Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, March 22, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 5

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(For the Courier by A, J. Howell) Cloud If you arc guilty you ought to marks the spot where Woods MI, his
In January 1856 John Bpurgcon M hung; If you are Innocent you i temple pierced by an Indian bullet,
went huLting on the Althouse divide,!0" to kill the last ne of them. The other man 1. supposed I -to have
... . !.M. Cloud soon convln.fd Williams of been wounded by them as his bones
Killing a .arge grlly bear on theh)g nnoctn(.ei whQ tol(J U) g(J t0were found the next summer on the j
neaa 01 imucf creek, iteturnlng w run( h (,JW known ajJ ,he 1!ta,.n , headwaters of the Illinois river
ramp a party of eight or ten miners &
was organized and next day went with
"I'uiswu ncr ium ucar iiiuai. ui-, ... ..
(Jo on," replied Williams," V
see that they do."
Platter farm).
"Hut." said McCloud,"
they won't
vlding It In packs all bands started
with it for ( amp. Snow was deep and
be'omlrg soft in places they broke
thrcigh badly and soon became so
tired that the meat was left in the
snow and every man tried for camp.
John Spurgeou was a small man
and was giving out. Un man was
left with him to hel'i him in while
the rest scrambled onward. Spur
geon soon collapsed and could go no
further. His escort seated him by a
tree within a mile of camp and went
for help. Returning, the relief party
found Hpurgcon's lifeless body several
feet from the tree tinder which he
had sat. lie wng carried to the creek
and rolled in the water and every ef
fort posible was made without avail
to resuscitate him. Hit brother, who
was clerking for I'ete reveler on In
dian creek, wiib sent for and attended
the funeral. The body lies burled on
Prior to his death, while mining
near me, Spurgeon buried $1000 in
gold dust In a tin can just below the
forks of AlthoiiMu, and the gold Is,
doubtless, there yet.
In 1 8! 4 two miners, whoso nnmes
I can't recall, while mining Just he
low Grassyflat on Althousi quarreled
over a tailing dump. One called the
other a vile name, Implicating his
mother, whereupon the Insulted man
went into his cabin, got a shotgun,
and shot the man dead, declaring as
ho did ho that his mother was a good
woman. This was tho first miner
killed on Althouno by a white man.
The slayer was nut caught.
In October 1855 two brothers
named Wiley and a man named John
son were mining three and a half
miles above Ilrowntown. They went
to their cabin for dinner. After din
ner Johnson got a glimpse of an In
dian dodging into the brush on a
point of a hill, and he spoke to the
two men about It. They asHed the
matter In n Joking way, hut took the
precaution to take two rifles, two re
volvers and a thousand dollars in
dust to their workings, laying them
down on the ground nearby. Tho
younger Wiley had occasslon to go
down to tho flume. Looking up he
saw Indians on tho bank and within
30 feet of his companions, lie yelled,
but too late. Tho elder Wiley was
shot through tho back, falling dead.
Johnson ran but received n bullet in
tho hip, which pashed through his
body, and another through tho flesh
of his arm. Wiley helped him to a
tunnel where he Bocreted him and
then fled down tho creek for nid, re
ceiving as he ran a wound In the
Young Wiley soon returned with
a relief party, of whom the writer
was one, but the Indians had taken
the "dust" and tho guns , and had
robbed and burned the cabin. John
son was carried to a Mr. Miller's at
Ilrowntown, Dr. Watklns attending
him. Subsequently ho was carried
to (ieorgo K. llrlggs'. where he died
of his wounds. While carrying him
from the scene of the shooting he re
marked that if tho Wiley boys had
listened to his warning "this would
not have happened."
About this timo a man whom tho
miners dubbed ' Shorty" went bunt
ing for meat In tho creek bottom be
tween tho Althouse and tho oast
In 1855 Sam Herd was keeping' a
greenbllnd saloon at Browntown. He
was a burly, abusive, dictatorial
bully, who was prone to pitch any
man through the door who did not
McCloud started, but Drlscoll, the j tally to his liking. Finally, while a
rope wlelder, strode after him and'loker game was running one night,
defiantly commanded: "Come hack ! Herd delivered the drinks to the
here, we are going to give you thirty
more in the morning."
Williams answered him thus:
"Drlscoll, let that man alone."
Drlsi oil's answer to Williams was:
"You are no better than he is,"
meaning McCloud.
Williams, now desperate, went for
table and turning his back toward an
open window a shot rantf out, fired
from the outside, ending the life of
the bully on the spot. A Hrge bore,
unidentified rifle found outside the
window was the only evidence ever
secured of the deed.
Now with reference to the order
his gsn. i.riscoll fleeing behind the of "Chosen I-rlends mentioned in my
..... M 1 A t
house. The men nresent Interfered, i article in 1 ne Louner oi Mann i, i
and to save Drlscoll's life they took
the gun from Williams. Willbms
then took McCloud to his ranch to
protect him.
Subsequently a miner while
have to say by way of further ex
planation with regard to the Jose
phine Hook feature of it, that I was
"chief counselor" of the lodge at Cres
cent City. When in 1SS4 Crescent
groundslulcing a prospect hole in the! Cltv lodge was 8,lsl't'n(Jed 1 fans
rear of an old saloon washed out a ! frrt'd by card to Eureka lodge,
similar amount of "dust" where it
was believed the drinking miner had
cached his money and forgetting It
he believed McCloud had robbed
In the summer of 1 857 Williams
was in Herman Helms' saloon in
Jacksonville, Oregon, when upon re
turning to the street ho saw Drlscoll
walking down the other side. Wil
llaniH shot Drlscoll dead with a
double-barrel shot gun, remarking
as he did so: "I have got you at
Thomas I'yle, (he sheriff, soon lost
the trail of Williams and could not
rind hlui. I knew I'yle well and
"swapped" horses with him at this
In tho fall of 1S5.1 a packer named
Woods and another man were "pack
ing" with fourteen animals from
Crescent City to Indian creek. A
lady named Daley, and her baby,
came from Crescent City with the
pack team enroute to her husband
on Indian creek. Ilelng sick from
her rido she stopped at Waldo, the
train going on without her. Aud it
where as members of it I found my
friends Charles Hook and David
Kendall, Hook being the father of
Josephine Hook, for whom the creek
and county were named.
David Kendall, formerly ,of the
mercantile firm of Kendall & Holt
at Kerbyvllle, was killed a little lat
er In 18S4 by a stray bullet fired by
a Chinese gunman In a highbinder
battle In the streets of Eureka, Cal
ifornia, and for which all of the
Chinese population of the city, In
cluding the merchants and their
wares, were driven aboard outgojng
vessels and forced to leave the city
Are You Going to Do Any
Fencing This Spring ?
If you are we want you to come in and let us talk it over with
you before you start in. We will, perhaps, be able to give you a
few pointers that will result in your saving several hard-earned
dollars, besides getting a fence much better suited to your needs.
We want to help you get the best value possible for your money.
We sell the GENUINE AMERICAN. Beware of imitations.
Rogue River Hardware Co.
i Continued from Page l.i
Many Grant I'nua Women
Learning the Cure
not knew-
Women often suffer,
Ing tho cause.
Backache, headache,
lrr-((ulr urinary passages, weak
ness, ml t
tut d -r-. in'.iig torture of Itself.
icg ini ut weakened kid-
root get to the
was well she did. for the men worn
......... I sir.
Kine ana uio train captured ry m- ,.,
mans on top of the Siskiyou range, i Quickly give the help the kidneys
Tho pack train was taken about a ! n,,p(1,
half mile east along the main ridge I KJnto rn,1rSd "ke Dan'S
where It was unpacked, the Indians! Hero's convincing proof from this
appropriating such ns they cared to : locality.
take and leaving tho rest scattered! Mrs- Mary Wlnterhalter, near V.
nil niinnf Tho.. .. . i . Jackson street, Medford, Ore., says:
nl about. I hey took syrup, leaving j UHed DoBn.B Kldney Pin9' wJth
whiskey, miners tools, nails, etc. j beneficial results when suffering
They cut onen a feather he,1 Iminm.. i from kldnev trouble, and I know of
otner persons who nave taken them
with success. Since I used Doan's
Kidney Tills about a year ago. I
have not had the least trouble from
Ing to Mrs. Daley and gave the feath
ers to the wind.
Tho next day the writer started to
cr(ms the mountain from Althouse.
When I arrived on the summit and
saw tho big trail of the Indians I im
agined that a lot of miners had gone
that wny. and I followed tho trail
until I came to the scattered feathers
and merchandise. Instantly I took
the hint and dropped down to Indian
creek ns fast as possible and gave the
alarm. A runner was sent to Waldo
at once, and n volunteer company or
ganized, among whom was Sam Og
den and S. It. Hcndershot. The Wal-
my kidneys. This remedy deserves
my hearty endorsement."
For sale by all dealers. Trice 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's
ni.d take no nother.
MEDFORD, March' IS. It cost
Mrs. I,. I.. Noonehester, a recent ar-
do men. numbering about thirty, met rlva'. from Vale. Oregon, just $ 1 fi 4 2
a similar company from Indian creek Sunday to run down the street two
on the summit where tho men were blocks and overtake a runaway
klll,,('' daughter. During her efforts to over-
Daley was along, full of fire and ,ak, ,h'' ('n11'1- ,ne woman lost her electing the five menibe
fight, for until now he had believed lHH'kptbook which contained that
his wife and baby were with the nmoMnt pf money.
IHII'Li-iMI ni. I t..t i ?liafnh folln.t a a I L . .
fork of the Illinois river. Returning1, ",e V . w 1
I" tho evening he mM i ""'""V 1 's '"ed that some
that he got "two tl.J Tho compaiUos took tho tr:uliS VI OlltUr- A rewanl of
bucks" that day. meaning lndlansjf ,,u ,ndlan" ''H'1 mu It along r' ,s vt!"m for 1,9 return-
.. . . . 111., QluL I, II.. i I ,, ..
coining was said about it and but1 iiuo unui tnev came
little was known of It. jup wl,h ,he redskins In a seduded
In 1S53 a man named McCloud ! lmMn 1,1 sr",,t TAn' M"K be-
. il. i
was accused by a drinking miner of " " "'" ,wl''ers of the Alt
robbing him of about live hundred
dollars. Excitement ran high. Mo-1
Cloud was tied by tho hands to an
overhanging tree- and !0 lashes laid
upon his naked body with a rope
In tho bauds of elm Jaik Driscoll,
tho writer being a witness Mc
Cloud stoutly maintained Innocence.
About this time Captain "Dob" Wil
liam rede into camp with bis kuii
acioM the saddle. At tho sight of
William with a gun McCloud n;
pealed to him. saving "For Hud's
sake. Hob, shoot me. The whipp'iu
over, Wi'.li.ims asked. McCloud why
it all nu ant and took bttn to ti c i
and Heated him. McCloud e;l., M
ed tho aci.ihuiion for which 1 ...
flogged Hob." r. plied v
louse. Sucker . reek, Indian creek and
ApplegHte Instantly upon seeing the
Indians "there was the screaming of
'the rtrlcs and the flashing of thp
bl.ido " They killed about thirty of
the led-klns I so the Indians after-
:vr,i faii' i ami sent th
who esciivd
tree to save
The ho s
head of hordes av,l t
ha I taken r
'so of the in
e Ing from tree
i "tun
an I
!i 1
"onio seventy
'I'' which the
Monro y ivo :n
cd all
' a j-V;
it see-
as mercury will surely destroy th
sense of Mnell and completely derange
the whole hystem when entering it
through the mucous surfaies. Such
art I. les should never I-e used except
on pres -riptions from revitablo phy-1 assets include furnishings of head
r l''V,;im;w' "loy ,u ll garters estimated
is ten told to the good von can possi- L. i i
b! dcr ve from them. Hall s Catarrh ra,d dues amonnt
Cure, inai'nta, tured lv F. J. Cnenev ' l,ne-half estimated
i W. Walker -for treasurer. Dr.
i Walker was the Incumbent. He
I arose to decline, with a smile and a
shake of his head that he declined
i the honor again. Then Isaac Hest
I nominated Sam II. llaker. Mr. link
er was pulling himself together to
enter an objection when he was cried
down and was made to take the job.
He was forced to make a speech, and
said In pa rt : "I thank you for tills
distinguished honor, this honor of
handling the funds of this organisa
tion. I assure you I will bo Willi :ig
to give an Ironclad bond. If you
require more than one surety com
pany then I will endeavor to rustle
two surety companies. I think that
Is enough speech for this time."
( Elected Secretary.
K. L. Cue nominated Judge II. II.
llasler for secretary of the club. The
nomination was seconded by George
W. Donnell. II. C. Kinney nominat
ed W. T. Quinlan. The nomination
found a second in E. L. Churchill.
There being no more nominations the
dub proceeded to ballot. The re
sult was 2S fur Judge Basler and
4 9 for Mr. Quinlan. Judge Basler
moved to make it unanimous. It was
"Speech!" called the dub mem
bers. Mr. Quinlan thanked the
members for the honor and the of
fice, stated that the success of the
club depended largely on the sup
port the membership gave the offi
cials in their work. I hope you will
lay aside any prejudice you may have
or think you have and give undivid
ed support. Without this support
we cannot, as officers, get the best
Nominations for trustees were in
order, and much levity soon develop
ed, as it seemed almost every mem
ber in the room would get a nomin
ation. The balloting resulted in
rs as appears
at tho lead of this article.
The secretary's report showed that
the board of directors were called to
gether 31 times during the past cal
endar year; that excursionists from
I.eOrande, Tortland and Eugene had
been entertained; that about 200
members are In good standing, 125
in arrears and about 100 retired as a
result of leaving the city and other
reasons. The auditing committee
report shows the bookB of retiring
Secretary H. L. Andrews in good
shape. The secretary shows receipts
of I62S4.1S for the past 12 months.
with J612.53 in the treasury. Other
What Happened When Jilted
Swain Sought to (Jet His
"Presents Hack."
NEW YORK, March 20. So
cial dashes are raging today in
the upper east side as a result of
David Kldansky breaking his en
gagement with Sadie Fishel.
Kldansky wanted his ioibents
back, but Sadie's father said
"no," and the former has taken
the case into court. Each fac
tion Ifas a large following, and
the east side is In an uproar.
Exhibit A was a letter from
Kldansky to Fishel. It read:
Sir: Ye understand your dau
ter Sadie and me have broken it
our engagemen. I want the pres
ents what I gave Sadio back."
Fishel replied:
"Sir In reply to your request
for them present back what you
gave Sadie, I write: The din
ners I have gave you on lots of
times amounts to more than the
value of your presents. Sadie
can keep them."
RIVERSIDE, Cal., March 20- I
Jlleld on suspicion of having murder- )
ed Mrs. Harriet Guyot, 58, of 21 '
Monteville street, Portland, Or., anj
Miss Julia Francis, 19, of The Dalles,
Or., Frank Baurswaerts is under I
rest here today, and deputy sherlli
have been sent to a-camp In the
Chukwalla mountains where he It
alleged to have buried the bodies, k
Our "Home"
collection of fine
6 large pkts., 50c
6 l-oz.pkti.,$1.00
win plut 1 100-foot nt
If you want
the finest
Sweet Peai
in the most
brilliant and
pleasing col
ors, ordertbifl
For complete lift of
yeu eit and Beit
Sweet Peat, Roiei,
Dahliai, Gladioli
Ask for our 191! Calal
BAl ItSfagu ltifru.
Portland Seed Co.
. Co . i.:,
".!!-. and i
lift'! t
!ir?.ii i- it l v
' l-i - i I'.il.r r M C .;
: 1 : i. 'in,.- I: -v
i''-l .,, T '
'' :i.' I'm ,.
S.-Ul ' driu.'1---bolt!,.
i ':- !.:: s V.i:
at $926.87, un
to $1200. about
to be collected.
o, O. lourains no nier-! The sum of $l""S.r0 of subsrrln-
n taU:, infrrnally. acting tons to advertising fund remains un
' il the ed ;iul mucous ...i.i . .
In buying' me nun owes the Sunset
b- sure to' pet Ma!' bureau the sum of $ 0.
ist n Intenullv ; I oral debts amount to about Sr.O
At the close of the meeting a
hearty vote of thanks was extended
to all retiring offWrs for their zeal-j
ons work during the paM year in hi-!
balf of the rluh.
' I'.i". t y K. .1.
onials free.
Tti c, 'n per
. I'iils for ton-
Some things aren't cheap at any price. This applies to
hardware as to anything else. Our hardware comes to you
with a guarantee to be right, and the price is as low as such
goods can possibly be sold for. It's worth something to
know that what you buy is absolutely the best and that you
yaid only what is was worth sometimes really less. We
invite your patronage and suggest that you give us an op
portunity to figure on your hardware bills.
Coron-Booth Hardware Co.
: i u