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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1912)
FRIDAY, MtV ; W F.KKLY KOGl E II IV EH I'lH'KIEIl PAGE TWO - Br8IYEfi8 POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Phyitclan end 8urion. J.E.Peterion,PlonerlDiaraoceMaa Retail Kemedlet at Clemen. Alfred Letcher, Regiitered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dlion't eld atacd. Front t. Eyei teated free. PROFESSIONAL CAJtDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to TE, EAR, N08E and "HROAT Glauei fitted and (urnlahed. Office boura 9 to 12; 2 to 6; nd by appointment. Phones 02 and 166- GRANTS PASS, OREGON: V. L. DIMMICK, D. M.D. f PENTI8T ---. Corner 6th and 0 atreeta Phone 303-J. Grown, Bridge Work and Filling! of All Kinds, a Specialty. Office noun, 9 to 12 a. tn.; 1 to 6 p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON. PERSONAL A.VD LOCAL. A. Anbury went to Myrtle Crek Sunday. H. S. Wooley went to Portland Monday nlgbt. Mrs. Abern and Mrs- Kale of Hi: go were In the city -on da. Cona'able Pefferly of Holland Is In the city on official business. Capt. K. D. liauan of Selma was In the city Monday and Tuesday. Miss Aire Gotrlu-r of WillUms is visit i n .Mrs. Es'ella Moore. Mrs o. H. It .-own returned last wer-k from a visit at Portland. SITF-RVISOR FIW'MME TO TOl'K THE FORESTS, Forest Supervisor R. L. Fromme left Sunday ni0-ht for West -Fork, from hb h place be starts on a round of Inspection of the forest, going over tbe trail to the ocean and down tb? ei.ast to the California line, returning home about June Mr. Fromiiiw M ''op at Gold Beach. I'ort Orb'rd. Ati.. Crescent City, and many of the smaller plaies along the route. A part of the way he will be accompanied by District Engineer llerrip.4. They will have under considera'hin plans for fire patrol statinr.s. putting In new tele phone svs'Hiis and other features of Mr. Grace Lyons and Mi,s Lyday.,hH foreat servi. Fyfield wnt Uj Medford Monday. J A. II. Gunnell is In Douglas county I mum f,,r ItritMi Coliinibb j making examination of placer ground. Ceor-e I'arker Mt Monday nlht I Dr. It. J. Iles.-t ul. the veterinary sur- j I"." H.-ila Ooola. IV "., wbero h- hr.s 'i;eon, wag caiicj to Hui'O Monday on 'a M";'tion iu the government ser .business. jcic with n surveyim; pary in ;li'.' iu- Miss Jennie DunkLe went to Wood- !'ell"r R"-el. Il-rr, formerly f IVltle Tuesdav to visit the Rov Mp-l,li I1''"''' h:s ni'anln in i Lean family. " 1 ! Mrs. J. C. Calhoun returned Sunday ,tlie work. E. C. MAOY, D. M. D. DENTIST laoceaaor to Dixon Bros., DentlaU. Flrit-claai Work. 109 H South Slxtb, Granta Paaa, Ore. H. D. NORTON ATTORNUY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Otnrta. Office, Opera House Block. 0. S. BLANCHARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. J. D. WURTSBAUOH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public In office. Office In Howard Block. Phone 66-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAYER North Stairway. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Rooms 6 and 7, Opera House Block. M. C. H. DAY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Residences a Specialty. Plana and estimates furntabed. Residence, Enst A St. Phone 10S-J GRANTS PAS8, OREGON. G. H. BINNS AssAYKK Established 19 yeara (07 E itreet, opposite Colonial hotel, Oranta Paaa, Ore. mm from ,Iedford, wi; :, :!;. spent sev eral days. A. J. Bingham of Portland spent Sunday here visiting his sister, Mrs. Herbert b'mlth. Mrs. H. F. Sklllman left Sunday for Shasta Springs, where she will stay a few weeks. Mrs. C. H. Baldwin returned to Medford Sunday after visiting her sls-ter-ln-law, Mrs. D. C. Chapman. Mrs. Vera Horner returned to Rose burg Sunday after spending several days visiting Mrs. C. L. Clevenger. Ulea Lulu Benedict went to Port land Sunday to be with hi-r aunt, Mrs. J. X. Voorhlea, who is seriously III. Rev. J. K. Wolfe of Oklahoma ar rived Monday to spend some weeks looking up a location. Mr. and Mrs. Heu Evans returned Sunday from Portland, where tluy have spent the winter. II. .1. GllUey left this morning for Oregon City to take, up his duties with the wohmlcal survey. Mrs. W. M. Hamilton and little daughter went to Central Point tn spend two wveks at their ranch. Mrs. Phil Smith left .Monday for her home nt Kennet, C'al., after visit ing her cousin, Mrs. .1. A. (lotcher at Williams. F. J. Spaulding and wife of Mon- itanue have, been spending some time' In Crants Pass. They left Monday for Ashland. Miss Louise Weaver has closed her i school In the New Hope district and 1 on Sunday started for her home at 1 Kenwood, Cal. Mr. and Mrs C, Stelnhauser, for mer proprietors f the Moeha restau rant, U'ft Monday for Kugene, and lat er will go to Portland. Mr, and Mrs. Fred O'Kelly came In from Williams Saturday. Mr. O'Kellv returned home Sunday, but his wife will remain a week. Miss C. It. St. John left Monday for Oakland, and then to her home at Walton, N. Y., after having spent a week with her cousins, the Misses Telford. Mr. and Mrs. James nidge and lit tle son left Monday morning for Sac ramento and San Francisco to spend two ww kg with relatives. A. S. Rarnes of Ashland spent sev eral da., s In the city visiting his son, A. S. Barnes, the florist. He left Sun day for a visit at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clark of Glen- dale spent several days with Mrs. Clarke's mother, Mrs. Dulybon. On Sunday Mr. Clark returned home, but Mrs. Clark will remain some time. Mr II I l!v.i,t ., . ,. I t,,,.v, i i.. , i, run . r-i'u . ,m w, neu ter of Winnipeg, on their way to San ..-!-. hi., JM'-l'l't-W III vitnuip I MP 'Monday to call on Rev. Robert Leslie. Nli. no liny u Home J. M. Ibham, Southern Paciiie sta tion avnt, has just purchased from 11. H. Uorapaugh. the two 6tory house, No. lit; E street. The bouse Is surrounded by line shadn and has a number of excellent fruit trees and small fruits. Family (lathering Mrs. A. K. Guitteau. who lias been for the past two weeks visiting the Spalding family, left Monday for her honn at Seattle. During her stay here there wre eight of the Spald ing brothers and sisters from differ ent parts of the country In a family gathering. A Item 11 iig Convention Rev. W. B. Hamilton left last night for Portland to attend diocesan (in vention, and will also attend the Pa cific Northwest Clerical. Owing to his absence, which will extend over Into next week, there will b' no ser servbes at St. Luke's church next Sunday. Cutting down the cost of house hold supplies, while getting more and better things than ever, Is one of the "stunts" possible to ad readers. KmomIi lciigue Coiiwntion A number of Grants Pass young people attended the district Kpworth League convention at Medford. In session Saturday and Sunday. Among those who attended were Misses Winifred Flanagan and Ethel Wood cock, Messrs. Bert Elliott. Roland Jeffrey, James Martin and Irving Kesterson. Plead Not Guilty Everett Hogue and Charles Atoera of Kerby today entered pleas of not guilty when appearing before Justice John Holman on charges of selling Intoxicants in prohibition territory. The trial date of the two cases was set for May 24. To Six-nil Summer in Giants Pass Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tucker and lit tle daughter left Sunday for Med ford, after visiting friends here sev eral days. After visiting In Medford they will return to their home at 1ab Angeles. Mr. Tucker says he hopes to make arrangements to spend bis winters in Los Angeles and his sum mers in Grants Pass. They were res idents of this place a number of years ago. MINNKAI'OLIS, May 14 Recom mending the establishment of new episcopal resident i at Los Angeles, and several other titles in the Vnited States and abroad, the establishment of six additional bishoprics, and lhi retirement of Hishops Warren ami Moore, the tommittee on episcopacy of tbe qtuiih ennial general confer ence of tbe Methodist Episcopal crouch i, ported to the convention todio . More Independent Thorn- An independent telephone company has been organized at Wolf Creek with W. Steason as president. V I.. tiai,ey secretary ;ud M. t Davis, whn oerfornu.,1 tbn murri.. ,-..r... ! "'"""Per. 1 be line w ill start at the I ... ... - hl'Il.I llf I'.Wfitn , nA f..O 1 ' ' ;.,!: , in n II in, 1 11 1 hi O. OH ;i to the Wolf Creek station and then over to Glend.Vie, where it w ill , ou tlet t with the Pacific Telephone and (Telegraph lines with a switching ar rangement. The new company starts out w 1th 10 phone. mony for Mr and Mrs. Grant. Prof, .lean Pe Neavne in bis trip to the clouds balloon ascension and parachute jump by an artist that Is second to none In his profession. Arnold's Traveling Coney Island, week May to 2 3. I SECRETARY COMMERCIAL CLUB MAKES REPORT j Scireu.-y W. P. Quinlaa of tbe s Commercial club submitted the fol- j lowing n.onth!y report Monday even- in at tte meeting of the dub: S:m the lust regular meeting of tbe dub your board of trustees nas , lurt uti ti e oicrtsions, three of whkh wtre 1jt the purpose of considering a spe. Ul matter, w hi b, if carried to completion, will mean much to G.a:r.s P;us ami JuoeLihir.e (ounty. It was hoped some definite into. IiiatiOU ho'ild giveu out by this time cou- truing the matter, but in the ii:ter- e' ul all it is thought best to delay 'pub'itity until such time as to leave, i.u d iubt of the merit of the euter I . prii?. i now an assured fact that wa- i t r tor irrig:it:i.n purposes will be! 'available this week, to the extent of; the present ditches on this side of : the river; and It Is promised that the t ;p: s will be connected and the ditch i a:it-d in time to supply water to tl.e I Fruitdale ditch by the first of the 1 'month. "It la also learned that many of , the land owners are arranging to se cure electric power from the local power company's line whic h is being extended down the river road, with the inten'ion of pumping from the riwr. This will no doubt result In a large Increase in the amount of gard en truck for the local market. Some apprehension Is felt among growers to the effect that they may not be able to dispose of produce to local deal ers In a satisfactory manner. Grange officers nave taken the matter up with their members and are urging them to systematize their packages and standardize the product and de liver In neat packages, as their com petitors do in well organized dis tricts with whom they naturally will have to compete. The officers re port meeting with success in their ef forts, and if this Is done It is reason able to suppose the dealers will glad ly support the local men to the ex 'luslon of the shipped In produce, making this a Grants Pass market for Grants Pass grown products. '"If more of the spirit of 'Grants Pass products for Grants Pass' were shown, the contract for the construc tion of tlie proposed new city hall would not call for the use of brick manufactured In Portland, or any other outside point; nor would rep resentatives of material manufactur ed at outside points, who were here trying to discredit the material man ufactured by the local company, with which they were in competition, be shown the courtesies and given the support of the city's representa tives, while, the ocal plant and in vestment are Idle. "If we are to be successful in se curing other manufacturing plants in competition with other towns in the valley, which are making every effort and offering every Inducement to se cure them, we should show our loy alty to those already here; and it seems that the present tlftie is oppor tune for action along the line of de termining the kind of plants most likely to do well here, and of e. curing for new ones and thnse al ready here the united support of all if we expect to get the pay roll so much needed. "That Grant-; Pass is be dining wide and favorably known is shown by requests for Information that con tinue to come from distant lands. Turkey, the Philippines. Cuba and Alaska being among the many dur ing the past month. "That conditions are improving in this part of the valley is show,, s.j numerous deals ilosed in the :n--few weeks, and the pre.-eiue ,,; many mining men who have reret.'.-. II are here look:i;g And it is pi.-ai!, ess is le;ng Ule: w ;r .. c w have, the con ct:":i in their star, ;: s metal. Added :u li'tr sanation on.ts BEST SOAP A Valuable Trade Mark It insures you the most economical and Lest va$L soap ever made saves money because the cake Q longer saves labor because the soap does the work, The 'ra Je-".atks are valuable, as they can be achanJ f r jw--'rv, silverware, toilet goods andother premJu No ccs- ro you. Simply get the BABBITT habit. The Ujcmarks cn all BABBITTS PRODUCTS arewA all-- f.r v.'jalle premiums. ' Pure Lye or Potash White Floating Soap Naptha Soap Babbitt's Cleanser ll'r.f for Prtmium Dock. a T. rAbi iir. INC.. Dci 177b. Nfw Yoilt Gty. Koosia i:i.t wins ovi k I AIT IV MINNESOTA. j ST. PAUL, May 13. Latest re turns from county primary elections held at various times during the past Jweek indicate that Theodore Roose velt carried every congressional dts itrlct In Minnesota, except possibly two, and that the colonel has 20, I probably 21, of Minnesota's 24 dele gates in the national convention, j In the district of former Coim'ress ;man Tawney. one of President Taft's most ardent supporters in thf state, 'the Taft forces carried several coun ties. j Of the 1,116 delegates in the state republican convention the candidates ifor president stand as follows: Roosevelt. SOS ; Taft. 119; LaFol lette, 109. Of LaFollette's delegates, SO are uninstructed. Taft (iets Wyoming. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 13. The republican state convention hene this afternoon instructed its delegates to the Chlcaso convention for President Taft. The democratic convention is also In session here. It Is believed the deleeation will so to Baltimore ; uninstructed. I PIPE FOR ORCHARD C Unloading Tuesday from , freight car In the Southern h yards was a cargo of 1 4-lnct I pipe to be used for Irrigation,, on lands of the Leonard Of;. company. The company purchased 2,,v. . of the material, and will at ' plac It in the earth. The p wire wrapped and coaltar coay The Leonard company ;u electric power, to be furnistec the lncnl electric company, for p ini? from Rogue river, and till gate 200 acres, 40 acres of whicli' for hops, the remainder In poti-. The orchard company recently V reived two rarloads of seed potr-' MADISOX, Wis., May 14.-Jri: Dietzi the "Defender of Caa Dam," w as today denied a retrii his case by the state supreme to: Dietz was convicted of killing deputy sheriffs, and was senw.1 life Imprisonment. Mai your ad reading your most ! profitable reading as It will be if you let it guide in your buying. ' A uthent'C nd vJublt nlomution about brre hilc'.ir.a. ra V-.o I rcdmg and houi'ng poultry it co'ilained in t e latrfl tdiion ol L; Iv i Poultry Book juit pi;nlJ, Send for copy, free. Tht CU. H. Lilly C. S., nl. THE MAN WHO IS INDUSTRIOUS ALONE stands a poor chance of succeeding. He must be prudent and enterprising as well. It is decidedly imprudent to keep cash on hand when it could be much more safe. IN THE VAULTS OF THE BANK. The bank wants your account, and you need the security of the bank's vaults. Why not get together. GRANTS PASS BANKING & TRUST COMPANY arrived and oer the field, to note that s i by many ,,i -j-,, fi (le nee in il,;s r for the pre.iiK tercst in the u nu me aunoiimeu cut that illUvh,..- jof the epper jTod.i.inR mines ;s .,. Mining blanks at 7te Courier Of- N(w the tune to (.t-; rid of rheuma' Ism You i an do it by ap plwix rbiiinl i riain s Liniment and tn n Krt.i v Wi ; ibe part-i t:eel at ea h iippMi i.r.on Vol miU" t i ll (!a'e" leleKHte to Stnte t.i-Miifte ,te. E K. Hlaiu hard, M H. U ilcoxon ! and 11 T. Pntchard, delegates from thlo count) to the state trance in I sewlou at Koseburg. left Mond.o j There are Linds in -he ty treis nutit tor mat ity l tie two torme: ,ury to ledeem the wiM-e accompanied by their wi.s ;standins street rants There never a a tinue when peo-I ' ' " Lt'.o 4v pie appreciated the real merits of No. 7, 79 and t al'.ev t'h.uut'erlam s ('iHicti Kenndy murii jj Rnd 60 Ihn. t. Tl.,. I. Aau. I, ll. I. I , . . Interest oti s.ui: crease In sales and vo:intar testi monials (rem ivrsons who have be-n J;'e ti;ksi kku s Norn k. toliow me im provt ineir out w ar ks J "Business in all Mk and (onditions here .,rc ii.i!f.t.,i ,encourapinp, and it seems all :hat i needed is f,r -esider.'s to reverb "'-'r talk of no Ivins .,Ud hard , times. .U'termine ,n fa, ard ;n jdustries winurd. n ,t;,.. ,,..r , isi.ow n. ,rt r on:e ( those desit-int t ready -0 acnl the tt....d l:'!is ;n . :r.d-t. -ml.-. t '('., an, an 1 !',,!,:', ii'e T ured ! it If o'i or our ,btidrn; Pa'.t-d ' ilr.t. ! , Lass. Artistic M work at Courier vffte are tr"il'i((l witii a u-iiri; or cld,A tiiv it a t!'..r .iiid le i icr a. i) i.minl with Its i:o,l ,:;,i:i:;is - s,i pj ull d'alers I ; v u:ti k '!! l-.l , The irer.bant who ml;v ,.x..,e, you to buy it at his nore know, that ,he must i:-ake the inducement slricg and deternilnir.,: IVrhap in to. ,day' ads yc, a., Pn,, f(n p .... -r: tha- wT' de. ide vr- THS Hand and n Horse I. v This is thfl 'v get m ana ao some eucvw" cultivating, while the ground is damp and easily wcrl-ed. We handle a cultivator that you will Ke-..(.v;m3 in and see them. Horse or hand culti Vitor3. The price is right. Lawn Mowers Ve have several good makes at various pric- ?'U are going t0 need a good strong mower -one hat wm last a life timef with care. We Jewell Hardware Co. t