FSXDAT, MAY 24, 1912. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER OOl'RIER I AGE SEVF.N NOTICE TO DELINQUENT CO. OWNERS OF MIMNXJ CLAIMS. Notice la hereby given that Robert Grlmmett, who, with Hansten War ner, are co-owners of one placer min ing ckitm situated In the Sucker creek (unorganized) mining district la Josephine county, Oregon, and hereafter more fully described, has done and performed all of the annual assessment and representation work required under the mining laws of the United States and of the state of Oregon for the year 1911 of the Talue of $100 between the first day of May, 1911, and the first day of October, 1911, and that the said Hansten Warner, co-owner in said mining claim, has failed to pay any portion of the assessment work for the year 1911 and the full sum of $100 is due and delinquent upon the share and Interest of the said Han sten Warner for said year. The said Hansten Warner Is here by notified, that unless he shall with in ninety days from the date of the errlce of this notice upon him, p'.y onto the undersigned, his co-or er, the sum in which he is deli'.uent, or fall or refuse to contrlbTa his due proportion of said assessment work, together with the - ,8t8 of this ac tios, that his '.u interest in said mining clalrr lll become the prop erty of .ue undersigned co-owner, whc -as performed and caused to be performed such assessment work. The mining claim and premises herein referred to consist of the Combination placer mining claim, lo cated January 2, 1908, recorded Jan uary 6, 1-9 0 S , In Vol. 18, mining rec ords of Josephine county, page 111. Dated at Holland, Josephine coun ty, Oregon this 3rd day of Febru ary, 1912. ROBERT GRIMMETT. NOTICE To Whom it May Concern- Nott Is hereby given that I, the under signed, owner of one-half interest I? the Sugar Pine mine at Gallce, Or gon, will not be responsibly for air debts Incurred against said Suga; Pine mine or for any labor or lm provements performed thereon; al that no person entering on said prem Ises tor any reason whatsoever shal remove therefrom any ore, mineral c timber. Dated February 23, 1910. (Signed) F. E. KNIGHT DELINQUENT SALE NOTICE. Gopher Gold Mining Company. Location of principal place of bus iness, San Francisco, California, lo cation of works, Josephine county, Oregon. Notice There are delinquent up-1 on the following described stock, on account of assessment No. 4, levied on the 1st day of April, 1912, the several amounts set opposite the ! names of the respective sharehold-! ers, as follows: No. No. Name Certificate M.iares Amt Hugo Mo.-nlein. .100 SOD J10 oo S. S. Ilayley 27, ."00 ID. 00 S. S. Bayley 2fi 500 10.00 S. S. Bayley 43 500 10.00 S. S. Bayley 44 500 10.00 S. S. Bayley 49 lOOfi 20.00 S. S. Bayley 64 1000 20. .j0 S. S. Bayley 65 500 10.00 S. S. Bayley 9T 300 10.00 Stephen Fan-ell.. 51 1000 20.00 Stephen Farrell.. 52 1000 20. Oo A. B. Riche :s 230 3.00 A. B. Hiche 30 230 3.00 A. B. niche 60 250 3.00 A. B. Rlche 61 230 5.00 Mrs. H. F. Bayley unknown 100 2.00 And in accordance with law, and an order of the board of directors made on the 1st day of April 1912, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessarv, will be sold at public auction, at the of fice of the company 44 2sth avenue. San Francisco. Calif" rnia, on Mon day, the 3rd day of .June, 1912, at the hour of S o'clock p. m. of said day to pay delinquent assessments there on, together with costs of advertis ing and expenses of the sale. T. R. DEAN. Secretary. Office 40 i :'Mh Avenue, San Fran cisco, California. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby triven, that Ora L. Mock, the undersigned, has been appointed administrator of the estate of John W. Mock, deceased, by the county court for Josephine county, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned admin istrator, at the law office of H. D. Norton in Grants Pass. Josephine county, Oregon, on or before the ex piration of six months from the date of the first publication of this no " tlce. Date of first publication May 17. 1912. ORA L. MOCK. Administrator. (Siskiyou National Forest). . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, April 27, 1912. Notice is hereby given that George Elmer Anderson, of Seln.a. Oregon, who on September 28, 190S.made homestead entry serial No. 03 233, for H. E. S. No. 47. 105-9$ acres. Sis kiyou National Forest. Section 2H-32 township 37 S, range 9 west Willam ette meridian, has filled notice of -tention to mak final Five Yen o"f to establish claim to the lard ;ilv described, before Herbert Smith. Uni ted States Commlss'oner at Grant Pass, Oregon, on the 14th day ' June, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: ! Ezra M. Albright of Waldo, Ore gon, Edward Burke of Kerby, Ore gon, John C. Shade of Selma. Ore gon, and Mike Lang of Selma. Ore- gon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". Department of the Interior. T S Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, April 3. 1912. Notice Is hereby given that Her bert Munsen, of Murphy, Oregon, who, on February 13, 1911, made homestead entry serial No. 06971, for NW'i section IS, township 37 S. range 5 west Willairette meridian, has filed notice of intention to" make final commutation proof, to .establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith, United States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the 24th day of May, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: I. E. Hays, W. L. Hays. W. S. Fil more and A. M. Matsen, all of Mur phy, Oregon. BENJAMIN' F. JONES, Register. .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, May 9th, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Abner V. Coleman, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on March 19, 1906, made homestead serial, No. 03947, for NWt, section 10, township 39 S.. range 8 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Herbert Smith, I'nited States commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Wallace O. Kohler, J. H. Fletu ming, B. Hogue and Edmond Burke, all of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. CITATION. In the County Court fop Josephine County, Oregon. In the matter of the Estate oi Henry Klopper, Deceased. To Henry A. Klopper. Viola M. Klopper and Eleanora E. Klopper, and all other uuknown persons Inter ested In the above entitled Estate, Greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear before the above entitled court, at the County Court Room at the Court House at Grants Tass in Josephine county, Oregon, on June 3, 1912. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., then and there to show cause, If any, why the petition of Mabel E. Klop per, the administratrix of the above entitled estate, filed In said court and cause should not be granted, and the premises hereinafter described not be sold at administratrix sale, at public or private sale as the court may or der, to-wit: Commencing at a point 23 .eet west of the southwest corner of Block 16 in the Town of Kerbyvllle, Josephine county, Oregon, and running thence north 540 feet; thence west 4 90 feet, more or less, to the west line of James Kerby Donation Land Claim; thence south 340 feet; thence east 4 90 feet, more or less, to place of beginning; Also, a certain tract of land com mencing at the southwest corner of the premises above described, and running thence west 10 rods; thence north 13 degrees west 34 rods and 5 links; thence east 14 rods and lo links to the northwest corner ot said tract above described; thence south 340 feet to the place of beginning; containing 9 acres, more or less; Also, all of Block 16 in the Town of Kerbyvllle; all in Josephine coun ty. Oregon. This citation is issued pursuant to the order of Hon. Stephen Jewell. County Judge for Josep.iine county, Oregon, dated April 27th. 1912. Witness the Hon. Stephen Jeweh. Judge of said Court, and the seal of said court affixed hereto April 27th. 1912. (Seal). Attest, S. F. CHESHIRE. County .er'.:. NOTICE FOR 1 I'llLU'ATIOX. Department of the Interior, C S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, April 16, i912. Notice Is hereoy given that Bennet L. Scott, whose poat-offtce address is 2511 imp-on avenu , Hoqulam, Washington, did. on the 13th day of December. 1 9 1 1 . file in this off.ee sworn statement a d application. No. 07743. to purchase the NMs NEVi, and the SWi NE1., and the NE Vi of the NW'i. section 8, township 39 S., range 7. West Willamette mer idian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of Jume 3, 1S78. and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by ap praisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land an-' tlmr r theron have been appraised, $640.00 the timber estimated 1,200,000 board feet : o0 cents per M.. and the land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In surport of his application and sworn statement on the 5th day of July, 1912, before Register and Receiver. United States Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent is;- s, by filing a corroborated n'fidaut i : this cffUe. rdr.g facts which wonbl defe: t '.he entry. BENJAMIN r 'JONES, Register. If : -or. friend should tell you of a chance to save some money on the m.rchase of something you want, ou'.d listen tn him wouldn't you? :lf one of today's ads gave you such Information, in definite detail, you'd read It wouldn't you? Artistic Job work at Courier offi -e. NOTICE TO EXECUTORS AN"l AD- MIN1STUATORS. Notice is hereby given that execu- tors and administrators who fall to make their semi-annual reports by May 1. 1912, will be cited to appear and show cause why ,.iey shc.ild a i be removed. Section 1282. Lord's Oregon Laws, muties ii me luty vi nenuuri nuu admln!str?tors to file reports with the countv clerk, in October and An- ril of each year. This duty should i ;be attended to promptly. 1 In case of removal, the par'y re- 'moved will forfeit als unearned com-: mission. STEPHEN JEWELL. County J ulge. It Mil li t; fok Pi hlic.atio.v . pany, ana are situate ana lie in lots . 1, :,'3, SEU MV, 8W' NEU. SEl4 NE t lu section tw ent -seveu Department of the Interior. U. S. ( 7 , township thiitv-six 136) south. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, range flve v5) west of the Willamette April 22, 1912. ! Meridian, and in the Grants Pass Notice Is hereby g'ven that James! (Unorganized) mining district, Jose W. Conklyn, whose post-office ad- phlne county, state of cregon, and are dress Is 313 Marquam building, ', numbered and deslgnattd as I'nited Portland, Oregon, did, on the 15th ; States Mineral Survey No. 74$. Said day of December, 19111 file In this (claims are contiguous to and join office sworn statement and appllca-each other, as more particularly de tion. No. 07748, to purchase the scribed by the plat and field notes SWi; NE Vi , NWSEi, Lots 1 and j posted herewith upon the premises. 3. NttSWiNW4, SWi oi SWH t he boundary linos of each of the of NW, Section 26, Twp. 35 S, , hereinabove mentioned lodes are as range 5 west Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known rs the "Timber and Stone Law,' at such val - ue as might be fixed by appraisement. and that, pursuant to such applica tion, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, $680.00, the timber estimated 1,200,000 board feet at 50 and 75 cents per M., and the land nothing; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 12th day of Juiy, 1912, before Register and Receiver, United Sta'es Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or laiti- ate a contest at any time before pat- ent issues, bv filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts wuich would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES Register. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN. In the circuit court of the btate of Oiegon for Josephine county, Joseph Pollock, ilalntlff.) vs. ) ihe personal representa-) tatlves and heirs of the) estate of Nancy Felster.) deceased, Defendant.) To the heirs and personal represen tatives of Nancy Felster, deceased, the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby notified that Joseph Pollock of Grants Pass, Or egon, is the holder of certificate of delinquency numbered 33, issued on the 30th day of January, 1909, by the tax collector of the county of Jo sephine, state of Oregon, for the amount of Six and forty-five one hundredtl.s ($6.43) dollars, ths same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1917, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real prop- Claims or surface ground are re erty assessed to you, of which quired to file their adverse claims you are the owner as appears of with the register of the Un'ted States record, situated in t.ald county and j land office at Roseburg, Oregon, in state, and particularly bounded and ue Roseburg land district, during described as follows, to-wit Lots) the sixty (60) days period of publl three (3) and four (4) In block ' C"! cation hereof or they will be barred Judions Addition to the City of Grants Pass, Oregon. You ate further notified that said Joseph Pollock has paid taxes on 1 said premises for prior or subsequent! years witn the rate of Interest oui said amounts as follows: I a.r v-508,V?c'd Apr" 9'.,19cn9' .appointed administratrix of the estate receipt No. 1538, amount $7.59, rate f 0Uver H rerry decea8ed, by the of interest lo per cent. county court for Jrueph.ne county, ear 1909, paid June 2, 1910, tax Oregon, and all persons having receipt No. 2,19, amount 7.13, rctec,almg ngaIuBt ga,d estate are here. of interest Id per cent. ,bv not,ned to present the same, duly ear 1910. paid March 9, 1 91 1, Vfirlflo(1 n hn nn,lprlirnnd nrtrilnla- ,tax receipt .,0. lib. amount $8.15. irate of interest, lo per cent. I ear 1911.fIall february 21.1912. tax receipt No. 3S9, amount $S.98. jrete of Interest, lu per cent. , Said heirs and personal represen - uuives 01 .ancy riesier, ueceaseu, as the owners of the legal title of the j above described property as the samei appears of record, and each of the j other persons above named are here-: by further notified that said Joseph lollork will apply to the circuit lln h.. Ken a , pointed ad court of tie county and state hfore- mnlHtrator uf the EMtttte' of Marlon Snment-onredP n SK 1 M St .l.?."!0; . . , , , . And you are hereby summoned to up- pear w tjhin sixty days after the first publication of this summonB exclu- sive of the day of said first publlca- tlon, and defend 'his action or pay 'he amount due ns above shown to- jether with costs and accrued Inter- ,-st and In case of your failure to do vo. a decree will be rendered foreclos- iiug the lien of said taxes and costs j against the land and premises nbove learned. I This summons Ib published by or- ijndee of the county court of the State Mrs- M- ,- llcoxon and Mr. and j of Oregon for the county of Jose- Mrs. If. T. Prln hard returned ye 1 phlne, and Fald order was made and terday from Rosy-burg, where tlu-y Jda'ed this 26, a day of March, 1912, W(,re ,n attI1(an(H Kt the mewing of and the defe of the first publication . , , , . , ., !of this summons Is the 29th day of the state grange as delegates from the I March, 1912. granges of this county. The Jose- I All process and papers In this pro- phlne delegates were active ln the !redir may be served upon the un- work at thp B,atH ,0iiventlon, all hold- derslgned reFldlng within the State , . . . . . ng good com tn t tee positions. One !of Oregon, at the address hereafter s ' j mentioned. lne Important features of the work I EDWARD 8. VAN DYKE. ,"he passage of a resolution I Attorney for the Plaintiff. afn91 "!nKle ,ax by a vote of 99 Addres. Grants Pass, Oregon. 10 in'i ui 1 iih j louurituie meieii jeeu, NOTICE FOR APPLICATION" FOR PATENT. I Mineral Application Xo. 078S4. j Iu tD0 United States Land Office, J Roseburg. Oregon. United States I Mineial Survey No. 74$. March 15, 112. In pursi.i'ce of the act of cougre approved May 10, 1S72, the Hidden Treasure Mining coui- pauy, corporation wuot-e postuftki address Is 417 Corbett building, la the city of IVrilaud, state of Oregon, does hereby give notice of lts Intention to make appl. cation for United States patent for the Hidden ueasure croup of tinning claims, cons sting of the Daisy, Sallle aud Hidden Treasure lodes. Said mining I claims belong to and are owned by! said Hidden Treasure Mining cotn-j follows: Daisy lode, beglnu'ug at coiner No. j L a sawed fir scantllug 3 feet loug, 4 Inches. square. .driven firmly Into the 1 ground in a mound of stone, scribed I.Daisy Cor. No, l,sM. S. No. 74$' whence the 14 Sec. Cor. on the South Bdy. of Sec. 22, T. 36 S., R. 5 W. of Willamette Meridian bears N. 60 deg. 01 mln. W. 1082 feet; thence S. 17 idee. E 600 feet to corner No I thence S. 73 deg. W. 1500 feet to Corner No. 3; thence North 17 deg. I out feet to corner No. 4; thence jnortu 73 deg. E. to comer No. 1, I place of beginning. ; Sallle lode, beginning at corner j n0. i, a sawed fir scantling 3 feet long, 4 Inches square, driven firmly !nt0 the ground tn a mound of stone, : Bl.rii i'n m 1 q.im. m c v 74s whence the corner of Sections 22 and 23, 1". 36 S.. R. 5 W. of Wlllam tte Meridian bears N. 72 deg. 11 mln. E. 316 feet; thence o. 17 deg. E. 600 feet to Corner No. 2; theuce South 73 deg. W. 1500 feet to Corner No. 3; then north 17 deg. W. 600 feet to Corner No. 4; thence North 73 deg. E. 1500 feet to Corner No. 1, place of beginning. Hidden Treasure lode, beginning at Corner No. 1, a sawed fir scantllug 3 feet long, 4 inches square, driven firmly Into the ground in a mound of stone, scribed Cor. No. 1, M. S. No. 74$ Hidden Treasure Lode; whence the U Sec. Cor. on the South Bdy. of Sec. 22, T. 36 S., R. 5 W. of Wil lamette Meridian, bears No. 2 deg. 58 miu. W. 1433.1 ft; thence north 73 deg. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 2; thence south 17 deg. E. 600 feet to corner No. 3; thence south 73 deg. W. 1300 feet to corner No. 4; thence north 17 deg. W. 600 feet to corner No. 1, place of beginning. The magnetic variation at all cor ners 20 deg. East. Posted upon the ground this 4th day of March, A. D., 1912. There are no adjoining or conflict ing claims. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any portion of said Lode j by virtue of statute. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given, that Mary V Porrv tho nnrtnr '.rniri hn ripen tratrIx at the law offlre of H. D. Nor- ton ln Grantg pas9 j08eI,hlne county, Oregon, on or before i.e expiration of bU montllB ?rom the date 0f first publication of this notice. , Date of flrBt pul)iii atIon , April 26, J9J2 ' MARY V. PERRY, ' Admln'stratrlx. ' . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the unci an dvi Bonn lavn k iiuiuib aguiuoi ,d h , ,fld fa )er, v,rlfled undersigned at Kerby, Ore- B ' within six months from the date hereof. Dated May 9th, 1912. WALLACE O. KOHLER, Administrator of the Estate of Mar- f'n Kohler, Deceased, (runite Delegiiteo Ret urn y ,.. maiK hard, Mr and MICHELM Quick Detachable Clincher 1 Iff FULL Vv '."V-jl VI ROUND SHAPE VV II STRONG U RESILIENT 11 ItiZy Easily Fits Any Quick Detachable Rim No Tools Required IN STOCK BY FASHION lUR.UiE AXD MACHINE SHOP." . .Ml II STREET. Kngnge ln Puik Work H. L. Thompson left Friday after noon for Los Augeles to spend u week with his parents, after which he will go by boat to Vancouver Island, where he has a position In the topographical department of the park commission. More than 400 acres In the center of the Island are being converted Into a park which will rival the Yellowstone If It is possible to do so. The natural at tractions are many and It is already famous for Its beauty nnd tin unlimit ed amount of money Is to be spent In further beautifying, Mr. Thomp son leaves his place In Ernltdale In rhnrge of J. H. Harris. The merchant who really expects you to buy It at his store knowg that he must make the Inducement strong and determining. Perhaps In to day's ads you may find some price arguments that will decide you. Water Your Crops When They Need It CROPS nci.-.l most water at the time when tho paying part of the crop U forming. For instance, a water short age at the time grain is forming will do more damage than at any other tim There is but one way to be able to water your crops at the time they need it most, and that h to install a reliable pumping plant operated by a dependable I H C Gasoline Engine When you have that outfit you are independent of irrigat ing companies. No matter when you call on it, the I II C engine i ready to tun and always has power enough to handle any work up to its full rated horse power. I II C irri gating and general purpose en gines are made in every style and in sizes from 1 to 5u-horse power. Tractors, 12, 15, 20, 25, and 45-horse power. See the I II C local denier for cata logues of I II C engines and tractors or write nearest branch house. WFJSTF.RN BRANCH HOUSF.St Dm.r, Col.! Hlrna, Monl-t Portland, Or.: Spokane, Wah.t Sell Lm City, Utah; San rramiKo, CaL, International Harvester Company of America Chicago USA I II C 5rvic Buraau The ntiriMiv uf tMi I'.ur' .iii U to furnlih, fre of rhurnr In nil, Un: l-si t ri f r run t Ion oIiihiiiiIiIi' un U'ltiT liriiiin: If y,n any worthy j ui'it t-in . -in. r ti i nif viU.croti, lini tit "''' inc. iriig.nii.il, fci 1 1 hcrv etc. n 1 .1 k y 1 re 1 c it i,., ,, - 1 ii- ai, M-tid 1 lnm 1.111. Il.im alec liuiMinif, Cl.lcaiO. U A v 1 The city coiuull, In u Kpt'tlal ciilletl session lust night, re ncIihUmI Its action tnken nt the regular session concerning city hall plnns, and will not advertise for coiupctltlve plnns. Instead Architect Howen will he directed to modify the plans drawn hy lil 111, and to combine the city hall and Are station In a ibulld Ing to cost not to exceed 10, OOO. A comnilttpf of four, Coancll moii Herelngor, Clnrk, Everton and Strieker, was appointed to confer with the architect con ceinlnn these clinngei. The connrll ndvoeatl reiluclnff coat hy iisImk native fir and hoiue made material in place of more expensive hardwood nnd Import ed hrlek. The reuolntlon transferring $."$,000 received from the sale of the old city hnll, to the (feneral fund, wan bIho rescinded. The only other huslnexs trans a tel nt the sptM-liil Hesslon wan to refer the petition of the La dle' Auxiliary hack to that Ixxlv with the request that thejr sptH'Ify what amount they neinl per month to core for the city i.yi l. SI 1 I It M il MIX "The Kquul Suffra(?o club was dis tinctly HtrenKtliened by the visit of Mrs. Jacktmii tflllmtigli to Grantu I'uhs," Bays Mrs. Pearl Bartlett, nee rotary of tho local organization, "and her splendid lecture on 'The Problems of Our Cities and How Equal Suffrage Will Help to Solve Them.'" Many names were enllRted for the campaign In JoHephlii1 county at the meeting at th court hoimo on Saturday after noon. The speech told In graphic style of the awful corruption former ly exlHtlni? In Seattle and of how the good women un well as the good men, Hpurivil mi by tln outrageous state of affair, the vices that were fast honey combing not only adult society, but corrupting th" young manhood and womanhood of the city, put aside the Hiiie;iii)lMieHH born ot precedent and worked Hide by side to rid the city of Its filth, and now point with pride to a clean city, a groat metropolis without a restricted district. Half an hour was devoted to answering ques tions. To the question: "What Is the Hplrlt concerning equal suffrage In the various towns you visit?" tho speaker replied: "They tell me that Portland would go two to one In fa vor of the ballot were a vote talien thero this week, and down hero at Phoenix, why, tho Presbyterian min ister there met a Medford minister tho other night In debate. Phoenix was out ln a body and scores couldn't get Into tho hall. Phoenix people tell mo they have gone wild over the Phoenix speaker's victory and the Medford debater went home a sadder and much wiser man. Oh! It's com ing and you Grants Pass people may as well get Into the band wagon while there's room." f i t 1