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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1912)
f FllllHV, X()VKMi:i i; ,. m.. .. . ., in-irK i v Wifln RJTEB GOURIXB rZfeftOXAL AAt UJCAL. Mifcb J-fo Woodman' it of Hi io ar rived Sunday mi J wi.l !!' il !b Kutb Hmi'b. Dr. J. K. Jt.-ddy, Medford' known if)An, wae a Monday vifjtor In the It y . Oeorye Il'od left Mond::. morning for Han Fran' iv o, e;.c'ing to re Uiaiii ton.e time Mr. and Mr. II lv Wi bur of Ha leui J' It b' for J'atulma to pekd t h s wluer. Mrs. P. M J'.oliih'ii remn.eil borne Sunday after vuitli.g her UJ't r-r, Mr. Savage. J. J. Hem mmH Sunday from California uhd after a few here Will ko 10 I'or'land Coia La Mat li lt Sunday lor her home at Vhiii o'it-r. Ward , after Upending M-vi-ial -!. k hirc 1'rof urnj Mis. lia'iff.m of Fug' nc (topped off lure Sunday nl-'ht on tli-lr way north fiom California. Mr. and Mri S. P. Mead arrival from 'i- -u l City Sunday aii'l J -f t 1o Ui evening for Portland and Seat tle. Jien Stannard returned Hunday from l!i-til, Oiiv, where lie has hh tit bcveial month wlh a bridge car penter Kang. Jan. T. Logan an.) bride arrived borne from San Flam U' o Monday, and are now stopping at tin- Hotel Josephine. J. K. Weld ma n ha returned from ft Visit to Ho'lii hler, III He Mopped Off ttl I .OH AllgeleK, for HC'Vcral 1 il rt on hi ret in ii trip. W. A. Fuller and Han Jordan ar rived Sunday morning with two gen tlemen from Portland mid after u hurried trip to Hie Dixie rami) left for the illy In the evening. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. 0. FIND LEY, M. D. Prattle limited to TE, EAR. NOHB and " IIROAT OIimm fltUd tod farolahcd. Oflre bourt I to 12; 2 to S; ial by appointment. Phone 12 and ORANTR PABH, OREGON. V. L. DIMMICX, D. M. D. DENTI8T Corner 6th and O itrMU Pbone tOI-J. Crown, H rid He Work and milaga of All Kindt, a Specialty. O.'flca boura, to 11 a. m.; 1 to C p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PABH, OREGON. E. 0. MAOY, D. M. D. DENTIST ancestor to Dixon Ilroa., DeattaU Klrit-rUii Work. 1MV4 Bouth Hlith, Granta Paas, Or. II. D. NORTON ATTOUNBY-AT-LAW Practlre In all State and federal Co art a Office, Opera Honae Block. 0. S. BLANCHAItD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Prartlre In all State and Federal Court i Ilanklog & Trust Co. Dldf. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. J. D. WURTSBAUan Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Publlo In office. Ofre In Howard Ulock. Pboae -J ORANTS PARS. OREGON. D. L. JOHNSTON AS8AYER North Stairway. ORANTS PASS. ORIOON. Rooms and 7, Opera House Block. M. 0. II. DAY CONTRACTOR AND BUILD1B. Residences a Specialty. Plaas and estimates furnished. Resldeace, Kaat A Ut. Phone lll-J ORANTS PASS. OREGON. G. H. BINNS Assay kr EeUbllshei II year 107 R stieet, opposite Colealal hotel, Qraats Pass, Ore. I J. (.'. Mattiaou left Tuetday UiOril- ui (' a trip to fcau Franc io. T. J." Hill, of lit 1-eonard Or ihard Co, went to I'oilland Monday. Frai.k fcit&on left Tuesday morn ing for Oakland, '"al., for a ltit ltu reJatiw i'er) (JijuLln and LU graiidnjotli n, Mr. J ('. Hja-nir, I' ll Tuesday for a vinit at t'liii o, Cal. M:;c OIIr i ' j ' left Tuesday morn IriK for Portland, after fpendln? a nk wi'li jr rihter, Mr Cliim livy e .Mi r. V.'. II Niidioii of lirovnjK Loro aiii'l In (iranu Paea Tuieday to vlnii tin; lioiiie of U'tii. Harrioon, near tlie lty. Mm. T. I. Ilui-m-y leiurneil lo her Iioiiji? al Mellin Till mla)' iiioililhif af ter kp.'iidiii a day vtltli ijer ino'her, Mi. Jaioen Halt, who U III. !!oin: To Mr. arnl Mr, Keulieii Hti I'I'ili-l, at I ju'i iji', Monday, 0 -told r I' I, a con. Mr. Sleeiii?t a a ihident of (Want I'aiih for many )i-ain, atteinIiiiK m liool liero and lea villi; to ii'tind tlm I'nheiBity at KuKeno. IUi)k In I rti Two youiiK .Sam-r ladx are to ap pear lufore Jiidi-'i' Jewell, III tll'i Juvenile louri, tliU afternoon, to aim i r to a iliaiKe of liavlriK Ktolen u I K ilialn whli II they illhllOhi'd of to a fci i oml hand dealer. IdHixliiiK .Vi-h County I.. K. ItelfilH, eni-hler of tho. Ktali! Han U of Kxta'udu, Oregon, wan In the illy Monday making frleiulri for the propo.-eil new i ounty of ('imcade, whlih It h propoHed to make from the pii-Hi-iit county of ClarkainaH. Mr. lii-IIIU hax Kood aiKiiiiieiit on IiIh hide of the iiuehtlon, and made many voteH for thii new eonnty lontentlon. Haul 1 .11 in I m -r liy Wayon On nnoiiiit of the t-ofieiiln of the roads hy rain the hteain traction en gine liaiilliih' I ii in In-r from S'wede lia- h 1 ii Ii ii h hecn taken off a lid teauiH wll In- hind to do the hauling. It In t'l puiteil that there arc 3(iO,i)iHI feet of lumlier to haul an that $'! per 1 ,0'iu villi he paid for the. work. It In h.iIiI i hat the miuw In elicit IncheM i nt the mill, uhlcli U at an ele vation of .'i,L'!Mi feet hIjovc Hea level. 1 1 lull Si IiiiiiI Mliclelith MaUe .Merry A imitv wan Klven Saturday nlht In tint IiIkIi ki hool &y iiiiiiikIiiiii hy the ineiiilieiH of the fichhmaii (Iiihu to the HophoiiiorcH. The affair wan largely attended hy tlm pupllH of Itoi It chiHHcu. Tim (lytn. wn docorBt eil w ith the Hophoiiioi e i ulnrH, and with Jack n' lanteiiiH and other hIkiih of the Hallowe'en fi'Ktlvlty. (ianieH were played and forluiiert were told, niter which refreHlimentH were nerved, thene conHlstliiK of pump kin pie. appli'H, iapi-H and elder. I'riif .limex tioen South Prof. A. .Ioih'h, formerly con HUllltlH ennlneer of tlm Oriole Mln Iiik' "o , of (lallce, piiMHed through the city Sunday enroute from lliitlsh Cn- luinlila to New Mexico. Mr. .Jonen han recently hecn making n geoloK ical hurvey of the Kra.ler river country, almut 'iin nilleH north of Vancouver. II. '., In the Kurt Oeorne dlHtrlct, and epecln to return to t he north and cniiiplctc the sauie next kii IniJ. Aicllicr siriitv Vic The piiNM'iu'eiH on No. I I Kidnn liinlh Mnnday evening rciuted that they took a htruw vole on the train with the liHillt: KoiiheVelt. 411; WUhuii, 41; Tafi ii. It hhould he ex plained that In California there, are a la r n numlier of repuhlliaiiK voting fur WlUoii hecaiiM' there ale mil Tuft elector In the Held, conHi'iuciit ly the sIkiwIiik fur Tit 1 1 would have heen hetter had there liecn. and Wll mm'H voi would have licen corres-n)ldllll-'lv leys. Mr eiiviii-Sliiri;ein cililiiiK On Sunday t veninn MIsh lla.el M , the daughter if Mr and Mrs. (i V St 1 1 r K 'l II , W llH IIIIII I led til Hubert I.. Stevenw'li of Junction City, the cere ini'liy lieliii! perfoi ined hy Uev (' I.ovette The weddliii; inclined nt tlit' Sturgeon liouie mi lower St x t ti Htret't, the ynuiiK louptw ittandiiin In an alcove made heuutiful with white chrvhiinlheiiiiiiii and ureeiierv, mid 111 lht prt'M'tlce of lilelliliem of the family and a few Int iiiiiite frlend.H Mr. Ulul Mrs. Stoenmili will leave niun lor Junction Clt wht'i tlifv will rciddiv ClirU Kluuiatiti went to Mcdf'rd today. Mlnlni blanks at l bs Courier Of Bee. Artistic Job Work a' tbe Courier lOUMUt PASIOH MTS (.ICAMS PASS. Rev. Ja A. Crut' I. field, formerly pastor of the M. K. Church SiiUtb, of this illy, hut tow a resident of Chl iaKo, unit Sunday and Monday In the lity, visiting old friend. He left Monday for Oold Hill, and will loll Medford and Abhland, and tht.u K throuKh California, Arizona and Texas, and then to hU home, com (retiiiK a nine inontha' tour. Mr. Criit hheld wan In (irant Pass In May i.n his way north and spent two iik with hi bon, Kloin S., In Spo kane, and had t'1 pleaijure of per forming hU hoii'u tnarriaiic cere mony. Klvln Crutchfi-j sjient his yearn In (Jrantu Paisn. He is now one of the manager of tbe White lloilM' deparuiient htore in Spokane. Rev. Cru! hfield has de veloped into a poet and boio? writer of note Kino? leaving (iranin Paiss some year ao. (.mid no ins m v hi ki: Willi Ol II IT. Colonel O'ortie, W. Thatcher In In town. That wan the colonel who arrived Monday afternoon wl'h the "hay wire" outfit that looked as though it wan the advance a;enl of the city dump dle. Hut that pile of junk drawn hy the mid looking pair of don keyit hati u ntory all ItH own, and thj utory U made up of many chapters The colonel In the chief apostle of Kood roads In the Culled Stated. He has traveler J'J.UUt) miles lhrouhoiu the length and hreadtli of the land, preaching nood roads always, with his decrepit vehicle, the mule team and a third mule taken aloni? meet any emergency, and a pair of dons to add to the jiii turi-Kiiieness of the settiiiK, tlieKo to attract the attention of the public; and set the c rowd out. to hear him talk. Monday afternoon the colonel ad dreHHi'd a large audience at the com mercial club rooms. IHI. I, IWKMI.K K PS SlVt.l.i: TAX. Ilrother I'linner and Land Owner: We arc? aliout to have submitted to us to become a law and binding on us alone, an amendment, termed, "Spei lllc Oraduated Tax." Il pre tends tci stand for justice, equality and the abolition of "special privi lege," "trusts," and pernicious "com bines." It will remove the tax from all other c lasses of property whatso ever and place; same on land. If forced cm us, It will he through the; "combine" of a very large class whose personal property furnishes them a living and competence, and who, therefore, an; directly Interest ed and benefited by its 'bee oinlng a statute a very limited class of un dlscernlng farmers and small land owners and the registered "tramp," "loafer, 'and "bum" to whom taxa tion Is hercsay or a Joke. Is this Justice? Virtually they say to us, "We can try this measure and If YOI don't like it YOI' can have it repealed and pay the expense besides. providing "OCR TRI'ST" does not ; vote to perpetuate It. I When the necessity arises lor bonding a state, county or town, I these "spc lal privileged" free boot- ers having absolutely no liability for 1 redemption themselves, and needirr; i all the public utilities ami necessities we do, can vote any unreasonable tax or bund fur land owners to pay and redeem. How long could any school , district survive under such a regime. Will the i nil its permit such a lav I when we are compelled tu carry out complaint to them on the grounds of being "unjust, unequitable and un constitutional and forced mi tis against our will or consent, and not by a majority of the voters, alone responsible for the redemption of fn : provisions and exact Ions." Mr. con- , 8 letitlciiis, fair-minded and Justice loving inter of Oretfon, pleas "sit ii 1 1 and take notice " Renpfi tfully mihinltted. JO KKSTKR. Ooltl Hill, Oregon. Oct :'i;, i- It 1 so WINS lTOKV OUU Ills l.. k, ! t ' Mil. A Ita'v . Oi t : Knrli o I Caruso, the and opera teliol, h I the Hi (or litre toda) In his suit fori flatictcr against Signorlna Ada Ola I belli, hl former inmriiou ai wife, 1 norlnit on eit-iy point ! After mil n It, k up mid finding tht ! anuir,J Kiillt) of ncrth,ug hailed ; ex'fpt i aiuifiny the public proset u- tor rt-M,n,ii1n,,,.d t tut she tt hii- . (Mord !i one )ui'i llliprikoument Mid Cl,rl 1.'II W.P FULLER SCO'S PURE PREPARED PAINT . it a i A TALE OF PAINT Seme "Pdtnls prcled. Others beautify, Ours do bcth JEWELL HDW. CO. I! NOU S JiOH TK.V AS ITMI V. OKNISON, Tex., (Jc t. Forcing the engineer of a Missouri, Kansas & Texas limited train to cross a burning trestle mar Wirtb, Okla.. three bandits biew ojjen the exjeress j far safe and escaie( with $:j,ui.mi, ac cording to word received here today, j The outlaws stopped the train close to the trestle, which they had ! already set on fire, and at the point 'of guns compelled the engineer to uncouple the baggage and express car and proceed across the burning bridge, which collapsed Just as they reached the other side. Imauks ui i; to win:; I M IK. MI NI IOO.OO. LOS AMJKLKS, Oct. 2'J. - Ile cause he did not appear jn court or pay any attention to summons, J. Soiiierville, a rich rancher, laces to day a judgment of $ I no, nun. Ii. C. lieusch, a railroad employe, sued Somerville in the superior court to recover $1m0,ooo for alien ation of Mrs. Keusch's affections. Soiiierville was not represented in court and after hearing Keiisrh's evidence and reading several love letters alleged to have been written by Somerville to Keusch's lii-year-old wife, .Incite liordwell rendered ; Judgment for the plaintiff. Action will be taken by Reusth's attorneys immediately to collec t the money. i ALASKANS IM K( HASH I OK( IIAKI) TRACT. J .1. T. Cartnony and his two sons, i Thomas F. and Alfred K., all of j Treadwell, Alaska, arrived in ', Grants Pass Friday night and will 'take up their residence in Josephine CA . t The Beauty of Town and Country. Homes Depends on PAINT Clean Up Paint Up First National I N'VITKS the accounts of Individuals and firms upon a basis of safe and courteous service. Its Working Capital is $H0.''0 and total resources over HALF A MILLION, make possible the handling of any banking needs of this community. This bank has a record of twenty-three years of suc cessful operation. county. They have purchased a twenty-acre fruit tract of the Ma drona Land company, and it is their purpose to become fruit growers. These gentlemen have lor many years been in the employ of the Treadwell Mining company, and have earned tiie right to make tlier home in this valley, where bright sunshine and ri' b soil awaits them. They are the right kind of people and they will line! a welcome here. WASHINGTON, Oct. HI). Figures compiled at the census bureau here today fix the number of women who will vote at next Tuesday's election at fiSO.dOO and the male votes at l.',si,-,,fi00. The statement says that 23,200, OuO men are eligible to vote, hut that not more than CO per cent of them will go to the polls. Women are now privileged to vote in six states. THESE NUMBERS WILL BAR SINGLE TAX IN OREGON "N Pr . .hi a - r . . -f f ll Aqainsivj-raauaiea OvOO iMO Sin9,cTnx O f0 AomnstSinqleTax OUO le s. :,,ir;. i.w.'f.,iMft.ii L Of Southern Oregon i:m:K.M.v. i.osf.s k stak. PORTLAND, Oct. 23. R. V. Fberman, erstwhile police officer, to day stands discharged from the ser vice as a result of action taken by the police commission of the coun cil. The dismissal followed the recit al of a woman who charges that F.bernian tried to lure to a rooming house late at night recently after she had asked him about the time a certain car was due. BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, rhys!clan and Surgeon. J.E.Peteraon.PloneerlnsuranceMin. Rexall Remedies at Clemer,, lrugs. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dlxon'i ill itand. Front it. Eyeg tutted fre. .4, j J Bank 1 "'i.