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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1912)
Weekly Rogue River Courier fean much t0 the entlre communIty- Taxpayers are satisfied with the tt COf.VTV OFFICIAL VVM. , , , . 'fnrt nut fnrin In mad rnnRtriipMon. been found very effective. An hour's work on the part of the farmer com pletes his section of the road and A. C Yoorhitt, C. G. Coutaut, Proprietor Editor Enjere,d la the V. B. Poit Offlc at Orvnta Pau, Oregon, it aecotrd claaa ail matter. The work has not been over expen-iu' " - 11 , . m u.i eets through with his work, and in slve in any particular case and while Kia i"uu6" i. . . ,. , . . . . , this way the district is quickly cov- here and there fault might be found, ilu' 3 e H the disposition generally la not to complain. Road building is a busi ness transaction and the county ered. This plan insures the period ical and systematic dragging of prac tically every road in the county. The resultant benefit more than compen sates each of these farmers for his contribution of labor and time. The Grants Pass Commercial club SI I1M Itll'TION ItATKS One Year 1 6oiro"rt as tonIi out tnat tn,s ls one Bit iiiontbs 75 of the most important duties confided Three Montha 40 L 4 . . . . . i tn triA 1nn?A fin 1 rnmm ka nnera Ann I'njiUile In Advance. i .. .that politics has In no instance any' FKI1MY, MAY 21. 112. connection with it, they have evt-!fan' wlth ,0 our busines9 ln" 1 dently learned that it is not cood !teresl3' ,ake th!s n,at,er up in ai GENKICAI. CI.KAN Li' I'KOMIriKD. j policy to make pre-election promises E-Vste"iat''' ay with the county Many of our , MU,uh are favoring Jof work on the county highways, ns lcourt anrt the farmers of tlle vario,ls ! what iHn,n,rally known as a "Clean, this has Wn very unsatisfar-tory In idlstrlcU and thereby 89slst ln ,m-' proving all the roads leading to up Jiay" and the mayor Informs ii8jPaHt J'ears. that tlit council, us well as himself, propone to do Home work along this SOCIALIST? I K"Y lino In the very near future. What we need Ig to clean up the stree ts CONNECTION) town. The city man and the dweller j In the country alike are Interested in this all Important subject and there- WITH I. W. W. rore there Fhould we co-operation In Thi; socialists In different uarts of , ..i, tu n.l .illi.v tl... I fi"U num. 1 lie wuili; iup'.;o, luc Milt. f 1UIUO, llic 1 I Uli I ,1, , i , ... ,ard, and Ket ready for the dry. hot 7 n , ' " weather ,,., e Ht soon expect. liuPfV " u T ! The rains this spring have mad, ""V M a'n?- .are not in any way responsible for ',onds which hnvp heon't tippi, not only the grass, but all kinds of ' v t. , . , , . , r arts hlcn 1,81,6 been t,,lt nPed weeds, grow , rich profusion, and It ' " T , TT i" draBg'Dg' tUt ther6 will be nectary to cut these 7 J , ' ao as to prevent fires from spread-1 ' ,7 f drtg w, be able to do good serv.c, k..,m,- v I1 the8e urni" "tated In the mlddle west and the east the We need a kcht.1 Cean-up so as to i " "d "e;(Pl: repairing of roads and keplng them prevent the breeding of the worst of I , betWee " edition is considered worthy of attention. Thev drag, re The denial does not come any too drag and drag again tnp more ,m. soon, for it Is Eenerallv year. Let us have things spick L . " r,l,ul ,UHUB 01 wcn coumy. .iinui . . . . . . l,,at 1,16 so-caiiea i. w. w.s are a tt,., hvo tn.n.rnrm ,n, w.-uo.u. bad lot and the socialists will do well to take the other side of the all pests, the house fly, which aprends disease and death generally wry year. Let us havp thlmr aninif I and span In doors and out. Pick up all the trash, burn It or send it to the dump pile. Speaking of the dump pile, It Is a pleasure to note that a committee will look utter this disreputable place and see that It Is not madi? a nuisance all by itself, nnd while talk ing on this point, let It be mentioned that the old dump on the outskirts west of town Is In the wrong place. A dump naturally breeds flies and, locateil where It Is, every wind that blows brings these pests Into town and to the homes of the people. Put the dump east of the city, thus reducing the fly population to a lare extent. ' A special effort Bhould Ik- made to reduce the (lies around our groceries and markets and all kinds of busi ness places, Including livery stables. A little of the right kind of work will do nwny with the breeding places of th'se poisonous Insects and make Grants Pass a more desirable town to live In. Every good citizen will be In favor of making n relent less war on the detestable flv. TI1K TOKA COM MRNCE.M ENT NUMBER. The commencement number of the Toka has been published and proves to ! a royal one. outranking all for mer Issues of the already famous high school publication. There are. when portraits are counted, something over road, but thuey will find it hard to convince some people that they have never been In sympathy with these disturbers. You can not affiliate with bad people and fall to a certain extent to become defiled. Those peoplp are revolutionists and they belong to the mob order. Socialists like other individuals, cannot com plain If they are Judged by the com pany they keep. Into smooth, level highways which may be traveled with the maximum of comfort under any weather con ditions In all seasons of the year. THE NATIONAL S A VINT, HANKS. At the present rate of increase, it has been predicted that within ten years, postal banks in the United States will bold over $500,000,000 and that the tnrlft of the people will be far more general than ever before. The French, who have for the past hundred yenrs practiced that kind of economy which made every peasant a banker, and have been ln the habit of loaning the novernment a billion or two on short notice, will now have to look to their laurels, or the gener al saving habit of American families will place them second in the list of (economists. FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTION A commission house owned and controlled by fruit and pro duce growers guarantees you a square deal on your products consigned to ns. Ample mar kets, ability and integrity, are our hopes of success. We want consignments of early fruits and produce. Peaches, tomatoes, melons and ennteloupen can .e handled in large quantities at all times. Correspondence solicited. COWLITZ Kill' IT PIMUH CM SS X IATION. C C. Stephens Mgr. KeNo, COOK HOADS SUBJECT DIS CUSSED. Tlu good roads movement Is spreading rapidly over nearly nil the ! states. There are not only state or-! fifty tine illustrations this num s"anl',tons and county organlza berand It . outuins hIm. many articles jtlona' 1,ut ln ,he Progressive cities, of real merit. Taken all together the there aro "' '"'''ons which us Toka has reached a conspicuous post- slst "'e '"" ' l",l'ulation in building 1 Hon among the school Journals of the ,vp' nv,i l'"'u,H TluMV al' un-' northwest and Its 10S paces, which re''s '''miinerctal clubs Interested in tins work and they are doing what they can to have every road leading to the town a credit to the entire section of country. The Com mercial clubs have done much to as sist in popularizing the King ding and ln many states this machine Is doing grand work County officials' In a number of states are co-operating with farmers ln road bulMInc snd In many sections "the drag" Is: the w.ntchwnrd of every organization ! constitute this commencement nuiu-l her, go. fin' tow ard proving its pros- ; perltv am! popularity. TK' U t'N THE St. l.oui- l'l;o lilol'e I . !.., rat lias this t,. s , .. ,iij -aI "When ,i ot ..,-r i, 1 1 . o i . 1 1 - ('"" l'"C!- h,!,, . oMiiimt,.,. of the w hole on s'. imping out .:!',,! n.. '.-,r itoes the. In-ct w i.'!d w HI di. o or that this loiintrv Is beginning to think in trillions " hi this matter the city of drants K-R-E-S-0 FOR CH I C K E N LICE and MITES. This is the (lend sh,.t chem ical used by thousiinds in the IVtJiliiinn poultry country. It's the best tliinu known, ns well as the chaMt. A few cents' worth make all you'll neecl for a month. Keeps off lice, mites, disease. Price Is PINTS a.V, VIA LIS .-,Oc. AND ; ALLONS !jM.:l.-,. The Cheapest and BEST SPRAY We sell i:m: i i; or i k d. CLEMENS Se"s Drugs THE 1 1 II A l L Mol'd'. " In The Good Old lammer Time S(EEF COO imiiiiainOTii i in ii muni" L , . ;:;i'.: !i; Cursing the refrigerator if you buy the wrong kind won't keep your meat fresh nor your milk from souring. We believe that unquestionably the "North Star" Refrigerator is by long odds the best refrigerator on the market. Thev are ice savers and food savers they not only keep things cool but they keen them pure and wholesome. We give the following reasons on which we base our claims for the "North Star": The "NORTH-STAR" Re. frigerator Best For these Reasons: REMARKABLE WALL CONSTRUCTION 1st An outside case of hard wood: -d Dead air space: .'Id Lining of lioii-conduetin slieetiu"; 4tli a wall of granulated cork; 5th Limn of lioii-coihliirtiii"; sheeting; (Jth AVall of niateljed lumber; 7th a wall of ualvanicd steed and zinc 1. Institution helm' (.lllll VI) fold; l.-iw ,.11 . . t' .1... ..t Mes 11 lid none of (he (lisiuhuntuxcs of miiieial wool or charcoal. Cork is n superior noii.coniliirtor ami will imt absorb moisture or settle, both of which others do. li. Front, bottom ami buck of ice chamber is out- solid sheet of Hesseiner steel, galvanized, and cannot leak or ive way. 3. Ice racks solid uulvanied steel, making them tluralile and easily cleaned, I IJii.c v--p I. I rovision shelves uulvanied steel wire, silver linjsh, easily removed and cleaned. S. Kottom of provision chamber :-X-ineh lower than door, I l.t&V preveiitins water or other thinas whe:i spilled, fr leakina out I on tl(Kr. I . rerl'ect circulation of air, kept dry and pure. 7. Drip pipe removable, making it easy to clean. (Not like old styles.) . Over How trap placed in fnu t where it can lie easily cleaned. Don't have to net down on V l'K knees to see whether waste pan needs einptyint:. The pan is easily removed. 1. Thoroiinh construction and perfect circulation prevents any condensation of moisture in provision rhaiutier. 10. Outside is or heavy panelled oak, niekle trimmed and is hanilsdine and attractive. All doors have automatic, self-tiuhten-iiiK lock catches that when down renders the door air "tiuht- mounted on rasters, with no feet, and hinged base. The University of Illinois making an extended test of the "North Star" and two others of the best makes on th9 market, (that have Che mineral wool or charcoal insulation) showed that the "North Star" used from $3.00 to $8 00 less ice during the season or $80.00 less ice during the life of the refrigerator. "STERLING" the other kind, $8.50, $14.75, and $17.00. :AW J i I "Tin: xohtii sl ur i Handsome nnd Mas five in .peranw The " MAGIC " Ice Cream Freeze r. -.Sw-. Fiom the baby up, we all like ice cream, sherbets, frozen custards, and ices in summer time They are a real treat. I f you arc short a freezer, one that will do ic vxork (iu,-klv aiul ri-lit. trv the "Magic" with ts revolving wire whip dasher and automatic twin scrapers, VvrUnv u its,.irnothii,ir itfreezos (:'li''MT aiKl easier. 2 qt. $2.65 up to 6-qt. $4.75 mums pass HARDWARE CO. 1 hwhwiL ECLUS POLLOCK of (.nuns 1'ass, Ore. Regular UepuMh'an Nominee for which hMp atons the work of, AESSOK .lOSEl'HlNE 1'ahS mill ill 1, r, mill up vl'.o tile fill net I'vl t0 ,1,, !;, It now ms the m'.;m"! !s s A li.eioii has l evii uiouse.l w.',.-: . I: h vw -rot h: . I'.uU' In the tM.I WOKK ON CiM'NTY K(VP H O ,i : W ; V .t , s, l;t k'.- bullil'.ni: and repalrlns roads. The ilrrn: hn hoen In Josephine county ami It can he sahl thnt If Is performing yeoman ?er vlce. The only tro'ihlo Is. there are. not enouvrh of these ylniplp, hut ef fective machines. Tl'.ore !s a plan much In voc.e h, the ust-r: states which Takes the ilrnc effect iv. a ce:t:!:i innu' er of liStvlcts nrr form- cor NT V I'ro.selU lliciiinl'ent. W. M. CHESHIRE of (iraius 1'ass, re. Keanlar IVinocrari Nominee 511 KK IFF Klitht ' n's in sher-fs :'f , l V , ! ' , ,. e c! !, : he i i ,iM dor.' iv, that !- , tie i,"::; .1 ' 1, i's t . 'o ' -'. t!.e !.iv; C( In the o-.tnty nn.l a .!ra f.ace I w " h v - 3t;!iiamitClMu ! ' cv have ers c 'o r "id "es ,i-nc r.nini. i--r..n . , 1 . ' 1 " ' I l.fllll. U.I I) u I S IS I IK. . " .1 tnrr ". over to th f.ext far . r I .. s . i- . . 50 Pounds Good F!mir pkideopwaldo nn - Sack to a Person Jl. UU d r , s 1 POT' CJ rr tt.. . ; J J , , 'kuay S1.00 BARGAIN DAY " ' 1 ' I II I I I I' 1, I , . . . TV i.u.ULM IK)LL.rS I ; I It i' i"i i:. h i A M 111 I IUII.' i.I i-., rrnr. i.i.i. i-C j l j . ...... i w r.ik jnr, riiii i- v" s! ' 11" IMil.LAK V OTHKK v , i v ' 1 s ,UVT ;o A LONG WW. ; -- ' ' ' ' 1 - . ' I -"" Inn s liiundrv soap . . sl',HI . . " , I i ii i v n( " hirae rk. Wiisli. 1 . iu , . l'r .r 22 small one. $I-,M) I ("i cans din cleiisiier i S' "" 1 an iMiw.hreil I,.-. O1"1 T" " : ir' rA KMER AND HIS WANTS The Whiteh ou ;lfeGrocery, . . pjlone Q