Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 17, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    FRIDAY. Mir
Following 1h a buuisiH of the but
Cilauieate ttcinion delivered Sunday!
eviiilny in I V-t tiuu Presbyterian
chur li to (lit- graduating tlus. of
1S1J ot the Giants Pahs liUh school:
"And the Lord tsald nuto lilui, Thin
U the land which I Hware unto Abra
ham, nnio Isaac, and unto Jacob,
aylng. J will give it unto thy need."
'Come ui hither, and I will show
thee thing.-- which nnibt be h.-reaf-tt
r." It-v. 4:1.
The bins o or looks backward as
w l ;:a foiward, anrl In order to trt
to;.- true position 111 lift- we mmd do j
the : Mill'. The An of the Cnvt
di.scourageiiwnt. It Is ald that a
wet election day means the triumph
of the wicked. And why? Because
of the Sack of the Mslon, the lack of
faith on the part of (bid people it
la as true today as. of old that one
man of faith bhall chase a thousand.
I'lj-y are doing it, and ever will do
it. But that one in he who has
heard and heeded the call to tome up
into the niuuiit.
It la not niay that is Itfoie the
generation to whhh uii belong.
Hooi-evelt says, "There was scant
room tor tbn toward and the tteuK
ling In tile rai:!. of the adventurous
frontiersmen, the pioiiteis who llrt
broke u 11 the wild prairie soil." There
is less loom tor those who must
meet the eiMMgeiK ir.s of today and
toinoi row. They were great men
wliti dri ve the railroads through the
mountains; they were men of holy
OKM.oN i:m .
rant, .lehovah. tho eternal on-, called
Mosett 1 1 1 to the to of I'isnah to
vision who, under the storm of shot
'in battle, pushed forward the ban
!ner of the united land In the rr.ain-
show hitn the land promised to Abra
ham. his father, the land which h(. jtename of the great idea upon whh
hlm. If could never enter Hevvas!0,,r swnment I founded. But
give,,, for his .he,r, a vIhIo.i of the vours U a Kreilter l,roble,n and wl"
true Canaan, his rest forever. ,raU for corresponding greatness in
your lite. The nations of the earth
In our Hecoml text we have anoth
er Vision, that given to the beloved i
dlMiple. John, the 1 a h t of the faith
ful band that had followed the Mas
ter through life to the cross. To this
disilple lame the call to ascend to
the mount to nee the end of all j
things, that he might g!e to the j
world the inc.isane of direr am! of j
In addressing a hmjj of students I i
art flowing to us, and thus Is the
prophecy of Israel being fulfilled. In
to the clear stream of our national
life Is pouring the muddy current of
European and Asiatic Ideals and
morals. From the sanctuary of God
only ran ctu the stream that will
dear and purify. From the sanctu
ary, from the throne of find only
roniPB the stream that makes every
thing ItvA w hit hersti. ver tt flnweth
tan think of no more appropriate!, ....
11 1 i Into that current you must put your
life If you would leep your sacrd
menage limn that of the Angel.
"Come up hither, and I will show
thee things w hidi must be hereaf
ter." Do you believe In autjul gulden?
trust and carry out your life pur
pose. Class of 1912, the Angel has called
vnii nrt hi a hoi A nntliAP aton haa
I do, and I. only wish my faith were I, . . , ' '. .,
ueen lahen towaru tne summit oi tne
btiong euougi. to He the angel al
wajs before me In tiuien of doubt
and trial. Jacob saw. at the font
Jabbok, the angel who hud been I
with him all through tho
WiW'll fill. I U I II 1.1 VI 1 1 h . I .... 1,1, ...... I
u If;lxt tlli(t whi(,h th0M hast that
eme uecuusu ot Israels bin, .Moses
lilead with him for his continued
guidance; and he said "I
my angel before thee." Tbt psalm
ist said, "He (.'.all gl his angels
charge over to keep thee In all
thy ways." Agaiu iu Hebrews. "Are
they not ministering spirits, sent to
minister lor them who shall be heirs
of salvation?"
Tim angel always comes to lead
higher, to Inspire with the vlslou of
that which must be hereafter. The
Ktudoiit Is ever augelled if ho will
hear the voice. The angel ovens the
doors of the kingdom 0f art, of mu
Hlo, ot hlstoiv, of literature of s,i
enie. He leads the wllliug mind up
to the mount, where only wo , an "et
the right p'rspecMve. Into the pres.
ot Hod; for in his luht e
hllall see light."
From the mount oi islon John
xnvv the war 0t the worhu, the over
throw of mighty empires, the wreck-
i mount. He will not leave you. but
: his volt will ever be heard before
you, If you will listen. Then follow
up, tip till you come to the summit of
ears. '.i, .,,., i i.,, - i.i i....
iiir iiKiuiii. i.ipirn iu in iiee. i 1 1 1 1
man take thy crown. Great things
' ll . ll Q t ll dnilu fill .,ll trullrtl" It'll'
he do by you.
When M Klnley's mother w as dy
lns he hastened as fast as Mu train
would carry him. to her side. He
sent before the message. "Tell moth
er I'll be there." The great crowd
of witnesses Is waiting over there to
welcome you If you are faithful to
your trust. Register now the sacred
vow-of your life and send forward
the message. "By (iod's grace we
will be there." ,
FAMILY 11 l K lKIs..
Get a bottle of delightful, fefresh-
Itenelits the Hair of Men.
ami ( liiltli en.
liig PARISIAN SACK madam, and
'have everybody in the house use it
i eiiularlv . It's tine for children as
well as grown tips and C. II. Hemaray
guarantees PARISIAN SAG K to drive
awav dandruff, ston fallim! hair or
Inc of inlghly powev. ot coilibitia-1 itching scalp, or iuoti hack. Large
Hons political, of unhallowed w ealth, i u iritis.
of unhallowed Writing lh Jaw all' "' tlllnk ''A1US1AN MiK is gmid
,. . ., ,, , . ,, as a hair grower. It is good to rid
KlM .g wa to :, kingdom of his !,,u. llajr of ll;uulnlft ,,, . h;li,.
l.crd. the tinist; he heard the -poan from falling out. It is a beautiiler
victor.'- that tells of the lltul tli- ;,s vt''l "s a scalp (leaner. I intend
uinpli of righteousness and truth, the ',0 ko,'l' 11 il1 ,tl' ll""s"'- 1 Ulow i!
... ,. f . . ' . , helped im head." Hannah ll,i:k-
i-.i mi mi u i iieu inheritance.
mess. .Marshalltow ll. Iowa.
addre.s;ilV; -'ud'iits 1 would
JOU the , all to oiue i;;i into the
Mlllt to see the (lungs lulls'
ll or i;s vior
oi i r di; win rss.
Von are the belts of
uie before. You study,
hut to improve. You
I 1 spel:,' mi!- lile ill
( i :i:e to on.
a'! that has g
in I til I 1 1 1 1
h.. " no ul,
l'! ndTing epei in. -nt.- Kai h (all
ele of the past is for jour profit. If
' av i.-.ids to i :!,. tt is !,,. part of
w : ' on .. y oj.J
W e lea t li o; : he . i... -s of I tie
i it. g. lotus whose rums we studv; we
'W the i au-e ot (heir ilowr.fall It
t.o! lo; 1 1 - to tr the same i'pri-
CIS lo
' I S ho-V
:: in i i.e
'.'. gl l
oel' the
;pon the
lit, 'o
same ground
woi Ul from
cad h tip t lie
oho ai d neai er t In
( 'nl from ha: n
' an.
a v
1 1
iii.i' of lite and s.u
1 "111 cam it at least
'Mint, in the pri'?
d. i an a man see
Ka ;m
Stopping in Hum's Fas- Saturday
was a special train, southbound, car
rying sailor boys, aged IT to C".
of the liiited States nay. The stop
heie was for dinner, the u"'iigs'ers
ilmiiii. at the Grants l'a hotei.
The! were in i h.u go of Gunti'f's
Mate Smith, and were eu'oiite to
S . i 1 1 i' ,i Hi isco, wlure tt'.e will go
or. a ' I'liise to China o:: .i v ar-hi;'.
ei : iier til" . ' ru ;srr Clin a go or t !e'
battleship Sou;!; lhikota Tb lads
have been in the naval tramin.:
school at Chicago, some of 'hem a!v
having sniffed alt water at the N'or
t'o' k 'a . tiav v w a rd
PORTLAND. Or.. May 13 Fol
low it..' o".t its poli. y of r'ir,!.:r.i "set-tog-ther"
excrr.-lor.s to every part
of ftregoti 'be Po:'t',ar.1 Con.nier'ial
cl'ib will ser;d a spedal train, car
rying representatives, to Tilla
mook and al! points or. the new
Southern Pacific railroad now reach
Ins; Tlllaninc,,: Bay . The trip is
g-hoduW for May 21, 22 acd 23.
Frequent stops will be made 'o li
able the visitors to ee the ountry
and greetings will be exchanged with
the various commercial bodies Ob
jects of the excursion. hi. h are to
bring a'-'out ilos.-:' re'a'ions between
all par's of the state and fuller co
opera'ion in workir.? for the common
good, will be emphasized everywhere.
A better knowledge of the state is
the result of til: these ex -uriious.
When big tin. bets are wanted, Ore
gon tores'.s are called upuv. to supply
them. Two big spats. 7" feet long
and im lies in diame'er, are now
wanted to complete a dredge on the
Panama tana', and the Washington
officials directing the work have
asked Oregon tim erne.i to furnish
Comnieriiai ciub ot the Oiegou
Development League have taken an
aitive pan in the good ro-i'.'s cam
paign during the pas- weeks, when
signatures for good roads bilis pe'i-
tlotis Wei'e sei'iired. Tl.eV enrolled
many signers, thus helping with the
good work and it is believed the re
quired O'j.oOO signatures will be list
ed. Five thousand dollars for five
bushels of wheat is the value of the
'prize offered by the Northwest Do
; velopnietit Lea i' ue this year. This
Is th world's biggest prUe for wheat
and Is said to be five times as much
as wa ever offered for any class of
prize grain in the Fnited States. The
wheat l to be displayed at the North
West Products Exposition, Minneapo
lis. November 12-2.'.. No entry fee
jWill be charged. The prize consists
of i traction engine and set of plows.
Th'- Columbia river fruit dis'rb'ts
'will score heavily thi- season. Cherry
'on hards around The Dalles will yield
il.400.00i pounds of fruit, which Cal
ifornia ( annery tner. are anxious to
got at 4 cents per pound, meaning
i $ " R . o i fur the growers of that sec
tion. Hood River expects an apple
I crop well over boxes that
jwill be marketed throughout th
; world wherever prize fruit Is In d'1
itnand. Other districts report equally
fine crops prospects.
UFAIM SN c.Xor P.I. l Rl l.
by local applica" ion-, as tllev i animt
reach the diseased poi'thm of the ear.
I There is only one way to cure deaf-
cess, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness Is caused by an
llntlati''d londitlon of the mucous Hil
ling of Hie Eustachian Tube. When
j this tube is intlanied vmi have a
I rumbling sound or imperfect hearing.
and when it is entirely t lose.l. p. ai
' tiess is the result, and unless the in
i llamiiia' iot: ian h taken out and this
'tube restored to its normal condition
.bearing wil' he destroyed forever;
i nine i uses out of ten are .ins..,; oy
' Caiarrl-. w hii h is nothing hu' an :t
tlaii'ei , 'T.ilifior, ,,f t :'e ti. neons sur-
Wo v.o; ine Or... Hundie, i,,:ia:s
foi ai.v i ase ot I lea: lO'ss , , a;;se,( hy
i atar: h ' tba' cannot he rured by
I lall s i '.ii.irrii Cure. Send ; u ir
cu.ats t:eo
F 1 (illlXFV - C( T- !- 1 ,. 1 1
Sob in Hrilggists.
l'.l ke H.lii's ''',! Iililv Ii.';s ...r ,,,'.-
st ipat urn
At ; o'clock Saturday evening the
Mo' ha csfe changed tands, Gus
Stelr.ha .ser selling bis popular 3
tab' to Dr. W. f. Dean and
Char'es T. Prer.gove, the latter an
'experienced chef educated In the art
In Boston. Mr. Prengove's family
arrived from Boston yes'erday. Tho
'Boston man Is a native of Oregon.
1 his natal town being Mt. Tabor. He
vent cap' 2'j years a?o, but Is now
In Oregon to remain permanently.
Dr. Dean has a number of thous
iands invested In the Golden Drift
'dam. and otherwise Is vitally inter
esed In the buslrvs life of this
region Dr Dean s'ated Saturday
iever.'ng that the Mocha cafe, under
the new manaeyment will be con
Iduced on the same high class plan
ja was the place under manaeement
of Mr. and Mrs. Stelnhauser. He
a!Sn stated that the cafe would be
!open from fi a m. to S or 9 o'clock
iat r.ijht Both pnrtneri will b ac
iflve'v pnsaied In 'he business.
! Mr and Mr. ?to!nhauer will go
'to Portland, where Mrs. Stelnhauser
hnos 'o regain health.
Rl . Rlt IlllXtV Ml l
mi: urn his t uiMi:.
iP.tSTU.N, .May U. Hev. C. V. T. !
K: iiifsou. slayer of Avis, Liuuell, ar- j
iri'.ed at tlie Churlestowu btate pris-1
'on troiu bis cell iu the city prison at i
:; oiiock this afternoon, actompau
ied ': SlieriiT (juit.ii. lie was taken j
in, mediately to his cell. ;
HUSTON, May 1L The Rev. C.
'. 1. Richeson, once pastor of a church in Cambridge,
iiost die tor tlie murder of his l'J-
year-old discarded sweetheart, Avis
;l.;iinil. whom he killed with cyanide
A.l hope for tli- unfrocked minis
ter virtually was abandoned today
when the last two of the corps of
celebrated alienists who have been
examining into Richeson's mental
'otidition reported to Governor I-"oss.
and it I -came know n that only one
, of the entire number of specialists
had expressed any doubt that the
lus-or was "act Dilutable" for his
. crinie
Governor Foss indicated indirectly
that unless both of the tw o final re
' ports of the alienists declared strong
j ly that the condemned man was In
; sane, he would not interfere with the
vTith the fact that the executive
,council will not interfere almost a
certainty, the last hope of savin?
Richeson from the death chair van
; ished.
It is probable that Richeson will
not be moved from his prison cell
here to -he death chamber in the
riiarl'stow u state prison until to-
night, as Sheriff Quinu wishes to
I avoid the curious crowds w hich are
j expected to gather.
Run Lighter, Cut Cleaner
and Last Longer
than any other machine on the market.
Uccansc they have larger drive wheels, wider ,
distance hetweeii drive wheel hearings, no ;
draft and the liihli speed id' the knife eliminates the ;
necessity of hacking the machine to -ot the knife :
into motion he fore attempting to cut heavv yrass.
All holes in the frame of the McCORMICK
liavinii' heeii hored at the same time, insures perfect
ali.uiinieiit of hearings, which reilnces the FRIC
TION to a MINIMUM and insures a lm lived
Another Reason
why you should huy a McCORMICK MOWER is
that the ltouiie Iiiver Hardware Co. always have a
full stock of repairs on hand so that you -aji dupli
cate any part you may hreak or wear out immedi
ately, without an expensive and annoying wait.tu
have the part ordered from Portland or elsewhere
when your hay is readv to cut. Having time will
soon he here. DON'T PUT OFF y.-uniew
machine until you are ready to use it. If you eau't
come in. write or phone for catalogue.
The Big Red Front
' IIV.WNIS. Mass . Ma; 1 1. ."Let
I Ritimson escape eV-ctrocuf ion and
the world would not seem riuht. I
j have prayed, and I know that I am
I riiiht when r say that Richeson
should pav the penalty."
With these words Mrs. Linndl.
mother of Avis Litinell. the 10-year-old
u'ir! wh.. was poisoned by Rev.
''. . T. Li !..:. in her hmne hero
-is! fall, fod.iv iloioom, ,.,1 the un
frocked pastor.
i:Misi:i:i i n t.i t
witn(; it ix oiiio.
AMATKl Ii AVIATOR KILLKH. ia (.wii i:n in o
in in: mm mmih,
I tilt ;c.o o: liUlie;
I ft
Mo :' ! .u!i t,:
-iaf oi water , t asioiie i :o ty. p,r.
ov c' - CI.
lull- of
w ao
, . itei ;;..e
a: 'll
tio i-t hav.
r; 1 :!ie n, ,
o: lai.v I in;
1 'our appct 1 1 o is a sm re
paired digestion A few
Chaiiil'ci '.ain's Stoin.o li
I Urown Tablets will s' ictm' lo u
tlon ami itnproxe tt".-l'liiiil-.aU'N
!'av e 1
taklfa tl'f-o I'.i' ;c'- " .-
't tlll-
1.1 vr
ails to
. toil a
oi le!
i..m: umm'ai.i. na.M- Th, t;rs. MnWt t ,,u
i; to mmi mim rs i;,,,,., v.,.:.... i,.,, ,. ,, :h
' :l al sr..i;n. Wii; ;,:llH..i n,.x.
' 11 I'-t.'I'al l'oi:st ..,!
- A !:i;- ;:;..,:..: ...
cis :!:'.!!,:,! .... .,,-., i.ovi.
April and early May ralntai: : -lie hea.ied by its L-atitl. .s expected to ai -
t-.'pott hr.ouht in h A c How:.!.,,!, company its team,
wii.. here fro,,, Swa.tiKa i. :,.e. The Uoue Rtver Vallev U.auo
0,1 -in-,n;T ' 'reek. Sat urdic. The ,10w emprises six cluha -Medford
creeks rose nearly to the o ..I siaoc Ashlaioi .Cant- i'as. tio',1 Hii;. Cen.
sona thmc. c,. .Ape. ted a- '!.:- n tral l'oi:,i and Kaule Point
' ' '!;" ',ia Mr "The tVu.ra, I'omt ',a.u is a s0.l
!,A 1,1,1 - "' st.d Manner R,.p,r of the
' ' d-'.MIt.I: u-:, C.( .,; !'. . a,,, w ,
' ":" ' ': ''Ml', pec. -on. err, -1- li,;, ' L- .:.. ,..
s.,ow -..ore t'.ar, the us-i.-.: a- ,,f ,lav ..o
' ' '"'' The . vu;
i i.e n ::ies in, p. on ha: ' ; ..-d ,,iar w
IH-:i.l.AIUK. Ohio. May 14. The
battle Pj.tween President Taft and
Colonel Kooovclt for Ohio's delega
tion to the national convention at
Chi' a-'o. started in earnest today
with the nrrivnl lre of the former
president a- 7 o'. I n k. With the ex
eeprjon of the .":,; an,i Second dis
tricts and that which includes Cin
eitmati. l'l-esidetc Taft's home, c-,1-ond
Roosevdt plars t,. visit every
congressional distrH in the mv,
tl.ivelil.u 1.7L. miles it; Ohio alone.
"H'ssini: the s-a-e .!;re titn-s.
Clone: R,,-ove'--s fir.r Sflf s. ....
io at Catitoe ,,;.,!,,
U,!:'-'"' - ii! s;eak at
I'.v.t-.ii: Thurdic nini,. rt Tdedo:
K:!; c.uli' .: c, . .,, , ,
. "'' ni-iit at Cievdand.
''' sciel, t T-.ft a-,.-, Co-;,y.i K,-,llso.
' I'-'ios-.i p.rhs at
s,,,'r:1 ;' "!- lod..-. . ',,!f nicd
"l(1,'ti:-- '-'!"1' on ..-a !. c aMo,,
by several hours.
K ,,VH H"ke to,!,,' lT Itri.lao.
i,n"t. Martin'- !'n- -:
.... ed'-!,V!de.
W e - ' '.. 1." . i
Vo ;: ,. V.'... '
ST. LOUIS. May 14. --Ray
er, amateur aviator, is dead toil:
and his companion. Peter Gias
probably fatally injured as a rer'.
of a plunge into a telearaph pole '
Klnloch patk here.
' Ah- i fcj"-'-.'!-"''
, " .' At' i eoH.i-oco -
C;' ;.'-; 5 .-.t.-,' o ,' .
-., a, ", .,, 1 K'ti I. ! I'-.
Vv ;k.'. 4 wk: ,:
Send For
'Ms Sed
f ifixl'sioaiti
r. iwcqvil t"1''
::.iri. Cb-
, . -y ur.dtt i'
i . r' :d ot''1
s i:lj''';;l
. 'i.-ft's.:.''
, Ssiic:1'
l.dl..t AfcyTl"ifJ"t
fills In Krd ml vl mioMVI
Ka,cl ith l,.ue Rit
TU .Ihrr llttf ttJF.
nwm.u Ask.-tUlliin1
b nnm m Ilt. - ,IL Al"rt
1 la!
,.;ol,o t,
I all w l,o !oi -count
ir, -he
..rtali: iii-ltii-
The' e ale it, :-, .
' .'. I' a . il l; el . T
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''l I". ,- er oe' '! e re
1! ' M'e
if :h i' : - o i hen v'
liK plan , Cen, , tit v :w
hlch pi o fs ' 1 an-w er
Arc too i;., w.v al,,o
lll.inv w!io '.'ke th.e
('.,!' a, m .. i . i v
i:it V I ;m k in
i n I vi i ; m ssh .
i- ,i.
I li.i!
! til-
'. carded ,i
nor Hunt w ;'
t' v r ; t - 'o '
'! - i i
ll.At I Inn ,'..!
V ",lo App.t 1
Ul,l ililllt' in
If, a lse t lo re
Carts! ian too
-pies -MU iut i
' '1 ! !:,' w or I o'
C's are .t.p-
h. ;r io'tiie :w.,p;, .
' " '''''"' : "- " ' "r I-. to ;:i.t. a !,.p- r-re-t
;l ' ' w'1'"''- ; '' ' :- U"ti cf fat.s : '.v-,i . ..
r - U ''' - ! ill a,,o,:.;,, Co , n ' '
tt! : : w v 1 ' its trip here" ' ''
" ' T!;"'r M:iue- r Kopcr billed !; t',,n t.
,:" w '-" ti ii . ,iav. a. her-;-::- -'; ,:i... ',,r
' "i 'bis ' :': ;..ii.
"'' - . ( . i, j r-',-. v. ... .., ,. , , ,. ..... ..
: "'' ' ' ' !i: ''' :i ": ''" -"' ' N't' W ti' '-roiuht ,,.
I t't "'At,. J v : :i w , . ,.
a " b so, m' " -,t : - i. j , ;
'"'''" r';,) '''"'v" ou urar.dst.cid Sut. ! r, .-t
f ," Ue'.-.. V.v ted" a Is 1 n t fall ,.MM,.itv
to t'r..! I"
toi' to,
V, !.. i.
..-to ir
ab'e ti e
tii'e.l to
stock certificate printed rvt Tb ,
Vis- ,. or a- the Courier. Courier -ffle
' IMi! U """'"'"'nafcan be fully 'realized on Hienialch-
e.ate ,... ' Mm'le an'1 'J'-l'emlal.le. ANYOXK h V
wei uenionstratlon of
"".vi:,,,,.,,. l,USMf'VHK, Agent.
Grant l' ""- 0rf-
... -