Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 08, 1912, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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tor the t!e of spirituous liquors an J
t for the same period for the
sale of beer, Fnder these figures ten
saloons were in operation in Grants
I'a-s at the time the anti-saloon law
went into effect.
Previous to the appointment of
the committee, there was consider
able discussion of a more or less
facetious nature upon the all-aPsoi-ing
topic, the mayor prec ipltatini? it
when he inquired what restrictions
the council thought should be
'(!. n about the granting of li
censes. Mr. Clark believed that all
corners should be accommodated, and
any'one with the price Riven Hie
privilege of dispensing booze. Dan
ids feared overdolug the thing, and
remarked that If too man v came in
some of them might be 'going
j broke" to the discredit of the rom
iFroni Wednesday's Daily). j mot-i-i:il lit',, of the yfty. Here Knd
The good roads luncheon at noon ' 11111,1 Ca!Jwt'11 'aim' In strong with
today at the Hotel Oxford was at- ! '",Mes "nfl (-v,1.lnal accompaniment,
tended by nearly eighty ui o. t bus- ,lle contendet 's that it
iness men of the city. .uiurnev i'1:11 l'ro"llseJ thl,t w p atl-
Kichard' presided at Hie luncheon, i1"1 "f ,,0"ze l'r08l,tri,.v would come
and presented a report formulated''11 dlMnks' anil no " wanild
by the publiuiy ium.,mieu that set .B '"'1e With ,his ,,le ti(',H,
forth some of the tlnngs that lht, j Wi,s' '"''' to the committee named
new organisation had ahead done I 'l"n n0t ,he mayHr nS','1
und niiiii v tliin.. fi..,, i, i , iif of ,,lp oiincilmon wanted the
o iv it, imum u ui).
r.(Msn:i;s rtus iiiniiu high
ways Ll M H A Xli TALK.
I'eillinnciit Org;i Million V( I!,. f.
letted at Seeoud .Meeting Xet
Both United States Senate and the House of Rep
resentatives Will Be Democratic, Ac
cording to Latest Returns
During the progress of the luncheon i
uhnrt tallu i, I . i .. , I1'
u..u.v n.irvo nuc 11UU1C III it llUUlUel'
of the gentlemen, and' all Acre en
thusiastic for the lailbb ol better
The report presented by the com
mittee mat had been appuinted at
the preliminary meeting proposed
the thanks of the association tor
Colonel Thatcher who had been here
for several days in prea-hlng the
doctrine oi good !';. is, to the Cour
ier for assistant e, ami to others who
Hud rendered valuable services.
It was also proposed that the
luncheon he held weekly, and it was
voted to meet again i.exi Wednesday
at the noon hour ami perfect the organization.
Those present and signing the roi
of membership v. ere .alwari! lb Har
ris; P. n. Herman; W. S. .Maxwell;
John A. Dale; ('. 11.; 11. 0.
Hobzien; L. L. Jewell; Albeit Ander
son; H. 1,. Churcluu; T. II. Cornell;
Sam 11. llaker; J. L. Meyers; 11. I..
(iilkey; A. I!. Cornel:; W. K. Nipper;
A. AuiitT; o;,; .'. A. i viu'l.a at; :
Kd. Hywater; llora. e C. Mai;; .). C.
Smith; J. Pardee: A. 1!. Cunncll: W.
C. Lockett; K. I.. Metschan; Joseph
Moss; Wm. J. I la i io .-: I-:. I.. Cob:;: u ;
S. W. I'hillips: S. I.oneln blue: .inu
ton Kowell: lb .M. Hall; V. U . Reid;
II. Wood: II. T. Hull; tieo. R. Ki
d o: (ieo. C. sa bin; W. 1 1, 1-Iauagan
Joe Wliarto::: i!.
Kig-ts: c. 1.. Rag.u
K. Soiled: Fred A
in land: R. bar
hies; Will'ord All-n
W. Steam; .'I. J'.r.'
lin; II. We.-t-rkehl
houn: Judge Jewell
W. 1!. Sherman;
A. Savage; ('has.
Kobie; Joe S. i'.iui
Kclus Folio, ',, ; M
H. Pattlllo; ii. C.
coinnilttee to place a limit on the
Ice of beer.
i Attorney Colvlg explained that the
local op ion law would go into ef
fect as soon tis the county board had
i canvassed the count of the ballots
and had made its order concerning
the same, and that the order must be
made within ten days after the offi
cial canvass. This official canvass
s to be made next Mondav and the
ounty court will meet the following
Monday. so that Thursday, Novel. i-
ber 21st. Is positively the date of the
ist Savage Kaplds excursion for the
season of 1912.
NF.W YORK. Nov. Further gains
for Wood row Wilson were recorded
as the belated returns came in today,
and this afternoon the president-elect
was credited definitely with ;ii! votes
in the electoral college. In addition
there was a strong trend to Wilson
from Illinois, with the democrats
claiming that state would yet add its
2i votts to the Wilson column.
During the day Rhode Island and
New Hampshire were shifted from
tue Taft to the Wilson rolunin, giv
ing the democrats a clean sweep in
New I'ngland with the exception of
Vermont which went for Taft.
Colonel Roosevelt was definitely
credited with 112 electoral votes, but
his managers insisted that he would
also have the five votes of South Da
kola. The democrats claimed Wyoming,
but the figures were not yet conclu
sive and Wyoming remained in the
were still very vague, but It was as
serted by both progressives and re
publicans that Wilson would not have
a majority over both Taft and Roose
Telt. CINCINNATI, Nov. C President
Taft arose this morning and showed
no signs of depression and exhibited
splendid spirits for a man just de
feated for the highest honor in the
"I am going to be glad to be back
among my friends here." laughed
the president to some newspaper
men. "I shall resume my law prac
tice here at the end of my term."
President Taft and his party will
leave at 3 p. m. for Washington.
Dixon, national
man, said today:
"Tlie national
Nov. G. Senator
progressive chalr-
progrcsslvo party
Spirituous 1: i":.- ':e me s'l'v i
of conquerable It. :...;.' t-'-e reg
ular meeting of the i'" council last
night, thp near a; proad: of the day
when the open saloon "ill attain take
its place in the muni'-ipa! lib-1
inir the ritv dads to arraiu-e
for its comin:
i ooii'.all tiiam b; ; V k
I I'L.W S AT AILDI'OKIl IT J?$Mr " ;: 4
i ne i. rants rass loot ball team yy T, n y i t
Iwiil go to Medionl Saturday to play f'v '! -.'df? ' 7
I'iie eleven representing that city for f" ' , 1
llnigue valley honors. l V -U ' ' I
The local team lias l.een pra.tie- " ' ' h?"' ji 1
i:i- but a lew days, though it has I f ' ;?, ' : " 'j '" : i I
Ji;i:,.!e good progress under the coa h- J X ? ' , ji
!:!.gof Atton.ey Fred Williams. Neil I . f nfiil ....Jt -'Vv1' I
'Allen, a last ji tir's high school play- I v' - I
jer, lias been elected captain of the I i.' . I
)! .on, and the team that will con- wtc-tv I
:' with .Me Hi I'd will be composed feV ' I
liroi.i :lie following bunch: I.lo'd I
!'iv,-;. i-:..ri v.v!d.. John ;:iby. i:ari ; ;. - : j:,y- A I
! i.r-..w o. Ton; l'enu. Karl Smith. Niel v'i :,. ''' '' A
j Allen. Flmer Spaubimg. Kob.-rt 1 11 ' .'' J
... :niiia:i. uoy .'l'lore. uieitn- rat- 1 i y- -: . . .. - I
l' Ki:'1"'': '' '' Can-: Co.ael, and Tup! Car-I ' A '
i: ' Tn,i;f.: ''Nor. At. on.ey Williams will LA T V ' f-X'- . - J
U";:;"':'': ''"' '" .,,,;;ii:,,iV ,1,,. ,eau as coach and o!'- r'.': V V '' V J
: T. K. Hill: D. ; ' ' 1 '? " ' k" fA
: ;-i;--:i442 VOTES ARE NOW "r ' UJ
V. Y. Johnson: uiil.ii iv muJVil: ''hVS ; jAv . X , J f H
II. Welter; I. A. ; V H fcKj'J ("X)
! F W. Rhhard; j NFW YORK. Nov. v- I ra-t i.-al! v n..,"1 )fif j ' v v iyr
.,. Anderson: W. i.otni l.-,. return, rc eix,,! today fexWfe' V'.ap and T. A. jlroia vrywh-re make it virtually "JW fXs?&'&WSk jflj )' ' 1 1' I (
ood- fsxss teT
t.;:,s :r bv rural !Mri.-ts; jrTZFFiklW&Q
give Wilson that state by a narrow I A&lifiA riJ.JJfJ
1 by Atneiican I'rena AasucUtliju.
lb" aaoe
I: I- '
gresstve national headquarters today
aiul, then sent Covernor Johnson of
California, defated candidate for
Tice-presideiit, and Clifford Plnchot to
see Colonel Roosevelt at Oyster Pay.
tetiator Dixon aiid 11. V. Perkins at
tendee the conference. Governor
Johnson today declined further com
ment on the returns.
"I am going back home to go to
work," Johnson said.
Despite defeat, Senator Dixon fair
ly oozed optimism and enthusiasm.
OYSTF.R HAY, Nov. .Colonel
Roosevelt again took up the cudgels
today and laid plans for the contin
uance of his fight. The colonel seem
ed encouraged by the fact that the
progressives had run second. Hut
the sting of defeat was noticeable In
the manner of the hull voose leader.
Roosevelt dictated letters and tele
grams all morning, lie announced
that on Friday he would go to New
York for work on the Outlook.
Roosevelt Is prepared to continue
his fight on Kllhu Root and the law
yers who criticized his stand on the
court of appeals decision.
A reception otuinit-
tee composed of f '"urn iliacn Striek
er, Caldwell and F.v.-rtou was ap
pointed by the mayor on the mota,::
of Councilman c'..i: :. this'"..
to draft a new ordinance 'Ov.-ri;;g
the license i'i.-h-!i i ,:' r'w!r! '
..., ,..w n il-, ':.' thlrs t nrlors
will be perniit'ed to op-ra'e.
committee is to re;. or at a -; a.
session of th-- coat- il ! ! e i'eM
urday evening. h-n th" or.!;': !:- - . !
which it pr-pa -s n '-e '''' f-r j '
cussion and pas-age
The ordinance r.ow on the book?.
and under wl.Hi the urantin'-f 1:- '
censes v.omI.5 '" g ", rto- .
new law is n.ade. mal..-- r; ' !::'.:t '"i ' '
the number of fab.oi:- allowed in th
dry. where th-v a-e to be ioo-l.
and wi'h r.o cb-''
measures. Fr. b r it
is $Ji'0 per f-nrl-a
nil although Ciililornia Is
';bt, it is bi-lieved here that
figures w ill stan l.
Y;l-o:. will assume offh with
par'y in control of the senate and
the house. Latest available figures
snow )N deti.o' ratic senators will be
ele, t, , This is half of
men, ;.e; sl,ip and w ill
id-tit-Kb" t Marshal!
vote in ca-e of a tie.
The . let:. 'e rats, however, hope to
get two or thr"e additional s"ats,
making Mar-hall's vo'- e.ry
tor ' t;!-')! of the sena'e.
Tl ' I'li.'ro! of s'ate !f gi.-,a
Taft column, Taft being
total electoral votes.
iv Vh e-I'res-
tbe (!( id in g
Mb big an, T'-ti'
id O-fg
.re m
' i -
. The
r t.
:u. f . .!
.a :
;.' r
F. M
Wilson has lartled the following
.17 states:
Wilson Alabama. 12; Arizona,
3; Arkansas, 9; Calif., 13; Colo
rado. ;; Conn , 7; Delaware, 3; Flor
ida, i); c.eomia. 11; Indiana, 1';
Kent in ky. 13: lnilsiana. 10; Maine,
1; '.Maryland, v; Massachusetts. IS;
Minnesota. 12; Missis-lppi. 10; Mis
souri. IV; Montana. 4; North Dakota.
.'; Nebraska. x: Ncada, :i; New
J'-rs-y. 11; N'-w M'-xico. 3; New
York. 4"; N:t'-i Carolina, 12; Ohio,
21: Oklah')t...a, Jf'; Oregon. South
Carolina. T titif'-seo, 12; Texas,
2-i; Virginia. 12: Wisconsin. 13;
Wes Virtiiila. v; Sou'h Dakota. ..;
w lia'np-hire, 4.
It'H. i".'i'!t - lilin'd'. 2!: Iowa. 1 3;
Kai.a-. In. Mi' 1; l''nt..-l-v.r.i.i.
3 . Washington, 7.
Taft Idahu. 4; Rhode Island, ';
I't-'h. 4; Yr-rmnr.?. 4; Wyoming. 3.
Fs'itr.ct's in the poiular vo'e
credited t ikes Its pbn e as the dominant, op-
position party to tin- triumphant
demo rath- parte. As the result of
I the balloting v .--.tei d.i th- progic.
; sive party takes el her first or see
oii.I jdai.j In tie- balloting except in
five states. In eveiy state In tin
Mtlion eX'ept thesis five the progres
sive party ot ganiatioti from ibis
(tirr.e on takes tlii- n.inority
' rt y represi'i.'ation on all ! 1 1. ti
boar In, on all Mate board and boards
I of i out roi. I n the i on gressional elei -tioiis,
two ears from this time, from
' eveiy st.t'c exiept five, all Judg'-s of
! ele. lion-, watchers, Inspectors and
-1 t ! . ii boards will be lontrolled
' ;o.t.tiy by the progreHsive and dein
'.' r.H'i. I he old republican party has
be. oi,,.. ti, third ptn'ty. I doubt If
It i an ever muster mioukIi to notti
Inate a (.'.ndidate fcr president."
ade rs
held a
I.-- Pull moose
f onto 11 at pro-
PRINCKTON, N. .. Nov. Ii,
Choice of his official family the
cabinet faced P'resldent-Klect
Woodrow Wilson today. It Is known
that Wilson has made no promise or
pledge, but leading democrats said
several appointments were consider
ed as virtually settled. These are:
William J. llryun, as secretary of
state; Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, former
chief chemist, us secretary of agri
culture; Louis D. Ilrandels, the Hus
ton attorney, as attorney general; W.
Ci. McAdoo, Is also slated for ii cab
inet portfolio, either as postmaster
general or secretary of war.
Josephus Daniels, national com
mitteeman from North Carolina, and
Chairman of the democratic public
ity bureau. Is also regarded as a
likely choice for postmaster general.
Chairman V. F. McCoinbs of the
national committee, It Is reported,
will not be called tc the Wilson cab
inet, but will be taken care of In
some other capacity f lie desires. He
Is In poor health and Is expected to
avoid nny heavy or confining work.
For secretary of the treasury,
Repp sonlnthe A. Mitchell 1'alnier,
Wilson leader 111 Pennsylvania, or
Congressman R.'dlleld of New York
are regarded ns leading In Wilson's
! Rcdl'ield. w ho rel ii es from t he
house March 4, Is also talked of for
'secretary of commerce and labor. La
j bor Commissioner C. P. .Will Is also
I a possibility for that, portfolio.
' Tom Pence, newspaper correspou
jibiit and Wilson publbltv man, Is
'tail e, of for secretary to the presl
1 dent.
! Maor .Wwtoii llaber of Cleveland
'is another thought to be considered
' lor a Job a, "little president."
j Several senators, Including O'tior-
nam of New York, Luke Lea of Ten
It,. .-see, tPire of Oklahoma, Ranicr of
Map land, (lai dii'r of Maine and
j Culberson of Texas, have been llien
'. Honed as cabinet possibilities, but It
I Is generally believed that Wilson
will not reirult. any cabinet members
I from the sena'e because of tin small
idenio' ratic majority there.
I other demoi ratic chieftains said
jto be cabinet timber are State Chalr
It'ian Homer S. Cutiitnlngs of Con
iieitlrut, ex-Maor J. W. Outhrle of
Pittsburg. Col. Robert Kwlng, Louls-
i . 1 1 1 ; i national committeeman; Con
I pressmen Henry and llurleson of
j'l'evis and Jerry II, Sullivan of Iowa.
! SKAT TLF., Nov. 1. Although
there Is Ho official figures to substan
tiate p , I lie In. II' atlotiH afe today that
Mrinst Lister, demociat. Is elected
goeiiior by a margin of probably .",
iooi votes, wii Hodge and Hay light
ing neck and to' k for second
The returns, otlhlal and nnoflhla!,
Ib'is iar loui.leil, however, aie so
l;,.-,igf o t hat no punitive pedbtoi
cm be made. Returns from the
lo'iury disti b tH and from eas'ern
Washington may i bange the appar
ent out) nine.
The democrats generally voted
their til ki t straight and all latidl
ilates of tin patty are running (lose
to Lister.
Forty-five i i.iupli te precincts of
King county give Lister l,r,3S, Hay
(Continued on page eight.)
( ALII (IRM A-ORK.ov 'o ; t.
MA litis Kliyi llST. ,
Also Makes Concessions In Prices
Now ('lung!.! for street
The California-Oregon Light and
Power Co. asked the city for a 40
yetir franchise for Its system and
service tu the city of Grants Pass
last night, offering ns Inducement
two percent of the gross revenues of
the company within the city, and cer
tain concessions In the way of lights
for the streets for ten years of the
period, with renewal at the end of
that time.
Its proposal for lights was to sup
ply 102 clusters, each with three
40-wntt lights; 304 Individual 40
watt tungstens, mid one 100-watt
tungsten, nil at J3ti(i.3tl per month.
The company is at present maklns a
charge of $li(!0 per month for a
247 light Installation, which would
make an Increase of 1fi0 new lights
at the rlc that Is now helntr paid.
At present the company holds no
franchise. The propositi was refer
red to a special committee composed
of the mayor and Councllnien Dnn
lels and Clark, for Investigation nnd
report. The same, coinnilttee la also
Investigating the proposition made,
by lieu, Sanders for supplying of
electricity to the city, the city to own
the distributing system.
The spet lul coimiilllec iippointed
by tlu mayor last night to make rec
ommendations o (be council regard
ing the rest del ions ami regulations
under w. ilcli Mi.iMin licciisVs will be
issued, bus agreed upon the following
I cu I ii res willed will be embodied In
its rcped o tin council Saluiilay
Saloons to' liavo only one entrance,
that lo be in front mid facing the
sheet. Tin front anil all parts of
the one room in be clear mid unob
structed so ibnl nil parts can be eas
ily seen f coin the sheet. No tables
or chairs.
I.lieiise In be M,."(MI per year, pay- three months lit advance. Ponds
In be H, I.iiiio In a, good ami sufficient
surely company, License not trans
Iccable. Applicant loil-l stale lot
ii in 1 I h k number. Also si reel num
ber, It shall ,be mi offense for a licensee
lo sell in ill uiikaiils or minors, or
In mi Intoxicated person.
Tn keep open lifter 1 1 ::!( p. in. or
before 7 a. in.
To keep omii Sundays.
ll shall he illegal for druggists to
sell lb unrs wit bout a physician's p re
Mi Ipl loii.
I 'ne lit -si idleiise, a line of JHOO,
second offense revokes (he license
iiihI forfeits the remainder of lie li
cense fis.
'Ibe division of the police or liny
oilier court of Justice shall he coll
slilerisl sufili lent, mill on the sec
end conviction tin license shall lie
foi fell id without any further ml Ion.
All applications to In uccoinpanled
by a petition of to per rent of Ihe
regislereil oers iiinl property own
ers of lln Hard in vvblili the applica
tion is imiile.
No lunch couiiler M'i tnlt ted In con
ins lion vv it Ii the saloon.
Atiotlu r solution for the city wa
ter supply problem was presented to
the lounill last, night when J. R.
..alley, us agent for the l.ayton es
ta'e. iiiade an offer of th" Williams
creek water right hebl by the Lay ton
helis, the tight Including also the
agricultural and mining lands of
IK aires, for a lump sum of $47,
uou cash.
In his communication to the coun
cil Mr. Halley said that he. had pre
sented to the lty through the me
dium of tin prospectus published In
(Continued on Tajte EVht