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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1912)
1 FRID irr Al Gl ST 0, ls)i U'EEKLV ROGl E RIVER COOIIER pack two PERSONAL AM) LOCAL. 4 4 C. G. Allen went to Portland Sun day night. Miss Hazel Gillette went to Port land Sunday to visit her brother. Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Moulder of Medford were In the city Sunday. H. J. .Smith went to Portland Sun day, and will later go to Spokane. Mrs. Oliv ltowle) went to West i-'nik Saturday to visit her daughter, Jlrs. Jirown. Miss Leah Slover returned Sunday night from Oakland, C'al., where she has spent several weeks with rela- tlVI-H. Miss Grace Noblu u-turned to her home at Portland Sunday after upend ing a month with her sinter, Mrs. Dr. P.ehtul. A. C.Allen and wife and Prof. P. J. O'Gara and wife motored up from Med ford to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. If. K. Gale at Klver View ranch, near Merlin. Mth. A. I'. Hannard left Monday morning for Newport. She will be met at Albany by her daughter, Miss Susie liannard, who will spend her vacation at the coast. Bishop U. G. Waterhoust of Los Angeles, who preached in the M. K. Church South on Sunday, left Mon day for Roseburg, Portland and Spo kane, and then on to Montana, where he will hold conference. Prof. F. K. Wolf, superintendent of the business department of the uni versity at Baldwin, Kan., and hU father, were In GrantH Pass last week, the hiiettt "f th .1. K. llalr and the Dr. Flndley families. Tliey left north Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Entrlken of Ga llcp are spending several days In the city. PROFESSIONAL OAJtDS M. 0. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to TE. EAR, NOSE and. " HROAT Olatsea fitted and furnlihed. Orice boura 9 to 12; 2 to (; ill by appointment. Phones 62 and lit- 0RANT8 PASS, 0RE0ON. V. L. DIMMICX, D. M. D. DENTIST Corner 6th and 0 itreeta Phone 303-J. Crown, Bridge Work and rilllmi of All Klndr, a Specialty. O.'flce houra, to 12 a. m.; 1 to f p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. C. MACY, D. M. D. DENTIST larceiior to Mion Broi., DentliU Flrit-clnii Work. 10m South Sixth, Grant! Paaa, Or H. D. NORTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Coorti. Office, Opera H0011 Block. 0. S. BLANCHARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice in all State and Federal Courtt nankltiK ,t Trm: Co. Bld GRANTS PASS, OREOON. J. D. WURTSBAUQH Attorney and Counelor at Law Notary Public In Office In Howard Illork. of flu. Phona bl-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAYER North Stairway. GRANTS PASS, OREOON. Roonia 6 and 7, Opera House Dloc. M. 0. H. DAY CONTRACTOR AND DL'ILPEK. Reildeaofi a Specialty. riant and ettliuatea furnUhed. Realdence, Kat A Ct. Phone ltl-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON. G. H. BINNS Assw fi: Eatatlltbei 19 yean r Uteet, c;'pclte Colecl1 bote), Grants Ikm Ore Oliver Brown wtnt to Portland Monday evening. W. A. Fuller left Monday night for a few days In Portland. Lee Calvert went to Riddle Mon day night to look after contract work. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Marshall re turned Sunday night from a month'-j stap at Portland. M. Dunn left last night on a busi ness trip to Portland and will be ab sent sev ral dayg. Jim Clemens, of Glendale, was In the (dty Tuesday looking after sup plies for his barber shop In that dty. .Joseph Shaska left Monday nigh' for Corvallis. I'ortland and other points, expecting to be absent se'enil weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 11. 1!. Keed left Tuesday morning for K j Muff, Cal., to look over that wetion of the ooun try. Mrs. J. ('. Calhoun and children returned Monday from a three weeks' visit with Mrs. Calhoun's parents at Brownsville. Miles Mclntyre and mother, Mrs. M. A. Hunter, left Tuesday morning by automobile for Crescent City for a week's outing. Mrs. Lottie Hall and li'tle son re turned Monday to her home at Ber keley, after having spent several weeks with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Jess. Mr. and Mrs. h. D. Norton and son. Ilenrv. have gone to Crescent City for a week's outing. The trip is helm; made In the Norton automo bile. Mr. mid Mrs. I). L. Spen left Monday n I t;b t fur their home in :-!. Paul, after spending a week with Mrs. S pence's sister. Mrs. Thomas Lelth. Geo. CMfiViibt rr and Vern Li'Ar- , moil t . with their families, have gone to tin1 mountains for a week's out ing, the Marble iaves being on1 of the objective point-. G. McReynidds, nian.uvr of the Sutbeiiin Men an'ile Co., arrived ..lotid.iy to meet a party of friends who are f :i. to to into the w (iils on a dei r hunt. Miss Ida Hansen retutned Monda night from and' Newport. i W here s'le has been visiting friends. ! iter sister, Miss Alii e Hansen, and I Clifford Jenkins, went up on No. 1G to nv-et her at Leland. J Coun'y Tieasurer Peterson has re ! turned from a two week's pleasure I trip to Newport, wbre he sas that , j he enjoyed himself Immensely with the dams, outers and other features ; of life on the sea roast, i Mrs N. I' ('leiiunts left Monday 'for Holland, where she will visit for j a loupl- of weeks with her daughter, ', Mrs E. 11 Wise. She was tocom Ipanied by Kubert Harris of Frtiitdale, I w ho will bunt and fish for some days. llnuie i ialil l.oeiil- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ilun'on went to I. eland Suud.r inornim: where' Mr llun!"!i omaiiied a socialist lo in tpe I Vellll:. De' II. is Mis Dogs P. Degenault now lias his bear doi4 "Fh" and her two imps. They 1 aioe i!(m West Fork Sunday by ex press. "Fly" is a hiuh-clas-i "vartnit" do;:, wiib Mood hound and f" hound a in i"-t re . Police .'mlge iel enUoll ! l'oibe .bulge .lohiiton ian make :t j dose shot at some things other th.u ! in the adioiuistiation of lus'b e. Sat j unlay night be left the 1 It y with a ! blanket and a ham sandwich, and ! sometime between that time and S'un I day evening he Issued a '.Ti :.' sub : poena for a four point bm k. wh.U h he ; found (in upper Jiws creek, and Prought it Into ( ,iiiii w itb him. I'm tm- cis Foiii' 1 Dr. Flndl'.v. with bis two son. It. nurd and Dwigbt, wont to the I'.ooth I'.omo on uppii i'ow creek tor a deer hunt last week and re'utnol ' w ith to'ir tine bin ks -ide from the hunt tho trip was i f espe intere-'. llo the lio. as :!:e took their bis! ! 1 ilo (Ml .1 I igiit loi omot i e ! 1 ori Grants Pas Glciul.Ge and n fiirne-1 on a freight ; r :in Giiililiiig Hugo i1ino House Goo S!oe: lire 1! Snilih ar.,; O I" CiUison ii-o,l the contra 1 'for lmtMing 'i. ll'uo s. bool bous 'a;.d work ' ulro.idv been iiun lilei.i od T'io ''ii;',l!nu w ill bo one , if the iuo! iii'diin. s l.o(i', b'li'il'ngs 111 Ui 1 I'.lUe and r-iotc. ,ir is t. t 1 w it: -t a it and w, loa'. li" I'e, STOCK REDUCTION SALE Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Bedding Etc. In order to reduce our stock and make room for new goods, we will give a Discount of 10 Per Cent Rprrln. llT 1 ning Monday, This discount is equal to about 20 per cent less than the same class of goods can be purchased elsewhere, as our goods have been bought for spot cash and in large quantities. 300 North Sixth A. R. Cornell and family and W. C. I-oikeit and son, who nave been1 the oia oak tree located just spending some days on Dad's creek jsouih of the county home on the have returned after a most pleasant J road to the Granite Hill initio, has trip. Mr. Cornell says they had plen- been cut down and converted into ty of venison, but he was no respon- istovewood. This tree was one of the sible for any of it. Dr. Lockett, who ' wnt to the ireek with the party, will remain some time. i:'iin inn I ii tm j 1 Y. 11. Ross has removed his fac- torv for the manufacture of New Dis- I . -rv washing fluid to the rear of , t tie Childs' building on West G street. Mr. Ross states that the sale has been satisiactory and many housewives are liL'hteniim the labor of family wash ing llnrvfliai k to the Const Frank South, his daughter Hve'.Mi. and Clara Calhoun left this niorniim on horseback for the marble caves and after a visit there will to 10 Crescent City and from that point will follow the ocean lynch to the mouth of lioue river, and from there will nturn home fol'.owinj; nn Mi' Uoue river. iiitos Collide When O. O. Hunch ran his Tourist automobile out of tho alley into Sixth stffet Sunday, It collided with Smith Bros.' Maxwell, which was coming down the street. It was a head-on smash, but the occupants of the two machines escaped injury, and the inrs will be in commission again when the missing lamps are replaced and a few minor damages repaired. W. F. Itraniel in the ( iy W. K. Hrainel came from ! Tuesday morning to spend a two. Mr. Itramel is engage mi gene day or 1 wi:h Twoln itros.. cont rat tors, as tin. i.ivp. r tor the tunnel gang. They arc at present engaged J.5 miles west of Kugeue. and are driving a tunnel 4 fc-t high and : feet wide through solid roik, and they make a bore of si fee! e: v ,a . Itotiorl-oii I uncial llidd The funeral sen ice over the re mains id' William Kolertseii. who wa- drowred in the Kogiie rhrr Sun da), was hold at Plea.-ant Valley a; tbno o'lbnk Monday afternoon. The -e::"on was pre;n lied by Hev. linen, ' f 'bo Church of God. and interment was in the P!oas:int ' .1 1 1 eineten nun. her fiom tins 1 ity .ii'or.dei'.. Clioap K.ites Will ,d V : w ition'l s a :o 1 he.ii or fr. igi.t rates ,,n iho Souihi'rn Pioitio w-:e 1 ' "i 111 e.l but the rates applied :ii t -h indent s orig.n.i'ing w !i !u!s ' ae state, ut'lle s' fr.-m ti e .:i-t i.Mrie.l tl' c'd late to III.l t i.n ' otti. 'a's b; t ! gi::ning t: u: wpl a, oreii's. and i!- f r h 1 o 10 ,.n,,o I tie f. !, 1 n all ii.ti 1 fl : st 1 1 a S I li to of od. hot I . : . .rig. at 11. g with:-; 1 r w Ph. tin e, ; I, ON ALL CASH A l CiL and august diu, uhgunta HELMER'S St. old Ijtiitliiiui'k Gone landmarks of the country, and has ' : 1 ,1 ,.!,. 1.. .1 Pl'OMlru Miaue fiiui il tvouii for many a weary traveler. Of late it 'has ben considered unsafe and a menace to the public, hence its sar-r the. 1 Tm u Spike Itucks for Tins Party The hunting party composed of Will Hunch, Owen hins, Krnst .May er and W. Morgan, retimed Satur day from Murphy creek, where they spent the tlrst two days of tlv open season after deer. Two spike bucks which they brought home with them attest the link that attended the lines:. They report the game as very p'.-ntiful. as do all the hunters who are returning'. I.ig Ibiltler Killed II. S. Diffeiiderfer. who lives 011 a farm north of town, killed a rattle snake rerntly that measured three fey-t in length, and had eight rattles. Tlie reptile coiled several times ready to strike, but was dispatched finally. At this time of the year, "dog-days," rattlers arc supposed to be blind, and their venom more poisonous than at othM- times. As the reptiles usually travel in pairs, the residents in the vicinity of the killing of this one are on the alert for its mate. For a number of days past Mrs C . Armstrong, living with her son, A. I K. Druce. has been enjoying thr com-! pany (if her whole family, one son and four daughters. Mr. Drme audi Mrs. Kobt. Leslie of this city. Mrs. S. A. Carpenter of Portland, Mrs. Win. ! t'arr of Clear Lake. Iowa, and M rs. i W. F. Henedict of Hellefor.rcho. So. ! Dak. Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Ren'diit.i who have been the guests of Mrs. , 'Leslie for some weeks, left Monday morning for their homes, going by 'lie way of Los Angeles. Mrs. Car-' pouter will remain until Tliursdav. Would Open Ninth Street Tlie city of Gran's Pass by author ity of the eouii. il has commenced un winding t!v ie, tape for the opening of Noith Ninth street from the north line of A street to the north boun dary of the corporate limits. One half of this s'rei t only has ever been ledlca'ed to public use. and It I- to remedy this defect that condemna tion proeeeditms hae boon iti-iitut-o,. The 1 ;iy engineer ha made plat, survev an, j report on the pro-pn.-e,l opening. ;m, a he,t:ln will be hail 011 it at the t'-t k- ssion of 'lie o.incll. "Were all twdb Ines s nn 1 Itoi iiei a Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dburboe.l Helliedv the 'lurid would be muih better of arid Mo ,en,.n. age of nn ITr ill if gr.atlv ,1c .t..c ' w r;' 11 Llndsiii S'ott . of Temple. In I Ki r sab- be all 1 1 c J ! 1- PURCHASES Contin Saturday, Mr. Funis Poparts ' u. r.wins jr., 01 .onains, wno has been making reports in conneo ! tion with the state agricultural stir-j vey, left Monday to continue the! woik in the north end of the county i and southern Douglas county. Mr. I',-,.,,.. I,.,., i, Of... I ij.uun tins itiiiui: iri'ui la nil nil,, jusc i pliine county ram lies, of all sorts and sizes, and visited many others, and expresses his appreciation for the uniform courtesy shown him. .Missouri Flat l.tul Injured Jennings, the flve-yuir-old son f l.usii Uasye, of Missouri Flat, was, severely bruised Friday by being i dragged over rock ground by n horse, ! with w ' se halter rope he became en- j tangled. He was with his father wa- I ! terinu horses w hen the accident or 1 ( lined. Dr. Sweeney attended the j injured boy and took eiuht stitches! I to close a wish in the forehead. Prowler Frightened Awny ' A sneaking prowler was seen J craw ling up through a corn patch to the residence of II. 13. Alverson Sun ! dav evenins. when onlv Mrs. Alver- j son and a visitor, Mrs. Genrgia Mul- 1 ford, wf re at home. When he saw j I that he had been discovered, the I j sneak made a dash for liberty, and I j his evident purpose of trying to get i Into the house through the rear en- ( trance was frustrated. There has! j been too much of this kind of thing! In some parts of town, and the net ! prowler will likely run against a! ' eharge of shot. ' A Jlhtel'.: :i,i vih-t1 lr ii.f ..,! lli-'ll Lit '.j. h, t" ';:' : ho' roltrv i Lv 4Va. i:id I ..r cjlv, lite. I Ti eP r Cj,.y, dee. Sli 3k' s" Hand and Horse This is the time to get in and do some effective cultivating, while the ground is damp and easily worked. We handle a cultivator that you will like come in and see them. Horse or hand culti vators. The price is right. ' Lawn Mowers We have several good makes at various pric es. If you are going to need a good strong mower -one that will last a life time, with care. We v. culd like to sell you one. Jewel! Hardware Co. August 31st Telephone 45-L i:rsii;ss roi.vrtiis Pr. Flanagan, Physician nn 1 Surgecn. J E. Peterson, FlonerInBtiraticeMn Uexall Remedies at Clemer, 3 I'.i !ruc;3. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jewe'pr In DIxon'8 o'.d tand. Front it. Eyea tested free. 1 Making hard-earned dollars buy all 'hr.t they will Vuy Is the housewife'! itfifk all the time and that is why , the ads nre such seriously Interesting reading matter for her. 1 L'2 And Indian Motorcycles (!04 South Sixth Street. Git.T pass, oi:k(;o. Knf i.iru. ti-nducitd b? thf Sib(HS OF THt HL'L MMES OF JESUS AND MRY. t'.'iVfuM Cmrui Muiic. Art. Elocuuonii'dCcrr.npr- f ljl Ijfpll. RtrUnlmdlht Vn.m,. Rr iir.rd Mi.rjland IntpllfctujlTriioinf.VVritjiorAnriouricfminl.AUT'l twit SfHRIOK tt. Mtm't Jiadtmi, t.-f.r CULTIVATORS 1 t i