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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1911)
i - KIi&Wim-m SEVEN BOYS ACCUSED-J f7ZZI3 jrsuafe and Chastizers Thejdnds that give ihe .sging sensati on Whips look very much alike on the outside, and only an expert can make a good selection in this line. We assure you that we have made that selection, and when we sell you a whip for 25c, 50c, $1.00 or $2.00, you get the best to be had for the price. Your drives will be comfort able and a pleasure if you invest a few dollars in one of our Lap Robes $3.00 to $7.00 Automobile Robes $7.50 to $10 Rain Covers for the horse $3 to $5. Stable Blankets $2 to $5. We are specialists in fine harness and leather goods. Grants Pass Hardware Co. J NATIONAL FLOWER UP AGAIN. Clubwomen Wi!l Ask Congress to Se lect ths Mountain Laurel. The National federation of Women's . Clulm has divided i Lin I the l.'nlted . States has (ioif too limy without n national flower, nud clubwomen of j the country hnve been tked to slcn a petition nl;lnB conjri'Mx to Meet the momitnln bmrol When f!ii' nt etiieiit tins Imm'd tn dorsed I tv t!;e i-lt'bx t'n federntlon i will appoint it I'uniMilttee to present I the petli'nn roiiiTe-i"' ihkI vork for ! the pnnfiie of nn net ! The nioi'"T In m tirt l n i,msill flow ! er contain!::;; the nil nnd white colors j of the t'nl'ed Suites flmr nnd unfold Injr Id almost h perfect stnr ' To Rebuild Historic Church. Christ chutvh. Itoston. from the steeple of which were him? the Uphts which nent I'nnl Revere on tils ride through Middlesex, is to he closed to the public for u year while the edlhVe la being rebuilt nud made fireproof. The danger of tbe old church' being destroyed by fire has been present for years. DR. SUN YAT SEN. Leading Spirit of the Chinese Rising Against Manchus. GRASS BANKS FOR CANAL 8everal Thousand Pounds of 8sd Sent to Panama For the Experiment. By tbe time tbe Panama canal Is opened the hlp may snll through terraced green lawn lutead of the bar yellow earth slope dow In evi dence. sy Tero Today. The rwioo Is not altoKetber an aesthetic one. It Is believed that feeding tbe slop lnf tide of the cantl through the cuts with strong graaa may prevent the slide now so frequent sod will re doc th wearing down by the tropical rains. II. Plttler, so firH-rt botanist froai th 8mltltnlan Institution, has charg of so attempt to test ;thls the ory, for whr-n purjwse tbe agricul tural department at Washington has sent down aeve-nl thousand pounds of grass seed Even tbon-b It be Irapots'M to .revent entirely tbf occB1onl Ml Hides. It seems nlmnat certain that this measure will rnlt In s great saving by holding tbe ground from starting icept nnder grent pressure and by re ducing tbe erosion whleb brings da a tremendous amouut of earth In ihe course of the rear. Lm.' i How to Make Thanksgiving Plsee Cards Tiny paper pumpkins make attrac tive place cardn, or. If one la skilled In the use of wnter colon, clever ones may be made from water color board decorated with frulta or flowers. Tiny canoe of blrcb bark to hold tbo bun tonnlero make acceptable sourenlrs. If one bo not the time or talent to make place card favors very clever lit tle papier mache bonbon boxes msy be bought, representing rt.sst turkey, mince pie. pumpkin or other design appropriate to tbe season. Tiny wlah tunes polished with sandpaper and tied to a card are very sauaiscrory and suggest the kindly thought of the bostes. m Hew te Ceok CHee tUak. 1 Take an ordlnury piece of round tteak an Inrh r more in thickness land with s hrp knife rut lightly both side set. tbe fiber a half Inch apart d-edi: ltD flour "nJ try in bacon fat nd butter Wbeu browned on tvitb side cover with hot : wl,ter Simmer eentlr for a half hour In n thlitlv . orrr-d frying pat. I'lae ('. tner-t 'on n P'r fl,mt 10 make ii tbl k grsvr and I sir over the meat Three business houses In Grants Pass were entered sometime between Friday night and Sunday morning and money and goods stolen. The stores looted were George S Calhoun & Co., Grants Pass Hard ware Co. and W. T. Goodman's store on lower Sixth street. In the juvenile court this morning seven boys, whose ages range from 8 years to 17 years, were acquitted by a jury of five citizens. The case and Us results caused much comment and as a consequence of the acquittals George S. Calhoun wrote the following to the Courier: To the Editor of the Courlor: Sir: I have just learned that the boys arrested by the officers and charged with robbing the Grants Pass Hardware Company's store and also W. T. Goodman's place of busi ness, were acqulted by a jury this morning in the Juvenile court. I am also informed by Chief of Police McLane that the boys con fessed to the crime, and told where the money was burled, and upon in vestlgatlon six dollars were found, and that the revolvers were recov ered and other plunder; that upon being taken Into the Juvenile, court the Judge ordered a Jury trial upon his own motion, and that the defend ants or plaintiff did not ask for one. One boy was given his freedom up on turning states evidence, but in stead of assisting the state he cutely shouldered all the blame, and left the others to be accessories after the fact, which resulted in the acquittal of all. If the amount of evidence as was porduced before the trial was not enough to convict, especially, the other boys, why should we Insist that such boys be arrested, and why a jury trial, and why should the of ficers search diligently to run the culprits in and then be thrown down under the pretense of not enough evidence? Certainly In this Instance the chlel of police and other officers who worked up the cases were thoroughly diligent. Last Saturday night my store was plundered and robbed by some one breaking in the window, uuder simi lar circumstances as the other stores that were entered. If these boys confessed as stated by Chief of Police McLane, then surely Justice has not been done. I have understood some, If not all of these boys were out on parole. I am not a believer In Governor West's system of paroling and as a taxpayer of Josephine county, I believe the law should have meted out punish ment in this case, especially since It Is common talk that the laws are not being enforced and that the officers are not doing their duty. A farewell party was given In nonor of Miss Putnam November 25 and the evening was spent in nlav In "Flinch" until midnight when tight refreshments were served. Mr. McCal lister was at the Pass on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fldler and Mrs. Wy- ant were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Langworthy Sunday. J. O. Gibson of the Gibson Grocery Co., of Grants Pass and family passed through our burg Sunday eve ning In their auto. Lewis Mitchell and Jene Hayes of Murphy were 6een on our streets Sunday. Mrs. Leith and daughter Miss Annabelle of Murphy were the' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Putnam Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Dora Perry and children and Miss Ainsworth of Murphy attended Sunday school here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Coe of th Pass were In our burg Sunday. WfLMAMS ITEMS nonx. In Giants Pass, November 24, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mans field, a daughter, weight ten pounds. Clarified ads. work wonders. Riley Davis who has been trapping In our country has gone. back to the Illinois valley. ' Miss Florence Sparlln visited her friend Miss Lizzie Lemson over Sun day evening. Horace Blbby and Marvin Abbott are back from Ashland where they have been working. They will stay on the cresk this winter. The Methodist churchgoers Sunday were treated to a very fine exposition of the Bible by Rev. Mr. Ragon. Meth odist minister at Williams where he preached his Thanksgiving sermon. Before reading his text and starting his sermon, he gave a very Interesting talk on. the origin of Thanksgiving day. He desires to conduct a series of lectures on the Bible this winter. Should this opportunity be afforded the people, no doubt many would come out, oh occasions for learning In such a book as the Bible nre not to be passed up. Miss Helen Blbby will depart for Portland Tuesday where she will be employed as stenographer In an office. In response to some Invitations, about 25 favored ones gathered at the homo of Miss Llzzlo Lemons on lust Wednesday eve. Cards and games comprised the amusements, after which a fine supper was served. Every one present voted Miss Lizzie, queen of hostesses. Mr. Bacon, a former reuldent of New Hope has moved his family to j upper Williams where ho has Btartod his children to school under O. F. Thompson. They will have the advan tage here of six months more school. Miss Sadie Pence went to Merlin Saturday where she will stay with hor slater Mrs. Arthur Husey. After driving up to the fields with her husband's and father's dinner Mrs. Mooin had a painful accident on the way back. While driving across the ditch above her place at a good pace the king-bolt came out of the hack. The horse Immediately sprang forward with the front wheels while Mrs. Muomu'was dragged over O Absolutely Puro Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs ; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar the dash board, falling on her shoul der. She was very fortunate in get ting off with but a few bruises. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Thomas F. Ryan, who in 1906 purchased rich concessions in African Congo from King Leopold of Belgium, is await ing the first fruits of his investment of millions there today In the deliv ering to him of the 240 cut diamonds from the New York customs house. Ryan has kept a large corps of en gineers busy In Congo five years past searching for gold, silver and copper mines. Ruber was another big at traction which led to the expenditure of the Ryan' funds, Doth have been barren of returns to date, and dia monds, from which he expected noth ing, are the only fruits of Ryan's Investment. FIRE ENGINE EXPERT HERE Arthur Pymton, export for th Amerlcan-LaFrance company of El nilra, New York, is here to try out the new auto fire engine recently purchased by the city, and today "fired up" the apparatus, took Mayor Myers on as a passenger, and caused much Interost when he turned the red devil down Sixth street. . The company expert will be her about two weeks, and will give the machine a thorough trUl, at the sam time testing the eftlcloncy of th ap plicants who are candidates for the two Jobs at the fire house. He will also Instruct members of the fire de partment In practical fir flghtins; and the use of the apparatus. The machine will be accepted by the city when all la satisfactory. American Fence Combine the Fence and the Hog and gtl ru.cBoiiu-5 AmcricanDoHars Rogue River Hardware Co. IlKi HDD 1 KONT , fl-ifll ' QLliiiiii; L 1 1 illy--" V" A Warm Bathroom Perfection Every mother should be 'careful that the children take their baths in a warm room. The chill of a cold room it dangerous after com ing out of the hot water. A Perfection Smoieiesa 08 Htr brings bathroom er bedroom to just th degree of warmth you want in fn or ten minutes. AO trou have to do it to touch a match. Th Perfection Heater bums nine hours on on hiling and it always ready for use. You can dot it anywhere it it needed. There it do waste of fuel tad beat warming unoccupied rooms. Just th heat you want, when and where you want it. The Perfection it fitted with an utonubolotaini flame spreader that prevents th wick being turned high enough to smoke and is easy to remove and drop back when cleaning. Dnmt initlioJ eilMt is turquoaa-klue saaasl of pla ateel tight tad na. aortal. ft atntf sad darabU - waubU h any toem as aajr Koum. DwUnrarrvWmi m wis I Mr is r d Sm Standard Oil Company (tocnrf ta4) TrlOtJlTlON OF ",- "" T- in wiiwssisiMntwiJ The foundation of every success, business or profes sional, is money. Save your money and a good OPPOR. TTJNITY for you to make a profitable business invest ment will surely come. Begin saving and KEEP ON saving, and you will get ahead. There is no other way to do so. Hake OtJE Bank YOTJB Bank We pay liberal interwt consistent with safety. Josephine County Bank GRANTS PASS, OREGON.