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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1912)
FRIDAY', XOVF.MREH 1, 19i2. n-i.-L-i.-t v ii k". i ' v im-vn rni'itiFR .A. WIM EXPLAINS Till-: MILLAtii: TAX. Salem, On. 191 2. To the Editor: liiahtuinh us thi-s ot ti if is being repeatedly u.-lod as to Wi.iit Will In come Of tin- $.",ihi, linn aiii c ! iat loii made by th' lust leg islature for the university of Oic lt i , ami now ln-lil up by tin- refer endum, hliOlllil III.- propusi-if liiillage tax bill for the support of the Cni- uiiv com.iii :sman u. c. ii lu ll v Mini i.i i:i: kk-ki.ei r I.l in (ii(,Kls. lii-wii.M- iii point of ability, exper ience and iialitira'ioiis no opposing i aiididate can favorably compare wiih him. I'.i-i aun- to large abilities am! ' f- ii it-my is a'Mi-,1 his Known honesty, manhood ;iii, a character without i i ! c 1 1 1 i h !i . pi-iause bom in Oregon he Knows lor iin ila ami lias already secured millions of ilollarH fur puloic itu- iioy tiii:v MM. I r i - rali! tint a Ui.u. is known by the company be keeps The follow ing .i:'Uil but rt pit s i,'.i!iw- list of tlranti Pas.- io-i bus till n-ciired. tin- I of i i 1 1 i - being tie only rt.i- n v. !. the list is in ! larger Spec it : t 1 i i ii is to the lar-'e in; in ti- ii i f o ir biisiiu s. 1 1 ii' II who i ,ii' itlw,.a s'ood f i r the best inter ests of the lity. They 1 now what prnhiiil i"ii has ib'iie fur (irants Pass and Know the icsults have been L ,)l 111 . veisity of Oregon ami the Oregon prov. im-rit .-, in the first distric t. A-j.i i ultiiral College (any, I wish to make the following statement for th" information of jour readers. If the proposed liiillage ;u bi.l (No. . 1120 on the ballot I raiib-s it will Kill this $.'.0ii,i)fM appropriation and the money ulrcadv raised thioiigh taxation and in the hands of the state treasurer will revert to P.e aiise he traVeN thousand of ;..iles over his distriit iiiiniially ion furring with his constituents and hulling : h"ir needs !! liilse it II. in been plOVt II that he U imiiiMrioiis, able, ellii lent and sin -lessfnl in m-ivIiu all the people and not it lavored few. iiei aiiM' he has been a fait hful piiblle servant, working up lo a po sition of InlliieiK c III national affairs We tile mult r.-i-'iied legal Voters of the tit if ('rants P.iss declare that we lire not in favor of granting a li n -use to any pei son or rurporatioii to sell intoh nting liiimrs In said ilty and that we will vole '.i'.i X for pro hibition a: the election on Nov ti'.n ner .".. 1912: the General fund and be available .ko that Presidents I aft and Roose velt, tils associated of an parties ami for other purposes. The lulling! tax bill abolishes the two boards, of regents and the !o.v ! oust linen's generally, praise him in terniH similar to those used bv (lov ernor Wist, after a visit to the na- of Higher Curricula and puts both ftlonal tapital, when he said in an Interview: In Hiteiieet, oratorical Institution!! under one board. It Is a well Known fad that at least one-fourth of the time of the members of the legislature Is tahen up wrangling over the appropriation', for these Instltut Ions. The millage tax bill will Keep tlieni away from the legislature and lake them our of poll! Irs. Yours very truly, OSWALD WEST. mi iniv in r.i: ii d;i:d isv iii i;ii expert. ability and ilevotion to ihe Interests of the people. Haw lev stands head anil shoulders above the great ma jority of the members of the natioii a. house of representatives." i Paid advertisement congressional Committee, 1st District. I C. C. Hinds, of Oakland, Cal.. Hie foremost poultry Jinh' of the I ;n illi' coast, w ill pass on the ((unl it. v of JoHephiue county birds lit the ia anyual hhow to be held In (irants Pass In January, from the llih to tin' 1 7th days of the month. .Mr. Illmls has been the judue at many of Ihe laiiMnn shous of the wis!, mid has likewise, uained a re iiiation t hrounhoiit the east as an uhle poultryniau and competent Jllilue. He U'lCH !o Victoria. I!, ('.. to Jiii!'4o I ha! kIiovv Iii January, and w Kile on t lils trip to the north will i Btop In (lianls Pass and piace ihe rlhbotiH on the feathered top-notch-em here. .Indue Hinds uses the score card N.vsient of judt;iiiu. so that the merits anil the demerits of each Individual bird In the show will be plainly eharleil, and exhibitors will know where tlielr entries are vveaU. or why nonie other bird curried olT the honors over their own There Is every promise that l!:e Inter hIiow w I Ih best e vi " I held here. There are many more low Is in Ihe county to draw from i ban In any year heretofore, and th present season has seen ievern! var ieties brought here Ilia! had Ho! been exlllblleil before. All the breeders l.ave had this show in mind duriii': the summer, and have prod need birds that at Ibis date look like w iu liers. What J"mke .Hinds w I'd do o them Is the all-important iiiis:bin now, however. l! is expected Hint neluhborinn counties will send In entries fur the show as I hey will desire to have so eoillpelell! a indite pass Upon thoi" fowls. cv.i.i:vmn MILS miaicw m:ukii A- I .os avci i.i:s i.k i:si: i;i:iki:d i.os anoki.k.s, o.t. si. .( more will the festive pop of the i chain pa i; ne corU be heard at levy's i Cafe, l.os Anueles' most pretentious reslauiant. The police com mission have today revoked the liquor II- cense. Charges made today before 1 ihe commission that liquor was beliis served without meals in direct viola tion of tlie city ordinance, led to the j action. Christopher declares he will ! I urn the place into an "h e ( ream par- j lor" aiiil If he loses money, will sell j the business. STA ID ( I.OSKS CASK J S L.UVKKM K TKIAI,. t j SAI.K.M, Mas-;., Oct. 31.- The state ! will rest Its case today n the trial' here of Jos. K'tor, Antonio CrilS'i and Aiiloio (liovannllli, who are eharleil 1 with murder during Ihe Lawrence HtrIKo, , The defense. It ii said, plant! to move for dismissal of the charge on Ihe ".round of lack of evidence. If (his motion is denied, the defense will beuiii the presentation of evi dence tomorrow. At TO COLLISION KILLS. NOC.AI.KS, Ail... (hi, 111. Mexi can nuales are searchlnn the country south ol'-the border today for a prl v:i(e of iroop D, I'niled Slates cav- 'iioriia lo'ithei n at mld- ali . w ho shot and killed Carcla. L".'. daiuhter of a Pai lib- sect ion foreman hert nUlil. The soldier, who. It Is said, was re pulsed by tlnnuiil. Hied two shots Into her body Killiiti; her Instantlv . His name has not yet been learned. Two Mexicans Interfered In an effort to save the ulil. The Infuriated sol dier, crazed b drink, shot them down They will recover. He then stole a horse and fled Into Mexican territory. III CM U. CONVICT ll.'.T.lH. I'.NI'I'.C'l'S NI W Till L. OSSlNYt, N. Y., Oct ;;i rormer Police Chas F Pecker, convicted of the murder of Me: man Rosenthal, aiiif sentenced to be elec trocuted earlv In December, now con vict No. i'i'.'.Tox iu Slni; Shu prison, today expressed himself a- contideii; of securln new trial Pecker sic soundly thio'ishout his tl:s; ninh; In the condemned row Don't waste our mei.. buviui; ttrenkttheiilii'4 plastcis Chamber lain' Liniment in theipei and let laniien a piece of Manuel with It ami bind It over the ufiected parts Rtid U will relieve the am and s ic iiess. For sale by :U dca'i ) I.OS ANCKI.KS. Oct. 111. - .Mrs. M.vra Danherty of Clendale is dead today and Dr. .1. II. Dauchtery, her husband, is seriously Injured as the result of a collision between two au tomobiles on the I.os I'elis road, near (iiilllih Park. The Dauherly's ma chine was si ruck by a car driven by f.arl P.oihwell, IH. as it turned a sharp inrner. The lighter machine was desM'oyed. Mrs. Daimherty was Inst. inlly Killed and her husband re ceived Injuries from which he may not recover. I NPI.ODIN(i POTTLI S INMl KK. I.OS .(ii:i,i:S, Oct. 1! 1. Carrv im; a case of siphon bottles, C. 11. Ilrit'l'lev stepped on a loose board. It resembled ; ItalKan battle on a small scale. Nine of the bottles" exploedd. Briefly w as badly hurt. ' i.oni: iiop.iti i: ;i:ts dixmunhs. WHKKI.INCi, W. a . Oct. HI . - Knterini; the Jewelry store of Andrew S'auveis here at noon today, a lone robber mabbej a tray of diamonds and escaped. II N A YS IN IUMP I'l I.K. POUTI.AND. Oct. 111. ltecause street hucksters are prevented by a prohibitive ity license from piu siiinu their trade further In Port land, a carload of bananas consigned to them lies today on the city dumps. Learning that the bananas canno' be marketed the railroad had the gir emptied. It Is sta;ed that they are vtooj in every respect, but no market could ho found. i. eon L. Merrick, (i. W. Col via. O. P. Jt stt r Tlieo P. Cramer oeo. P. Cramer i rank C. Mi Lean A. I". Iiannard M. C. Fimlley W. J. Slovall Harry A. Couple W. A. Hood K. A. Wude (1. W. M row n W. IL Nipper C. K. McLane J. Pardee Isaac itest. James Martin. S. J. Taylor. I). J. Manuel. l. K. Itosn. (ieot-Ke H. Itiddie. V. I.. Ireland. P.M.Herschberner. W. . McCracKen. I,. J. Perdue. T. Y. Dean. W. .. Paddock. W. II. loss. D. A. KitGerald. Joseph Harper. Sam H. ItaKr. C. H. Trimble. I. II. Teel. K. V. P.ritton. M. J. Howard. (I. W. Siurteon. .Miles Mclntv re. II. C. Kinney. It. K. Ilaekett. L. II. Hall. Amos Mvers. K. C. Macy. J. (1. I lotson. II. Ilristovv. Ii. I.. Cur. T. I.. Triihiii !!. John II. Williams. Joseph Pollock. I',. S. Veatch. M. A. Weil.. Stephen Jewell. K. C. I.ovett. .1. I). Pelerson. S. F. Cheshire, it. L. CilKcy. LOCAL OPTION" CO.MMITTKK. Hy T. P. Cramer. ( Paid Advertisement. ) SNOW KALIS IN KANSAS. TOPi:iA. Kan.. Nov. 1. This sec tion of Kansas is shiverini; today as a result of a four-ine, snow fall. The Horni is reported to he general th ri 1 1 - ! h 1 1 1 the stale. IIAMP.t i:;-aii imcan lii:i;m km; pacific coast. Win.Iiiley .left rev. A. M. Ileslon. ('. L. KviKnian. L. L. Jewell. Uohert McLean. Chas. L. Morey. James Peterson. Albert Williams. II. T. Mull. A. S. Haines. Will Trimble. II. S. Prescott. .1. N. Johnston. J. C. Handle. J. 11. Curtis, i . A. (iriflin. C. C. Pre-ley. S. Loimhi'liUe. II. C. Itohzi in. A. K. Voorhies. M. T. I tley. K. J. liestlll. Henry 1 1 ink. Oeo. II. Parker. S. O. Cahill. Arthur V. Dunn. W. U. Whipple. C. II. Woodward, (ieor.ue C.Metcalf. S. A. Pottorf. II. (1. Marshall. W. C. Harmon. I. . II. Davis. K. C. Ifharn. J. M. Chili s. II. W. Forrest. J. W. Meston. J. K. liair. W. S. Maxwell. K. S. S'euer. A. M. .McFai land. F. I-). Ilo I, -on. J. M. .'oiuhrhke. L. L. Faiti'i'son. Clarciii,. Smith. (.. II. Ctuin r. Artu'.r Wide. II. II. Ally ii. J. I,. Scovill. W. W. Walker. Icornf' C. Sahin. J.'io. II. Paddock. W. Ii. Ilannie. Arthur Conklin. O. K. LundburK. S. F. Dukes. W. II. PATTILLO Grants Pass Oregon ikar Sir: As I to nu-t ull the voters. 1 make this spei'ial appeal for voir s.ippoit in the co:n-in- election. 1 would remind you I am tic nominee of the democratic party at the primaries, for the office f county ( lei k. but I w ould remind vo l also that you should be ( hiefly intei.sU'd in the (lualifi ations of the man who i- t i cenpy this i:n pn.tan' po-ithm. whi h re'iuires not only ood biisines prin -ip'.es but business experience. My experience of thirty vears in commercial life includes four years in bankiim. Durinn uiy el.-ht years of residence in this county six years were spent as bookkeeper with the Crania 1'hks Hardware Co. Since leu v Inn that linn I have not been emploved. I am not a politician, and have never held any public office. If you wish to Know more about me. ask vour banker. If elected I can ynarantee that th" public business will be administered in a most efficient manner, and that I will eiubavor to further all the linancial interests of Josephine county. 1 will greatly appreciate vour support for this ot'fi e. If you mark 77. on your ballot. I will be elected. Respectfully yours, W. II. PATTILLO, Independent Progressive Candidate for Representative of Josephine County ': J-2!'t -rv-A' ;iii v:' ,Vv1';vV'l I ff;f"wV;-' - El). KYWATER All American Ci i en. Favors Statement No. 1. pi ten ndmn and Kecall. I (Paid Advertisement. I t P.riim in .vour catalogue. We meet (catalogue prices. It. L. Or' Co. i "Tht re (O ild he no better inedi ( ine than Chamberlain's ('oiinh Kein eily. My i hiblren w ere ail sick with lioopiir.; i on .ill. One of them was in be I, had a liMi fever and was eo:iu!iiim up blood. Oar doctor pave tliein Cliainiieih'in's Co'-ih llcniedy and the 1 i r - t do.-e eased theiii, and r ii ri c bottiis c , rt I tht.'i." says Mrs. , It. A. Donaldson, of Lexington. Miss. i For sale bv all dealers. I Vote X for prohibition. Vote 1111 X No so-called nia.Jor- ity rule. ' Vote 'u2o X No- another so-called majority rule. ( Paid Advertisement. I no i.k i:si; I OK JOHNSON. NKW Voi;k. Nov. 1. That Ilnin-bui'L'-American Line steamers will ply between Fui'ope and the Pacific coast Is. the aniioiinccinciit here to day, and (leorue deise, (1, m ral manager of the coast- service, is mi his way to the Pacific cons- to com plete arrangements. It is planned to have inonthly salilnus from Hamhiiri; via Oriental purls for Vancouver. Portland. Seat tle and San Francis ii. OKI. ANDO II MtIMM N NOT KK II. N K W YOIIK. Nov. 1. That Or lando Harrinian. brother of the late K. II. Ilan i;,:an. left an e.-tate v hen he died, February 1:', 1!1-J. ap praised at only $ :'n :!.;m:,. ,IM; 0f which was deducted 1 ;1 :,,;hi ', for debts, leaving a net total a!'!"i' other minor deductions of JnvKlt, was made Know n here todav. (TIICACO. Oct. ;',1. -That ihe li cense of the Cafe d.- Champion will Hot be renewed to .!;i"!v Johnson, e- :;ro ii:;;ili.! . a cnsed if abd'ietion of Lucille Cai.'.eron, a 1 1'-ycar-rhl white Ulrl, was nss-ertel today 1 y ci'y col j lector Cohen. 1 ".loliiisoii ii.ay rt a lie ne," add- ed Coin n. "in o hied le i an show ! that his character is u . ;,1." j CI 111 I S ( I.OWN AND WiFK j AllKI's'l KD Knit MI KDKK. (TIICACO. Nov. ;. Charles D. Coi.wav. one-ieu'd circis clown and hih diver, and his wife. Known on the staue a lleatrhe U.vall. a vaudeville m'tress, were brought here -odny froni Lima, Ohio, where they were arrested for alleged complicity in the murder here of Miss Sinyer. a Baltimore heiress. Both stonily reiterated their inno tellce. The couple will be subjected to the 'third doiinv" this afternoon b the Chicago puli- e. Clan,!,- Stillman. a truv.-ld;, ; salesman aliened by the Convvays to have called mi MNs Sitmer on the nkht of tlie murder, is in jail here. He denied any l.imwleike of the murder, but tried to hide when the detectives (ailed at his apartments. To the Voters of Josephine County I My name having been placed upon the official ballot, by petition, for j the office of Representative of Josephine County as an Independent Pro gressive, I beg leave to submit the platform and principles upon which 1 stand for election or rejection at the hands ot the voters of Josephine County. I am tied to no political party, but am standing upon my own plat form. If the principles for which I stand are worthy of your support, well and good. If not I gladly abide by your decision. I wish to state that I have subscribed to Statement number 1, pledging to' vote for the candidate for United States Senator, who shall receive the largest number of votes ic the election, regardless of party. First and foremost I stand for World's Peace, believing that it is pos sible to settle international controversies of whatever magnitude, by arbitration. Second. I declare for equal suffrage, regardless of sex. Third, I favor the Initiative, Referendum and the Recall, and the exercise of tlie recall upon all officers, including President, Vice-President nnd tlie Supreme Court Judges. Fourth, I favor an eight year term for president of the United States under the recall and limiting his tenure of office to one term. Fifth, I stand for the nomination of all officers of the United Stares, Including President and Vice-President hy the direct primary. Sixth, I stand for the election of President and Vice-President hy the direct vote of tlie people. i Seventh, I stand for the election of United States Senators hy the direct vote of t he people. KUluh, 1 stand for the abolition of the Presidential power of nomi nation of all federal officers in the different states with a substitution of v plan for their election hy the people who are to be served by those officers. Ninth, I stand for tlie downward revision of the tariff to eliminate all possibility of restraint of trade and for reciprocal relations on all commodities with which xve do not come into competition in the produc tion thereof with other countries. Tenth, I favor legislation that will put the United States Government in complete control of the financial situation of this country. Eleventh, I favor the pre-election publication of campaign expenses. Twelfth. I declare for the permanent disfranchisement of any person convicted of selling his vote. Thirteenth. 1 stand for the criminal prosecution of any person or persons, using libelous matter against any candidate or measure submitted tc the people. Fourteenth. Graduated Single Tax. I favor the appointment of a iicnpoiit b al, nonprejudiced commission of three tax experts to figure out tlie exact result of the Graduated Single Tax upon the physical valuation or tax valuation of eio h county separately and for the state of Oregon as a whole before submitting to the people for their consideration. Fifteenth, I favor the opening of Rogue River to commercial fjshing with s-trict regulation for the protection of game fish, and if elected shall use every effort possible to accomplish that end. Sixteenth. I shall ascertain if possible the cause for the rapid increase of taxes during the past few years, and If not justifiable, shall exercise my power to reduce same. Seventeenth, I shall favor tlie bonding of the State of Oregon for the building and maintenance of all state roads or principal roads between (Hies or towns of Importance lying in different counties and the bonding of ea h county for the building of all other roads within the county. Eignteenth, I stand for life Imprisonment of any person convicted of the white slave traffic. WILL SPEAK AT THE GRANTS PASS OPERA HOl'E AT 8:30 P. M. NOV. 2D, Sincerely yours, ED. BYWATER. ( Paid Advertisement.) MISS. McMM s DKAII; m siUNn is kki i:si p. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 31. .Mrs. .lean Mi Comas, the beautiful v,'ung wife of W. P. McComas, wealthy min ing engineer of Iais Angeles and Mexico, died this morning at Adler Sanitarium here from the revolver wound in her ruht temple wit limit having regained i ousclonstiess. McCouias was released by the po lice Li e vesterdav after Captain of Deteitives Wall had dc. hired l.e w,n convinced that Mrs McConus had shot herself. Kusp nu N i v co i itr i piikld. OI.YMPIA. Wash., Nov. 1- That a convention held in Kin? county cannot nominate- candidates for of fice in Kitsap county Is the effect of a ruling made by the supreme court In sustaining the Kitsap coutry su perior court and denying the writ asked for to set aside the lower court's action in restraining the plating of progressive party tandi dates mi the regular ballot. NO WOMKN I.WVYKltS CAN PI! ( TICK IN ITALY- 1 OUMKK MILI.IONAIRK DIKs MAN KRl'l'T, Special Police OfliciM-s Messrs. A. .1. Ruhland and L. Rob ertson have been appointed special police officers for the city of Grants Pass to keep an eye on the hobgob lins and spooks that are supposed to be on parade Hallowe'en night. Vote 99 X for prohibition. Vote 311 X No so-called major ity rule. Vote 323 X No another so-called majority rule. (Paid Advertisement.! ate a ROME. Nov 1 . Women i annot piac'he law .in Italv. acn.rding to th.e division here today of the court of appeals, whhh sustained the ver di. t of the lower tribunal. The i a s e was brought by l;ss I. a briola. a soi ist, who is P ilv's first woman lawver, and who pb aded w !'; s . i s s In the co irM. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. Reputed during the latter years of his life to lie worth several millions, the 1 State Senator Patrick McCarren power in politics at one time, died a bankrupt, according to a statement on file today with Surrogate Ketcham in Brooklyn today. The, assets of McCarren were list ed at $12n.nno iind his liabilities $;L'iO,nii ii. Item I "WHY SOME MUX Slioil.n (vr MAKKY." by Lloyd Vivian Australia. An enthral ling lecture for Inter ! secrets. A dollar discourse for n sit ver dime, this w.-ek and next, book 'let form, postpaid. Address. l V , Starr. 1927 Toberman St., Block .' ' Los Angeles. Cal. 1 M of REMEMBER THIS Taft cannot be elected. Roosevelt can be elected. Wilson might be elected If the choice of a president was taken from the people and thrown into congress. The election of Wilson means tampering with the incomes of the business man, the wage-earner and the farmer. It is up to every American to defend his Income, upon which always depends his outgo. THE ONLY WAY FOU THE AMKKICAX VOTER TO DEFEND HIS INCOME IS TO DUE VENT THE ELECTION OF WlLso.N BY VOTING FOB Roosevelt and Johnson (Paid Ad. Oregon Progressive Party.) JOB PRINTING NEATH DONE JT THE COURIER OfFICE 'J