Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 17, 1913, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FIUDAY, J.1MAI1V 17, 1913.
r.E two
Mrs. Henry Uaight of Saginaw ii
PKKAONAL AD LOCAL, In the c ity.
J. G. Houck was in
R. 8. Taylor of Yrtka, Cal., wan in
town Sunday.
John Jacobson of Spokane wag an
arrival in town Monday.
8. I. Towers of Seattle registered
Monday at the Josephine.
J. U. Crawford of the Provolt dis
trict was In town Monday.
A. M. Vliieyard of Drain, Ori-Kon,
wag an arrival In the city Monday.
W. K. Turnbull and Herbert
Moore of Portland came in on No. 15
Monday. ;
A. H. Noye spent Sunday at Ash
land, returning home Monday morn
ln. '
Mib. John Casey t Sclma, wife of
tho proprietor of the Hotel SVIma wan
In town Monday. i
H. I.. Tabke of Portland arrived In
Grants Puss Monday and will make
thin place bin head'iuartci for sev
eral weeks.
If. A. Pearsc of I'ort Oiford, whoi
has been (topping at tin1 (Iranis Pass
for neveral days returned to htH
from Kerby
here Monday
Webster of
. J. J. Wilson was
from Corvallls.
K. It. Geisel and L
Portland are in town.
A. II. W't-ble of Sacramento arriv
ed in Grant Fans Tuesday,
i Mrs. Grace White, of Weed, Cal., Is
visiting rolativen In the city.
F. M. Ohlint' returned Tuesday
morning from a trii to Portland.
II. Kinphoiixf, a iultr tnan from
Seattle Is reglatered at tho Oiford.
1 Job. ShaHka left on Tuesday for
Fresno, t'al , to be absent several
weeks on business.
It. ('. Robertson, owner of the
Greenback mine, ame in from the
property Monday.
! K. Hinds of Oakland. Cal., Ib
stopping at tin; Oxford. Mr. IIIikIh in
hen- ait a judge for the poultry show.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Lee went to
Asliliirii Tuesday to spend a few days
Willi MrB. Lee's parents.
K. J. Anderson, in charge of the
home Monday. , crceiinack mining property at Placer
Oliver Messenger arrived from : Wi,H '" ""' ''"' Tuesday on business.
Eugno Monday morning called here j Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Gardner ar
on account of the serious condition : rived Tuesday morning from Napon
pf Mm. Messenger's father, C. G. t set, 111., and will upend a few days
Content. j with their kod, Ira Gardner, nt Apple-
K. L, PoyBcr, a former Grants Pass Kate,
man, but now of tho lllrdaeyc Creek j M. L. Slilnnoberger, third trick op
dlHtrlct, wah In tho city Monday. jerator at the S. P. dejiol for a iium
M. Sander and wife of San Fran-'ber of inontlis past, left Monday for
ci8 o arrived In town Monday morn-1 Portland, having quit the Job on ac
count of ill health.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. I'nderwood and
son Allan, who have spent the past
year at their old home at Deg
Moines, arrived In Grants Pass Mon
day to remain.
Mr. Kii'hard Lewinuii, of North Da-
Mervin Hope Married
Advices to Grants Pass friends
from Mr. and Mrs. George Hope, now
of Ios Angeles, contain tbe news of
the marriage of Mervin Hope at Fair
Hope, Cal., to a young lady of that
place on January 1. Tbe Hopes for
merly resided here, where they con
ducted an abstract office.
Mrs. Llijilvclli Komi I (cad
The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Ross,
of North Uth b'reet, wife of W. II.
Ross, who has been a sufferer for
some months with pulmonary tuber
culosis, occurred on Sunday morning.
Services were held in Hall's chape!
Sunday afternoon and Sunday even
ing the body was sent to lllllsboro
for interment. The deceased was 3 4
years of age and leaves a husband,
father and mother and a number of
brothers and sinters, who were with
her during her last illness.
M. M. Alnsworth and daughter
were In town Monday from tho Ap
plegate. Nino Reynolds, foreman of tho big
Pcardalo ranch was attending to bus
nesB In town Monday.
Robert Crcager is Pupa
Robert Creaner, deputy city audi
tor, is authority for the statement
t hat a real Ty Cobb has arrived, and
that Jimmy Martin has already draft
ed the newcomer for a position on
the Methodist team. At least the
happy papa says that ho never saw a
piece of humanity before that was so
full of bawl as is the youngster
w ho made a homo run Into the Creag
er household at 7:15 Saturday even
ing. Tho team, manager and all,
doing nicely.
This Beautiful "Solid Comfort" REED ROCKER
We want to put at least one of these fine Rockers into
your home. You can get one for every room if you desire
Rev. Powers went to Mndford Mon-ikyi,,, brother of Thomas Lew man of
day to upend the day. .the Applegato vicinity, wag In the
; -i'lty Monday.
J. F. Stewart, an engineer from
Ashland stopped hero Monday be
fore leaving for points down the
Practice limited to -
and " HROAT Judge' Convention
Judge Stephen Jewell went to
Portland Monday night to attend the
convent Ion of county judges of Ore
gon, which will lie In session for
three days.
Olatsei fitted and furnished.
Oftce hours I to 12; 2 to I; ta
by appointment. Phones 62 and
Corner (th and 0 streets
Phone 308-J.
Crown, Bridge Work and Fillings
of AH Kinds, a Specialty.
O'flce hours,
to 12 a. m.; 1 to C p. m.
All Work Positively Guaranteed
. 0. MAOY, D. M. D.
accessor to Dixon Bros.,
First-class Work.
I'm" Sampson Spiny
' Patronb-.e home industry anil send
ln your orders not later than Janu
ary III. Test 110, price Ave or more
barrels 14 cents per gallon; single
barrel 1.' cents. Sampson Spray Co.,
jGrants Pass, Ore. 7I0-
! Asliliinil Pioneer I He
Mrs. Geo. S. Calhoun went to Ash
laud Tuesday morning to attend the
i funeral of her grandmother. Eliza
beth Prealer, who died on Sunday,
aged !- years, 4 months nnd 10 days.
.Mrs. Preater was a resident of Ash
land for half a century.
(i. II. Carner Returned
G. H. Carner returned home Sat
urday from a business trip to I'tah
and Colorado. Mr. Carner was met
at the depot by shivering friends who
commented on the extreme cold
weather we are having, but Mr. Car
ner said It was a pleasure to return
to a warm country once more. While
In Salt Lake, the thermometer stood
at 15 below and everything was
frozen up, the water supply being en
tirely cut off. At Grand Junction,
Colorado he took a drive when the
thermometer was 2 below zero.
"None of that for me."
S. r. ( liesliire to alifornla
S.. F. Cheshire, ex-county clerk,
anil resident of Grants Pass for 22
years, left Saturday morning for
Fresno, Cal., to seek a new location,
the change being made necessary on
account of his health. Mr. Cheshire
has served four terms as county
clerk of Josephine county and was
at all times efficient, taking thought
ful care of the county's Interests,
and always accommodating to tin;
patrons of the office, all of whom
remained bis friends. Mr. Cheshire
wl be missed from the Commercial
club band and orchestra, and by a
wldo circle of friends. When he
finally decides on a, location Mrs.
Cheshire and the family will join
. bmm1 Keeil Kot kiiiK ( hair is one piece of furni
ture for tthich you always have a plate. That' why we
haw arranged to uive these tine lUn keis as premiums to
our i ii-tnmer. Without a supply of Keekers no home
is complete.
We have s.sinetl from the AMEKICAX ( U IU
CDMPWV, of St. Louis, Mil, the exclusive control for
this locality of their celebrated "SOLII COMI'OKT"
ItnCKIVG Cll.1i:s, like illustration.
These Him kers fairly breathe rest ami comfort: they
are appropriate for all ronis ami are also an attractive
alilition to the porch, veranda and lawn.
They are beautiful, comfortable anil durable;
strongly made -of SingaiKire Iteed, supported by well
seasoned wood, and are liiiisljed with the finest Japanese
Shellac. They have full, continuous roll arms, well
braced, and a solid reed seat in basket form. The lwu k
is woven reed, and is restful as well as attractive. The
stretchers are neatly turned. The chairs are large and
roomy, gentlemen's size. These chairs sell regularly for
$.-).( Ml.
Pasted on one of the stretchers midearneath the
seat of every chair made by the AMERICAN" CIIAIK
COMPANY you will find their trade-mark, as shown In
the illustration, which is your safeguard against imita
tions and inferior goods. This trade-mark is n sign you
are getting the best reed furniture made. Look for it.
We make this liberal oiler to secure new customers
and In increase our trade with old customers.
Here Is the Offer:
Willi every 8-".H worth of goods you buy from us for cash, whether bought at one time or dif
ferent times, we will give you one of these Kim kers I'ltkK. Get as many Rockers as you wish, one
Rocker I'RL'F. with every jjCI.j.OO you trade.
The P.i'ckers are innv on exhibit ion at our store. , You are invited to call and see them and get
a punch filial. Ilae all of your purchases punched on your card. Do nil of your trnding with us and
you will soon have a Rocker fur every room.
You will always hud a choice selection of dependable merchandise at our store and our prices
mean a saving to you.
e I
rs. E. Rehkopf
Millinery, Ladies' and Children's Furnishings, Hair Goods, Corsets,
Fancy Dry Goods, Etc. 208 S. Sixth St., Grants Pass.
A. V. Lewis, accompanied by his
wife, arrived in Grants Pass Friday
evening, having made the trip up the
Rogue river from Horseshoe Kend
101 H South Sixth, Grants Pass, Ors.
Practice In all State and redaral
Courts. Office, Opera House Block.
Attorney and Counnolor at Law
Notary Public lu office.
Offlre In Howard Illock. Phone bl-J
Pettltt Hound Over
Wm. F. Pettltt, held in the county
jail charged with Incest against his
'daughter, Julia, has been bound over
to the April term of the court
for trial, 1Ib bond being placed at
tr.OO. No bond having been forth- i vb toiy by ;i score of
coming, the man is still held In tliel'he fast Pivsbv teriau live.
. la foul
i:i:sp TERi s lose
A meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Associated Hoys' dub
was held Friday evening afti r the
basket hall game, in which it was
decided that in order for the boys 'over the government trial to Galice
of the city to get the greatest pos-and from Galice to Merlin by stage
siblo good from the gymnasium ; where they caught the Southern Pa
work, a competent physical director ' eifie train for this city,
should be employed. To this Scott ! Horseshoe Rend is 2." miles below
Hamilton, the husky Prosbyu rian i Galice. and Mr. Lew is is a foreman
Twilight Leaguer, was chosen as. on the Horseshoe Liar idacer mine
Wou u best qualified to till the position, as . located there. He has usually gone
he has- bad several years 01 train- out to West Fork to do his trading,
lu a most closely contested game
Friday tuning, the Methodist Sun-
iday school basketball team
10-'.t over
ine ires- i,,,r i tiii -m-L- in v t r
i.vterians s.ored the first baskets and ..! is :!,.. :, 1 u-
I ii - . k .
tu.mwi.s WH' SiorO o-U illtlT th. i.l-iw Tin. a r-.f th
I 11 . in: . it 1 . i flin liivi l.m i, . ..i' .1... i
i.e. ... ...miiis,,.,- .remnc. - ui piuj ami ii association have borne the burden of cloned
Rev. John McAllister of Ashland ! "'.v "1 the last part of the half ,, ,,Xpense:
..... . . i, .. . 1 1. . t . i. . i . .
prcacneci noin morning and evening I ll" .ueuiuuisis succeeded ill
on Sunday at Hofhany Presbyterian 0erc-oniing the had by olio point,
churi-h. an, he has' been engaged to j ''he second half started in with a
preach during the remainder of the ''""It and was marked by consider-
Parties who have recently return
ed to this city from northern Cali
fornia points say that the freeze
through the citrus belt has had a
serious influence upon the labor sit
uation In the milling towns of Weed,
Dorris, Hilt and other centers of the
lumber trade. With the destruction
of a very great proportion of the
orange crop these mills will have
practically no call for packing boxes,
which was their principal output,
and as a consequence the mills in the
A. gyms, j but now the trail over the divide to ! three tow ns mentioned have dis
til t.-d lor 'West Fork is under deep snow and
boys of the
charged 3,000 men.
From southern California come re
ports of orange groves blackened by
the frost, the trees being killed back
North Stairway.
Rooms 4 nnd 7, Opera Houm Ulock.
M. 0. II. DAY
KckI Joncen a Specialty.
Plan and entlnmtct furnlahed.
Residence, East A ;'t. Phone 10I-J
his tune
, weeks.
Ilt expects t spend all of
here during the next two
V eH
hell III, ll
,1.1 I in a
,1 iv . w be;i
il I tea I 1 1 '.'
V S H.ii i :e of
has a f.i.tliful l' in.
Mtli Km k
as be,-M
e, bide,
lie nil"
an ei';
Sible roughness, as each side was de
:ci tinned to increase its score. The
game swung one way and another
until time was finally called with
the Methodists one point ahead, al
though the teams were so evenly
mat, hed that h torv as it came out
does not in, Ii, ate superiority.
Scott Hamilton, the last Presbv-
jtravel that way has had to be aban-
Since the forest service peo-
s through i fie entrance ' pie have clone work on the trail im
lees, but it is hoped that the people the Rogue much of the difficulty of t0 the trunk ln manv instances, and
ot the city will, loall they, an to help travel this way is eliminated, and Ua ,in- nre nn.nnir tbe iw to fnel
with the completion of other wo-k i th(. effect of this great damage,
that is now in progress Grants Pass '
will get much of the
t ho idea along, I
basketball game
being only ten
turning' out to the
, tlie admission fee
cents. These re-
lower river
A s V, I ii
KstsMliheJ 19 yean
507 K stieet, etpcslte Colonlt1
hotel. Grants Pbkh ilr
PHsU N m m MN
111 llllvel ;.U i ,! v ,,.
Rooms 1 an, .' S. ! i.. i ', i.
' ' I :
t elilil V) f e n In i
:an :
ti a:
.1 we
igh ;
.u. , ,1
I1 I ..111
! ila:
ivv.ii.l, easi;.v slione above
Uiatcs, and Kesterson did
r'.v for the Methodi-ts al
'. I" is er evenly
ibe ;.!-,e -up ,' the Pres
e.'.m !,.;!.ws: Forwards.
;'!ui a:i. S.iai Stiucbaagh; Kid.lle a;i,l
l!-e Metho.'.,
'"1 ll i,,r, j, ;4 i
i' ' ' . guar,!.-. K,
i:.!c .
c-eipts will go a long way toward , ov
ti'ing' running expeuscs, and the
townspeople should be gla, to do
their share to keep this worthy
cause on its feet. Ml who at'end
these games are guaranteed their
money's worth of fun and excitement.
1 he howling; alley w il! h,
next week and oilier imp
are being' made all the time
Two gam, s are s. hedub'd for next
week, the first being between the
V Ls's. wh,. won their first game,
and the Christians who v,re also
xi '''.."'is in their I't'st contest. This
i'i:c ;!-. ::;, to be an especiallv'
' I :i:i, iiM'.ics on Tuesday, the
When you want a reliable medicine
jfor a cough or cold take Chamber
Lewis reports the nlacer min-' Iain's Cough Remedy. It can always
ers as making good use of the water i 1,e 1dp"fende,it !",on ',rul '8 PiPasa"f
,, , . . ... 'and safe to take. For sale by a!!
that is m all the mountain creeks dealers.
now. the mine with which be is con- I '
1 installed
rovem, nts
nected having three "giants" wash
ing' the gold from the gravel. The
Horseshoe Bar mine is owned by
Portland parties, and some extensive
development work is contemplated.
The water for the hydraulic work on
this mine is taken from the small
streams in the vicinity, the pipe linn
of one of them being carried across
tho river on a cable, and with the
tall that is developed the
SALEM, Jan. 14. To substitute
electrocution for hanging ln Oregon
after May, 1913, Is proposed in a
hill introduced by Speaker McArthur
of the house. Witnesses to an exe
cution are to he definitely limited. In
,i Ml "
I'e.ilb , I ei tii r i;es,,e,n-
av. th.
honor f
addition to the warden or denutv in
stream charge of the execution, there are v
from the giant strikes with sufficient be three persons and a jury 'of 12 re-
heavicst boulders i putable citizen, .ill to be Rinsmoncd
by the warden and such peace officers
and electrlcinns as may be needed to
execute the judgment.
ior-. e to Tear the
1 Mh, the from their beds.
Mr. Lewis was purchasing supplies
re Saturday whhh. will be shipped
dice, and from there packed
ov. r ' he Rogue trial ft,.
miles t:
V t
Vr Fl.imsati.
Pti.vb-lan n- i S trew n
' r' P"teriiir).l'bv,e rlnurm.,.M in
" i'l R n!tp.H t . .
Alfred Letcher. ;iec!f,r..l Ot,ta
"ef-Ut .T-- , pixnn', 3
Mtel, Froot lit Fes tfe. freo.
I 00 M IT I R RS R1-T. I L .
IM-'fil X KILLS Ilt NTI R.
CINCINNATI. .Ian. 14 - Much suf
:ng following the Ohio river floods
I i ing relieved today. The river
1 t',l.l feet earlv tod.-iv
tcr;iv,) ' ar.l at the Co trier.
PASCO. Wash., Jan. 13 Albert
jTrovethlck is dead at Leavy, IS miles
east of here today as the result o'
using his gun. mnzzle-nn n a walk-
Stick while trudging through the
snow. When he jammed It again?'
a stick It was discharged, the bulVt
f:ng upwards through his limns.