to pay Speaker Taylor the $10 per diem voted him by the house. Clausen ha held up the speaker's warrant until he obtains s legal opinion from the attorney general. 1KTLAX! REAVERS GO TO VASALI . PORTLAND. Feb. 25. Manager McCredie and his Portland Beavers will leave at midnight tomorrow for Visalia, Cal., where they will meet the Visalia team Sunday afternoon in the first training game of the sea son. McCredie will leave the party at Sacramento and go on to San Fran cisco where he will have a talk with Pitcher Krause. Krause would like to have for next season more money than the Beaver manager la willing to pay. DYNAMITE DESTROYS GUGGENHEIM DREDGE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, February 1, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam Basel Anderson, of Grants Pass, Oregon, who, on March 9, 1911, made homestead entry serial No. O7035, for NW4 section 2. town ship 36 S., range 6 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make five-year proof, to' es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before Herbert Smith, Unit ed States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 21st day of March, 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Chester M. Spring, Percy Jones, Roy Lathrop and Carl Lathrop, all of Grants Pass, Oregon. B. F. JONES, Reglstsr. DAWSON. Y. T.. Feb. 25. Feder al officers are searching today for the men who destroyed the Guggenheim, or Yokon Gold Company's dredge No. 1 a Bonanza creek, with dynamite Just afttr midnight. Explosives were placed in the hull of the $250,000 dredge which is at winter quarters, tearing out the sides and wrecking the upper works. Dynamite was stol en from the Northern Commercial company's warehouse a few days ago. The dredge cannot be repaired for use this year. WIIX KF.PMCE U. S. troops o WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 26 Alarmed over the new revolts re ported 1n northern Mexico. Wash Ington officials announced today their Intention of at once replacing the troops along the Texas border that have been moved to Galveston for concentration. Texas congressmen protested against the mote and Secretary of War Stlmson today assured Senators Culberson and STieppard that every possible precaution would be taken to protect the Texas border against raids by Mexican rebels. Secretary Stlmson explained that one regiment of infantry and a bat tery had been removed from EI Taso to Galveston to be at the point clos est to Vera Cms, but Senator Cul berson wns Informed that these troops would be replaced at once. CITY MARSHAL SHOT IN BOOZK RAID. FORT SMITH, Ark.. Feb. 26. After fatally shooting City MarshnI John Irwin In their attempt to break Into jail and secure a quantity of seized liquor ot Ilackett, nenr here, six thirsty vagrants are being sought by posses today. Irwin Is not ex pected to survive the day. Mate Hard Worts Easy An almost never ending task and seldom satis factory. But it is easy, quick and satisfactory when you use the BisseiTs Carpet Sweeper. With it you can spend a few minutes doing what it now takes you most half a day to do. Don't put up with the old broom when you can get a Bissell's Sweeper for the small sum of $3.50 at A. M. McFARLAND FURNITURE Now Is the Time to Buy Your SEEDS Ke us for price vm SEED WHEAT SEED OATS ALFALFA SEED TIMOTHY SEED RED CliOYEH SEED VETCH SEER RYE SEED CHEAT SEED OltniARU GRASS NKKH JAPANESE MII.LKTT fcKKR KAKKIR (X)RX NEED SI X HXVK.R HEED W. P. COUNTS & SON ESTATE BEQUEATHED FOR BIBLE TRANSLATION. ELECTRICAL WORKERS' VOTE COMING IN. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 25. Re turns are being received today at the central headquarters of the Pacific District council of the Electrical Workers In the vote of the offer of tho Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company of a 25 cents per day In crease for electricians In lieu of the &0 cents Increase asked for. The vote will be canvassed Wednesday niKht. The Pacific district Includes Ore Ron, Washington, Idaho, Nevada and California. Officials of the com pany hre still are hopeful a Ftrlke will be averted. Try an adlet In the classified col umns of the Courier. CENTERVILLE, la., Feb. 26. Directing in his will that the words 'read, pray and obey" be printed on the fly-leaf of each Mble, the late Dr. Amos Patterson bequeathed $!0,0()0 to the American Bible society to translate tho bible Into Chlneso, Jap anese, Indian and African. The sum made up his entire estate. PRES. TAET NOT TO RECOGNIZE ME.X- ICAN GOVERNMENT. 4 NO AGREEMENT HI LEGISLATURE ON ROGUE EISH Itll.L. SALEM. Feb. 26. Although agreement on such subjects aa the state highway btll and Rogue river fishing bill Is not yet reached, the leaders of both house and senate declare that t they expect the legislature to f adjourn some time tonight, f They Intend remaining today to r clean up nil bills on the cnlen- dars for the two houses and to e return about Wednesday of f next week to act on the vetoes of the governor. CARL WILLIAMS lA)SV.H AUTO SPEED RECORD. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Because he docs not want to hamper President-elect Wilson by pledging the government to any fixed policy, President Taft definitely decided today not to recognize the govern ment of Provisional President Iluerta of Mexico. It Is reported that Ambas sador Wilson bas requested the government here to recognize Hnorta's administration. Wil son also reported that din'inlet Ing conditions prevailed f r northern Mexico. Curl Williams It no longer holder of tho official record on the Murphy- Grnnts Pass automobile speed run, Perry Gunning having dipped nearly four minutes off tho mark early Mon day morning. Gunning drove to Murphy In his Case machine early In the day, his pnssenger being Con stable Randlo who went out to serve papers In a civil case. On the trip homo Gunning "turned her loose," srid eleven minutes lifter lie left the Murphy bridge he shut off the power In front of tho Courier office. Thnt ought to hold 'em till Dr. Lough- rldgo thinks to time himself on one of tils usual flips ovor the sumo route. This Is the seuson of the year when mothers feel very much con- erned over the frequent colds con tracted by their children, nnd have abundant reason for It us every cold weaken the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for tho more ser ious diseases that so often follow. ( hamberlnln's Cough Remedy Is fa mous for Its cures, arid Is pleasant and SHfn to tale. For sale by all dealers. WASHINGTON (ITS "IIM.V APPROPRIATION. WiLSOrVS CABINET. . WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. -.Coming direct from Trenton, and In such way that Its reliability can hardly be questioned, democratic congress men closely Identified with the In coming administration are Informed today of the Identity of five of the men who are to make up President elect Wilson's official family. Al though no official verification Is forthcoming from Wilson, it was said thnt the following rablnet ap pointments have been definitely de rided upon and acceptances received from the men named: Secretary of State William J. Bryan. Secretary of the Treasury Will iam (1. MrAdoo of New York. Secretary of the Navy Joseph us Daniels of North Carolina. Attorney General Louis I). Ilran- dels of Massachusetts. Postmaster General -Albert S. Burleson of Tcxbs. Two other men- Congressmen A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania and Mayor Newton D. linker of Cleve land, Ohio who had been slated for cabinet position, declined appoint ment. Palmer, It Is said, was slated for secretary of war, but turned down this portfolio bocnuso of relig ious scruples. He Is n Qunker, arid his sect opposes war. Another rea son advanced Is that Palmer wanted to remain In the house of represen tatives iih vlrtuol representative of tho WIInou administration In Im portant legislation about to bo for mulated. Baker declined bocnuse ho wanted to remain as Cleveland's mayor hik carry out the reforms he already hns started there, The appointment of Burleson was forecasted recently by the United Press In an announcement thnt he would not bo candidate for re-elec tion of the liouso democratic caucus committee. Letterheads at Courier office. Mining Blanks at Courier office. OLYMPIA, Wash., Feb. 26.--The senate, without debate, adopted the recommendation of Its appropriation committee, providing for only $200, 000 for both the Han Francisco and Han Diego fairs. This, however, Is not the final derision and the bill Is to conn; up later for n formal vote. The money Is to be divided by giv ing Ran Francisco $115,000 and fnn Diego $35,000. Send Nov frFr.e CATALOG. i i on i V'-'V-' -'- -SMMIIM TU CIIAS.IL LIIJ-Y CO. SmuU