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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1913)
' - ' - -- n'-"- -J i NO PREMIUMS il 1 TERRIFIC BATTLE for DOLLARS Every Moment Excitement Every Man's Dollar Will Do Double Duty 2ZZ .i i! 01 r j r j J UM U ULhlh LbULI Lb ; Jib rt 1 1 1 1 is Hi k I i-'l M y 1 1 Never before in the history of Grants Pass has there been such a sensation. The accumulations of 20 years' hard work forced on the market at RECKLESS PRICES. Only a few short days to raise the mone. Come and see for yourself while the stock is complete' AMiTOUMCEMENT This stock has been placed in my hands i i?tions are.brief. anf decjsve; namely to raise $10,000.00 within 30 day. No w and ands, the money has simply got to come, ror this reason 1 will stop at nothing to raise the cash. This magnificent stock will simply be slaughtered. I MUST HAVE THE MONEY AND I AM GOING TO GET IT. tI want every man, woman and child in this community to come to this store and see for themselves as to what is going on. There'll be no quibbling; make a price on what you want, and you'll probably buy something. Pn this stock I find about $45,000.00 worth of first class merchandise no junk all good, clean stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Shoes, Men's Furnishings, Men's and Women's Clothing, Notions and Wall Paper, all to be thrown on the Bargain Counter at FORCED PRICES, just when you need them most. In forcing i stock like this on sale SOME ONE HAS GOT TO LOSE thousands of dollars. I know this, the merchant knows it, and SO DO YOU, but YOU ARE THE GAINER. Never before and probably never again will Giants Pass see new, clean goods cut and slashed in this reckless manner. y.-.- the windows. We have not put the best prices in this ad by any means ; we haven't the space. Keniember There are thousands of dollars' worth of NEW SPRING goods included in this stock, and by far the largest and best stock of Shoes in this city. . Again we say, Come ! This is but another of the tragedies of business life, brought about by dull times and overstock. We are sorry, as you are sorry, but we are here to laise the cash, and raise it quick. ,r $8,000 Worth of Fine Shoes At Your Own Price While They Last ' Oclie pnce-r.T.-rrTTrrr.-r. i ,r: i(JTUm7J Boys' Norfolks Norfolk, Buster Brown and sack coat suits for boys from 3 to S vears, values up to $3.50. Sale price 9Sc, $1.48 and 3)1.70 Eoys' Knickerbocker Suits Double breast ed, all-wool Oregon Cassimere, in blue, gray, brown and new mixtures, up to $0.50. Hale price $1.08, q $2.S and f)d.VO Eoys' Separate Pants Sizes in this lot from 4 to 14 years, in corduroy, all wool Cassimere, blue serges and utilitv stripe. Sale price fQo trom":We to VO- fcoys' Overalls Mt. Hood band overalls, made of good, heavy 7-oz. denim, double stitched and riveted buttons, three pockets, sizes from 4 to 10 years, worth 50c. Sale Cn price Boys' Shirts Fancy gingham, white strip ed dress shirts, plain soisettes and black hide stripes and black ft sateen, worth 50c. Sale price... j"C Wall Paper 500 Rolls Wall Paper This lot is but one roll of a kind, worth from 10c to 25c, your choice per roll Wall Paper In this lot there are from 3 to 5 rolls of each pat- tern 1 ()C Wall Paper Iii this lot we have put all our 25 and 35 cent paper. . Plenty - of all patterns. Sale price lyC Window Shades One lot of 25 dozen best spring roller shades, 38 inches wide and 7 feet long, worth 50e. Q Sale price OOC Fine Cress Skirts Ladies' and Misses fin est all wool dress skirts in the newest shades and patterns. Hundreds of them, no two alike and all go at 20 per cei r off regular marked price. Laces and Embroideries About 3.5(H) yards iii. est Val lace. Watch for the basket bargains. We will till the baskets each lay with new pieces. Sale price per yard from lc to )Q .Fancy Lawns 25 pieces, alxmt 150 yards beautiful summer dress goods in var ious miors and patterns, worth up to 25c. Sale price I l2C Bottled Vaseline Big ten cent bottles, best vaseline. Sale m price t)C IF T 0-0 EI FL. D. COE STTOIRLE: The Place THE BIG R. L. COE STORE The Time for the Carnage NOW Women's Vici Shoes In this lot are many bargains. They are a good look- . ing lot, worth $2.50. Sale price $1.48 Pingree Glorias and American Lady Shoes You know what the' are. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 values in patent, vici and gunmetal. Sale price $1.98 200 Pair Oxfords These are hand turn and welts, either buttoned or strap, in vici, patent or gunmetal, regidar M QQ value $3.50 and $4.00. Sale prict'PlO Up-to-Date Dress Shoes Ladies' Pingree Gloria, in button or lace, gunmetal or patent, worth $3.50 and (TO AO $4.00. Sale price p.40 Ladies' Under Muslins We are showing by far the best assortment of fancy gowns, slips, skirts and corset covers in Grants Pass. These are the newest spring goods. Every garment is guaranteed to be right, and is made by the best makers in the United States. We are making on alb these garments rrp a flat discount of . . 21) "ll Ladies' Underskirts Black and colored, sateen, heatherbloom, taffeta and silk underskirts. All the new "Elite" ad instable bands. Sale price . 0 50c to $4.VO Kimona Crepe 30 bolts of Serpentine crepe, fancy patterns in all colors. Worth 20c. Sale 162C price Sun Umbredas This is going to be the real thing in umbrella sales. Every um brella in the house goes on the bargain counter. All the new non-rusting hinge, steel frames, silk or cotton, abso lutely all guaranteed. Beautiful gold plate, pearl or plain handles. See the prices. $1.00 and $1.25 at 89c; $1.50 and $1.75 ami $2.00 at $1.39; $2.25 and $2.50 at $1.75; $2.75 and $3.00 at $1.98; $3.00. $1.00 and $5.00 at $2.89. White Goods 30 pieces, about 200 yards and short lengths of dotted swiss, nain sooks and tlaxons. worth up to 25c. Sale price. . ' jC Hooks and Eyes Best "Challenge" black and tinned, worth 5c. Sale f price per card Q Tearl Buttons Good grade small pearl buttons, regular 5c per card. Sale price Q 500 Yards Gingham Tn this big lot of dress ringhains are values up to Q 15c. Sale price OC j Dont fail to attend Round to) raAw TO THE Sale price ......... .7. . 7.. . .pi.iO Boys' Dress Shoes These are in . the tan calf or jgunmetal, both button and lace. A perfect dress shoe and worth P?iee02-75:.Sn,e $1-98 Boys' Outing Shoes Made of mule skin, just the thing for summer CQ and worth $2.00. Sale price. . Children's Shoes Infants' Shoes One lot of 70 pairs of tine little shoes, regular 75c JQ value. Sale price UJL Infants' Shoes One lot of infants' shoes, some patent, all the best of leather, with spring heels, worth A Q $1.00. Sale price C Infants' Shoes This, is an extra good lot of heavy soled, solid leather shoes, values $1.00 and $1.25, and a good Qr value at that. Sale price Ul One Special Lot Children's fine dress and school shoes, in tan calf, black gunmet al, lace or button. This includes all mr verv best makes and are right up-to-date in shape. .Regular $2.00 and $2." values. .Sale price $1.25, , M OC $1.50 and pi.OJ Remnants! Remnants!! The biggest thing in remnant counter you ever saw. It's a glorious lot of percales, wool dress goods, ginghams, silk, Indianhead. sateen, suitings, dimities, lawns, out ing flannels, batiste, etc, with values from $4.00 to 5c, and cut to nothing in trice. The bargain hunters will swarm here like bees. New goods on each day Corset Bargains Extra special values in "Kabo" and "Henderson" cor- t sets at 50c, $1.00. $1.25 and. . . . J) .51) Ladies' Handkerchiefs 50 dozen plain la dies' and childs' white hemstitched handkerchiefs, some with the colored borders. Sale price Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs Handsome lot of embroidered corner, regular 10c value. Rale price Ladies Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 25 dor en ladies' fine all-linen handkerchiefs, finely initialed, worth 25c. Sale price 2 for 25c. or each l)C tKis recKless sacrifice of Honest Goods j Trip Fares PaidajrsT"eson$20 Purchases BUYING 10,000 of such makes as Pingree Hamilton-Brown W. L- Douglas Men's W. L. Douglas ShoeA renlar $3.50 and $4.00 shoe, in tan calf or black gunmetal and patent, in either button, lace oT oxfords, finest sort of dress shoes and good shapes. C0 AO Sale price ipL.W .Men's Pingree Dress Shoes As good a $4.00 and $5.00 dress .shoe as is made. tau, calf, patent, gunmetal or vici, ox ford or high cut. Sale price Ten's Heavy Work Shoes Some high tops iu tan or black. Tn this lot are princi pals the famous "Hardware" line of Hamilton Brown. Sale price Lace Curtains 03 pairs of fine lace curtains in fancy patterns, values up to 0 $o.50. Sale price, your choice. . . "oC Ladies' Wool Sweaters There are 18 in this lot of the finest all wool sweaters in white and fancy blazer stripes, one sweater coat among them, values up to $5.00. Sale prices $1.48, $2.48 2 2 Cotton Blankets One small lot of gray cot ton blankets, fancy striped borders, worth to $1.50. Sale price 0 from :i9c to VoC Hand Towels One lot of small white tow els 25x14 inches, worth 7c. Sale price oC Hand Towels One lot full sized Huek tow els, size 18x36 inches, fancy borders, worth 15c. Sale price. ViC Table Damask 5 parts of bolts of mercer ized satin table damask, worth 50c. Sale price oVC Table Napkins Some handsome table nap kins to match the above tabic -eloths, sale priee one dozen. . . O I UU Bed Spreads One lot of full bed size honey comb bed spreads. Sale price 40c, 00c and yoC Pure Silk Ribbon 150 pieces of all pure silk ribbon in satin and taffeta, all col ors, from 1 to 5 inches wide. Worth twice the price. Sale price from 5c to 1 VC Combs and Barrettes One lot of hair comlw and barrettes, values up to 25c. Sale price 1 UC 500 Pencil and Ink Tablets Big ones, loth ink and pencil and worth 5 and . 10c. Sale price 4C Toilet Soap "Autumn Violet," 3 bars to tlie box. beautifully perfumed and worth 25c. Sale price, per box 10c AWT GRANTS PASS, OREGON TOLKcfe,' .4 .1 1 i I f ' plTf' 1 1. Sm j ; .Jli 1 Lb Pairs of price fcy.O Men's Fancy Dress Suits These include all the finest suits in the house. . French yoisteds, blue serges and fancy pat terns, in all wool, $15 to $18 values $12.50. $19 to $25 'values. 1irn sale price '.3)14.51) Men's White Soisette Shirts One lot of two dozen shirts, worth ZfX $1.00. Sale price 0"C Men's White Soisette Shirts Another lot of these shirts that sold for 75c. Sale price 4yC Men's Fancy Dress Shirts One lot of fancy golf dress shirts in stripes ;nd plain col -ors, cuffs attached, worth $1.00 and $1.25. Sale price OVC Men's Fancy Sox One lot of good heavy socks in black, values 15c. Sale price yQ, Men's Undearwear One lot men's heavy spring weight, ribbed underwear, iu gray, brown and tan, worth 50 Sale price T Ss" lien's All Wool Pants One lot of 4 dozen pair of pants, Oregon cassimcres, bin: serges, mixed goods, values $3.50, $1.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $0.50. M ftQ Your choice. Sale price JZ-Vo Men's'and Boys Hats 25 dozen men's and bovs' felt hats. .John B. Stetson, worth $40 and $5.00. . Lion Brand $3.00, Bear Brand $2.50, in black, tan, brown or gray, wide or narrow brimmed, also some new. blocks in derby. t Your choice, sale price 51 .O Men's Work Shirts These are flannel, black sateen, line satin, khaki and cov ert cloth. Values up to $2.50. Sale price from 30c up to Men's Foncy Striped Shirts These regular $1.0iJ value. A good negligee shirt. Sale price 98c are a clean 69c Suit Cases and Trunks Big line. Every thing in the house in these two lines will be cut to the bone to move them. Too many to iiote prices here. Ladies and Misses Supporters One big lot of hose supiorters, values up to 50c. Sale price 10, 15 and. yC Talcum Powder White or flesh colored. leautifully scented, comes in handsome package and worth 25c. Sale price ) UC g: .0Z.S5 I two dozen shirts, worth I 8 i j ' I 3 i zL .J ' m ' ! It ii , e 4 1 I .i r S 3 21