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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
RIDAT, SEPTEMBER, 29, 1811. WEEKLY ROGU1 RIVER COURIER PACE SEVEN UINERAL APPLICATION 0T121. V. 3. Land Office, Roseburg, Ore. , ' August 25. 1911." Notice of Application of Lydla H. Dean and H. A. Corliss, for United State Patent of the "Robert ; Dean" Placer Claim. Notice Is hereby given, that la pur suance of Chapter six of tltla thirty two of the Revised Statutes of the United States the undersigned Lydla H. Dean and H. A. Corliss, the post office address of each of whom Is Grants Pass, Josephine County, Ore-: gon, co-owners and co-tenants of the said "Robert Dean" placer mine, ly ing and being situated in the East H of Section 25, Twp. 34 South, Range 8 West, and the Northwest of Section 30, Twp. 34 South, Range 7 West, W. M., Gallce Unorganized Mining District, County of Josephine and State of Oregon, are about to make application to the United States for a patent for the said min ing claim, which Is more particularly described as to metes and bounds by the official nlat herewith nnstpd and by the field notes of survey thereof I a n .i . in a il ti i i t uuw iueu in me omce oi ue itegisier of the district of lands, Subject to sale at Roseburg, Oregon, which field notes of survey describe the boun daries and extent of Bald claim on the surface with magnetic variation at 20 degrees East as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point from whence the one-quarter section corner on the West boundary line of Section 30, Twp. 34 South, Range 7 West, bears South 660 ft. distant, running thence West 660 ft. to corner No. 2, the point for which said corner falls on the East edge of a black oak 24 Inch es in diameter, which Is blazed and scribed "2-734"; thence South 1,320 ft. to corner No. 3, a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 inches square, set 1 ft. in the ground In mound of stone, scrib ed "3-724 B. T."; thence West 660 ft. to corner No. 4, a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set 1 ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scrib ed "4-734"; thence South 660 ft. to corner No. 5, a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set l1 ft. In the ground la mound of stone, scribed "5-734"; thence West 165 ft. to dge of precipitous bluff above Rogue River reaching to water's edge; a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set Vi ft. In the ground In mound of stone, for witness corner to corner, No. 6, scribed "W. C. 6-734"; thence 125 vft. to the right bank, of Rogue River and point for corner No. 6. Thence North 11 degrees West on meanders of Rogue River, right bank, down stream 270 ft. to corner No. 7; a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set lVs ft. In the ground in mound of stone, scribed "7-734". Thence North 38 degrees and 30 min utes West on meanders of Rogue River, 460 ft. to corner No. 8; a black oak 4 ft. long, 5 inches square, set 1V4 ft. in the ground in mound . of stone, scribed "8-734." Thence North 46 degrees and 56 minutes West on meanders of Rogue River, 1292.2 ft. to corner No. 9; a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set 1 ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "9-734." Thence North on meanders of Rogue River 270 ft. to corner No. 10; a pine post 4 ft. long, 4 inches square, set 1 ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed, "10-734." Thence North 49 degrees East on the meanders of Rogue Riv er 370 ft. to corner No. 11; a pine post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set Vi ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "11-734." Thence North 78 degrees nnd 15 minutes East on the meanders of Rogue River 81fl ft. to corner No. 1; n fir post 4 ft. long. 4 In. square, set l'i ft. In the ground in mound of tone, scribed "12-734." Thence North 71 degrees East on the meanders of Rogue River 740 ft. to corner No. 13, point for which comer falls on exposed bed-rock on which Is chiseled a cross (X) at exact corner point and marked "n-734". Thence North 63 degrees and 15 minutes East on the meanders of Rogue River 1250 feet to corner No. 14, which falls on the West boundary of Section 30, Twp 34 South, Range 7 West; a willow post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set l'i ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "14-734". Thence North 80 degrees East on the meanders of Rogue River 170 feet to corner No. 15; an alder post 4 ft. long. 4 In. square, set lMt ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "15-73C. Thence North 62 degrees and 30 minutes East on the meanders of Rogue River 220 ft. to corner No. 16; an alder post 4 ft. long, 4 In. square, set 1H ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "16-734". Thence North 35 degrees East on the meanders of Rogue River 220 ft. to corner No. 17, the point for which corner falls on the South east edge of an alder 20 Inches In diameter, which Is blazed and scribed "17-734". Thence East, leave river and ascend to corner No. 18; a live oak nost 4 ft. long. 4 In. square, Bet m ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "18-734". Thence South 660 ft. to corner xo. in; a nve oak post 4 ft. long, 5 In. square, set 1H ft. In the ground In mound of stone Bcrlbed, "19-734." Thence West 660 ft. to corner No. 20 on West boundary lino of Section 30, Twp. 34 South. Rangp 7 West; an oak nost 4 ft. long. 4rin. square, set 1U ft. In the ground In mound of stone scribed "20-734." Thence South 660 ft. to corner No. 1, the place of beginning. The variation at all corners 20 degrees East; and com prising a total urea 9V519 acres. The notice of location of said "Robert Dean" plnrr mine Is of rec ord In the office of the Clerk of Jo sephine County. Oregon, at Volume 13, pnge 482 of the Mining Records of Josephine County, Oregon. The said mining premises hereby sought to be patented are bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the North part- cant and unoccupied land belonging! to the United states uovernmeni; on the West by Rogue River; on the South partly by Rogue Rlrer and partly by vacant and unoccupied land belonging to the United States Gov ernment; and on the East by vacant and unoccupied land belonging to the United States Government. There are no mining claims, quarts or plac er, adjoining or conflicting with the said "Robert Dean" claim as above described to the knowledge or belief of either of the owners thereof; the said claim being designated as our vey No. 734 on the official piat past ed herewith. Any and all prrcns claiming ad versely the said placer mining ground, or any portion thereof ao de scribed, surveyed, platted, applied for, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed as according to law and the regulations thereunder, within the time prescrib ed by law, with the Register of the United Staes Land Office at Rose burg, in the County of Douglas, State of Oregon, they will be narrea in vir tue of the provisions of said statute. Dated and Dosted on the ground thi9 9th day of February, 1911. BENJAMIN IT. JUNba, Register. SUMMONS. SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the O-cu-.t Court In and for the County of Josephine, btate oi ure- The Josephine Investment) company, an Oregon cor-; poratlon, ) Plaintiff,) vs. ) F. D. Keye, and also, all) other persons or parties; unknown, claiming any) right, tttle, estate, lien) ' or Interest in the real es-) tate described In plain-) tiff's complaint, ) To F. D. Keye, and also,) all other persons or par-) ties unknown, claiming) any right, title, estate,) Hen or Interest In the) real estate described in) plaintiff's complaint, ) Defendants.) In the name of the state of Ore gon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear In the above en titled court and cause and answer the complaint on file against you therein within six weeks from the day of the first publication of this summons, which date of first publication there of is Friday the ISth day of August, 1911, and you are hereby notified that if you fall bo to appear and an swer said complaint within said time, or otherwise plead thereto, the plain tiff will apply to said Court for the relief demanded In said complaint, to-wlt: That It be declared, adjudged and decreed that the plaintiff and Its mesne grantors have been and now are In possession of nnd the owners In fee simple of, the following de scribed premises, situate in Josephine County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 3 and 4 In J. D. Drake's Sub division of Lot 1 In Block "L" J. Bourne .Tr.'s First Addition to the Town, now City of Grants Fass. Jose phine County, Oregon, as per plat on file and of record In the office of the County Clerk of Josephine County, Oregon also beginning at the North east corner of Lot 2 J. Bourne, Jr. 'a, First Addition to the City of Grants Pass; thence running Southerly along the Westerly line of Sixth Street a distance of 45 feet, more or leps to the Northeast corner of a tract of land heretofore sold by grantors here in to Joseph L. Chrlstlleb; thence Westerly parallel with the North line of Lot 2 a distance of 140 feet; thenc,. Northerly parallel with the Westerly line of Sixth Street a distance of 15 feet, more or less to.the North line of Lot 2; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Lot 2 a distance of 14 0 feet to beginning. And have been the owners thereof and In fee simple for a period of more than 20 years, and such own ership, title and possession for said time has been adverse, hostile, con tinuous, open, notorious and conclu sive against the said defendants and each and all thereof. And be It further decreed that the defendants, nor either thereof, have no estate, or Interest whatever In nnd to said premises, or nny part or parcel thereof, and that the title of and to said premises, or any part or defendants and each thereof bo for ever enjoined and debarred from as serting any claim whatsoever In and to said premises, or any part or por tion thereof Sdverse to plaintiff, and for sueh other and further relief as to this Honorable Court shall seem meet and proper and In good cons cience just and equitable, and for Its costs and disbursements. This summons Is published by ord er of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judg'i of the County Court for Jose phine County, Oregon, which order was made and dated on August 17th, 1911, and which said order requires the said summons to be publlched In Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of general circulation published week ly and regularly at Grants Pass, Jose phine County, Oregon, for six suc cessive weeks from tho date of the first publication thereof, and which date of first publication thereof li on Frldav, the 18th day of August, A. D.. 1911, and you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer finld complaint, or otherwise appear In this cause on or before tho last day of the publication of said sum mons, to-wlt: on or before sli weeks from the first day of publication thereof, which Is the 18th day of Au gust. 1911. W. I. VAWTER. M. FURDIN. Attorneys fo- Plaln'Iff. SUMMONS. Ia the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Josephine County. Hugh McCourt, ) - Plaintiff,) TS. ) Ralph H. Bacon, Jessie L.) Bacon, Frank E. Baker) Co., a corporation, Rogue) River Irrigation and Pow-) er Company, a corpora-) tlon; H. H. Cumnilnga.) Merlin Heights Orchard) Company, a corporation,) A. M. Crawford, United) States National Bank of) Salem, Oregon, a corpora-) tlon; Fannie B. Richard-) son, C. C. Griggs and AI-) Ice Bacon, ) Defendants.) To C. C. Griggs, otherwise known as Clifton C. Griggs. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby summoned and requir ed to. appear and answer the com plaint filed in the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration ot ten days from the date of service upon you If served within Josephine County, or on or before the expira tion of twenty days from the date of such service, If served In any other county within the State of Oregon or In case of service of said summons by publication, then on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of said summons, which date of first publication is Fri day, August 25, A. D 1911; and the last date of service and the last day for your appearance will be tho 6th day of October, A. D., 1911, and you are hereby notified that In case you fall to appear and answer the com plaint within the period aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief prayed for in the complaint, viz., for Judgment against Ralph H. Bacon and Jessie L. Bacon for the sum of 11,850.00, with Interest there on at eight per cent per annum from April 30, 1910, and $200.00 attor neys' fees, and costs and disburse ments of this suit; and for decree foreclosing that certain mortgage de scribed in the complaint upon the un divided one-half Interest of Ralph H. Bacon and Jessie L. Bacon upon the following described property: The Southeast 4 of the Northeast , and the Northeast 4 of the Southeast of Section 17, and the West V of the Northwest of Section 16, and the South Vi of the Southeast of Section 16, and the Southeast Vi of the Northwest hi, and the South west ',4 of the Northeast li . and the Northeast of the Southwest VI , and the Northwest M of the South east M of Section 6, all In Town? hip 35 South, , Range 6 West, of Wil lamette Meridian in Josephine Coun ty, Oregon; and for the sale of said premises In the manner provided by law and the practice of this Court, and the application of the proceeds thereof to the satisfaction of the Judgment aforesaid, and for such oth er and further relief as Is equitable, and that all other defendants In Bald suit, having or claiming any right or Interest In said premises, or any part thereof, be forever barred and fore closed of all right, claim and equity of redemption In and to said prem ises, nnd every part thereof. This summons Is published by ord er of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, Coun ty Judge for Josephine .County, Ore gon, requiring publication thereof In the Rogue River Courier, a newspa per of general circulation published at Grants Pass in Josephine County, Oregon, for a period of six successive weeks, and dated August 24, 1911. Date of first publication, August 25. 1911. Date of last publication, October 6, 1911. II. D. NORTON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. 9. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore. August 26, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam Wallan Havener, of Selma, Ore gon, who, on August 9, 1911, made Homestead entry, Serial No. 0745 S, for SW4, being lots 3, 4 and 5, and NE'4 8WV Section 28, Township 38 S., Jtange 7 west Willamette Meridi an, ias filed notice of Intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Herbert Smith, Unit ed States Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon, on the 20th day of Oc tober, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: A. E. Hampton, of Selma, Oregon. R. L. Tolln, of Selma, Oregon. W. N. Tolln, of Selma, Oregon. C, S. Rugg, of Kerby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Orgon, for Josephine County. In the matter of the estate) of Paul Bertleman, de-) ceased. j Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned, U. G. McCormlck, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Paul Bertleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers attached thereto to tho ad ministrator at the law office of Oli ver 8. Brown, In the City of Grants Pass, Josephine County. State of Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 1st day of September, 1911, U. O. M'CORMICX. Admnlfltrator, Oliver 8. Brown. Attorney for Administrator. It doesn't cost you and nrohsblv will save yni ronnev to look )ver the store ads each evening. NOTICE OP PUBLICATION. Department ot the Interior, ' U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore. July to, 1911. Notice la hereby given that Julia A. Lytle, whose post-office address Is 677 N. 15th street, Salem, Oregon, did, on the 28th day of Jane, 1910, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 06424, to pur chase the NSVi section SO, Township 40. S. Ranges, West Willamette Me ridian, and the timber thereon, un der the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by ap praisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $555.00 the Umber estimated 710,000 board feet at 50 cents per M., and the land $200.00; that said applicant will of fer final proof In support ot hla ap plication and sworn statement on the 6th day' of October, 1911, before register and receiver United States land office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by tiling a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Department ot the Interior. -U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Or August 18, 1911. Notice la hereby given that Emm L. Lamphere, whose post-office ad dress Is Hotel Del Mar, Long Beach California, did, on the 29th day oi August, 1910, file In this offlo Sworn Statement and Application No. 06556, to purchase the E NV Vi and NWVi NE VI, Section 34 Township 35, S. Range 6 W., Wll lamette Meridian, and the timbet thereon, under the provisions of thi act o' June 3, 1878, and acts amends tory, known as the "Timber ano Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appralsment, and that pursuant to such application, th land opi timber thereon have beei. appraised, $500.00, the timber estl mated 500,000 board feet at $1.0( per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant will offer final prool in support of his application anc sworn statement on the 31st day oi October, 1911, before Register and Receiver, United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate, a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit In this office, alleging fact which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given, that Ed ward S. Van Dyke, the undersigned, has been appointed executor of the Last Will and Estate of F. W. Van Dyke, deceased, by the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the un dersigned executor, at his law office at Grants Pass, In Josephine County, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months trom the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication, Septem ber 1, 1911. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, 1 Executor. NOTICE TO EXECUTORS AND AD ' MIXISTRATORB. Your attention Is hereby called to section 1 282, Lord's Oregon Laws, which provides that each executor and administrator shall report the condition of his trust to the county court In April and October of each year. And, also, to section 1159 which provides for the removal of executors or administrators who fall to make their reports. Citation for removal will be serv ed on all who fall to comply with this law during the coming October, STEPHEN JEWELL, 310 1 - County Judge. NOTICE OF Fi . L S ETTLEM EST. Notice Is hereby given that I, the undersigned administratrix of the es tate of Ivan Dease, doeased, have filed In the county court of the state of Oregon for Josephine county, my final account as administratrix of the estate of said decedent. Hon. Stephen Jewell. Judge of said county court, has set apart Tuesday, October, 24, 1911, for final hearing. All persons objecting to said account will file their objections thereto In said court on or before the date of final hear ing. COLVIG A WILLIAMS, v Attorneys, OLIVE WITHERILL, Administratrix. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Notlc Is hereby given that I, the under signed, owner of one-half Interest the Sugar Pine mine at Oallee, Or gon, will not bo responsible for an debts Incurred against said Bug Pine mine or for sny labor or In provements performed thereon; al thst no person, pnterln on said preu I ips for any reason whatsoever thst remove therefrom any ore, mineral o timber. Dated February 23, 110 fHIned F F! KNIOH" Order engrav-ft ratline cards s1 The Courier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior U. S. land Office at Roseburg, Ore., August 1, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Adeline Ersklne Lawrence, whose post-office address Is 415 Kerr Avenue, Ho qulam. Washington, did. on the 8th day of July, 1911, file in this office sworn statement and Application, No. 07,343. to purchase the NEVj, NEVi Section 4, Township I) S Range 8, west Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions ot the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value aa might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber thura- on have been appraised, $26,342, the limner psiimaran yti n i i hmni rnct at 75 cents per M, and the 'land 83.42; that said applicant will of fer final proof In support of her ap plication and sworn statement on the 20th day of October, 1911, before Register and Receiver United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person la at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJ. F. JONES. SUMMONS In -the circuit court of the State ot Oregon for Josephine county: Frank V. Metts, ) Plaintiff,) vs.. ) .The Northwest Mines Com-) jany, a Corporation, ) Defendant.) To the Northwest Mines Company, a corporation: In the name of the state nt Ore. gon you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against1 you in the above entitled 'action on or hefora ten days trom the date of service of mis summons upon you It served Within Josenhlne count v. Orawrnn or within twenty days from the date of me service or tnia summons If ser ved within any other county In the state of Oregon, or if served by pub lication, then on or before the ex piration of six weeks from the first date of nubllcatlon thereof, which first date of publication la September zza, lyii, ana the last date of pub lication and the last date for your appenrance herein Is November 3d, 1911. and If vou fall to annear and answer or otherwise plead within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you In the sum of fbut$.z3 on the first cause of action, $676,00 on the second cause of ac tion,, $494.25 on the third cnuBe of action, with Interest on each of said sums at six per cent per annum from December 31. 1909. and for coHta and disbursements to be taxed, and for an order ror Bale of the property at tached In said nctlon. viz: That inr. tain placer, mining claim known and described as the Ferren Placer Mine, mineral entry No. 121, survey No. 444. lylne. belnir and situated in th Silver Creek (unorganized Mining iMstrici, in the county of Josephine and state of Oregon, and containing 142.24 acres: the United States r. (elver's receipt for which is duly re corded nt page 13 of volume 24, deed records of suld county, to which ref erence Is here niado for more full and perfect description; said above described claim hereby Intended to be conveyed embracing, containing and being Identical with hnnn certain mining claims formerly known described as the Flck Placer Mining Claim, tho location notice of which Is duly recorded In volume 4, page 380 of the mlacellntmona minim records of said county of Josephine: Tho Dump Placer .Mining Claim, tho location notice of which Is duly re corded In book 4 at page 226 of tho miscellaneous mining records of suld county of Josephine; also the Ferren Placer Mining Claim, the location no. lice of which Is duly recorded in vol ume 4 at page 326 of tho miscellane ous mining records of said county of Josephine; nlno the Ferren Placer mining claim, the location notice of which Is duly worded In volume 4 at page 32ii of the miscellaneous records of said county of Josephine; and being tho same property set forth and described In a certain written agreement of date tho 23rd day of August, A. D.. 1902, entered into by and between Janm Ferren, Nicholas Thoss. and Nancy Jane Thoss, as parties of the first nnrt. nnd the 811. ver Creek Mining romtmnv. a comor. atlon, ns parties of Mm second part; an or sail property lying, being and situated in Township No. 36 H, of Range No. 9 W. said mining district county and state aforesaid. Also all ditches and ditch rights and water and water rights appurtenant to, con net ted with or In any wise appertain ing or belonging to said premises, or any part thereof; and all ma chinery and mining equipment of whatsoever kind or nature . therein situated or thereto appertaining or m-ionging, together with all and sin gular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertain Ing; and upon such sale for tho ap plication of the proceeds thereof to the payment of said Judgment, ac cruing Interest, costs, and coxfs on execution. This summons Is published by or d'-r of Die Hon. Stephen Jewell, county Judge for Joeph!no county, Oregon, dated September 21, 1911, ordering publication thereof for six successive weeks In the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper published at (Irani Pans, Oregon, and the mailing of a ropy of the summon and com plaint lo the defendant at Its prin cipal office and pla of bmlness. Date of first publication, Sept. 22. Date of last publication Nov. S. II. D. NORTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. COUNTERFEITING COUPLE IN PROFITABLE MARRIAGS CHICAGO, Sept 27. Defraudo by a counterfeiter and a woman ao complice -who repeatedly, presented themselves for marriage and paid the $10 tee with worthless $20 bills, a score of Chicago ministers are con doling the loss ot good' money and are oa a still hunt tor the much-married couple. 4- WIRE BRIEFS .. SEATTLE, Sept. 27.- One month ago Seattle began the free collection of garbage and Judging from the coat ot the first month's work, the gar' bage collection will cost $300,000 this year, It Is reported today. SEATTLE, Sept 27. -The steam er Yucatan finally got away tor Nome today. The steamer started yesterday but the skipper forgot to tell the quarantine authorities that he was sailing, and he was held up at the head ot the Sound until In spectors could go over the ship. SEATTLE, Sept. 27. Charging that a focal broker has sold spoiled canned salmon In great quantities to grocers In Everett, Wash., and other towns in the state late Food Com missioner L. Davit today declared be will cause the arrest ot a number ot Seattle men engaged In what he calls the food Junk business. SEATTLE, 8ept. 27. B. C. Stone man Is locked up In the county Jail here in default ot $5000 bonds today. He was arrested yesterday on com plaint of the federal authorities. He Is charged with being a white slav er, the government alleging that he brought Ethel Bower to Seattle from Butte for immoral purposes. SEATTLE, Sept. 27. With her hold packed tight with raw, silk, tea and other Oriental products, the NIppu Yusen Kalsha liner Kamaksro, will land In Seattle tonight from To klo Her cargo Is valued at $1,000, 000. SEATTLE, Sept. 27. The bien nial saengorfoBt of the Pacific coast held here In August not only cleared expenses, but showed a profit of ' $4000, It was announced today, BREMERTON. Wash., Sept. 27. A special election will be held her December 6, to determine whether city of Charleston shall bo merged with the Bremerton municipal gov ernment. The people of both towns will vote on the question. SEATTLE, Sept. 27. A Curtlss Farnum blplnne owned by the Wash Ingto Aoronnutlc company was de stroyed by fire early today, the loss on the machine and the hangar where Itwas quartered being $5000. The company's demonstrator was to have made a flight In the biplane next Sunday. NEWPORT, L, I., Sept. 27. Fol lowing Mi decision to study for the law, Vincent Astor, son of John J. Astor, left Newport today for Cam bridge where he will enter Har vard for a special three year course. After completing the course, It Is his Intention to enter one of the lead ing law schools. PRIEST RIVER, Idaho, Sept. 27. Cashier Berry of the Priest Rtver bank, which was robbed of $2000 In cash announced today that the bank was fully Insured against the loss. The yeggnicn secured also a $5000 certificate of deposit on the Bonner County National bank and county warrants amounting to $2000. The paper Is not negotiable. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land orri' Q at Roseburg, Ore. Notice Is hereby given that James Evans, of Grants Pass, Ore gon, R. F. I)., 2, who, on March il, 1 9o 7 , madn homostnadappllcatlon ae rlnl No. 04142, for 8W of NW4 Smtlon 30, Township SO 8., Ran go 7 west Willamette meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Her- jbert Smith, United 8tates Commis sioner, st Grants Pass. Oregon, on the 3rd day of November, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Otis McCalllster, of Grants Pais, Oregon. John Murry, of Grants Pass, Ore gon. Foe Ferren, of Grants Pitas, Ore gon. Charles Woolffo, of Grants Pass, Oregon, BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register