FRIDAY, AI GI ST 0, 1912. WEEKLY HCJl E 1UVER tOUUKK TAGE FIVE. GROCERIES CANNING SUFPLIES MASON JARS ECONOLIY JARS JELLY GLASSES JAR RUBBERS JAR TOPS J. Pardee 417 G. Street rtlWO.N'AL AND LOCAL. ("apt. Forrest of the Salvation Army went to Glendale Tuesday. Mrs. Earl Hawkins of Galke start ed Tuesday night for Enderlln, X, D. John Clements, an Althouse valley stockman, was in the city Wednes day. J. T. Connell, a wining man from Canyon creek, is transacting business in C'rants Pass this week. Messrs. Payne, Young and Stivers were in from the Cameron-Logan mine at Waldo Wednesday. Deputy Sheriff E. L. Couurn left Wednesday morning for Portland to spend bis vacation of 10 days or more. W. H. Wann left on Wednesday monijng for Marshfield, where he will spend several months experting looks. James T. Chiunock, of the statu water board, now in the Rogue valley adjudicating water claims, arrived in the city Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mary Morey ami .son, Elmer, ;.nd tho latter's family, were Wednes day visitors in the city from their Althouse valley dairy farm. .Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs. C. W. Klmmel, Mr. Churchill and Mr. Loek ett returned Tuesday afternoon from their outing on "Dad's creek. Mrs. F. H. Oldlng and Miss Olding returned Tuesday night from the Shovel Springs, where they have been spending the past two weeks. Miss Grace Reed of Tacoma stop ped off at Grants Pass Tuesday night while on her way home from San Francisco, and will visit several days with Mrs. II. G. Marshall. E. M. McKeany, Northwestern agent of the Producers' Fruit Co , was in the city Tuesday. This com pany has store rooms in the Kinney Truax warehouse on the Southern Pacific tracks. Mrs. C. H. Sampson and Mrs. II. C. Ilobzien and daughter, Marjorie, left ivr Seaside Wednesday morning to spend several weeks. Mrs. Sampson will probably spend the balance of the summer with her sister at the coast. Patton's S. P. paints at Cramer Pros. Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbard left Tuesday night for Satsop, Wash., where they will be at home on the large, farm of their daughter-in-law, Mr?. Etta Dlanton. near that place. They are hoping the change of cli mate will be beneficial to Mrs. Hub bard's health. R. A. Jones, who. with a number of men. have been operating a pro specting drill in the Crave Creek district, was in the city Tuesday on his way to Orleans Par. on the Klam ath river, where he will do some pro specting, lie was accompanied by Walter Clarke and Geo. Drandack. Mrs. Slfers, who has been at the Southern Oregon hospital for the past five week, and underwent a serious operation, is so far recovered that she wan taken to her home at Tolo to day, being carried on a stretcher. She was accompanied by Mrs. Johnson, nurse, and Mrs. Jennie Cheshire. Gun and cartridges at Cramer Pros. Mrs. C. V. Stevens and daughter, Miss Carol, left Wednesday morning fr,r Salem and other points. When Air. Stevens returns from Alaska they will decide upon a location for per lii.'iiient residence. Mrs. Stevens and ''a-isrhter have lived in Grants Pa? about one year. New Discovery Washing Fluid dirt remover. 'Sold In all groceries at 25 ents. will do a family wp-hing cheap er than fra;i ':'"" in shl ;alKhard Sl ent Wedsday ' Mrs. H. L. White of Ashland ar- rived Thursday morning to spend the day s Rosooe Hratton went to Colesiih inursiiay tnornins if for a two week's stay. Mrs. Arthur Drown of Murphy left Thursday morning for Eugene to vis It her parents. Mr. snd Mrs. C. A. Stone, of Reno. Nevada, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allison. Mrs. E. G. Holman and two chil dren went to Portland Thursday morning to spend two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd pyre went to Newport Tuesday night, where they will stav H M riii Mr n..,. " un ( Joe Pardee and Darwin Ingalls left early Thursday morning on their wheels for Peer Creek, where they win esianusn camp. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Coivlg are en Joying a visit from their two daugh ters, Mrs. Bertram Stone, of San Francisco and Mrs. F. W. Chausse. of Portland, the latter arriving this morning. Mrs. Chas. Ansel, Alfred Adolph, John and Julia Angel arrived Thurs- day morning from Vancouver, Wash. Mr. Simpkius was struck by a falling They were joined by Mr. Angel and tree and his leg broken in two will take a private conveyance for places and he also had three ribs Crescent City, Cal. i broken. He is now in the hospital at O. L. Ragan left Wednesday night ' Forest Grove. for a two week's stay at Newport. ' Mrs. Ragan and the baby preceded Orchard Company Elects Director him some time ago. The parents of j The Rogue River Orchard coin both Mr. and Mrs. Ragan are "spend- pany, promoters and owners of the Ing the summer at that popular re sort. Douglas ( unuty Official- ('.i;i-icwu- Judge Wonnacott and the other of- hYials of Douglas county were excep tionally ronrteous in dealing with this county in the matter concerning the diange that was pro.K'sed In the I Wolf creek road. When our r.ekh- i hois realized what the (h:in.v would mean to Josephine county they fell in line with our people at ome, and instead of forcing thro r-!i the change as they might have done, l.'ft the road as it had been, and also aureed to improve the portion of the road in Douglas county. Shipment of Fsmis C. C. Wheeler on Wednesday ship ped to Pasadena two yearling fawns which will be placed in the private park of R. J. Husch along with three otners which were shipped there last year, and their offspring. With this addition the hand will numlier nine. Mr. liusch has a wooded park of IS acres on the hills adjoining Pasa- dena, which makes an ideal home. The deer were secured from Herman Horning. .Stockmcji Visit Grunts Pass Joseph Chamberlain and son, Lo- dent Taft indicated that he will veto gan, and the latter's wife and two both the wool and steel tariff revis children, are In Giants Puss today 0n bills. A single message will cov froni the east fork of the Illinois riv- er both measures. It will declare er. The two gentlemen are in the that neither was formulated with the business of producing-beef cattle on aid of the tariff board, and therefore the Illinois valley ramie, and the neither bill constitutes scientific re recent reports of the skyward ten- vision, dency of the price of beef does not seem to worry them at all. They re port the range in good condition this year, the heavy rainfall having made an excellent growth of grass. Tle (iidioe Way j A new way of capturing deer has jbeen discovered in the Galke section. Commissioner C. L. Harlow, who is in ; th city on his duties on the county I board, brings the story that Jo Chambers and Frank Campbell, farm 'ers near Galice, caught a four-point jbuck with no weapons more formid able than their bare hands, and dis patched the animal with a butcher knife. A little Fox Terrier rounded up the deer and ran him Into a lane and the rest was easy, as the buck was too bewildered to make much re sistance. After the men had thrown the animal they called to the hired man to come with a knife. A I ainily Reunion There is a family reunion at the Dollar farm, the farm on the hillside west of the city, owned by Ulrd Sis son, and it iH continue for a week, for Mr. Sisson's father, toother, broth er and sister arrived from Oakland. Cal . Tuesday night for a short stay. The father and mo' her are and S years of age but are well pre served and in good health. The broth er and sister. Dr. Ernest and Dr Ef fie Sisson. are both op!e.;iat!i physi cians practicing in their hope 'dty. and the latter was the first v .(.mat. osteopath lie n.-ed to pra"be In Cali fornia. Fruit Jats at Cram- !!; Suffered From T.KkkI IVsouing D. 8. Shaffer, of the Illinois Valley. ha Deea seriously ill for some time i'ast a tarbuncb? on the right hand having caused blood poisoning, from which it was feared the arm would have to be amputated. The danger is now past, however. "Move On" tinier for Hobos The ii;y poli e department, has been rounding up the hobos and vag rants today, and giving them the or der to on. A number of the gentry have been begging from door to doir lately, much to the annoy ance of the housewives. v i o :-Mipei w-c .miimc and l'ltivung .. . . . . . . ... . Miss Sonhi Meseni?r. of flennto. . . . . . ' Wisconsin, has Just notified the, school hoard that she will accept the 'offered position of supervisor of music and drawing in the public ,s( 0U. The tender of the place was made Miss Messenger some time ago, but she had not accepted till now. Former Resident Injured Word was received here Wednes day of an accident which befell Hen Siinpkins, formerly of this place but now of Forest Grove. The particulars were not definite, but it senis that Country Club Orchards lying between Grants Tass and Merlin, held an elec tion at the headquarters bouse it Merlin Wednesday, electing a board of directors consisting of W. T. Reed and F. E. Reed of Kansas City. F. F. . Williams of Portland. F. D. Williams of Merlin and W. Id Sherman of thi city. This is an indorsement (if the 'old board, which Is returned to office, under which such satisfactory devel opment work has been dime. Weather For duly The record kept by Observer Fad dock for the month of July shows a maximum temperature (f 1 ." de grees on the ltith, a n (J on two other days a temperature of I'm-or better was recorded, 102 on the 15th'nnd 100 on the 21th. The minimum temperature of the month was 4 2. recorded on the Mb. The monthly mean was t'V There were 2" clear 'biys during, the month, two cloudy and nine partly cloudy. These was no rain, no wind s'orius. no weathtr disturbances of any kind. RESIDENT WILL VETO VOO, NI STEEL DILLS. ; WASHINGTON. Aug. S. Follow ing a cabinet meeting today Presi- PRES. TAI T'S CAI1INET HOLDS SPECIAL MEETING. WASHINGTON", Aug. S.--A spec ial meeting of the cabinet was held at noon todav. It is understood that President Taft wished to outline to the members of his official family, his messages vetoing tariff bills and to decide whether to reject the budget bill If the Commerce Court appropriation were omitted. Itei f scraps make hens lay eggs. Phone Cramer Bros., 55- morc J. WILL TALK MORE LATER. NEW YORK, Wilson arrived Aug. 8. Woodrow here today. Refer- ring to the fact that in his acceptance speech he failed to discuss everything contained in the Haltlmore platform. Wilson promised to remedy this In his spepche? during the campaign. He added: "I took for my initial uttersnc-s topics that were of the most pressing nature, and ones on which th peo ple are anxious to know my p' ! .Hon." TO SETTLE HIONTIER DISl't I E. VIENNA. A V Pis'ci'ch-s (Piled h're today from Cetlln'-'. M (-nc'ro. as"-;t that , Morenezi'o aereed todav- joint i (in.Tiiiss iili to settle t'. e'r tier di-p'l' Me'1l:'i!:'( , til" fighting between the t.) '( it.-: ! r !BOY IS BURNED TO DEATH AT KERBY (from Mrnday'g Dally). A three-year-olj boy, the son of C. A. Phillips, was burned -to death iu a fire at Kerby at two o'clock this afternoou. The lad, whose mother died a little over a year ago, was liv ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. rrank llogue. He was out playing in the barn 'and chicken house this afternoon, and evidently had matches In his possession, starting a fire that destroyed both buildings and his own life with them. The body was ter ribly burned, life being extinct when i ;; n overed trom the burned i.. ,i!.i!.. """"' lather. C. A. Phillips, is at An uncle. C. K. Phil East ' I street, in this Harbor. Oie. lips, lives on city. ju y n DDS NEW HEN STORY TO LIST. E. S. Watch, deputy in the office of County Clerk Cheshire, Is some thing of a poultry man himself. When the judges at the poultry shows are tying up the ribbons the Veatcb pens always come In for their full share of the blue ones. And now that the recounting of egg laying reiordx has reached such an n'tite stage, Mr. Ventch smiles and says a few things as be get-i into the game. Ventch bad a pen of five black Min orca hens that on a number of ocens- ions gave him six eggs In one day, and lately a pen of ten hens produced eleven eggs between sun and sun. Veau h says that It Is not clear In his mind whether one ben had done double duty, or the rooster, who made the eleventh member of the pen, had been helping out In the egg ! production line. He also clouds the record n tilt more when he tells of a neighbor who w as cm ournglng a lady member of the household In the chicken busi ness. That the lady might not become discouraged at the number of eggs credited to the flock each day. the neighbor would surreptitiously put a tew extra eggs in tne nests, to be gathered by the lady In the even- ing. Of course the deputy clerk s.vs that these extra eggs enme from the Ventch brand of Mlnorcas. Out ho does not think that his own 11 nek needed any outside assistance In the performance which he now credits up to them. I t 4 i . WIRE liltlKFS. il'.y United Press leased Wise. i PORTLAND, An 'jr. V A screw came loose in .1. E. Harvey's wooden leg and he fell In the street. He v.:is rushed to the hospital, where a tuc- 1 e-nf ul ope: at ! w ith a monkey on ; w recti. performed PORTLAND. Aug. s. Prof. Per nott, state bai terlologist, is holding a postmortem over a cat which creat ed a panic at n banquet In Heppner, 'r., by biting n waiter. The object is to fin (1 out if the spe tacular per formance was Induced by hydropho bia or catnip. VANCOI'VKR. Wash., Dr. S. H. Nelson. V.'ashl Aug. iigton s. -state .veterinarian, ordered that no Oregon dogs should be permitted to pass into Washington over the ferry here until they have a certificate showing they have been examined for rabies. ! OAKLAND, Cal , Aug. s. A iiioh- , quito lodged In the eye of Walter I ('order while driving an auto here. Result, damaged telegraph pole, wrecked machine ami severe bruises ' to f 'order, his wife and brother. OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. S. I)e- ,, , . , , .. i i . mandlng five cent fares from her, but allowlng "affinities'1 to pay with smiles, is charged against Charles A. j Perry, street car conductor, by his iwRe, in a divorce complaint. j VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 7. David Falconer told tho court bis wife hated him so mudi that "even I in her sleep she kbked me in the ! lu k. jumped up and dow n and ; threatened lyy life.' Divorce grunt ed. PORTLAND, Aug. George liOlltKOU elected to S rf leu days i.n the rock pile lather t hi-ti pay a i.i line lor selllna lgurc-tp s tn n miner. He Kays It 1:4 a n. utter ol principle, ' the boy j :it. I.ig i, 1 am." e Odd the j.o'ei. !. sv,!ii !"'t ! m-:1 to him?" INFANTILE PARALYSIS gaixs ix i .os a(; LOS ANGELES. Aug. S. With nearly 200 cases of Infantile paral ysis reported to the health author-1 itles here, and 36 deaths from the! disease recorded, constant guard Is being maintained today about the home of the quarantined patients. Few cases have been reported since August 1. however, and the author-! ities tielieve the spread of the dis ease is checked. According to present plaus, all Sunday schools will remain closed until the disease Is entirely, stamped out. Many persons have taken their children from the i Ity. Two adult cases have been reported. lli'l.M Kl 111 I I. OF VI Al l I V H AS AERIUD. E. T. McKinstry has today received by express from lloqniam, Wash., a beautiful specimen of Ilolsteln bull which will head his herd on tho plegate farm. The animal is four- teen months of age, and now weighs 1,000 pounds. It Is the pick of the northern country, and was selected for Mr. McKinstry by II. L. Gllkey, ashler of the First National bank of this city, Mr. Gllkey now being In the Washington country with his family on an automobile tour. The hull was taken to the McKinstry farm this forenoon. If you want to Increase your rops cue hair use-our land plaster. Cement Prodrrts Co., opposite S. P. depot. 3-22-tt PORTLAND, Aug. 7. -A nice point of law Is to be decided by the munic ipal court. Charles E. Pottage sets ul, defense to the chargo of bit- lug Tom Conroy, that he was attack- 1 ( d by three men and therefore It was 1 justifiable to resort to man's prima- ' t Ive weapons. Ii: III It WANTED. I I 'pea bcr w ; nt t'or district No. :il. 1 !(( Wonder, Josephine county. We I vi pii a first grade man teat her I -0 ,,,. 11(lllt, , he to do the Jan- j I,,,,,. ru; or m -rude lady teach- 'pr jt-l0 ,,,. ,m,t, nd the district 1 av for janitor work. Eight 1 ,1,,t,ti,s' term desired. j J. T. Roberson, clerk; or 1 Directors H. II. McOlnng, W. A, George, A. T. Cart We wish school o begin oil the first Monday In 'eptcinber. .1 T. ROIIERSON. Hist. Clerk No. !!!. v-it-at xoi i i; ' AH persons Indebted to the South ern Oregon Supply Co.. are urgently requested' to ( till and make early set ' (lenient of their accounts to the un dersigned. S. RAPHAEL. Afe lit. Office Gibson Grocery Co., r.i)7 Front Street. NOTICE OK SHERIFF'S SALE. Notbe Is hereby given that on the 7th day of September, I !H 2, at Hi . . , . .,. ., ii... o cloeK a. 111. Ill me mini noor in nip court bouse at Grants Pass, Oregon. 'aind'l'resy''S'la Van Horn in and to the following des. t lb- ci real property: The eart one-hull' of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter and Gm cast half of the west half of the northeast quarter or tne noriiiweni quarter and itie easi nan oi me southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and the east halt of the west hiilf of the soutlieii-l quarter of the northwest quarter of seitioii lwuity four, township thirty-live south, of range seven west of Willamette Mer idian, In Josephine county, Oregon. Less and excepting the following: lieglnlng at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 2 1, .. . . ,1... township 35 south, of range seven, , we Willamette Meridian, and run- ii i ii l; west in rods; thence north 4U 1 , , , , ' . . . ,, ,,, IIMIM, I 1111 e.iru " iwn-1, i ,j- ii n ' 4D rods to place of beginning, con taining I" M'-res, and Hie east half 'of. the southwest quarter of the 1 won t licii. quarter of I he northwest ,iuaiter of nectloti t cut y-foil r, town- shlo thirty-five mciMi. range seven ;weHt. Willamette Meridian. I Said sale Is made for the purpose iof satisfying a judgment rendered In ifavor of S. II. Ilurr and against l.otta jVun Horn In the circuit court of the s'ate of Oregon for Josephine lonnty 'on September 5, liill, ror the sum of ninety-five and 40-DIU dollars, with Interest from September 5, I ;i I I , ul , the b gal tale. WILL C. SMITH. Sheriff of Joxqitlliie OUlitv. Ore. - I'ortUnd, Or e"l - f HmMm till ! Pi-hrml f"t O.rli In" 1 i.iriir in nitirnm r .ii.iib r.i n , w . l 1 Ciligli. r4l ti,4 tltntnitrr D'PkrCMati. I Milf. Art t.eite.s OTmrsuva, I I- r l.l., Hd Mil Ml I i ki I I llloll orriot.vM liri. i,. ii .ii ! TO CONTROL PATENT SALE. J .WASHINGTON, Aug. S.-Declaring that the measure will stop the j practice by big corporations of buy. "jlng up and suppressing patents, Con gressman Oldfleld of Arkansas today reported to the house from the pat ents committee, a bill designed also I to prevent the unreasonable control jof the re-sale of patented articles by the owner of the patent. The new measure Is designed to (meet a condition recently established by a supreme court decision by which owners of patents were givea control, not only of the patented article Itself, but also of all articles used in connection therewith. Economy fruit jars at Cramer Uros. Mrs. W. C. Hale Is enttrtalnlng her mother. Mrs. N. Langwell of Port land, w ho arrived Tuesday night from Bedford, where she also visited. "No Fly " If used on your tows, will Increase the amount of milk. Ap-.The Rogue River Hardware Co. sells I ' for ar cents a quart. S-2-4t Call Dr. Pesttil, the veterinary sur- g00n. Phono 222-J. 6-H-tf '(OX TRACTORS AND 111 II.DI K8 ATTHXTIOX! This Is tho" op. irtunlty yen have been looking for. All tho lumber cf the Three Pines Lumber Co., consist 1 1? of assorted y. rd ktocl: of fir and ledur lumber, together with several carloads of 4 foot fir wood on doeic ready for delivery, now cn sale. In quantities to salt. JEI-V'KKSON D. COOK, Receiver. ti-2S-4t Three Pities. Oregon. CITY TKKASl KI U S NOTICE. Thrie aio f iuW In tho dry treas ury to rede mi nil w nrianti prctestel ii; to i.nd luclud'.ni fvp-'iuler 2, Vtle. D.i'ed lit 'lui!.:s Pass, Oregon, this jl.'t day of August, l!U2. Interest will cease after date. G. P. JESTEIt, City Treasurer. MIDS Dill WOOD. lilds will he received for the suii- plying of School District No. 54 with t' tiers onk wood and fi tiers fir wood, delivered at school house. All bids must he In the hands of tho clerk by August l"i. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Maggie Uaimiu, clerk, R. F. I). No. 2. ltox 2.". 7-26-3t I NOTICI. Notice Is hereby given that there nre funds on hand In the treasury of School district No. 54, Josephluo county, Oregon, to redeem outstand ing warrants Nos. ti, S, !), it), 12, 13, 14 mid 15, and they will be paid on presentation at the First National Hank of Southern Oregon lit Grants , I'ass. Interest on these warrants will cease 10 days after the uppeur unce of this notice. ' Dated August 2, 1912. ' MAGGIE RANZAU, 8-2-2t Clerk. CLASSIFIED ADS UH Sil k i . . AUj DENTISTS' OFFICES lu Grants on Thursday afternoons througuo it the sum- '"er. 6-10-tf FOR SALE : S O, ' R. I. hens. In quire North 10th street. C. It. Urechtblll. Phone 224-Y. 7-5-4t FOR SALE Nine-months old, full blood bull calf. Price 25. Write J. L. Scott, Glendale, Ore. 7-5-3t DO YOU WANT trees that are trees to name, clean, thrifty and wl! matured when dug. You may te sure of Just that kind of stock if you deal with tho Milton Nursery Co., Milton, Ore. J. C. Duetcher. Agent, Grants Pus. 7-26-1 3t FOR SALE -Choice 5-ar tract in Three Pines fruit district, land mostly cleared, two room house. Address Chas. Hee, Three Pines, Oregon. 8-2-4t Mlntkl.LA.NLOi ItAXNIE, the plumber, Is resdy it any rnlnul to repair your plnnit 1or. 809 H stieet. Telephons 14MI. EARL V. INGLES. It. 8c Oenersl sssay sr.d analytical work. Cenmr.t and asphalt testing. Dest equipped 1 assay office and testing labora tory In Oregon. All worl- guaran teed. Calvert-Paddock block. MONEY UANTL $5000 wauled on long time, improved Income busi ness property as security. Will Five 7 per cnit r.t better than n hil:ix stcd,. Adl-tss Rogue RD--r Courier. 4-1 2-f