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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1911)
paob coot WE3kT KOOTa WYES OWNS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER t, ltll. ' " r ..: si r' f 1 r: Y . ...i f fed u siPal 4 CTT3 Tl mi i . When Buying a Range Is Wmt It mt When Buying a 'MONARCH" You Buy the Best Seel Range That's Built Regardless of Its Cost. RANGE BUYERS! Know what you are buying. Put aside all pre j udice. Get down to the PLAIN PACTS of Range Construction and then decide if you want a Range made of Brittle Material mounted with Stove Bolts plastered with Stove Putty, or one with its seams Rivited air tight Solid Permanent. It's the Air-tight Construc tion of the Monarch Malleable Range that makes it use less fuel than . others. It's the saving in fuel that accounts for the fact that a LOOK FOll THIS Vl t(VCVr n T THE TRADE TRADEMARK C) l v3 UMO vL wi (v ' MARK IS VOIR IT MEANS Vi ) I M filARANTEK IblSuyS&tlsfactoiy'lialrii Actfally rays F of Itself IN REAL HARD CASH ,1 i Its Dunlex Grate burns either wood or ma I lArtra ash nan with 011 id a fnr aoViaci All aayo are carefully ground and fitted in place perfectly tight. All key plates are interchangeable. Oven bottom is made from cold-rolled steel. Con never warp or buckle. The MONARCH is built of the finest Wdlsville Planished steel. Has double wail s of steel, lined with asbestos, which keeps the neat in and around the oven. Has duplex draft w hich puts the draft where you want it, as well as the current of fyeat. The MONARCH represents the very highest type of steel range construction. It is superior in convenience; ease of operation; e conomy of fuel, long life and durability, and beau tiful in ornamentation; ' ,'l '; "i-fVW You CAN'T AFFORD To Uae Your Worthless Stove--Ifs BURNING MONEY ! M,nT7r With $10.00 down delivers this range ' to you. Sell the old one to the junk i man, take what he gives you to make H your first payment; the Monarch will aave you the balance and last a life time. no k i Do not overlook our specialties in harness mauufac ture. Manager liloreland, of this li (lepartmont, turning out as handsome a line of harness as seen in Southern Oregon. Grants Pass Hardware The Leading Hardware and Harness Store Company M WllJilAMS. Th Ult &hlb? aui CoU uiul C. P. wr In tlenJnuri at tb tfcu-ltvri' luittltut t MihKoi J Huui William. 1 Fruk llitii li dully luullng bay lu towa ntir b lu o!U It to Mr. Ouuuti. uiMiiuior of tbu Haw fJ tor. 1 Jvffiriou l'ui- took unutbvr load of potaton to town where h ob tuliid ' good figure for them. Friday tvantna; a box aortal ai beld at Utilise hull at Wtlllami. With a Mr crowd and groat rivalry an to tht box of tha fair onoi, tb tttuina wrr moxt iratirylni In a fluanclal way. , ' Dalil Vlnyard and aon, Victor, apont Tuvaday ntibt Id Uranta Tana ' Wltk lb xtaptlou of tba atl ork, tha labor on tba bridge acroaa Wllllama rrek la nearly completed, ltowefer, abould the workmen not lr nble to got tbo alnitmonts In lilare for a time, a fresbet would ud do tbe good work of Carter David voo, tbe lupervteor. Haate ta needed now on tbe vtel bridge, before tbe winter ralna begin. A Hallowe'en parly was gWen at the home of Mies Hlbby, of William, on Monday evening. AH tbe young nronle of tbe anrroundlog country were In attendance and a fine time wae m Joyed by eteryone, MUa Hlbby proved hereelf a delightful hot'ena to the gratlftcatlon o' overy v t e present. John ?iarlln and Kdward Cox are enjoying a bunt on the bead of Monger creek. They Intend to atay In tba wooka until bunting aeason ta ended. S. Moomo waa a Tlctlm of a pain ful accident Monday while artlrfint a bog. After be bad abot tbe ani mal, and In tbe abaenc of any help, he attempted to do tba acalding alone, but In w) doing, aUpped and fell, thereby getting hia feet into tho boiling water. He waa quick In tak lug them out, tut oevertbeleea bis feet were a mm of bllatert In two mlnutei. Hla wife bound tbe burna. Notwlthatandlng tbe fact that he suffered much pain, he drort to town and back tbe next day, getting hla wound dreaaed and aelltng hla hog. Mr. and Mr. Frank Bryant tre to engage in the dairy buatneea. They bv purchaaed a new cream can and "mean bnalneea." ..uv -L.L1. -V FHU1TDALH. Mrs. Kmma Heyer hue taken a pos ition as atenograpber In O. S. Dlan chard ltiw office in Grant I'a. Mr. and Mr. Ivans have been tbe guest at tbe Jerry By water home tbla week. Alonxo Jone spent several daya In Grants Pass lust week,' with hi father, who baa been erlonly 111, but Is now Improving. "' Mr. and Mr. W. C. Lockctt of Grant Pus weie guet at the Hef- ley borne laat Saturday evening. Mr. and Mr. Oliver Messlnger and their guest. Dr. and Mr Hayes, of Victor, Colo., and Mr. C. Q. Coutant. were Prultdale cnller Thursday. Cltlien of this community are be coming exasperated at the common practice of" dumping rubbish on the Frultdale road. The' perpetrators are requested to desist, In preference of being hung on the most conven ient telephone pole. , . Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hefley delight fully entertained their Frultdale friends Saturday evening, in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Glasaer, of Alaska. The evening passed quickly with cards and dancing as the principal forms of amusement, followed by' a two course luncheon, for which Mrs. Hefley Is famous In this neighborhood. , The Hallowe'en social at Oranga hall Tuesday evening was a success financially and socially. The hall was' beautifully decorated with aut umnal faliage, lanters, black cats, witches and other Hallowe'en sym bols. A short but excellent program was given and the various commit tees succeeded In making everyone hare a good time. "Mazda" electric lamp. Save half the expense and double the light. 25 and 40 watt sizes,' at Cramer Bros. PALMER CREEK NINE TO HAVE BIG MILL The directors and stockholders of the Palmer Creek Gold Mines, Inc., a Medford corporation, has decided to build a combined free gold ana cyanide mill on their property on Palmer creek, a tributary of the Big Applegate in the southwest corner of. Jackson county. This Is In the Im mediate vicinity of the noted "Steamboat Mine." Developments on this property has exposed a large deposit of high grade ore in the form of small particles of quartz and slate, mixed with a large amount of clay and decomposed vein matter. This deposit is all on the surface and it la estimated that there is enough' of It to keep a plant of 100 tons capacity busy for several years. Tests on the ore demonstrated that 95 per cent of the values can be saved and at an expense of not over 65 cents per ton for mining and mill Ing. There are also several fine veins of quartz on the claims which show good values. Cinnabar In paying quantities has alBO been discovered. The company expects to finance the enterprise during tbe winter by the sale of a block of Its treasury stock, and complete preparations for erecting its plant in the early spring, or as soon as the roads are in condition for transporting machin ery. The tests were made by tbe Call, fornla Ore' Testing Company of San Francisco and by Earl V. Ingels of Grants Pass and the ore was pro nounced Ideal cyanldlng ore. The company owns and controls 24 full claims. The ground embraced In these claims in covered by a heavy Krowfh of timber and there Is' plenty of water for power and mill pur poses. R. A. Kinleyside Is the president, R. L. McBride is vice-president, ,T. R. Whitmtre is secretary and treasurer, while F. G. Andrews and J. M. Fisher mnke up the remainder of the directory. ceiifXaL' fhshes ' ON CCARTEES At a meeting of .the. city council! Thursday evening the voluminous mass of manuscript embracing tbe two proposed city charters was read for the third and last time, and now't goes to the printer to be put In nam- pbiet form, and will then be mailea out by City Auditor Opdycke to all voters of the city who have regis tered. . ; One of the proposed instrument 1b a commission form of government, ' the other la the present city charter In amended form. Voters must reject or accept tba commission form in toto, it cannot be amended. . Regarding the amend-! ed charter, each amendment can be voted on separately, and any amend ment may be accepted or rejected, or . the entire Instrument rejected. Thus the voters of the city have the pow er to kill both Instruments, to accept a portion of the amended charter, or to accept tbe commission form. Judges and clerks for the election. the date of which Is the first Mon- day in December, were named last night, and are as follows: First ward Judges, J. B. Pad-' dock, B. A. Blanchard, R. D. Cole; clerks, Tom Galvin, L. C Lucas. Second ward Judges,. John Pat rick, C. H. Garber, William Atchi son; clerks, Edward VanDyke, D. L.i Woodruff. Third ward Judges, Peter Grav-! Un, A. D. Mascal, Samuel Howlett, ! clerks, T. T. Dean, W. E, Dean. Fourth ward Judges, B. A. Wil liams, E. A. Wade, Holljs Nutt; clerks, Herman Young, John Kings.1 bury. Have you seen that SO-cent bar gain window In all white enameled war at Cramer Bros. NEW SCHOOL STRICT AGANIZED IN COUNTY The high school presents Senator Gore, Friday, Nevember 3, at the opera bouse as the first number of the' entertainment course. Single admission and course tickets on sale at RuBsell's; Tuesday, October 31. J. C. Jones, of Sucker creek, came into Grants Pass Tuesday on a mis sion to secure a new school district in his part of the county. After pre liminary work had been done, he, with his neighbor, Jack Foulk, went before tbe county court Wednesday and that body, after careful exam ination, ' granted tbe request for a district and the number 56 was given to It. " The next move will be the call ing of a meeting to elect officers and this is to be done within the next ten days, after which the question of a location for a schoolhouse will come up. . The people of the new district are to be congratulated on their enter prise and good fortune in securing additional facilities for the famlllet located within that section. Success to district number 56. Have flowers for Christmas from Chinese lilies and paper white nar cissus. Large full bulbs, sure bloom, ers, at Cramer Bros. Free public lecture on Christian Science by Virgil 0. Strickler, C. S.; a member of tbe board of lecture ship of the The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., In Grants Pass opera house, Monday evening, Nov. 6, at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited. Remember to place your order for rose bushes now at Cramer Bros. 5? 's FACE THE MONEY QUESTION in a sensible fashion. If it was worth working for it is worth guarding in the best possible manner. DEPOSIT IT IN THE GRANTS PASS BANKING & TRUST COMPANY and its safety is assured. Not alone is it beyond the roach of thieves, fire, rats, etc., it is safe from loss in transmission, because you send a check instead of the cash. It is safe from your own desire to spend, for you won't spend for 'trifles what you have to draw a check for. Grants Paos Banking & Trust Co GRANTS PAM. ORJDGOM.