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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1913)
FKIDAY, JWI AKV 21. ltil.i. OVERALLS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED rOK CHILDREN 1 to 8 year ; t-1 1 1 j 1 1 I.F.VI STRAUSS CO,. Nfr, V ' I li I ir i.o'j i, or J .i I... ili Iii:. It i i i.H r.ilit cblcplli ,i i.:.-t in p'.t in i t: i! ;(. i; 1 our 'v ,. lu.b :,( it I .01.., ii r .u.d .!. . 1... k 1 I We I. II 1 I.'" t ..h i .J ti.-tiii- ...i i , ... i--. i,i u., r. tin.: the Aliplenate Valley If l.'.l i: . . a i i." i ' ' " '" - J fc,i,-h dlttati. es it was line m 1-etter Miape. m-. " It. ill ell the jlirulils i'a-s will bue to (ea.-e ior t du. as it is at in.-M-ut almost ..-.-ilde 10 the poles s.-t solid i'.il.!i m I:. at a person lull chiiiti in lo ti-.-i the ir.- on. Your Druggist Stops That Itch r..; i ' .1. r. : -t i r:.s a ro k from the ; ft ",li:p r t ' j n . Ii : ' binder t!ii-it- is l.i-1 o I ,l.d ' l . 1 . ill l aii'l .,( I,. ihe : 1 1 .' DEATH OFC.G. COUTANT. (Continued from I'ugo 4) Impiovod Kentucky liiwc-rahs farm. " 1 l.i- point Ik Cmitaiit In a Kood deal of a trail blazer and bli 1 1 1 1 t Ii Ii are wi'ii I lie Meri hh Whit-H..HI-I, the .Inn I'.ri'U'eH and tin- Cap tain ll'ililiev dies r.illier than the (HKy-KoiiiK K','ill,'iiiaii who reaps what the pioneer have sown. Mell like Ciiiit.uit play a very Important pail III I ln development of every new Htatt). "Ah Mate librarian Coluiie. Oou- tant h.i h a K""d record. In fait he Have our iPate libiary character and i nyMeiu iiml all n-ali.e he wan the (,k from IiiovIiik' Hilrlt of the Wy online In- imv of live i; ; nil i.,es t he ' i!. all. cii'l '. ,.r..:.r... J" A!" ,,f i,".e '.' ! o it l.i k- ,., I: it J. i.s "!.r:.-t ta-. r.i r-. 1 aih. r' are many iii.n. -; if , veie not I liaV" v. I ko to prepare a place for you. And il I " '""1 !T'I - I'1''"' f"r w,. I IH -on.e anain and receive w, unto nH-lf. that where I am w inav he al,-.' H-r.- the laiI i luhted. ..ever to K. out aisalii. M the ha-i of ,r"" ,,s,,,y of lif.-. Ii"' -"11 iiot in" nted in heaven. t:,t it not he tlia il;,mlit iun h 'on. .-niinii th- matter If Mill have Ii buMliCss uive Ii vo'ir 'art (,,, ko hem. i,e deeply Interest.! It mav he that oil have had no cv.erleiK e that would ehjie iallv ntleli' Ion to ill of lieaveli. well lenieiiiher wli.-n the an'l death came into m notne A ,l-i r' l.O'A !, of ii,' i 'i ns: tons of o a re von have not matter ) u i oiniideratioi.. no ill i oiii-ideration M-e. t of $:'"( j Lrj- at:.'- i ; . ; : ! . ,'. i - . s i ' i to 51' ..... i ' .ru:;t I '.: the lii-'A I. ill!. '1 j..- I '. ;.,!. I, ...5 ITS o ! . r. and t'." t :. t'.:n.j .: - j...t in i:i I :! K I Un for f'.t'ire work a! lines. It will handle !i" daily. A III i t" Of lllldel LTO'lIld heetl dot!.' ,n the ( Irh !e. 11 now heini; taken from the tU'd f.."t level. .Six tons of this ore was r iciitly M-iit to ?ati Fram is, o, w here It was testid at the California Samplini; Works, and from 7 tn M n-r (in of 'he value? were recov ered. The new equipment for the Oriole will linlude l'j'i tuns of li'.achit'.ery. and will he shipped to Merlin and hauled in from there over the Mo--lin-C.alice road as soon as there is a dr iii t; up of the mud ia. he lor t h. .1:1 t.i .-he i...s .ii:.. th'-y heada.'h. rtoioai h e-!'" lally well and wur'.i l.;? ers. ) ore? are K. Tahor. ot Crii-r, .Mo., ,d he. a tri.uhi-.l with tick liea.i- a: i.i i Iivt. years, when sae r.i;.' C'hal.iherlain's Tablets, tak. ii two bottles of fielil h.iM- i nre. i her. sick ,s .aued by a di.-ordci'ed lor hi' h tin-'' rabh ts are If you are suffcrini? from Eoezema. Tforii.-is or any otlior kin.l of skin trmihle. (iron into our store for instant relief. We will pmuantee you to stop that itch In two seconds. We liave pcM other nmeilies for fKln trouMes hut none that we could reoom mtn.l as hiL-hly as tins, a tmhl wash ftf Oil of Winttrtr.eii Thymol an.l a few cth.r inirreiiicnts that have wronunt fikIi wuiiil. rfiil cures all over the conn- 'rri ij nnnn.l is known as D.P.P. Trescrirtion for liczenia and It will cool an,l heal the Itchy, burning skin t. nothing else can. " A trial will prove it. Of course all other druegists ha,. D PP. Inscription so to them if 'vol can't come to us Out don't accept j,ulll, liijj-protit substitute. " Put if you come to our store, we tr. so certain of w hat D.D.D. will (n f,,r yoJ tlint we offer you a full size bottle oa this guarantee: if you do not tin. I tiiVr It takes awny the itch AT ON'CE li costs you not a cent. M t'lcinens sells druss. inter:. P lay w i i d Try them, i;et Sold bv all dcal- OI'IIKA STAi: WANTS SNAKK lOK Ml lii'iiV 1TI..MS. visit l'AS Id sou TloNS IV Ml MoltV til H. MWKY. . and mo my own dear, little h mers. I t")on fdt a duslrlal bhsoi latioti, wlib h has held new interest In heaven. 1 said on- fmir hiii cessf ul conventlotiH and nl't (, r in the nk.v is one hiot briKhter of which will ftrow our )oui;laH mate ,itn ever. For he Is there. So today fair. IheHii that mourn the loss of a hus- I'ea'll has (ailed our es-IeeK.rd fel low member II. C. Kmuey. N.i more fchall we see his oieasan: and het-rfill fa' e at our; .!:;? no more feel hi. em ouraiin i 1 : - - save in memory only. it i '. . i -. . . . . . .nr. in; iic ioij in-t-a j ro:. and a'tively interts'.ed in tv-:v ' K'i-efie Caris was a husin or to Clrants Pass Thursday. Mr. Ishman. a miner from .Missour Kbit, w:is a b isiri'-ss isitor to the !i .uittty : at Friday , tie reports over a !"ut "1 s::oa i:j' where lie lives. With the in. orporatiott of that railroad hi- h Is to liuiid froi.ii Marshf.. M. Orezoa. to Trinidad. Cab. it will make s-i!i befer times here : ::i th:s d s':rr. ;::..!ii: (uuuties. an ! ' iti f.-.e jtars from i;o'.v we will tin ! o'it that we are j .;st in our infam y to.iiv . With the h i : I I i of these i roj" S..-.J roads we will he able to dis- : :se fo ail of our farm produce at ! h.. 2ie aci ki' have to have lots' siipred ia hew to supply the demand j s$ there will te lots of people come I I This is the advertisement inserted l'HT. t,y Sylva VanDyck, star in the De- Koven Opera company's rodmtif,D t ,of Robin Hood, appearing today in a paper. Somebody trod upon CHICAGO. Jan . 22. "Wanted A snake not over two iect ions, pie-i iferahlv water or narter snake. Can ' 'ora' I use black snake or moccasin if fmii-'s the head of the pet snake Miss Van rl are drawn." Uyck rornieny ownea. HOME-MADE CANDIES -o -i- . : ave all tr "JiiHt now the colonel lias Joined band and father will have a new and ter.rise and organization f..r hands wllh the Northwestern rall i(.a. In procbiliiiln to the people the possibilities of Illi? Horn mid Fre mont counties, am! the Northwestern lias selected n triiinjietcr who Is not far behind old C.ahrlcl hi iihcU." peculiar Interest Iii heaven. building of this (ity froiu "Mr. Ooiitant, as I knew him, was beitinitu; nji to A; r.l : not a materialist. As I talked with when this (lab a if. him, I felt that he believed In Cod. wbi. h Mr Kmt.- w.i And while bis life's woik was that member, of a tiewsiiaper man, as 1 have tin- t-ime. th- ork,a:.::o,. r. e u;- 1 . , i jr. i tr.ey ".: . i". i ' w .iy for i tl: i- i :-.e-.:r.J ef.w . - '.etiefits HettirnliiK from a trip to Alaska ileiMtood, he always stood for nood dub. Mr. Kinney has ?:t- wnere lie nan remaine,i mr a year , itieiisliip ami progressive Pleas pi and a bull .Mr. ( outant cime to (jf,, t tlt. UK,. f Heven Mr. Cou- CtiintH Pass to make his home, arrlv- tant lost his parents and when he Ill's- here In Manh of limy In .Ian- wilH he went to .New York City . 1 1 .. i 1 1 i i i ... . . . . ii.ii.i n mi' iini.ooim inn in- oeiiuiie wun uie intention oi Pecoiuin a e liior of the Weekly Courier, iiml newspaper man. He nave his wh. life Ii that one proj.ct, report Hi tdfi. h of j. resident if : Hist fur the New York un and the her kth. l-o'7. h it de stun nf his labor, on ot hei ir-e for t he :!.' i ity and ( lub. al a.i it.o.-t 1.! era! w hen f .1 net essary for anv : , Mr Kiir.ey a r. : v f.' si.mi. al.-o of the I (oily Courb r when ibis paper was established in September, 1910. This position ho held up lo Times. the time of his death, and even the j Coining west into Kansas, he was a ..lest of his wrliliins contained the piom-er in his chos.n line of wohi fire and the vkor that bad alwava for notne .wars. Then kouib uji in" n haiaclerlstic of his work. In y Iiik where he made himself fc t the laun. hliiK of the first Crania l'ass on tie ,,f ,ie ti,.velopnient and dally the publisher placed the ureal- pnmreM. He will bo lon remei.- est of fallh and of coiilldeme In the p,.,,.,! i that se ti"n of the (oui;tr wlsdoin of Mr. Coutant. whose dire.-- ;,s the historian of Wyomini; a n.eliiber of the ! the ( i a!, du; it, y ; li'll and was s a a i n a ; - t the c cle. f.ot: in Mar h dir.-J Mr. K;:.r.ey in -rklr:2 ar.3 I'- to the (oast i : . :e le.lst has if Hon In matters of iollc aii. of busi ness always showed a (aim and an endnrlim JinUuiciil. To this oflbe the passliiK of this koimI man is a dis tinct loss, ami the publisher and every assoibite cm plow dee;.; -. sincerely nmurns hlo ,c:::!.. Of the Immediate fam;! 'here re main ihe wife nud su ihildicii. th re on and three daughters On Christmas Ia of 1''.7 Mir Ullabeth Clarke of It. ..::. lM'came the w ife of Mr. Co itar,!, tr. 5 lliKMiith all the t 'i veat of ha; ;-y m:rried life she wan his lu-lpti.e-t :?. deed UK 111 bond The ihiliitel. !;.. Hiuvlve aie Ceote I'ltner Cou:.t:.t ' CimiiIb I'iiMS. Mis Olivet Me-set.'-r of llunene, Charles l. Com.uit of New York City, Mrs C. W. Cllue re of Washinntou. 0. (' , Waller S Con taut of Cmnts l'ass. and Mrs C W Alkens of Ketchikan. Alaska lie was a member In koM slanduii; of th( Iteiievoleut and I'rot t t i t Or der ,,f Klks and in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows lU was a charter ineinl ier of the Klks lodie of Cheyenne. Wyoming. Tim funeral setvne will Is held Sunday uflernooii at two o'clock a' the family tesi.leine on South Siilh Ntreet, to be conductisl by th te Win Klley Jeffrey Jr. of lh Mel ho- dist Kplncopal ihurch Interment will be in the I O O r lemelety. the bin iul ceieiiiouii to be in (hart: of tll local Odd Fellows oiKani'a- tlou. . i S- ' V - . The funeral sertbea held oer the remain of Charl.w Clifford Content Sunday, at Ihe family reideiue in South Siith street, were attended I'V a Rreat tiumbei- of our iltliens gath ered to p this la" tribute to the memory of one who had held the s teem and the respect of all who had known ti i in Floral ofTciittKs from o; lunuatp-n and from lovlns ft tends -re ,!n ; about the casket lluuns eie su'-i; tir the choir, and II. i tu Ki ev JefTrey Jr. pastor of the Ncwm.ui Mclliodisl I I'ini i a '. il'Kiib. words of loluf.'it and of hoi'e to the inouriilnt; iel.itle- :it;.l f'licn.'.s in part, Mr ,leftie s.u.l "Thele is a u'u'stioii li.t asked 111 the Uui i ... the , ,i'! 1 an ti of Ihe 1.111,1 ot l ; ! - i , .'. ed In I be H:!i 'i . t ... 1 1 i "About fo ;r ).ar akjo. he ial..e t Crat.ta l'ass and 6u'ri be. ame the eJ; lor of the Wet-k! anJ later the i.i.i Ci.uri-r "Here. teo. he I'.aS stCei i for the leveb , t;.nt of the .' ..'.;. a:.J the jTesent -ro;e; It is .a ! , hop' s are i),j r fellow ; i. t ' Ttj'-U e ; ; t n r ii t. .S' 1 ' Th. l i e V'i 1 i l t:. v. ' :: .'ir i ; 'list "eus"t ' :i I e 1 it- !."l "iiH "11". iH (.' 'i'S' .o::""! r .' '''IK !" t". i 'l I -ii. I ( n iOl '. ? Cararrh Cure ' -Tr LO"' kliOW'11 :.."; . Catarrh ii i:.-e.i re treatment, is t;ken intern '. t -'n tiie blood :'. the system, i f'-'irolatioti of t.:.; the patient ; ;; the consti- :. a'.'ire in doini; ;r:ors have so f ". -s.::ve j.owers that -"'-ir-! Ddlars for : 'ills to i-'ire. Send C'iKNEY ic CO.. To- -L-rls's, 7.'.c. Family Fills for con- : KT' K HOL iKKS' M KIITI SC.. it Th .. - ai - : ; . i .. t ioti d'V:. ' ':-. i i ,i and had . ii".w ' j . i .,. lellli 'erv. S.ii3".ri " ' ''.a, e !er r .:-, ia D a,".. ' :' ;a.. .i'-i.' era wh. th i,i i" n ' - tant in ,hi i - "". m ,. i he h.i '. : !.' ' '. ' '. ' e :,. past four n". ,,""!. .i .'. ...l.-.-a ry j ,C I I e.i -rt K 'k ttk i '.".t - l'.' ' l )e:' .1 of t!,e I'd! tv.;,j( n ,.e.; , .. turr. ir, k ail rr.a "... r-.i. i loe. iiHii-ii .-.! t.' v ; arth. and ! ir. ;' .ir tft where th ,; .ir-! : . i i lt ret;nn pit OKlol K MIF Wil l. INhT l.l. Kk-sT M MM.!. The ti'Mial theetins; of the Grants ''iisi. Fruit hks Kiation will be held at be eon.itiernal dub rooms in Grants Fust- (hi Monday. February 3. 1913, ii' 1 P m for the election of dlrec '.' and the transaction of such oth er bus;:tjefc8 ag mar i,r0,Pry tome be-to- e the Fto( kbolders. -S-4t G. H WOOD. Sec'v. i a Ui". .ii "i a i.i "iiit.1-."'-i out Si ' : ' .;:.!. i; Win :r : ..torg ? m, l-i: .rdar. TK4CHKU W.WTKI). For tb Wonder school. Good her. good pay. Address J. J K'.bersja, clerk. Wonder. Oregon. 41 NOTICK OF ItorXKAKY l!()K) MKlCTIXi. M MA. if A tt';in!.i::.p ti.. iii.n.i will ;. ,,r,e develoj Iluo.' i ? ! i blio r f. r : h. in i ' n e- '. I 'r tr S' 'I i tl .IS h.iu' hi; .1 C I ' ' i r " ci n . . 'or t'.- .1!!.! f-.T . f ' .. lis,'" ie , . r'l r th "he P. ri t : hi !.! '.(: .-. '! per::.:' I'oi ! to C.Ci f tie past arr.itu at th.e For, : '.ins e : i ; ". ..: . -h s hool at "r f lit ' for th "' ' iinsble to learn ' "oil! fart aealn. - If ,'rrr.a iaued the Apple- r.Ter to r&lse hlfher than n 'l-i .f bi deen this winter, the rain In th huh mountains lxins th . a-ise nf it The Os. ar creek placers are rttn- riin steH.iy now and from the way the wafpr is cross ins the , . . i V i " ' '; oe l ry in to Ret to i where those larse tnucet re as fast pisible There are nl-'ntT of eft 'oo as lots of no(d ground still remains unorked We hope the time is not far awav ur.ivcl waitons will start as t hein Notice ia hereby giren that the District Hotindary Hoard of Jose phine county will meet on Thursday, February 6, to act on a petition to change the boundary line between 'hool districts No. 12 and school district No. 26 so that the north half of section 2 of township 37 south of range 6 west, shall be taken from dis trict No. 12 and beeome district No. 26. Hone this Kth dar 1913 a part of of January, Co. LINCOLN SAVAGE. Supt. and Se-. of Hoard. w he hau out H your children are subject to at tacks of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness, c.ivo Chatn 'erlaitCs Couch Remedy as goon as the (htld becomes ht arse and the at tack mav K war. I... i iff l.- . . ":- crave! on some , f the roads , ntl dealers ' ' " 'v- .o as the s ,ro ,,,Vll i, I We 'ii 'ler-a,,,! the reason that .'ohn V. Clutn of San Francisco is t. i-.ot afetided t before was ; stopping at tho Josephine. Mr Clum ,",v:",? ' ! , k 0( f ,;ills to ; civo an illustrated "Travol T-ilk" ' "'"V ? i at the M. K. ( hun h tonisht 1-ei.u so fun! -r-t-ni.,P,!f ..f Vou should iksc as much discretion in buying candy as anything else. Always be sure it is pur' and fresh. The way to be sure is to purchase same at the Spa Confectionery. Our candy is made fresh everv dav: if we have not what vou want tell us and we will make it to your order. We make all our eandv and are alwavs at vour service for the best that is made. THE SPA CONFECTIONERY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. The First National Bank Of Southern Oregon Offers to its tustomcrs the us- siiraiiee of safety, coiwcnience mid rourtesy. More tlia Oven-ty-three years tf successful bankin.'. fii:i:i!AI., 15.lKI.(i 1XTKI5KST PAID OX TIMK DKPOSITS. SAI'KTV IlKl'OSIT IIOSKS IOU HKXT. WE APPRECIATE We find it hard to account for some of the new business Unit comes to us from lay to day. W'c sometimes inquire and learn that some patron has silken to u friend alniut the facilities which the hank affords. We certainly appreciate these kind courtesies and take occasion to thank those who have expressed their approval and commendation of our service. We accept deposits subject to check in any amount and pay four per cent inter est on suv I ii us accounts. JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK Grants l'ass Oregon. MONEY SAVED WHILE YOU ARE YOUNG is money earned when you are old. The oppor tunity is afforded at the Grants Pass Banking & Trust Company th. w"" " finest i, rove is ' -'i- in town.