FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1912. 1 WEEKLY ROOTO RIVER COURIER PAGE THREE "with strength and they always plt" TWO HORSE OVERALLS MAOC BY LEVI STBAUSS CD. CO. bias MUM DONALD SAVAGE WIXS CALHOUN'S GOLD NUGGET. Sunday's Dally. It was a merry good-natured jost ling crowd that filled the Geo. S. Calhoun company's Btore last even ing to finally see Donald Savage of 616 E street, Grants Pass, capture that handsome gold nugget the firm advertised to give to the nearest guesser to the weight of the yellow chunk of precious metal. The nug get weighed $18.93. Donald Sav age and John Antonion, the latter also of Grants Pass, made a tie gueBs, both coming within one-quarter of a cent of Its value. Each man guessed $18.94; but as Savage was a guesser ahead of Antonion In the contest by some days, he was entitled, under the rules,, to the treasure. The next three closest guessers were also experts at estimating the worth of the nugget, and all tied. They were G. E. Strong, John Netzen and one whose name could not be deciphered on the card, aid each guessed $18.93, just three-quarters of a cent off. The committee on weight was com. posed of Samuel H. Baker, of the Josephine County bank; R. K. Hac kett, of the First National, and L. A, Launer, of the Grants Pass Banking and Trust company. Committee on count was composed of W. R. Brower, William Fallln and 0. Knipps. The contest last night is an an nual popular event at Calhoun's popular home for good clothes, and always creates widespread Interest over the city and county. Mr. Calhoun last night was highly pleased with this golden climax of his big sale, and as he is a mining man himself, who does not fear to buck his good money against Dame Fortune in the hills, he la always glad to be the means of furnishing Interest and pleasure for the mining population, first, because he believes such a contest will aid in stimulat ing the search for gold; second, be cause he enjoys a large patronage from among mining men. In addi tion to the foregoing reasons. says Mr. Calhoun, such a contest is good advertising , and he believes in be ing a liberal advertiser, and he prac tices what he preaches. The results are summed In two words, good business." MOVE UNDER WAY 19 FORM LOCAL UIIIOIIS OF THE FRUIT GROWERS Rogue River Fruit and Produce Associ ation Makes Proposition to Grants Pass People SPRAY ORCHARDS HOW, SAYS FRUIT INSPECTOR LETTER TO COURIER. H. E. Gale of Grants Pass writes as follows of the proposed change In handling fruit: To the Editor of The Courier: Sir: There are really three dis tinct and definite departments ot the fruit business, growing, handling and selling. The associations form ed for the purpose of handling fruit are a necessary link la the chain. After the fruit la grown the next step Is to have it prepared la a right way for market if satisfactory re sults are to be obtained in a way ot money returns. The next step, of course, is the selling, which la also a highly specialized business, and which can only operate to the best A RESOLUTION. The directors ot the Rogue River Fruit and Produce association, C. A. Wood secretary, have passed the fol lowing resolutions: To Whom It May Concern: Whereas, It appears advisable to the board of directors of the Rogue River Fruit & Produce association, a baaed upon the experience ot the past, that the Interest ot the fruit industry ot this district would be better served by the establishment ot local unions each to be a part ot a district organization, which shall be composed ot the whole district, there fore be It Resolved, That It Is hereby recom mended to the stockholders of the Rogue River Fruit association In advantage when It has fruit to sell i Grants Pass and vicinity, that they When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneu monia. This remedy contains no opi um or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by all good dealers. I!. E. KROII SAYS MANY . BUYERS WILL COME HERE. that is packed and shipped after the most approved methods. The Rogue River Fruit & Produce association was organized with the Idea that It was to become a selling agency, as well as a fruit handling business for the Rogue River valley. We did not believe in April 1910 that it would be so long in years be fore "we had a sufficient quantity ot fruit to enable us to establish an adequate selling machine. When organized and all the different ship ping points in the valley were brought together In one corpor ation, it was with the expressed Idea that it was tor the purpose of selling our fruit. It is now apparent to most ot the growers that the cost of maintain' lng a large selling machine is pro hibitive; that if we have facilities for distributing our fruit over the world we must, for the present, at least, unite with other sections In the ownership of such a machine. This makes necessary the systematic and businesslike supervision and handling of our fruit that it may reach the consumer through the channel of a selling agency. In or der to properly prepare this product for the market there must be ade quate supervision of thousands of minute details connected with grades, packing, assembling and shipping as well as collections, etc. When these details are multiplied Indefinitely satisfactory results in grades, pack ing, etc., are impossible; In other words, as the California orange growers have found in their exper ience the busine8like way' to handle fruits Is in small units where the im portant details can be looked after properly. The Idea of district organization Is not new, as It has been thorough ly worked out In California, also In the Yakima valley and Grand Ronde valley, and is being taken up and worked out in all the sections of the northwest where organization has begun. The principle involved is that of local self-government, local supervision of the many details by sell their stock in the said association at par to the said association, where upon the said Rogue Rover Fruit & Produce association will sell to the said stockholders ot Grants Pass and lclnlty, the building, equipment, material, lease, and all other hold ings of the said association In Grants Pass at a price to be agreed upon by representatives of said association and said stockholders, and would recommend speedy action, that the same may be acted upon at the an nual meeting ot the Bald Rogue River Fruit & Produce association on Feb ruary 13, 1912. Be It further resolved, that the board ot directors approving of a gen eral plan of district organization for the Rogue River Valley for the pur pose of establishing and maintaining grades and owing and operating a selling agency in combination with others, and for mutual buying ot ma terlals, recommend to the Ashland Fruit & Produce association, that It appoint representatives to meet with representatives from Medford and Grants Pass and formulate a plan for a district organization. South Dakota Visitor Here - Philip Lawrence of Huron, South Dakota, former assistant secretary of state, is In Grants Pass hobnob bing with his old-time friend, Justice James Holuian. Mr. Lawrence and Judge Holman had not Been each other, until last night, for 22 years They were roommates in a Wiscon sin town In 1865, then were neigh bors later in Arlington, South Da kota. From Grants Pass Mr. Law rence will go to San Francisco for visit. He says he Is enjoying this climate after severe weather In his home state. 1IIYT GET HER. To Fruitgrowers: Now U the time to put up a win ning fight against scale In your or chards. Everyone who has not yet sprayed with the lime-sulphur solu tion this year should lose no time. The mild weather Is bringing the buds along rapidly. Especially is this true ot the peach trees, and In order to Insure your trees against the scale and similar peste la to spray during the dormant season. Se to it that the solution tests three per cent and cover every twig and branch. The scale is now loose on the bark of tree and shrub and may be easily destroyed. Do not delude yourself with the Idea that because your orchard was free ot this pest last year you wtll not be troubled this year. There Is no way to secure salable fruit ex cept by spraying every year at the proper time. All orchards should be cultivated as commercial orchards. The day of the cider apple Is past. The old ne glected orchard with Its dead trees and wormy, scaly fruit Is a blot upon the earth. Trim, spray, cultivate and reap the reward. Gather up the dead branches and burn them as they are apt to harbor the bark beetle, one of the worst ot orchard posts. It h advisable to open the heads ot your peach trees, remove surplus branches and take off water sprouts. Examine orchards during dormant periods to be sure that no blight is held over to produce Infection the coming saeon. Again I wisb to Impress upon you the necessity ot having your apray the proper strength and thoroughly applied. If you are doing the work yourself, take time to do It right, else you will have your labor for your pains. If you are hiring some one to do the work, take time to see that It Is properly done. A gentleman at Merlin complained to me last week that he hay payed a party $14 to spray his orchard, but when he went to see what kind of a Job was done, he found the man had not touched a tree. I told him that sort of spraying did not count. Yet I would not blame him for feel ing peevish about it. So look after your orchard the same as any other business. It will pay you. J. F. BURKE, County Fruit Inspector. Miss Mell Quine is here from Riddle to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Everton for several days. , personal letter to a member of each local unit of the district, and the . The Courier staff from our towns man, R. E. Kroh, gives some infor mation in regard to Florida. The Utter is dated at Lakeland, where the writer is wintering. He says that It is a fine country for a winter-outing and there is a land boom on, but that southern Oregon and Grants Pass look eood to him. He hopes things are going nicely here and men tions that he notes The Courier is boosting for good roads and a bond issue for that purpose and exclaims: "Good, that is what we need in Jose phine county." It is learned through George Kroh. who has received a letter from hie father lately, that he had closed deals for $7000 worth of Tokay Heights property. He Informs his son that he does not expect to re turn to Grants Pass before March 1. It is also mentioned in this let ter that quite a number of those to whom Mr. Kroh sold acre property will come here during the summer or fall to look after their holdings The Dally Courier goes regularly to Its friend at Lakeland, Florida, who Bays It Beems to him like get ting a letter from home every day Every family has need of a fjooi, raitaht iinimsnt For soralns, bruis- es. soreness of the muscles and rheu matle pains there Is none better tnan fh.tnWUIn'. Sold bT all combining of the local units in the district organization to supervise the matter of grades, control of a selling agency, buying all supplies needed by all, and other matters common to, all the units. The plan suggested for Rogue' River valley is that the Grants Pass organization resume its business by the Grants Pass stockholders of the ( Rogue River Fruit & Produce asso ciation taking over the property in Grants Pass and selling their 6tock in the association, which they now hold, to the association itself, and that Grants Pass, Medford and Asa- land unite in forming a district or ganization to be known by some name such as the "Rogue River Dis trict Exchange." Later, when other hipping points have attained suin lent tonnage, then more local units will be formed auer im Iu the meantime the parent organ ization, the Rogue River Fruit & Produce association, will be used to hold the valley together, and main tain the standard at points not yet ready for the formation of a local unit. It is hoped by. this business plan of handling to keep growers more In touch with their own local affairs to enable them to pack and ship their fruit more economically If they can. and at the tame time keep up the standard of Roc" lTW T117 SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 6. Fer nanda Terrecoka is but a waiter at home, at Manila. But he Is ambi tious. He came over on the trans port Sherman yesterday to marry Helen, daughter of President Taft. Now he is In the bughouse. Oregon Climate- Burton L. Allen, recently from a large Michigan harness manufactur lng concern, has taken a position In the harness department of the Grats Pass Hardware company. Mr. Bur ton Is an expert factory workman and If the rush work in this branch of the hardware company's business continues he will take up hla rest dence here permanently. He states tbat the Grants Pass climate feels good to him. And he likes the look ot the city and surrounding coun try. HE COIDN'T STOP. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 6. Tazol Hatlei got a new motorcycle minus instructions how to sto it. Starting was easy. For four hours he rode around a block trying to stop. Fin ally friends relayed Instructions. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6. Oh, hor rors! Bathrobes for the Vernon Tig ers instead of coats. Hap Hogan frowns at the walls of his minions. Johnny Kane suggested sponges, too. fruit by having a district organiza tion. With this wholly Inadequate ex position of the situation, permit me to add that on Friday at 2 o'clock, there will be a meeting of the fruit growers and holders of stock In the Rogue River Fruit & Produce asso ciation to be held in the Commercial club rooms, at which time S. K. Mil ler, secretary of the association, will go into the matter In detail. It It desired that all Interested make It a point to attend. There will be no stock offered for sale at this meeting, as It la held for the pur pose ot readjusting the business ot the association to meet existing con ditions, n. B. OALE. THIRTY-TWO INDICTMENTS FOR LA I tO 1 1 (III EI. Federal Grand Jury at Indian aKlls Grinds Much Grist. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 6. Charging conspiracy to violate United States laws by transport ing explosives on passenger trains engaged In Interstate com merce and with concealment of their knowledge that felonies had been committed, thirty-two Indictments were handed down f here today by the federal grand Jury. lb More than 40 labor men are said to be implicated. This Is caused through a grouping of names In the same indictments. 4- 8everal union officials are also accused of personally en- gaging In the unlawful trans- portation of dynamite. No names of those indicted will be be announced until the arrests are made, and federal secret service men and Burns' detec- tlves are preparing for lmmedl 4 ate arrests. Practically all the 4 Indicted men have been under 4 surveillance since the grand 4 Jury met December .14. They 4 are all believed to be labor lead-4- ers, charged with attempting in 4 timidation through dynamiting. Absolutely Purd HAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar CORPORATION' TAKES OVER ROGUE ELECTRIC CO. MEDFORD, Feb. 7. It la report ed today that the California & Ore gon Power company which has Just purchased the Siskiyou Electric com pany, the Rogue River Electric com pany and 23 other smaller electric corporations In Southern Oregon and Northern California paid $10,000,- 000 for the properties. This gives the California & Ore gon Power company absolute control ot electric power In tbn dUtrlct south ot Grants Pass, Ore. and north of Dunsuiulr, Cal. The aew concern plans to produce 250,000 horse-power from the streams. The main office wtll be San Fran cisco. J. M. Churchill ot Yreka, Cal., la president ot the company and Alex ander Roseborough of Oakland, Cal., secretary. The GraRts Pass Banking and Trust Company Was established in 1901 and successfully with stood the finanoial up heaval of 1901 : : ' : J HIGHEST GRADE TOOLS FOR carpenters or Builders. HADWARE THAT IS "RIGHT IN QUALITY FKlCt. vim i 1 tf r" .. w n.Vvr 1 I I I f.t M T ArX --XW V A good workman uses good tools. Good tools cost no more than poor tools. With the best tools neither workman nor tools lose the temper. The tools we sell are sharp and remain sharp. While our tools are even tem pered, our prices are right. No sharp practice used by U3, only to plane down the price. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOP IN CON NEOTIOIf. dealers.