Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 17, 1913, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    nUDAV, JAM RV 17. 1013.
(Continued from Page 1.)
lion of the bent interests of the com
munity. He was affiliated with the
Manonlc order, a member of Mellta
Commandery, Knight Templar of
Grants Puss, and of ililla Temple
Order of the Mystic Shrine, of Ah
land. II. ('. Kinney wan a lover of h 1h
home, and within the home circle he
was a beloved and IdolUed hiiNband
mid father, lie wan married to Miss
Kate Mathews in Wyoming, IIIInoiH,
unci to the union two children wer.
horn, the rldeht. Marjorle, now be-in.;
the wife of W. A. M -Connie k of
I'omona. California, and the younger,
Paul, rehldini? at the family home In
thin illy. Mm. Kinney mid both chil
dren were at the bedside, when the
Hplrlt of the loved one winded its
fllKh! to the Great Iteyond.
The funeral will be held Thuisday,
the hour yet to be announced.
Ilcthany Picubyierlan church wan
llllei) Thursday afternoon with the
mourning people, of (iraritfi Pates,
gathered uround the hler of the be
loved friend and respected citizen,
Hammond C. Kinney, who had de
parted thin life Tuesday, January
The KnlghU Templar, of which
order the deceased had been a mem
ber, formed an wort for the remains
from the Kinney residence to the
church, where the casket wag banked
In nowem that were tokens of the
regard of peiHonal friends and of the
vailotm civic and other organizations
wllh which the departed had been
Tli pull hearers were men who
had been nHHodated with Mr. Kinney
dnrltiK the many yearn he had passed
In noulhern Oregon, (Iioho permitted
to bear the- clay to I(h final renting
place being II. A. (toot I) of Kugcni.
Henry Month of Uosebiirg, Warren
Mee of Applegate. II. I). Norton, II.
I., (iilkcy and .1. I). Fry of Grants
1 1 in n H were sung by a choir coin
pou'd of members from the choirs of
he other church organizations other
limn that of which Mr. Kinney had
been it member. Since the earliest
days of tho llethany Presbyterian
church Mr. Kinney hud been one of
it h foremciHt supporters1, and his voire,
and IiIh leadership had always been
plllurH of strength to (he church
choir, and It wug n last request that
ho had mado of thoHo whoso voices
had milliard with his In nltilim
hynins of pralHi fur ho many years
wiihln the church thai today they
nit In silence, bowed with the great
grief that was theirs, llielr places Just
hack of the sorrowing relatives. The
local Masonic organlzat ions were
a I no atteiulaiit in a body.
Itev. Robert II. McLean, the first
pasior of the church which Mr. Kin
ney hnd nsHlstcd In organizing a quar
ter of a century k, und has but
closed his pastorate of the organiza
tion, preached the funeral Hermon.
his words earrvlng comfort to the
hearts of the mourning iiHseiuhlage.
In part Mr, .Mr I. can spoke as fol
ic. wh:
"II Is not necessary to lake a text
today. The life lived Is the text. Tills
ureal gathering of friends, the clos
ing an operation that tarried her SKXATK FINDS AKCHIiOLD ing because they did not hear the evi-
from uh. It told of an Intimate ae-1 Ol'ILTV ON 5 ( Ol NT, dence.
quaintance with Him who has taught j Seuators Overman. Kern. Johnston
us to pray. ; WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The of Ala., Briggs. Fall. Smith of Mich..
"I want to speak, also, of his pur- ermine was torn from the shoulders : Dillingham, Tillman, Jac kson of
Ity of life. In this age It is like a 'of Judge Robert W. Arcbbold of the Maryland and Clark of Ark., w ere ab
breath from heaven to meet a man 'commerce court he today when he 'tent. -whom
the Iord would nail 'pure In was convicted by the United States j Archhold was also convicted on the
heart.' No life that ever touched his senate of 'misbehavior and nilsde-; fourth article, the vote standing 52
was worse for the contact. Out from meanor In office." J to 0.
the choir directed by him went those j The Jurist was fodnd guilty of five i The senate adopted a rule provld
who have carried his Influence to dls-(of 13 articles with which he was Mng the formal question after the
tant states, and there they sing and c harged the first, third, fourth, j reading of each charge as follows:
work for the I-ord whom he served In fifth and thirteenth. ''Senator, how say you, is this re-
song. His voice was on the altar of
his Cod. Francis Ridley Havergal
After voting continuously for three spondent. Kobert W. Archbold. guilty
lours, the senate went Into executive . or not guilty upon this article?"
t-exiiion to decide whether Archbold j The voting on the first article be
shall be forever debarred from a'nyigan at 1:14 o'clock. Following the
ther federal office or merely from usual formalities, the clerk of the present position. j senate read the charges contained in
Conviction on any one of the 13 j article 1. The accused Jurist's son,
counts carried with it a penalty of j Robert W. Archbold, Jr., sat with
"Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King,
and that was his prayer as expressed
In his use of his splendid gift:
"Singing for Jesus, and trying to win
Many to love Him, and Join In the
Calling the weary and wandering In,
Rolling the chorus of gladness S(,nator Ashl.rst of Arizona.
H,onK " I While the voting was in progress
leinoval from the bench. ! folded arms and bowed head as the
The highest vote In favor of Arch-: senators voted on the first article.
bold came on article 10 when every j
senator voted for acquittal except. Ml Kl'HV IT K.MS.
Clinton Cook, one of Applegate's
"When nearing the end, the,Ju(1e Archbold and Mrs. Archbold enterprising farmers was a business
church for which he had labored was wer-' .sequestered in
on his heart, and he sent a message roo,n tne no,lse wrgeant-at-arniB
to the members expressing his glad- .shielding them from a curious crowd
ness that he had been permitted to i "" filled the corridors. The only
labor with them In building up this ,m'ak thp1- seclusion was when a
work for his Lord and Master Jesus. , l'ae appeared with the res lit of
11a uaa n iruln fif l:.r.'o fiffnira Vf.fie.lCu VOie.
a committee visitor in Grants Pass for a couple of
'days this week.
r Hi V
the Kingdom had the first place In
his heart. And that prepared him
to meet Ciod'g messenger, sent to call
him home, with a smile.
"They tell me that the night be-
No comment was forthcoming from
the accused Jurist as he read each I
strip of paper which he handed to
Mrs. Archbold after perusal.
Jack Vincent of Missouri Flat was
transacting business at Murphy
We are still having some winter
weather and the mountains have
a very beautiful coat of snow on
them at present.
Since the hog law lias gone into
During the balloting frcTm
,jle effect the hogs that were so miner-
..... .. i...- .u. n, islxlli to Hie twelfth nrtlrle on which ollH ronci nere nave an nia. as
lore no entered iihu me: tuner nie -
.... ........ ....... u ..,.. IwaH ncnnltted. the nroirressive i u-: ""ne ir-' 1,1 iK"t and the farmers do
eiuuiie wti.i cm i UKtwii wiui iiic nun --- - -
and was leading them in song.
"Sciiiio said that as ho was ap
proaching the shore to embark his
mind wns wandering. Was It so?
Was he not already listening to the
voices on the other shore ? We are
told that the fisher folk of Itrlttany
when the fog Is on the Bca will go!
clown to tho shore, and wives and!
children will sing, sending their
voices out Into the nilstB to guide the
ibers generally voted guilty. Senator ; ,,(,t M'1'"1 ,() have any put up.
Root voted guilty on the first six, We are sorry to hear of the death
articles and then changed h's vote to . of II. C. Kinney, as it is t he passing
not guilty. Senator Works voted for of one more of o,ir great men, one
ac quittal on all the ballots from the j who has always been ready to help
seventh to eleventh. wit li anything that was for the good
Senators Mourne, Mristow. Hrown, of Josephine county, and he will be
Dixon, Clapp, Cronna, Keiiyon, In- long in the thoughts of the men who
Foilette and PoincIexT'.'r vo'ed guiliy had to labor for clay's wages in the
on nrticle euht which charged that !'is when times were hard ami his
Archbold attempted to have a J.M'o industries were about the onlv ones
ept at work through those
I'. Moland, litk'ants in his court, times.
We have on exhibition in our south window a little "Murks"
Junior innge which we are going to give to Mime little Kill between
the itgc.s of ti ami 1 1 years.
We will give you an outlined chawing; of a very attractive din.
ing room unci a box of oil crayons in seven colors anil the little girl
who colors this room interior in the most artistic manner, most
iiently and on a separate sheet of iaier writes the most interesting
tory in her own little way, tellliiK why she will have a "Mucks"
stove or range in her own home when she has one, we will present
AIISOLFTKLY IK IK this beautiful little "MICKS" .HM();
;i:.MI:MI!I;H (ilULS, this is a real little innge.a mother's range
in miniature. In it you can start a tire and hake and rook as mam.
ma does in her big range.
NOW (ilKLS, we want you to C.KT 1U SV.
We will give out itlfeolutcly free, the outlined clrnwini; ami
crayons beginning .Monday, January 'JO, 11)1:1, to those of eligible,
age who call at our store, or if you can't come, write and we will
mail it to you. We will give you several weeks' time in which to do
the work. Watch our advertisements for the closing; date.
Rogue River Hardware Co.
..,... .11........ ......i i... f f t..i i i .1....
, . . , , - t. , . ... , ,, lii, I i""' uini uumr I I'. . VI. Ddl.llIU il Mil I 1 1 it I
liMhoilllUM unci liliiiem CO muri.). i'ii
not our brother hear the voices of the :
xrti'ie io in wnicii ail tin sm-
' Angels of Jesus" and of loved ones
gone before singing to welcome him
home? When the fishermen caught
the voIccb of welcome they took up
the song in ri'sponse, and so they
came to their rest on tho wings
of lliat song.
"Ami so on tho wings of song he
entered that land that seems to us
very far off, and now, 'In nobler,
sweeter song he slugs that power to
"And there Is n sorrowful strain
in that nlghtless land where the
leaves of the trees are for the heal
ing of the nations.
"And now he sees the king In his
beauty, and now he Is like him, for
he sees him as he Is. The path that
ho lias traced Is the path the Master
trod, the path that leads to glory and
to (lod. And, after all, that is the
only thing worth while In this life
of ours, the only thing we will want
when the end comes. 'Itlessed are the
dead which die In the IaiiiI.' "
The remains were followed to the
I. O. O. F, cemetery by a great con
course of our people, and there all
that was mortal of Hammond c'. Kn
ney was consigned to the earth from
whence it came, (he burial cvremon-
li Is Masonic
Ing of the business houses, the uni
versal sorrow , testify to the place ! b's bring performed by
our friend and brother held In the ! brothers
hearts of the people. It Is worth a
life f servlie to call forth such an
"I said no text was neressarv, but
tiod in His Word has written the bio
graphy and epitaph of every man,
and were I to for our friend
I would take this fur the blugraphx,
"The path of the Just is as the shin
ing light Hint tehlueth moie and more
unto the perfect day." And for the
epitaph I would take this. "Thine
ch shall see the king In Ills heaut;
they stiHll behold Hie land that Is
very far off " Dock that not express
the life, and character, and hope of
him who has Just entered upon Its
Should they find oil at Three Pines
ators voted for acquittal except Ash- t wl be the starter of something
urst charged that Archbold accepted llmv in .iotJ(M,liinp county which will
a trip to K u rope at the expense of ,i,ale the people who live far away
Henry W. Cannon of New York, a di- j rnom .ro WoI1(j,.r wi,ilt ls tho".
.-. .i nr.,-,.., i. ...I ..ii.s. -xi-(ter with this country. Hv being
hold's defense contended that Can-j. , )lave the goods to show to
non was Mrs. Archbold's cousin and tho ,,0,,i0 they will take all kinds of
that the trip was an ordinary family , interest in our welfare and lots of
''ourU,1,y' 'them will invest in propertv which
The tedium of the voting after the ;w, t0 01r )0pM,.lt()n Thp
Nth article caused several senators to )Midi 0f the Pacific-Interior R Ft
absent themselves. Only 2 senators ;(hp nudlng of oil ami the trip to
voted on the ninth article compared .Marble Caves by the Mazamas will
to 7:1 on the first article. !..n i, ,,r i.,..,,.f , ,
an tie ol Interest to the people out
' side of this country and will cause
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 S. Robert 1 many families to come to souuieni
V. Archbold, associate justice of the Oregon in the next year or two and
commerce court, charged with mis- ; Grants Pass will be the place to get
conduct in office, was today found off of the train for all of these
guilty by the senate, sitting as an ! wonders,
impeachment court, on the first :
article of the i:t charges pending
against him. The vote stood fiS for
conviction to "i against.
wiirn: wy.indotids scorn-: at ni: snow.
Tin first article charged Archbold
witli bavin-,
taken achat
jllcUe of the
duce officials of the Krie railroad and
Notice is hereby given; that I,
lllditO!' .-mil .,ll
wilfully and unlawfully j,,,,, ? ,,, , ,
taken advantage of his position as a (),,-, i,v author'tv ,,f ',
4,1 n i ui lit i ui
commerce court to in- ti,,. coi-m,.,. n ...
-.. ui miii cny, win
accept and receive bi,t f... i...
ei.. iimt.i ,i.. r. i.... ' . . "
in,- .i i,..tii. .v .iiMi .uiiii'an, a tll't Is'Ir of
suiisiiiiary ol the h.rle company, to
IN M l I.I (;SI,H ki:.
AI'Gl'STA. Maine. Jan. l.V Prob
ability ,,f the demncrats electing a
1'nited Slale-s senatcir from Maine Is
seen by democratic leaders here to
day In the election of three republi
can poslmasters to the legislature
while still holding office. When the
democratic legislators objected to the
three men parjcipatitig in uu. vote
for senator on tho ground that their
improvement bonds nf tiw, .n..
sell to himself and his partners an Crmc p,,.. . .
1 'oooorizoii iiv sect on
!A "f ,h,, charter and ordinance No.
interest in the Katydid culm dump
At that time the Krie railroad was a
litigant In Judge Archbold's court.
Aciiiitticl on Second Article.
Archbold was acquitted of the
charges in the second article, the
vote standing ' to Forty-eight
votes were necessary to convict.
A nil bold was
Judging of the poultry at the Jose
phine County Show will be completed
today, and before morning the rib
bons will he hung and the public can
see what manner of fowl it takes to
win the honors.
Judge Hinds shows that he is a
master hand at telling the good or the
bad points of the various breeds of
the feathered beauties, and some that
were thought winners by their own
ers are relegated to the chicken sc rap
heap by a feather or a deformity
that brought Hie one word "disqual
ified" from the umpire.
Hut the judge says that he finds
some fowls classy enough to win in
any company here. He was especial
ly pleased with the showing of White
Wyandottes, while the White Orping
tons, which have the honors so far as
I numbers go, crowd the former also
for quality. Judging in these two
classes has already been completed.
The White Wyandotte exhibit of
John H. Fuller of Talent holds the
place of honor in the show so far as
the Judging has gone, his pen of that
breed scoring remarkably high, the
cock getting a mark of 94 points.
while two of the pullets have 94 3-4
each, the highest yet scored in the
show. Will Seoville and Win. Stef
fi il also have fine birds in this class,
and are winning their share of the
Among the outside exhibitors of
White Orpingtons, .1. Herman Harri
son of Medford has some fine stock,
Dr. Wileoxotl has n
tlle par Vallle nf Ihn n.,wN,,.,i l i I lmirk.-lMn ulmu-ln r. . .
""."inn oi ooikis i v ",,u"'"s oi cjipiugions, nis
icquit covered by the hid. The sums so ami second millets, whirl, ,m,t
''. approved January the 9th,
If I.",, or, will receive bids for any
Part of said issue on the following
terms and conditions: all bids must
' filed in my office on or before
thirty days from this date, and must ' winning first with a handsome met:
he accompanied by a certified check ! bird- though local exhibitors are beat-
fonnd guilty as "i some national bank aniountine to iin hil1' mny of the other Ornlnir.
.1 1 .... ... . , ..... !..- ' i----i
' ii.ii -en on me mini article ny a vote "'" 'ess man one-eightieth (l-SO) of'1"11 ''losses.
ot o to II.
Tin- senators who voted to
on the first article were H.irnluun. tendered to become the property of 9- each, attracting much attention
of New Hampshire. (Vron t New the city of Grants rasa, should the!H()W K these birds are is proven
Mexico. Oliver and! 0f ''id be accepted, and the bidder faille the fact that he was offered $30
Pennsylvania and Payntor of Ken- to pay over to the treasurer of ihJwli for them the first rfsv nt ,t,.
postmastershlps barred them from , lll'KV- 'ity of Grants Pass. an amount of'6110
election, uu latter wired their resig-j ""so senators who voted to eon- '""U money equal to the par vilue ' Thursda
iiauons to lostmasler Genera itrb-.'i't on tin, tlrst article:
' He tho,, faithful unto dcatn. and,'""1'' "d they were not accepted im-j Ashurst, Pinkhead, P.orah
I (kill l 1. M I i .. . . ! J 1 i . I . .. 14.1 . 1
. in M.e i nee a ciowu oi in., sai.i i " 1011.1 . nine mree republican ' Hi'.indegee. llristow
the King, so I would speak of his
faithfulness From the day of the
1 . A
I ; ford. Culberson. Culloni
tlrst meeting In the court house in
1S77, I could count on Mr Klnuex's
attetulan. e. n matter what tin
weather. Coming from a business
trip, whether Sunday morning
Thursday evening, If there
Hrown. Hrvan. will give the , Hurton. Chamberlain. Clapp. Clarke
'lemoerats a luaioritv on joint bal-'of W,... Clark of Ark.. Cr.-ine (-.
' Will 1)P the boct rlnv
oi .ne nomt covered by the hid to-j8'"" as the ribbons and score
ether with accrued Interest there-;rariis wiH he up find the defoet, nt
nn. within five days from the date , e bird will be plainly noted by the
""maiiee ot such hid bv the "'arKings on the card
common council. All bids m. hJ
nut ii'i :t i: ti io ih xiiis.
eri SKM'Tl.K
'-tn 1 Kx-M.ior Hi.
was not ram C ,,,id bis wif,. i.
...... . .
nine to go noni,. ne cam, straight to j mourning th,
thtk rhtir. h '.. tiiutt.,,- I..... v... .. .. ' i . ,
' ''"' vg tr.e'-s of M ,
uii pressure ot I iiexer j Miniu, K.
knew him to excuse himself
elnglng at funerals, or fro
help tluse In need And in tins he
always manifested a men . h'.ld-like
faith, rare in i busy man f this
oriel. I shall never forget the t, n
der pleading t tin bedside of (
frleud. vear ago. when el. w u f.i
from GIT,
going to w :U :!.e
urs a
( Ibis
! I h.-v
o:i :!
ti e f.
:i '
death of mother t-
. the'-:
cue ;md Mrs Man!-,., c
' Mrs Ke. lie wh,
'ther of Mrs G;! d:ed l'J
:' the de.i !i of Mrs Gill
''' " ' '' e f: ien N s,.,,
bTe -'om Madron. Wis .
ti r.u :.' e.i;-s ago 1;
1 "il' !- the ro!"..)!i e -f
tuavo." and his wf, tVg,,
C ununins.
, Curtis. Dixon, DuPont. Fletcher, Fos
ter. G.Glinger. Gore. Gionna. Hitch
rock. Johnson. Jo.Ines. Kenyoti. I.a
Folletti. l.ippitt. Lodge. McCiimber.
Mri.ean. Martin. Martin,, Myers.
Nelson. New laud. O'Gonnan. Owen.
Perkins Perky, Poindexter. Pomer
e'lie,. K.-e I. K-.chardson. Root. San
ders, Shade, , S;muions, Smith of
At'1-" Smut, , f c,e(,!-gia. Smith of
Marjlaud, S;uoot. Stephenson. Stone.
Svanevn. Thornton. Tillman. Town
send. Warren. Wetmore. Williams.
Works. Fag. and Sutherland.
Senator Heiskell of Ark., and John
s'on of Texas wore excised from vot-
I.......I ... .u
..-.. on uie abstrac t of record fur
nished by the undersigned.
Dated this inth day of Januarv
Auditor and Police Judge of the
Oity of Gran's Tass
Offfice in The City Ha!!.
somi: n:KI) KOK ,
Mother Gray's Sweet Towders for
Children, a Certain relief for Fever
ishness. Headache. Dad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, move and regu
late the Rowels and Destroy Worms.
They break up colds tn 24 hours.
They are so pleasant to the taste
Children like them. uver 10 000
testimonials. Used bv Mmho'
- v ..v . o UI
o 1
H Druggists
no mi.
."-nrs. mer never fall cr,o.i v...
k.'UlU lit
dent Taft will leave here late in.t,vl.r"t- Ta- Allen S.
'. i l fnv v
Sample mailed
for a four davs' vicii ni.o.i . . .
'"" l" 1 "oaiieipnia. i
New York and New Haven I xt- n .
Oscar Ilamniersteln, the interna
tional impressarlo, who has confined
his operatic Ventures to grand opera
with the exception of "Naughty Mar
ietta," a comic opera by Victor Her
bert and Rida Johnson Young, an
nounces that he will present his new
star Florence Webber and sixty vo
calists assembled from his grand
opera forces in "Naughty Marietta,"
in this city. A production of excep
tional beauty and a gorgeous satorial
equipment , together with an orches
tra carried by the. company to assist
in Its twenty song hits, will make the
opera fully as attractive as during
the six months' run at the Manhattan
opera house In New York City, dur
ing which time capacity business was
the rule. "Naughty Marietta" will
fill expectations, no matter how
great they may be for Mr. Hammer
stein has provided Miss Webber with
a supporting company and a produc
tion as complete as any now appear
ing in light opera. With its wealth
of detail "Naughty Marietta" comes
to Grants Pass on Wednesday, Janu
ary 22.
(Jrants Tass Sufferers Should Take
N'o Further Risk.
Why will people continue to suffer
tho agonie9 of kidney complaint,
backache, urinary disorders, lame
ness, headaches, languor why al
ow themselves to become chronic in
valids, when a tested remedy is of
fered them?
Doan's Kidney Pills have boen
used in kidney trouble over Bu years,
have been tested in thousands of
If you have any, even one, of the
symptoms of kidney disease, act now,
for gravel, dropsy or Brlght's disease
may set In and make neglect danger
ous. Can Grants Pass residents de
mand more convincing proof than
the following?
John McCallister, Murphy, Ore.,
says: "For about a year I was af
flicted with kldnt;- complaint. My
back was very ppinful, particularly
when I stooped, and ached so severe
ly that I could not sleen well. Work
of any kind tired me and I was lan
guid and nervous. The kidney ee- .
cretions passed too frequently at
night and I noticed sediment In
them. Some time mrn l homn lislne
Doan's Kidney Pills and tluey gave
me prompt relief."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllhurn Tn . Rnffalo.
New York, sole acenta for the Unit
ed States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no nf'o.
r... i m ni ! hool for tllrti oiiiTC
lrSH J',.in''t John baptini Kpumili
il...: ii' AOMirmli and I:l-ini-nerT
i1" Mualc.Art, Horuiln. fiymnMlum
L.iTiTl '""li o,rt 14 joano! a an.!
lTn"''"iM: h aomher to litoiwxj to
tr. Application hooM be arly.) Andrew
y,,r. on.ffi ,s( iqi.mHi'1 .Pylif Pf