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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1912)
v FKIDAl'. MAY 24. iOli WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER OOl RIER PAGE FIVE. SEED S Garden Seeds Flower Seeds Seed Potatoes J. Pardee 417 G. Street FEItSO.NAL AND LOCAL. Dr. Truax went to Merlin Tuesday night. J. D. Fry went to Portland Tues day on a business trip. S. H. Rlggs went to C.lendale Tuesday for a short stay. Mrs. Roy McLean was In the city Wednesday from Roguerlver. G. E. Sheythe left Thursday for Kalama. Ed. Gano Htarted for Klamath Kalis Thursday. 0. S. Brown went to Merlin Thurs day morning. Mrs. Mary Stuart of Medfard spent Thursday In the city. Mortord John of Williams is spend ing a few days In the city. Dr. R. J. Bestul was raited to Mer lin on business Thursday. Mrs. Catherine Gray arrived from Springfield Wednesday to spend a few days with friends. If you want to Increase your crops one half use our land plaster. Cement Products Co., opposite S. P. depot. 3-22-tf F. K. Spalding of the Sunnyside nursrry spent a few days In the city. He left Tuesday for Glendale. Charles Olson of Twinn Falls, Idaho, was In the city a few days, leaving Wednesday morning for Portland. KuUfrt J. teflon, traveling passen ti agent of the Chicago 4: Great Wibu-rn railway, was in the city Wednesday. Jess Cheshire arrived Wednesday 'luoriiibg from Willows, Cal., to spend a day wit a his lather, Win. Cheshire. Mrs. A. W. PkI tauie from Wolf Civeu Thursday to visit .Mrs. Oliver aiij .Mrs. Stella .Moore. Mr. and Mis. Harry L. Smith, Fred aiuitn .Uid .Miss l.ijum Mmtli arrived Thursday trom Grave to spend sevetal uu) a. '".' Mali's speal auVerui daS iu the city visiting his brother, Ed. Estea. and oilier a tends, lie returned to iior.iuiooiv iiuiisday luorning. Mrs. W. M. iiauiiuin auj Mrs. N. C. iioyiuton lelt Tuursday morning tor Millwood, ore., tailed there on ac count oi tiie illness ol llleir mother. Harold Harvey, former resident of Grants i ass, and his family, arrived Uednesday to visit his father, Wui. Harvey, and other friends. Mrs. Henna Veid and little daugh ter arrived here Thursday from Or chard, Wash., and Friday morning will take the stage for Crescent City to visit a brother, Thomas Warnock. v. ho is quite ill. Mr. and .Mrs. August Use stopped off in Grants Pass Wednesday to speiid a day with Mrs. Uses aunt, Mrs. .Meisner. They are on their way to their home at Spokane, after visit ing Los Angeles. George I.. Carr of Portland, state field secretary of the Oregon Prohi bition movement, will address a pro hibition rally Friday night at the Free Methodist church at 8 o'clock. All temperance people earnestly invited to attend. Miss Hattie Jewell went to Eugene Thursday to spend a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Merton Earl. Mrs. Hoscoe Thomas returned to her home at Albany Thursday after visiting Mrs. T. B. Cornell and otlu?r relatives. Kale and cabbage plants make just I he feed you want for young ('hicks. T'riee 1 ., i hiiIh mui- ilnim lr. Ithur Cramer, phone ". 4 -Y, or ."i."-J. W Miss Alice Pool arrived from Klamath vails to spend the summer with Giants Pass friends. MiBS Pool has been teaching in the Klamath Falls public schools for some years. , BORX. Mrs. 1 j rived MOCK At Grants Tass, Wednesday. iSawem ! May 15, 1912 I John Mock, a M'CAULEY At uesday, May 1 O. L. Kalian and baby ar Wednesday afternoon from to join Mr. Ragan. manager , to Mr. and Mrs. iof the C. P. Bishop clothing store. son. Grants i. 1912 Since leaving Silvertou, their former Pass. Wed , to Mr. and Mrs. Allen McCauley, a daughter. MILLS At Merlin. Thursday. Mar 16, 1912. to Mr. and Mrs. J. V. I Mill6. a sou. J JORDAN" At Grants ras. Oregon, j Saturday, May IS. 1912. to Mr. and i Mrs. Wni. Jordan, a daughter. tionie, Mrs. relative at Rncan has Salem. been visiting classified ads l-OU SAX AXGOKA GOATS for D. (iame Culled Uecnu-e of l;ii kne. i i The opening gam.e of the lit 12 i race for the Sunday School league : baseball championship between the Methodists and Baptists, scheduled for yesterday afternoon on High i School campus, was called at th end 'of the fourth lnnnlng with the score 10 to 3 in favor of the cohorts j of John Wesle because of dark iiiess. The game will be played later, j Friday evening the- Presbyterians meet the Christians. I M MMONS. In the Circuit Court of the County State of of .Tose- Lost a Hor Harry Smith on Wednesday lost n work horse, the animal dying from the effects of stepping on a nail about three weeks ago. For tome time It could not be determined what was troubling the horse. Fuw one pint of milk into a muttpan. Place owf a Unr Ire and without $tirrina Ut Vxt milk rtnu n to ont-iuarter pint. Th milk trill nut be tevrchtd. THAT'S because aluminum is a better distributor and retainer of heat than other materials of which cooking utensils are made. You can cook quicker and you therefore save fuel. "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Utensils are made without joints, seams or soldered parts, from thick. hard sheet aluminum. They have no coating WEAR-EVER 10 peel, cracK or blister. They can not rust, cannot form poisonous compounds with acid fruits or last 'a generation. TRADEMARK Replace utensils that wear out With utensils that"WeAr.Evr" i Lady Demon strator. Will demonstrate "Wear Ever" Aluminum Wear at our store all next week, beginning MAY 27th Rogue River Hardware Company. Fnlls Off I'oich Mrs. Oliver Lee, who 18 visiting at the home of Mrs. H. C. Perkins, tell from the porch this morning and waH somewhat Injured, the extent of in juries, however, cannot yet be deter mined. It is probable that she faint ed, as she can not remember anything of what happened. ALUMINUM Trousers ami Watch Stolen On Tuesday the home of ('has. ,Costaic, 201 Foundry street, was brn,-n into and a gold watch, stick ipin, and a pair of trousers stolen. Mr. jCosn'iii was solicited for something to eat from a well dre.-sed young man to whom he ;:ivr some bread. I Later he locked the liots- and went down town anil when liJ returned found tlie back door broken iu and the evidence of a thorough .-ean h fr '.valuables. (iiant l';is milco t' i l',n, . Thf c' li! ; ;v. 1 i'.i- I'.i'iii of Calvert : SliHfka lias In en lioinir a ioo many j extensive jobs of enn'ractint' work in 'neighboring tnwn- of late, and in .(oiiKeiiieiiee ' is dist ribut inn some of ; the circulating medium of other lo caliui's in this i t . The firm was s ioes-Ml e.-f n!.i in b in- award ed t lie contrai t calling for tin; lay- ,,f ,.,t of itr:!!e.l .-ewer ;,;;... Tlv firm has jus ri.iupietml laying two miles of new sewer at KM li". ami a lil-f a .no i:. -wi'er . i, , t ;,. n "i );'- ii : lv r. V ' H '. W a'T l'as j'l-t ',. :i :: d. I ire l igliting Apparatus Mmwl 'I . : re t! i-li arav:- c f !. (T.y is now. Loused at its temporary -ITh- '. . v. i.vlr T 'A.O 1' Fashion girage. The 31. Oreuon. for the phine. Martha Spurg."on. plain- i tiff, vs. Tyra Allen, Klla Stone. John Allen. Andrew Al len and Klmer Allen, heirs of Isaac Allen, de ceased, and all the un known heirs of lsaa:- Allen, and all other per- I sons known and un Known, defendants. ) Suit iu ."unity to perpetuate testi mony, reform n deed and quiet title. To Tyra Al.en. Klla Stone. John Allen. Andrew Allen and Elinor Al len, heirs of Isaac Allen, deceased, and all the unknown heirs of Isaac All."n, and all oilier persons known and unknown, defendants; In the name of t lie state of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit on or before the date of the last publication of t Ii it summons, which lis the .th day of July, 191; and if I you fail so to answer. 'for want thcre jof. the plaintiff will apply to the jcourt for the relief prayed for in her 'complaint, towit: For a d.-cree as follows: I 1st. That the defendants above I named are all the heirs at law of I Isaac Allen, deceased. ( j 2nd. That the plaintiff be de- j ciiiieu to ue ue owner as against all th? unknown heirs of Isaac Allen, de ceased, and all other persons known :and unknown, of the following de scribed tract of land situated In .lose j phine county, state of Oreuon. to , wit: j Coinniencinu at the northwest cor ;iicr of th." so uiieast quarter of the ; northwest quarter of section .'Id in 'township .'i: south of range t! west iof Willamette Meridian, in Josephine county, Oregon, running thence south a distance of t',4 rods; thence jenst a distance of 100 rods; thence north a distance of t!4 rods: thence west a distance of 100 rods to point of beginning; also all of the north west quarter of the northeast quar- iter, nil In section 3(1 township 35 south of range il west of Willamette ..Meridian, containing sti acr.-s. more or less. 3rd. That i said deed made from Isaac Allen to Tyra Allen re corded at page 104 of book 39, deeds records of Josephine county. Oregon, be referred to describe said lands as follows, to-wit: I Commenting at the northwest coi iner of the southeast quarter of the 'northwest quarter of section 3(1 in township 3.'i south of range 6 west .of Willamette Meridian in Josephine .county, Oregon, running thence south !a distance of 04 rods; thence east a 'distance of lOo rods; theme north a .distance of r,4 rods: thence west a (distance of Inn rods to point of b j winning; also all of the northwest .quarter of the northeast quarter, all ,ln section "a township I!., south of I range west ut the Willamette Mer idian. r it; t ,i ; ii i t, - mi i(i I t s more or less. lib. That :he i if rl; b.- divei .! 'upon the entering of said ibrree to also cause a i o;e. thereof iijioii the pa.vncn' of the ifording fee-; to be eft,' Ted in the deed records of said loseiiliine county. r"g'in. and to cause reference to be made on the 'man-in of pae 1 f' 4 of book 3ft of deed records of Josephine county, Oregon. wl;-re the deed from Isaac Allen to 7 ra Alien is recorded shoe ing that the said deed has been re-formed according to this decree. ."ill. That the plaintiff's title be quiet'd against the defendants and all unknown hei-s of Isaac Allen, de ceased, and nil other persons known or unknown, and that tin- defendants and such of them and all unknown ale by M. Pousnian, Wilderville, Oregon. FOR SALE Good single seat lleuey buggy. A good double seat car riage. Inquire of J. L. Gibson, south of the county home. 5-10-2t ALL DENTISTS' OFFICES in Graiiis Pass will be closed on Thursday afternoons throughout the sum mer. j-10-tf FOR SALE Lots In Laurel Crest. the new sub-division; shade trees, under ditch. A t'W bargains to j first purchasers. Nellie O. Miller, i owner. 109 North Sixth St. 53 1 THOROUGHBRED Brown and White I Leghorn eggs JLOO per setting; als0 a few hens and pullets. F. 0. Wilcox. 407 Rogue River Ave. j Phone 323-U 2-9-13 I SOME tine Barred P.ocK cocknel ! for sale; also eggs fcr hatcti; Cockerels two and three dollar ! each. Eggs $1.50 per setting.! I John Summers. 2-9-tf 1 HERE AGAIN! ! i'or jcu to enjoy them both to the fullest e:;tent. You need one of our Special Value Suits t!:at we me offering for Friday and Saturday at f 11 5fl M'.n KLI.A.N UK S KA.N.MK, the plumper. Id ltul) a' any minute to repair your pi ui.t i !ug. tt0 H street. 1 elptioi,. 140-R. 4-m EARL V. INGLES, B. Sc General assay and analytical work. Cement and asphalt- testing. Best equipped assay office and testing labora tory In Oregon. All worl- guaran teed. Calvert-Paddock block. MONEY WANTK $5000 wanted on long time, Improved Income busi ness property as security. Will give T per cent net better than mining stock. Address Rogue Riv er Courier. 4-12-tf PIONEER ASSAYING AND REFINING CO. 131 51 h St., nen C. S. Mint. SAX FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA We buy gold, rich ore, amalgam, and all mining products. We pay cash and give a square deal. Assay ing 50c. Established 20 years. Ref erence, First National Bank of San Francisco. Also our $1 Special of 6 pairs of guaranteed socks, the regular price of which is $1.50. "No Tax" Solid Welt Shoes, chrome tanned uppers, soles made frcm the celebrated RED OAK LEATHER. Water filling be tween insoles and outer sole. An enticing value at $3.50, for these two days L $2.75 WATCH OUR WINDOWS C.P.BishopSCo Grants Pass, Oregon Save Money en's Suiis M Only $6.15 heirs ( f Is:. all person i laimin-' by, All-n or any from in anv 'o said 1,'iin1, tlwrei.f or In will) tin- I !;! cf. a-' AMi n, dfi f.'isi'd. and 'no'.vn and unknown or under li-foo-of ' !.e d'-fi-ndants naim-d wav : ssertlnu any tit ' ! a in ; ti anv p. 'if v;i;.- I;. 'i rf.-ri" z ;'o-M's:-lon !: r- ONE PKG. CORN FLAKES. 10c THREE CARTONS SALT. . . .30c TWO LARGE CANS STRING" LESS BEANS 40c ONE TUMBLER JELLY ... 15c ONE POUND BAKING POW DER (FOLGERS) 50c Regular selling price $1.45 Special Price ilo ECONOMY Fruit Jars Quarts $1.00 per Doz. " " Half Gal. $1.40 " " u 'if l..e: me: f'ir 1 !:-Vm : -"I'TM ' f '!:!' K ' s n on UK DD LY CO.