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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1911)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER: 1, ion. I'AOK SIX WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER QUARTERLY CONFERENCE III.E. CHURCH IS OUTLINED BY RESIDENT PASTOR Rev. William R. Jeffrey pastor of the Newman Methodist Episcopal church, baB Issued the following: "The first quarterly meeting of the present conference year of the New man Methodist Episcopal church, will be as follows: Holy communion will be administered Sunday morning, December 3, at 11 o'clock. With prayer and meditation, may we all prepare our minds and hearts for this supreme sacrament of the church of Jesus Christ. "In the afternoon at 3 o'clock let there be a delightful gathering of the families of the church, together with all friends who are disposed to meet with us In love feast and class meet ing service. Have a bit of God's word fresh in your mind, that In promise, and testimony you may help Bet the feast of the King's table, where young and old alike, may partake of the heavenly viands to their great comfort and satisfaction. Come, Im portuning the Holy Spirit's help, that we all may worship God In the beauty of holiness. .."The district superintendent, Rev. R." E. Dunlap, will preach at the eve ning hour, 7:30 o'clock. Make a special effort to be present. Let God's house be filled at each service," "The quarterly conference will con vene Friday evening, December 1, at 7:30 o'clock. Remember this Is the official meeting, when carefully writ ten reports are to be presented from every organization and department of the church. VIEWS ON GOV. WEST'S ANTI-HANGING POLICY Haphazard Interviews with Grants Puss cttlzous, just as they were en countered on the street, show divided opinions regarding Governor Oswald West's anti-hanging p; : !-. The .nut ter is of peculiar Ini-rest here, due to the fact thatJUIko Morgan, slayer of John E. York, was recently found 4 I guilty of murder In the first degree by a Grants Puss Jury and sentenced by Judge F. M. Calkins to be hanged Jiinuury 5. Following are brief ex pressions of those Interviewed: J. P. Martin, member of (he Jury which convicted Morgan 1 believe a man who committed n deed like Mor gan did should be hung. Judgo James Holnian What aro we coming to? Crime Is rampant and criminals treated as decent men. Sheriff Will Smith When a man is sentenced o be hung, ho should be executed. Deputy Sheriff Eugene Coburn The governor of Oregon Is becoming lo be a Joke. L. R. Steolhammor -Not taking In to consideration the governor's legal rights in the niattor. I enn truth fully say that them's my sentiments. I do not believe In capital punish ment. Deputy Sheriff W. M. Cheshire Some men need hanging. Judge H. H. Hosier Capital pun ishment, If Justifiable at all, can only be so on thu ground that It Is neces sary to take a human life In order to protect society. E. L. Churchill I am no particular friend of Governor West, but I will say no one will ever get me on a Jury where capital punishment is Involved. W. 8. Maxwell I rather favor Gov ernor West's opinion. C. Lockett Don't think Gov. West has ti right to set aside the law. However, whe:e It Is only i Ircumstnn- tial evidence I do not believe In capi tal punishment. K. R. Lawrence Capital punish ment Is murder. We have no right to murder. If Governor West has the legal right In the matter I endorse his h( and. A. W. llutlor I do not think capl tal punishment should be abolished. J. D. Fry I do not seo on what au thorlty the governor can sot aside the 1aw.. He seemi to place himself above the constitution. C. II. Clements, city attornoy I believe the recall should be used on ft man who abuses th gubernatorial discretion in such cases. Dr. J. C. Smith I believe the gov ernor should take the guns away from tho guards at tt state prison; they are liable to hurt some of those nice criminals. T. J. Fuson As a general proposi tion, I do not bellsvs In capital pun ishment. An tiptloa should be mad In caes where men criminally aau1t womrn In the South and else where over tho unloa. Elmer 8. Shank I do not favor Let the following Etlr up our pure minds by way of rememberance: Re ports, first from the pastor, second the Sunday school superintendent, third the president of the Epwortb League, fourth superintendent Inter mediate League, fifth president Lad les' Aid society, sixth chairman of the various committees; (let each com mittee meet at the earliest opoprtun lty for the purpose of choosing a chairman, and a secretary. You will then be able to report to the first quarterly conference that you are or ganized and ready for business); sev enth president of Men's club; eighth committee on Auditing and Records. Discipline 102. "Let there be a hear'y response and full cooperation on the par. of all our people and a cordial welcomo to all our friends, w'.ch leving Impor tunity to the unsaved; and 'urther, a j special effort of Importuning love to to the worth-while, undecided child ren of our homes. Parents, bring the cnlldren with you to the Holy Com munion. Help them at this hour and time to rejoice that they have already been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, and to acknowledge Him as their personal saviour. Only eternity will reveal the Infinite worth of your effort. May we, then, as pastor and people, be of one mind and purpose In this supreme work of life to which the God of our salvation has called us. "Faithfully yours in His name. "Rev. Wm. R. Jeffrey, pastor." capital punishment, and then often there Is an execution on circumstan tial evfdence where a mistake might have been made. Capital punishment is taking a life for a life. That gains nothing for humanity. If a mistake has been made by an execution, it 1b a physical impossibility to rectify It. Isolation of the criminal can be made complete without running the risk of wrongfully destroying human life. 'UNFEELING Jl'IKJE." SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 28. Fer dinand Day, charged with highway robbery, declared he committed the crime to get local color for a maga zine story. "Guilty," said the Judge. PINniOT IWMIMS LAFOLLiai'K NEW YORK, Nov. 28. An open fight over the presidential nomina tion and New York Is expected to be oen of the battle grounds as a result of Gifford Pinchot's speech at the In surgent club. Plnchot declared that, since Roosevelt had eliminated blm self, LaFollctte was his logical suc cessor. CHILDREN INJURED. Ordinary Cathartic and Pills and Marih Fhysic Caurs Dispell ing Complaint), lou rannut be iv(r nnful In the selection of medicine frr children. Only the very geir.v. t ! . ncillelne should ever be clv:i, e.wp: !:i emer gency cases. Ordln-iry pi!' witliartlcs nnd pun::itlves arc : t j t to !, more harm than good. They may cause griping, iiiitieti nnd ether t'.I.Mre-wiiiR after-effect that are frequently luilth dcstroylng. We permally reet.nimend nnd guar antee Rexall OrderlK'i m the safest and most dependable remedy, which we know, for constipation nnd associ ate lnwel dUorders. Wo have such alv4ili:te faith In the virtue of this remedy that v, sell It on our guar antee of money back In every Instance where It falls to give iitlro satisfac tion, and we urge all In need of such medicine to try It at our risk. Itexall Orderlies are eaten Just like candy, are particularly prompt and agreeable In action, may bo taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive loosenwM, or other nndeslrnble effects. They hT a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come In contact, apparently set In? as a regulative tonic upon the re ined muscular oat of the bowel, thtu overcomlnir wenkneM, and siding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy actlvltv. Itexall Orderllr commonly complete, ly rollo couNtlpntlon, cieept of course whiMi of a surgl'sl character. They tend to overcome the necea alty of constantly taking laxative to keep the bowels In normal condi tion. Three sites of packages, 0 cents. 25 cent, and JiO ceuta. Remem ber, you t-au obtain Reall Remedies only at our store The Retail Store. Clemens sells drugs, Gust Carner made a buslnres trip to Portland Saturday evening, where hs will spend severil days. (nrtrrinip uiu merMTrnc KCYCnUL HAH LA3 WHISKEY BOX IN OFFICE i A most "lovely sensation," yum! yum! was sprung on the town last night when rumors went flying fast that Dr. S. Loughrldge had been gobbled up by a United States inter nal revenue officer, who accused the "Red Crosse knight," apologies to Spenser) of receiving cases of whisky into his office from Portland and at the same time having no gov ernment license to sell liquor. A Courier representative met the physi cian and said: "Good morning, Dr. Loughrldge, how about It?" ' "Haw-haw" and the aforesaid doctor laughed a loud and long Sut Lovingood laugh and said: "Well, you Just tell 'em that I am still In Grants Pass. Yes, I was threatened with hair-raising threats and now I am going to make some other peo ple's hair stand on end. A man rep resenting himself as a government revenue officer stormed into my of fice yesterday and in the presence of my patients accused me of receiving whiskey in cases and not having a government license to sell liquor. " 'What are you talking about any way?' I asked the blustering sleuth. He then pointed to a box which was labled 'Whiskey' and 'Bottled in Bond,' etc. " 'That box was shipped to me from a wholesale drug house In Port land and contained drugs,' I told the disturber. "Then he said to me: 'That box was shipped to you from Portland November 14 and Is labeled whiskey.' " 'Yes, It was shipped to me on November 14 and It contained drugs,' I replied. And then I ot the bill, dated November 14 and showed It to the sleuth and told him that If there was anything else he wanted to see In my office, to Just pry In. " 'The revenue stamp on that box is not erased or scratched,' said the government man. ' . " 'That's none of my business, 1 replied, and continued: If that drug firm sends me drugs In a whiskey case and does not scratch the labeF, then that's their funeral.' " 'Well, it's, a violation of the law to use this box for other stuff than liquor 60 long as the stamp is Intact, and I shall go after the drug firm,' said he. "Then I told him something and It was this, that he had come into my office In the presence of friends aud patients of mine mid made a big 'hol ler,' and that If he thought he had a caso against nie, Just turn his wolf loose and 1 would be present when the fur began to fly. But the man came down from his high perch and then proposed -yes sir, actually pro posed to me, he did that I take out n government license to Bell liquor. I told him I had no use for his gov ernment license, thta I was not in the whiskey business. Yes sir, I did. did. "Now, I have placed the case in the hands of Attorney H. D. Norton with instructions that Mr. Norton bring suit for damages against that Port land drug house for shipping drugs to me in a whiskey case,, causing n revenue agent to storm around my office, humiliate me and cause gos sip to run riot over the town. Why, this morning when I came down the street some people lookedaskance at me, yes they did, as If I had been possessed of hoofs and horns and a forked tall. "I am going to make those Port land fellows sweat, I am. yes sir I am." I'XCEASIXG MISERY Grants Pass Kidney Sufferers Get Little Rest or Comfort There Is little sleep, little rest, lit tle peace for the sufferer from kid ney trouble. Life Is one continual round of pain. You can't rest at eight with a bad back, with twinges and "stabs" of pain, with annoying urinary disorders, backaches, lams ness and nervousness. You can't be comfortable at work with darting pains and blinding dlziy spells. Neglect these ailments and serious troubles follow. Begin using Doan's Kidney Fills at th flrirt aim nf At.. order. You will work better as ths Kidneys get better, rest better as your back arOWS atrnnrr nnnli Pass readers will find convincing i'nn.i m me louowing testimony: John McCalllster, of Murphy, Oregon, jays: "For about a yesr I was afflicted with kidney complaint. My back was very painful, partic ularly when I stooped and ached so severely that I could not sleep wall. om or any kind tired me, and I was languid and nervous. The kid ney secretions passed too frequent ly at night and I noticed much sedi ment In them. Some time ago I began using Doan's Kidney pun snd they gave me prompt relief." For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents Foster-Mtlbnrn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's snd take no other. GARAGE CHANGES HANDS. With Thursday, November 30, the management of the Fashion gar age again changes from C. B. Clem ent to Tetherow and Taylor, Mr. Clement having given up his lease on the big garage and machine Bhop to again become a knight of the grip, taking the Oregon management of the Goodyear Rubber Co. business In this state. J. M. Tetherow and W. E. Taylor, who on and after December 1' will have charge of the destinies of the garage, are the owners of the build ing and have been in the business be fore. When seen this morning Mr. Tetherow said: "This Is the last time the Fashion garage will be leased. We have had enough changes. Mr. Taylor and my self intend to run it in future. We intend putting in a big line of sup plies and In the machine shop we will make some changes. We have em ployed as good workmen for the Bhop as money will get and from now on this garage will be run right and we will expect to see our old friends back again with us. "There Isn't any better building or garage equipment in this part of the state than ours and we propose to make the business what it should be." WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 Com positors In the government printing oflce are taking it easy today in set ing up President Taft's tarlffless message to congress, only 6000 words in length, which Is one of the shortest annual messages in reecnt years. President Taft announced that he would deal with the tariff later in a special message. By United Press leased Wire. mm '.'' TV. 2-.?f-'V.if.,v, v. :;-f ttsfW THERES NOUNCEM1 1VliNIY about COHMUNITy SILVER. ft: becauss it is made only u it Jj one grade the best. g Its value is as fixed at Sterling. In buying it every dollar spent becomes a sure investment. Rope Rim Hdw. Co. "Diamond Quail;" Selected, Ke-Cleaned Sb4 SEED flATS wni wif UUT fft MATURINQ HEAVY YIELDING"; Tt r.ll rlantli "Shadelar Challenge iMtWnlUSId Cray Winter r Mt ffty 01 lUck KviiUn Mum Strty Twt Spring PUatio "Shadeland Climax" IsrllMt, Moit Prolifio, Lsrgni ..4 JS"""' K" Orow.'prl... Ug 100 buiuali jr sort on dry hill Una T! 'a' 'AeaeU.r; (fc .I,.,, -(rJf rrrtUn4$tUrt. Jvi ,r . Um o Write for S.mpL, DJ AJi fC.uW Nfc A 67 PORTLAND 8EED CO. 0T"-1,gitlQli wourmriqraverMnwitSg; wmmmms& A ' ..J ;':V-.i--'S; it IN THE MINI '" V INTHgneii) WM AT PL.W - V & AT THE CANAL 7 For The Mm SPECIAL To close out pure "Illinois" Alum inum cooking utensils 20 per cent discount. See the window. HALL'S ART STORE Oreg'on Grown Fruit Trees Having made arrangements with one of the most reliable and best known Nurseries of Oregon, I am able to furnish all stand ard varieties of fruit trees for planting. This stock is all grown on whole roots, and is guaranteed to be perfect aa to kind and condition. I have some samples of stock to show you what you buy. These are Borne of the prices, and other varieties corres pondingly as cheap: Apples 3 to 4 feet lllc. Apples 4 to C feet 13o. Pears 3 to 4 feet 20c. Pears 4 to 0 fet 25c 1 M AMiCii f MB. OARVEB: You won't mind carving that bird if yon hare a earr ing knife that will "cam." MRS. CARVER: You'll be glad to have your friends dine with you if you have new knives, forks and spoons for the table. Come and see ours. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOP. JOB PRINTING NEATH DONE AT THE COURIER OfflM Festival Won't you need some new China ware? We have the dan diest sets of China you could find every imaginable dish, from the butter flat to the large platter. Separate pieces or in sets. Come look us over. we have seme excellent suggestions for holiday gift-giving. JOHN A. DALE Office in Conklln Bldg.