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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1911)
I'll 1 UJ L .. '.. L ,! , t , 4vxltitxdes of eager customers are hmrryirig' to tHis remarkable sale, which grows in mag 1 nitude day by day. Yesterday, the opening day, saw hundreds of. our satisfied friends carrying' away bargains. Get into line and prove our every assertion. s s w w W W 3 it t i Suit Cases 1 '-' ZJ An absolutely all leather suit cae, 24x26 inch size, .-old r.--ularfor $5.00 Q Special 00."5 J Ioz. 21 inch Matting suit :t-.- n.-vtr iM for 1.- than S3 Special $Z.UU The GOLDEN RULE STORE is making a big noise that's going to be heard throughout Josephine and neighboring counties for the next ten days. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE AND PftlCE CONCESSIONS IN EACH BIG DEPARTMENT. We'quote but a few prices here. If you want bargains if you care about saving money, hurry to the store that always gives them when it says so. This is the time to stock up on winter goods at sacrifice prices. Our entire big line of trunks specially priced at $4.50, $3.00, $5.50, $6.00, $6.75, $7.50, $10.00, $11.00 and. $l2.5fi. These include the teheet iron and canvas cover ed trunks, all sizes. If you need a trunk it will pay you to look at these. TRUNKS r..:--?j: 1C t'.r. i-r-i a thin.; fur ,ol 2C 1'!'- Thimb!' n;; at a bis f'abinet Hair lns ...... ." Iiip. this is a i;im1 buy c A koo'J hair nt. all cilfr:-: i ojiio in s''al'd . Cube pins, all colors Men's Iinr-n collars, all sifB; like finding th-m in"s cotton gloves S foliar buttons 4C 5 2' boits of 10c crash: this Is a good one. and Is full bleached; worth more money 20 dozen men's fancy liordred handker- 1; i ; iii'sc art a;i cfiLiunal value; i 1 worth tc One Grosss 144-1 50c Apron? Ladies' Hound Aprons, made of fine lawn, imitation hand em broidery, e.scolojH-d edges large tie strings, special... 0C Extra Special a 25c apron for 1 0c. Vou could not huy the material at the price we sell you the finish ed apron for. Special for this Sale.; (C Special Petticoats 75c -Values 48c Black Petticoats we start to sell them Thursday morning and as long as this lot of 36 last, each .'. Mm wmm 48c Special Ladies' Sweaters $1.00 Lrdies Sweaters, good warm garment, in gray only sizes 34 to 42, just 39 of these, to start them along, each OXC Rugs at Closing Prices Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Department COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS and DRESSES. $3,000.00 WORTH OF READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL AT A SAVING OF" FROM 20 TO 40 PER CENT. RIGHT IN THE MIDST OF THE SEASON WE START THIS SALE BECAUSE THIS FINE SOUTH ERN OREGON WEATHER FORCES US TO DO IT. WE ARE OVER STOCKED IN THIS DEPARTMENT AND OUR MOTTO IS TO GET RID OF THESE FURNISHINGS. THE PRICES FOR WHICH WE ARE GOING TO SELL THEM WILL MAKE THEM MOVE IN A HURRY. A SLIGHT CHARGE WILL BE MADE WHERE ALTERA TIONS ARE NEEDED. . SILK DRESSES. Every dress in the house will be lowered in price. Some beautiful gowns for evening at ridiculously low prices. They will certainly sell at once? $18.00 silk dresses for $12.50. . .Six of them are handsomely braided and are made from a nice quality of soft taffeta, many stores would ask $20 for; at LADIES' SUITS. 106 Ladies' suits in this sale -Note the prices: $33.00 and $35.00 suits. 7. . .$27.00 $28.00 and $30.00 suits $23.50 $25.00 and $26.50 suits $20.00 $20.00 and $22.50 suits $16.75 $16.50 and $18.00 suits $14.25 EXTRA SPECIAL. ' IS Ladies' suits, worth up to ib.50. If your size is in the lot, get it at SKIRTS. Skirts worth up to $10. Special each. -50 Ladies' skirts in black, brown, navy and fancies. This lot of skirts is "by far the best values we $12.00 $9.85 $5.50 10 Ladies' Caricul plush coats; sold in most stores at CQ $12.50 to $15; special $V.O CHILDREN'S COATS. 23 children's coats in ages 8, 10 and 12 years; in plush, Irish Frieze and mannish mixtures. If the girl needs a coat and the size is here, it will certainly pay you to look these over. Prices up CI QQ from ipl.yo 43 little fellows' coats' in sizes 3, 4 and 5 pears, at one-half price. 10 dozen Ladies' ribbed vests and pants; per garment, OC special price 67 Ladies' coats in this sale at prices that should sell the entire lot the first day. $25.00 coats, -special 19.85 $23.50 coats, special $18.75 -moo and $22.00 coats, spl. .$16.50 . 9 Ladies' black Kersey coats, cut full 54 inches long; nicely tail ored and good values at $7.50; in this sale the price will be special as long as they last dC AC Each .. ' PJ.1J 7 Ladies' all-wool fancy mix ture - coats, beautiful garments; If yoT- slar is lr 21 dozen celluloid hair pins. These are a bar gain and sold every-: hre for l"c; per .'. I ". vlo'n M-ns all-silk f"iri!-h:ti.! t; : . - r . . i' r . T ..c i.'l !!!.' -. -- ii i r..." patf erris"so good, have every reason believe every one rugs will go before week. $22.00 Uu at $17.75 h f $10.70 Kugs at $15.00 k((ij $10 .00 Kug at $13. 1U union art fMjuare sizes 12; worth HI our r Towels and Table Linen With Thanksgiving less than one month away, you should avail yourself of this excep tional opportunity to purchase Table Lineds at these greatly reduced prices. 32 yards of extra heavy all pure linen, 72 inches wide, beautiful pattern, regularly sold for $1.48, spec- ial, per yard Jj) j Table Napkins to match Hhe above in 20x22 size, for this sale, doz... j)075 Here is another pure linen cloth, well bleached, a good value at 75c. Special Q for this sale per ya.d 5oC Mercerized table linens, selling regularly at 3'3c. Special per yd .. 25C i Towel Bargains 350 yards unbleached union linen crash, 18 inches wide. Red border.,- ' Special per yard yQ 350 yards Barnsley's bleached all pure linen crash. Red and blue border. Regular 12 J-2c toweling. Special. price per yd 1 UC 25 doz buck towels, bleached, size 18x36, worth 15c, special price, each iUC 50 doz bleaobed Turkish towela : -If r " " you ati neeunig ia . ai, . we surely can please you and save you money. 10 doz. Napkins?, abso lutely all pure linen; si so 18x18; special ipi-lrt Other big bargains in Napkins at ant up. White cotton tape, per roll Paper of pins .. Card pearl worth 5c. buttons Wooden button moulds, all sizes D. M. C. embroidery cotton 5c Kid Curlers 1 pair corset strings.... 1 pair tubular shoe laces 1 : 5c bottle of petroleum Jelly Roman Silk Floss, pr skein; this is a good buy Invisible 'hair pins, pr box JLI. 10c value lace; per yd. Men's large size red ana blue handker chiefs, splendid value pound cotton ' bat ting Good bleached muslin, 3-4 width 1 gross of good tooth brushes, easily worth 15c 6 Good born metal back combs, 7 Misses' black hose; all' sizes Child's-Knit Waists; a regular 15c-value Men's hose supporters, a good buy in g of j All Kinds $a t.f: ;: " Pillow tubing, sheeting, M--' 1 i V' V reiuly-made pillow cases Bedd YOU WILL A0T HAD TIRVCD T0CK Of GOODS BUT 1 STORE eHUCHFULL OFRCL bARG.At&. THE WEATHER eOrtDITIOAS TOR THE.ylST THIRTY B1YS IA& BEEA THE AEAS OF LEIVIrtG US WITH and sheets, comfort, and TH0USI1D& DOLLIRS-IA AERCIUADISE TUAti VE SHOULD H1VE, TULLY blankets, all at big sav- fj ' - ing. if in need of any 0AE-H.1LF OF OUR STOCK 1T TREAErtDOUS COnCESSlOiS FOR QUICK SELLIAG. clothes for'the bed, come tore. We will certainly BWMiMmMWlMliJBaH save you good money. Don't overlook any of these prices, for they should surely interest you. -"io pairs cotton blankets, 30x64. Price 48c I-irge size cotton blankets, 00x85, weight 3 lbs. $1.35 Heavy Mottled 00x70 a splendid blanket . ... 1.65 Heavy cotton blanket, a blanket that weighs 4 ll.s., 12-4 size. Regular $2.60. Special 1.H8 2i airs of celebrated "Beacon" wool nap blankets, feel and look like wool. From $l.rS to ' : 2.98 22 full sized ilutly comforts, filled with pure cotton, in pink and blue silkoline. Special 1.38 comforts in all colors, full size. Sjn-cial 1.75 21 pure cotton-filled comforts, covered with best silkoline, with silk border. Special 3.25 Baby Blankets Crib baby robes in light blue and pinks. Spc'l 48c Pillow Tubing 20i yards 42 and 45-inch pillow tubing. These gotnis are slightly imperfect, and we got a con cession in price on the lot. An exceptional bar gain. Either width, per yard 10c r.o dozen pillow cases. This is one of the best values we have ever olfered. Size 42x36. Worth 18c. Special 12c K dozen 72x00 bed sheets, made with seam. Each 4Sc MEN'S DEPARTMENT. A splendid line of Men's and Young Men's Wearing Apparel at con- esioiis in price that should clean o ut the lot in 24 hours after sale opens. ,Ve have paid no attention to profits, but simply put the knife to the hilt in price slaughtering in this department. Four lots of 29 Men's all-wool Suits, 4 different patterns, sizes 35 to 42. Suits that you would expect to pay $16.50 for anywhere. - The;, all go at the one price. .. pl)U An odd lot of 19 suits; suits worth up to $1?.50; to close this lot out, the price will be cut ti YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING. One lot of 11 suits, just the suit for school wear, and at easily a saving of one-half; CC QC special ' UNDERWEAR BARGAINS. No. N. F.-N. A. Men's gray flat wool shirts and drawers in sizes 34 to 46. This case of underwear was bought at a big cut and is a gar ment you would expect to pay $1.25 for. Special price per garment VUC No. N. R.-3; one full case, 24 doz. of the celebrated Morris Mills striped woolen shirts and drawers; a garment that never sells for lessr than $1.50 and many times for more; all sizes; spec- 1 "7C ial,-per garment lo 40 pairs men's corduroy pants, in dark brown color; all s2es5"?c extra special J) 1 .00 $8.35 MEN'S SHIRTS. 9 dozen men's golf shirts, fine grade percale; white ground; as sorted figures, stripes and checks; pearl buttons; all sizes; worth up 555! 58c No. . W.-527 Genuine Soiette shirt, equal in appearance to Pon gee silk, but far superior in wear ing quality. Colors, tan, cream and white. Faced sleeves and pearl buttons; extra - j- special -3) 1 10 dozen men's outing flannel night shirts; sizes 16, 17, 18; full regular size; made from fair qual ity of flannel; special, ZQq each . . 1 Six dozen boys' outing flannel night shirts; sizes 12, 13, 14; 'a fair quality; each 45C special - PRICES CON CESSIONS ON STAPLE Dry Goods Prices lowered on staple dry goods goods that you have to buy every day. We want you to know that when we advertise a sale it means something. 25 pieces extra good checked gingham, the kind you have always paid us 7c per4yard for. During this sale at, per yard 5c All best American prints, NOT the second quality Kinu, out tne Dest jane at, per 3'ard oc Dress Goods Extra special bargains." Ten piece 35 and 38-inch wool mixtures, especially good for children's warm school dresses. Have sold all season at 50c and 58c per yard. Special, per yard .. 33c 5 pieces storm serge, absolutely all wool ; colors red, blue, brown and' black. Cloth worth 75c per yard. Special, per yard . ; . 58c Other dress goods at a great saving. Outing Flannels 2500 yards Amoskeag 1921 outing flannel, the kind you pay 12$c for. This is by far the best goods on the market. No better outing flannel at any price. Get all you want in plain colors, light and dark fancies, at, per yard 10c '200O yards outing flannel in light and dark colors, 26 inches wide. You may pay 7c per yard for ' no better cloth. Per yard 5c Ladies Pattern Hats$ 2.00 25 Ladies Hats, to close them out quick. Hats worth $5, $6 and $7 all to go at this sale, each $2 OUR PLAN Our Profit Sharing Plan, "The Right Way to Advertise a Store," will be found to be more extensive than at any previous tine, and Golden Rule Sales Slirs are Tewing more valuable every day. Handsome Rugs; Choice Dishes: Dainty Lace Cur tains; Snowy White Quilts; Beautiful Framed Pictures, and nu merous other articles are among the list that makes this plan ap renl to every economic housewife. Don't fail to save your Sales 3hps and share directly in the profits and at the same time buy ro'-r merchandise at a lower pr'cs t?v. asked by other stores.- mm GRANTS PASS, ORE. Mark White Waists Half Price 10 Doz. White Waists to' close them all out quick, they will be cut one-half their former price. These are some rare bargains. THE WINTER STYLE BOOK T - -- "2 Cc'.zizl Paget 20O0 lUvr!r'.ions r" LADIES' lit IS NOW ON SALE 5c if purchased vAlh a 1 5c pattern - r-r i i iiiiiiiiw iiiiiwniii IBIIJ i,,,,, ihji - 7 5 es c 115 9 O M a