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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1912)
I'AGE BIX. PROCEEIHNfiS or THE (O.MY COURT MU' lUI'J TERM. Court Dii-t Wednesday, May 1st. 1912, In pursuance to the law, thr-re being present Hon. S'ephen Jewell, county Judge; II. S. Woodcock, com mlgbloner; ('. L. Harlow, commission er; 3. F. Cheshire, c l rk and W ill C. Smith, sheriff, when ths following pro M-iingB were had, to-wlt: Petition of Chas. E. Wise et al for an appropriation toward a Falary to be paid I'rof IV J. Odara continued ! for further In forinat ion. Report of the county clerk in the j mat'er of the Issuance of county war- j rants for ' alp bountlH during the t month of April 1 !H 2. examined and i approved. j petition of KoKiie Hlver I. line oni- pany for permission to operate a trac-1 tlon enrim- upon certain county roada i during the months of May, June, July. : August, September imd October 1912 wan ri antd. j In flu matter of the proposal of i the Coast HrMtfp companv to furnl-h ! the county with material for a steel , bridge 175x11 feet f. o. I). Grants! Pan", for the sum of H, ICO. oi) was, accepted. j Proportion of It. S. Jiahlhcru of j Murphy, Orei;on to construct a Hteel ; lirld-v imt'ifh Apt'leirate river at Mur phy for the sum of :'. 7HI.0O accepted and contract entered Into between the parties. In the matter of the. payment of LIIIh, the following accounts were audited and allowed and the clerk or dered to Issue warrants In the pay ment thereof: 01,'o-k Pnidhoninie, 1 war rant reiilster $ Olas iV Priiclhotiiine, supplies: klietlffH office Joseph Mohh. office rent . .... Crystal Spring Water Co., wat-r for court house. . , . Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., lenal hlanliH R. F. Millkev, telephone ex pense Mrs. (lec), Cionk, caie of pau per 20.45 3.50 3.75 16. 12.00 MIhh Mary Evana, allowance fur March and April L. Speaker, Mclne. for puuperH E. A. Kobertson, 1 wheel chair for county home, . . . J. R. S 1 1 1 la in ho ii , lion id for paupers W. M. Cheshire, nerving pa peiH Juvenile court Paclllc Tel. Ai Tel. Co.. tele phone aervlce- M. I. Opciyc he, Hi days. Ken. of VotTH Mrn. Libert Veatc li, I hours Rett, of voters J. J. I loimhiiol, room rent, election J. M. .lot le School District t ion N'o. hooths . . 1 .". hall rent, election ChiiH. A. Crow, I 111 registra tions J. ('. Katiclli'. election booths Mih. II. H. Illlvon. hall rent, election J. V. St lib, hall rent, tlon W .M. KIchaidH, hall election Salvation Army, hall elec rent, rent election J. M. John, 77 registrations. den. II. Parker, .Indue of elec tion t. cm fi.un fi.00 t;. (mi r, mi ti.OO J. P. Martin, same J. II. Paddock, same (ten. Slnv'r, clerk of election II. I.. Andrew, same E. (1. Currier, same John Patrick, Judge of elec tion Wm. Atchison, same W. 11. Simmons, same (J. A. Savage, clerk of election J. M. Kemp, same J. P. Handle, same Chas. Hiirkhalter. Judgi of election W. E. Heau, same J. I Prnke. same T. Y. Dean, clerk of election Millard M. I'ean, same C. C. Ihililcls, same It V Williams. Judne of elec tion tl.Oo fi.Ou 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 00 00 00 00 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 u on 6.00 6 00 6.00 6 00 6.00 6. On 6 on c. P. Smith, same T. .1. Hrlnk'ihoff. same 11. F. Young, clerk of elec tion W. (5 H. Nipper, same M. Snvnte. I mice of elec tion II. S Diffpndcrfor. same .... J. II. Meade, same li I,. Newman, clerk of eU''' Moii Will Scovlll. same II. E. Cilass. Mime T. A Pollartl tudge ,f elec tion 00 t'o ml 00 00 00 W S. liohin Phil Urown. Ul. Millie nine C. K l.oM'lioc tlon. L'o in. clerk of elec letuni John II Koliliisoii. same .... C ( l.lpp. same II. 1. lew Is. iucli' of election and returns Ed Friday, same (U'tv Out, same C. E. Noble, clerk of election F. N Mitchell, same T. E. tlai rett. same School Plstrtct No 4S, ha,, rent, election C ( Higelow , tudge of eW- t ion mid lent 1 U s0 6.00 00 00 .00 .00 .00 10 6 ' oo MIC J (i .1 It 1 A itoti'her. saice . 11 Sparlln. same W. Mann, ler if elc lion S tuts same ..... N John Mime . HallO ' ol-'c of elec tion I ,! P C i Is IVvt..: s.i ti e - ami ret urn 'l I n Of t lCC !' ith s S.i f Tc J 11 J i; K m VA Mi o w ti'-n i P I' W I K 'oil . V PT . V W. H H. M. Wil'.lan.s. clerk Church, same Albright. ;'idge of elec 6.00 6.00 14 '0 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 fi.oo l.oO 6.00 6.0 ' r.oic 6.00 r, . o o 6.0" 14.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 11.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6. mi 7. yi 6. 00 O.e.0 6.0 0 6.00 6.0'J 6.00 6.00 6.00 11. SO 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 tion and returns R. P. fieorge, same D. S. Shaffer, tame F. M. M' 1-trsc n. ( le: !; of elec tion II. M. I'fefferle, same F. C. SMwalt. same II. M. Pfz-fferle. putting up booths, election too. A Hamilton, j'idge of election John I.. Stanhroii-'h, same... Wllford Allen, -ame j. n Horrouch. 'lerk of elec- tioil Carl Ci. O: e. ame W. S. f'o i'ar.t. same W. I., liahc fx k. judye of elec- tio'i and returns . Eel. L ('arm. sal..- . II. II c.lbbs. same. E. L. Wbecarvr, derk of fle'tiot! J. E. Hodt'son. i-.'t tr.e I ill I rerpflien. same jCieorte Walton, j idee of elec- j tlon and returns Jacob llanse'h. atl' , T. ( I. I lurmoii . sa n;e I P. E. c.crould, clerk of elec- ! tlon ('has. Owen, gamp i It. I.. Tolin, hame. ; M i I r Reynolds, judue of elec i 'Ion ancl renirr: - j W. I,. (JH'Son. M!i.e I W. M. Tilt hardi-, ('has. Eadd. cli-rk ff election jl)an M Itc h ll. hiitne ! W. C. 'ty, same : W. I.h titenliprser, judge of ' election ; W. li. Ilarst, aine E. II Perkins, same M. C. Davis, clerk of election and returns. L. E. Miller, same I'M. Jordan, same W. C. Henry, Judge of election A. M. Cherry, same Ceo. McCormiek, judge of election and returns E. W. Kathbone, clerk of elec tion W. II. Pollock, clerk of elec- tlon 6.00 12.00 '. I). Sexton, same 6.00 IS. 20 T. J. Mackln, Judge of elec tion and return 10.20 -0.00 V. A. Klum. same 6.00 II. P. Walter, same 6.00 176. SO T. E. c lerk of elec tion 6.00 3.50 (Jeo. W. Eight, same 6.00 A. P. Wallace, same 6.00 26.27 T. E. I.obati. hall rent and booths, election 5,00 30.00 C. p. Centner. Judge of elec tion 6.00 1.20 Thus. I.eith. same 6.00 iW. D. York, same 6. no 3.a0 1,. W. Carson, clerk of eleo 2.70 and returns 7.40 W. S. Ilailey, .stine 6.00 0. 00 Wm. I.eluht. same 6,(l0 T. E. Cilmore, hall rent.... 3.00 11.30 r Thomas, .incite of election 14 do and returns 6.40 l.ouls I. ui ke, same rt.00 ' M. C. Carver, same 6.00 Alva Hammond, clerk of 3..'i0 election 6.00 N. Re) nobis, same 6.00 1. r.O Kdw. II. Richard, same.... 6.00 1. lames lloltuan, lo days can- a.00 x asslng vote O.liu Chas. A. Crow, two days and IS miles, canvassing vote . . I). (). Haye, deputy assessor's salary Alfred I.etcher, w itness circuit court John Woolfolk. same Cieorge McCormiek, same. . . . Milt Mason, same T. E. I.obnn. same Roy York, parne S. (I. .Tones, same J. W. McCormiek, same .... Sam Peed, same Roy lU-ed. same (!eo. R. Pltklnson, same.... Sam Maker, same J. Sanders, same E. Speaker, same James McCuniber. same .... Eugene Reed, same Sam Alderson. same 7. so 91.00 1 .50 1.50 1.50 2.40 3.50 5.90 3.00 4. SO 5.30 5.30 1.50 1.50 5.20 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 3.60 3.60 3.90 1.50 1.50 3.70 .T. A. McCumlcr. Fame i Sam Alderson, same ; N. Jones, same i.T. 11. Ahlf. same . :.T. II (Unlock, same Ira Tompkins same W. A. Klum, same I P M. Hermann, san e E. F. Heath, same R E. Reed, same Holly Nutt. same ' Elmer Hayes, same l'r'd Wichman. ame F (V liiinlap. same II. A. M.uthews same Ct W. Scott, same lames Holman. same J C (v.ind'e, ame F l Strh ker. sarne Link McCrt w . same . . (tuy Mallory. same Russell Cletno. san e Mlnlle I'lemo. same I:'ile CletiiK. same ........ Airs niht? Harris, wltcess clr ' cult n'urt J I.. C,r-er sau e R 1 'can. -.iTMe 1 Xnna M Edwards, hame .... .Sam M.ihcr ame deiirge Dickinson, fame .... J C. Ratul'e same II I.. Cl'.kcv . (,i:;,r lol'.u Wuoiudk same I. N Johnson, s niu R K ll.u kt t: Mit! S 1 o!n n- n t c'.eo Scott. Minie 1.: a Ed w a rd .!'. c .i'',.r .' c icb-l v ;,!:. u 's S'l vl' c , (re nit 1 1 1 3 10 4 50 37 37 4.2 0 1 5 0 1 5 0 1 5 0 1.50 1.50 150 1 5 0 1 50 1 "'0 1 5f 1.50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 '.0 " 0 1 .",0 111) oiirt - K.m. 'am Pi !! 1 :!. :t"i . 6 . 1 1 t K, 1 1 1 ( i w . 1 WFKKLY ROGUE RIVER COCK1EH A. T. Cart, san'.e Frank Y. Allen, same Ed. fialley. same W. A. Klum. san;e F. G. Roper, same C. E. sYUeck. sam C. T. Davidson, same 1.. W. Richardson, same .... Chas. Hansen, Eame M. C. Davis, same 15. F. Kenyon, same H. E. Keyte, same C. H. McCann, same J. C. Jones, same W. R. N'.pper. same 'Ceorue Weils, tame J. C. Handle, same Nea-e, same J. M. Tetherow, same Wilbur Williams, same .... I). S. Mascall, same J. N. Dean, same iW. H. Swindell, same ' Samuel Howden. same G. T. McCormiek, same ,('. (.'. Daniels, same I. . R. I.amphear, same Frank .McLean, same M. L. Opdycke, same ;W. H. swinden, same i Herrnati Youns, same Dae Lindsay, same P.eall and Company, 1 bit with j Molts for grader IV a 1 and Company, No. 20 Western Rooter and Ex.. j eph-n Jewell, supervising road- Grants Pass Livery Stable, teams for roads WiNon Mercantile Co., Mdse. for roads A. L. Enpy, blacksmith for roads W, C. Wilson, work on roads Cramer Bros., Mdse. for roads S. Hamilton, work on roads .Jacob Hoesch, same .M. A. Steward, same M. H. Howell, same S. I. Te'herow, same I Herbert Tetherow-, same. . . . John Sparlin, same Geo. Turvey, same Van Wllltrout, same T. H. Elliott, same ! M. TV Hradford, same 13 24 26 14 3 24 4 26 24 a 24 25 13 . I 24 15 12 O IS 4 IS 9 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 43 18 0 11 8 19, 261 4 6 6 21 45. 16. 4 20. 90. 79. 92. 46. 46. 69. 90. 40. 40. 20. o o o o E 11. 11. 51. 74. 18. 45. 42. 6. 5 . 3. 0 n 2 2 o 1E 74. 57. 13 (i. lumer, same F. 1'. Elliott, same II. W. Elliott, same (). E. Harper, same Jeff Llndsav, same !ll. L. Reed, same j Roy Reed, same W. 1!. Plnkerton, same.... j P. M. Fadden, same I. I. T. Cook, same , H. MtFadden. same 1 1). Roberts, same 1 L. L. Stroii";, same jO. H. Griffith, same 'Joe Ferguson, same Uohn llocp, same A. H. Allen, same ' Men Jones, same I L. Tuttle, same i(r. A. Fit.patrick. same.... :M. E. Mutler, same II. Fidler. same ! Noble Parker, same IT. A. Robertson, same J. W. Johnson, same J. H. Johnson, same I II. Day, same W. H Robinson, same John Fritz, same Aug. Shallhorn, Sr.. same. Ike Ward, same 'II. P. Wal'cr. same i .Sain Reed, same H. L. Wilson, same Sam Alderman, same C. A. Crawford, same ii 2S 13 13 IS 27 24 9 14 14 30 2S 29 39 69 64 27 S4 23 11 51 70 24 24 19 33 R. R. Morris, same Nathan Merrltt, same L. E. Merrltt. Jr., same L. E. Merrltt. Sr., same. . . . ,Claud Hallow ell, same iVernon Mnwell, same IE. M. Graham, same j Albert Springer, same jL. A. Hallow ell, same iChas. Springer, same O. W. Murray, same F. V. Wlu'eler. same S. E. TIalverson. same !E. M. Spurgeon. same Amos Smith, same iAlonzo Jones, same !ll . Oestriich. same IC. F. Oestrelch. same S Green, same j'l'oni Robertson, same C. li. Mitchell, same .M. A. Wert., same Jl. A. Wert?., same W. M. Tolln. sami' Harry Milles. ame C. N. King, same M. F. Staton, same I John Mradlev. sain' J F. Rej imlds. same Gent ue Jones, same jE, T.'.ng, -aine ' Men Jones, same George Mora, same , Ed. Re nolcls. ame 1 'hurton Gulp. Mime Chas Vcee. sane Sid Att'i'. same Tom Mild- k, same C F. ReMiolds. same Robert Hendricks, same i Wilbur Ward, san e Nelson Ward, same Frank Sexton, same John Mroedini: same J P. Turpln. same Ed Hacley. san.e G'eti V.Ky, sniif Job" K. Xcee. .ame S G .'.inies. san.e 1 P tee. same K E. ltrwHlitu same Welti. a Mi iVrtii!, . same 1 sc a- M onkers. miii.. I'har'.ts I'oltmui. Mime K"bef Hain.t. same :s.i: t.,1 31 50 5o 50 60 50 Ui ".0 '.0 o .o 0 2S 6 3 3 M 4 5 31 2 S 69 S5 67 15 1 4 4 2 43 43 i 36 3S. 40 4 3 S I! ;rr !t "si 'V. '.IIP' mi me S.I a I'. 'li-:-. l'-'irr 1 S 1 j'i 1 ' : Wm. Danofskl. same ' Oliver Ward, same w. L. Buffington, same.... 3. W. Reynolds, same . Robert S' ort, same ! Chaibs Harnard. same.... Warner McCormiek, same.. J. W. McCormiek, same.... J. T. Roberson, same ;H. H. McClung. same Tom Vermillion, same .'"red Rcic l.enback, work on : roads C. II. Hall, same ,W. A. George, same , T. E. Foster, same :Phil Mrown. same iT. A. Pollard, same I A. T. Cart, same Ceo. Holland, same 'j. J. Brown, same j Charles Mahan, same I Mil Revnolds, same I John Wiltrout, same 'Robert Jewell, same ! James Weitz. same Rob'. Curtis, hauling four I yards eravel Robert Jewell, work on roads James Wertz. same 94. 76. 2 is! 13. 13. 9. 27. 39. 30 33 37 36, 36 67 40. 55, 8. S5. 70 38, 42 42. 49 15 21 122 14S 98 62 92 John Giier, hauling 244 yards gravel M. A. Wertz, hauling 297 jards gravel Wm. Spalding, hauling 197 Mirds .riavel H. N. Parker, vard. gravel Carl Fetsch. hauling i-j hau iing 1S5 ards gravel R. Franklin. hauling IV2 yards travel 0. E. Moore, hauling; 97 1-2 yards gravel Harvey Moore, hauling 4S yards gravel F. W. Huggerth, hauling 148 yards gravel John Moore, hauling 148 yards gravel Aug. SVhallhorn. Sr., work on road. Geo. Geliers, same O. L. Walker, same Marshall Wagner, same.... Frank Swacker, same John Taylor, same W. 0. Hearss, same John LeaBon, same Aug. Schallhorn, Jr., same. . Enimett Lee, same H. M. Olson, same James LeCTair, same Hugh Rimer, same G. A. Maldwin, 5 tier wood for roads Leonard Orchard Co., 4'i tier of wood James Warner,. 1 11 tier wood for roads 14 133 7 25 24 25 95 51 5 6 41 48 28 10. 11. i Frank Wilcox, hauling 112 yd. ! gravel i Frank Wilcox, work on roads Horace C. Hall, public surveys ! W. II. Jordan, work on roads. ,16. 111 24 44 17 3 s, 11. IS. 21, 6 39 1S 20. 13. IS, 13, IS. IS. 6, 4. 56, 4, 6. 6. 2S. 90. 93. 41. ,3S. 9S. 4 2. 6. 62. 47. R. M. Chase, name A. 11. McClellan. same W. II. Polock. same Harold Pollock, same i E. S. Corliss, same lb W. Davis, same ,1). H. Clark, same 1 R. II. l'enton, same jc. M. Vnnderbilt. same. . . . U'.eo. ''orrest . same Geo. Erickson, same .1. i. Wilson, same Geo. Ma,"', same ' W. (I. Yanderbilt. same ; R. S. Crockett, same I Will Purely, same ill. F. Gnrharu, same jE. A. Rathbone, same I W. Oglesby, same . 1 a .75 . i .1 .20 .05 .75 .60 .50 .50 .00 43 75 00 62 62 93 68 C, F. Lovelace, same J. L. McColin, same ("has. Onlesby. same Fred, laivelace. same O. .Morrison, same J. C. K. McCann, same .1. F. Mast in. same J. D. Kerr, same Robt. G. Kerr, same A. Doerner, same W. Llchtenberger, same.... C. A. Johnson, same Tom Floyd, same Geo. Thrasher, same James Holman. justice, state j vs. Ruth I K. E. Thayer, work on roads '!. C. Melntyre. same j James l!aen, same j Prank Lusted, same IGar Weatherwax, same (Earl Mrocktnaii. same Arthur Tenby, same 1 W. C. Fry, same 1 0. S. A 'jj'v, sn tne 1.1. W. Drown, same :Jas. L. Piene. same : l.aron Colvig, same Elmer Colvis;. same I-Melvin Andrews, same ;Ira Shafer. same I). X. Shafer, same Dannie M, Farland. same .... James Trimble, blacksmithlng ' for roads 12. 2S. 4. 33. in. Sll 40 v 0 So 20 00 70 50 70 00 90 00 20 .50 .60 U0 .SO .00 ,00 .00 00 .00 00 ,00 .00 .00 ,00 ,00 ,u0 .1 J .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .60 .80 ,12 .11 .50 .75 .75 .37 .00 .87 .50 25 ,00 43 25 ,12 12 IS 00 50 50 ,25 50 50 50 25 25 75 60 00 00 75 7 5 62 3 7 50 50 50 Sib 60 3 4 2.00 2 2 . ! 7 13.; 4 i's 2,5 0 95.45 10 1" .Mci.ean Auto Livery, Auto Co. hospital lavage Mtos.. lumber roads for I alifornia-Oregon Power C3. lights for Aori!. I'll' 'Rogue River Water I water for April, 11; Co., 7 ;, j I K. (croves, house rent S7 , pauper S7 J. F. Mnrke, frui' insp.-ct r, 75 ! per diem 00 .Josephine Gnuerx C0 , Md.. 25 for pa upe: s .... t- t. ... . 1 ' 1 1 r 1 1 e r fees '2 M: a ii: lut ml; ;:nrnr upplies 1 ourt c H D. 1.11 vav. house .... . hell - Sth crushed ni. 1. ('rants Tas , mdse r 1 1 r p.i l.ilu oln Sa act til. 1 li s 2 Mis. ; '' s 7 its K"i hdale ".nets. . . . ' au'n for r 11'.: Co. s :p Hi :' s.i v. w 'u 25 P. i, i:i, . 1 . 12 K,l C ! : I' 1 - c r v" it:s . . . I Elliott Yarbrough, work on 6.75 9.00 9.00 33.00 15.75 13.50 11.25 29 25 6.75 22.2" 12.37 5.u6 14.62 14.62 27.56 1 5.7 j 2.25 65.UO 25. s7 25. Si 2 9. M 64.08 41.62 16.05 1.45 190. S7 29.62 32.62 33. .5 33.75 43. Si 7.85 63.n0 63.u0 19.95 63.73 19. S3 3 8.25 3S.25 11.25 26. u0 So. 00 611. 25 27.00 50 50 50 00 50 50 00 01 94 ,94 .19 .69 .00 .56 .49 50 .69 44 .50 .00 .50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .75 roads Chas. Reynolds, same I .las. Woodbury, same I Sam Eggers. same. Jess Freeman, same ! W. Hunt, same ! II. Yarbrough, same 'J. L. Egger, same C. P. Hishop, same iWimer Eros., blacksmiths for 1 roads !J. O. Turner, work on roads (Edw. Dailey, same jjas. Hogue, same ! liert Hogue, same 'Ralph Fehely, same I Herbert Weidow, same 1 Roy Hanierly. same Joe Shepherd, same II. S. Woodcock, same Mien George, same jl'hil Dessinger, same Frank Hart, same Ceo. S. Duncan, same Harry Ilriggs. same Fred Ellis, same , Geo. Kenyon. same Wm. Light, same 1.1. W. McCormiek, same. . . . Clarence Farlei-li, same. . . . Seth Penny, sann' 1 Percy Williams, same .l. M. liriggs. same Geo. Brock, same I Men McCormiek, same ;.laeque Williams, same. ... I Karl Karg, same I George Farleigh, same (I. C. Thompson, same I W. Roberts, same W. Roberts, same Chas. Stewart, same John Herman, same W. K. Kinkle, same IC, T, Davidson, same ! Ellis Davidson, same i Evert Dewnian, same 48.75 24.00 74.00 74.00 Frank Johnson, hlacksniitu for roads Henry Dassey, work on roads ('. J. ''enner. same Lewis Harmon, same Con Fenner, same P. Stone, same Anton Varga, same Tom MiggerstalT. same W. K. llinkle. same Wm. Spalding, same Smith-Thomas Lbr. Co., lum ber for roads Wm. Trimble, blacksmith for roads Rogue River Hardware Co., Mdse. for roads Edw. S. Van Dyke, telephone 62 90 60 .60 ,75 60 37 ,75 25 06 10 12 95 110 4.10 Sl.ul' 10.10 1.70 21.15 119.75 9.55 77.04 1 and stationery, Prs. Any jA. 11. Mock, constable, state j vs. Ruth M. A. Emerson, hauling for i roads .00 no 95 00 n2 40 25 00 40 tin 35 .00 511 25 50 no 50 00 00 I ,1 50 35 50 7 5 75 13 nil 37 62 S2 8 7 'P. P. Proctor, printing pri- I niaiv election ballot s ;Williaius Mros. D. & L. Co., lull her for election jwill c. Smith, hoard of pris- j Otic! s , Rogue River Lumber Co., i burlier for roads 1.1. II. Miller. Mdse. for roads jAl Teal. 5 tier wood iGeo. i'. Calhoun, Mdse. for pauper 'Williamson, Mason and Sher ; man. house rent for pau- , per 6 mouths ;A. L. Ilailey. hall rent for election W. I.iehtenber, election booths 4 0, 31. 12. 30.1111 Sturgeon and Son. Mdse. for 1 paupers 11 I Mary E. Coutant. tax rebate s Pacific Tel. and Tel Co., tele- I phone Co. Home 1, i South Pacific hospital, care i of pauper 59, J. II. Mlair, nursing pauper. . 30. James '.. Parker, guard and janitor elections 6. II. L Chapin. right of way county road 1 50, Rogue River Hdw. Co., Mdse. for roads James Royee, allowance for" May 1912 Hoys' and Girls' Aid society, 2sy.42 . -a .87 .31 .SO allowance for April 1912. . 10 40 26 K. rrankuni, tending ferry in April S. F, Cheshire, Frt., express telegrams, etc no 5o ,!.( heshire. stamps, plies, etc sup- iW. M. Cheshire, work ! cb rk's office in ; 111 t . Ninth, stain . 1 2 .s7 on sup- aim .Mdse. (Ap"ases The Roiiue River Coari printini: 74 4 0 1 rystal Springs Water w ater court house am W. Whitaker. work on , O. P. Coucb.maii, -anie Wm. Steward, same E. W. Philips, same. 1 i 1 - 1 Co.. ! jail '.2 I t 12 1; 1 -co u nitaker. sano- R. ! fro ken. Geo. Bae: sal Enoch James. W. V.nid...rt, in W. H. I'urdv, 1. !.. Lewis, s; E. (1. Lewis. . John Lawle- 1 s sani" vanie . same . n.e. . . amp . . 16 3 9 a n.e DO NOT DEPEND UPON LUCK. ! t',r :;anni ,n H.IL I i-fl! Wl( til lf!l wh: t Vlll . lev, 1 ' ' I 1 1 ' ( 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 ' !J: ' .iiM' 111 -; t,-,,., ai , . lii "wi. .a small iin'i- i ; . ". ' 'Vr !lia'' nif,aws financial i-mo KV"n.HoMf:pm'ECorN'TY Josephine Co. Bank 1 L. B. Eads, sa nie5555 II. L. Lewis, same. " F. M. Mitchell, Bame!!.' Fred Hamlin, same f R. L. Hartlett. repai'rii shoea for pauper ... " Kinney &. Truax, jji" . court house u L. Trask, drayage" CouV-; home J C. L. Harlow, cmnmissic'. ' tr's per diem C. L. Harlow, 120 resign ' tions II. S. Woodcock, coiumiijj; er'a per diem A. A. Hanseth, powder "fjj ' ; roads IW. F. Hehnke, work on V'oad, ' J. Kenney, same ; 'll. E. Dudley, same 1 W. I). Hllderbrandt, same!' I Geo. Mathewson, saiae " , W. C. Hildebrandt. same!!. 1 Ole Jacobson, same " ' : Edw. Hawkins, same . . .!! ! ; Frank Diss, same ' Henry Messinger, san.e ,! !' ('has. Stover, same ' Charles Phillips, san e !! ''. Alex George, same , S. F. Cheshire, freight fa, ! roads , ('.rants Pass Hdw. Co., Mdse. ' for roads j. , Grants Pass Livery Stables, team hire for roads ' . Casey Amidon, witness ju tice court lien Rosencranz, same Wm. Ash, same H. A. Dillinghain, same.... : i'eerless Clothing Co., Mdse. for paupers 1. Rogue River Hdw. Co., pow der for roads Grants Pass Truck Co., dray a i:e tor roads , W. C. Wynant. work on roads 1 S. J. Tetherow, same ; Emil Ruterhauser, same.... ;: H. S. Wynant, same i Mrs. Josephine Mes,singer, same ; lUrt York, same ; John Soherz, same ; W, A. Fuller, same V. H. Perkey, same ; 3.90 11.75 ; 4S.37 , 22.50 27.50 20.25 14.62 ( 19.12 1 22.50 1 2S... ! 26. s5 i ROHEED STORE FIRED. PORTLAND, May 21. Police ir working this afternoon on a th that the lire which destroytd a h ness block in Archer place, aPorti suburb, was of incendiary origin. " ing been started to conceal evii. that the store of It. D. Crowe k been burglarized. i Applejsnte Crojis Promising .1. II. TompkinB, of Murphy, was: the city yesteday. Mr. Tompkiu enthusiastic over the outlook Is crops In the Applegate district, ii ing that in no previous spring hi srowth been better, or weather cc: ditlons so favorable. Alfalfa up tally is doing well, and the first m; Is now- nearly ready for cutting. Fr: also promises well, except a !f; pears, which did not pollenize t during the continued rains of April .no .5(i .011 .3n There never was a time when t pie appreciated the real merits 1! Chamberlain's. Cough Remedy bur -than now. This is shown by the Ii crease in sales and voluntary tet monials from persons who have bep cured by it. If you or your childrei are troubled with a cou0-u or co!i ; give it a trial and become acQiialwi with its good qualities. ForsaMj all dealers. f 34 WIRE BRIEFS. j; VANCOUVER. Wash., May :i- When they heard a buzzing Bound i a the mail matter women cieriip thouEht thev were handling lnferai t ail 00 ,00 5n machines, dropped the package ui .Ml . 0 11 fled. The packages con'ained a t-tf ber of queen bees. .34 .00 ,5u ,2" ,2" .mi 1111 s," 5 0 11 0 .".ii ."ii 5ii 50 37 REDDING. Cab. Mav 21. BecaJ t his wife went to a dance without bis " Geors-P Sepp-onnt a brakeDiaB, w jlowed, danced with her and tlw .went home and drank a class of bug poison. His. troubles are 5 SANFORD, Cal., Ma 21. HunF! ; hens burned the home of R. L- ffk' 1 bob and almost cost the lives of W two little children. Wa 'hob dropF t some matches and the hens peck ' at them. When he returned his bcus . was in ashes. Neighbors saved 'children. h, life. Deposit a part the J0sephine Countv a v;ood investment shows l;lVj cnvJ ..,,.1 tlio I ' 1 . 1 t-ank s assistance von . , . ' .