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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1912)
HilDAV, I'IGE TWO MIKKLY UOGI E RIVER COlK.Ell 4 . PERSONAL AND UX AL A I A: l'.-l: T. T. M.'.i. Monday Mr. aaj .V; Po t.ul. i T'.-- Mu. T. U. weal i'j II -ri j Mj: lay i,-:.' Hear ilr. S.IL'ih Vi:.vS u- U teiD'ja at .NcM. j'i M K L .:i-L. Mr. and Mrs. '-.e. ii. re turned Mu:..iiy uiLt .'ru... A.-;.:lJ. H. H. Lialor U vSi.tiUi ::JC,t:.v Al:ii:. ai ':..'. V :..4:..r".v to n is . Mr. atij Mr. K T. MtK.a:'.:y M. f r . r.r. iiy ulj ;:i e., .V: I fruUi the I' l l.i'.lf I I ...::.e J a ' "u .Mn-i.ty m'Ti.'in four luort of 'the Grants Pass tea. hers left for their ih r i- sr.f-riil the s :i lamer. II.ITIK I ROM KIRRV CA.M1'. Editor Courier: We have sent no His; mews from our tamp lately because , w j, !Lyis K. O.v.-n un.t to Salem ana at- we ueiieve more in worn muu iuk. . "' rvr a !.-v vlti-i!.,' sh- yoes to her t However, we have been doing de-n-r..... -.t Prairia ri'- iiifffin Miss ! velowment work since the first of J. fa::.e-or. an 1 Mrs. G. I ' .. ''. . ' , ... ., a.. .,.. i,., ' loul leri lor ner noiue ai jau,.ai.v, auu uuuuo ima u: umc :-?lJ the ia Fyfie'.j. i re ! r. a 1 .! "III . : e r-t ;rr.e J to 1 Mo;. !.! alter v;si;u:o her !! Ca! I'.:. V. i:. B J of Medio; J i- St a union. Va.. and Mis Emma Feu- made au excellent showing, and ex-, ner staried for Brownsville. Minn. 'pect soon to add another producing j Miss ''.'tt'i-r will tea' h text year at mine to the list In southern Oregon. I Armour, S. D. Miss Agnes O'Conner, (Thc tunnel is now in ."0 feet, running n-.v her at the (Yntral s. hool. left for on a vein that lies in riblion form Oakland and after a shor' visit will go soiiu- 30 feet in width. We have a e r. ! ; .. 4 a : e v t: other. Mrf X G sU-:t Harvey i if -tt :a w e v :s inp l r t0 jjer tome at Aberdeen, S. D. :as let e wil for ity comas to the! tori .:: .r. M;s.- Y..r.4 ;:., C. R. ici tz: i&y w hi-: e he : r u;. to .M.:dfo:d Tuv: tay. Mrs. J. C UCa:.n a:.i Mrs .' D. Tones ct tu GjU !'.;.! T :?.. for a few Jaii. Mr?. C. F. Nuttlnj aad MU Katli- er!i," Natt'.i.j went to Melf.rJ Mt. dav to Hi.i-U'l a ..-.- i:tir.i ::;er..-Ml-s I.niu Iie:!,i;.; rt :r:.eJ S .r. div :'n mi f'-r!.!. !, where sr. beau with her atm:. Mr J. N' Vccr bi" for t!i pas' '(;. PROFESSIONAL CAJID3 M. 0. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to TE, EAR, NOSE and " HROAT ,Tues Ja murulni for the Kesterson QlaiMa fitted and furnlahtd. 1 - Hoyd returned to her :er l:;. iter. :.:. M4r; y .h arr.'. cJ ;u ura-: i'ass aturda and la the guest of L?r cousla. Mrs. A. T. I. Jrv;:; and Ivan Keateisoii and their ll. le. Edward Kestersun, left granite diorite hanging wall and ser- peMhie fout wall. We expect to; for W t -d. : I-mwc Ciisicr, I'inneer. Iwnl r :n h the contact ledge in about two J 1; -.e'.y re- Isaac f'nsvr. Josephine county pio- ; w eeks more work, when we will! neer, died at his home. 321 Bridge ( i-,.ss ut the big lediv which seems I street, early Sunday morning, agea to Ne the main lead running almost ! 4 -rirs. after an Illness of six north and south. j months i r more resulting from paral- One of the discoveries In this tun- ysis. Mr. Custer has li.-n a resident m-1 Is the rutting of a crossvein about of this section sont.'thiiiL' over hi." three feet in width of a peculiar for- t! e greater part of the time on mation. the substance bing of a his farm on the Appleuate river, com- tough and rubbery nature that will inj tn Grants Pass to reside about bIx 'herd in almost any form without years ato. He V-aves a wife, four Preaking. and when first taken out daughters and one son. , :in be rut with a knife, but soon af- TY.f funeral was held Monday af- ter .xposure to the air it sets like terr.oon from the ivsidem e. Itev. F. C. Ix5vette officiating, with burial at 1 4 t rr irrrri 1 1TH ' .-. ' I XORKASE your eg? iro.ltictioti u : mi protection 1 lT y)Ur f - " rittsburnh IVrKct" IVncj prevents them fn,..t beir.T : .r:.ed M,:i r hir..e a: Med : h tt 1 .r ioi; 1::. to At-'.aad Mo:; a residence a'.'o..t !:.? miles principal of the .:. Jay ulsLt for he fUiiLer with pat ties, knots, etc of l-diaaapulis Granite H1:l cen,etery. BUSINESS POIXTEIW Office houra 9 to 12; 2 to 6; iadt:i-e at MedforJ Tuesday after 1 ; bjr appolntnient. 16- Pnone. ORANT8 tASS. OREOON. V. L. DIMMIC2, D. M. D. DENTIST Corner 6th and 0 atreeta Phone 303-J. Crown, Bridge Work aad FlUlnga or All Kinds, a Specialty. Office houra. to 12 a. m.; 1 to C p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed OR A NTS PASS, OREGON. aad ifitnfnJ:D aeveI'a' Ja8 w'tb her mother, Mrs. S. Norton. T. Cameron returned to his home 11 Ja Ki)ii ilie Tuesday morning. He .has been sending a week at the! Sunmons l.uijau mine at Waldo. I E. D. Thompson of Rogue River j was in the city Sunday and Monday. I Mr. Thompson and his partner are Or. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.E. Peterson, Pioneer InsuranceMan Rexal! Remedies at Clemen. r .3 Alfred I. etcher, Registered Opto 'rsi ;i nd .lewp'T a Dixon's old ittil. Frotit t Eyes tested free. cenieiit, and takes on a high polish. W't' have several articles made of it, and in the near future expect to s'Mid samples of it, together with 'articles made of it, to Grants Pass I that Its character may lie deter mined. Southern Oregon Is full of wraith if we will only Lro into the .hi omul ami Prim; it. out. GEORGE 11. MOOD. friui,toti(l hv r.ittl ,ir ct K-r animali. It is f 0 Hearth Wire - t5;i:;h, ,tr ng, of the preat dumU "Vof oU wire. The wires are y iiv. by the Eiectric Weld, whirl, TJ leuce panels iruui u;e u-k,.-, 3iicu.:mi-ii;miiiui, . r,cv ti THE WELD TKATVSk iF-'"""'"nt; ,tca::.t!,e$li!,; f'r "r !,-"t'- 'l"lth')1'- th-tweer';.' J s' is:--! . rnuj.i I. ;r le-t wear an '. a '.;,c m L. . V the i .s .ir.- "t the bottom. ' W'-'J-V AW '. . . - : v. tVLKl KUU IjUAKANTEED PFRPtfl Cramer Bros. ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK. HKAIMSS ( AN NO T l!K ( I i;i;it. Now Is the time to n: rid of your rheumatism. You can do It. by ap plving Cliainberlain's Liniment and massauing the parts fieely at each application. For sal? by rll dealers. E. 0. MACY, D. M. D. DEN HST lurceaaor to DLxon Bros., DentlsU. clearing up several tracts of farm property which they own. ait-'regathu over 400 acres. 1 Charles Wlttorf left Monday morn ing for Hutchison, Kan., where li I will spend the summer with his j strandfather on a '.'.."lOO-acre farm. In i the fall he will enter the Kansas Agrl jcultural college, taklim the agrlctil jtural course. j Return From t'oiiference The annual camn meeting: of the LOIK 8outh Sixth, Qranta Paaa. Ore. seventh Day Adventlsts was in session I at Koseburg from May 9 to 19 and was attended by a number of Grants Pass people, among them being Mrs. First-class Work. H. D. NORTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW by local applications, as they cannot rem h the diseased portiou of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deaf- P.IIIIti: M) BEST MAN" EI.OPE. ATLANTA. Oa., May 21. Using the automobile given her as a wd- her childhood All preparations for the ness, and that is by constitutional ; ding present by Edwin C.lenn Filbert, remedies. Deafness is caused bv an!,,, , , , , . , . .. . . inflan.,..r,n,lltlon f the mucous lln-!thp " in which to itus of the Eustachian Tube. When e,opp with the ,)est nian- clara Louise this tube is Inflamed you have a I Parker Is today wedded to Benjamin rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, 'Sullivan of Atlanta ami wiien u is entirely closed. Deaf-j ness is the result, and unless the In. tlamma'ion can W taken out and this wpl,(li,lff t0 Flll,frt w?re completed tube restored to its normal condition when Sullivan, acting as best man, hearing will be destroyed forever; 'induced Miss Parker to Are with him. nine cases out of ten re caused by I ... , , t - .. ,. 1, I . t j ,, , , . , ; I am lucky to get off, said the ( atarrh. which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the mucous sur-SJ1,t0l Sroo!11 unconcernedly when he faces. j arrived a few minute later and found We. will give Our Hundred Dollars: his bird had flown, for any case of Deafness 1 caused by! catarrlo that cannot be cured by Send for cir- jS. Norton. Mrs. W. Y. Walker. Mrs. Practice In all State and Fedoral ! J,,nu Richardson. Mrs. Kittle Fonden, I J. C. D iti her and A. H. Lozler. They Courts Office, Opera House Block. M''!':n;'1' Roseburg Monday. Hall's Catarrh Cure. cula rs, free. F. .1 CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7.e. Take Hall s .Family Pills for constipation. DON'T GET RUN' DOWN DROWNED IV MAST III V EH. : .sweet Pen in ItliHitii 1 , Sttivj peas are ordinarily a product of the summer time but in this favor ed spot they niav be had In the enrlv Practlco In all State and Federal j sprite prmlded the seed is planted In Courts. Banking 4 Trust Co. Bldg. ;th fall. Mis l. Hland brought to The Courier office today a boinjuet of latois.iine weet peas of the Spencer t variety, perfei t in form and color and lino h earlier ilian is usual. 0. S. BLANCHARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW GRANTS PASS, OREGON I J. D. WURTSBAUOH Attorney and Counselor at Law Weak and miserable. If you have Kidney or Bladder trouble, Dull head pains, Dizziness, Nervousness, Pa'ns in the back, and feel tired all over, get a package of Mother Grav's AROMATIC-LEAF, the pleasant herb cure. It never falls. We have many i.-u- vnni- miv 1, ru- ! testimonials from grateful people RKl Ma 21 0orcoHiPWho have ged this wonderful' re'm. with despair by loss of sight. Captain , edy. As a regulator it has no equal. G. W. Kimniette of San Francisco, , Ask for Mother Gray's Aromatic master of n freb'nt sre.'inipr aiM,i n. ! Leaf at Dm gglsts or sent bv mail for ipeared from the home of friends six !tL .v. A1 Aaaress weeks ago. Today his body is In the i morgue, having been found In th East river. Whether he tripped off the end of a dock In his blindness or committed suicide Is not known ! Notary Public In office Office In Howard Block GRANTS PASS. OREGON D. L. JOHNSTON VSSAYER North Stairway GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Rooms 6 and 7, Opera House Block former Teacher Maiiled Word has been received bv Grants Phone 56-J j Pas friends of the marriage 011 April "19 of Miss Nellie Ames and James W. S k i 1 : r : t- ar H oil n ia tu. Wash. A ro mantic feature of the wedding lies in the fact du ceremony was per formed at 12 o'clock and' at 1! o'clock I"11'1" a "'i''' the same day the bride submitted to ! a uitlcal operation, which proved to be su ssful. Mr. Skinner is a saw mill man at Stevensvil'.e. Wash It would surprise you to know of the great siood that Is being dotu? by ' Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Dow- ! ney. of Newberg Junction. N. B , writes. "My wife has beer uslne 1 I Chamberlain's Tablets and finds ttveni rr effectual and doing her lots ; of good." If you have anv trouble j The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. 1. TKi: 1st IJEJi s NOTICE. There are funds in the city treas ury to redeem the following out standing street improvement war rants. No. 77 Alley. Block I Nos. 7. 79 and alley, blocks 59 and 00. Interest on same -xlll ceas? after this date. Dated at Gram Pass, Oregon, with your stomach or bowels give For sale by all dealers. April 29th. 191: M. 0. H. DAY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Residences a Specialty. Plans and estimates furnished. Residence, East A tU. Phone 10S-J OR A NTS PASS, OREGON. Poor appetite is a sure sign of im paired digestion. vV f.vw doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will strengthen your diges tion and improve your appetite. Thousands have been benefit ;d bv : taking these Tablets. Sold py all dealers. ' G. P. JESTER. City Treasurer, . Pioneer Dies at t liici j Word was received here yesterday jfrom IV P. lVPuy of Chico, Cal . of ,u.e lU-au, 01 nis ...otlier on Wednes-; M.,k(. Vl)ur aj readl .r mot;w, ceaw f , Jav. Viiv 1.1 sli. Iiivin.. r.iiin .....1 : a.. 11 ' " " a.1.4 promaoio veaaing as it wt be fi u,u "'r "'i' ,MS"1 wepK ago. Mrs. 1 you let It guide In your buying Del'uy w as a pioneer of T -11. phi 11 . I CITY KER S NOTICE There are ftim'.s In city trrassury to redeem all warran's protested to May 11, uUo. Dated at Grants Pass. Oregon this 25th day 0f April. 1912. int0r, !4-26-4t. P. JESTER. City Treasurer. G. H. BINNS Established 19 years E street, opposite hotel, Grauts Pan. Ore. county mid resided here until a few yars ago, when she went to live with her sou at Chlco. Her age was t7 ears. l,-''iVirrStot-t-V.. 1 ' if r fll MVdJM 1U 1 M1 , .i .tlaf.. nl u t I Another Car of Chicken l-'oeil Th first car tf chicken feed re- i celved by the local nssoeiu- j tliMi for ltd ltiumttera li.u .ill ,...w .u, Colonial 1 trlbuted, and a number of demands, could not be supplied. A second car i will be received In about two weeks, j this one to include all manner of j chick feed. grit. etc. Dr Wcoon ' was here from his Applegate ihi. kon ranch this moitilng closing out the balance of the tlrst car The doctor 1 Ms still as enthusiastic us ever over the outlook for tlu poiltnman In, th Rogu River valley Hesa that ; i there Is a big present demand fori broilers, and that the local poultry- 1 men should look after this branch of ! the Industry better another ear, as! there Is no district in the west that can compete with this In the produc tion of early chicken for the broil er market. Pi Free to Housewives who save fraJe-marks from Babbitt's Products Send for the li t of Pabbitt'j ;mium -jewtliy, sikerware. leather goods and hundreds of valuable ariiclcj. that are given in exchange for trade matks from Babbitt Cleansing Ptoducts--Wh.te Floating Soap Babbitt's Lye Naptha Soap Babbitt's Cleanser Babbitt's Best Soap TV lrdf-mtk m'n much alio io the quality ol the goodi. MnpaiawBi , 1 I Take Babbitt's Best Soap. Every cake ard ,i months and hardened betote being sold; that", why babbitt s Uiti longer. B.T. BADBITT. INC. B i ?;s sWlSlasMtawJiM Y011 (.uui"l iiy iiihi' kimI more, or less and yet NilUfartj Is the eaie-t luiinlng, largest selliiiK high grade bicycle niadt MILES McIXTVRE, Agent. PAYABLE TO THE WIFE Funds deposited with THE GRANTS PASS BANKING AND TRUST COM PANY payable to husband or wife, may be withdrawn by either an advantage in case of the death of one of the parties. GRANTS PASS BANKING & TRUST COMPANY Hand and Horse CULTIVATORS This is the time to get in and do some effective r 1"" mLwhiIe the ground is damp and easily oiked. We handle a cultivator that you wiU 7C01lVn and see them- Horse or hand culti vators, The price is right. Lawn Mowers a; Ife. 13 ve ' evr"IaI good makes at various pric - ?oin-t0 need a good strong mower wouwir ;,astaHfe time with care. We niliUue to s-l! you one. Jewell Hardware Co. i inn niiiT.nA li E AT THE COURIER OFBC m NEATLY 101