Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 16, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    kkiuaV, ArtiVii' 10,
fi -r -Ti -Mrs. Jessie
J. Pardee
417 G. Street
.Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lovotte and
baby and Mr. and Mrs. V R. Mc- Mrs. M. A. Glabott, ,,f ,.,,,.
muken left Tuesday mornin formal., a sister of Geo. W. Hemlrk-k-io
Cow creek canyon country for a ' , who wa hM We(llH1Mlin. am,
we. k s camping. Mr8 (, w
Mrs W M. White returned Tues- returned to their hons Thursd,v
ilov t it nflf hfklnA of Pnn'AnA n f . . I I
' " uiioi ms-
It in t; her daughter, .Mrs. W . W. Wal
ker, for three months.
Rev. V. C. Gloeckner went to Le-
land this morning on his duties as
Sunday school missionary,
ii.. i n ri,.t i . m
i rui . u. rieiu leu 1 uesuay
morning for Eugene to spend some
time. He will return to Grants Pass
in me iaii.
i.ean cinder, wno nas iven si'en.I-
ins several weeks with Paul Wanrh-
ard, left Tuesday morning for his :
honie at Jefferson, Iowa.
Mtoa TTnrv Pnrt ralnFni,1
..i.. "nil iviui urn iu nn ios Angeles
hnn-.e at Yoncolla, after visiting her I MjKg M. v;in arrived mdav to vis
brother, Warren Rurt. She was ac-,it hr sister, .Mrs. C. R. ''ifield.
conipanled by Muster Ray Purt, who
will visit for a time. Fruit funnels, fruit pns-es and
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tolin left Wed-
ncsday morning for thir home nt
Lcs Angeles after visiting relatives.
Mrs. Bertha nidderman left this
mnrninc; for her home at San Jose,
Cal., after visiting her danghter. Mrs.
E. A. Holmes.
L. L. Hartley arrived this morning $"0 per month and lie to do the jan
from Portland to visit relatives. itor work: or a first tirade lady teach-
Mrs. Arthur Rrnwn returned to- jer $(10 per month and the district
day from visiting her parents at En- pay for the janitor work. Ei-hr
gene. jtikonttis' term desired.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Terrlll of j Address J. T. Robersnn, clerk; or
Tulsa, Okla., and Mrs. W. C. Ter- J Directors 11. II. McCIuiig. W. A.
rill of Reaumont, Tex., who have George, A. T. Cart,
been spending a few days with their We wish school to liedn on the
old friends, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Kar-j first .Monday in Spt'Tuber.
ner, left this morning for California .1. T. ROREltSOX.
to visit relatives. --;-:H Dist. Cle:l: Xo. 3'.
J. C. Forbes, for som time with j
the Southern Oregon Supply Co., in , frnall rifles, large rides and shot
charge of the dry goods department, amis at Cramer Pros.
left this afternoon to join Mrs. For- '
bes at Reno. Xev. oH( I-:.
W. II. McArthur left this afternoon 1
for Sacramento. ! AH l,el'J,"ls ini"':c,i to the S..uth-
Edwin Bobzien left last night for
.Newport for n two-weeks' stay.
E. V. Smith started for Rray, in
Klamath county, this morning on
limber business.
The Geo. C. Rabin and Don
ne!! families returned today about
noon from their two-weeks' camp o"
Deer creek
Mr?. Inez Baldwin, vice p'.'sld' iit
and state organizer of the Lincoln
Annuity T'nion, arrived in Grants
Pass today to spend several days in
'he interest of the order.
.1. L. Robert, formerly of this
place, but now with the construction j
department of the Oregon Electric 1
out of Albany, arrived in the city this (
morning to spend several days. Mr.
Roberts states that several of flu1 I
former Grants Pass Southern Pacific !
men are now with tlio Oreaon Elec
tric. The L.i- as-Riggs-Hill camping ,
party returned from Elk creek Mon- !
day evening", reporting an outing re- j
plefe with sport, and a larder filled j
with fish and venison. I
Mrs. F. W. lilake returned Wed-;
r.osday night from a three weeks' j
Ft.'.y at Si:nta Ro-a. '.vhere she was
i !.'.' 1 on a o'int of the illness and ;
death of an aunt.
Mrs. H. E. G!.is 1-ft for
T!:u:sd.;v r.i'irn:
Mr. Vrs.
Thnrsilay incin'
o v.'.-it ? r y ve:
i:rs. A. .! S 1:
' f'-' rrt v : r !
':':'. . ;
to ;on
-r h
o-i A;
h -a'c.
F. DaVis rflllri..1
her home at v.. ., . lu
nier a Sliort
M5 s M
returned tov f - lhiM:eu
i oc a fro a visit at Port-
H. M. Pfefferly. whom vo ,-an
"II hy most any official title vou
wish and he on the safe side. a i:,
the city Wednesday a. onipanied iv
his two sons.
m creek was a will hunt fr deer todav. and r
Thursday visitor In the city. this evening
P. l.aswell, a former rt-si.Vnt of . .
Heer rreek. hut now 0f Coos eounty. '(u.l.h-n Kule VwV Rotuiu
came here Wednesday, nnd went out Frank Mashtmrn. ;,rorl..or
tn Hwr rrilflt' ii I, . i
p ,,;,
erty Inter.-..
Milton Reynolds and son, John, of
i Merlin, were in the city Thursday.
I Messrs. Taylor and PeOrasse. Doer
irreek farmers, were In Grants Pass
j Thursday.
j F. F. Metseuan, of the Josephine
hotel, has returnpri frr.m
(to Foley Springs and Newport
, C. D. Woolverton and wife of Gold
Hill are visitors in the cltv from that
Mrs. Thus
liuy. of PorMand. is
spending a few days in this city vis
itlns her dauuliter. Mr. Ch:,a
, ar or at endinir i !-..- '
:;:::t'ral and look- i
jing after business matters.
' Miw-.,j .,i,.,t. i.-i ,i i ......
Luerte Ogden left Thursday for
thelr h(1Ilie nt 0akl.,n,, r, ' ,.,.
: visiting the Geo. A. Steel familv at
. wtnnno ti,., , ,..n ....
, , uii ii 5 mail's Mr. slil
dents nt the University ot California
! Mrs. E- r)ei.tson aiH, ,.hil
iren retrne, Thursday
from visit wIth lHr Mrs M
j j.' Anderson, at Kstacada. Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. .M. G. Sturtevant left
today for a three-months' visit . n.r
strainers at Cranu r Pros.
TFAdlKK WWTi l).
Teacher wanted for district No. ".9.
at Wonder, .losepbine niiinty. We
will pay a first gi"nb man teacher
em OreL'ou
i.. are urgently
male early si-t-
requested to ca
t lemon: of their act omit
dorsum, i. s. kaphai:;..
Office Gibson Grocery
Front .Street.
lu the ii n
Ag'iit. Co.. .17
hun'ers' i
; coats, ii'iiiihig at I'ranier
ii i es and
CITY I i;i:s Ri'R's Vo l h i;
Time .:? f n.ds in :hs .'
y to rede 'in ;.!! wari ants
I'y ;
prt tea'? I
: ep .'.
g"II. tliis
to ; ml t'if 'i : ,'.. .' ;,:
! :!''.
Pa vl
1st day
Will ' ea:
; t Jia:.-s I'a.
of A'i-"i--t. '
at er da'e.
0. P.
'i 1 .'
Thermos botf
'piart si::e $2.1"
'.-. pint size. 1.
at Cramer Pros.
.ugu-t 1 T, Tuesday o Saturday- -lose
sa'e nt CraMr !!r"s. Se
tt indow.
A if,' isf 21. Wednt:-ia.- At s p. tn.
PMatlier Dulili'i 'Ci'! xiiolnt
Sieeting at 1 1 Sal v,i' :. Arm .
Augu.-t :0-3J, Mi r.dn- -turds y--
Water Carnival at ('.rscrr.t CPy
:; r M"i."'.a. .-'.' ii r'!,iy -
l Togoi. st: t" fair n Salet;'.
,..!.,. ',, i' ;i .' ! -:. ! a ni.t !
1 T.:.. .
". ,o hU,k-
-Mr. and Mrs. H.- C. Kinnov. Paul
... '
Kinney ami Mrs. X. P. DoJe left
early T,'-J." wornln? for Klamath
Falls hy auto. Thir rin .vt.n.
over about a week.
( For 'ciiiv.ii
.Mtsis. F. T. MiKii'Mrv and F. V.
Kiis-tll. with their wives, left Tues
day nih' tut- J.i?.
.i ..... .
,,, li()hU,n J.,,,,, Stt).et lf.nil.nej Jj0.
day fr01I, hjs St , KaMaa CUv
and New York pun-hasing trip ex-
tendins over mx or seven weeks. ().
c. HHne. or.e of the miesm.-n, re-!
turned Sunday from his vacation of!
several weeks spent mostly at his!
home at Toledo, Ohio. I
Apiiiitil Administrator
County .ludse .V well ha appointed !
Kd. Dailoy as administrator of the i
estate of his brother. Jas. Dniley, n j
cent ly deceased at Kerbv.
Geo. Hciuti i ktoit Iturieri
Ceo. w. Hendrlcksoa, who
stricken with paraly;s ;cral days
ago and died on Sunday, wgr buried '
today in Granite HIM" cemetery, the)
funeral being held from Hall's chapel
at 2 o'clock. Several days were con
sumed in locating a sister, Mrs. Geo.
Webster, who was known to live In this day by mutual ronsent. Mrs. Min
CaUforn'.n, but her exact residence ; nl Wes'erheld purchasing tho Inter
could not be discovered '""til yester- jest of Mr. limbeck. All accounts nro
day, Mrs. Webster was found nt Lin- 'payable- to Herman Westerheld.
coin, Placer county, and was present j Grants Pass.. Ore, -August 18,
at the funeral. M&12. I1NRMAX WKSTFRHKI I).
Returns From the Kal
H. WilV'tt, of the Cougar Con- i
solidated Mines Co. In the Galice dls
trlct, returned last week from Chi
ad Kansas City, where he went
n business of the company. He
rame In from the mine Wednesday
...r iin,8. ...i. ui.vii Mi.s 'lowing the statement of n connden
mine is shut down now on account of ' , el!,pllive of , lnnvn plct,.B
the lack of water, but tlmy expect to (.onfern of tnf, ,.tv
be in operation by the first of the j T)e MmH, lt ,3 hll(1 wl m,ltf8
n"m,n- :iu length and will rover the colonel's
' . . (.nr,.t.r from cidlege years to his Xew
. .. - I a r 1 1 : 1 1 . . . . i.
vve is IJeiiiovcil
An oieratlon was performed
afternoon for the removal of the lef;
eye of H. A. Corliss. The optic w.i
Injured several davs ago by a pl 'C
of steel that was broken from a p!c;
with which he was working in the
mine near Yreka. He ame here and
every possible effort wns mad ' to
sav the eye. but as it was alTeitin;
the uninjured member, the open'lor.
was necessary, and it was performed
nt the Good Samaritan hospital.
Wooilro..- Wilson 'here, Miss Alberta
Mexican Refugees Visit i Claire, a s iffri.'to'.i. c;" Sheridan,
Mrs. Frank Jordan and daughter. W'yo., assured the dcmociatlc caiidi
Maud. siopiied ofT at Grants Pass to date today that the women of Wjo
visit for a few days before ironist on inir.g favored him for the presidency,
to Crescent City to visit another , Miss Claire gained, consid'i able
daughter. Mrs. Fred Endert. Mrs !f;.mp recently by riding from Sberl
Jordan was living at Madero. Mexico, dan to New York and later ncrns the
but was compelled to leave because continent,
of the rebellion, departing on one nf 1
tho r fiiL'ee trains.
loni'sis Visit Grants Pus
Messrs. C. A. White and J. S.
iwengnrd. with their familv's. travel
ing with two automobiles from Pull
man. Washington, to California
points, arrived in the city this morn
ing, and will remain for n short vis
it at the home, of Wilford Allen, a
former townsman.
Pi isonoi's ReluriK'd to A-.ilaoil
Otfi'-ers from Ashland iain r
Wedtiesday ever, ins.' and retuir d to
t!:a i ity wj'h tiie two young m-n
c.'r.t tred hero ) Chief Mi l. can.
wanted for robbery nf a store. The
lads, who each gave their age as IT
years, cci; f s- .1 to the crime. On
of tbeni said be was Thos. !,. Monk,
of Siitiinierville. Ore., the oilier giv
ing the name of l.aVere Hrnl-.s, of
Tbo Head Line
The broad white stripe paint..!
along the length of the Southern I'a
i itie pass' -tiger depot platform, whEh
a.o.-aror on Wednesday for the
:'. '. has been causing considerable
on ti, "tit ard itri'iiry on the part .f
the uninitiated, as to its real sig- ;
nifi'ari'e. The line was put thr"j
pursuant to an order Isiud s'a'Irig ,
that the outside edge of baKgave and ;
express trucks must not extend over I
i!ie i"- w hi. b Is 1-2 f-e' from I
e t.tei I '. t i '
ar" in iii'.M'.:
in-' k, whi!
'!':iey Tii.1".
: '-!.;;
'be tr
Alt'n.'l.. '. o ;:m I-
M - C ',
i: A ' ' i. , 1 ' '-I ; 1 .'
, t - i : .' 'i :,; t::i ',v
Dick Sowell, one of the pioneer nes-
' Uents of the Althons noinhhnrhnod
. a
and had a host of friends who
mourned her early death. She Is
surviv.-.i i,v her inKUmi an.i
; daughter two ad oue-half yars of
New (it'iu-ral Freight Agent
II. A. Hinshaw baa just bou ap
pointed general freight aseut of the
''" Southern Pacific company In plate of
Jll. K. I.ounsburg, who resigns to ac
cept a positiou with another com
pany. Mr. lienshaw and his assist-
of Jant, J. II. Mulkey. siient Thursday In
the city familiarizing themselves
with the work at this point.
Sinning for Folio
Misses Louise Harvey And KlUa
heth Davis left Thursday morninj;
for l!rkcley, C'al.. where they will
outer the I'nlversity of California.
, They w ere accompanied by Mis Clair
, Kremer, formerly of Grants Pass.
who will also enter tho university.
J -4 1 t ents per doen, leaders ." cents at
'Cramer Pros.
Tho partnership heretofore exlst-
Ing between Herman Westerheld and
Amel Harbeck as the Grants Pass
Meat company, has been dissolved
i PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 1.1.- That
Colonel Roosevelt is to pose for the
n,ovi(,R.. ((1 ai(, n hls ,.nnumi,ni Is
generally believed here today, fol-
York police roinmlsslonershlp, then
jump to the famous San Juan charge,
and finally to his activities as chief
executive of t hi- nation.
, White li. vl prevorvi.ig koit !.. tit)
I White li. vl prevorvi.ig koitb.s
; cents and up nt Cramer Pros.
i;niL 1 1 K c HO KIDFK
SEAGIRT. X. J., Aug. M.--Rldjn
brnnfh..i to the home of tiovrnor
Stone jars. Mason jars
jars at Cramer Pros.
E onoiuv !
1,1 I ll Ell NEAR DE VI II.
LONDOX. Aug. 1.1. General Wil
liam linoih, head of the Salvation
army. Is steadily sinking today. He
Is titce,)Xcious lllie-t of (lie time and
I. Is lid Is believed to be near.
LAND P.Oi:i)
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 11. The s'ate
laml board has given a foi t - ear ;
lease to a company i euresented by
Charles M. Sain, Ellis Mallerv and
W. i. Young of Eos Angels. (over-!
Ing the wafers and beds of Summer
and Albert Lakes In southeastern i
.Oregon, comprising about s,nfoi;
acres of land and w a ter.
The company Is to commence the
Immediate construction of va's and 1
calclniini; plan's of siiflt' ient capacity
jto e a pop. if not bss than lonin.a '
I tons of salt annually at eat b lake j
i !
wot i n EMi (, i i:n i, 1 1 (; ! MI VK O. I
I.OS AM. ELKS. Ah-'.
if:.: a .-pet . oe ,o
M::i.o,.-4 of l.o- Aligfdes.
I.'.. J'nMow
:v ,' Is!, Rl
I'l v!.b h lie
1 1 a ' t i,"
!., l p u
lor l..-e C;,.
.'.! o l ' 1 ." M'i -II
, I the i. -.
o:i. II,,
I. ', f m- : e
. o ' e.e i i j
- eriPa !i; brli,- t ,.af
ye jeo iu! o t ! I . I' .
te'lot. ;,r. t-f r. ,t , , I -I
I ! I'or-'i.O .1 M;
public, is WdJ ting 1 i';
businevii !,,eii of Eo ' ,V ;
'.. i ;-d C, '
:. 1 :.' 'I' t i,f ':. :. i'
-in-! ; . i . :
DORX Kichard Alloa Smith, weight
eight and one-half pounds, arrived
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Smith, on the 6th lust.
To Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Anderson,
Grants Pass, Wednesday, August 14,
a girl. Weight seven pounds. Mrs.
Anderson was "Miss Georgia Coron.
To Mr. and .wis. Will McCallister.
Thursday morning, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith,
August 10, a girl. Weight seven
Hy I'nited Press Leased Wire.
WASHIXC.TOX. Aug. II.- Oppos
ing President Taft'fc appointment of
Secundino Romero as federal mar
shal of Xew .Mexico, Congressman
Ferguson of that state charged in the
house that President Taft traded pat
ronage for delegates to the recent re
publican national convention.
"President Taft twice rejected Ro
mero for the marshalshlp," said Fer
guson, "but after the Chicago con
vention he sent in Romero's name.
Fred Chavez, a Roosevelt delegate,
supported Taft on every roll call n;
F lpD P "fP J
IL JUi ILd o
Given as a Prize to the Josephine
County boy or girl under 18 years
of age, exhibiting the best display of
Farm Produce at the
to be held at Grants Pass, September
18, 19 and 20th. See cultivator ot
our store.
Grants Pass H'dw. Co.
.loscpliinc County Distributors for Mon
arch Ilangos, I-owe Mros. "High
Staiitliirtl" Taint, .lohn Dci-re
Iii)knH'iits, Ikst Made
. Hmiihss.
SALEMSepl. 2-7, 1912
$1.8,000.00 Offered in Premiums
on Livestock, Poultry, Agricul
tural and Other Products.
i;s, mm snow, MiooiiNt; lui i:n.mi:.nt, rand
mi( i .ins. i ii:i;((i:us m i i:i i: m 1 1:. i iuns.
-I Nli Ki: 1'I.I.MII i I.IM AND I NIRV IM. WvS.
I 'm: I'MtTif i i.i:s itii:i:ss
s l.l.M ii;i.(.(iN.
Chicago. Congressman Curry say.
that when he remonstrated with
Chavez for repudiating Roosevelt, tb
latter replied: 'I must do It to &et
I my cousin, Romero, appointed."
j Congressman Curry denied making
;smh a statement, though he- believes
Chavez supported Taft tn order to
help Romero.
OCKAX PARK. Cal., Aug. I.V
i Xew insmauie methods against
j hubby's beach flirting have beou dis
covered by a party of I.os Angeles
summer visitors. Each wife sews
,a bag of aisafoetida to her spouse's
bathing suit. Results an? reassuring.
We have the fishing tackle for riv
er or creek. Cramer Uros.
To Whom lt May Concern:
The proprietors of the Columbia
Mines Company on Grave creek, near
the town of Placer, Josephine county,
Oregon, having this day been leased
to C. F. Foss, Scott Rally and Crock
Eiiperlv. doing business as the Tom
!East Mining Company, C. F. Foss,
manager, please take notice that the
undersigned will not be responsible
for any bills that may be Incurred by
the above rartles.
Aug 6, 1912.
L. A. Lewis, Pres.
rnia.- T1