Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 28, 1913, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 5

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    FRIDAY. FFHItlAKV ii. 1B13.
r.MiK bLI.
w KKKL1 KOCl L Kl fcl tUl ItlKIl
A. K. Vrlil,
Weekly Rogue River Courier!'"' tlie sa,"e after May ls1, bence tb Inernl)e"', io the i(,e ' senator
to prevent a levy upon personal -nmn 01 josepaine, ana an amena
property after May 1st It will be uient waa inserted to allow Granta
nece-eary lor one-nan to De paid as rasa ciuzeni mree montna commer-
abov stated, cial Oahing. Smith of Cooi and
If the taxes are not paid either Curry, declared that he bad been as-
half or In full hy August let. the sured the bill would not pass the
property will be advertised, whbh house it amended, and In the event
coat will be added to the tai. that it should, it would be vetoed by
If the taxes are not paid by Octo- the governor. He was informed that
Entered at the Grants Pass, Ore-
(on, post office as second-class mall
hiiwuiirno.v nm.n
tae Year 11.60
arew Aiontbs ............. .40 '"'r ,,l a delinquent certificate may the threat of the governor to veto a
be issued for same whlrh bears In- bill should have no weight with the
Eight-hour laws for women In all
the Industries aro coming, uiul t r i
will come the faster because of the
terest at the rate of 15 per rent per legislators, that they should do what
annum. they thought right and await re-
- suits.
THE COW AM) TIIK HOG AUK "U as also asserted that Repre-
NEEDED. sentative Reames should be taught
that he cannot
The extension ili vluioa of the Ore- at least one leas on
employers' threats to replace women gon Agricultural College has re- dictate to the legislature, and that If
with men where eight hours for wo-Jcently communicated with A. II. be Is not willing to accept the amend-
men are established by law. This Is j Carson, commissioner on the state ment he ran let Rogue river comraer-
tbe conclusion of Senator Works, of 1 board of horticulture for the third cial flablng go by the board.
California, sustained by Senator
Jones of Washington, and Senator
Kenyon of Iowa, after hearing the
District of Columbia merchants' and
dliitrkt, concerning a series of meet-1 "While a conference committee
Ings in the Interests of the dairying jWlll be appointed, the Josephine sen
Induiitry throughout the Grants Pass ator now occupies the most advant
country. It is proposed that Profes- 'ageoui position, aa the bill must go
laundry owners' protests against the sor Kent come here In the near fu-hrough In Its present form or lose,
eight-hour standard for women In 'ture and hold public meetings at(unless the senate shall recede from
the federal district. oranta Pans, Wlldervllle, Merlin and Us present attitude, which does not
Senator Works Is particularly ! Murphy, und assist in the building teem at all likely. Either the fall
lealous In behalf of the Improvement 'up of the dairy interest. "re of the bill or Its passage In the
of conditions for female wago earn-j The necessity for the development amended form will be acceptable to
ers, whom he says are as a rule more of tho stock business in Josephine Senator Smith.
1 i&hV:$.ZXVry$V
reliable and painstaking than men. county Is felt by all. For the pnst
He bluntly told the Washington bus-1 few years the energy of the com- ELECTRIC
IneHS men that the payment of wages jnitinlty has been largely given to the
In Industrial plants at an average of I planting and raring for orchards and
$5 45 per week was an Incentive to dairying was neglected, thou mi the
outlying valleys have been Inrreas-
Any public spirited man or wo-
The action brought by the California-Oregon
Power Co. to restrain
the city of Grants I'ass from putting
Into effect the provisions of the new
ordinance lowering rates charged by
the corporation for electric current
j within the city was argued before
the federal court in Portland Mon
day, City Attorney Colvlg represent
ing the city and Attorney A. Cs
Hough the power company. This
jBtilt Is brought in a friendly spirit
by tne cailrornia-oregon company
to determine Its position as regards
rates within the city, the restraining
order being asked to prevent the
i city from taking action under the
ordinance pending the hearing to
determine the legality of the ordi
nance and the reduction of rates or
dered by the council.
Radical reduction in the rates
which It was legal for the company
to charge within the city was pro
vided in tho ordinance passed last
summer. The California-Oregon
company did not reduce the rates to
meet the new law, and the council In
January passed another ordinance
(to enforce the provisions of the first.
iThn company has now taken the
matter Into the courts for adjudication.
I Before the federal court the attor-
(iovernor West has made reply to Ley for the California-Oregon eom-
taxes for a week past, not many have Senator Smith's recent request ro- pany based his contention upon three
yet liquidated their debt to the com-jKardlng the attitude of the execu- main points. First, under ordinance
monwealtb, though they still have tlvo toward the Rogue river fish bill. No. 219, passed In 1905, it was main
three weeks In which to take ad- the senator asking In a communlra-liulned that the city gave the Condor
vantage of tho rebate of throe per tlon If he Intended doing Justice to Light and Water Co., which was suc
cont that Is allowed those who are the people of Josephine county, or lflceeded by the present company, a
early In making payment. This re- 'he proposed following the dictates of 'franchise, under which the company
bate s allowed on all taxes paid be- 'jackson county democrats. The'could make It own rates. City At
fore March 15th. If the taxes are governor's reply was as follows: torney Colvlg answered this by
paid between March 15th and the' "I am In receipt of youri of the arguing that the ordinance attempt
first Monday In April no rebate will ' 20th Instant. In reference to the Ing ro grant a perpetual franchise
be given, neither will any penalty nt- Rogue river Hsh bill, and wish to was not lawful, and that therefore
tach, lint the full face of the tut will say that, should a bill affecting fish- Its proTlslons would not hold.
Senator Jones proposes that the 'Ing the dairy herds In the last year, i
mount of wages paid to each woman j In the lino of stock growing, a
employe be posted publicly along powerful object lesson was seen
with tho number of hours she has 'when thnt Applegate farmer came to
worked each day, as provided In the , th Is city tho other day with two hogs
LaFollette-Peters bill. that brought him $78 In cash at n
local market. Theso hogs were but
I one year of age, grown largely on
! alfalfa, nnd their 400 pounds of
man ought to be willing to help ,r('8Hd weight each spoke eloquent-'
maintain a public supply of good lv of tho adaptability of the roun-i
books at the rate or ten cents for',rv 8Wlne raisin.
every $300 of his actual wealth. One-! Dairying and hog growing are i
third of a mill on a dollar would bo 'owly allied Industries, and the one
one cent on $30, ton cents on $300, hi''d develop with the other. There
one dollar on $3,000, As proporty Is no danger of overproduction In
ordinarily assessed at front CO to 90,eltnpr direction and the market Is
per cont of Its real value the actual "'6 nnd profitable. The sooner
tax on a $3,000 property would bo ;elds of alfalfa are seen In every dl
about 75c, and for this small sum ecUon, and the succulent legume Is
the taxpayer and his family would , converted Into dairy products and
get all tho books they could read In Pork, the sooner will prosperity
twelve months, and the children 'come to stay. Fruit Is all right If
would have, the benoflt of tho refer-lone'8 poeketbook Is long enough to
ence In their studies. The owner of tand tho wait, but while you are
a $1,600 house would have the biuuo i waiting for your orchard to cornel
privilege for 38 cents.
While Josephine county tax pay
ers have been permitted the pleas
ure of making payment of their
to bearing age your neighbor will
be raking In the aheckels with the
cow and the porker.
r r r .
i (L . i... a :
J I i 1
t r.'iivi
n r ' -- ' or i
ill t
Mad of Hard. Stiff Win,
of Hoimt Qualitt
. . t . 1 a.1.
Good Fences are a farm investment that onng uie
most returns for the least money
We buy and ship in carload lots which enables us to give you
AMERICAN FENCE lias always been the economical fence. Now it's a
bettor investment than ever. The slime superior steel (open hearth or liessem
er), the same big, stilT wires but the galvanizing is even better than ever, be
ing heavier, more permanent, giving added insurance against rust. Investi
gate American Fence.
Compare weight, quality and price with other makes and you will have no
difficulty in deciding on American.
Rogue River Hardware
been ratified by vote of the people,
and that ordinance No r'9S was In
force and effect for more than six
months before the November elec
tion. The Judge has taken the case un
der advisement and will probably
render his decision next Monday.
There are funds In the treasury to
pay all warrants registered up to and
Including January 31st, 1910, and In
terest will cease January 31st, 1913.
1-3 l-3t County Treasurer.
be demanded.
Ing In tho said river be passed at this
California-Oregon company
f . . M
ii your isjea are not paid on or scnsion or lno legislature, my views argued In the second place that In
before the first Monday In April, on the subject will be made known ,1910 Or. J. C. Smith, then mayor,
they will become, delinquent, when either through my approval thereof, contracted with the company for
there will be added a penalty of i,.n or by eto which will fully et out lights for the cluster light service on
per tent him the tun will also diaw niy reasons for Its disapproval." jthe puMlo streets at a stated price,
Interest at the rate of 12 per cent Salem newspaper correspondent , which contract was still effective,
per annum In addition to. the pen- makes the following report upon thejAttorney Colvlg's answer to this ron-
"y. situation of the Uogue river bill: tendon was that the city through the
If ou pay one-half of your taxes "The statement by the governor 'council had never authorized the
on or before the first Monday in :ls to position relative to Kogue J contract, that It was void because
April, then the remaining half may river fisheries legislation, while non-lnot so authorized, and that as it pro
run up to and Including the first committal. Is said to be somewhat j vided fur a contract of more than
Monday In October following, but if different from that ascribed to him $1,000 it would not be legal under
the last half of tax due Is not paid ' 'he statements of several of his, the charter unless ratified by vote of
by the first Monday in October. It lieutenants They have said that if, the people. The expenditure under
becomes ileUnrjuent. and there will the Mil were not left In the same .the contract would be about $2,000
bo addej to such balance a penalty shape as when It passed the house,
of ten per cent and. In addition, such he would veto It.
balance will bear Interest at the "If the governor means to veto jthe state railway commission under
rate of IS per cent Per annum from the bill because of change, ho will the public utilities act had authority
the first Monday In April until paid havo the opportunity. When It came 'over the tates charged by public ser-
On all personal property taxes, if up In the senate Saturday afternoon Tie corporations. Mr. Cotvlg's
one-half Is not paid on or before the It led to a warm debate In which argument on this was that the rMlc
first Monday In April, the law com- there was kn Interchange of other j utilities act was not effective until
per annum.
The third point raised was that
inds the sheriff to levy upon and col- than pleasantries, but a majority of 'November 5th, 191!, after
It had
State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas
county, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney &Co., doing business 'in
the City of Toledo, county and state
aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay
LARS for each and every rase of ca
tarrh that, cannot be cured by the use
Sworn to before me and subscribed
In my presence, this 6th day of De
cember. A. D., 18 86.
Notary Tubiic.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in
ternally and acta dlectrly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. Sendo for testimonials free.
K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
The Osgood Calendar and Maga
zine Illustrations are securing high
class photographs of babies and chil
dren for Illustrating purposes. They
employ only expert artists to do their
photographing. Arrangements have
been made with the Fitzserald Studio
on fith St.. over the Rogue River
Hardware Co.'s store, and Mr. Van
Rurkleo, their artist, will make sit
tings commencing Monday and last
ing until Thursday. Don't be so
neglectful as to let this opportunity
pass by; it costs you nothing. Re
member every picture taken is not
used by any means, but there must
be a great many taken in order to
make a selection. It is not always
the prettiest child that is seated,
Public I'tilities Kill Passes
The senate Tuesday afternoon
passed the public utilities bill per
mitting municipalities to build and
operate railways within or without
the municipality. This bill was In
troduced by Mr. Ulanchard at the re
quest of Mayor Smith, and is now in
the hands of the governor, who will
no doubt readily sign it.
good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin,
Boone Mill, Va., who is the mother
of eighteen children. Mrs. Marti.i
was cured of stomach trouble and
constipation by Chamberlain's Tab
lets after five years of suffering, and
now recommends these tablets to the
public. Sold by all dealers.
Word to the Men
How would you feel if your wife
It may be the pose, or ex- told you that this year you would
pression, or character that counts, so
bring 'em along. You might see his
little face on a calendar or magazine
cover In the near future. 7.13-
This Is to certify that my wife,
Mary Bowers, has left my bed and
board and I will not be responsible
for any debts contracted by her.
2t R. N. BOWERS.
There is no better medicine made
for colds than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It acts on nature's plan,
relieves the lungs, opens the secre
tions, aids expectoration; and re
stores the system to a healthy con
dition. For sale bv all dealers.
be compelled to work the farm with
an ox and bull-tongue plow? It
would go tough, wouldn't it? So It Is
tough for the housewife to take the
old fashioned rubboard and do the
family washing. Men. If you dout.t
these statements, take a washboard
and try one washing that will be
enough to convince you. Now, why
not loosen up? Try an autocycle wash
er. City address. 513 G St., V. S.
Grout, agent. tf
Girls, we want to send the Buck's
dining room picture and the stories
away about March 1. If you have
not already sent your picture to us,
do so at once. Rogue River Hard
ware Co. it
It is now time to get busy Planting Trees.
You are dealing with the leading nursery of Southern Oregon.
Tou have the- best stock of gocds In the valley from which to
You are dealing with a nurseryman, not a tree agent.
You get reliable stock and reliable advice.
You get nursery goods that have been properly handled.
You will be pleased with the goods, the price will be right.
Call and see my stock. You are always welcome whether yon buy
or not. ..Delivery yards ONE ni.OCK EAST OF NEW CON
Medford, Ore.