Fit 1 1.Y, JULY M, W EEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE SEVEN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Jffice at Roseburg, Oregon, June 15, 1812. Notice is hereby given tuat Solon Curtice, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on November 21, 1911, made home stead entry serial No. 07690, for XEU section 7, township 39 s, range 7 west Willamette meridian! has filed notleo of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above des rlbed, con mis Ion er . at Gr t. PSS" on the 2nd day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Cornelius A. Sidler of Grants Pass, Oregon. T. J. Tycer, William H. Hayes and Miles C. Purden, ail of Kerbv, Oregon. BENJAMIN P. JONES, Renter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Off! e at Roseburg, Oregon. June 15, 1912. Notice la hereby given that William , H. Hayes, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on i November 21, 1911, made homestead entry serial .,o. 07703, for lota 1 and ana rii . v t , section i, town-1 ti' xti.i m 7. ship 39 S., range 7 west ".illamette meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land ibove described , before United tates commissioner Herbert Smith, at Grants Tass, Oregon, on the 2 dav of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Cornelius A. Sidler, Grants Pass, Oregon, and Miles C. Purden, Charles S. lui,'g, Solon Curt'ee, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, ' Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offlc, at Roseburg, Oregon, May 29, 1912. Notice Is hereby given that Lester J. Crawford, whose postofflt e addrtss is Hoqulam, Washington, did, cn the 24th day of January, 1912, file in this office sworn sftement and ap plication, No. 07801, to purchase the WV4 SE, NEVi SWK and SEV4 NWU. section 10, township 39 S, range 7 west Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the aud acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law" at such value as might be fixed by appraise-;1"" mcnt nnd that nni-nuiiit In anrli an. plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised, $490.00, the timber estimated 600,000 board feet at 75 cents per M, and the land $30; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 16 day of August, 1912, before register and receiver United States land office, at Roseburg, Oregon. ' Any person Is at liberty to pro - test tnls purchase before entry, or j Notice is hereby iven that Miles then on or berore the expiration of any rignt. tine, es'ate. initiate a contest at any time before C. Purdin. of Kerby, Oregon, who, on si" weeks from thr first date of the Hen or interest In the patent Issues, bv filing a corroborat-, June 7th. 1912. made homestead en- publication thereof, which first date tf-ul 1 n; u 1 v r!- iitc I !: ed affidavit in this office, alleging ! try serial No. iiTUTt!, for SE; SE'4, nf publication is June 14th, 1912, the toiii)lalnt herein, (K fBcts which would defeat the entrv. Sec. 7. E '. NEU Se-. IS and SW Vi .( the last date of 1 ibll ation is, fndin' BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. c .Iiinfi 2S. 1912. I Vnllno to tinrohv irlvon that Alma!011' AO 1. 1 V. U Ql'll . 1 1 I. I. ........ Rundle. of Kerby, Oregon, who, on November 22, 1911. made homestead entry serial No. 07085, for lots 3, 4, 5 and N.4 SW'4, section IS, township 39 S. range 7 west Willam ette meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith, United States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on he 15th day of August. 1912. Claimant names a8 v.itnesses: Ed. Tycer, David Coulter, Mahlon Becker and Jasper Garrison, all of Kerbv, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Detiartr.ient of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, July 2, 19 i 2. Notice is hereby given that James Z. Parker, of Williams, Oregon, who on Ausust 28, 1907, made hompstead entry serial No. 04 296. lor W"2 SW4. section 28. township 28 S. range 5 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith United States commissioner at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the 20th day of August, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Bryan, Mrs. Franrv Bryan, T. J. Sumner and Arthur Blodgett, all of Williams. Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: NotK Is hereby given that I. the unde (Igned, owner of one-half Interest I the Smgar Pine mine at Gallce, Or gon, will not be responslblu for ao debts Incurred against aatd 8ug Pine mine or for any labor or Ic provements performed thereon; aU that no person entering on said prr l9es for any reason whatsoever ih remove therefrom any ore. mineral 0 timber. tated Fet.n-arv VS. 191" iSlKM-dl F P. Kh:M Phor.e No. 390 If your Dally Conr '" falW tn reach you s sny Ma Do oot delay. NOTICE FUR UBLICAllOX. Apartment ol the Interior. U. S. land office at Roseburg. Oregon. June 26, 1912. Notice is herebv el- 'in thol Tela Turner, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on er of oue Quartz mining claim sltuat May 21, 1912, made homestead en- ed ,D tlle Kerby (unorganized) mln try serial No. 07671. for W4 NEs ,us 'strict In Josephine county, Ore and W'j SE1;, section 7, township son, and hereafter niore fully descrlb 39 S, range 7 west Willamette mer- ed nave done and Performed all the Idlan, has filed notice nf intonM, t annual assessment and representa- make final five year proof, to estab- irthrtVM t0ulh.e o,-e deVcrib- States commissioner, at Grants Pass 'Oregon, on the 15th day of August. 1912. j Claimant names as witnesses: L. M. Nadel, Miles Purdin Mrv nooiaean and Mahlon Beckey, all of Kerby, Orecon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. negister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deiiartmenf uepartmeut of the Interior. L. S. land office at Roseburg Oregon, June 26, 19.2. Notice is hereby given that Louis ? N'afel. of Kerby. Oregon, who, on iiqvii inio . iv . iue aumesteaa entrv serial 'n fl7r,7i fr,- w. 1 o j i "inauieue meridian, nas filed notice of Intention to mnk finAi commutation proof, to establish ,clalm ,0 t,ie lan(1 above described, I before Herbert Smith, United States i commissioner, at Grants Pass. Ore son, on the Kith day of 181 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Miles Purdin, Mahlon tteckey, Mary Rubidean and Ida Turner, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONLS,' Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Department of the' Interi -r, U. S. land office at Roseburg. Oregon, June 26, 1912. Notice is herely given that Mary h. Kobidenn, of Kerby, Oregon, who on May 13, 1912. made homestead entry serial 'o. oT67l), for . 4 Slj.l section 17, township 39 S, range 7 jC west Willamette meridian, tiled notice of intention to make final com-1 mutation proof, to establish claim to ! ilia 1'tM.l nlw.r. .1.. 11.,1,... ' ,,ert S"',,h' l'"iled Sti!teR ivmm I lollel'. at Grants Pass, Oregon, on j 4"":-- Clili Ulil tl t names US witnesses Louis M. Nadel, Mib s Purdin of Turner and Mahlon Beckey, all Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN P. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ! Department of the interior U. S. Oregon, j land office at Roseburg, ; June 26. lai'J jNW'i, section 17. towns nip o9 S, I range 7 w est Willamette meridian, 'has filed notice of intention to make ! final commutation proof, to establish fore Herbert Smith. L nited States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore- ti..K- c h o.u. on the lotii uay or August, 1912. Claimant names as Solon Curtice, William Hayes, L. M. Nadel and Mahlon Beckey, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JO.nES. Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. In the Estate 01 Helen K. Rowe, De- ceased. Notice is hereby given to all per- u,na havin- anv 'claim or c'laims iK tinst the estate of Helen K. Rowe, deceased, to present their calms duly verified iccordliitr to law on or be- r..- i. ,.hc frf,i, ,intB of thj. I UI C IW A III" II 1 11 -a 1 " v. v . - first publication hereof to Fred A Williams, the duly appointed, qual ified and acting adniinistra'or of said estate, at his of fi e in the Tuffs i building at Grants Pass. Oregon The date of the first publication of this notice is tne :"th day of June, A. D., 1912. (Signed) FRED A. WILLIAMS, Administrator of the Estate ' Helen K. Rowe, Deceased. Colvig k Williams, AttmT.os. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ,n the County Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. In the Estate of Benjamin Dirnmlrk. Deceased. Notice Is hereby jrlven to all per- sons having any claim or claims against the es'ate of Benjamin uim-,int.- riorpnsert to present their claims duly verified according to law, 111 1' rv uv-'.- - ,.n or imfnre six months from the dae of the first publication hereof. to Virgil I- Dlmmi'k and Edward E Dirnmlrk, the duly appointed. qua ifled and aMing Joint admlnlslra 'to -s of tl.e sai.l fFta-e. at Grants 'Pass. Oregon, or to their attorneys, Colvig & Williams, at their office In the Tuffs building, at Grants Par. ', Oregon The dve rf tVe first publication of not! e !- the 2Mb day 01 June. A P.. 1912. .... ! VIHG!!. DfMMK'K. .ci,. EDWARD P D!MM'"K. f.-'nt d-i 'nlracis of ;.e V.t'au of Ben 'li !'.:; l-.-.v r, I - ' -"l Colvlir & Williams Atorn;. . t Artist!'' Job Work at ! C-mr'er NOTICE TO DELINQUENT CO-OWX-ER OF MINING CLAIM. Notice Is hereby given that Chris Erdt and August Kullsch. who, with Ignatz Knapka. dereaseJ. are co-own- tlon wor,c required under Hub mining of the United States d the 1911, of the value of $100 tor each of said years, and that the said Ignats Knapka, deceased, or his estate, has failed to pay any portion of the as- sessment work for the years 1910 and lvii, ana tne tuu sum of iuy is aue and delinquent upon the shares and interest oi.tne said ignatz Knapka or Ma sitll. ... .!. . n tA -a '-"lr- ,u i .-emo. hju.imi attornev s iees ana tne iurtn-i1"" The administrator of the estate of' er sum of 10 00 fr cntt. rtnil Hi- Ignatz Knapka, deceased, is hereby Ihurseinents . of and upon this writ, brands at Horseshoe Rend for sun notified, that unless he shall within ,,. t,MH,lUon as directed and do-1" " . " J... ? - ,h . ninoiv rrnn. tv.n Ar.t. ik. . . ...... per and breakfast far the nnrtv: so w v... ualc ui i -1 vice of this notice unon him. Day unto 1. .. I ! I W I me unaersignea, nts co-owners, tnetti(,rf0 nnVe levied upon and am ru In which he Is delinquent, or t fal1 or refuse to contribute his due ' proportion of said assessment work. ! rnpoi nar vim tna onot. nr thta nnrinn I ".iu that his said Interest In said mlnlnz " 6nc,., u..t,,-i rormea ana cau6ea to oe periormeat 8licn assessment work The mining claim and premises Of the herein referred to consist quartz mining claim known as tne V icaieu oepicmuer j, H909, and recorded November 1, io, in oi. is, mining recoras oi,w,.it. i m 011 ,, 17, ,, ,Iuv o Au- Josephine county. Oregon,. page 7S. Dated nt Portland, Oregon, this 27th day 0f May. 1912. CHRIS ERDT. AUGUST KULISCH, Owners. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. Charles S. Chaffee, plain- ) tiff. ) vs- ) - M. BasEett, Defendant. ) Suit in Equity for Foreclosure of Contract " . , . a iu vy. m. DHsseu, ueienuHnt: In the nMle of the state of Oregon you are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed against jou in tne auove entitiea nc- tlon on or before ten days from tl.e date of service of the summons upon .... ,. . ..... uu 11 iin ifu nuiiiii juheiuine coun- ty, Oregon or within twenty days G Jarrv j (irav M from the date of the service of theLM,nn,0 GrBV ratton summons if serve,! within any other . ,. A)(.,.t M county in the s'nte of Oregon, Gray, Bertha Gray, also or if served by publication, 'all oilier persons or p:ir- sunimons if served by publication, and the last date of your appearance , herein is .Till v 2fith. 1912. nnd von are further notified that '.n case you fail to appear and answer the com- l" i"-" "ioi.m. .Minnie i.ray rntton, i rnnx rat- time aioresnia, tne piaintirt win ap- ply to the court for the reller prayed for lu the complaint, viz: For a decree foreclosing that rer- tain contract and agreement existing uriwi-ru 1110 I'laiiliiil nuu uciciiuuiii. entered Into and executed the 1st '.:iy of March, 1911. relating to the sale ui iiuise cei lam pimiisen wewi'iiueu as follows, to-wit: The southwest quarter ) of the southeast quarter f '4 ) and ten acres . u- . ... .1 . on 1 up e hi. sine u 1 B,"'um sl (limner 141 01 me nunoincm iimi- er ( U ) in section twenty (20), township thlrty-glx (36) sout'.i, range five f.r) west, Willamette Mer- Idlan, In Josephine county, Oregon; together with all and singular the tenements, hereu.,anients and ap- purtenam es thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining; And that you, and all other per- sons and parties claiming any rlgnt. estate, lien or Interest In the real es- tate above described, be decreed to be in default, and for a time fixing the redemption of tne said premises as well as the amount to be paid upon fendant herein, and If you.' the de- fendant, and all persons claiming by. through, or under von. fall to pay such amount as fixed by the court ;on th, rld dndYnt. and all ler- sons claiming by, through or under you, be forever barred and fore- - . .... exempt Ion In a'nd'otte saT e- TpClseVand Sir? part thereof and the plaintiff have such other a'nd frther relief as Is eqult- able.'nnd that he have and recover h,B rost8 and disbursements herein , be ,axed aBfi the condition of re, demptlon as well as the payment or .11 other' sums due and to becorr.o due nto lhe plaintiff, be In accord- nrp with the terms and conditions of the contract of sale, and for full t and equitable relief. ! ' ;. ' x . This summons Is published by or.,MH. MRs. JH.I.hs der of the Honorable Stephen Jewell, 1 uy PLEA OF INNWIIV. Judee of the rounty court of the ! state of Oregon, for the county of; IT.,,..r(,,,.v ,,,.,.,. ,,,, Josephine, dated June 10th, 1912. ..r-1 ARLI K TOW N. I RIVE Ll derlng publication thereof for sit WARD ISLAND. July 23. Working foicresslve weeks In the Rogue River Courier, a newnpaper published t.i nnn Pbei HrAinn the first publication thereof to he made on the 14th day of June. 1912. and tho last puhllratlen July Zth. 191Z. Dated at Gran's Pass. Joephlne countv, Oremin, thin 10th day of Jur.e.' A. . , .2. r'Or.VIG .t WILLIAMS, A.'Urnt yc f r Plaintiff NOTIt'E OF SHERIFFS SAi.E. In the Circuit Court of the State of j Oregon in and for Josephine Conn- j ty. Robert Reed, Plaiutiff. ) vs. ) The Southern Oregon ) Supply Company, a cor- ) poration, Defendant 1 , By virtue of an execution issued j out of the circuit court ot the state ! of Oregon in and for the county of Josephine upon a judgment rendered stid deciieted in said court April 15, 1 y 1 in an action wherein Robert Keed is plaintiff and the Southern Oregon Supply Company, defendant. In favor of said plaintiff and against the said defendant for the sum of IU3.S1 with Interest thereon at the rate of s per cent per annum from i,t, -,u riiiv f rje cember. 19 U. and . . . . . I uveint to nie as snerin oi tne auove ,,,, ,.,, o, n m iiuiinu .-tti t: uuu ii'uui nuii uuiaMinii r .lire. te,! t,. sell noon virtue of such , , ,.,A.t n, ; ' fonowine described real J property, to-wlt: Lots r. and i lu II. it. Miller and , ni nr.nt. p.u im. ' . . . ty Oregon, and also the west one- ' half of lot 2 In Block & of J. Bourne's first addition to the town. ,,,)., cilv. of Crnnls Puss. Oreiron. v... therefor In- virtue of said execution and judgment and In coin- !nni. u-ih th inmninn.ia nf Knid gust' 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111. at the front door of the county 'court house In Grants Pass, Jose ipuine county, Oregon, se.i at puhlle .auction subject to statutory redemp tion to the highest bidder to casli In hand, all right, title and interest I which the within named defendant, the Southern 'Oregon Supply Com pany, a corporation, had on the 15th j dav of April. IU12. lu and to the Hbove described property, or any por tion thereof to satis. y said xecu ti'm. I Dated this 11 day of July, lid 2. WILL C. SMITH. .Sheriff for Josephine County, Ore. SUMMONS. ;In the clmiit Cl)lirt of th ,u;,. Oeion for Josephine Countv. M. "'. Plndlev, ialntlff. 1 s. , Heston Gray. Hester A. I W. HMon. 'issle reen. Gri mi. U. G. Mrs. M. K. Mit i.'n r C..H A.i.tio ..1, tlis unknown clHimhi'. To K1I.H G. Gray, Hester A. lira t,-n T w iiut,n n,.ati I'.nnn r (;. 'flrce::.' Mrs. M. K. Mitchell,' Ell c Gray, Addle Gray, llnrry Gray, ton. Albert M. Grav. Bertha Grav. 1 also all other persons or parties uu known claiming anv right, title, .s :,M PI) or lnt,.n,s, , tlC tate deKrrll)f,(, n the ,.omvhln, ).,,. !in. In the name of tho state yoi) flre hpreby reqnlrP( 'Iiear and answer the complain iPe against you In the above entitled !8ti within slv weeks from the datt of the first publication or this sum . ...i.i.i. i . .. i.u.. 1 1. , " '"""'"" '"- " jmiic 411111, And If you fall to appear and no- swer or otherwise plead, for whi. thereof the plaintiff will apply n the court for th? relief deivnt: !'! It bis complaint, substantially us loi lows, to-wit: For n decree decl.u Iiil and adjudging that the defendant- and ea li nf them, has no estate ot Interest whatever in or to said land and premises, or nn par' 1 lie it o : and that t. e plaintiff Is the legn' owner In fee simple of said land nm' the whole thereof; thnt the defend ants and enr-h of them be requlrei! to convey all interest and f In I rn to said land to plaintiff within t-1 t days from entry of said de' ri-c. and m deiauit t.iereo. sain uei.e mi.ii. he deemed and taken a- equivalent o "f h conveyance and stand In I'.eu thereof. Thnf tie defendams and ea.l, of them 1, forever n,Uui,H,l ana enjoined irom asserting hi. 'lalm whatever In or to said prem- PA. nJe,,.nn n nlqltltlff finfl f TIT udgm and d e for his ro.u 'and.sbursemen.s. This summons Is published In the Rogue River Courier, a weekly news- paper of general circulation. P"hllsh- ed at Grants Pass. Oregon l order fit the Hon. Stephen Jewell, Judge o! .me county coun 01 me im ui uu- P"n for Josephine county, dated the ,'th day of June 1912 J. N. JOHNSTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. jon tn(. theory that she W Insaiie. u d- jf(. , , u W.V Uh ,. .day to save the UN of Mrs M,(,ee. 1 farmer's wife. convitd e enbr .,r lU'irderlliK her (U e rdilldven M l' McGee admitted that she t-ae her nlldren niat-h bead" dissolved In wt.ter, ex'daliilna th it the trK .'. fo- -xWt'ti'e liail Ween too hard. PARTY RETURNS FROM I TRIP OF EXPERIENCES. The party of four consisting of .Messrs. Donnell, Counts. Williams and Anderson, who returned Wed nesday from a 225 mile trip through Curry. Coos and Douglas counties, niaklug 150 mlus on fool J() , . , .... ,1,tly Rsre, as t0 ,muor 'li'm the Jaiin: but their tales of big sii'iliga nf lish mi sort feet have a true ring; in fact Williams walks yet as if afraid of bruising the pave ment. . The Courier by Interviews, threats ad confessions has managed to get i.. . . ,, ... i"'v v ' t V, - T(, .tvl..n .!.. icm-ircu trt In ntir rnlnmni una trails in Mr r - ... they really ate the dog early on the - . . trip. Horseshoe Bend la the sharpest curve on Rogue river, as the river doubles around a rock point so n tunnel 400 feet lu length will drain half a mile of river bed and give 31 feet fall nt the lower end; this narrow nefk s Mng ,,innelIed hv ICottage Grove people with the Inten tion of mining the bed of the stream tuniui. The mining Industry Is un usually brisk In this locality and .around Mule creek; much money Is being spent In ditches and flumes to work three river bars long known to 1 rich in gold. Mr. Francia ana Dr. V. A. Wise, of Portland, have con structed a long bridge across the riv er above th horseshoe bend for the purpose of bringing n fluuio across ni,d more profitably working their places on the north side. At Blossom jllnr, Just below Mule Creek, a com pauy Is erecting 11 quartz mill nnd cable tramway to develop what thev ! consider a variable quart, property. I All these mining operations give em ployment to a considerable number of men, and all machinery and sup plies come in from the north, though the trade of this region belongs to l Grants Pass nnd should come up the iiver, and a mall route established this way would soon bring this trade here. The only obstacle to such 11 111 n 11 route Is what Is known ns the 'Zlg Zag" near Bunker Cre.'K, nnd It Is estimated that $1,100.00 would construct a trail around this obstruc tion. The government has spent 'many thousands of dollars In mak ing the trail down Rogue river, and .fi s'phlne county has also $1,000 al ready Invested in it. so It Is to bo re greltiil the lu"k of ho small nn amount should prevent the comple tion of so Important a highway. It l'8 "',,rH,l ,lllt If tbls county will donate one-half the cost the forest service will complete tne trail; If tins Is true the donation should he mado nt once. Everybody along the river Is anxious to have tho work dene us only by this route can an open truil be secured during the win ter months. The party left the Rogue at Mule reek and crossed tne nevus miick- jbone Into the Coqulllo valley along one nf ttie railroad survevB now be - i h,B rim from the cast. Right on Right on ,,500 feet ' .f,P 01 thl8 ''raggy rld?e. nbove any level piece of land large enough for a baseball diamond, a tragedy was narrowly avoided, three of the party organized a court, tried Anderson, who had piloted them to the spot, for saying It wns "fair hik ing" over the mountain, and pre pared to han hi tn forthwith; but lil.e our llliifctrlous gove:.ior they lal- ir coiiimi :ted his sen'Miio to cooking bread for the crowd duiiig the rest! of the trip, and are now sorry fortho Im.I11.rH tI1,(1 UHH , vrnnt their leniency ns Donnell nnj Counts lost 20 pounds ea h In weight, whlla Williams Is continually followed by strav dogs that appear to lake him for a bone, all claiming that It wan the bread that. did It- There are several survey crews " f""" ' ,to Marshfield and Bandon . rough .the great forests and coal fields on the hea(1 of the (0Uth fork of the Co. , fflg aXPepHng , ,tnat there la a keen rivalry to find nn- rmnc m mo immni umr i,tIe ,.an f)e e8rned. All seem anx- Ions to ross the divide hlirh enough to keep out of the canyon of the rlvr Ik low Gallce. yet low enough to con trol the tonnage which that camp wlli furnish In the way of ore and copper matte. Just how many of these proposed lines are simply pro motion S'hemen It Is Impossible to tell; but the completion of either would make Grants Pass the manu facturing center of Southern Oregon by supplying It with an of cheap and fin? lumber for Its faiorle. The lat dav'B tramp h mid to tiiive h en mi endurar re rare nf ?,3 tui'i ' 1 n-:''lr: pa k over a very rough mountain trail to V.'cstfork, with Williams backing hlmse.f against the field. Like the old fable of the ' Hare and the Tortoise," he made the 30 miles in record time; but on the last three mites the oil boy got his goat and It took a stren uous salt rubbing to get the kinks out of his muscles so he could 9t j cents worth of comfort out of his bed at the Westfork hotel. For sorenesj of the muscles, whether Induced by violent exercise or Injury, there Is nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Thla Liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. ROOSEVELT ELECTORS REMAIN - ON PRIMARY HALLO l By United Press Leased Wire. To'pekn, Kas.. July 23. The Kansas supreme court has decided that the names of Roosevelt electors must remain on the primary ballot, and that the voters can then choose between Taft and Roosevelt In Kansas. The. court said the row was political and should have never been brought before that body. S. TROOPS REACH ' THE MEXICAN FRONTIER. NOGAl.ES, ArU., July 23. Three troops of the Fourth United States cavalry reached here today nnd went Into camp. Three more troops are expected within the next few days. Extra Mexican soldiers have been added to the garrison nt Nognles, Mex., in anticipation of a rebel at tack. A large body of Insurrectos have leached Dolores Pass, which marks the border line between the stiiti s of Chihuahua and Honora, and passed through without Interference by the federal troops, despllo the ic ported massacre of ii00 rebels lit ll .u point, which Is now discredited. Railroad officials nre making what prepnrat Ions 'they can to be ready for the expected t roiibl w hlch they be lieve may Involve the American bor der of Sonorn and the west const of Mexico. WANT lioi RE TO OPPOSE REX SELLING- WASHINGTON, July 23.--Senator Bourne of Oregon, defeated by Ben Selling, a Portland merchant, for re iioiiilnal Ion, uns received many let ters urging him to run Independent- lu behalf of Senator Bourne It was stated today that lie is so busy wltll committee work that he had given 110 though! to politics. JOHNSON OF CALIFORNIA WILL STUMP ILLINOIS. CHICAGO, July 23. Announce ment was made here today that Gov ernor Johnson of California will stump Illinois In the Interest ot the progressives who are aligned - with Colonel Roosevelt. It Is stated that the adherents of Governor Dcneen, who are out for ,Taft, are planning to gain control of .the state progressive convention on August 3 and to prevent thus nomlna- tlon of any progressive presidential electors. THINKS I S. SENATE TALKS TOO Ml I'll- WASHINGTON, July 23. "You talk entirely too much and legislate too lltlb'," wus the burden of a lec- jtu.e (l,.,lvlx.(1 to th(. ,.. ,)V Ken- ator Warren of Wyoming. The Wyo ming senator predicted that unless !,., t.tnw,. WOllM ,.lHt 11 11 Kiiiiliner. Seniilor Pall of New Mexico, evi dently Impressed by Warren's lec ture, abandoned the speech be had announced lie would deliver today. WAR SHIPS MANEUVER. NEWPORT, R. I., July 23. Man euvers which a mount to a sham bat tle, In wbl h 1.' battlesiilps, 20 de stroyers and nine sub-marlne are participating, staried near Block Island early today. LOS ANGELE8, July 23. An ap plication has been received by Chief Sebastian from Miss Louise Wlniams. Miss Williams wants to become a motorcycle cop. Slio Is a profession al motorcyclist and claims to have "medals galore." IjOS ANGELES, July 23. Thrown ;i0 feet by the explosion of A gasoline tank, A. S. Babb, uroeer, returned to bU store nnd extinguished the flames. B ildi was hunting for a gas leak with a lighted candle. He was unhurt