Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, August 16, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    n.inw, ak;i sx i, 1012.
iiicie 10 dhuu vi our tountv
lying almost at the very door of the
count, t which Is very ltle
known .o the average resist of,
,Ms commercial center, and that is
,he low Adegate valley. A little
Strru-h of country four mile and a
h.lf Inn and a vsrv.n, ttiu ...
..- miu muiii
or.e-nair mue 10 a nine and a half,
Ir can he approached either hv
' 1 c
Wildervllle route and the font ,h
(i- iiy me onuge wntcn crosses th
r;,t r on the Crescent City line. The
iiii.Miitant features of the country
(niisist of rich frnit and agricultural
lauds which have grown orchards of
great value.
ln Withycombe of the Agricultur
al College visited therj? a year, or
thereabout, ago, and after a careful
examination said that there was more
Ideal fruit land on the south side of
lr river land that vvonkl produce
J...':. Ihnn uniil.l 1... t 1 i
i; Mil i ci n miiiu up luuiiu in tne
whole llood River country. The doc-
to:' hi course referred not only t the
soil but to the climate of the little
valley mentioned.
'I'iiw upclloti crintiiliw tin, 1..,1.;,.....
" ' ""iiiBwii
(.ri hards. soviral in number, the
Penn-Oregon orchards, the Hill, the ,Tlielr new amalgamator man Cal
Close, Jones, Morrison. Doener, ;lor,i IIilleWnh. who arrived 1 ,st
Ku'ten-itter, Woeff'.e and the Mc-,ek from !t.,.,ldei-. Colo u ecur
Kinstry. Some of these'orchards are ling m,d returns from the re mii
qulte small Indeed, ling productive !ed. Mi'. Iliilehcrih h:,s 1
farn.s only, but otheis are large and
in J . . . i. . .
win prouuee a uenvy crop mis sea-
g ii. The two brothers, U. M. Robin-
son and J. II. Robinson, w ill ship
about S.OuO boxes of apples this sea-
it u, and they are of the very finest
quality. The Robinsons It will be ,
li.cinl ered, are old-timers, and went
into the fruit business years ago. J.
II. Robinson the past week purchased
an auto truck by which he intends to
broaden the market for his f in it. He
will i.'.i'ry p?alu's and apples to
Crescent City and many other local
ities, where good prices and an ac
tive demand exists.
in the very near future the Robin- ;
sons, together with E. T. McKIa-
st ry. will, go extensively into the;
dairy business, putting In a cream-
ery and a sufficient number of cows !
to make the business remunerative.
The hind in that section produces the
very finest of alfalfa as wel. as other
forage irons. Within the next few
months a aref number of dairy cat
tle will be added to the farms men
tioned, and by next year the creamery
business will be in full b'ing in that
part of the Applegate valley. The
Courier Is glad to note the fact that
thv lounty seat has within nine miles Whi'-h took place at 2: m o'clock thU
of it a country that Is rich beyond j morning. The explosion warned the
measure In general agriculture, fruit down town district. There was only
growing and dairying. Irrigation Is :$7i in the safe, ns most of 'lie funi
the very foundation of the prosper-had ben banked Saturday.
it y of that section, and It has been j
developed to an extent that justifies j prk.SIDFNT CO.MMl'iES
the assertion that th?re is no conn- SLXTEXCK OF PF.ATII.
try anywhere that gives better re- :
turns for the money and labor in-. WASHINGTON'. Aug 1 Presi
vested than does-the lower Applegate j ,ient Taft announced this afternoon
valley. 'that he would conimunte to life im-
...... j prlsonnient the death spntene I:u-
r':ie of the most common ailments posed on Marie I.on.av, a rvgre?s
that hard working people are afflict- j ronvIrW of fhe m,mier hpre of her
'd with is lame back. Apply Cham-;
berlain's Linlm.nt twhe a day and 1 li'isbanrj. She was the first woman
massage the parts thoroughly at each ito be held in the District of Columbia
application, and you will get quh
relief. For sale by nil dealers.
S. Mendell, president of the Stan
dard Reduction Co., left last night
for Cleveland, Ohio, and other points
on business. The company heads
p time ago leased the old canning
f.ntory building and they are now
unloading a car of milling machinery
?l tally designed for the handling of
gravel concentrates by thrir own
process. This machinery will be in
Pli'e and in operation within six
The members of this company
have been In Grants Pass some
Timnths looking up business matters
connected with t!u enterprise and
are well satisfied with their business
prospects. It is their intention to
Solicit only handle concentrates from
their own properties, bu' to do cas
tor.: work as well.
' VANCOUVER. B. C, Aug. 12. , "Crater Lake National Park, Or
Breaking all records for C. P. R. !ton: For the construction of a wag
co,;st wise steamers and wresting the : on rotd and ne-e?sary bridges
blue ribbon from the Ptlnss Vi-th:oigh Crater Lake Nat inn -il Park
toria. which has worn It along h-r Ore mil tozetler wl'h a system of
sides ever since 1903, the C. P. R anVs and water s'ipply 1H s to pro
steamer Princess Charlotte, made the 'vide for sprinkling. In a-cordanre
PWnonieral run of four hours and (with the re'-omnmlations contained
teiity-four minutes between Vi-tor- In the report of the war department
' and Tacoma on Saturday, wb-n published ns house do-im-pnt 32?.
was called Into s-rvice 'o carry 62nd coiuress. 2d session, to b ex-
bis excursion to the TUer Ci"-. STa :pende,i und-r the dire 'ion of the
b'at the FrlncePH VI -toria's time by
minutes, despite the fact th"'
na,l 1.47S paFsengers aboard.
s le
;vis in
I T;j,n, ,i ....
a r.f--s anvil. , ''n,a5ned
Inre " la.
Crar. Jrl" J '
'son of Rev R,u,f , , t'all
W .;,eJ,VhU 1, 17 " "rS"
Mr c, 'fe'
' ..." .Uan "n hls r'""- from Co-
mnioia I niversltv
8'opned at Port.
. JM"lc "'"-ai ex-
"'"iuauon a onir with 1 1
t " lUl . 1,0 tuls
v,uc announcement lias t,,t
t:iadf th lt ,,f . I , - .
' ' i lilllllutr .ill Umi-m i.
cnsed to
1'i.i'tUe' in.- in iir.
rh iw. ...... ...
in ,-avs First
t:, ;.!v.,r,l !. i,,
':ui. or '
iiiHllilii t Cniversity
Vw York. '
1 '- His lu-rfoni
lain e is the mon-
l. ri'orloi's w l.en l! j
' only years of ;
c:i;-.s:,l. re,! h.-
i-e. Mr. Mi .
I. can scciirei! s
or.t of a inwiiii,
' IN ; ; Uoilk l
i ui:r,o
vn;o; ik. .
; Supeiintelidellt Tllh'is of
, '" Strong Led-- MinitK .
( re-
' onipatiy,
cit ' ve.-
iin-ar .Murniiv. w:ls In 1 1. .
. i . ..
leniay, and speaks of
speaks of very satisfm -
tory work at the coinnain urm v
..iunr:i v. once iratov n tor
M .. . . .
past, and
i thoroughly com
men now working
at the
! There ni'- 1
, A vasi amount of ill health is due
'to impaired digestion. When the
U'oir.n: h fails to perform its functions
properly the whol system becomes
deranged. A few doses of Chamber
j Iain's Tablets is all you need. They
will strengthen your digestion, in
jvigorate your liver, and regulate our
, iiowels. entir;-ly doing awav
that miserable feeling due to fault v
digestion. Try it. Many others have
Jieen permanently cured why not
'.viui? For sale by all dealers.
sAl I'. I' i:i;s PITART
WHllolT Til I : (Asil.
Aug. U. After shattering the sate
in th' Rojal theater with a charge
of nitro-glyoeritie, the strength of
which was evidently undentiniated,
the safe blowers who did the trick
were so frightened by the heavy ex
plosion that they failed to take the
money which lay in plain sight in
the shattered safe,
''ire followed thp explosion
under the death sentence since the
( as." of Mrs. Surrat, who was Involv
ed in the conspiracy against Abraham
i CWCVGO iiz 1J "A parlor
Ifor external refreshments wlvre mas-
ging Is practiced," Is the lettering
for the shop windows as adop'd her.
the national -onven'i"n
,f I
today !y
barbers. The d-.-'e-a'e. acr"-.l that
tiif teir.i "barker s'.ii.i" is uirlijiii
fied and not in keepinu with the high
plane of intelliuem e and expert ser
vice required of a "tonsoi ial artiste."
The delegates will remain in ces
sion tintil Friday.
. loo, ooo FOK (TtATFIl
The following is a copy of the
Cra'er Lake item inserted at the re
quest of Senator Bourne as an amend
ment to the ho'ise s'lndry (ivil "bill,
after that bill passed tb house:
set retary of war. $!, ""'
Tbe 1 ill tinned ly the sena'e con
tained this Item.
;kams ivs sati ishav.
A call is being circulated and gen
erously signed for a meeting of all
vut,-rs who are in sympathy with the
I'nr.ssive movement, to be held at
the court house In Grant Pass, at 2
o'clock, on Saturday, August 17th.
Tlie call comes in response to the
I request of the stale organization of
the nati.
mat progressive party, and
Its prime purpose is for the selection
oi a county committeeman, and the
,ir.nn,..l.... -.. . . .
" i mo n ouier misinoss as
i l"r '-euim'.
The committeeman selected will
represent the county at Portland on
the 27'h. when the state progressive
otnmitt.v will l,p g.Mert.,,1 rtlrort
auu in the state.
: count v wttl . t. . ....
""i ii'iu- I'ur il'ir I'll Uie MHie
1 c(mniittee.
I. II.
i;iiim ii s
i:i ( 1 1 vim nu t k.
A new Reo auto truck Is now em
ployed by J. H. Robinson, who has a
fruit farm on the Applegate. nine
miles from Crants Pass, In making
i deliveries of his produce. The ma
chine was purchased by him through
the agency of M. Ounn. and was driv
en down from Portland, reaching
this citv Thursday everting, after a
record run from the north.
Messrs. Dunn and Carl Allen came
through with tJie machine, leaving
Portland Wednesday morning and ar
riving at ('.rants Pass Thursday even
ing;. time not often equalled on the
run. The gentlemen add nnother
testimonial to the excellence of the
Josephine county roads.
Jii.TKit fiiur, is si lt im:.
SKDRO WOOI.KY. Wash., Aug. 13.
Miss Bessie Vreeland. the daugh
ter of a prominent rancher of this vi
cinity, living mar Lyman, learned
that her fiance, whom she was to
wed Saturday, had left the country,
went out to Lake Milkbu- last night
i and drowned herself.
OX I'll IC.UiO Jl K V.
CHICAGO, "Aug. 13. Angered be
cause a constable submitted for Jur
ors three men slu had found loafing
in a livery stable and three from a
poolroom, "Judge" Catherine Waugh
McCuIoch, of Kvanston, the only wo
man justice of the peace In the coun
ty, yelled "I want highbrow jurors,
not bums."
Turning to the constable, she said:
"C.'t Professors James A. James, 1.
S. Grant. Walter Dill Scott and John
A. Scott, of Northwestern I'niversity,
land men of that calibre, and bring
i them here at once."
Constable Jones returned with the
explanation that "all the noodle ex
perts wer out of town, and that the
j court would have to be satisfied with
j"red necks."
i iiv lar on nicii "ua iiiai kji ail
expressman who wanted $9 for mov
ing some household goods.
I.AII. KMAKS t ll.i I K AT I
SKATTLL. Aug. 1 3. Local rail
roads are preparing to put up a vig
orous fieh: against the rules pro
posed by the state public service coiu-
I mission, reiiuiring them to provide
!cars and nive freight for shippers I
j wit ii dUpat'h. The lvarln? will be j
i 011 Setember 1 . The rules re- ,
i TjirP railroads to furnish cars with- I
,in ,en ,1a's after application, to ac-1
cept freuht Immediately and move
same at least 50 miles per day, and
notify rhe fonsimuv within 21 hours
after arrival.
WASHINCTON, Aug. 13. Testi
fying before the senate campaign
contribution committee here today.
Congressman Lloyd of Missouri, for
mer chairman nnd treasurer of thr
democratic congressional committer,
told of the fund raised for the con
gressional election In Missouri in
190S. He declared that a fund of
$27.r was raised, and that all this
money was spent in the various imi
ten's of 1911.
PORTLAND, Aug. 13.- "Only
fools and muV' work" was the llfo i
motto of C. p. Hem-h. according to'
ttie tpxtltnonv in the divorce court of
Mrs I? neb. She got the divorce. !
. .
SN FRANCISCO, Aug 13.- Deti -
nls MrFadden. deputy sheriff, driver
of the prison van, Is not exempt
from the l;iw. Dennis was "pinched"
a .in load of prisoner" for vlo- 1 1'
latins thp traffic orllnnnre and haul- j
ed to Jail.
The Southern Pacific company has
requested the Commercial club to get
together a few samples of the pro
ducts of the Rogue river valley for
exhibition at the fairs in Iowa and
Minnesota. The samples would have
to reach the company at Portland by
next Tuesday, so the necessity for
i Haste Is apparent. All namulM will
I be transported by the railroad free of
Secretary Quinlan asks that
samples of wheat, oats aud grasses
h put up in four-inch sheaves. Put
tard on fruits, vegetables, etc., show
ing by whom they were grown, aud
deliver to the. Commercial club rooms
inot later than Monday noon. It Is
not necessary to send large quan
tities, and quality is the essential
Secretary Quinlan says that he is
meeting with much success in gath
ering a display of samples of Rogue
River valley products to bend to the
fair in Iowa and Minnesota. The
j grains have largely been cut, but
some good samples were obtainable
from the stacks and barns. The ne
cessity for haste Is Impressed upon
th people, as all samples must be In
the hands of the Commercial club by
Monday noon.
In selecting samples for this ex
hibit, It Is well to bear in mind the
request of the Oregon Development
le.T. o for fruits, grains, etc., to con
stitute part of tl: display nt the big
land shows, the dry farming congress
In Alberta and at various localities
east of the mountains, and select du
plicate samples at the same time.
Railroad exhibit cars will be pro
vided by the transportation company,
and this fair on wheels will attract
great attention wherever shown.
'or the arrangement of samples
for the various shows. Secretary
Chapman, of the Portland Commer
cial club, gives the following direc
tions: "Gather the eraln In sheaves, cut
ting with a sickle before your gen
eral harvest. Also grasses, clovers,
alfalfa. Try and get perfect straw-,
uniform lengths get good, perfect
heads, uniform size. Sheaws should
be four Inches through. We should
have from five to ten sheaves of each
variety from you. Kach sheaf will
be used at a different place, and must
lw? new for each place. Wrap each
sheaf separately and do not tie tight i
and mar the straw. There's no use
taking trouble to get good samples, j
just to spoil them by neglect of some !
little detail.
"Put tag on each sheaf, showing I
name of grower and locality in which
grown. W'e want you, your locality!
and the grower to get the prizes and
awards. We will see that worthy j
samples are entered In competition '
all over the country, and the cups,
ribbons, medals, prizes and awards j
that are won by your growers will j
ail t exhibited here In Portland and ;
sent to you. There are all manner ,
of prizes offered and we want you to j
win some of them aud secure the
benefit of the publicity. ;
"Get individual samples of good
stock grown from one sed. Also ,
vegetables. Get good specimens, i
wash them clean, put them In a dark,
cool place (not a cellar, though) a
cool, airy place, where no light shines
in to discolor and let them dry,
Properly dried, tlu common veuet-
ables will be in first class condition
for all the big; shows. Show what
your section can grow In a dlversi-
fled way. Your people may not Know
n your own town, nnd will be amaed
to see what you gather."
SEATTLE. Aug. 13. -Dr. Joseph j
A. Holmos, director of the Federal
Hureau of Mines, will leave here in a j
! few days to make a survey of the!
Ilierlng river coal fields. He will be
i at the head of an expedition of 40.
jThe survey Is to b made under the
j charge of the navy department and
jthe general land office, to ascertain
! t he availability of the coal for thi
'I'tilted States war vessels,
j 'I In expedition Is now nil ready
, and aw aiting the $r,0,000 appropria
tion for this purpose by congress.
I)S ANGELES. Aug. 13.--C. K. !
If'-nnhlo. bookkeeper, told Judge j
Monroe that be studied metaphysics
and physiology for three months pre- I
paring himself for the ordeal of a dl-
vorce suit against his w ife. He al-
! b'tted criwlty, but th dcre was d"- I
!rled. 1
When thoro's rent
ne for ;o' i
3-1 1 'n't f'l !
o "n It'
come out
im you wso
trad.-: M- -
Arid the lidji-marls from the
vnrper; good (or valuaMc
r'?miuT.j jeweliy, silverware,
loilcl S'ticlcj, etc.
Pure Lye or Potaih
Nipiha Soip
Wh'te Floating Soap
Bjhb!t' Cleanser
Sv ii..? trJ--rii;li from
ii'ttlt vl r itmun lion
B T. IIAMITT. Ir, Do 1776.
iV-,t Y iA Cuy.
Josephine County Grange Fair
Grants Pass. Sept. 18, 19, 20
Saw your Mg Rrnln, jrro bin fruit niul imo for line ktock,
then enter for preniiuin when I be time routes.
First National
A 1,8 $2.00 TO 910.00 PI 111 YEA It.
coxti:oi,li:i this siiasox.
PORTLAND. Aug. 13 July
passed practically without forest fire
loss, August begun with unusually
favorable conditions, and better
equipment than ever before by all
protective agencies except the fed
eral forest service, which is hampered
by congressional delay In acting upon
its appropriation, Is the summary of
a statement Issued today by the
Western Forestry & Conservation as
sociation upon advices received from
all protective headquarters in the Pa
cific Northwest. Due partly to the
weather, but also to the perfection of
preventive measures which, like the
block signal system on railroads,
safeguard without being spectacular,
the situation is novel In that the
middle of the usual four mouths' fire
season has arrived and there Is not
a single fire of Importance to report.
Although small tires are becoming
numerous, green timber Is not dry
enough, to carry them unless strong
wind urevails and the patrol forces
are handling them promptly. The
season has been favorable for dispos
Ing of dangerous slashings and never
before has there been such system
and success in extinguishing smoul
dering logs and snag left after
burning to become a inenai' later.
On the other hand, the growth of
grass and underbrush has been so
heavy as to threaten peculiar danger
from now on. Marked improvement
In t are with fire is reported, although
thz-re Is considerable complaint
against cureli-hS leaving of debris by
county road builders aud against the
Itching Shin
QuicWy Cooled
Hot weutber means skin trouble
for many people, but now you inn
stop that Id h Instantly.
Just n few drops of tbo cooling and
healing D D. D. Prescription ami the
lull Is gone -not in half an hour
not in ten minutes hut In five sec
onds. We know this lotion will do
the work. If the first regular bottle
falls to prove It to your satisfaction
y.i nr-"t s -i 5 '- S p
Of Southern
operations of small and irresponsible
Washington reports no July fires
of consequence, but the laws are be
ing enforced rigidly to prevent dan
ger later. Several attempts to burn
without permit or operate unguard
ed engines have been followed by
prompt arrest and conviction. The
Washington Forest !''l!V association
has 90 patrolmen out and Is devoting
special attention to finding and cx-
I tlnguishlng any fire left after spr'ng
slash burning. The state forester has
I 27 regular wardens on duty and U
j Increasing this force gradually, be
sides having a special force of 3." se
cured by government nld under the
( Weeks' law.
Oregon had but one fire worthy of
mention in July and this was speedily
extinguished, without loss, by the
Columbia county patrol association.
About 3.'0 wardens are on duty In
tin- state outside the national forests,
'employed by state, counties and prl-
I vale owners.
Although the usual fire season la
naif over, congress has made no ap
propriation for the federal forest
service. The national forests are lw
Ing guarded on a deficiency fund,
which It Is said would be wholly In
adequate lu an ordinary season, but
so far there has been little loss.
It Is emphasized by all authorities
that, while tlu Immunity enjoyed so
far shortens the dangerous season
and has permitted careful prepara
tion, a few hot drying days may bring
the maximum hazard at any time
now. All pel sons are urged not to
( attempt slash burning and to exercise
; great cm-., with sparks, tnatchM and
camp fires.
(It will not cost you u cent.
This great specific for skin dlseusv's
D. D. D. Presi rlptlon, usually sells for
.00 a bo'tle, but now-, by special ar
rangement you can get a trial sl.e
bottle for 2.". cenls. This will be
enough to show you why we always
recommend I). I). D. for all skin
troubles. I). I). I), gives Instant re
ll"f. Clemens, sells drugs.