Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, June 07, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    IKIIi.lY, J I -N E 7, 1M12.
iMUM nirr nni fnu 'nomera. we are told. Harvey
UKAIUJ rAjJ CALL ILRll blon Bayg uurgeta nag been playing
C1YES MEDFORD GAME aro ind Medford 8lnce m7 and tbat
'ha U about 40 years old.
Associate Umpire Tobe Brouse us-
PORTLAND, Or., June 3. Bump-
In making the turvey preliminary er c rops and prevailing good prices ;
I to the Dun hate of a twenty-acre ad-I are expected to Dut the farmers of,
(rom M'maay 8 Uaiiyj. I ,.,, i ,v,. f,th onH dltlon tn th C.ranit Hill t f-meterv 'tho Parlfl" northwest In high sood '
I I U 1 j J (Mi d U llJJ'HJ luc vuLi " "---rf t j - -
(For The Courier by T. F. Hanley) L an(j cis colleague, Eugene Co-.the county surveyor has developed a Ihumor this fall and, through him, the
- i
Tluere are a few of the old boys
that remember Plevna and Oaman
l'asba; that marched with General
Taylor through Nuevo I.eon; that re
member as yehttrday Inkerman and
Balaklava; to whom the lofty and
animate j elocjuen': of ('lay and Web
ster way a delight and In listening to
which they became fellow-royaterers
cf the cbuiitl' k-is of mure than two
generations' ago; that voted, mistak
enly, for Llui hunan; and to whom j
Mary's Heights and ncttburg ate!
Bl familiar aH the San Diego rebellion.
Tbi-.-o o togeiiarlaiut and monogi-n-1
arlaub mine Into t heir own yesterday j
afternoon at the Grants l'ass Athletic j
park, when T. Jolllffo Fuson's "Fuh
onleis" from Urn In Arroyo, In n bit
ter fight to th death, defeated Fred-1
rlo Roper's champions In a pitchers' I
L, t'X -J ' j Ul -
s i
r' :- V.I 2
condition showing that burial lota .three btates are expected to prosper as ,
have been sold In the cemetery to never before. Every Indlca'ion la for
which the county did not possess j big yields in all the staple products
title. j a cl for s'me prlfes will be very
Fifteen years ago the county pur- high,
chased a five-acre tract west of town j Tl- bUgtst wheat eniu ever har
whlch was dedicated to .cemetery vested fs predicted for Oregon, Wash-;
purposes, and known as Granite Hill .ington and Idaho and it Is thought
cemetery, 'ihe purchase was made
from two properties, part from the
Dlmini' k estate and the balance
from Wm. Patton. This tract was
fenced and divided. Into thirty-foot
burial lots, but the present survey In
dicates tbat a strip 130 wide along
the south side of the tract, lying next
to the county road, Included within
the fence and sold p.nd used for bur
ial purposes, was not part of the
county's purennae fifteen years ago,
and bo far as the search of the rec
ords has sone, the county has never
the yield will reach 70,000,000 bush- .
els, worth $:,2,',((),ft'). Oats are ex
pect. .1 tn add $ 1 S . 7 T. . o i . 0 to the j
farmer's bank roll and barley 9,-
fluii, more. Fruit marketed tjils '
fall and wlnVT will add 1 1 r,, 0110,000
to this new wealth and hay the neat !
sum of $3.'. 390,000. The wool crop j
Is estimated to be worth $6,600,000,1
and bops $l,fi.'.o,iM)0. This is a to-i
tal iiicoiin' for the producers of the
three states of almost $1 oO.ocift.OOCi.
If the manufactured products were
added to the wealth of the soil, it Is ,
obtained title to this portion of the I probable the total would fall not far
Tliey Couldn't llonejliigle
1 Coluirii.
1 burial ground.
! The portion In question consists of
j about 0110 and three-quarters a:res,
1 1.11 acres being Included In the Hood
'property and .63 acres 'in the Dlm-
mick estate, according to the plat of
the survey filed by the county sur
veyor In the clerk's office today. The
proposed new purchase by the county
of L'O acres Includes that part of the
Dlmml'k estate In question, but no
arrangement has been made for the
transfer of the 1.11 acres, title to
which would appear to rest In A. G.
Hood. It Is the belief of county of
ficials, however, that the fifteen
I'lajiuK Fli-t Rune I Ilii-J, for
"Dinky." He refuoe to lie-.-
ri'pt rein 11 iicrii I ion for hi
battle (?) by a score of "0 to 1". The j
contest lasted 2 hours and L'o mln- !
UtPB. 1
To those of the "old guard" the ,
game was a delight. They were trans
ported back through many troublous
years to dnyB more halcyon -before
the mnsk, the chest protector, the
hln pun rd cnine; back to a period
when the rubber crescent did the duty
,1)1)111, undertook the judicial burden
unaided. C'obnrn ruled the turbulent
players with an Iron hand.
' Official Scorer Dague succumbed
to overwork in the eighth, and waB
.resuscitated by Dr. Henry Woolrldge.
. Rill Riggs, In running out two
triples, became exhausted, and finish
ed the game through Interjections of
1 cm, (10 Htocky rlghtfleldcr of the years of continuous UBe of the prop-I Oregon has an opportunity to at
, "FiiHotilcrs " hit a homer over the ctv for public purposes would quiet I tract settlers from the middle west
right field fence title, the same as a continuous making a
' The auto-omnibus carrying the
below $500,000,000 for the year. (
Now that the three year homestead
bill seems certain to become a law,
Interest Is belna: aroused anew In '
Oregon's vacant lands. Statistics 1
have been gathered from the rec-
onH of the general land ol'fb." show-1
'ing there is lots of room in this state
for the homesteader, there being 15,
."!). :i77 acres still unappropriated.
This is a little more than one-quarter
of the state's area. Every county In
the state has Its quota and while most
of the land i far from the larger
towns, much of It Is -fertile and will
be productive when tilled.
If tho pmvor jrcpiition N liotherin yu, tall ;uil lot us
explain the merit, f the I H C line of rsisoline engines. We
have an I II Choline engine to fill every iiml tractors,
portable, .stationary, air an-1 watcr-co,,le(l. In cum you want
kcriM-iif, a, or alcohol attachments, we will le tfliul toMipply
you. If yu have a dillieult pwer proposition to solve, call
and we will a-U you to fi-urc it out. We not only have the
bo.-t rnjrinc on the market, but we have iU size and stylo
you need. Call and look over our line, and whether you buy
or not we will be rlad to see you. We want to number you
as one of our friends. Call today and j,'ot 11 catalogue. It's
vou rs for the akinr, and we are anxious for you to have it.
Rogue River Hardware Co.
(C. yc?vy f !"
ood exhibit at the
of property for n public highway will ; N'orthwestern Products Kxpositkui at
Medford players, did not reach the maKe its use tor tnat purpose per-. Minneapolis, .Noveniner 1 -
nark until four o'clock, havlne met ipetual. ! cording to Will A. Campbell, there
with n break-down near Gold 1 1 It J . j The new tract which the county Is jtary. who has lately visited Portland, j
The scorn R II 11 now purchasing for an addition to There is nothing so convincing as an
Medford 2d 17 9 the cemetery lies directly to the east ; actual exhibit of what a state can j
Grunts Pass 15 14 11 of the present property, and the pur- produce, he says, to win settlers. Such :
i Matterles llurgess, Butler and ''.'base price is to be $2,000. ,a demonstration Is held to be more j
, forceful than any amount ot adver- l
There Is more Catarrh in this sec-Rising or any other form of exploita- j
... ...i .1 11..
IIOll OI (HO COIIIIIIJ III. Ill .111 lllllfl Hqjj
diseases put together, ami until tne
liiut foil v.'i rti witu mmiiiiomimI tn ha In-
,.',-,i,i,. ' . f,,. i. -n-u-it iiniiiv v.vir ! attendance at the North western Pe-
doctors pronounced it a local (lis- j velopment League congress at ?eat- ,
ease and prescribed local remedies, , ,1,, llino c, 7. n!1,l S. Renresen- !
fntives have been named by the gov- i
I. n,..l nr.x.nll i; no :i 1. " Vi llll'l llCCIl
POKTLANL), June L Patrolman a well known athL'te in an endeavor
Wardle, in plain doth' s. broke into a to escape Jury duty. "We're going
Chinese gambling joint and grabbed to be busy here, too," said the court,
j the money. The Chinese pursued and ordering Walker to prepare for duty,
iwheii all five claimed the wealth
Wardle arrested them for gambling. SAN' FRANCISCO, June 4. Claim-
ing the stingiest man for a husband.
Things are Mrs. J. Carter asserts that her hus-
POKTLAND, June 4.-
going to be pretty lively In athletics band, because she spent five cents
In the Rose Festival, and I ought to for milk for their baby, refused her
be readv for work," said Dow Walker, carfare.
j Urocker; Hopkins. K. Williams and
! Famed runs Medford, 0; Grants
j Pass, ('..
Two base bits - Wei kler, Williams,
Hui";ess, Isaacs.
j '11 1 fee base bit; KP-us 2, Tlllliy,
Home run CHI.
Struck on' My llur-. !-.., " ; b Hat
er, I ; by Hopkins. 4 : by Williams, (.
mils I M'f llurgess, : off
off Williams, 2.
as;cd balls Maker, :! ; Mroi ker,
Oregon will have a delegation
liases on
illopkins. I
land by constantly failing to cure with
lloeii! treatment, nronoimced It incur-
':iil,. Seiencf. liiis nroven catarrh to 'ernor and Oregon speaker
ibea constitutional disease and there- given places on the program. Sub
fore requires constitutional treat- j(H.ts interest to the whole north-
iinetit. I lull s Catarrh ure, manufac
1 1 iii'i il hv F. .1. Chenev Co.. Toledo.
Ohio, is the otilv constitutional onv ''lers for approxnnat.
Fmplrcs Coburn and Hrouse,
HUM lll.l.
vlilanil lliippeiilous Aluityx Inleie-t
Our l!eiMler.
After reading of so many people
iu our town who have been cured by
it i'i.i tun.. ....i.t l.m it i
ll IIOllllS lIUIie lllir. I lie "iieni iimi i...-
JQ 'tiinilly arises: "Is tills medicine
I 'V ie(uallv successful In our neighboring
towns. I 111' generous miiu'ineiu in
on the market. It Is taken Internally
in doses from 1 drops to n tea
spoonful. It nets directly on the blood
ami mucus surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for
any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
Address: '.'". J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, Ohio.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
st Ipntlon.
,ioi:s, or LAM
i i: i d i ami:, I'Akhonfu.
lllll l:igg ami Ills Mighty lllii.lgeon. "'Is Asblan,) resident leaves no room ;
The .Hg,..,.nl . ,.,e ' J Ashlnn,,. -WASHINGTON, June 3.- -W.Uaid
Ibickgromu! I- Tliat or Kn'ere,l u great deal (Jones of Portland. Or., convicted ot
Toblnn llroiiM-. 'from kidney trouble and backache land frauds In which the late S.mi-
-- - ;aud sometimes I could hardly Ret ntor Mitchell of Oregon and Hlnger
. . ! I , l..t.... 1.. ll... i,i..i..,li. ir 1
of the musk and wr.eii everytning was aiomm. ..nnnM.m n, , ,-,., , former commissioner of
out w hen i aught on the
"bounce." Tho modern baseball dil
letaute and critic sneers at big scores
and tells one "he will never go again "
Ho n't believe him Right down in
his heart, he ihe big s.-oiv. ami
will go again, and shoal, 1 :o again.
Tho game vcsterd.n w as t ill of
l.fe. i row (led full
liud teeming i e r
ivtcedy Mo;.!.ti!'.
ock r.
bv W
the o
r i . niM '
1 1 1 .,
f jest
w Ith
an, I w
and ; i if
u proarious
on U:e lli:
II ...... uiHT .....I .in., mi. tlin k ill II PV
first j '.' ' . , , ,.' .1,., ir.,,i..rnl In ii il nfflce. were alleged
secretions aliuoeii me ny tueir 1 1 - " -
regiilaritv in passage. As soon us 1 'to have been Implicated, was grair
romnii'iccd taking Moan's Kidney unconditional pardon tod.iv ' v
IMP-. I Improved and 1 am now in
good health I still use Moan's Kld
m Pills occasionally, but more as a
pivxetiUvc than an thing else. 1 al
miivs insist upon Moan's Kidney Pills
for no oilier substitute could be as
o ' f i (live a- t hey."
! President Tnft.
J Th pardon was based n t
ground that Improper methods w,
.pursued In filling the jury box
which the Joins jury was drawc
t will be discussed. I
, ( I . I H 1 0 . - j
ono feet have been placed with mills !
of Oregon and Washington to supplv
material for new eii'iipnictit for the !
llarriman lines in this 1. rritm-y. The
traftic officials are preparing for the ,
new crop season by ordering N.liuii ;
box cars and 'i'. raboos"s to be dis- j
tributed over the I'libm Pacific. O. !
W. K. iv- N.. Southern I'acif'm and Ore- !
gon Short Line road-.
i;ii:mmi: plan i;i:cim:h
hack at los (;i:li:s.
LOS AN(H:I.1 .Tune 1. The
longest aerial race ever attempted on
the Pacific co;t;t to be held June O'
on a circular course, around Los An
geles, is being consider.", today ' y
I. os Angeles. Long Peach. Venice.
Santa Monica, Ocean Park and Sa:i
Pedro. Martin. Champion. Stits, Car
pent ier, Williams. Mougherty am!
other lurdmen prohaMy will lonipete.
Our Time Certificates of Deposit bear
ing 4 per cent interest are a most pop
ular form of Savings Deposits.
Ii. HALL l'rcvidetil.
. i AMl'P.I LL. Vice Pre
II. L. .II.aKV,,( asbier.
!!. K. HACKLTT, As't. Cavli.
n: life. Deposit a part
the Josephine County
'0( nl ip.vesTnient shows
;ave savt'd up and the
u'lve you a start i
voui' earniiiU's in
Il'iii'k. Tlien when a
"iih w!:at you 1
.ii'-cpmne ( ouiity hanks assistance you
can take advantage f it. A small invest
iiiei.; low wielv made means tinaix-ial ease
p k von; i lo mk.
Josephine Co. Bank
j re
I or
cell! -eu
.ale b
all dealers. Price
ler-MiPmru Co.. MulTalo,
iole a.ciits for the Pulled
r t I .. i: cue I loall'-
.' hen MHir i hi : d ha
;!i be i .ireful to h' ."p
e and e torat ion e
w !;o:
H '
t m i i ii i M i s si 1 1 s i;ms
TO 115 1 xlMIAT t.OMI .
VSlllNi.loN. t
ilif I.ill
Cuban government.
. -eld t'( I'tc.-fl. I.! I
I on ro
M.iut. the
, d that
i .eUU.OOO
rti. e shlp-
pi:sio i on widow
1'nlted States sctuee toda' vote! i
nionthtv pension of $ 1 ."n to the : '
ow of dmiral Wintield Scott S. -fo'b'W
ing .111 e!oue..iH ;de,l V. '
ator ILn tt of Marx land
i 'h
a :
- t
u.:h 1
ale !
--: if
a le
i ouuh
y by giv-
enieih as
medy i'd
'f iis and
te. !r has
1. 1. .'I' )!!-
u:e K.-r
i ALII oi; V Hop.r.i ;s
COLLI I I sl.oo ( '.VII.
In'!::.' '
"Ut'i ll.lse
iis ileal ',y
. i: bono has In en unable to
r. in- in the I'nited Slates,
a!', the I ItVs iii.inut.ii tul'ed
are sold to the Auiet li a'.i
1 1
1 '
p. '
rriincl-ii I-
del'.l! 1 1"
bis b
t a: i
ro r
' ( (ell.
llurgess In ; .
Ing ponltie,
PiirueM "y
at "kid."
boy," re
C Hi an'.'
font t is r
i ' .: : , i
.: ''.' !;'..
a'e '
en! agreed to ac
,if.d to I leVe'M the
,l to -cud lo
i s i; h w h f h to
Ol ilM I'd! Ci I i;v.
llefore the Public. Over live mil. ion
samples piveu away -ach year. Vhe
constant and increasing sales from
samples. roves the gei uli.e l.'.ert' of
Allen's V'oot-Kiise. tie antiscp'ic
powder to be shaken into the s-V.-os
for Corns. Hunlons. Aching. SwolYn.
Moist. Tender feet Sold every-
where. J'c. Samplo PKKK. Ad
dvess, A. S. Olms'ea ' l.Ko. N Y.
oi i ii i) Kor voi io iom
STOi'KTON. Cal . biiie L- Two
masked highway m-n walked into
Silva's sa'.oof a; inidt'.Ulit. stood t.t
the bartt ndcr and two ustoniers.
got about i.'O and ba. ked cur Tie v
mounted 1 i '.!- :iml went to ti e
Sunny South
$17. Then !
saloon w'p.r
i'v vanish.ed
oi;i ;o
I X isi KS M1 L
thev get
e ma a a i nle be
e 'o 'mi- d;(s bv
a'li - 1 in '.; cut a ml
i 1 1. mi- '' ''. cm h
v a d i'.i ,. ei -
S.eik certificates printed it
Com Ier offl.-.
With the Mippolteis of Colonel lie.
It cl.iineu, M'.ceu to l .' 1 :
alitv, the pel's tor the -ta! ; : ' .
dei tiou th'o agho it South I
oi i'i d at o'clock this im rning.
. ri mam open un' :1 . p. m
, On '.he den.o. r.if.c ide 1 ..:'i W
Thf.gon and Ha. men tunnaers '.a.ia
itory f.T :l ir re-pi ct'.ve c.l'.id'.la'i
POKTLVNM .Lino 4. The right
voting women s iffragcttcs who h.iv$
obtained tli Lots to the republican coinention tn Chicago today
declare they In Ox, I to 'ise tlu-m and
see eventhir.K there 1- to be tc..;;,
ahe reputed att!!m!- of icrrain Ore
gon deli gates to tho national cor.ven
ifton who have received no tickets and
ire therefore s't;h''. t ceved. r.otwith
i -i.v'.dtn g.
iJiiVj V ,1 " ' - JT.J
of the Grants Pass Banking and Trust
Company are under bond with a well
known surety company for the faithful
performance of their duties.
with us is safeguarded by up-to-date
and approved methods.