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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1913)
FRIDAY, JANUARY at. 113. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER rAGE THREE r7 r n A V J (Ty J 10 HISS ion Valoable ttii es Given Away General Information 1 lie (aiiiiain oTlit ially opens Wed nesday, Jan. 2, ami doses Saturday, March 15, 1DI3, at 7 o'clock p. in The aitiMiin is open to cveiy mini mid woman (married or single, 11 or yomiK) in (lie entire state of Ore Kn. Tliis is not a hcuuty or K)nilar girl contest, hut a strictly competitive plan where effort and perseverance will count. a The (irand Capital l'ii.e Five hundred dollars in gold will li iiwardcd the candidate who secures the I..ruost numher of votes in the entire cainpaiKii, regardless of where he tr 8he resides. Those w ho desire to compete for one of the pri.cs should not wait for some one else to nominate (hem, hut send in their own names as contest ants. The winners of the prizes will 1k awarded liy their accredited vote. Votes are secured hjr premid suh scriptions to the DAILY AM) WEEK I,V COURIER. Votes will Im allowed on suhscrii tions anywhere in the wide, wide world. Candidates are not conduce to their town or own locality to se cure .subscriptions. Kuhscriptiou Looks will Ik- sent free to all candidates, and Umii their friends' request. It costs al solutcly nothing to try for a ri. Any candidate who works to the close of the campaign and does not receive one of the six prizes will he paid 10 Hr cent commission on all suWriptioii money he turns in. GAW1PAIGN CLOSES SAT'Y, IVIARCH 15 AT 7 P. M. Capitol Prize EVERY ONE WINS. - Eeu (Gold Second Prize $350 Weiler Piano Of the H. P. Nelson make, with Gol den Oak finish. On display at the Stanton Rowell Music Store. Third Prize $100 DIAMOND, size 1-2, less 6V Karat Mounted in Belcher or Tiffany ring. On display at the Letcher & Son Jewelry Store Rules Govern ing Campaign Any person except employes of the Courier or inciulicrw of their families may take xirt. I Inch candidate must ho nominated on lilank printed In the Daily ('our ier, which counts for ..10,000 votes. .. Hut one nomination blank will he counted fur each candidate. Contestants are not restricted as to the territory in which they may work and secure votes. No candidate can transfer votes af ter turning them into the fiimNiigii manager and receiving credit for them. The Campaign Manager shall lo tide all questions ami his decision shall remain II mil. All votes, subscriptions and remit tances must le turned Into the ofllce of the contest manager or they will not he counted. I'aymcutsj must accompany each subscription or the votes will not he counted. KulmcripUoii will not lie received from any one person for more than live years in advance. No telephone subscriptions or promises w ill 1 considered. No contestant can win more than one pric. In case of n tie hetween any two of the contestants, the value of the prize they are lied for anil the next one le low will he divided between them. The contest will he closed ami the votes counted by three, local business men to be selected by the candidates, After a candidate has entered the campaign The Courier will furnish hint with a list of daily and Weekly subscriptions and of those who should siilMcrk!c. The management of the, Courier re serve the right to add to these rules. Fourth Prize $80 Dining-Room Set Consisting of Table, Buffet and Four Chairs in Golden Oak Finish. On display at A. M. McFarland's Furniture Store. Fifth Prize $50 Buck's Yale Steel Range On Display at the Rogue River Hardware Sixth Prize $50 SCHOLARSHIP Including Six Months' course in Shorthand and Typewriting, or Shorthand and Tele graphy, at the Success Business School. Ten Per Cent Commission to All Who Do Not Win One ot the Grand Prizes VOTE SCHEDULE Three Months $1.30 1,000 vote! Six months 3M 5,000 Tote One Year 5.00 10,000 vote Two year $10.00 , IM.OOO vote Five year $25.00 ' 60,000 vote ROOUE RIVER COURIER, DAILY. ROGUE RIVER COURIER, WEEKLY. Six niontlw $ .75 One Year $1.50 Two years $3.00 Five Years $7.50 500 votes 1,000 votes 3.000 votes 10,000 votes FREE VOTES Until March 18, 1013, vote aro being given with every oa,h pnrchaxo at the tol lowing tt ore: LETCHER & SON JEWELRY STORE. ROW ELL'S MUSIC STORE (PIANO AND STRING INSTRUMENT SALES ONLY.) ROGUH RIVER HARDWARE CO. " A. M. MeFARLANDS FURNITURE STORE. These, votes are counted toward the alxve prize. Candidntw hIhiiiM auk friend to save the store votes for tliat may mean the winning of the Capital l'rl.e. SEE CONTEST EDITOR, ROOM a, SCHMIDT HUILDIJG. NOMINATION BLANK Date 1013 Catnaign Manager Daily and Weekly Courier, Grant I'aa, Oregon. I nominate Addrctts As my candidate In the Dully ami Weekly Courier Or ruhitlon Cafnrtilgn. Hlgncl This noniinntlon lilunk count for 10,000 vote If m ilt In to CuniMiign Milliliter iHilly and Woekly Courier. Only the first noinlnatlon hhink received will count for Vote. This Campaign Is Conducted By and Under the Management of The Mogiuie River CoMirieir See Contest Man ager. Room 2, Schmidt Building. phone i:57-R.