FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1911. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE TWO PROFESSIONAL CABDS M. 6. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to IYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT , Glasses fitted and furnished. Office house 9 to 12; 2 to B; and 17 appointment. Phones 182 and lll-R. GRANTS PASS. )REGON. V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentlat. Fetach Bids, cor. 6th and G streets. Phone 3 03-J. Crown, Bridge Work and Killings of All Kinds, a Specialty. Office hours to 12 ft. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. AH Work Positively Guaranteed. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. E. 0. MAOY, D. M. D. Successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists Flrst-CIus Work. lOMi South Sixth, QranU Pass, Ore. DR. F. M. HARTSOOK PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Office 102 South 8lxth Street Of fice hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. an. Phones: Office 18; Residence, II4-J. OTlTOBTON ATTORNET-AT-LAW Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera House Block. Grant Pass, Oregon. OLIVER S. BROWN LAWYER Gnats Paw Oregon. 0. S. BLANCHARD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice 'a all Stale and Federal Court. Banking Trust Co. Bldg. Grant Pans. Oregon J. D. WURTSBAUOH Attorney aud Conn lor at Law Notary Public In offlc tftlre In Howard Block. Phone ll-J URANT8 PA8S, OREGON D. L. JOHNSTON A8SAYER North Stairway. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Booms 6 aad 7, Opera House Block. II. 0. H. DAY Contractor and Builder. Residences a Specialty. Plans and estimates furnished. Residence East A St. Phone 103-J Singer and Wheeler (D. Wilson SEWING MACHINES for unlu or rent, on i,i incut. Supnllon ard repairs for n'l nukes ?ic,ikliiK dame,- mid cot- T. HASSELL 1 Front St. Urnni Pass Better With aj Crescent A Better Baking Powder GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. Itl'NCII llItOSH Proprietor PROMPT AND U1CMAHI.K SKItYK K I'Ihiio mid Oruiins Currfully Removotl Phone: 41-1, mul ilOD-K CrnnU Pna. Orr. CHICHESTER S PILLS '.VA 4 hl rhr If r1. HU.,..,I ltrail rj?v I in. n. it, t .i. i t,i.i4 ,i.,ikv " lkt . Nut f fr 4 10 -n 'i e ' ivi i t . 1.4 V BW3 sjj2ll2siiilfcJsjej3L PERSON AL AXD LOCAL. Mrs. J. P. Wiuf went to Woodvllle Saturday afternoon, to visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wiuf were for merly residents of Woodvllle, but have removed to Grants Pass to make their permanent borne. Mrs. R. II. Gilflllan, with her nurse, Mrs. Colvig, returned Satur day afternoon to Ashland, after en Joying the Thanksgiving season with borne folks. Mrs. Gilflllan la great ly Improved In health since under going an operation at the Ashland hospital, but will remain In Ashland for several weeks before returning to her home here. John Gall of Madera, Cal., is spend ing a few days here on business. Lawrence B. Rich, who has spent the past several days here with friends, left Monday morning for the north, stopping at Eugene, Cottage Grove and other points between here and Portland. Frank Barrle left Sunday for Canyonville, where he Is working with the Pacific Telephone company. Eugene Goode, who has been spend ing the past week with his sisters, Mrs. Tom Galvin and Mrs. Ernest Lister, left Sunday for Eugene, where he is a student In the University of Oregon. Miss Emma Loughrldge returned Sunday to Salem, after a visit of three days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. S .Loughrldge. ter left Monday morning for Los Angeles, after spending the past two weeks with Mrs. Smith's father, W. S. Barrle, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Smith's home Is In The Dalles, but they will spend the winter in Cali fornia. Miss Jessie KcjvIII returned Sunday evening to her school duties at Glen- dale after spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents. Miss Gertrude Cahlll returned Sun day evening to Hugo after having spent several days with Grants Pass relatives. L. R. Steelhammer went to Port land Saturday to spend several days visiting with relatives and looking after business. . F. Thompson of Merlin spent Sun day with Grants Pass friends. Jack Wall, who has spent the past two months In Portland, returned Saturday to Grants Pass, and after a short visit with Grants Pass friends went to Medford, where he will spent the winter. Mlus Dorothy Stuart, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. J. Fuson, for the past week, returned Sunday to her home at Medford. Ralph E. Terrell of Roseburg has been spending several days In Grants Pans on business. W. P. Qulnlan was a business vis itor to Portland on Sunday, expecting to remain several days. W. M. Knox, who has spent the past three days in Grunts Pas, re turned Saturday afternoon to his farm home near Ashland, ac companied by his son, Frank Knox, and baby. A. N. Parsons reports two sales the pant week In Fair Aires addi tion, near the new Mfi school, lie sold one half-acre tract to Fletcher V. Yoiiiii; of Omaha. Neb, and one Miihily. bulldlim lot to Churle W. Flfleld of Tel; a mail. Neb. Mr. Flflehl has started hiriii'tlnii if a haiiils'iiim- the con- butr-'alow hU per- i.n l.os Angeles plans, for inaneiit home, Ml.s Kll.nhe'.h Davis ' , returned' Y.otuluy from a visit of two weeks wlili her brother In Little Shasta, Cal. Ilenrv Ci-i'Imiu! ami A. K. Cass, who have been sel ted by tht tit'1' and water committee of the ,tv council to he the two paid men at the fife station, are busy '.eanitiii; to run the new unto fire wai;on, under supervision of A riympton. coinim ny expert. (lust Carner made a business trl, to Portland Saturday evening where ho w til spend several days. J. G. RIms was a passenger on; train No. 20 Tuesday for Glondalo. James Martin visited relatives at Woodvllle Tuesday, returning In the etenlng to Grants Pass. Arthur Cotiklln went to Ashland Tuesday to spend the day. Miss L. M. Snyder of Salem has boon the K'lost of Miss Sadie Cloven gor for the past few days. She left Tuesday for Sacramento, where she will spend a part of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Moses and lit tle daughter returned "mosday from Portland, where they have spent the past two weeks. O ........ H ... . 1 1 . . . i . Music company ul returned from . inisiuess trip to rorllatnl. Micro lie pent several a seicci'vis n, : I . a t. ...... . i tor wis storfl. Mr. Young recently purchased a new and modem designed bungalow In this same addition.' R. M. Cross of the Wendling Lum ber company of Portland, arrived here Monday from Sen Francisco to transact business with I. A. Robie of the Williams Bros. Door and Lumber company of this city. Mrs. F. G. Burns returned Monday from Dorris, Cal., where she has spent several months with her son. Steve Jones went to Gold Hill Mon day to spend a short time on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were for mer residents of Gold Hill, but now reside In this city. Russell Drake, who has spent the past several months la Portland, re turned Monday to his home In this city to spend the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drake. A. C. Holcomb, manager of the Peerless Clothing company, returned Monday from a business tr!p to Port land. Mrs. Hattle Scheyhart left Mon day for San Diego, where she will spend the winter. James Jennings and brother, E. Jennings, left Monday for their old home at Hendersonvllle, N. C, to visit their mother and sister, who preceded them there some time ago. Mrs. Georgia Flrebaugh, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and other relatives of this city while recovering from her recent severe Illness, left Monday for Portland. Mrs. F. L. Camps returned Mon day afternoon to her home at Ash land, after spending a short time In Grants Pass. LOOKING FOR LAND. J. Rhine and H. E. Williams are late arrivals in Grants Pass from Willow.-?, Colo., and are looking for suitable tracts of land on which to build homes. The gentlemen arrived here Sunday and will remain for sev eral days, looking over the counttry. STEALS FAMILY "WASH." A clothesline full of clothes, the week's laundry, was Btolen from the line at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Williams on Friday evening. The thief was a bold one, as he had to come onto the porch to release the clutch which lowered the line to reaching distance. J. A. RISER SELLS. J. A. Kiser, who has been conduct ing a confectionery and cigar store on Sixth street, has sold his business to J. W. Martin, who owns the store adjoining on the north. Mr. Martin will move the newly purchased stock to his store, BUYS INTEREST IN BERLIN. A. L. Bailey, formerly a business man of Jacksonville, but lately resid ing on a farm at Ap. legate, has pur chased a half interest In the Berlin Dye Works, from L. A. Cook. Mr. Bailey recently sold his farming prop erty at Applegate and will devote his attention hereafter to the dye works business with Mr. Cook. SIXG IX ASHLAND. The Grants Pass male quartet, j composed 6f Messers George Krob.i A. K. Cass. IX. E. Talbot and E. S. j Veatch. spent Sunday In Ashland, in j ' response to an invitation from that illy to participate In the menur .: j ' exercises of the n. r. n. Iv, held in : the Chamau'iua 'building In that '''' "u genlleineii wi re royally et - ; lertaitied I'IihIn Much of Interest ' .hi ike Genrte II. Durham, who ' ; turned last week from n trip ot ;. ; week or 1 n dayi In California ,! j M-rlbe-i his In the Golden Mate i as ei eptlouatly pleasant, lie wa uompanied by .Vrs. Durham, and the I weather was bricht and beautiful. .Indie IVirtum went to Kcd Muff and ! Redding In a inr.Mcr if business er ' tatnltu to the larse trm ts of undlvld- ed land In those sections, which here - tofore have belonged to private par - Men. some of thorn ownlnir as nianv ns SO.nOO acres. It Is the hope of i mld Is said to have been $35,000. would-be settlers In those parts c.f j "The land lies on Antelope creek California that these tracts will soon ( and Is known as the Ilepson and Staf be divided and sold In small sections, j ford trnrts. The new owners expect Judue Durham says the road are to stock It with rattle and horses and Ideal for autoinoblllnic around lied- ( make of It an excellent stock rancn. dltm and Rod Rluff. and they saw i for which purpose It Is well adapted." many oraiuo crovos and other fruit 'tilt on the trees I t Ol NTY TIU'.ASl IWWH NOTICE. There are funds In the county troasnrv to tmv nil nmnii tor,Ml on pr p Intet ct mm ceme from the Slt of her 19H F. rRTRKSON. 1 1 -3-3 1 County Treasurer. - Job oik nt The Courier i Vrtlnl ORGANIZE POMONA GRANGE IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY' Josephine County Pomona grange, was organized Saturday afternoon In Grants Pass with 104 members. T L. Lee," state organizer, and whose home Is In Strawberry valley, Doug las county, had charge of the organ izing of this latest body in the grange work. A Pomona or county grange acts as the legislative body for tha other grages of a county. The one organ ized Saturday Is made up from mem bers of the various granges of Jose phine county, the membership of which totals something more than 700. Officers of the Pomona grange are: E. E. Blanchard, master; H M. Gorham, overseer; Miss V. Morrison, lecturer; R. L. Tolin, steward; H. L. Thompson, assistant steward; U. B. Alverson, chaplain; R. Thomas, treas urer; H. T. Prltchard, secretary; W. J. Carlisle, gate keeper; Mrs. Gorham, Ceres; Mrs. H. M. Alverson, Pomona Mrs. W. S. Coutant, Flora; Mrs. II. M. Parham, lady assistant steward; J. W. Turvey, W. L. Babcock, P.. Thomas, executive committee. DR. IiOl GIIRIDGE RECEIVES LETTER OF APOLOGY. Dr. Loughrldge, who was "jumped on" by a revenue agent when a liquor case with stamp not erased was found in the physician's office, has received the following from Woodard Clarke & Co., . wholesale drug house at Portland, the date be ing November 29: "Dr. S. Loughrldge, Grants Pass, Ore. "My Dear Dr. Loughrldge:: Yours of the 20th to hand. Person ally and for the firm I .wish to ex press my deep chagrin and regret at the occurrence outlined In your let ter, and also one just received from Mr Norton. The writer is entirely at a loss as to how the case in ques tion could have left our hands. Our Instructions to the Bales people in our liquor department are very clear, and they fully understaand that rev enue stamps must be erased or mu tilated to prevent reuse, and that stencils must be removed from the cases to prevent embarrassment to oar customers when the cases are used for packing merchandise other than liquor. If there Is any statement that we ca.t r ake for you n txplanat on or apology covering the matter and setting out the facts of the case fully and clearly that no one could misunderstand, please command. 1 don't know what more we can say at this time. Yours very sincerely, WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. DIED SUDDENLY. "Acute Indigestion the Cause." How Often do we Rend this Head ing In Our Dally Paper. Dear reader, If your food does not digest properly, but stays In your stomach, causing much misery, short ness of breath and fermentation, you are the one that should constantly have with you a box of MI-O-XA stomach tablets. Two little MI-O-NA tablets taken at the first sign of distress would have kept many a death notice out of the papers. If you have stomach trouble of any kind, start to get rid of It today. Ono :n cent box of MI-O-XA stomach tablets will make you feel like a new man. Two weeks' treatment will make any abused, out of order stom ach strong and vigorous. Guaranteed, mind you, for Indiges tion, dizziness, biliousness, bad dreams. They clear the skin and brighten the eyes. A box for only ,"0 cents at Detnaray's and druggists everywhere. HORN. Mooney At. Grants Tnss. Ore., Sat urday, Der. 2, 1911. to Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mooney, n son. lll'Y R X( II. The Medford Mail-Tribune hss the following: "("I. A. Morse has sold 10SO acres . of laud lying southenst of Medford to ; P. D. lllnrkdeu of Ashland and a Mr Metzler of San Prnnelscn ' Th nni j nrsiXKss pointers Dr. Flanagn, ' Physician and Surgeon. JR. Peterson. rionerInsuranceMn Retail Remedies at Clemens. ; dnms. Diamonds and watches sold on th Instalment plan to responsible par ities at Letcher's Jewelry store, i Alfred Letcher. Registered Onto- j-netrlst and Jeweler In Dixon's old .tsnd. Front t Ryes tested fre. der gives 25 per, cent, more light. Globe-plate keeps wind from striking flame. And the Prisco" has many more mignty gooa poiats you don't get in any other lantern. Want to see a " Prisco T" Ronue River Hardware Go. THE BIO Los Angeles Excursion Leaves Medford Oregon on December 29th $35.00 RouadJriP j $35.00 Stopovers In either direction will he allowed at pleas ure of passenger. Good going and returning via either route from San Francisco. Join this excursion, enjoy the great treat of being In San Francisco New Year's eve. See the points of Interest In and about San Francisco, Golden Gate park, Cliff house, United States mint, Angel Island, Pan American exposition site. Visit Berkeley, Alameda and Oakland, then journey southward, visiting Stanford university, Palo Alto, San Jose, Lick observatory, Del Monte, Santa Cruz, Paso Robles, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. From the latter place visit Pasadena, Redlands, Venice and San Diego. See the beautiful orange groves, the ostrich farms, the floral festivals, ocean bathing In mld-wlnter; visit Catalina island, see the strange and beautiful submarine gardens from the glass-bottom boats, th flying fish, the leaping tunas; enjoy the fishing. Re turning northward, visit the oil fields around Bakersfleld, see the Immense stock ranches, the fruit belt of the San Joaquin valley Full particulars by writing, calling at or phoning the SOUTHERN PACIFIC Passenger Office '.Am J - -Ml' '."v; " y'.v. Harness and Saddlery Wo carry the heaviest line of horse goods in the city and our repair department is most complete. If you are in need of a set of harness see is. We guarantee the price and the goods. Years of fair dealing and good goods is our record. JEWELL HARDWARE GO. in mm ran We Sell The Lantern that Don't Sneeze" The "Prisco" is the only Lantern to use these dark, windy nights. The dome sheds water. The Datented flame exDan. RED FRONT 06 DENS SHASTA ROUTES 1 7Trr 7 Cf Grants Pass i!rr.". '4". V ,-MJ dome it ike mm ohice