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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1912)
FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1012. WEEKLY RCWIE RIVER COl RIEK PAGE THRU ANNOUNCEMENT Having recently purchased the A. U. Hamiard stock of furniture and finished taking inventory, we would like to announce to the public that we have the largest and most up-to-date Stock of Furniture to be found not onlv in this city, but in Southern Oregon. This stock has been pur chased in carload lots and we will continue to buv the same way, thus enabling us to give you not only the best furni ture, but at the lowest possible price. To the public in general we extend a cordial invitation to visit our store and allow us to show you some of the finest carpets, rugs and furniture ever brought to this city. We solicit your patronage. H ELMER'S 3(H) North 6th St. SENATOR LOR1MEH OUSTED FROM U. S. SENATE. .M1W I OX KLIN PRESIDENT EVIAL SUFFRAGE ASSN. (il AKDS WILL PROTECT MINING CONGRESS NUGGETS. WASHINGTON, July 13. Senator William Lorlmer of Illinois was ex pelled from the United States sen ate this afternoon by a rote of 55 to 28. By that overwhelming ver dict, his colleagues found him guilty of having been elected on May 24, 1909, by "corrupt methods and prac tices." With Lorlmer's dramatic assertion that his expulsion would be the "crime of the senate," his colleagues voted nearly two to one to oust him as a beneficiary of fraud, Lorlmer did not vote on his own case, but his aged colleague, Senator Cullom of Illinois, turned against him after having formerly voted to keep him In the senate. With a smile on his face, Lorlmer arose from his seat and with a swing ing gait, walked toward the republi can cloakroom. As he reached the door, Senator Smoot grasped his hand and some friends from the house joined him. Senators Dilling ham, Jones and others who voted for Lorlmer joined him in the c!oa'; room and bade him goodbye. Three senators ere absent. era! were "paired vote. Culberson of Texas originally voted to oust Lorlmer and then, be ing paired with DuPont of Delaware, who was absent, withdrew his vo-.- Lorlmer's ejection followed a three days' speech by the senator, dram atic and replete with inve tive for his opponents. Lorlmer's fight for his official lfa began almost immediately after his election. Just before the Lorlmer vote S-:.-ator Tillman, feeble and wan. ob tained permission to have the clerk read a statement whl'h he said V was too weak to read: "I realize now- that I have but a little time before I must meet my maker," the statement declared. I cast my vote today secure In the con viction that Senator Lorlmer wa., elected without fraud." Tillman's eyes were red with tears as his testimonial was read. Lorlmer emphatically refused to see newspaper men after his defeat. The ladies of Southern Oregon GolJ uugj,et8 ttUd valuable gpecl. met Wednesday afternoon, July 10. men orei be well guarded I in the Ashland park and organized a aKalD8t logl or Ueft at the Begslon Southern Oregon Equal buffrage as- ,of the Northern California and so' latlon, the same covering all the ' Southern Oregon Mining congress, southern counties of the state. A 'which meets at Yreka on the 19th. number of delegates were present ' A letter Just received by C. L. Man from the various towns of the val-!smi from C. L. Porebstel, managing ley, Including Ashland, Medford, secretary for the congress, states Jacksonville and Grants Pass. After that ample case space has been pro Dr. Mattie B. Shaw was elected pres-vlded for all high grade ore, nng ident pro tern, the newly organized gets and gold, and that guards have association proceeded to elect a per-'been engaged to keep continuous manent president. Grants Pass can watch over it. Mr. Proebstel sug congratulate herself that one of her'gests that If the exhibitors from here first ladies was cnoseu unanimously ' will provide a further guard the to nil that office, namely, Bess Gun- j wages of such guard will be met by nlson Conklin. who is well known. 'the congress. The secretary states She made a short address, which was 'that there will be many thousands received with great pleasure. of dollars worth of gold In the nug- Se-Tetaries were arranged for in set or brick In the display, the various towns, whose names, Mr. Mangum and President lier with a short outline of the wotk will zinger are today arranging for shlp appear la'er. ment to Yreka the three-ton exhibit Another measure which unanim-' provided by the mining men of this ously passed was to the effect that in 'district, and it will go forward Tues the near future a rally of clubs of the day, being accompanied by Mr. Man- oranizarions be held in Ashland park gum, who will place it on the tables j tarrh being a constitutional disease, wMi h will take the form of a mon- and in the cases. Mr. Mangum had j requires a constitutional treatment. ''er nlcnlc with -rominent speakers Vharue nf the display from Josephine i Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak?n ln'ern-Sev- ' ' ' .!., -aa .h- .w hi- .r. ally, acting dnectly upon the blood , ,, , to aaaress trie crow a. nns ni.-'i ..mum. a. u.c D., . , ........ surface nf th avrtteni and could not, , ,.. . ,,, a.nJ mucous surtaces or. tne sisteni. woman s nrst caucus m wuuciu i aimruimi a. thereby destroying tne rouncuuon oi MOVEMENT TO RE-OPEN ASHLAND STATE NORMAL. At a meeting of the Alumni asso ciation of the Southern Oregon Nor 'mal school, held at Ashland recently. an active movement was put afoot Rooking to the reopening of the uor mal at Ashland, the Institution hav ing been closed two years ago by leg islative action. The association, af jter considering ways and means, adopted the following resolutions 'bearing upon the subject: : Whereas, The number of trained teachers for the schools of Oregon Is I decreasing, the ranks when filled coming almost exclusively from other states, and Whereas, Southern Oregon Is par ticularly suffering from a dearth of I normal trained teachers, and Whereas. The school boards and superintendents of schools are ran sacking foreign territory to meet this demand for trained teachers, and Whereas, There Is no higher edu cational Institution nearer the Rogue river valley Uan 250 miles and no normal school uearer than 300 miles, and Whereas, Such of our young men and women as seek normal school education are finding It In California and adjoining normal schools, where they become enlisted and are lost to Oregon forever, and Whereas, The people of Southern Oregon gave a majority of 5,000 votes for the Southern Oregon insti tution, and Whereas, The one normal school now established Is pitifully Inade quate to perform the duty of supply Ing teachers for the entire state, Therefore be It Resolved, That It Is the sense of the Aiumnl assocla tlon of the Southern Oregon State Normal school now assembled, that the Institution should be re-opened by the people, and In the Interests of the people of the state. Be It Resolved, That the splendid normal school property now Idle con tinue to be held In trust by the Btate of Oregon until that time now fast approaching when through pressure of public necessity this school, which has been established for many years, will be re-opened. Resolved, That It Is the determina tion of this association to place be fore the people of Oregon by an In itiative measure In 1914 an oppor tunity to vote upon the question of placing the school on a firm footing as a permanent part of the educa tional system of the state. -TRADE MARK BEST SOAP Wash Day U Joy Day lo the woman who uses BABBITTS BEST SOAP. It means clean clothes with little labor. BABBITTS SOAP lasts longer because the calces are aged and hardened before being told to you. Fresh soap goes to pieces quickly. Sire Ihe wuppw. from ill BABBITTS PRODUCTS thry 4i rtdrtnubl for valuable premium. Pure Lye or Potash White Floating Soap Naptlu Soap Babbitt's Cleanser H'rilt fat Prtmtum iool( D. T BABBITT. INC . Boi 1776 N. Yk Cur. VANKEK ATHLETES CHEERED WHEN PICTIRES ARE TAKEN. STOCKHOLM, July 16. The American participants In the Olym pic games were photographed In the stadium today and It was almost as much of a function as yesterday's award of the prizes by the king of Sweden. Thousands of people turned out to see the winning athletes group ed together, cheering them with tre mendous enthusiasm. One of the pleasant things about $4,000,000 LOSS BY FLOOD IN DENVER $100 REWARD SiOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In ell Its stage.i, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ca DENVER, July 16. The waters of the Cherry creek flood having completely subsided, the city au thorities divided their who.e atten tion today to caring for the refugees and cleaning up the devastated dis trict In the lower parts of the city. A revised list of the victims shows that only two were drowned and a dozen Injured. Mayor Arnold estim ated the total damage from the the American victory Is that It seems cloudburst and flood at $4,vuu,00i) to have left an agreeable taste In ev- distributed as follows: erybody's mouth. The winners seem j Crops and Irrigation irojocts, 12, to have succeeded In making them-, 000,000. selves exceedingly popular and even : city property damage $500,000. the rivals whom they defeated have , Private and personal damage, 11,- nothlng but kind words to say of 500,000. them. The Immediate result oi the flood The atmosphere Is much dearer 'today was the appointment by the than Immediately following the j mayor of a commission to determine games at London four years ago, and C08t of diverting Cherry creek so were It not for the death of Lazaro, ( that the city of Denver will not he the Marathon runner, whlc.i has constantly menaced. Hundreds of th rown a decided wet blanket over! persons w'ho were rendered homeless the wlndup, the visitors here could , Dy the water are absolutely dett hardly part on better terms. ! tute today and the city Is providing The crowd In the city is already food and clothing for them. beginning to thin out, but It will be , 1 some days before the number of . ihmim smouum CAt OUT. Olympic visitors ceases to be notice-, t'ORTLAND. July 16. Five whit able on the streets of Stockholm. ,.. ,! thr whit man wr I "u .ruptured early today In a raid mad Dysentery Is always serious and by federal officers and police on an Inften a dangerous disease, but It can , opium "Joint" In the down-towa be cured. Chamberlain s tone, noi- ,.0,,i. era and Diarrhoea Iteniedy has cured ; ' . i .... ... It even when malignant and epl-; A """' ol denilc. For sale by all dealers. Bclzed. Oreeon without a single jarring no'e. much attention, and for the Yreka tho disease, and giving the patient '.V exnecr nothinz but harmonv in display he nas not only all the ores streugth by building up the conBtl our future rel.Mons and various shown a, Spokane, but nearly a ton Ifutton and -innature Ingoing meetings, whl-h. if nothing else, will jn.or. so that the local exhibit will I faUh lu promo'e good fellnz in the towns be representative and adequate. Thls'tnat they offer one hundred dollar, so closely linked fiee'her In th exhibit is transported by th mi! for any case tnat (, al8 t0 cur9, rond company free of charg'.v The i Send for list of testimonials, confess will remain in session 'n! Address: F. J. Cheney k Co., To- the lltfli and 20th and a great nun- Iedo0,,P,- . , x i m i ; 8o,d by drugslsts, 76c. hnr from this city have signified j Jake HaU.g Fa:ally Pula of con. tlelr Intention of attendii'.;. Tr" i Btlpatloa. (Vmnierclal club will furnish rto'e - uate credentials for all who wish t" att"t)d from here. Josephine ciiin.v badges are likewise being provl le t ro'.'ratn has not y t Roi! river valley. MAROVRETN" I.OniHRIlH'JE. If yo'i aro a hou-eife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing dishes, sweep in aud doin housework ail day, and crawling into bed Jead tired at nUht. You must et out into the o?n air and sunlighv If yo-; do this every Jay and l:ee;i ill 1TH (11 11 lil I Ived, but It is known to Chamberlains Tablets when needed, contain many features of value to you should be' ome both healthy aul!t.s interested in the mining Indus- bea-.tlf Ml. For sale by a.! Jealfr- try. J.IHI N A I(i HIKE" T THE ( U n I . Til HE E A HE DROWNED IN vlN IORENZO RIVER. i P.'n )!:i)AL!' C'al.. July 16. Making hard-earned dollars buy all that they will tuy Is the housewife's task all the time and that la why the ads are such seriously Interesting reading matter for her. .-"in Eoteno river, ..iij-s Glad Hawkett, 1, Miss Lilly McDonald. id, and Mrs. May Crlpps, 30, sister of Miss Hawkett. all of Oaklanu. ate dead here today. The two younger , j t . sg i r 1 - nal leapea into '.ne pooi, ininK- mark'li"? .'. was snaiiow water.. in'j four. I it over their heads, and ueith-jAs soon as they Gert'.o er i juld slm and Daisy ftt . :i ted Mrs. Somewhere ,y.i tl.e road between (,ij:rs Pass and the oas' are ttireei i.tu.i.s i an. a urowned !n a treacherous pool vi in a, lies. retusiu a.i unris i , touring automobiles or vehicles of o'her description for a "lift on the way." vor the ladies are "hiking" It 'o the (oast, Crescent tity being their objective point, and burring accidents, the entire dUtam e of two miles les than the . entur WASHINGTON, July 16. Trial is to be made atoot of the Impeachment charges again-t The young ladies. Misses Robert Arrhhalrt. of thp E'nlt- C'ahi'.l, Gussie I ark-r ed States court of commerce, was! Cole, formally begun In the senate this af ternoon, when the oath? were admln- utfirpd tn senators and the house manaeprs were . .u. u .k ..,tQ iat caima Satnnlav anot'ier twenty- tnemseives uar ol - d aMer,,Vi ,ho took the three llfe- Tho nrnreedincs were entire y for- two miles wa? put behind trie nme.s. i The proceeuings were enure., ,0,Mn fl-RriPn- where thev l'.-s bodies from the pool. mal. In groups of ten tne senators they reaching O Brlen a, wr.ere tue subscribed to the oath to do justice rested over Sunday, and gave injured j o th ac nld and a resolution running gear time for repair in na-j If yo,, favorite ..act., , . . Ihat .h.'turft', Eraae 'enough of the f.sual price of the adopted notify ng the houe that b. , 8tand.;(Mng , ,,nt t0 oday M , 16 " ;au ' . . harv'lnz the trip well, and 'as confident of jvn, a week's "spending money." don't a minute, the house reported back . In b tr p el! rhedu 'owlooll , h, matter by falling to re.d L tnat Its manauers wouia oe reu, ai JAI CASE AGAINST MISShN.KIE ol.l.AI'SE'S. CHE FOO, China. July 16 The L.panese government Is furious at the collapse of the case It was trying to make out against the American In Korea, according to j information from Toklo 'oilay. The j officials who prepared it are dts Ura'ed and their careers are ruined. I 4'rom many of the 123 Koreans !on trial at Seoul, charged with com plicity In the plot to assassinate fount Teraui hi, Japanese governor eiiral and 'renaiu Koreas Indepen- deuce, the police bad extorted con- fesdlons that the missionaries synipa tnized with and aided the conspiracy. But officialdom made, the mistake of arranging for a public trial, hop ing to convince the world te;u ev erything was fair and above board came info open THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GRANTS PASS, ORE. CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $50,000.00 We issue bank drafts,- travelers checks and letters of credit. When trav eling you will find these a very great convenience. Their frantic cries Crlpps, who was ro:nping on the shore with her two little babies, and though sue also ail tear hers oi 'he p'iioi' ,,-.1 ift this ritv Friday morn i,, there being no hoodoo in th.- was unable to swim, she plunged in ,,.,'v' for them, and that ni-hr. afer after the slrls without retnoUng her notified to present covering twenty-two miles, stopped 'lothlng 3 o'clock to begin the trial. .time. 'about It In the store's ad. court, counting of the strength of foreign public opinion to save them from Japanese vense.ince, the pris oners uniformly repudiate,,) tbee r nnfesMlons, declaring they made them under torture or threats of torture. The result has been not only to expose Japanese police meth ods, but to frustrate, the plot against the missionaries, and to render it almost ImpnHHible to form a new plot. The mikado n advisers think western teachings, such as the Kor eans got from the missionaries, are antagonistic to an autocratic gov- rnment, and they are afraid of them. WHEN YOU HAVE $50.00 $100.00 or $1,000.00 Or any other amount for which you do not have immediate use, place it on deposit in our bank, where it will be safe. You will then not need to fear burglars or fire. Nor the man with nails in his shoes who is prowling around. JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK, Grants Pass Oregon. The INDIAN liold AM, world's records tor speed, endur ance, hill climbing, Mwcr nrl economy. Quality U the reason- MII.E8 McINTVHE, Agent. no i s.uth nth St. (JrwnU Pam, Ore.