i FRIDAY, .MARCH 8, 1912. PAGE TWO .9 WEEKLY ROGl E RITER C'Ol'KIEIl BisnfEss roivrtRs Dr. Flanagan, Phyilclan and Surgton. JE. Peterson, PloneerlniurauceMaa Reiall Remedies at Clement. i druga. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and JeweW to DIiod'i old stand. Front it. Eyea tested free. Mrs. M. C. Magargle. who has sppnt several months !n Gran's Pacs, left Wednesday for Darning, .V. M., to Join her husband. Mrs. Megargle ll a slhter-ln-law of Mrs. A. R. M Lean. PROFESSIONAL CABDB M. OFINDLEY, M D ' - Practice limited to EYE, EAR. NOSE and '.' HROAT Olasaei fitted and furnished. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and by .appointment. Phones 182 and lee-R. ORANT8 PASS, OREGON. V. L. DIMMICX, D. M. D. DENTIST Corner 6th and O streets. Phone 303-J. Crown, Bridge Work and Fillings of All Kinds, a Specialty. Office hours, to 12 a. m.; l to o p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON. E. 0. MAOY, D. M. D. DENTIST Successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists. First-class Work. 109H South Sixth, Grants Pass, Or. H. D. NORTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office, Optra House Dlock. OLIVER C. BRWON GRANTS PARS, OREGON. LAWYER GRANTS PASS OREGON. 0. S. BLANCHARD ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW Tractlco In all State and Federal Courts. Oanklng & Trust Co. Rldg. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. J. D. WURTSBAUGH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public In office. Office In Howard Dlock. Thone 66-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAYER North Stairway. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Rooms 6 and 7, Opera houne Dlock. M. C. H. DAY CONTRACTOR AND Hl'ILDER. Residences a Specialty. Plans and estimates furnished. Residence, East A St. Phone 103-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Grants Pass Truck Co. PI NCH imoS., Proprietors. PROMPT AND KEI.1A11LE SERVICE. Pianos and Organs Carefully Removed. Phones. 4 1-1, and 209-K. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. G.H. BINNS Assy i i; KMabllnhed 19 years M? E street, opposite Colonial hotel, Urania Pass. Ore. bii...v , it "'itin'i i.'itn -i it ii .mi. 1 le, -W vr Hr-ir m. Ji PERSONAL AAD LOCAL. Elbert Harvtv loft Monday tuuro icg for Klamath Falls to spend the summer at the Harvey k Adams sawmill. Herbert iiaujpbon, who bad been spending a lew weeks with bid par ents here, jtturued Saturday to his home in Portland. Miss Mary Haiigus, who has spent several months with her brother, John iidligus, and his family, of ibis city, left Saturday on her return trip to ber borne at CrvbUl Lake, ill. William L. Lieuth, lately of suw- telle, Cal , hag bees spending, some time in this city. Mr. Beach has' pun based through J. P. Wlif aa so-. a re ram h on Evans creek, the two yeiiilemeu going, to Medford today to close I he deal with tbe fonder owner and make arrangement for Mr. lleai b to take possession immed iately. Tbe faim id situated about three miles north of Woodville. Mib Editn Huber visited her par ents in this city liist week and re turned S : : I i y morni); Medfoid, where sue Is learning the dressmak er tiade. Judge and Mrs. 0. il. Durham went to Ashland Sunday aiternoon to visit friendB. Cliarles Meserve was in Giants Pass Sunday, going to Woodville on tho afternoon train. Mrs. Will Fry and baby returned i rfundav evening from Central Point, where they had been visiting with Mrs. Fry's Bister, Mrs. A. W. Moon. I Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Mundt left i Monday for Woomflold, Neb., where they go to make their home. Attorney Fred A. Williams was a business visitor to Woodville Mon day afternoon. Frank llarrle , and MIhk llattie Jewell drove to Hugo, where they expected to meet Miss Jewell's sis tt r, Mrs. Itoli Hendricks, who was coming to Grants Pass to visit ner I parents, Judnn and Mrs. Stephen Jewell. Mrs. Hendricks was mialile to come at this time, however, but came up on this afternoon's train lor ii short visit. Kdnar L. Thompson left Grants Pass Monday with a crew of 1.1 men I., lie-in work on the government Ir rigation project at Klamath Falln. W. E. Wesson arrived last week from Kewoka. Okla.. with a car of household kikmIh. a bin flock of thor oughbred While and ISrown liorn, Rhode Island Red and White Plymouth Rock ooultrv. two cows. two horses and a handsome pah- of Vj'liial.le mules ,-111(1 will make this county Ills home. cor the present he has rented a property on West O. street. Mr. Wessons two sons and two daughters are expected to arrive iiiiuc.llatch . Mr. Wesson w as catmht in u bll..ard eiiroute and says be lias seen enough snow- to last him the rest of bis Hie. George E. Sirom,', who lias been in the transfer business in Grants I'ass. left Monday for l.eland. where lie will reside on a small farm. Mrs Strong and the children will follow as soon us school is closed Mr. and Mrs. K. R Crouch left Tuesday for Galice, after istlnii with relatives here for a short time. They will spend the summer at t,i llce. Herman West-rbeld went to Cort land Monday to purchase fixtures for the new meat market be intends to establish in his building on Slxih street W. J Anderson returned Mon.l.r to Portland, after spending s'un.hn here with his fanillv Go (o el.ru -k a Mr and Mrs i I baby left Saturday Hrunlng, Neb , w here Klein mornln j and for they go to re- side permanently. Mrs daughter of Mr and Mrs Kleln Is a H C. lien- lap of the Hotel Oxford, and .1 their May in this city tbev made home at the hotel Mr Klein artist of unnsu.il talent m pie uiing t heir i- an mus ical world. an, .luring in Grants I'ass be t'.ioi, sliated tin-, and will missed by tbe iiiiisi. Klien goe to Nebias his sho't av iitthb ('.cm or. be ureacy lover- Mr. .i to t..e a in t he tr isi a nd 1 : 1 ,ilo IliHsi. .1' !'':.! position o i.G circles be instruc place. pr.'M'itu'u. i f lii'c.niiK M in b,,nd mis wii i, i n.KKsr moihi i; Mother vir.ty Sw t I'hil.lren, a lYitain : Uhucss, Headache TiV!lil:;g. Kseid. late the Pew. Is and ct Pow.leis for i '.iff for Fever I'.i.l Slem.i.h, rove and ivi-a- VSM-CV in :l he".;. Thev ' 1'hev : I'hi'.d', t. s' .11, ve.l c ik up ' eld e s, , as.u.t : 1 ' 1 e 'i.l's 1'scd 1, ' I'c 'ie i 'ver Ms' ! e ,, Me 'ail 'd 1 v 1 KVK l. Kev DEATH OF IDA LEWIS After suffering for tbe past 14 1 month from torulosis of the lungs. Miss Ada Lewis died Friday board of supervisors today is on rec erenlcg at 6:20 o'clock. Miss Lewis ord as warning unemployed persons was tbe eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lewis of this city, She was born at Holland, Josephine than there are jobs. county, Oregon, and her ae was 24 ' The resolution says that because , years, nine months and 26 days of false reports and advertisements ! when she passed away. polished throughout the country, I Besides the parents, Miss Lewis is many men are lured here in the be J survived by one aieter, Lola Lewis, lief that the coming exposition pro land six brother?. Melvln, Charles, vides more work than tho.se here can !Rert, Ervlne, Albert and Lloyd, do. Lewis, and a cousin, Miss Edi'h trie Lewis Tycer, who resides at hoir:e, rrv.., rrtnf 9 'the bedrid when the pure young life 'city, 'rawed from Ps earthly home. Mrs. J. E. Gardner wnt to Port Miss Lewis was a bright and lov- land Monday to spend some time able girl, her purity of character and with her parents, sweet, unselfish disposition, making - -nany friends for her in 'his city, shrinero to Ashlawl where she has raided for the past Hiiiah Temple, Aneient Arabic Or 10 years. During her long Illness she ,jer .v.ddcs of the Mystic Shrine, vas always patient and uncomplaln- Oasis of Ashland, will hold a cere ir.tr. revealing in every act of her .nial session at Ashland Saturday ' h i 1 ' life the courage and beauty of eveniii::. Mar. h 1. Grants Pass will a true womanly nature. be represented by a goodly number Funeral services for Miss Ada 0 nobles and will also take some Lewis, who die.l Friday evening, candidates, were held at the family home at 15 South Seventh street Sunday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. The house was fulfil t rt Ita tittnnut rutiai' Itv with ! ... .'.. ..... ..... , menus, many ueing ouimen m siuun on the outside, who bad come to pay j t() thg pBflma,,,e . , , young woman. The casket was blaii - keted with a wealth of fragrant , ,,, ... , ... , ... ... . . l.lwi'Hin "lll'li e.ll.H 111'"'..-, imu rm. Rev. F. C. Lovett conducted the service. Interment was in I. (). O. F. cemetery. Three Streets to linprovt Residents of Uiwnrldge avenue, Washington boulevard and Evelyn avenue havo petitioned the city comic for Improvement of the three i streets, calling for oil macadam. Postmaster Resigns W. E. Daniel has resigned his po sition as postmaster at Three Pines, and member of the school board of that pla. e, and with his son, will soon leave for the Willamette valley. Miss Clarilv (iets Toiisler- Miss Lee Clardy secured the elec- j upset stomach, MI-O-NA Is guaivn tric toaster i:iven awav by Roval . teed. Whitnior Saturday night, her guess as to the number of feet of ribbon in the window decorated being 97 feet, fi inches. K. C. Harmon's guess o 97 feet 4 inches secured a bou- i MUet of carnations. The total amount I was 97 feet .1 '.. inches. I.. M. Rush Sells Itiisiness B. M. Hush of the It. M. Hush Electrical Wiring company on North Mxth street, has sold his business to! A. 11. Xo.ves, who takes possession' the first of April. Mr. .oes was tor- ' nierly w ith the Klectri. al ppliam e coinpany of sTan Francisco and Is an electrical engineer. Mr. Hush will gc east on an extended visit as soon the new owner takes . barge of the business, but he says he experts to ft turn to the west. Picnic on Ibtldy- The Sunday s. II II. Haslet of chiir. h spent a : in day. when tlx hool class of Judge the Newman M E. ;lorious d'ij ,in Sat I" boys and their tea. her limb, d Mt. Italdy mii.1 spent the day pi. 'lib king. tu arriving at the top a huge bonfire was bih!: and ;.! lun. h time the dinner was cooked over the lamptlre inagnitlcent view of the surrounding valley is af ou .led from the top of this niouiifai'i and the many pleasure s. I kers climb t: sunimit every summer. u.:ust Fetsch came from Pm land today to assist his family in uettinu. iea.lv to return to Portland to live. Mr I'ets h i- in business in Portland v'is- 1'iMiM F.-ts h has been there r,.r the pa ! two weeks I Mi,U K K. Many I'eople i ainiot Pronounce Name of oi Id's M.Kt I'iiiiions ( atanli Keinc.h. i.at s th HYoMKI pr e,.. . ,iv the r,,. re'i. sands r, tli a peo-' has rid tens of ef mat vt'e ami ivo:i-:i i ei jci'i's US- a!y i and other '. is ia''i m.e'.m 'dive 1 with antlac p- to e free 1 dr is: - end the reup, ca. couchs .i':i-:: v ! IV- 1 .! K WARN WORKMMV TO ! KEEP FROM SAN FRA-MISCO. SAN FRANCISCO, Mar o. The not to come to ban rrancisco, there are already more workers here Attorney S.Cornell of Salem is spending a few days with his oroin- t n r,rm!l. and wife of thin Little Gill is Pond Pauline, the little b-year-ol.l daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Smith, died at the home of her parents ear- ; ly Tuesday morning from pneumonia. Little 'au ne was but a snort 1 uuc , tlllie- , Funeral services will be held at the family home U17 West . I street, Wed nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Frederic Itrooke, officiating. Inter ment will be ill Granite Hill. REST STOMACHS I Tin. WORLu. People who depend upon MI-O-NA ! to keep them free from stomac:h mis ery always have clean stomachs free from fermentation. MI.O.NA stomach tablets will drive out gas, sourness and stomach dis tress In five minutes. C. H. Demaray Kiiarantees them. Thov will nhsnlntelv nut an end to lluKestlon and make the stomach j sturdy and strong if used as directed, I'or all stomach ailments and for , nervousness, less Of appetite, nl ,ht- , mare, dizziness, overeating, dt....: Inc. and for all diseases caused by A large box 50 cent3 at C. II. De maray's and druggists everywhere. NO PRESIDENTIAL PHIMA1U FOR IDAHO KEITF.LICANS.j1 Boise, Idaho, Mar. 0. The old time county system for the election or delegates to the state republican convention will be the means by which the voters of Hoise and Ada county will make known their choce of candidates. The republican cen tral committee rejected the prefer ential primary plan at its meeting and progressives here charge that the committee feared the standpat element, would lose control should a ' primary be held. i CAUSE FOR ALARM. Lett of Appetite or Dittress After Eat ing a Symptom That Should Nt Ba Disresardtd. Appetite Is just a mutual deshe for fond. Loss of r.ppeute or stomach dis tress after eating imlieate indigestion (or dyspepsia 0er-ea;uig is a habit very dangerous to a person's (.-nod gen eral health. It is not what you rat. but what yon digest and assimilate that dees y.v; pood. Seme of the strongest, heaviest and healthiest persons are moderat caters. There is nothing that will cause more trouble th.iu a disordered stom ach, and many people daily centraej serious malii.'ie simply through dis regard or al"i of the stoma.!). We f ee alt wVo siiT-r f; mt nny stomach derangement. Luligc-;'.u. or dyspepsia, whether sev.te or chronic, to try Ilc; 'I l;spep ;; TaMeX with the distinct unilcrtand!rg that w will refund their money without ovestion or fermnli'v. f nfter r-i---or.ablr use of this niedvitie. they nre not perfpctly satisfied with the result' We recom mend them to our customers every day. and have yet to hear t anv one who has uet been benefited by them. We honestly believe them to he- with out equal. Thpy give very profipt re lief, aiding to nentrilb-e the ras-frt Julei. strong: ben the digestive organs, 1 to rcgnl.-ire the ben-els, and thus to pro I mote perfect mitritlon. and eradicate i all unlieslthy symptoms. j We uive y.M to try a 2.V. boi of I UcvjI! tsv.a Tabts, wj. h gives ! Z d.iv '. tmeut At t ir money wi'.l I ' :ie net sat I crises le'1 v end of e returned s;',cd. (if h ef frent that t.. i'lle. y. '1 ' v :n . c.-i es. u-e ba v p ' s..;i f,T ! . .v ''it 1.11 : uetiiM - vv'ri ! icrib,: - ':i t! ere-Tbe drug?. t Farm Machinery, Plows, Etc, . Good crops and profitable farming,depend large ly on your farm tools. The "Syracuse" Plow and ether machinery handled by us have given satisfac tion in this locality for years. Our satisfied custom ers are the best talking point for our lines of farm machinery. Jewell Hardware Co. The Directors of the GRANTS PASS BANKING & TRUST COMPANY c.-uivass the investments of the bank monthly and are thoroughly in touch wirli its affairs. TIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON The Pioneer Bank of Josephine County. Established in 1889. This bank has served the people of Jose phine county for the past twenty-three years, and is recognized as a strong, conser vative banking institution. We invite your account. CREDIT Every nian should consider his credit standing In tr.e amimunity whether he is asking for credit or not Me owes it to himself to maintain a good credit stand ing and some time be may need it. No one thing will " estaousninr or.es credit as Checking Account at the bank and the paving of bills by check. Le. us talk to vou on the subject. Josephine K WANT VC l It MKMt'AX MTIATIOX. EI. PASO. Mar. Reinforced by ."' men under the command of Col- jotn l Jose Melasoto. General Villa, at the head of l.ono Mexican federal troops todav s marching on Chihu attle to the (oml.lned ; hua to give ltbel f,,r. cs of Oenernls l'icn,,,i.. . "'uoir llro, ... i a in pa and Salr.zar. i Us move, it is believed here ic I lie f. S! T of I'l-esiilen: .:.,d (lire.t orders from ''" h'-.pis Cen eral Villa will be aid to chefk. or at oast Mfh . vastly s als. it is tt ; he! o! van. o on As the relel tone is '" thr.t of th. f.,ior. ed ti e U! ,i ,-,.,.,;,:! 1 " ''.an li.ld 'heir own. t rs wii M'.d that 1 M arch en tl . apital will originally .-.red ed t.'t .. f.;v as lain a all Co. Bank HAXMXU Ill SINESS. Htate of Chihuahua, who fled from Chihuahua after General Orozco drove General Villa and his forces from the city, Is with the federal force and will aid Villa In the re taking Chihuhua. Colonel Ponce, In command of the 1.500 revolutionists left in Juarez to guard against a federal attack, l having trouble with his men. Many of the soldiers threaten to mutiny, and 300 ringleaders in the movement were disarmed last night. Cash Hendricks, who has spent seTcral weeks in Grants Pass, re turned Tuesday to his work in the nilr.es r.ear Wolf creek. Mr. Hen dricks became poisoned bv arsenic lfurr.es. and was in Grants Pass fcr i : edkal treatment. i C'etl.PtS (t";g on.. i e. t.,( rR, r hl Artistic Job work at The Courier. 1