I JIII.AV, FERRIARY 28, 1, WEEKLY KOUUK BITKB OOCRJKK i wit PIRAO.NAL AND LOCAL. Mri. F. G. MrCorkle It-ft Monday for Tacoma. Rev. Win. Householder went to Harrlsburg Monday nlgbt. Mra. W. K. liurtun went to Med ford Tuesday morning on business. J. C. Mattlson went to Med ford Monday and returned the following day. 0. W. Know of Condon, who broiiKht a ar of blooded horses, re turned home Monday. Mra. C. C. Crimea returned to Springfield Tuesday after visiting her alHter, Mra. Catherine Gray. Frank Patterson returned to Al bany Tuesday after visiting the Jot. Peterson family. Mra. K. H. Penzra, wbo has been vlsltln K Mi a. Catherine Gray, re turned to h-r home at Roseburg Tuesday. T. J. Mackin or Iceland left Monday for Los Angeles for a several weeks' stay. MIhs Klo Holcornb returned Sunday from Glendale, where she spent a week nursing. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Evans, who have spent the past two weeks here, left Monday for San Francisco. J. L. Tracy and family, who have spent some time In Central I'olnt and Grants Pass, left Hunday night for Minneapolis, George Snow, who bus been work ing for the Callfornla-OroKon Tower Co., at Prospect and other points, Is spending a few days In the city. Mrs. Geo. Wooldrldge left Tues day morning for a vIhU at Portland. She will stop off at RoHeburg for a few days. PROFESSIONAL OASDI II. 0. FIND LEY, II. D. Practice limit 'to TB, CAR, NOS1 and "HEOAT Olaases ttt4 and furnlaa. Off boon to It; I to I; mi by appointment. Phona 2 and QRANT8 HA88. 0R10ON. V. L. DIMMIOK, D. II. D. DSNTIBT Comer Its. and 0 atreeta PhOO I0I-J. Orowa, Brtd Work aai nwm of All Ktmia, a psxtalty. Otttm kenra, to It a. .; 1 U 6 p. u. An Work PoalUTol? Owtrtataosl GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. 0. 1IA0T.D. II. D. DENTIST aeeoaoor to Dixon Broa., DoaUrta. Ilrat-laa Work. 1MH tooth Sixth, Oraats Paaa, On. H. D. NORTON ATTORNIY-AT-LAW Prattle in all BtaU aad federal Court. Oftoo, Opera Homo Block. C .11. Clements T. A, Cloiiu-nU CLEMENTS & CLEMENTS Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Offices Schallhorn Hulldlng. J. D. WURTSBAUOH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Publto In olfleo. OflUw In Howard Block. Fhoae -J GRANTS PASS, OREGON. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAY ER ' ' North Stairway. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Rooms 6 and 7, Opera House Block. M. 0. H. DAY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. RMlaencoa a Specialty. Plans and estimate furnished. Resident, East A iJt. Phono lOt-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON. G. H. BINNS ASSAYKU Established II year l7 E street, orpestt Colonial hotel. Grants Pas. Ore. Tap Cole went to Reuben Monday to work In the saw mill. C. R. Cousino and family went to Galice Monday to work their mine. W. D. Sherman went to Portland Saturday for a few days on business. Mrs. Willis Knox and children left Saturday for Medford, where they will reside. Mrs. Milton Reynolds of Merlin spent Saturday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Coburn went to Glendale Friday to visit Mr. Co burn's parents. M. Dunn returned Saturday night from a business trip to Yreka. He was accompanied by Mr. Hovey. Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnson left Tues day for MarsbBeld, going by the way of Portland, where they will spend a few days. Mra. Georgia Flrebaugh went to Portland Saturday to spend several weeks visiting Miss Lollta Woodcock went to Monmouth Saturday to enter the Monmouth Normal. C. L. Warren left Tuesday morn ing for Rattle Creek, Mich., via San Francisco. Mr. Warren has a situ ation offered him at Battle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox of Oak lunt), California, were arrivals in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Schmidt and daughter left Tuesday afternoon for San Francisco for a abort visit. Postmaster 0. W. Donnell re turned home Friday from Glendale, where he has been under a physi cian's care for some time. During the early part of his Illness his case waa considered very serious. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wolfersberger returned Saturday night from their visit to the Canal Zone covering a period of six weeks, and report a de lightful trip. Mr. and Mrs. I). Robertson of Condee. S. D., arrived Saturday night and will spend several days with the I. H. Herman family, Mrs. Robertson being a sister of Mr. Herman. They have been on a trip to Mexico and Southern California. Mrs. K. M. Hupper. Mrs. C. K. Al- en and K. K. Allen, of Seattle, were arrivals In town Sunday, stopping at the Oxford. Mr. Allen is interested n mining and will remain bere for some time looking over the prospects of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Belknap, of Iowa, are viHltlng friends in the city. I tl vorce Are Grantl The circuit court in session Tues day granted divorces in the cases of Frances I. Mood vs. Geo. II. Mood, and of May Robinson va. Wm. Rob inson. Circuit Omrt Adjourns Circuit court, with Judgo Calkins on the bunch, which waa In session since Monday morning, adjourned at noon Tuesday, the next term here to convene April 17th. Reporting for Practice Jud Pernoll and wife left Monday morning for Ouktaod, Cat., where Jud Is to report with the other members of the Oaklund team and soon go to Liverniore for practice. Stiller Appoints! Referee On Saturday C. A. Slider received the appointment of referee in bank ruptcy for the United States federal district cf southern Oregon. The ap pointment was made by Judge Bean. Oht Clothe Want) If you have any old cast off or outgrown clothes or shoes, let us know about It and we will be very Kind to call and get them and dis tribute same to the needy of our city. Salvation Army. Vrmimrnt.i In WuU-r Case - Judge Calkins heard considerable argument during the session of the circuit court Tuesday forenoon re garding the adjudication of water rights on Althouse and Sucker creeks. These rights were adjudicated a year or more ago by the. board of control, but various of tho users are not sat isfied with the- action of the board, and appealed to the courts for a re hearing. The Judge las taken the matter under advisement I tilitle Bill Will Pka The senate committee to which. ns referred the h!U granting to' municipalities the right to maintain, and operate certain public uti'.i:ies suth as r.it!an etc. ss reported i favorably upon the measure and has ! recommended that It :it This will! mean that when the Mil is reached on the calendar It will he enacted n- ; ti l.iw without delay It is expected to cop;e up for ftn.il action at any jtltve now It h;n uireadv passed the (house ' Wm. Alfred IWoverlng Wm. Alfred, who recently under went a most serious operation at the South Pacific hospital, is rapidly re covering, says Dr. LougLridge, who was in charge of the case. Mr. Al fred had suffered an obstruction of the bowls, requiring an incision of the bowel and a rather complicated operation for its relief, but his com plete recovery Is no assured. Attorneys to I'ortlaml Judge Colvig for the city and At torney Hough for the California Oregon Power company, have gone to Portland to appear before the fed eral court in the action brought by the electric people to enjoin the city from putting Into force and effect the reduction in rates for current as provided In the ordinance recently enacted. Freight Train Wrwkwl All the morning paxsenger trains on the Southern Pacific were delayed Saturday by the wreck of a freight train In Cow Creek canyon. The five rear box ears on the freight were piled in the ditch when the trucks of one of them left the rails, the ca boose remaining on the track, but the train crew aboard was badly shaken up. The Shasta Limited did not reach Grants Pass until 10 o'clock, and No. 13 was delayed till noon. BILLS ALLOWED FKR. 20. At the regular meeting of the coun cil Feb. 20, 1913, the finance com mitted reported favorably on the fol lowing claims against the city, and on motion seconded and carried the sumo was adopted and warrants or dered drawn on the treasurer for the several amounts. H. M. Webb, labor with team city Park - $ 31.87 J. M. Tetherow, plumbing supplies 8 00 John Ttelschl, spraying trees city park 4.00 Rogue River Courier, print ing :.2.60 Grants Pass Rochdale, sup plies city hall 60 Rogue River Hardware Co., supplies 2 20 G. Swayze, plumbing r .50 Fashion Garage, supplies 8.75 Rogue River Water Co., wa ter city hall 1.00 Grants Pass Hdw. Co., sup plies .55 Chas. Blgelow, labor 2.00 Chas. Blgelow, labor 1.50 W. Lewman, supplies for team 3.50 Cramer Bros., supplies 4. 50 Josephine Hotel Co., desk. ... 50.00 Josephine County Bank, ex change, etc 2.65 J. P. Martin, labor 2.50 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., adding machine 100.00 The National Drug Store reports that A SINGLE DOSE of siniDle buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com pounded in Adler-i-ka, the German appendicitis remedy, stops constipa tion or gas on the stomach INSTANT ly. Many Grants Pass people are be ing helped. PORTLAND WOMF.X REGISTER. PORTLAND, Feb. 25. The newly enfranchised women of Portland are still taking a lively Interest In the coming municipal election and are registering in vast numbers. Two hundred registered yesterday, while only ten nun qualified themselves to participate In tho election. I'AIU'FKS post carries Rl.ll, Ci4ll.lt BRICKS. MAKER. Or., Feb. 2". - The I'nion Companion mine at Cornucopia. Or. is today using the parcel post for shipping real gold bricks to the com pany's headquarters at Walla Walla Tho officials claim they find the new way cheaper and j list as satisfactory as shipping by express Mining Blanks at Courier office. IVERALLS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR CHILDREN 1 to 8 years I EV1 STK M'SS A CO,. If THM WILL INTEREST MOTHERS- Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, a Certain relief for Fever ishness. Headache, Bad stomach. Teething Disorders, move and regu late the Bowels and Destroy .Worms. They break up colds In 24 hours. Thev are so pleasant to the taste Children like them. uver 10.000 testimonial!. Csed by Mothers for 22 years Tbev never fail. Sold by all 'Druggists, 25c. Sample mailed Free. Address. Allen S. Olmsted. U Roy, N. T. Ml RPIIY ITEMS. p. R. MiFadden and ' Lanky" Alnsworth are doing some work on the New Hope road this week with the grader. The way the farmers are putting In grain the last few days is not slow, and if this continues a little longer they will soon be through. J. W. York and Henry Diess, two prosperous farmers of this vlcinty. were business visitors from here to Grants Pass Saturday. The Murphy Outlaws and the Mis souri Flat Tigers crossed hats at the ball grounds on the Smith & McCloud place Sunday In one of the hottest contests that this part of southern Oregon has seen for many a day. It was nobody's game up to the 13th inning, but during that inning the tie was broken and the Tigers car ried off the honors of the day. Her man McFadden handled the pellet for the Tigers with the same vim that he did for the big brush last season and Joe McFadden, formerly of the Ophlr, Alaska, ball team, acted the part of backstop. The McGuffin brothers, late from the east, were the battery for the Outlaws and many times during the course of the game they kept the Tigers guessing. L. W CarBon was umpire, and every one was pleased with the fearless way he handled the game, as all his decisions were fair and just and no time dur ing the game did w hear that awful expression used, "kill the umpire." Hust You Be Bald? What have you done to stop your kalr from falling? Have you tried Retail "03" Hair Tonic? If not. wa want you to try It at our risk. If you have dandruff i if your hair is falliai out and your scalp is Dot laird and ihiny, if you uh Rriall W" Ilmr Touic according to dirto tiorn fur thirty dayi, and at the end of that tune you are not thoroughly aatishtd with thx reunite and wUI tell ui ko, w? will immediacy haud back your numey. We won't auk you to promise aiiythiu. We wou't even question you. Ve will take your Kara word and return your uiouey. Doesn't it stand to reaaon that Retail "93" Hair Tonic muit be a saif hty good remedy and have fivea great satisfaction to our customers if we endorse it like this? We know of ao similar remedy that it as food. It is becauM of what Keiall "1)3" Hair Tome baa done for others that we back it with our own money. Why suffer scalp and hair trouble or be bald, when Rexall "63" Hair Tome will remove dandruff, make your scalp comfortable and healthy, promote hair growth and tend to prevent baldness when we will pay for the treatment should it fail to please you? We don't obligate you to any thing. You limply buy the treat ment; use it. and if Dot pleased, oonie back to us empty-haoded and we will band back what you paid us. Two sues. 50c and $1.00 a bottle. You can buy Rexall "83" Hait Toaie la this community only at out store: M. CLEMENS Pae JtSSJS Stort Oregon There Is a Reull Ptor In nearly ertry km and city in the I'mted tittles, Canada and Oraat Britain. There Is a different Raull fUmedy for nearly every ordinary human iU- each especially driiined (or the particular Di for which It is recommended. Th Ruail Stor.4 are Amarlsa's Cmlol Dr if Stoma niSINESS POITKlW Dr. Flanagan, i'hjslclan and Surgeon. J E.Heterson.I'loneerlnaurauceMsa Retail Remedies at Clemens, sills Irugs. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dixon's aid land. Front st. Eyes lasted free. VAXCOl VER SINGLE TAXEIW ARE REJOICING. VANCOUVER. B. C. Feb. 25. Vancouver single taxers this morn ing are jubilant over the announce ment made to the legislature at Vic toria yesterday by Finance Minister Ellison that the taxation of the coun try would as soon as possible be shifted to the natural resources, the poll tax abolished forthwith and tax ation of Improvements and persoual property at an early date. The in come tux. he intimated, would be gradually reduced until it reached the vanishing point. Vancouver, un der the leadership of ex-Mayor L. D. Taylor, was the first city to adopt single, tax principles and tho action of the provincial government Is duo to recognition of the benefit of the system here. Mining blanks at ouMer offl-e Moline Alfalfa ' Renovator ' MOMXK ALFALFA KKXOVATOK AM SKKDKIt ATTACHMENT. To keep an alfalfa field In good condition it must be cultivated at least once each season. The most successful and experienced growers cultivate after each cutting. The latter practice is growing In favor as alfalfa raisers progress in knowledge and become better acquainted with the peculiarities of the plant and the conditions and treatment that produce the best results. I'nlike many grasses the alfalfa plant has no creeping roots. It becomes thicker on the ground by increasing the size of the crown, which means to add more growing stalks or branches to the top of the plant. The crowns grow to such size that the sod becomes very compact, causing the plants to die out in spots, and permitting weeds to gain a foothold in the field. The remedy for this condi tion, as well as a preventive. Is thorough cultivation with some tool that will split the crowns vertically. Formerly disc harrows were used for this purpose, but as alfalfa ground is frequently dry and hard the harrows lacked sufficient penetration to accomplish the de sired result. To overcome this difficulty we use pointed teeth Instead of discs. Thl3 arrangements Is so successful that alfalfa growers adopt it upon Bight. It has proven to be just the tool for the work. TIIK MOLINK ALFALFA KKXOVATOK has greiiter penetration than any similar tool built. This penetra tion Is secured by the peculiar slant given the teeth. By means of the renter lever the gangs can be set at any desired angle. The toothed heads are provided with scrapers to prevent the accumula tion of trash. The frame bars are stiff and hard. Has pipe stan dards that serve as oil tubes. Should It be desired to add more weight, provision has been made for carrying sacks of soil. L.AIUiKi; YIKLDS AKK SF.(TKKI WIIL'KF, THIS TOOL IS tSKI) AM) SICKLY FIKLDS AKK KKJITKNATKI) AXI) MAHK TO PRO. HICK I'KOLIFICALLV. Now' is the time to use the proved Rogue River WOODKOW WILSON RESIGNS AS NEW 4 JERSEY GOVERNOR. 4 TRENTON, N. J., Feb. 25. President-elect Wilson today sent his resignation as governor of Now Jersey to the secretary of state. It becomes pffectivj 4 March 1. "I will be a private citizens 4 for three days," said Wilson to- 4 4 day, "and I feel like I would 4 4 like to turn a handspring to 4 4 celebrate the fact that I have 4 4 not the dignity of office." 4 4444444444444444 FOREST GROVE IHK'TOR I' XI IKK SERIOIS CHARGE, FOREST GROVE, Or.. Feb. 25. Dr. Ernest Everest, a widower 65 years of age, is today at liberty on $4,000 bonds, following his arrest on an indictment by the jrrand jury charging him with immoral relation.- with several girls, occupant9 of hi-t home here. He is a prominent prac titioner of this city. SOMETHING NEW Hhe Autocycle Washer It washes, rinses, starches and irons. It is a real wonder, hut does the work thoroughly. Of all the other washing marines invented, you have to resort to the old rubboard to flniBh, such as real dirty collars and wristbands of shirts, streaks in under wear or bottom of drabbled skirts. This machine win clean anything that can be washed on the rubboard with but very little labor. Child. 10 years of age can operate it. Free washing at your home. Call at our local office anJ let us know when to come. Your washday Is ours. ROYAL LAUNDRY MACHINE CO. CON'STAXTIXE, MICH. LOCAL OFFICE 513 G ST. GRANTS PASS, ORE. renovator. Machine. Call and see this lm- Hardware IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What a Heap of Happiness It Woull tiring to Grants i'ass Hornet, Hard to do housework with an ach ing back. Brings you hours of misery at lei sure or at worn. If women only knew the ciuse- that Backache pains often come from weak kidneys, 'Twould save much needless w Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys, Many residents of this vicinity en dorse them. Mrs. Grace Skeeters, 6 W Jackson St., Mfidford, Ore., says: 'I can ft ommend Doan's Kidney Pills for pin and stiffness In the back and other symptoms of kidney trouble. TtjJ remedy relieved me when I used and I have been well ever since." "When Your Back Is Lame Be member tne Name." Don't nlw ask for a kidney remedy ask 4 tlnctly for Doan's Kidney Pills U same that Mrs. Skeeters had. all stores. FoBter-Mllburn Co Props., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Price f rents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sola agents for the Unlt States. Remember the name Doan'r and take no other. HAVE YOU SEEN U?