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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1913)
HUDAY, JAM AliV 21, 101;J. IMGK TWO WLLKLY KOGL E RIVER COURIER PEKjSONAL AM) LOCAL. Cap Verdlu left Monday for San Jose. I. K. Cerould of Kelma wan in town Sunday. II. L. Kintf of M -r I i ij was In town Saturday. O. Darin wu an arrival litre roin San Frani Im o .Monday. Miss Helen Youngberg on Sunday left for San Francis o to rldlt. Mr. und Mrn. Fred Jont went t' Cottage Crove Sunday to vlhlt rela tlveu. Win. I'ltzpati li k returned to Mer lin Monday after spending several days In town. Mm. C. II. firaio left on Sundnv for Ma ho ii City, la., where die vill upend several month vlaltlriK. Mr. and Mrs. M. !J. Whipple of HoKiio Itlver stopped at tlip Oxford Saturday before continuing their trip oortb. Mrn. A. K. Iloernleln of Anderson, Cal., who liiia liecn upending the pant two inonthn with her mother, Mrs. M. K. Geyer, left for her home- Monday U. K. Hendricks, now of Portland, who spent several days with hln par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs II. TV Hendricks, left Monday morning for Cottnge Orovo. Mr. O. P. JeHier returned homo Sunday from her visit of noveral weeks at Portland, Vancouver and Eugene. J, A. Pale went to Clendale this morning on Iinslness. P. E. Illgelow and O. C. King of Medford are stopping at the Oxford, J. II. Illalr of Chlcn was an nr rlvnl here Wednesday. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. 0. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to 1TB, EAR, NOBE and "HROAT QUufti fitted and furntihed. Oflce bourt 9 to 12; I to t; u4 by appointment. Phones 62 and ORANTS PASS, ORIOON. V. L. DIMMICX, D. M. D. DENTI8T Corner 6th and Q atreeU Phone SOS-J. Crown, Bridge Work and IUHbh of All Kinds, a Specialty. O'flce houra, to 12 a. m.; 1 to ! p. m. All Work Fosttlvely Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. 0. MACY, D. M. D. DKNTIST uccfisor to Dixon Hro., DentlaU Flrit-cla. Work. 101 H South Sixth, QranU Paaa, On H. D. NORTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW V. It Ulalork of Ltland U looking after interests here. Miss A. H. Green arrived Tuesday from Zillah, Wash., to visit her Bis ter, Mrs. A. Morris. Seth Ualley, now engaged on the Medford Sun, hpent Sunday and Mon day in the city. T. K. Hill went to Corvallis Wed nesday to spend some weeks there taking1 advantage of the short courts at the Oregon Agricultural college. Charley Wlttorff returned home Tuesday from an eight-months' stay with his grand parents at Hutchin son. Kan. He says the weather at 20 below zero was too mm h for him. I )r. Loughridge and hla assistant. Miss lilaiii'he Wile, and Dr. Strieker went to Cleiidale Wednesday morn ing to perform an operation. Cecil A. Townsend, real estate and Insurance, man of Ashland, Is reg istered at the Josephine; and will re turn to Ashland Thursday afternoon. A. II. Carson went to Corvallis Wednesday morning to lecture on grapes and grape culture at the Agri cultural college. ("has. Counts and mother, who havo resided In Grants Pass for the past two years, will leave Thursday morning for Santa Rosa, California, where they will make their home. If. P. Sllverstone is in town from San Krnnclsro. Mrs. Chris Elsinnnn and baby ar rived Monday from Dayton, Ohio, ac companied by Mrs. Klsmann's sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Congdon, who will probably remnln In tills section. Dr. J. P. Iteddy has returned from his trip to Portland, being accom panied home by II. A. Sumner, a Portland railroad man. Mrs. Trimble, proprietor of tho Merlin Hotel was in the city Mon day looking nfter affairs here. ' Carly Davidson was In from Mis souri Pint Monday. W. I,. Kellogg of the Wllderville vicinity was in the city Monday to meet Ills mother and brother from Nebraska. Ills mother. Mrs. J. E. Kellogg and brother, W. It. Kellogg have Just arrived from their home In Fullerton. Neb., and will probably make their home hero. For the present they will stay with Mr. Kel logg on the Applegate. Kcil.y Couple Wills , Robert Lenwoo, Carter and Mrs. Mary Hell Nevlns, both of Kerbv, were married In the parlors of the Palace Hotel. Tuesday, Jan. 21st, just after noon. Kev. 1. . Tee!, pastor of the Christian church oflliiating. Mr. and Mrs. Carter will reside at Kerbv. Practice In all Btatc and Federal Courts. Office, Opera House Block. C .11. Clement V. A. lemeiil. CLEMENTS & CLEMENTS Attorneys and Counselors at Ijiw. Practiie in all Slate and Fedeial Courts. l l Hi i s Si Puilding. J. D. WURTSBAUQH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public lu office. Office In Howard Wock. Phone bl-J ORANTS PASS. OREGON. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAYKIl North Stairway. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Rooms 6 and 7, Opera House Block. M. 0. H. DAY CONTRACTOR AND lU'ILDCK. Residences a Specialty. Plans and estimates furnished. Residence, A t. Phone 10I-.J GRANTS PASS. OREGON. W. P.. Itraiuel relumed Tuesday to Eugene, where he has a situation with the construction company build ing the Kngetio-to-t he-coast railway. Win. Mosler of Slarbuck, who has been visiting bis father. S. V. Mosler, left Tuesday for Oakland and other iioithern points. . I!. Cornell Stands Second A. U. Cornell went to (ilendale Monday on Insurance business. Last week lie attended the annual meeting of i v i 1 1 I. ile u'-'otits. an, when the standing.' of the ;r.'enls was an nounced his name was second. Mr. Coi mil has l.een w ith the companv tor .eeii veu-.. one ear standing hi st in t lie amount ,,f insurant e w rit leu for th, it j ear, and the other s: M .us I'e stood s id ill the s'.i'e I so s.iiopsuii pia 'I 1,11 'e hotv.e tudust i :,u, ?,.u, in o ! orders n.ii lai, r than Janu ary 1 Test .:u. I'l l, e lis,. ,,r mo re barrel ; II . . nts .,t gallon ; single barrel I .'. cents. Sampson Sprav Co, Grants Pass (Me Tl'.i-' (siting California I'oiuis Mr. and Mrs J 11 Williams left Wednesday tor r tew week-, m California i it i,-s 1 !., u ill stop ,,t S.m Fran. i, o, u .-,! . -s. i lMig Ilea, h and S.m lie.;,. i'h,- Ae:'e a - I ' "ii j am.- I 1 . Mrs l; w K. ml.t!!. w ho. after .-;u iiiiiig a , oi ;,. ; weeks in California, will g,. W i'iit.i. . to s; end : w ,. or Mir. e ! liuMit 'is w :Mi 1,, d in ghter L.tWJtKM'K isTAXDS IIIIAI. 1SKFOKK J I'M'. The state or Oregon as well as the city of (irants Pass has g'.riugent laws regarding gambling or games of chance and Monday morning Chief of Police Mcl.ane filed com plaint in the police court against nine residents who were charged with vio lation of the law in some of its forms. There were warrants for those who had played at solo where chips were worth a whole cent each, and warrants for others who had made a bide bet upon a billiard game. The proprietors of a local amusement hall were also arrested. charged with allowing the games within their place of business. The evidence upon w hich the com plaints were based Is said to have been obtained by a detective who had been here for some time past and who had entered into the games with each of the parties arrested. For playing solo with chips at one cent each, Clyde, F.rnie Lister and K. Gardner were brought into court and on 'pleas of guilty by U'O and Lister, they were fined $50 each. Pea pool with 25 cents on each comer was the cause of complaints against Pred Costain, William Wil son, Ij. D. Cole and K. Gardner. Cole, Wilson and Costain enriched the city treasury by $50 each. A complaint against Poke Mascall and K. Gardner charges that they bet $1.5u on a game of billiards. Mas mil has pleaded not guilty, and "HI stand trial Tuesday morning at ten o'clock. For playing pitch, a game of cards, at 50 cents a corner, warrants were issued for William Hawkins, Poke Mascall, Robt. Jewell and K. Gardner. Hawkins and Mascall plead not guilty and will stand trial and Jewell has paid a $5o line on his plea of guilty. II. P. Skill ma ii pleaded guilty to allowing the games In his place ami tlO. It. Lawrence was given till four o'clock Monday afternoon to enter his plea. Gardner, whoso name appears as (lc.'eudant in each complaint filed, is said to be the man who gathered the evidence. Mr. I.a a:- nee, one of the propri etors of the establishment in which the gambling Is said to have taken place, says that Gardner has ap peared at his place and has solicited tlie games upon which complaints were based, and that ho and Mr. Skiilman have at all times objected to any game, of chance within the house, P. H. Lawrence, who was foun.l guilty of allowing gambling in lis. place of business by a jury in Justice Johnson's court Tuesday, was lined $125. Tills line really covers two separate charges. Lawrence having entered a plea of guilty to a second i charge Wednesday morning. Wil jliam Hawkins, who had entered a ; plea of not guilty and who had an noumed bis intention of standing trial on the charge of having played ! pit' Ii lor money, changed his mind, .'iinl was lined Mir regulation $:,il t, ;the peine judge when he said guilty j The lines lowed in the gambling ; cases have all been paid except Close ; "f Fred I'osUin and (i. de Lee, who ne out on their own recognizance. n n dd -SHARING SAL F And a Genuine Gold Nugget Sale commences Saturday, January 25th, and ends Saturday night, Feb ruary 1st. This is not an unheard of sale, but it's genuine in every respect. We have a lot of Winter arid Spring goods to dispose of. The complete stock is for your selection, at prices most inviting. A portion of our store will soon be for rent, but before giving up any part of the large store space, it's our intention to dispose of the entire line of Boys' Clothing. Boys' Suits, regular price, $5.00 to $7.50, sale price $3.50 Boys' Suits, regular $2.50 to $4.00, sale price $1.50 Boys' Long Pants Suits, ages 9 to 17, sale price $2.50 and up. All Men's Suits, Extra Pants, Overcoats, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Trunks and Suit Cases, in fact everything in the store with the exception of contract goods, such as Arrow Collars and Aquapelle Rain clothing, will be sold at these extra special prices. If you can't come to town, we'll deliver by Parcel Post. Remember the Gold Nugget guess with every fifty cent purchase. GEO. S. CALHOUN CO. OUTFITTERS TO BOY AND MAN. most optimistic of oiir titizens have liP.Y, ant icipated." While Mr. Hell is a large owner of timber lands in southern Oregon, he has none along the line of the l'a. ilic Interior, so that his statements not colored with self interest. I.OYLJ'T A( ( PITS CALL TO CALM OKM A. hm; isk K lPAI; OTIIPU IX JAIL. Rev. F. (.'. I.ovett, for six years KANSAS CITY, J, tn. IIILDKKN WHO 2?. After -pas'or of the First Baptist church of , lying in a semi-conscious condition ''"'' this city, has accepted a call to the with a bullet in his spine for three lllaptist church at Tulare, Cal., and; weeks, McKinlev Morris. 14 shot bv will leave on Monday or Tuesday of his brother Lawrence, 16, following A I IP SICKLY. next week for tliat place. His family match, is dead here todav As his Mothers who value their own com fort and the welfare of their chil dren, should never be without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, for use throughout the sea son. They break up colds, relieve feverishness, constipation, teething disorders, headaches and stomach troubles. Used by mothers for -J years. These powders never fail. Sold by all drug stores, 2"n Don't accept any substitute. Sample mailed free. Address, A. S. Olmsted. I.e Uoy, N. Y. will accompany him at that time. Mr. I.ovett received a call to Tulare last Christmas, and last week made a trip there to look over the field, resulting in his acceptance of the call. L HOI S 1 HO.M ASH LAM). Asblanil Happenings Always Interest Our Headers. brother was laughing; over having downed him. Lawrence seized a rifle and II red. He is in jail. LIMIT TO SIXK1X; AUK. KI.GIN, 111., Jan. 22. That a girl who does her hair up, wears a hobble skirt and is commonly known as "Miss," is too old to he spanked is today the ruling of Judge Thompson here. A father who spanked was When .mi w ant a l'elrab' t"r a i ou .ii or i old take lam's Co uii Ueuiedy. It ll.led .1 up ,i le '1 -llli li'l s niedii ine Chamber- j an alwa s ! ; pleasant 1 ' b al! roi;i i. n m M'L'AKS ON I'AC.-IM'. After rending of so many people in our town who have been cured by Doan's Kidney Pills, the question na turallv arises: "fa this ninJiMnr. equally successful in our neighboring : fine(1- , , ,, , towns? The generous statement of! Mrs. Jack lh.ghes.w ho has spent .this Ashland resident leaves no room i ov,. ,IP ... ..... the past four months with lu r par-: for doubt on this point. muhms MLS t LALIv. cuts at Seattle, returned to CranH " ro"'cH, 203 Oak St.. Ashland. ' P iss Wednesd 0ro s;lya: "l suffered a jrreat deal ! INDIANA, Pa., Jan. 22. Shot from kidney trouble and backache it hr and sometimes I could hardly get V 1-1 I llll'll. I'I'III'I I.' fimurwl lin orluln.r i ., t I, ,..( - jl waS stiff and lame and the kidney fat ,lil,''(1 with her, Mrs. Belle Clark, Crants Pass people have disco., red secretions annoyed nie bv their ir- ai tlsi i.; near death here todav. that a single ,lse of simple bu. K-' regularity In passage. As soon as I ' Spouse, w ho is "0 vears of afie was thorn bark. glv, ,.,ine. etc.. as nun- ! commem ed taking Doan's Kidnev . , . . h , l'"""ded in Adler-i-ka. the (1. i man : Pills. I improved and I am now in r:,""nH' ""'' from the city nf appendieitis remedy, relieves gas on 'sood health. still usp Doan's Kid-''1'1" n'in to escape. uie stomach atul constipation at'ney Pills occasionallv. but more ns ree times while asleep in her apart- Iments by Harry Snense. who was in- iiie National Drug S"toi' H P. tin Peril. tad , in-: r Ii Josephine Mr. P.ell .l'ie bus alls 1 1 1 II e 11 know a city look- i lllelit ill Is e!, n nullity, is one of I lie most i onser II' -s men in t lie state Ion :'''H he talks ,,t Hi,, a, ' -ir tai.wav lie t ;i he KlUMV j i nndltio "ill itli'-ll - I' S opt illlistn f if and realises w !' there is road to the . a tie west of us tor the new Miss ( aiidjn Siiiiid n UvuU- Miss Carolyn Smith became the bride of James Frederi. k Kiclmrdson. of Ager, California, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs W. M. Cheshire, on D street. Monday evening. January 2"th. Judge Stephen Jewell performing the i ereniony, a small company of gnosis being present. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ardson will remove at once to Ager. where Mr. R. is connected with the government forestry service. a preventive than anything else. I al ways insist, upon Doan's Kidney Pills for no other substitute could be as effective as they." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 "onK Fosier-Milburn Co.. rtnfr.iln timber an G. H. BINNS A VYI'K KiUMUhe.l 19 year fc07 K iticet. o poult Colon!' hotfl, C.rnt I'm. Or .; King i w nei- II, a ' M Mark, ,.f S, !';, , lu, ... . ers o' !! Ce',1 Kill- l; l1: c '''' -ir l r '- . is m : ! , ..!,i on tlU' til f.,.!'. ' P. !-; ; W .... I., !.:- s- ri ! '-.i-.t t w ,. .,- ,.: 1 s ,-, ivii ir- ;,- ,i ,, -e.i-.ii's i ;:: lr Vafs . ,-,v ., ,..;,-, ,S , l'i '',.i I I: u is 111 :'::. ivur . , : .'; p, V a - M i's I,. ,, 1 K.-' :...: . ..T m 1 e no;!" w il h I .. !. 'i.-T , .;. 11, 'rai t . t" S.- r P !.n I ! the agricultural .'' lurnihh the r.t f 1 'i:M.:u th.u load." said 1 l-.i re are from four to days :eet of tmi.-. r on this side eni:a line a'oue that must I e'.cr Mils toad, and with 1 ' " ia li. mi o: 1 ,.o per i mi'ions i.f :''!. s soon as "lie-.l', it :1 that will i,id Paul Fldridge of C.lendale has been visiting in the city for the past few IU SINKSS I'OIMKHS are r Mm l v ,. 1 M i the 1 for t' i bur w : ! ' Hew at Dr. Flar.assn, '.'hvsieian r:i 1 Surncn. ! K Peteroc.PIonerln8iiraL t:. va'.l Remedies at Clenie: . '', ig Vlfr.vl Letcher, Registered Opto--ti'.st and Jeweler tn Dixon's old ml. Front st. Eye tented free Here is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste time and money experimenting when you can get a preparation that has won a world-wide reputation bv its cures of New York, sole agents for the United ;tllia 'Incase and can always be de- States. Remember tho and take no other. name - Doan's- CAKl so I.OSKS SLIT. TPRIN. Italy. Jan. 2 2. Despite apparently strong substantiation of the charge that Dr. Delia Delavod.i, throat specialist, told reporters ho was in danger of losing his voice. Knrico Caruso has today lost his de famation suit against the physician. penned upon: It Is known every where as Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and is a medicine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. CHICHESTER'S PILLS -rrv TIIK IHAMO.NIt-BUAND. A 1.0UHHII Ank yonr Itrni' Diamond am in llrd mil ( I,'.m, ttud uh Avkf.vt'liM'iiKH.TEK'S DIAMOND HKAM PILlX to 85 yeirj known Kl. SafuL Amy Relibl SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERF old millicV kim RiiJjon. V rk .It Minlnc bUnkg t tf Courier Of- my is tiii: mil: to i.k.wk vont okhkk row ckmkxt LAND TILL. eis er:to?aveni;th f renient tile is Vertect in shape, making it much Cement tile is better because water wiM percolate through the 1'ipe much quicker than clay tile. u,n P." a:S" ra1 r"rn,sh J'0,, With ,he nEST of cenien- "me. ard wall I lasK-r and Land Plaster. We invite you to call or write for prices. Oregon Cement Sewer Pipe and Tile Co. h w" F AND STH STREETS. fir