Fill DAY, MAY "i WEEKLY IU)GIE RIVER COURIER I'AGK TEX nr r n" ftrufc-wrr- OUR S15 SUITS HAVEN'T A FAULT OR A FL AW. THEY ARE PERFECTION. That's It! p And Bash w Sua J ! Wwmk P0 w KllBr II X clothes wJ&Mmm wwWi This array of hand-tailored garments is the sort that help you on in the world, with greater variety of coloring and fabrics than we have ever before shown. If ever a man wants smart, prim and handsome clothes, in the country or in town, it's when the first warm days appear. . With these suits we meet the popular demand of something dressy something be yond a fault and priced where you can wear them when you should and that's right now. U YOU MAY FOOL A HEN WITH A CHINA EGG BUT IT MAKES A MIGHTY POOR OMELET. LIKEWISE, THERE ARE PLENTY OF $15 SlITS, BUT TH EY ARE NOT LIKE THESE. Peerless Clothing' Company, " If Men Wear It, We Have It." MANY STUDENTS WIN jjoalah Pardee, Carroll Cornell, Mar- ( OMIXG EVENTS I I 8TH GRADE DIPLOMAS Layton, Mamie McDaniel, Mildred ;M;' -4. Friday Selis-Ploto circus in Ditler, Winifred Gllkey (third lilph Grants Pass. One hundred and Heidi of the pu-! averase i , Joseph Metzen, Harry1 May Sunday Memorial day. un IIIm of the varloim public hi-IiooIh of ! Prltchanl. W'llford Allen. Jr. (hlt-h1 ion services at Presbyterian church. jKM'piiine foiiniy took the stat." j "'' --1 . .Mary Flndley, Chas. Wlt eUhlh grade examination recentlv i torff. Delia Powers, Hden Menz and held i,f tleif ii i mli.. i. i;: i,uoi. .l I Dm-i-l : C-iM u-nll , Mn.v FREE MILLING LEDGE PROVES TO BE RICH May Thursday lu-coration day. Tuesday- MeeUnu of Gran's Lelni; awarded diplomas. Twelve! A second examination will )P held ass Music cinli. laneu in one hit ;i only, wnile t in June wnen some wii0 did not pans .June 7, Friday Grant Pass larked. In I wo. Tlve will lie nieiiln one or more subjects last week j Festival. a second oppir: iinli v to take the . v.- will be nlvn an opportunity to havejllly Kritia and Saturdav amlnatlon In the subjects in which, their names added to the list of the' Mining Congress at Yrek'a. Cat." they failed at the June examination. ! successful ones. Mstrlet No. 7, the Grants Pass city school. furnlHhed 28 of the success-1 V() ( ,.. , ,.,,, ,,. s Wn" Visits GrniM IM ful ones, thin list having been pub- ' i -lerry, a character well known in llshed In a recent Issue of the ( our- in the Circuit Court of the State of ,f,1 Uoii"e slvir valley, f? in the city let. The winners In the other dls- Orcumi for Josephine county. today, and is exhibit in ur some recent trlcts were, as follows: Xo. 14 1,1 ""' "f M:nv J. Parker. ; acquisitions to his display of gold v ,', ,,, ,, muskets, of which he alrendv had .Notice is hereby niven to all per- i , . .... sons having a..v claim or claims. ' ""'"uh ' satls,v anv ordinary man. Katharina Maurer, Kenneth Floyd, ' nun hist the estal- of Man J. Parker. 'Among the nuggets which Jerry has Harold Vedder, Mabel Gentry. Jose phine Osborn, Kthel Uroekley; No. 23 deceased, to pi' sent their Vntiderl.ilt, '"" "'' :''''iin; to aw. on out over $700. found in the ?iskivu ., , , i "i" belore six months from th- date , . , :'. I --W ilhe ,i, f,... , , , , ,,, i, aisti Irt. lie also has soin 'rotii the Abliott, John Pence; No. I ;i - Arline ! . Parker, tlm iluly apixiinted'. qnal- K'i'by district that, while tint .-I.Tsii: Morrison; No. 1! Hush Harnett. ' ""'d nnd aciiu' executor of said es-;with thi Siskiyou mammoth, are Marlbla Slilli. Archie AndTson ; 5" Zoo Collins, Knntia Kenneth Parwell; Nn. claims ; purchased on this trip is one welshing P.iancho Lewis; No. J!i lleiiry Pal mer; No. 33 Freda Carter; No. 10 tale I'is aitmtn1 at Grants Pass. Oreuoii. or to beauties nevertheless. Jerry Is cred ited wl'U bavin? some $o,i r J;),. C.ih! .V Williams, at i their office in G:au!s l':is ( 1 1 '- i ri I-y.ltix Koberls, Cora I.ett'ken. ! The dat.- of the first put, Heat ffm of ; ni1 1,V,'SJ,?(I nugcets. Miry Plnkefion; No. I Chester !' his notice is Hie "Jlih day of May. Smith; No. 2 John Harmon, Pearl Green; No. fill- lliirshell Milntvic: No. " I K ut Ii McCrery, Umi Hurr; N". "! Mabel Anderson, Mae Mac Calllster. Stanley Oisden. Clen Ander si :t: No, ' Hannah Kowdace. Ue Morrison; No '.' .Nora Oniie. Herth.i Hyde. Zeru Kubll; No. I 1 Leslie (",i!!ders; No. 1 r. Dean Cline. A. I (Sianedi II. X. I'AKKFI;. Kxeciitor of the Lsta'tx of Mary J. Parker. Ieicnstd. Ci'hU iV Wiiliains. Attot r.ev s. Vn;i ;tM hum . I A second shipment of bullion from the recently discovered vein of litgli lurad ore on the Victor mining prop erty on Galke creek was made Mon- jday. the prtnt sliipmeut being of Rose!-- , intern 1 1 Till It I' w u " .rli t a nf iht precious- metal, tills amount repre .letuing the lund mortaring of six pails full of the decomposed quartz, each paiT holding but two gallons. As this bullion brings about $1S per ounce. th present shiprnent, the pro duct of twelve gallons of dirt, will re tui n at least $l,n.Hi. This vein, which was uncovered only a few weks a;o, is on the sur face of the Victor mining property, owned by Norberg iV.'O'hers. tht dis eovery having, been made by John Carlson, Geo. folvin and Oscar Shat- tuck, Galice prospeero-s. Tlie vein ; of grade ore is rnm four to ' five inches wbles. ar.-i ".as been trac- ed a distance of one hundred feet on :' the surface, when a t ;tter idea of - the magnitude, of the find can be' obtained. The gold so far taken out i has co:ne nrnrncallv from the f ur- ! Just Received i M MMiS. Students of the eighth made of tie j-'ibllc si boo! ol this cit , v. iio tool IV regular eight h-ura-le t:on as prescribed b the slate I'oan o'.' education las; wceU, lm te elveil their diplomas i'ie::i th' of fice of County Suiieriutei; lent Sav in l lie 'iri nil Court o Oieuou. for the t-...::r I'll i in- l leio ci;i l. i r'l'V . I 'l.i . I tiff. I VS ) Allen l''.irle . I ' i I'ii Ala n l'a rie . In the n.itiif of tin- stat .lust gon. you are hereby n.iuit ,,;'. ' pea: and answer the complaint a r.uiisi y oa m I ,e emit led face, r.nd while that morraret! has M.itciiient. That May lie In i-tigat- come from the narrow vein, at least Te-tiiiiuiiy of (cant : four fe-t of the rock from each side Cifueuv of this seam "ill ; ny .rood raiu.'s for t:and ''"c;;in. Samr?5 of the ore from the mine, exhibit.- her-1 yes'-Tiay, Ivar on' ."'! ri.-l.ness that have ANOTHER CAR 11 1 il id fci-f-r v 1 , e.l. Win i '.r.ttit Pass . i'!'. in i !;,. tr-t t. teilirg hi- :!: I ',( Stale l( n'ig!lbnrs nt Ills e!.e! ii.;a , ot J, My on hi- .-iiicrii . The - of peop'e r. -idi:ii: in far .. a i ' 1 ; i i' i o!ii:i;.in, .r.,r e I ' 'o:!'.e e:o!oi -emeu! !s r lu- ) ll.ack- I loan's Kidney l'U l ''ttll'MlV is cell illeill' t;. ; -roj's it true. i:,'!,m j, ;, . of a Grants l'.i-s ri:der.t N er proof ,,f i:irit . sn be !.a J M J..!:.-.. X Fifth Pass I 're . - c - I a.n u',. i nines ' ;- a:t i 1 ' i 'an, !!:etirs:3-l ,h-' clai: es been IV. .id for tr ti-i. gold app-Mrini nuc. eviden. e r,i the naked n i a, ! ' :-:.r : in I'-'ll enl, s:'"t.4- ' ,S t 'l'11-f whi.-H it -was held .1 IO Those slid 'ssl'nl i:i the cam- O'l '! I he,. ,,f poblii a' ;.(! i! tlii- s". a a o ir.'ltlon. and who net year's ls tl:e "th. d.l of .Lib. :;m freshman class of the lo,ai liUh , "n l ati-wer. f : hool. weli as lollows . . ii i ii.. i . i ' i , v.ei.iiii .-.., iei. iia'.'i u wn.iu.s. ( , o 1 1 1 1 ' Ul i M t . t i ; 1 1 1 1 Curtice, Iietie I'li'li'.o. Mary Uorce. Beam (second high average), l.enna The date ot the oider (or t he Itowden, Nettie FUgerald. Vernon ""J"" o! ' !' ,!i ! l:ul-" I-' f-iiong, umvti nun average . neri i Presley, Helen ltoh.'lcu. Garnet lU'.-t. ! : -.1:1! ::i :-r.-. 1';','..- u hen I -mi thellt .-l ine iim; I il'ar.ts '01'.- I m in s Kid- hec : -i ry al ias' t-l'l hi.!i Ki,i! and il t;i.-n tfere- bey tr.-.b the plaintiff w : 1 u 'lie attd alt!'." t t-e iae rebti p'.ne.i ur in her ;,t atiothi wit for a ibare, ol ,1: , jn, ,, lour,,', reiier pas-a-e of tlie nioe,i my arhes and pains stored m, t good hea::h. I ' i I . I , ixeiue.y i i i- i',esere iv.v r.ear'uf on Mrs. M. . .Vhia Medfui i ."::-..'?'. i f .iner.i. j: Mr-, ,-ar Mr.-. I. i .i.f. nior:i;:.g :i-u:u S, ,r.i irrlved :'-om " .1 ft ;he. McCormicK Mower; RaKes and Binders Your hay will soon be ready to cut and we are ready with the best mower made for cut ting this crop. We handle only McCormick mowers. There is no better machine made. You car. get either size machine you desire i1- or 5 foct cut. ;n;4 I Jes.., lie has pa.--. M.lVe Iio.' an aan: ,r. Ccii' WiK ;:i::i, . G ?MI i II. Attorney for Plain! dJ1 QH FIVE ARTICLES (1 ff Cpl.yU ALL FOR JUST pl.UU How Is This For a Real Bargain 1 1 I I'ii i l si ' , LIMA I. WW KM I Mi I'XPI K, IS -heel- allil H , lli b'in s, Huith all, ol l M I M I l;i itb putt an. I Minor worth 'J,V I M'WI vi: l . worth t iM I. in 1 1 I 1 I II ll'iMOW l 11.1 I III M ul.isx I'M, a Ix'.uity. woltli T .V lM IIH I'lH I'll I I M Pi 11 P.. lle-b .a white, woilli J-ve Gi' Pi u e l'l 1 U 1 oo i,s I Hit M oil CLEMENS, Sells Drug's i . THE REXAL STOKE :ie SOU I , I a. lit .-. r KLir.u'h , ho:: I .1 si ll 1 tried on.- r- : i: was not nn;; U S Kidnev ' Pi 's 1 ii if I 1 hey reuui.ited tlu !GrauU 1as's :ul,P'l ff Sunda r.ih: Idney seir'i. i.s. re-lto visit his brothsr. Rj!.'rt t ii, to! re-' Mr. Smith was ot, hi- wuv from i'al;- I loan n ' : . . , lorina u s notr.f a- 'iv'.. .-..i - .'ii-. ami i la 'ii. pson and ii: i'riie rt'i and .u-r Mrs M c ..'..' nies.iay ::io',t l-a.:s- to ;o::. Mr : s - "Ver'.m.ent ;". :. :, county. M:. .1:1 d Mrs ; l'a-.- Tac.-da; Hil'.sboro. wlure they ' n.t y Acre ;,;;,i;!..s-::u's :: 1,.. I'loWI.. s" Misses A ,T' WhiV wei- to spef.d .1 f whose s, l:o dorsetnen l"o: ! .1'.! dealer-.. 'Ci.ts. I'o-ter-Milburu C.. New Vo: s -le .Kent :'.-r !; States 1 1 ' : . e : 1 1 c t l .e ;-, , - , -...-.f P...T NMJ I. IM t P.I hi lu;. ctormic. I'.la- ' 0:1. i a:... :, M., l- rj. V. 1 w. 1 1 : -.-lit W d.'.V 1 I I . u . "l 1 .1: .or a Ti-i Ida g I'l-'1 Ti;.-s,!av nii'.-t '' '.-s 1 v.;';. rt !- P., Witl a WIN -i V 1 I S rises. Mrs. AU- e Tic:; with her trand- :. left Wedne- lay ;. sonville t'i spc.: her sister, Mr-. K;. has been i'l fo a i 11- Bern ire cxer- lhrasher. J ::::. i fur .lar' - JSBC tew weel.s ') ii.;. IV'i;f.-- . '-if or t.'.c'o -ei wiii cut anything that's cutable. iney are always ready for work, and they aie maae to stand hard wear. McCormick mowers have no side draft, and are conven ient and easy to operate. Don't wait until me last minute before getting your mower, call and wake a selection. A McCormick mower won't cost you any more now than it DroP in- examine our line, and -i' 1 . , . ycu why it is to your interest to 'eJ ,w , us' Member, we are not here W ailU,;'' :iy tomrrow. We are always f uu va s ready to supply your wants nl-V? nan(t at all times any duplicate . - - - ,i .-lcCormick machine you may need. Rogue River Hardware G THE BIG RED FRONT. .Newspapers 5 & Wc Bundles- Cou V . 1 .