riilDAV, JILY 12. 1912. PACE TWO WlEkLY BOG IB RIVER COlfc-Ui 4 rrtd F.c;r : In Portland. PKHSOXAL AXIt lOCA U . ' a. B. Ccrteii ot to Ulanl ttls morcitr. R. 8. Moor and to sots 1 -ft 5:n-. Wrs S Lontrtdge went to Asa 47 fcr Wife, Or, '.o ip..-n4 the land ttls morning ilDiLtr. , Mu Don Filter of Rofurtr Fratk Feawlck returned to Port- stared Tuesday morning for Arllng land 8atday nlj-ht after rlsltlng ton, Colo. fr!er.ds for a few days. G. H. Karcer and ton it -.ted on J ;dge W. S. Crowe::, oce of U di- Monday for aa aGtoitoblle trip to Medfortl Attfef here W. F. ScteDLeyer, as attorney from Medford. a In tt city todar a'.'.esdioj it circuit coirt, baring appeared In the Old Clannel ease. Mr. Scle-imeycr Is cow associated 1th Mr A. E. Reames and recently cict to Oregon from Oklahoma. re"cr of tte Melf&rd National back, was a Mondiy vUitor In the cltjr. Mies Beuie Farmer if Astlacl 1 In tte city canalDg for the aub- Yreka, Cal. Mrs R. H. Toft of Medford and t'Tm Larr.att of Alameda were Tialtla; Mr. .lx Brown and Mr. Luella acrlf'lon too. "Fas:. Preset and Fa- Try. r S .tday. ture R. f. McN'.:tt went to Sacramento Mr. and Mn. Will Steart of Med- Tues4ar to sLd a wee- or 10 dy ford cam to Grants Pas Sunday and n mlcln boslnee. a - i nL L A - II. l. 4 y.Tt ...rr.er :cidi icq i o ir.u Some HancbHwe Phot A. T. Lewi of the Granu Pan Art S: id!o taa jut: flc-shed hscdsome ijta of photographs of the Southern Pacific wreck, which occurred Mon day, a conzplfcte let of picures of the Foirth of July celetrit'o-: at th Leonard or hard and pictures of thf Cornell t E.smana racrh near the town of Roguerlrer. will Tli it for aereral daye with A. Portr. Mr. and ra. H. G. Kes'.erscn re turned to Dirrl Sunday after baring pent a week at their con. In tb.. city. Mra. Emma C. LUor left Sunday for her home at San Dieo. afur daiftten ect to Portland Monday to sr-end tome t'.m with Mr. Shank Mrs Hazel Marks and baby re virrei Mondr to ber home at Eu rene after rVlr-e. her parent!. Mr. and Mrs W H. Hodkli ton. A 8 D. Piter, who haa been In the limelight at rarloua time, hai TACOMl WILL ENTERTAIN ELKS. (pending At weeki with ber ion. E c Jcfir,kjne counry for WTer,i C. Dixon. daT where h number rf !-. Mra. Q. E. Koct. who baa been Siting timber .ie returned Mon rlaltlnf her a'.ater. Mr. Frank Hog le, tr c fftit to Portland, t Kerby, left Monday for her home ; Mr ,ncj Mr, w. A. Holland re Yreka. Mra. Hogu arcompanled ,urBfi Monday to their home at her for a Tiilt. Newport. B. C. after ipendlog a few W. J. Wtmr haa Just torr.e In from days with Mm Holland parent. Mr. the Takllma dlitrlrt where be ha and Mr R. L. Dlsbrow. Mra. Hol been lookln? after mining lntret ;land wa formerly Mia Vetta Dli for ome weki. Mr. Wlrcer report trow and went to Van'OtTer, B. C. great atlrlty In the mining bait new four years ago. ot only in th ale of properties, but j Mr and Mr. Cha. Boyce left also In actual dtelopmer. nd be- . Monday night for Portland and will Here that the time In not far dlitant liter go o British Columbia. xp:t when there will be a great awakening ing to be absent the two weeks of In tbe Grant Pas mlnlcg Induitry. Mr Boye'i Taxation. They were av J r. Boll Jr. returned Monday 'ompanled by E?e!yn Boyce of Port from Seattle, where he had been to wo baa ben wiilt:i look for a location, but found noth- fhm ,or ,w log that ulted him. He hai left for ! Mr and Mrs E. Strong of hi home on the Applegate Eastern Oregon spent Monday In the el'y with Mr and Vr:. A. B. Cor- ; ' tell. Tbey left The Dalle by auto PKOFISSIONAL 0AiD8 and went o Medford. bit on Mon- day night went to Portland by train. and afer the Elk ronventlon win return to Medford and with thMr n.a hire re'urr. home by trie wt of TACOMA. July Tacoma Elki are making arrangement to g'.T the Portland Elk contention royal w,l rome here Saturday night when It la expected 10,000 Elk returning east will top hero to wltne a big car nival In the stadium gotten np es-.i.-V.7 for their benefit. army rrsrr.TF.R charged WITT! MI RDER ARRESTEE. COAST IS COOL WHILE EAST IS SWELTERING IX HEAT. SAN FRANCISCO. July I. While New York, the eaat and tte mid!!; est sweltered to day in the moit severe heat wire of the season, the whole Pa:lfl- ccait region rejoiced In pleasant weather. Nowhere wa ttere cppreasirely high temperatures. Following were the thermom eter marks In the different coast cltlea np to noon: San Francisco, 60 degreea. Portland, tt degrees. Medford. 71 degTee. Grant Paa. degree. Belllngham. 62 degree. Seattle. 60 degree. Seattle. 60 degree. Salem. 6: degree. Vancouter. B. C, 0 degree. Sacramenn, 71 degree. Stockton, 76 degree. San Diego. 65 degree. Le Angele. 73 degree. Pasadena, 71 degrees. PORfLAND July . Wilfred O. Thonges. alia W. Tanner, today Is ender arrest here charged with th murder of Ray W. Wallace seTeral week ago In a Portland rooming i.oue. H was arreeteU at Vancou rer Birracks, Wash., where he had glTen up at a deserter from the army. &-rn aA-'v'iil.;-i! h For Sale at a Bargain GOOD AIR COMPRESSOR 45 h.P. BOILER, ENGINE And other mining equipment ; also Complete Sawmill Outfit Property located neur the .ple iMe river In th- vulnlty of Mm-ph)- Inquire at THE GRANTS PASS BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY. KTR ( RAFT TO RACE. JVIGE HANFORD MORALIZES. M. C. FIND LEY, M. D. Practice limited! to JTE. EAR, N08E and "HROAT rra'er I.aVe Olaasee flt;d and furnished. TACOMA. July 9 Judge C. H. Hanford wore In Judge E. E. Cnsh man as a fe-ieral Judge here yeater day afternoon, admonishing him "I hope yon will hare no difficulties, but no matter how truthfully and Im partially you at, you will always be inject to criticism of mallgmr and the Tltuperatlon of those whom you are called upon to decide against." PORTLAND, July 9. With a r- r.ter of the fastest craft on the Pa IS' coast entered, the regatta of the Portland Motor Boat club to be held this afternoon In the Willam ette rirer promised to provide plenty of thrill and possibly some record -taking performances. The Wild Wolf, built by John E. Wolff, constructor of the Oregon Wolf, which broke the world's rec c:i In Febr tary, is entered In the 'ree-for-all. HI SINF.SS POINTER Tor soreness of the muscles, whether lnd'Ked by violent exercise or injury, there is nothing better thin Chamberlain's Liniment. This Liniment also relieves rheumatic '.Ins. For sale by all dealers. Office hour 9 to 1!; I to I; - Three lilrtU on tlie .leiMK- Pnor.s 2 and 1 Tp ; at: n or tne Appiega'e rallev as increased last week by three blr'hs, two boys and one girl, there Mce born S inday. June 3f, to Mr find Mr? S. D. fuller of Williams, a son; on July 3, to Mr. and Mrs. ?:ur, I.irteVen of TroToH, a son and to Mr. snd Mrs W. W. Wilson of ky appointment 116- O RANTS r'ASS. OREGON. V. L. DIMMICX, D. M. D DENTIST Corner 6th and G atreeu Phone I01-J. Crown. Bridge Work and Sliri(blf oi All Ulnar, a eperiany. Office hour. 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to f p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASfc. OREOON. i. C. MACY, D. M. D. DENTIST loceor to Dlxoa Bros., DwatlaU Flrt-lai Work. 199 H Pouth Sixth. GranU Paa. Or T- Ftaac, "'hy'lsr. sr.d Sirgecn ' F Peterson. Plote-rlnsuran.-eMan 'Tal! P.Tj'dlM it Clerrer". - t s Alfred Lrhr, Rerls'ered Opto e'rl nd le," Dixon's old and. Front it Eyei tested fre mm n.,,y7! 3 TJT7T u c ftf S iftS 0Mt HOt, t5 OF JESLS AH A J . ,..f Lxiea MiS):T. Aft. f.iusTB XI t.lsl CcartP ft J ft to A--e jl4in; frr.A4 nana and n Horse VATORS This is the time to get in and do some effective cultivating, while the ground is damp and easily worked. We handle a cultivator that you will like come in and see them. Horse or hand culti vators. The price is right. Lawn Mowers We have several good makes at various pric es. If you are going to need a good strong mower one that will last a life time, with care. We would like to sell you one. Jewell Hardware Co. Prov.lt an 11 1-2 p'ir.d da :?hter. Mrs H C. Perkins wore her gold a' h ?iii.d.iy night when he went i"n ton to hear the tanJ concert iar.d or. hfr a' home discovered that her at h was m!slng Mr Perkins e'.lev..s that the heavy bead chain may hav ren cut and the watch tak en from ter belt while in the dense crowd. H. D. NORTON ATTORNET-AT-LAW From ( out to (Ity In Ten Hours Melbourne Dunn has made a good r-ord In a reent run from Crescent City to this i Ity, covering the dis tance between the hours of eight In 'the u.orclcg and six in the evening Practice In all State and rdr.; with his ilt'.le Brush runabout. The d'.s'an e Is 9 miles, and considering Cowrt Office, Opera House Block, that the roads are more or less muddy always at this season of the year WHEN YOU HAVE $50.00 $100.00 or 81,000.00 Or any other amount for which you do not have immediate use, place it on deposit in our bank, where it will be safe. You will then not need to fear burglars or fire. Nor the man with nails in his shoes who is prowling around. JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK, Grants Pass Oregon. O. S. BLANCHARD ATTORNET-AT-LAW tkr:--.gh th' heavy timber, the time wa ex-ell-:.'.. Mr. Duan 1 now on another trip to the coast city. Practice In all State and federal J- t.r-dy's Son I killed i.. Mang im Is In re elpt of a let ter !rn: J M O'GraJy, of ChUasc. t'tnt-ru! u.icafre- of the Oregon Gold Mines u n.par.v o tiers of th Granite Hill n..r.e near here. hlih they tad ir.tended to a'art ul1 in the near fu ture, that his ..rrival will le delated tv "he df-ath of hi only son The Phoa s9-J Nc'ir-s n-ar-. hf a but eightetts :ir of was a cldentally shot l; h iu; wltt. whom be wa -art: '. me f - r. s : ti n r Coorts Psnklcg k Tr :st Co. Bldg GRANTS PAPS, CREOON. J. D. WURTSBAUOH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public In office Office In Howard Block GRANTS PASS, OREGON. D. L. JOHNSTON A83ATKR North Stairway, GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Rooms and 7, Opera House Block. M. C. H. DAY CO NTH ACTOR AND BlILPKU Realdea e a Specialty Plans and eetturatrs furnished Residence, Eaat A .t Phone 1CI-J GRANTS PS5 OREGON G. H. BINNS .n-YH Estatl's'e.l 1 years l"T E .'. :, t;r 'te ( o.wni tKtel, Grants 1 m Ore ! H Watt cf GaMce as In tie city Mi tday and played some cop per k!-h he had secured from some miclr? ; rcrerty in the Sliver crt-ek co -ntrv The smelting was done in a rj:ll hard forge and was nes sarliv r.i-t a rerfe-t 'est. bit be se c ;'ej rt.o !.f ur.d of .'oi ;er from 100 to .rds oi ore. and the one ;K;nd of v; - It ' c.l! He i -e wrh he r -r; ;er cer." VT and . ?.rrvn.r c .! g !. vai !i Mr Watt hjs tar"e5 :-": 1 x the prpc-'t: 'or. v 1 -'n . y f the st re a 1" " : .-; ! ;' z '','' " 1 w 'T -v f k -. 'iv . ' iv r. I f. v . 1: ' r -. th' - r ' ji '!'' ' V '. j IDE FIRST NATIONAL SAUK GRANTS PASS, ORE. CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $50,000.00 We issue bank drafts, travelers checks and letters of credit. When trav eling you will find these a very great convenience. 1- 'i. hir 3 '-MAX SBBTv FARM LAWS OF OREGON Price 50 Cents GIVEN FREE With each new sub scription to the Courier, or where ar rear are paid with one year in advance. It Contains What Every JFarmer Should Know Laws of Agriculture, Crime Against Property, Crime Against Pnbllc Health, Domestic Animals, Eiemption Against Ei ecntlon. Fence and Fencing. Fire Prevention, Horti. cnltorts Miscellaneous. InbUc Ways. Actions for Trespass. Wart house. Weight and Me area. Etc. this Is one of the biom nefnl hork published for the Ore--n farmer. It i a neelty for rrerr up-tcMlate farmer, and .lin!i! he uonh rtiauy dolUr. Get It FREE i. V The Cmnk Hansels, iliv It malos ;he tUcycle rno vnt fov.rlh .M.ii'r than any . Hut bicycle. Qualify mean ECONOMY, Mills t itvj:k...-h. i mm done si the courier m- ! il 18 v