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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1913)
FK11UY, JAM AIS 21, 1913. WEEKLY V.0G115 MVER COl KIEV. l'.U.E SEVEN NOTICE OF MIEK1FFS SAI.K, Not Ue is hereby given that on tbj 4th day of February, 1913. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day ai lue iroui uoor oi wie couiuj uui uouse of the county of Josephine, i l"rm"- """n courre. magneue. var state of Oregon, in C.rants Pass, Ore-,11011 eighteen degrees and thirty gon. I will sell at public auction theu,mute8 eaat. north sixty-three de following described property situat-'-?rees east sU hundred and forty-one ed in Josephine county, Oregon, to- f?ot intersect Hue between said sec wlt. I tiona twenty-eight and tbirty-three, J. ..... !at west six hundred and ninety-five '' ,n"7 come of Ises known the Jewett group, con- sajJ ,hlrt,thlve; one thoiw. sunns of e Jewe t. Ladd J"s-'and five hundred feet to corner No. fer, Columbia, Jackson, Josephine , lha ,.,., , i. ,.,i.,i . ... ..,., and Vergennes lode mining designated by the Surveyor nanus. as lxt Na 475, embracing a portion of sections twenty-seven, twenty eight, thlriy-three ami thirty-four, in township thirty-six south of range five west, Willamette meridian, in the Grants Pass unorganized mining district, in the county of Josephine, and stute of Oregon. In the district of lands subject to sale at Hoseburg, and bounded, described and platted as follows, with magnetic variation as hereinafter stated. Beginning for the description of the Jewett lode claim at corner No. 1 from which the corner common to sections twenty-seven, twenty-eight, thirty-three and thirty-four in town ship thirty-six south of range fire west, Willamette meridian, bears south thirty-four degrees and forty one minutes west nine hundred and fifty-three and live-tenths feet dis tant, thence, first course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees and forty minutes east, north sixty-three de grees east three hundred feet to a point from which discovery point bears south twenty-seven degrees east five hundred and twenty reel distant, six hundred feet to corner No. 2, thence, second course, mag netic variation nineteen degrees and fifty minutes east, south twenty-sev en degrees east one thousand nve hundred feet to corner No. 3, thence, .. , . third course, magnetic variation iigliteen degrfen east, south sixty three degrees west six hundred feet to corner No. 4, thence, fourth course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees east, north twenty-seven de grees west one thousand live hun dred feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning, the survey of the lode claims as above described extending one thousand five hundred feet in length along said Jewett vein or lode. Beginning for the description of the Ladd lode claim at comer No. 1, from which said section corner bears south fifty-live minutes west live butt' dred and twelve feet distant, thence.!1""11; fcU . ueKr,pps ,pillM mnw.nuu- first course, magnetic variation eigh teen degrees and thirty minutes east, north sixty-three degrees east three hundred feet to a point from which discovery point bears south twenty seven degrees east eight hundred feet distant, six hundred feet to cor ner So. 2, identical with corner No. 1 of .said Jewett lode claim, thence, second course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees and forty minutes east, south twenty-seven degrees east one thousand five hundred feet to corner So. 3, thence, third course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees east, south sixty-three degrees west six hundred feet to corner No. 4, thence, fourth course, magnetic var iation eighteen degrees and fifteen minutes east, north twenty-seven de grees west one thousand live hun dred feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning.; the survey of the lode claim as above described extending one thousand five hundred feet in length along said Ladd vein or lode. Beginning for the description of the Transfer lode claim nt corner No. 1 identical with corner No. 1 of said Ladd lode claim, thence, first course, magnetic variation not stated, north sixty-three degrees east one thous and five hundred feet to corner No. 2 thence, i-econd course, magnetic variation twenty degrees, east, north twenty-seven degrees west six hun dred feet to corner No. 3, thence, third course, magnetic variation sev enteen decrees and thirty minutes i east, south sixty-three degrees west: one thousand live hundred feet to corner No. I, thence, fourth course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees east, south twenty-seven degrees east three hundred feet to a point from which discovery point bears sixtv-three degrees east five dred feet distant; six hundred feet to toiner No. 1, the place of bein nin:,r; the survey of the lode claim as above described, extending one thousand five hundred feet in length along said Transfer vein or lode. Beginning for the description of the Columbia lode claim at corner! ner .o. 4, thence, fourth course, No. 1, from which said section cor- magnetic variation eighteen degrees ner bears south ten degrees and and twenty-six minutes cast north twenty-one minutes west three hun- J sixty-three degrees east nine hun dred and ninety-five and four-tenths dred ninety-seven feet to corner No. feet distant, thence, first course, mag-jl, the place of beginning; the survey netic variation eighteen degrees and, of the lode claim as above described thirty minutes east, north twenty-lextending nine hundred and ninety- seven degrees west one hundred and thirty-eight feet to corner No. 1 of said Transfer lode claim; six hun dred feet to corner No. 2, thence, second course, magnetic variation nineteen degrees and thirty minutes east, south sixty-three degrees west one thousand two hundred and eigh ty feet intersect the east line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section twenty-eight at north three hundred and forty-two feet from the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section twenty-eight; one thousand five hundred feet to corner No. '3, their e, third course, magnetic variation twenty degrees east, south twenty-seven decrees east two hundred and seventy-three feet Interpret line between said se-tions twenty-eight and thirty-three at west one thousand four hundred and six teen feet from the northeast corner of said section thirty-three, and Fev-enty-two fet from the southeast cor ner of the southwest quarter of 'he 'fcoiitheaM quarter of "said section twenty-rfgiit; lhree hundred feet t a point from which -discovery shaft bear north sixty-tluee decrees east to hundred and thirty feet distant, six imudred feet to corner No. 4, ,of the ,oJe caim ajj al)QVe deSLrjbed extending ne thousand five hundred feet iu length along said Columbia vein or lode. Beginning for the description of the Jackson lode claim, at Corner No. i, from which said section corner bears north sixty-even degrees ami nine minutes west three hundred and seventy-two feet distant, thence, first course, magnetic variation twenty one degrees east, south sixty-three decrees west eight hundred and fifty nine feet to corner No. 2, thence, second course, magnetic variation twenty degree and ten minutes east, north twenty-seven degrees west three hundred feet to a point from which discovery point bears north sixty-three degrees east eighty feet distant; six hundred feet to corner ic. 3, thence, third course, magnetic variation twenty degrees east, north sixty-three degrees west eight hun dred and fifty-nine feet to corner No. 4, identical with corner No. 1 of said Columbia lode claim, theju-.e, fourth course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees and thirty minutes east, south twenty-seven degrees east six hundred feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning; the survey of the lodo claim us above described ex tending eight hundred unfl fifty-nine feet in length along said Jackson 1 vein or lode. 1)..,.! .,.,!.. Beginning for the description of tho Josephine lode claim tit corner No. 1, identical with corner No. 1 of Jiiiid Jackson lode claim, thence, first course, magnetic variation Twenty-one degrees enst, south sixty three degrees west three hundred and eighty-seven feet intersect line between said sections thirty-three and thirty-four nt south three hun dred and nineteen few Ironi the northeast corner of said section thirty-three; six hundred ninety-two feet to corner No. 2, thence, second '(mrso, magnetic variation twenty decrees and live minutes east, south . luren ieei 10 a poiui irom wntcii uis- Icovtvy point bears north sixty-three degr-es east three hundred and ninety-two feet distant; six hundred feet to corner No. 3. situate on line be tween, said sections thirty-three and thirty-four from which the north .eust corner of said section thirty-three bears Mirth nine hundred and ninety two feet distant, thence, third course, magnetic variation twenty-one degrees thirty minutes enst north sixty-three degrees east six hundred ninety-two feet to corner No. 4, thence fourth conrse, magnetic variation eighteen degTees and fifteen minutes east north twenty-seven degrees west six hundred feet to corner No. 1. the place of beginning, the survey of the lode claim as above described extend ing six hundred and ninety-two feet in length along said Josephine vein or lode. Beginning for the description of the Vergennes lodes claim at cor ner No. 1, identical with corner No. 4 of said Josephine lode claim, from which said section corner bears north forty-two degrees and seven minutes west nine hundred and fif teen feet distant, thence, first course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees and fifteen minutes east, south twenty-seven degrees cast three hundred feet to a point from whi' h discovery point bears south sixty-three' de- ?fees west seven feet four hundred and ninety distant; six hundred feet to corner No. 2, thence, second course, magnetic variation eighteen degrees east, south sixty-three de grees west nine hundred and ninety seven feet to corner No. situate on north Hue between said sections thirty-hun-1 three and thirty-four, from which tn northeast corner of Paid set ion thirty-three bears north one thousand six hundred and sixty-five feet dis tant, thence, third course, magnetic variation eighteen decrees and thirty minutes east, north twenty-seven de grees west six hundred feet to cor- seven feet in length along said Ver gennes vein or lode, expressly ex cepting and excluding from these presents all that portion of the ground hereinbefore described, em braced in said section thirty-three and In the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section iweniy-eignt, ana also all veins j lodes and ledges throughout their en- tire depth, the tops or apexes of which lie Inside of such excluded cround; the granted premises in said Iot No. 47 containing one hundred and four acres and three hundred and ninety-nine thousandths of an acre of land, more or less. East half of the northeast quarter of section 33 township SO south of range 5 west of Willamette merid ian. Northwest quarter of the north east quarter of section S3 township 30 south of range 5 west of Willam ette meridian. That said property be sold for cash In hand to the sighcFt bidJer. Said sale is niad by virtue of an ex- edition issued out of the ire"U court of the state of Oregon, for the j county of Josephine and is to satisfy the judgment obtained by the plain tiffs in the action of J. W. Morris and Benjamin Hays and Peter Han sen and '1 nomas Hay and W. A. Mor ris, plaintiffs, versus Dorothy Cam eron, Benjamin Healy Jr., Joseph Healy Gertrude Duffy Susan Peters and Water Healy. defendants, to sat- isiy uie juugmeai gnen on lore- ; closure of lien of J. W. Morris for the sun, of $158.66. Lien of Benjamin Hays Jor the sum of ,129.33. Lien of Peter Hansen for the sum off $481.16. Lien of Thomas Ray for the sum of I--7.18. Lien of W. A. Morris Tor the sum of $126.54. And the further sum of forty-seven dollars costs and the costs of sale. WILL C. SMITH. Sheriff. Date of first Pub. Jan. 3. 1913. and date of last publication Jan. 31, 1913. XOTU'K OF IX.L NETTI.EMEXT, In the Couity Court for Josephine county'. Oregon. In the matter of the Estate) of John W. Mock, deceased) Notice is hereby given that Ora L. Mock, the administrator of the above entitled estate, has filed his final nc - count, ana that Saturday. Januarj 18. 1913, .at the hour of 10 o'clock 1 i"e w . at sucii value as 1 a. ni. at the county court room In:!"'8"1 be fixe(l l)-v nppraiseiiunt. and I the court house .at Grants Pass, in Josephine county, Oregon, Is by r- der of tie judge of the above entitled court fixed as the time and place fur hearing and settling said final ac- count, and all persons interested in -...!. ... ......! i 1 i.i Ito said final account are hereby not- ilinif In nniumr at tlniA nml lilirw and pre.s.-nt their objections thereto. Ihited December 20. 1912. 11 I). NORTON, Ad.oiney for Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Noljce in hereby given that the uu- ilersigned executrix of the estate of Andru Hanson, deceased, has filed in the county court of the state of Ore gon, for Josephine county, her final account in the administration of said estate , anfl that by an order made and entered of record by the Honor able Stephen Jewell, judge of said county court Saturday, January 11. .1. II., ll.'IO. .;i III'-" lli-lll ui lv ,.,.,. i, , i.,,, w. ..... , K ,. D.. I IMS. the hour of two " ii, i I i. in., nun mrii oil uinu u., said court fo. final hearing thereof. ... PPMOHR objecting to the count will file their objections in said court on or before the date set for the final hearing. Dated luis 7th day of December, 1912. CAROLINE HANSON, Executrix. Colvlg & Williams, Attorneys. XOTH E TO ( IIKIH IOI1K Notice is hereby riven that Charles L Woelffie. the undersigned has nilmtniKtrntor with the will annexed of the estate of Clias. Woelffie, deceased, county court of Josephine Oregon, and all iiersons by tlie countr. bavin? claims against said estate are here-1 by notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned admln- Istrator with the will annexed, at Wildervillo .lonnnhlnn rnnntv Oip- gon, on or before the expiration of j rIv inonthu from the Antn of the first publication of this notice. Onto of first nuhlicntlon Ieieni-I ller 13. 1912. $ CHAS. WOEI.FFLE, Administrator with the Will An nexed of the Estate of Clnis. Woelffie, Deceased. NOTICE FOU l'l BLICA HON." Popart mcnt of the Interior, I'. - S. Land Office, Hoseburg, Oregon January 21, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Ed- f in ii ii1 .M. I'lirilin, of Kerby, Oregon, j who, on November 14. 1911, made I homestead eutrv serial No. 07077, jfor F.Ms NW i, Sec. IS and E'i jSW',4. Sec. 7, township 39 S., raim'' 1 7 west Willamette meridian, has filed noti'-e of intention to muko commutation proor, to establish 'claim to the land above. " described. ; before Herbert Smith, I'nited Stales commissioner, at drants Pass, Ore con, on the I I th day of March, 1913. Claimant nanus as witnesses: E. F. Tyce. David Coulter. T. J. Tyce and Roy Well all of Kerby, Oregon. H. F. JONES, Register. SI MMOXS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jose phine. Sam Maker, Plaintiff, vs. II. C. ISatehani and Helen O. Matebam, Defendants. '10 II. C. Matebam and Helen G. Hate ham, defendants: In the name of the Btate of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled ac tiun on or before hIx weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons which is the 24th day of January. 1913, tho said period of who, on Nov. 21, 1911, made home six weeks from said date exnirinir on ntfjul Fntrv ert:il 'n 0770r. for 1... -.1, ,1..v ,.f i 1. mi- .i i lllf 111! UJ Ml 1 I I. II , I 7 I il , Ull IJ II ytiu fail so to answer for want there- of. the plaintiff will take judgment against yon for the sum of $1,000. 00 notice of Intention to make final com- o'clock In the forenoon of Raid day. with Interest thereon at the rate of mutation proof, to establish claim to (. j( eight per cent per annum from the lamL above described, before ' ' ' ' ' March 17. 1911. and for the furth- Herbert Smith. I'liPed States com- Administrator, er sum of $100.00 attorney's fees mlssioner, at fj ran tit Pass, Oregon, ! " Persons troubled with partial par and for hlsioBts and dii-bnrsements. on the 7th day of February, 1913. alvnis are often very much benefited This summons is published by tin claimant names s witmi-ies: bv ma'-saging the Hffected parts order duly made on the 24th day , - James Murns of Mcdford, Oregon, thoroughly when applying Chamber January, 1913. (Tom .1. Tyce, Malum A. n.-dsey nnd Iain's Liniment. Th's liniment also ROBERT G. SMITH, Hoy Wells, all of Kerbv. Orecdn. nlvc rheumatic pains. For sale Attorney for Plaintiff. 11. F. JONES, Register. 'bv all dealesr. NOTICE FOU TULlCATlOX. llei.artmeut of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Hoseburg, Oregon, December 13, 1912 Notice Is hereby given that How ard M. Yarbrough, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on September S, latltJ, made homestead entry serial No. 04041, for S'i NKi.nnd E SE4. section 2S. tOWimh ill 119 S rnni-A m ct jwnialuette ,.leridian h:u lei, notk.e iQf .nUfut,0B to m'e flaal fl ,ear f ( establish claim to th iaml 1 " if 1 i9. Aa.n4 urT, j"""". I rated States commissioner, at .brants lass. Oregon, n the 31st day of January, 1913. i Claimant names as witnesses: George L. Daggett of Waldo, Ore- n, William Daniel Hunt. Claud jChamberlatn and David Ayres, all of i Jeruy, Oregon B. F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOU PI HLICATIOX. I Department of the Interior. V. S. Land Office at Hoseburg, Oregon, ! -December 11. 1912. .Mince is neretiy given that George -A. Bark, whose nostoftlce add ii'JO East 2Sth street. Los Angeles, I California, did, on the ISth day of March 1912, file in this office sworn1 statement and application, Na 07902 J0 purchase the N',i SE4, section! -- township 39 S., range S west! : NV"'tto meridian, and the tlm-1 thpreon. under the provisions of I ;'llle lu' ot June 3 187s. acts 1 ; nfndatory. known as the -Timber i mat, pursuant to Biich application, I 'the land and timber ih Pi't-Wttl Ii il'a J " ' H 1 J.20,0-00. timber "a tlJ J'0,000 board feet at 50 ' h ' J-'an tnf "and $20.00; ; f8' 1 1 ,H,,"nt ' ,fr'- Anal Ploor in SUMIOrt of hla nmill, .,,!..,, ! 1 biaiement on the 7th day 'u' .'IdrCIl, before Herbert ,Smltn' 1 -niietl States commissioner. I ,at (,rau,s Oregon. j .Any Person is at liberty to protest! l"'a i""-mise oeiore entry, or initi ate an contest. at any tienu before pat ient issues, bv flllni.' l fnrrr,l.,...1 -affidavit in tliis office, alleging facts .which would defeat the entrr. F. JONES. Register. I NO'I'H E lii: l'l BLICATIOXT JJopartment of the Interior, V. S i.anil office iioseburg. Oregon. November 20. 1912 Notice Is given that William H. Meldrinr. whose postofllce address in 2520 27th St.. Sacramento. Call- ,..,:,. ,,,, . .. , - . loviua, did. on the 1 Ith day of March, , y . , , . . - ' 1 ' " 1 ,H ,f(1,'evSiW,',, '' - i ."' ' "? : lot 1 and i .range 5 west. Willamette merld-1 i 1 ... . , i 1 nv,,nKe valuo 1er b"h',l. "ntry Ian, and the thereon, under tHT ''e 1,0 ",,H0,W,C over, was a trifle over 47 cents, while the luovisions of the net of June Si"1"1 "nnoalllled owner In fee simple nVernge vloid ner tree wn 0 lt of 17S. and acts amendatory known ng ,,f u 3 ln n,0,k fil of th Original !. "V . n . , the "Timber and Stone i. " Ih I Townslte of the town, now city, of," ,,,"),lt'1- or n trifle under 43 cents value as mlcht be tlx.ri hv ni..rnia. Iment. mid that, pursuant to sucn an- i , , .. . . piicaiKm, the land and fimber there - !on hnTe bw appraised $404.00, the I uni,,er tiinated 1,100.000 board !uf'1 nt 1V ','ll'a I'Pr M.. and the land I mat sniu applicant will of- ier nnai proor in support of his op - plication and sworn statement on tho I -,st (,ay of I'Vliruary, 1913. before rt K,H,t r nnu receiver rnited Ktates land office nt Hoseburg. Oregon Any person Is at liberty to protest !tnis l"H'chaso before entry, or Initiate a "'ntest at any tune before patent l"""8- by filing a corroborated nfflda- vlt ln "'is office, alleging facts which wf"l,(l ,1,,f,l, ,ho pntry. V- JONES, ivrmain , 77.7"V.T".7.".7.;7r .77. . l.iir i.l.n 1 ''' U .m. Department of the Interior, !'. F5. i.iiiiu niii'T, in. seniu m, uregon. 'November 20, 1912. Notice is hereby given Hint David Williams, whoso postoffico address Is Gridley, Hutte County, California, did on the lUIi day of March, 1912, fllo in this office sworn statement and au plicntton N1!). 07891. to purcliase (lie SVs SW'i, SV, SE'J and lot 7, section 2, township ","! S, range " W. Willamette meridian, nnd that timber thereon, under provisions of the act of June 3. 1878. arid net amenda- tmy, known as tho "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might t fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant, to such application, the land and timber thereon have been ap praised $418, the timber estimated 1,1 20.000 hoard feet at 4 0 cuts per M.. and the land nothing: that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 21st day of Febru ary. 1913. before register and re ceiver Fnited States land office at Roseburr, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affida vit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. II. F. JONES. uegister. X ( mCE lO I C I 'l HLICATIOX. Department of the interior, F. S. Land Office at Hoseburg, Oregon, December 10, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Lavlna House McArthur, widow, of 209 West High street. Crants Pass. Oregon. WU. See m an.l V l .'. HUM.'. ' ---- - - ! A 1 section 7, township 39 S., range 7 west Willamette meridian, has filed XOT1CE FOU l'l IU.H ATIOX. Department of the Interior, l S. Land Office, Hoseburg, Oregon, January 18, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Adol phus Nale, of Dryden, Oregon, who, on August S, 1911, made homestead entry, serial No. 07429. for Lots 4 nd 5,fm' K'a SW' of ctlon 24. i" ., ' ette Meridian, has filed notice of in to:,tUm to I,,ako ,roof- t0 fstablisU claim to me tana aoove described, before Herbert Smith. V. S. commissioner, at his office at aralUg ias8i Oregon, on the 1st day of March, 1913. claimant names as witnesses; Warren Tut tie, Clarence Messen- ger. Oilman Harmon and William Mastin, all of Dryden. Oregon. B. F. JONES. Register. SIMMONS It V l'l BI.U'ATIOX. In Dim Circuit Court of the State of OnL'on. for Josenhlna Conntv. J. II. Ahlf. Plaintiff, ) vs. ) urn Gibson and Ella Gib- ) ; son, bis wife, and their ) unknown heirs; II. Sim- ) kins and his unknown ) v' heirs; Horatio Slmklns ) and Caroline Slink ins, ) his wife, and their un- ) known heirs; Ben Sim- ) kins and Omah Simklus, ) his wife, and their un- ) known heirs; also all ) , other persons or parties ) unknown claiming any ) right, title, estate, lien or ) interest iu the real es- ) tare described iu tho ) complaint, Defendants. ) To LoU (;i)h0I1 ad Ella Gibson, his wlf(, UIU, their unknown heirs; II. j sin.kins and his unknown heirs; i Horatio Simklns and Caroline i iinkins, his wife and their un- known heirs; Hen Simklns mil ; Omah Simkins. his wife, and their ( unknown heirs; also nil other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or In terest in the real estate described in tho complaint. Defendants. In the name of the state of Ore- gon j mi and eacn oi you are nereir,' i r,wi n I ri,t tit iiimir ntwl niiuwi.f t iwi complaint filed against you on or be - fore six weeks from the date of tho "first publication of this summons i 111.-1, tlrct ,1,1.. .f i.i.Kll..,.! I,,.. , i,! '";'., " January. A. D.. 1913. and the las; date of publication and the time wUhln which you are required to np - ICIH .11111 IHl.'iV.l'l 1IIC h.Wll CO 1 1 III 1.1 1 II I i.. .i. ., , ....... . .... lie.u .inn mi.'.wi uu- h.uu couipiauii . . . ... in inn I I II Otl.V III .Milllll, I II I .) , illlll II you fall so to answer said complaint Tor want thereof the plaintiff wl ,,,,,,. t() tll() (.ourt foI. r(.(,f ! '-rants Pass. Josephine county. Ore - K()n' ns tho 8i""e lft l,a,,t,(l nd on m. i.. i. n. a .. i !' " 111 111 l" oi ue coumy ciers of Hai'1 '-onntynd state. That t Do i defendants and each of them and ;t"eir unknown heirs and also all oth- er persons or parties uiikiiowii ciaini- ling any right, title, estate .lien or I Interest In the renl estate described .in the complaint herein and all ex ,i i i i ..n nun n 1 1 f- and assigns , ecutors, adiiunisiraiors. land all persons claiming bv. through er under said defendant bo forever .enjoined and debarred from nsHert- i lug any claim, right, title, lien, es- tate or Interest therein or thereto. That plaintiff's title to said Lot 3 In Plo' li 01 of the Original Townslte fif the town of Grants Pass, ,Iose - 11,11,,., I'Ikllt.ll' ltti.inl I.,. Tn.. .uin,- ,1,11111,,, .ichhii, i' niit-vi'i duieteil and that It is declared to be: a )o(1 v;i( oii(( n ))))(h i)w v and that full and complete, , oipiltiiblo relief be had T1)i;, ,, H published In tlm UlfrW ,Uver Courier bv order of on. p. M. Calkins. Judge uf the move entitled court, made and cu tered on the 1913, and is to be dav of January, MiMished for six cotisecut Ive weeks. C. II. and V. A. CLEMENTS. ' Attorneys for Plaintiff NOTICE OF FIL XCCOt'.M' Notice b( hereby given that the uil-i den iiuied, administrator of tho estate f- W. .1. Mathews, (leielifieil. 1,,-is filed his final ii'-count of the admini il ra tion of the said estate, and the court has fixed February 1, 1913, at lo o'clock a. in. as the time for the final hearing on said final account, and any one interested in said estate may, on or In fore said date, file their ob Jecfions to said flnsil account or any part, thereof. J. N. JOHNSTON. Administrator of the Estate of V. J. Mathews, piceased. NOTM i; OF FINAL SKI I I.IAIENT. In the County Court of the State' of Oregon, for the County of Jose phine. In the Matter of the Estate ) of Charles II. Morton, ) pi'censcd. ) Notice Is hereby given that tho final account of Charles II. Murton haH been filed with tin. ,i,.ri, r.t m.iu court and said account will be heard ."" t '"' (lil' of February, 1913. Any person having objections there to must file tliwtn on or before 10 XOTU'K HK l'l BI.U ATIOX. Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Office at Hoseburg, Oregon, January 6th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Joseph MiClei.and, whose postolfhe address, is ilol Cluikamas street, Portland, 'Oregon, did, on the 4th day of March. 1912, file in this office sworn statement and application, No. 07876 to purchase the lots 2 3 and 4 and 'SW'. NEli, section 2, township J i S., range 5 west Willamette mer idian, and the timber thereou, un der the provisions ot the act of June 3, 1S7S, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pur suant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been ap praised $4.'i6.00, the timber estim ated 1.140.000 board feet at 40 cents pi r M, and the laad nothing; that raid applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 2Sth day of March. 1913, before register and receiver I'nlteJ States land office Bt Hoseburg, Oregon. Any person ia at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initi ate a contest at any time before pat ient Issues, by filing a corroborated .affidavit In this office, alleging facts, which would defeat the entry. ) B. F. JONES. , Register. 'aitlk (;irt)vi:iri;EPLiEs TO OKEUOMAX EDITORIAL, Editor Courier. ; Sir. My attention has been called to an article In the editorial columns of The Oregonlaii of tho 12th Inst., under the head "Apples",' which makes surprising reading to an orch ardlst in the Rogue River valley. The figures also do not agree. I venture to say that If those figures were even approximately correct, there are few orchardlsts in tho country, who would not get busy and tear out every tree in their orchards before iii.inv day -nu ivishciI I extract n few stato- ;"""1!' Ine n,llc,e 1,1 'P'ostlon, will then present a few facts. which any one In Grants Piui run . I UM " 1,1 " n,,,ir- - uenring apple trees ,,IJ I'nlled States In 1910 is given jh.v the department of commerce and nlior as 1 1 .3? S 4 il '11, ... ..,!,- ' - - IIU 1 1 II I II lit.-1 . I, , , ., 1, ., I . , , . I ''itshels of apples produced In 1909 147,522,318. Tho value of the 1 1 909 crop was $83,23 1 ,492. Thus the !lT tree "Comparing these llguieB with those given for Oregon In the same table wo find that we had In 1910, 2,029, 913 bearing trees, with a production of 1,930,920 bushels. The value of tho 1909 crop Is given nH $1,(150.944. !Tllfl hv11 nn nn, vit,i ,.t i. ""- i . , , , , , ,,,nt,m of n miBno1 I,pr tree, with ft value of n t rlflo over 81 cents. So Oregon Is far nhend of tho average as to yield per tree nnd price per bushel." Now for a few simple, facts. In .October last from in v Hinnll orchard l,,Hq ,hnn two mllim unst ,,f Mm nni. f)ffic from 150 Newtown apple trees, nhnnt sixteen or seventeen years old. I packed out 1.5 HI bushel boxes of fancy tipples, or an nverago of 9.8 bushels per tree (not Including culls). These mild In t ho east for $2,105.78, $1.39 per bushel box, or an average of $13.02 per tree. Individual trees bore greatly In excess of these figures, as many of the trees were cut back severely a few years imo, and tho ' Vo"ti.;? wood Is hardly yet In full bear- Ing. I feel confident Hint many other or chards In the valley would compare favorably with the above showing. I trust you will give this publicity In t be Interest of truth. Grunts Pass, January 15, 1913. H. K. ROSS. A ,l..,., ..I. .,.(.,.,... aliotit ttimlina. h.itt!iitia. immii K- - A folium anil homing pnulliy wf 'Vi cnntmiii-il in II U'rtf Mill. in ti tt ..A- 1.1, . , Ul.llir . juai H1ICJ, SvikI lof coiy, ir. Tl..rh H I C . .,! I ..... i....l..u 11 L I W V J MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A CrllnRlll frrrUhnr. CnimlliHllnn. II r n ilr hr, HKiuihi h Troublr, Tending IMaorilrm, nti II niror Trail MftrK, 1 M ... t, 11 ,11 iin...,.i. g,.... Oun'liccupt Smupln miiM PKKK. Ail.liuis mriubttitui. a. 8. OLMSTED, L Hot, N, Y. Send For Ms Seed tonud-Frte l Jlly'i it h are IHlnlf of pwrr ni rrTii.,r.jil on. No tenk arf ,4i kfd y UI ur.l'-IltlMlviio quillirt! i.W llif Trty I, (I .11 CinilanJ. O-nli.lly MUl -iJ Utalery linil li. d.rrfl .n ni Ki-ni and "I'll U'n ieni"' all filial woft. o hml.'.y r t ,ily 'a Iimihk ci. i. Snd lot clld. Tka.ll.L:iyCp..5aitU 1 rv 1 w