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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1912)
Fnm.iv, xovkmiiei; 8, 1912 WEKRLY ltOGUS RTVtR COURIER T.VGE THREE ir ivA l ,i 1 lTJt" -f IV A "warm" breakfast the kind that sends you out ready braced for a good day's work should be eaten in a warm room. You lose half the good of the meal if you are shiv ering in discomfort while you eat it. A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater makes breakfast a cosy meal for the whole family. No smoke or smell with a Perfection. Easily cleaned. Erily moved from room to room. An ornament anywhere ; a luxury in the bedroom; a necessity in the aewing-ioom or the bathroom. Dcaltrt ittrywhtrm : fr writ for Jttcripliv circular. STANDARD OIL COMPAN X (California) 461 Mrk.l Str..f ia FrtDoiica SOMi: KARLY HISTORY i or altiioim:. Fifty-four years ago when the uni verse rang with the fame of the mines of California anil southern Oregon and when adventurous spir its flocked from every quarter of the glohe to the mountainous regions of the western slope, there were those with a larger share of the an imal in their natures and. when this new life was suddenly thrust upon them, they gave rein to their pas faions and ran rampant in career.-, of dissipation, violence and bloodshed. Tom Ryan was a product of these semi-lawless times.' He lived at Alt house In 1 858. When Tom laid down the pick and shovel he came to Browntown cn Sunday and partook of a few drinks of fightln.g whiskey. He always had suspended from his belt a largo, white handled howie knife and a revolver, and with this liquor- rising in his brain, he would pick up a rock in one hand, anil holding his huge knife in the other, would whoop like an Apaene Indian In the streets of Prountoui:. Ryan once pionired a (dub in which lie placed -1" nails driven crosswise, and armed with this old weapon went to Waldo to chu-uise a big fist tighter there. The fighter fled up a stairway on the outside of a building with Ran in hot pursuit. Fistiana's hero jumped from the head of the stairway to th- ground beneath, a distati' of s-vvt nil feet . and was almost killed. On another Ky;!ii ! in ;. ed a iran son;-!." with a iiree leggfd s'ool, hei: iHr he thi;U-.:ht tl,.' man did r t him.'- If ia a p:-'-per man rn r. Aft. r Rvnn had or stabbed three or l-":r ner, in I '; n'own. he heeiitii" the rr.T of .'.':.!' M lilin'Ts wi iv I in i i u 'in - ! I'.rov. i.te : '.1: 'i.i:! i-r-t ' ' ' limies'. d ' - b.' M. and ot'.n-r -: of his t, v. v ( 1 ' 1 ' 1 th.c d.. hut in 1...-! I. ': ' ' :r; '' ''" '' ' and .-n.-!.:- ! : ' " - N "'' an lri-di miner .M iv One , uht in i'.ro'A : v, u ..' a hou.. wlier. i': : : -ering of tl- mi:.- Max-'!. wh" was a !..: i;d;-i ! ' '''' " manhood. as a'V-d song, and lib- x UpOIl t!'.' e.'l r .- ed . were p,i in- '' -: " Ryan v-'s- " tion or wa.t::i.- -:' strui k an h.o-.' - l 1. 1 Jim Travis .n I ,, , I him down. .M.iV'V'-i'. ia prevent f'inie r inj'.ry the hands i.f -v : Btruck a blow 1 which MaH d " ! ' ting between 1 i- -I ! then cmpplf v ;!: ' ' house and a r: ' w hich en b'd in ' :' ' to thtJ tio 'i' v ; !; V ''a 1 ' ' men were 1 miners. A nob- and r .! l.--s mad. of i ' tlie re .(.'if. T .' WTelli ll'' 1 ' n- e! I - ' I ' A '- hrddinir it in --:n to strike Hyan i' i ;,. : : w taken fntn his u.-as;. !' ' ' Ryan, beir-: '-"' fii-'"1 ;,,r -J MMitwDrM 1 1 1 - in a a J j' ", Good, 7tr varm Room SMOKCUSt 4 first time on Althouse, fled towards the door but turned on the thresh hold to look back, when Maxwell seized a hot stove lid from the stove land hurled it with tremendous force at Kyan, striking hltn in the face with the sharp edge of the lid, slit ting his upper lip and opening a gash which readied from his mouth to the corner of one eye. Maxwell's hand was badly burned from grasping the hot lid, Ryan was knocked down by the force of the blow nnd was car ried by the miners Into a house near ! by and 14 stitches were taken In his face. This combat seemed to have brok en Ryan's spirit; he was afterwards challenged to mortal combat by Max well, but declined to meet his con (inerer in a fight to death. Soon af ter this defeat, Ryan left Althouse and went up north where he engaged in peddling goods, going up and down on a boat from l'ortland to The Italics on the Columbia. Hut the devil was in hi in and had to come out. lie went on one of his old- time sprees at The Halles and drove all the men out of a saloon with his : big howie knife. When the officers appeared on the scene, Ryan fled 'from the saloon and was called upon 'by the sheriff to halt and surrender. j.t this l o turned and rushed at the slHTiff with his knife and a bullet Ifrorn the sheriff'!; laid Ryan ! d' 'il in the- s'reet. j WILLIAM MACK AY. I . ; I ( .Oil1. Al I- I I i VM ; at Mi:iroi;i s 1 1 khav. I I . a! t.M't-'lK Hit !lli!.lsl Hie ! v. i , i. i ii ; d ! '. into i oioiit ion ! i i '. .-.i.iie r. 1 e 'a -! ;t' M.-d- 1 ! ,.-! it, ' S:' I' d . l-t v. n a bc-a! jt. . . d o! 11-1 - ;Ool bos . r !:;:..: l high scl.-ol I I s ,,; i , i ej.t :. r-. lid t ii I e.un ir. ; M- U rd lii-.-l. bi ol. j .;,..! j I : ; i - ; ! . a h ni'a-.'f in 1 1; u ' ... j ;,v,, ; . . :. i.::iir.g -z-x !.er a!! i ., w ;! p.. al a !' j ist b- ! ;,, !.. ; , ,i .. - r. !'.' wi!! d.o i '.,;!, -r i: M. !.!.) ' at beV : ... . ,' t: (,:;.:.;- i' -- buir h ' p. liters." in l" t i'iu.niiiir-' j , ; j - i.-l t. at:.. The b'l al ! -. i," l-;,s a t.:vo'-:ih'.' o itlook .i ! orb l.e.-v;. lit..' and a snappy j ; , ?.r !.:. M-.'.t-.r.l i viid t" I , . ' , ; i i, ; ,.;- fa-t. t.-.-;.m ial'.y , w :,;tjg : . i: , ., --. . 1 nt w i'h a j i . t .... iran'- l'as- . s will I ! ,.... ; , ' a:ii -o I ' M N'. dford r to a V ;i.W . O' e. 1 vetr .ind . ' xn irrit- . ,i; .. . c.i'-lin lit -' .:.-,"-iri.i often I ,, ... ., .,.-.!.-!-. -I f-l"'!..ii 1) A I...H1 ; a ;i i; t .".I d:-- s:i"it i1- i:.-a alw.'O ., ,; ; ... ;;e i A ;r' .v ir-ativ haw 1 ... . ! .in..! ' ' 'ii'.'d of s'ori::.' h :r ii.j ".::.'' rtaitiV t .' . r : -bv :i'i i. -y.-v. XLli llil'T MVol'i: L(.f.lD. ; ciTV. N' v. I --The n , t of t S' .. ;- , . .. T ;.: . -r of Cab-V' o. f',,1 . , - ,...1..... !..! 1 I.-:" t 1 lay. M;. g ,. ,. a -i-'-r of Mrs. Dr. II ;.. w ;.. -.- 1, isl ani a CAi tri- ! 1 . r- f' r ili- -' d tii ir b.r ( f m. in- , ,,f the i'v '''' family. t IIAK1.KV S At XT" IS WF.Ui KF.t FIVF.O. A house tll filled with applaud iug friends greeted the lroJuctiou of that merry farce-couiedy. "Charley s Aunt," at the opera house Friday j night, when Kual talent, aided and I drilled by W. K. Giuliani, presouted that niirth-provoker under the aus ; of the Indies' Auxiliary, the I play being interspersed with songs land dances added to the origiual lines. I The cast of the plav had beeu i brought together and directed in Its work iu but a few days, aud vihile this liastv was made noticeable in a few minor Instances, the production as a whole was highly pleasing, and credit is due to each Individual who appeared upon the stage. The audi ence was liberal in its applause, and the continuous laughter proved that the humor of "Charley's Aunt" is Just as effective as it was the first time this Brandon Thomas success was staged. "Charley's Aunt," about whom the plot and the tun of the play are constructed, w as represented to th j entire satisfaction of tho audience, and to his own histrionic fame, by Hugh Herrlck, while "Charley" him self was present in the person of Mel Allen. "Jack Chesney," the partner of "Charley" In the esca pades of the two college room-mates, was played by Russell Drake. "Stephen Spettlgue," good for a laugh on his every entranre, was Paul Kinney, and Mr. Ctraham play ed the part of "Colonel Francis Chesney" like the veteran that he Is. The other male character, that of the College Scout, was played ar tistically and capably by Mrs. Lloyd I Her. From the beauty and the grace of the young ladles who appeared In the (ast It is not to be wondered at that all were happily betrothed before, the curtain fell on the last act. "Amy" and "Kitty," upon whom the two college chums lavished their thesplan affections, nro in every day life the Misses Fanchon Shlnn nnd LaCosta Mangum. Tho real aunt, "Donna Lucia," from ltra.ll "where the nuts come from," was Miss (ien evleve i'attillo, and her ward, "Flla lielehey," wis Miss Lydia White. New laurels were won by tho Misses Mangum, I'attillo and White, in the solos, their sweet voices and gracious presence always being a de light to n ('.rants l'ass audience. A chorus of If. young ladles sang and danced Itself Into the hearts of the audience, aud the Misses Ruth llirchard and Ileulah Williams danced a Spanish fandango to the enormous delight of all. The chorus was composed of the Misses' Violet (ietno, Kdna Cornell, Alma Wolke, Florence Smith, Mil dred Churchill, Kthel Letcher, Fath er I.allrie, Allelic Dunbar, lilamhe Wile. Nan Smith, Minnie Reamers, Ruth llirchard. IVaii Dyer. Ruth Smith. C.lndys Cmiklin, Ileulah Wil liams, Hope Hart holomew and Helen Hall, and one's jimrneyiifis would have to be far and to find null a ( (itnliin ;ii ion of oi;th. beauty and a race. i ( n v ii i.i. IN NOW I M I'LL I l ib P;.. new iiiy hall, the capii'd building of the municipality of '.'rati!.-. Pa--s. iu which laws for the aou rnn.eiit of our p ..pb- w ill he built ill tlie lutllte, has I'e. lived Da . . , ictown price is contained In an oi linbhing ton- lies. and at I lire.' ' , . . . . . , , . , .flclal statement Issued hero today. It n't iui k Sa'iitda.' alteilioon it was1 . , . ,. . , . ., .claims that tho voting heir to tlie deliwied over lo the .oninotois to.., , . , , Russian tin oti- aiteiiiiiei to , ap In- I he ( Ohio il, lis legal custodians. . . . . . jto a boat while at p.n ImnH h, aiol '1 In- i o: t of tin' new Kirii'tuie . . . . , . ,, ,. ... jllllS.-.Ing his foi.Mllg. tell. Nolhlllf -i. inc.- v.eil w it hin tlie amount ii,t'. j ., ,., iw;n wrong, apparently. 1111MI .-.ept. uat. available trolu the saie of Hie. when a swelling of the abdomen old itv piopertv, thine bring a , , , . , , . ' w-as notbed. attended bv Internal rual! M.rplus b'lt alter th con inn t ,. ... ! bleeding. I . I i e and t ho lev. et l as allow ed had been paid. Ten thou.-.tnd dollars wei- teciv- ed from tlie s;ile of the Sixth street propei-t v, and th- cuiull required i ter. Dampen ;i pi-ie. of bantu I with , , ' . . , , . , ,, !p and bind It over th- aff-ited parts o the. archl'i 't that he l-.e. p tlie: land It will relieve th- pain an, son-. iost o! tlie new structure witiiiu una figure. Contractor (Turk's bid for he lonipl-ted building was $ . (J 1 . I:, addi'ion to this sum he has been , i.ilrved ilM.ln for extras, but a STNPOtD l'Miii:.-;iTV, ;., t;an -- in doors for the vault f - j Nov. -The Ruirby (ift.-n whi. h Is .ieed (!.e 10-t by $.'mi, so that the !t0 repl-M til Kt a 11 fold In lb" i-atne no t,t him ;. $'.''.''. 4' jwpj: Califi-rnla I 'n t v-r.-! f v S.tanlav S ; ,., , :,-.r ,, (r, ia stia !e paid j will I... n 1, nou m -d Thursday '; , .' ..' 'i for plumbing and sh-Mng I'resslev has tri-d out all available . i.i' .'i- i in tit "r!'l!:-il ' ' H- mn'ri iol and (laitus to l ave poinded ;r.. t r i -. and a few (i-.Kaia v. 01 'out a winning s'i'iad. A niedb al ex I. iv- -o ;::id b r . '. uric ii-i.t fix- ; , -, p, h,r.M-d v ry member to j be n e:f.-(f co'ol'ion .-'1 :i ii ford's In add.ti'-!i to ti,- iost of the ( (...jid-ofT o. th- will be livci, biiiibn iv. If, otb.r ex;,.n-..s, in- ( Thursday at a monster hot, tl re 1 a i ' li!ii,g the fee to the an hirer t, 1 The demand for 1 1. I et- to t be hU t in tl - total np to $.&.".. ex- gat,,- !.as 1.. . r, h, ct-at that ticmv ' ""'' '' "' "' tli" M'". pay- ' alurM.I and undergraduates here are 1. ent for wf.l h v. as made from the unable to to" ure i-,rn. general fund, the amount for this being :;.0. The building committee- and the .architect kept close watch ou the ; building and the material that eu- iered into it. and are satisfied that Mr. Clark has done a most satisfac tory job for the city, though It Is not likely that a very wide margin of profit was left for him from the low bid he made. The tire bell was placed in tho tower yesterday. The city officers will move to the new location with in a few days. "It Is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best cough medicine 1 have ever used." writes Mrs. Hnuh fnmniwlt. of Ivivoula, C.a. "I have used it with all my children and tho results have been highly satisfactory. For sale ly all dealers. coyfu mors add hi mi s to Tin: soil. OKKC.OX AORICILTIRAL COL LKC.K, Corvallls. Ore.. Nov. 3. Importance of the growing of cover crops In orchards is emphasized in a recent bulletin on orchard irrigation Issued by the Oregon Agricultural College. "Cover crops add humus and fibre to the soil," says the bulletin. "The fibre adds to the moisture-holding capacity of the light soils and makes the heavier types more friable, and more easily handled. Any soli of high clay or silt content and low In organic matter is not only difficult to handle with respect to cultivation, hut also as to irrigation. "This typo of soil takes up water very slowly. Percolation Is so slow that a large number of furrows are necessary If a sufficient amount of water Is to be supplied. Thus a great er surface for evaporation Is exposed, and such soils bake and crack badly on drying out. A good cover, crop, either natural or bowii. If plowed un der early in the spring, will aid greatly In overcoming these difficul ties." In experiments It was noticed that when there had been a late Irrigation a good natural cover grew up, 'of chlckweed, alfalfa nnd varloiu grasses. In one orchard cover crops of vetch and rye and of barley, sown early In September after lato irri gations, started readily and mado fine growth. An early rover crop of this nature not only adds its own fibre to the soil, but prevents the leaves from blowing away, thus keep ing them where they will bo of bene fit. Those cover crops which get a good start early In the fall make the best kind of protection for the soil during tho winter. dk.( m:t ;i:ts to ALI.lit.l D jmw.i;i:s. LOS ANCKLKS, Nov. 1. -Seventy alleged gamblers, gathered into the police dragnet will be arraigned In police court today, following a series of raids on poker, dice and other gambling games here las! night. Many of the prisoners are negroes win) were cauirht "shooting craps." .one resort alone iellllng to c.nne- stel.v Two duslo -hlieil delll'.'.enH if jlhe "Pullman Club" Were hauled, half frozen, from an be chest where they had hidden. i Rl SSI V PRIM i s II, I, M s. ST. PLTF.RSP.I lid, .Nov. I What purports to le the real explan- Itl.ll, ,,f 111,. il',,.. .. ,,' th,, I'M.. .1,1, Don't waste your money l.uylr.i: st rctit't hen In t' pla-'iiTs. ( 'hii in n. r- ! Iain's Liniment is ilieatn-r and b 1 tics. For sab- by all d-ab'i Rl AT ST M OLD. AMNGPdtrJDER AbsolutelyPure Cooking under modern methods and con veniences is made sp attractive the whole family is becoming interested. "These biscuits are delicious; this cake is excellent," says the father. " I made them," says the daughter, and both father and daughtcf beam with pleasure. Royal Baking Powder has made home baking a success, a pleasure and a profit, and the best cooking today the world over is done with its aid. WANT PKKS. WOOD IX) TESTIFY AT TRIAL. SALFM, Mass., Nov. 4. When tho trial of Joseph Fttor, Arturo C.lo vannltti nnd Antonio Caruso, charged with the murder at Lawrence of An na Loplzzo a textile striker, was re sumed hero today, attorneys for the defense promised an attempt to com pel William Wood, president of the American Woolen company to come here and testify. (jali: iti:s siiippi; ON ATLANTIC COAST. NORFOLK, Va., Nov. 4. Seeking shelter from a terrific gale which sunk the three-masted John Maxwell, half a dozen vessels are In the har bor at Hampton Roads today. The Norwegian steamer Noreuga was ser iously damaged by the storm. The battleship Minnesota Is standing by the sailing ship (lletilul, which was also damaged In tho gale. It Is re ported that the Noregun Is off (he Virginia capes, her hold filling with water. "There could bo no better medi cine than Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. My children were all sick with whooping cough. One of them was In bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gave I hem Chnmheiinln'B Cough Remedy and the (list dose eased them, aud three bottles cured them," says Mrs. R. A. Donaldson, of ' Lexington. Miss. For salo by all doaleis. When You Sell Your Crop OU Draw Your Salary I K POSIT IT IX TIM .K)Si:ilN'; COUNTY HANK. Do if even II10110I1 you want to list! a part or all of it. Your cancelled checks will lie a safe receipt for lulls paid. WH WANTS YOIJU IUJSfNKSS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK 1 rrrrnr yinnTTrriTmij What the Dam Mm Our li.tiil; is in the income, .''linir ;c a restraint on lliiil'litl-.- epcinlilures ami INCKKASINO Till-; I'OUTIf OF MON'FY. Granls Pass Banking & Trust Company lU KKI I.LV S SOCIALIST MAYOR di:fi:.ti:d for rox;ui:ss. OAKLAND, Cal., Nov. . He turns from 2"4 precincts out of 287 In Alameda county show that Con gressman Knowland defeated .1. Stilt Wilson, the socialist mayor of Iterkeley, for congress by a major ity of about 8.000. MONTANA DF.MOt IUTIC IH.tMM). 11 K LION A, Mont.. Nov. . Wil son's plurality Iu Montana will he between 8,000 and 10,000. Walsh, Hem., for senator; Stew art, Dem., for governor and the two congressional campaigns Stout and Fvansnro nil elected. Dixon, progressive, for senator, ran second to Walsh, con;ri:ssman Mc KINLFV li:i T.ATI.I. By United Tress Leaded Wire. CHAMPAIGN, III., Nov. 0. That Congressman W. 11. McKiuloy, Taft'i primary campaign manager, lacks 1, f.oo votes iu this county to assure, his re-election was the contention today of democratic managers In tho 9th Illinois district. Artistic Job Work at th Courier Mining blanks at The Courier Of fice. Is to the Stream