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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1912)
FKID.W, NOYtMltKK 1, isui W KM Y KtMil K HIVMl t Ol'KIFIt PAGE FIVE". Just Arrived New Raisins New Currants Fancy Comb Honey J. PARDEE rimxK xo as r.rmiiK. rilOXK 281. Miss Turner and Mr. Hanley Are Married PEII80.XAL AND LOCAL. Men's regular $:..-,.) hish top bee boots, while they last f;.uu. Coe's. Miss Maude Dulibon went to CIl. 11 dale Wednesday to spend a Jew daj v ith her sister, Mrs. A. U. Clarke. Mrs. J. 1). Dix..n r Williams re turned Thursday from a live weeks1 visit w ith relatives at Mount Vernuu, Wash. Oo. Maple and wife and Mr. Bea con of the lleacou Grocery of Med ford were in the city Wednesday. Rev. Jlobt. McLean weut to Ash land today to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lucy M. McCall, one of the Kogue river valley pioneers. F. (J. Guy, local manager of ' Oregon Gaa Co., spent Monday and Tuesday in Medford on business (on Etcted with their gas plan. J. W. Johnston of the Pleasant Valley farm near Koi; ie River, was in the city Tuesday night "ind kit on a later train for a business trip to Corvallis. K. K. llagley of Ashland, well known and financially interested in Grants Pass, is at Portland In one of the hospitals, having been (alien there several days ago. Chilled shares for sleei plows makes a big saving on vo ir Crescent 7 plow. ID, 11 and IJ-incli at Cra mer Pros. It Mr. and .Mrs. C. W. I'liitki. who have t'lieiu the past four months i:i tile city, left Thursday for their home at Pomona, Cal. They are so much pleased with this section that they will probably return. Goods sent on approval. Coe's. Mrs. George White and little "Hob" White left Thursday morning for their home at Waterloo, Iowa, after spending three months with the W. G. White, family, the miles south of Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Driskell r rived Tuesday nit from rian Bernardino, and left the next morning for Cres cent City. "Mr. Driskell is superin tendent for the Itrookings Lumber Co., and will supervise the construc tion of n big mill on the coast. Two ,") cent ladies' handkerchiefs 5c. H. L. Coe Co. Mr. and Mis. J. W. Heston return ed Tuesday night from a three months' trip, which Include, stops in Michigan. Indiana, Illinois, Texas and other Mat s. In Detroit they Yislted their son, Martin, of football fame, formerly a school boy of Grants Pass. They visited relatives whom they had not seen before for 30 years. The largest cash buyer of farm pro duce in Grants Pass is the American restaurant. The farmer appreciat ing this ready market W their pro duce patron! this restaurant for tneir meals. 9-2Mf Plume for what you want. We have it. R. L. Coe Co. SmvI ISiidj;e i:eMihel Workmen have Just completed bracing and strengthening the under work of the steel bridge across the Rogue at the south end of Sixth 'street. ! Ministerial Association Klert The. ministerial association lias elected new officers for the ensuing year. Rev. W. R. Jeffery Jr. bel-w president ; Rev. F. C. I.ovet. vl e . president, ami Kev. 1., II. Teel, sec retary and treasurer. Miss Itaer's Ill-other killed Miss Ada Ilaer, who has spent the past year and one-half with her mu le, Jesse Mash, left Thursday for her home in Ash county. North Car olina, to attend the fuueral of her brother, who was killed in Washing ton recently. Mr. Haer was fireman on a passenger vhih was run into i.y a runaway sec'ion of a freight whidi had broken in two. The en gineer also was killed. I' tout I ciesdy Man Here A. C. Shaw, formerly chief of law in the forest service, who. with Pln bot, was dismissed at the time of the Bulliu-er controversy, arrived in liianis Pass Wednesday night to vis it M. J. Anderson, and left the next morning for San Francisco to look after matters cunneited with the Alaska coal lands, which case lie represents as attorney for private in-ten.-ts. Mr. Shaw is the man who was credited with writing the Glavis letter. Vote !i: X for prohibition. Vote oil X No so-called major ity rule. Vote :!:':! X No another so-called majority rule. ( Paid Advertisement. ) Alining oiigress Session A. 10. Voorhies iasj been appoint ed by the Oregon Development League one of tie delegates to rep resent that body in the coining ses sion of the American Mining con gress, which convenes in Spokane, Washington, November J.'ith to li'Jtli. The official call for this congress, whidl Ikis. just been published, shows that the sesi-ion will be filled with papt rs and discussions of great value to all who are interested in mining countries, and the Rogue valley will undoubtedly be well represented. NOTH'K. Notice is hereby given that 'here are funds in the treasury of School District No. 7 of Josephine county, Oregon, to take up and redeem all outstanding warrants of the district up to and Including 0 tober 7, 1912. numbers 4372 and 4764, inclusive. Interest, on said warrants will cease and terminate November 1. 1912. HOWARD S. VAN M KF.. fu0 District CP't-k. The bov's appetite is often th source of amazement. If yo.i would have such an appetite take t hamber lain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do It work naturally. For Ml" t'V " Colonel Thatcher Peuut. Charles W. Than her, the good roads advocate, hitched up his mules ;ln, departed Wednesday afternoon, lie has gone out cast of town where he will remain in camp for a time in the hope that he can find the dog that has been missing siiue his ar rival here, as lie does not wish to leave without his faithful canine. Later he will leave for the north, Portland being his present destina tion, but he will preach better high ways all along the route. Tuesday afternoon Thatcher addressed the pupils of the high school, telling them of experiences along the line of his travels. At the Presbyterian parsonage last evening, at seven o'clock, Rev. Rob ert McLtan performed the cere mony that united the lives and the fortunes of that most popular Grants Pass couple, Miss Grace Turner and Thos. F. Hanley, and the romance that is so happily culminated is ap plauded by the many hundreds of friends of the fair bride and the manly bridegroom. Immediately following the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Hanley went to the pleasant home on 1) street that had been made ready for (heir re ception, and have already taken up the duties of housekeeping, no hon eymoon trip having been planned, though life will be one long honey moon for this happily mated pair. Miss Turner, the beautiful and ra diant bride, has passed her girlhood and young womanhood in Grants Pass, and she lield in respect and esteem by the entire population. Mr. Hanley has for a number of years been the able I'nited Press operator in the ofllce of (he Daily Courier, and has the good will of all his fel low employes and is as well one of the most popular of the men about town. While (he words that joined Mr. Hanley and Miss Turner were being spoken, a convention of the members rof Mr. Hanley 's political party gave jhlm the nomination for the office of mayor of the city of Grants Pass as I a wedding gift. There were also I numerous gifts of an even more sub stantial nature from friends of the j contracting parties, but the best gift ; thill is bestowed upon them is the j unanimously expressed ongrat ula jtions and well wishes from the en 'tire community, (From Tuesday's Daily). At the palatini Ireland home, .in 2 North Itii stive;, last night, under :the arrangement of Mrs. M. 10. Van j Dyke and Mrs. W. L. Ireland, young lady friends of Miss Grace Turner to the number of 2.1 gave a miscellan icous shower" parly in token of her 'approa hing marriage, which Is lo be ! so!eiiini.ed at an early date. i Femininu .sensibility, wit and In 'geliuitv rem hed a high plane of achievement in the decoration for the occasion, medley -i idol ed hearts abounding everywhere; ovt n the nap kins being of the same adornment; and one of the diversions was a game in which hexagonal dice were used, the letters on the cubes being the six that spell the word "heart." instead of the ace, deuce, etc., so long fa miliar in the ancient game. Miss Turner, who is one c.f the most popular of Grants Pass girls, was made the recipient of numerous gifts, each of which combined tin double merit of possessing utility and beauty. Those present were Mrs. M, 10. Van Dyke, Mrs. W. L. Ireland, Mrs. 10. Rex, and the Misses Christina J McLean, Lids Owen, Katherine Nut jting, Gertrude Parker, Leah Slover, j Maude Dulibon. Lyda Fylleld. Kate i Newell, Ksther LaP.rie, Vere Murray, I Ruby and Audrey Best, Clara Cal houn, lOthehnno liratlett, ' Minnie I.Mevniers. Prudencn Pardee. Blanche i Wile, Myrtle Tattle. Minnie Ire llanil. Ruth Smith. Dora Gebers, Ireland, Ruth Smith, Dora Gebers, Mary Ainsworth and Little I,oiil.-' Ireland. THKKK I1XFS. Will Chapin has given up his Job at Placer, and with his family. Is now stopping .w ith his mother, Mrs. George Kricson. Kinroy Davis, our merchant, is get ting in a stock of groceries looking for a share of patronage. New mail order department. R. L. Coe Co. Only two months more then the :long looked for parcels post will be an actual fact. Here we have mi Il lustration that the people will get what they want when they get after it with determination and persist ence. The debating club met Thursday evening. 'Woman Suffrage Is Nec essary for the Salvation of Our Coun try." was the subject for debate. Mr. Crlppen s iuk from a trip to Crescent City, then following the coast as far north as Roseburg and through that city enroute home. Levi Corliss Is at work for a time in the Hoover orchard at Medford. Mr. Vanderbilt has Improved his place by the addition of a fruit house. Rev. M. C. Davis was here over Sunday, preaching both morning and evening. His next visit will be on the third Sunday of November. Vote 99 X for prohibition. Vote 311 X No so-called major ity rule. Vote 323 X No another so-called majority rule. I Paid Advertisement. ) dealers. Roys' $ 4 . 0 high top lace boots $ 3 ."" . Coe's. Engraved cards at the Courier. VOW IS THI0 TIMIO TO I.KAK OUD.OK loll .MI NT l,M TII K. Every length of .ement tiled perfect In shape making It much easier to lav. ,wall9e water will percolate through the Cement tlie m -.. ' '''''rr:;;;:r--""' - wall Plaster and Land Plaster. We Invite you to call or write for prices. Oregon Cement Sewer Pipe and Tile Co. V1 t F AND TH STREETS. phone (From Thursday's Dally j. Thos. '. Hanley, who is In charge of the I'nited Press desk in the Cour ier ottice, and Miss (irace lurner, who Is to become his bride this even ling. were the guests of honor at a most pleasant social affair at the j home of A. 10. Voorhies, the Courier I publisher, last evening, the Courier force being the other guests present to greet their co-worker and to wish him and the winsome lady about to Lcstow her hand upon hhu all the happiness possible to mortals. Those present besides Mr. Hanley and Miss Turner, were Mr. Voorhies, the Courier publisher, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. Wl ford Allen. Misses lietiedlct and Hirdsall, and Mensr. K. H. Culbert son, Frd Smith and Clint Stnntm. Send In our mail orders to our nw mall order department. R. L. Coe Co.Y In your hu-band cross? An Irrit able, fault-finding deposition Is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion Is nearly always food natured. A treat ninny have b-n ixTmaneritly cured of stomach trouble by tnklnK Chamberlain's Tablets. For cale by all dealers. $l.m night gowns, good nanneiette, all colors, R Coo Co. grade trj L. i U AMUSEMENTS Much Interest is being manifested In the coming engagement of the Great Raymond, the world-famed American magician, who Is just com pletlng his third round-the-world tour and returning to America via Honolulu and San Fram Isco. Col umns and (oluuins of the most flat tering press comments, from all countries and In all languages mtest to this entertainer's wonderful buc cess both at home mid abroad. Manv of the juess criticisms of his per formances declare him to be the greatest magician the world has ever seen. It is said that his stage set tings and equipment surpass any thing of the kind seen before. Throughout Europe I!a uioiid Is known as the "Royal Conjurer," he having appeared before most of the crowned heads of Europe from whom be has received many decorations. U'geideiuaiii bus ever been a pop ular source of amusement and crowd ed houses will doubtless be the order of the day at Grants Pass when the Great Raymond opens IiIh season of mirth and mystery on next Monday for a limited engagement of three nights, and it Is safe to say that no magical and illusion show of such Magnitude has ever visited this city before. Raymond tarries 7n tons of baggage ami illusions and It reipilre-i I 'i assistants to handle this collossul mlrlcaln entertainment which has re ceived Hie stamp of approval of all nations of the earth. FITFORM Here s a Smart Overcoat The "Button Through" Over coat is u favorite style for smart dressers. The fabrics are Tweeds, Scotches and fancy Cheviots. The coats button right through the fly with large horn buttons, made with regu lar or convertible collar. The effect of this particular Overcoat most clashing PRICED MODERATELY $10 $15 to $25 PEERLESS CLOTHING COMPANY m i;j t . i ' . . . i . l!. p:j I II ! t! ' : 3 bikini.- rris. , j ,t v:.,-- ,. . .-,.. i I; 4. ft r -mm Mad of HarJ. Stiff Witt, of Honttt Qualitf Good Fences are a farm investment that bring the most returns for the least money ARF. you losing money? If you had a hole in your pocket, out of which you were losing hard-earned dollars, would you sew it up? The time has arrived when a fence around the farm is as much a necessity as a cultivator. If you are feeding fi'le or 70c corn to hog in dry lot, allowing c,K"li Rrrrn 'ccd to go to waite on other portioni of your farm, you luve a hxie in your pocket, out of which you are losing Rood, lurd-eanird dull.iri. Sew it up. Ijxik mi an American Fence dra'rr and let him rmw mi how a few dollar irivesle J ill fence will yield a big ig rate of imeret on Iced uved. American Fence it made of hard, utifT itrel. It it made oi a jiulity ol wire drawn exireily tot wuven-wie-fewe piirpnir j. fialvanired by latest improved procefi the het that tlie (kill and eiprricnre oi ycau lui t.cilit. limit on Ihe elaJtic, hinged joint (patented) principle, wliiili rrfi-ct-ually protccti the itay or upright wires (roin hrcukin,,' under hard u.age. 'Die real teit of a frnce ii the lervire you j-et om f it. Tot, jude and romiare American Fem e undrr :inv indall conditioiii, and you will find that the tticl, tin- ifrui furr and the galvanling are epial in duralnlity.'irntli anirllu icncy to the Kardr t uuge. Rogue River . Hardware Co.