Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 02, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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"Graustark," will hi1 the attraction t '- tr. Mr. Castle, who selected the
at the Grants Pas opera house) (-est and produced the play, has glv-
Thursday evening, February S.
Messrs. Baker & Cattle guarantee a
perfect performance in every parti. -ular.
They send on tour a 'carload
of massive scenery. Mr. Baker, who
cn tLc same atteiuion to ensemble
'';d .1! tall whbb, contributed so
larsely to the sucess or "Quo Va
dis," " When Johnny Comes March
ing Home," and Mine. Schumann-
f- rtTf'''"''''"1'1';"''' -trw ' wiw'MI''iw i smmm
iM-'mp - 1 f Sum
ii Mr "r-wr -
mi Ml 7 f
A J if A Hi . i 1
day of every quarter thereafter, hut
Iq case licenses shall be taken out
before the first day of any Quarter,
the applicant shall pay a proportion
ate amount for such part of said
Sec. 2. The license shall be Is
sued by the auditor and police Judge,
to whom the applicant shall pay the
license fee. The person or persons
applying for said license, except in
case of a drug store, shall make the
following affidavit, which shall be
sworn to before the auditor and po
lice Judge:
State of Oregon, County of Jose
phine, ss.
I t being first
duly sworn, depose and say that I
am the applicant for license to carry
on the business of (here describe the
kind of business to be engaged In
referred to in this ordinance) at No.
of street In the
city of Grants Pass.' The names of
the persons Interested in said busi
ness are aa follows:
That I am pot the holder of any no
person Interested in said business Is
the holder of a license to sell liquor
at retail Issued by the Internal rev
enue department of government of
the United States, and no person em- j
ployed In said business is the holder
cf said license, and while I conduct j
said business, no person will be em
ployed who holds any siu-h license,
and if any person Interested In said i
business shall receive any such li
cense, I will Inform the city attor
ney as soon as I learn of such fact.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this day of 1912.
adapted the book, in his desire to get
the' correct atmosphere, spent a sum
mer kodaking through Europe and
every scene is a replica of old world
royal environment.
The costumes were designed from
the plates of a celebrated court cos-
I tick's production of which his was
the guiding hand.
No effort has been spared to make
this production a splendid one In ev
ery detail. If possible, It Is even
more attractive than last season.
Seats on Sale Monday.
I Special Ilargain One 38-55 Wln-
PERSONAL AM) LOCAL. ! chesfr rifle, Oct. Barrel (new) $10.
Isaac Best went to Woodville this
morning to spend the day.
C. C. Howard of Ashland is spend
ing a few days with the Spauiding
family of this city.
Oliver Chilled Plow liiin. for
$12.50 at Cramer Bros. It
Lou Schmidt returned this morn
ing from the vicinity of Woodvllle,
where he has spent several days look
ing over timber.
The "Moline Alfalfa Renovator"
will increase your crop Iroui twenty
five to fifty per cent. "The Moline"
has desirable features you will not
find on any other Alfalfa Renovator.
Rogue River Hardware Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pilgrim, who
have spent the latter part of the win
ter in Grants Pass, departed this
morning for Dunsmuir, CaL Mrs.
Pilgrim is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Caldwell of this city. .
Sampson spray at the Rogue River
Hardware Co.'s, the big red front
Hardy Cook returned Wednesday
from Portland, where he has spent
several weeks. After a short visit
with his brother here he will go to
Medford to locate.
Dairymaid and Sharpler Cream
Separators sold on the installment
plan, if so desired, by the Rogue
River Hardware Co., at "The Big
Red Front."
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Whitmore re
turned this morning from Beaveitou,
where they had been to attend the
funeral of Mr. Whitmore'B father.
Mrt. L. M. Spencer and daughter,
Mrs. G. W. Johnson, came In from
Williams today to spend the day
with friends.
Miss Hazel Gmette, who has spent
the past month with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Gillette, left Wednes
day evening for Portland, where she
will remain indefinitely with her
brother, LInwood Gillette, and his
Special One Owega Separator,
325 lb. Capacity, $42.50. On trial
to responsible party. Will sell on
monthly payments. Cramer Bros.
at Cramer Bros. It
Mtes ponrl Kearns, daughter of
v iuu! Mrs. George Kearns of tbla
city, was married Tuesday, January
30. 1912. at Staytou, Ore., to Dr. J.
H. Brewer, Jr., of Stayton. Dr. and
Mrs. Brewer will take a wedding
trip into California and Mexico, af
ter which they will return to the
nhysiclan's home town to live.
Special One Owega Separator,
32.') Uncapacity, $12.50. On trial
to responsible party. Will sell on
monthly payments. Cramer Bros.
If a proposed ordinance introduced
into the city council last night is
made into law the government of the
United States may lose some cus
! ::.e. in the form of purchasers of
r. v..:!ie licenses. The ordinance was
read twice last night and comes up
for final passage at the next regular
meeting of the council.
if the proposed ordinance passes
' means that every drink establish
ment and every drug store must
make affidavit that the place owns
no government liquor license. Then
U deception is practiced, and a pro
prietor found with a federal reve
nue license, he can be prosecuted un
der the state law for perjury, stated
an attorney last nlgat.
There are some other lively clauses
In the proposed ordinance, which
reads as follows:
An ordinance licensing and regu
latlng eating houses, restaurants,
lunch counters, dining rooms, Ice
cream parlors, drinking shops and all
places where food or drink of any
character is served to the public.
Sec. 1. That any person, firm or
corporation conducting any eating
house, lunch counter, dining room,
restaurant or any place of business
where meals are served or food is
Miss Mattie Guild was a Grants Isold to be eaten on the premises, or
Pass visitor Tuesday and returned
to her home a Merlin In the even
' . I. 1 A
any neverage, uquor or mium ouiu
to be drunk upon the premises, shall
first secure a license for the conduct
. . . .. - ... .. .
Rov Jordan returned Wednesday ; ing or saia ousinrM iron. iur .. ...
fmm Portland, where he has been Grants Tass and shall pay for said
.inrp the hevv storms in that city, . liene in advance. All said license
nhich did so "much damage to the hall be payable on the first day of
..Jnuaoi .f-a,.anrl the nrsi
Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon.
Sec. 3. In the case of a drug
store employing a duly licensed phar
macist, said affidavit shall be as fol
lows: State of Oregon, County of Jose
phine, ss.
I being first
duly sworn, depose and say that I am
the applicant for license to carry on
the business of (here describe the
kind of business to be engaged in re
ferred to in this ordinance) at No.
... .of street in the
city of Grants Pass. The name of
the persons interested in said busi
ness are as follows:
The place of business for which this
license Is asked Is a drug store In
which is employed a pharmacist li
censed by the state of oregon, whose
name Is. . . .' That said
government license Is only issued to
authorized the sale of Uquor and
alcohol under the laws of the state
of Oregon and the city of Grants
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this day of 1912.
Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon.
Sec. 4. That no license to carry on
any business provided for by this or
dinance shall be issued to any per
son who Is the holder of any license
issued by the government of the Unit
ed States for the sale of liquors while
the sale of Intoxicating liquors is
prohibited within the territorial lim
its where such business Is to be car
ried on either by law of this state
or of this city.
Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for
any person conducting any business
under this ordinance to sell or dis
pose of any malt extract or mall
Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for
any person condutclng any eating
house, restaurant or luch counter to
maintain any boxes or stalls or
screened rooms In any such eating
( lace, and no dining room or eating
room shall contain less than 300
square feet.
Sec. 7. Every police officer of this
city shall be ex-officlo Inspector of
all eating houses, dining rooms,
lunch counters and restaurants, and
It. shall be the duty of the proprietor,
manager or employe of any such
place to keep the same, and all lock
ers, cupboards, refrigerators or" boxes
of any kind or receptacle In which
any article or articles of food or
drink are kept, open to Inspection
at all hours ofhe day or night when
the same shall be open for business
for the purpose of permitting such
Inspectors to examine the same and
the character of food and drink serv
ed therein. It shall be the duty of
either proprietor, keeper, manager or
employe in any such eating house to
furnish to the Inspector upon de
mand a sample of any liquid or drink
that Is kept on sale or Is supplied In
any nch place for the purpose of
For The
: : : The New : : :
Grants Pass Directory
Just from the press. The most accurate
and complete Directory ever issued. A
limited edition has been printed. Mailed
on receipt of $1.50
City Directory Co,
P. O. Box 321 or Room 9 Masonic Temple
analysis by the said authorities, mild
snmple to be not less than four
ounces nor more than eight ounces,
provided that the Inspector shall fur.
nlsh a bottle or container to contain
the same.
Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for
any proprietor, manager, keeper, or
employe of any such place of busi
ness to maintain any screens, cur
tains or obstructions at the windows
to any such place of business that
will Interfere with any person vlew
Ing the Interior of such place or
ror.m from the street.
Sec, 9. Any person violating the
piovlslon of this act shall be pun
ished by a fine of not less than $10. 00
or more than 100.00, or by Impris
onment In the city jail for not more
than '30 days or by both such fine!
and Imprisonment, and upon the con
vlct'on of any person for violating
any prov'sion of this act, such per
son, If the holder of a license here
under, shall forfeit his lleene, and
the police court In addition to jiving
Judgment In the fine or Imprisonment
shall order such license to be forftit
and any person whose license shnll be
declared forfeited by the court shall
not be entitled to receive license
again to conduct any kind of business
provided under this ordinance, except
that th Issuance of said license shnll
be first duly authorized by the com
mon council.
Sec. 10. Whereas, there are var
ious pesons in the city of Grants
Pass conducting eating houses, soii
drink parlors, who are engaged In the
phIp of Intoxicating liquors In viola
tion of law, and whereas, the ordi
nances of His city arellnsuffl' lent. to
proven t the waid illegal sal..' of liq
uors, and whereas, the said Illegal
Rale of liquors Is a menace to the
peace and quiet of the city of Grant
Pass, an emergency Is declared to
exist, and this ordinance shall take
effect three days after its approval
by the mayor.
Grants Pass Opera House
T. K. II AM.KV, Manager.
The Most WHely Read Book and Most
Talked of Drama of Recent Years
Geo. Barr McCutcheon's
lniinat.e(l by Grace lluywurd
.daptHl by George 1). Ibiker .
ITrtTP (iruuktark In Dniiimtlc form hits played Ut more
lillLi! I"'0!1'0 m t,u' l,Kt thrH years tlmu have wit
ncsM'd u drama in a demde
: :
Seats on Sale Monday at Russell's
Prices 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.50
TUPT MM, Mill 'I l1Hmnijr.iwiyj' jw
The quicker a cold Is gotten rid of
the less the danger from pneumonia
and other serious diseases. Mr. B.
W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says:
"I firmly believe Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to be absolutely the
best preparation on the market for
colds. I have recommended It to my
friends and they all ai?ree with me."
For sale by all good dealers.
Sampson lime and sulphur solu
tion In any quantity and at right
prices, February 1, 1912. Sampson
Spray company, Grants Pass, Ore
gon. l-26-8t
When you have a cold Ret a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cmmh Remedy. It
will soon fix you up all rlsht and will
ward off any tendency toward pneu
monia. This remedy contains no opi
um or other narcotic and may be
given as confidently to a baby a to
an adult. Sold by all K'od d"R!"is.
v nri
md I
Jncti cossl
t . i
For the old fashioned Grippe. Try
them 25c
The guaranteed kind. None bet
ter 25c
fough Syrup, a large bottle. ... 25c
For catarrh and colds In head.. 25c
Two large bars 25c
Hox-pnper, 48 sheets of paper, and
4S envelopes 25c
CLEMENS, Sells Drugs
1 1
telephone serKkt.