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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
' . iii 4- f -"' ' : . : . ' ' . . ' - . . . i , ' ; . "' ; ,."" . 1 - ' - v ; i 11 - vi', " 7 bf AT POPULAR PRICES; . ; II" i tor 1 SHEET STEEL AIR TIGHT. $1.75 to $3.00 An appropriate stove for tempo rary use. Well made. Extraordinary Showing of Hia'h Grade Stoves THE MERIT. Cast top, with griddle, top feed, nickel foot rails, steel body and steel bottom. No. 20 Sells for ......$6.00 No. 25 Sells for .$7.50 The heating stove proposition is the one that oonfronts most people right now, and with a varied and large stock we are splendidly prepared for your inspection of stoves. Of course you want a heating stove to save fuel, hold fire over night and all that sort of thingbut the most important thing is that they heat your rooms properly, cost a reasonable price. Look over those listed in this ad and then come in and see them personally. It is going to pay you to take the trouble. THE STEEL BOX. . Cast top, cast bottom, steel body, top feed. No. 22 Sells for ........ . . . .$6.50 No. 25 Sells for $8.50 r THE OPAL. This Is a very select, practical and fine uppenritig heater and at the price. It Is an ex ceptional buy; east top, cast bottom, steel body, extra lurge feed door, also largo top feed. Nicely nickeled. No. 18 Sells for ..$11.50 No. 20 Sells for ....$12.50 No. 22 Sells for $13.50 CARBON Handsome and nobby in design. Mit a front. Makes the room look cheerful and wt.r in Well made. No. 20 . $l;t No. IS 91 Heating OIL HEATERS Thee are of the bet style made, very ueces sary In every Household. - Can be used In any room No smofce. No odor, No ashes, only heat. Five, slases 92 to 9M.25. THE LENOX. A very neat and durable wood heater, large feed, cast top and bot tom, cast linings. No. 18 Sells for . $11.50 No, 20 Sells for.. . $12.50 BEOKWITH AIR TIGHT, Is the stove we selected for the man who awiita the bent to Ik1 had in thla style of heater, lie sure and see this stove before you buy any. It la IntereNtliig, educational and well worth your time. No. 18 Sells for ............ .$17.00 No. 20 Sells for ..$18.00 THE HOWARD. Combined wood and coal heater. Till Is a new one here. It cornea to us highly recom mended and wherever it has been Introduced it has met with universal favor. The construc tion Is very good and the principle is practical. We will allow you to try this In your home be fore you buy it... Cast top and bottom, steel body, end feed door, top feed, duplex grates, nsh pan, nlckle top ring, nickle foot rail No. 518 Sells for $18.50 No. 521 Sells for ....$20.50 No. 526 Sells for $22.50 purchased of us, have our guarantee to give entire satisfaction. Careful investigation as to makes and the price of each, coupled with the quantity in which we buy, makes it possible for us to make this guarantee. We are willing to leave the decision to your judgment. We want you to sec our stock , and make comparisons with others before you buy. HIRE CO. BEOKWITH ROUND OAK. With the name ou the leg... For wood or coal... Thla positively Is the most durable and best constructed stove on the market today. Double fire pot for coal, removable for wood. Wellsvllle Holler Iron body. Double doors, very large. loora ground and milled to niako an airtight fit, ornamental nickel trimmings, built on honor and constructed to butt a life time. No. 14 Sells for ..$22.50 No. 16 Sells for $25.00 PEKSONAL NI LOCAL 4 Louis Steelhammer, manager of the Bishop Clothing Co., returned Wednesday morning from Poitland and Salem. Miss Edna Tice of Mt. Sterling, arrived In this city Wednesday 111 More Buck Jim Smith of the Grants Pass Hardware company, ban been hunt ing again, and, as umial, In passing venison around to his friends. This is hlu 'fifth deer this bchboii. Leg Broken Word Is received from Fort Jones, and 1b visiting her aunt, Mrs. II. G. Cal., of an accident to Ted, tho ten- Marshall. Miss Tlee experts to take ( year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dal . . . . . . . i ... l . , r m ni rot.- l t dm 1 lit! uuy una ruling iui inc charge of the fitting department' of the R. L. Coe' store. Clara Wolke went to Corvallls Sunday to attend 0. A. C. Mrs Margaret McAdams and daughter of Crescent City, who have been visiting with relatives at Gold Hill, came to Grants Pass today to attend the big show, "The Girl in the Taxi." Col. Osgood of Tacoma was in town today from his mining proper erty near Kerby. Mr. Osgood la here getting things ready for the winter run at the mine. Rev. Robert McLean went to Ash land Thursday afternoon to attend the Installation exercise at the Pres byterian church this evening, when the new pastor will be Installed. Dr. and Mrs. II. C. Dixon and fam ily left Thursday morning by auto mobile for Newberg, where they will reside. They were accompanied as far as Salem by Miss Emma Lough rldge, who goes to 0. A. C. to begin her second year In the college. - Mrs. E. E. Redfield, formeily of this city, came down from Medford Thursday morning to visit with old time friends here. Mrs. Redfield has been visiting with her daughter at Medford Tuttle. family horse when the animal kick ed him, striking the little fellow's leg. Racers Return Graf Baber returned Tuesday morning from Salem, Eugene and Roseburg where he had "been attend ing the races with his string of race horses. Mr. Baber sold Seuplevada after winning the Dominion Derby at Salem. The little race mare Car rie Thatcher, was Injured while run ning at Salem and hnd to be killed as she could not recover. The other two horses, Wade Hampton and I. Clare were shipped to Grants Pass and will be taken to the Medford race meet next week. Improving Chiles Building The J. M, Chiles building un O street, In which the People's meat market Is located Is receiving im provements, this week in the way of a new coat of gray and red paint for tho brick work, the woodwork being tinted a light green, giving a neat and attractive appearance Tokay Height Selling R. E. Kroh, owner of the Tokay Heights addition, received word from his brother In Kansas City yes terday of the sale of eight lots to a wealthy Kansas City man who Is largely interested in school matter. This gentleman visited Grants Pass during the summer and was well pleased with this section. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the First Baptist church of this city will be held on Friday evening at 7: SO. Rev. E 11. Hicks of Ashland will be pres pnt and give an address. The bUBi ness meeting will follow and then i,.,iifl will serve a big feed, A Vfi. and fr J. C. McCann of .,.iai h,ir will also be spent All it i t u v - - i mr -"--- ... - wiMorvllte were Grants Pass visit- Lre Invited. ors Thursday on business. Mrs. Mc Cann was the Wllderrllle delegate to the M. E. church conference at Salem and returned Sunday from that place. She reports a most en joyable time and fair weather during the conference session. F. M. South returned Wednesday evening from a two days bigness visit at Medford. 0teratlon for Appendiclts Miss Delia ' Havlland, who has been seriously 111 at her home near this city was brought to the South Pacific hospital where she under went an operation for appendicitis, performed by Dr. Loughridge Tues day. Miss Havlland passed th-ough the operation in fine shape and Is now rapidly recovering. Ira Mun dinger, the Grants Pass plumber was also operated upon by Dr. Lough ridge the same day for the same dis ease and Is also doing nicely. About ten days ago the doctor performed an operation at the hospital on James Grubb for the removal of gall stones and appendicitis and Mr. Grubb Is now convalescent and will be able to go to his home in a short time. Baby Shaw Grants Pass friends were this week notified of arrival of a baby daughter In the home of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Shaw In Seattle Mrs Shaw waa formerly Mlsa Hazel Mor ey of this city. DECLARE SI HIKE SATURDAY 30 J. E. Countryman and wife ar rived here Wednesday evening from the north to visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sturtevant, the two famllloa being old-time friends in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Countryman are having a nine-months' vacation which they are spending in travel through the west. They have visited, at Port land, Seattle, Spokane, Hood River and up the Columbia and after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant here they will go to California for the winter and return to their home In Rochelle, III., In the 'spring. LOS ANGELES, 8ept. 2S That the long-threatened strike of .'hop employes on tho Harrlman line Is but a few hours from an actual real ity was indicated here at 11 a. m. today, when fifteen special pu, ce men were sworn In. An official of the police department admitted that these men would be asslgnui' to duty at the local shops. A.ldlMoual police will be sworn In th.a after noon, It was said. Mrs. Victor Brown of the "Brown Acres" ranch near Jump Off Joe was visiting with Grants Tass friends on Wednesday. Hot Water for Merll Clarence Wlnetrout of the Grants Pass Hardware company bai been in stalling for his company $500 Ke wanneo water pressure heating sys tem In the new Merlin school build ing. It Is expected to have the new building ready for occupancy in short time. Herman and the Won Herman Horning, who Is noted for his collection of wild animals bad quite an exciting experience with h's latest acquisition, a young mountain lion, Wednesday evening. . Herman went into the cage with the lltt'e beast, which seriously objected to his company and an exciting conflict followed. Today Mr. Horning shows several scratches on hands and face and his trouse't are well ventilated, shirt cuffs somewhat chewed up and other wise showing the msrks of the encounter. The lion proved to K- a tnnal nlivflll little fellOW. but somewhat rough. Vnr hnwel cnmnlalnt In Children always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and rARtnr nil. Ii is certain to affect a cure and when reduced with water and weeiAned ! d easant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy. For sale by an gooa aeaiera. Courier and Oregon Ian f I. no- Order tngra-4 ratlin t cards at The Courier. Vment Block Bungalow- Fred F, Smith has begun the erec tlon of a handsome cement block residence on Fohrtb street. The house will be an "-room bungalow, finished In the most up-to-date style, with all the equipments and ronven lences of a modern home. He ex pect to have the house ready for occupancy before ths winter season begins. !. V. I.rin of Medford was a Grants Pass visitor Wednesday. A. F. Espey came up from Leland Wednesday to spend th day shop ping and looking after other busi ness matters In this city. CHICAGO, Sept. 28. According to a high official of the system fed eratlon of the Harrlman lines a strike Is certain. He said It would be railed on Saturday morning. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. When told of the hews from Chicago that high officials of the system fed eration declared that a strike on the Harrlman lines Is Inevitable and will be declared Saturday morning, E. E. Calvin, general manager of the Southern Pacific, said hero today he bat received no Information on the subject, adding that ho had no rea son to expect any. that the shopmen of the Missouri, a Kansas & Texas railroad, affiliated with th system federation, have struck in sympathy with th car men who are not affiliated with th sys tem federation. Th points affected by the strike are Donlson, San An tonio, Texas; Sedalla, Mo.; and Par sons, Kansas. Kline had the following to say of the strike situation today: "I have been busy handling the strike situ ation and have not had time to pre pare for our convention In Atlanta on October 2. The reply of Krutt- schnltt Is very unsatisfactory, and there Is nothing In It to alter th situation. The unions have gone as far as they can, and be honorable to their men. Kruttschnitt aaya the men are treated fairly and wonders why they wish to strike. Ha says nothing about the physical examina tions to which they must submit, the personal record examinations, the rank discriminations and favoritism shown nor the utter disregard of seniority In giving preferences. He snys nothing about the railroads rid ding themselves of the older men or transferring them to new hhops. The men Insist on having their old positions and will not retreat from their stand. The matter of wages and hours of work Is for later con Jderatlon. All we ar asking tor low Is recognition of the system federation." PORTLAND, Sept. 28,-Operat lug officials of the Harrlman lines who were scheduled to have Port land for vacations and dutlA, today cancelled all outside engagements and will remain here, owing to the seriousness of the Impending strike. J. P. O'Brien, bead of the Harrt man system In th northwest, ad mltted that th outlook was threat ening, and he ha taken charge of affairs. By a special arrangement we are enabled to offer the Weekly Oregon Inn and the Weekly Courier for a limited period at $1,150 for both pa pers. Pay to date at regular rut and $1.R0 for one year In advance, CHICAGO, Sept, President Kline of th bollermakers telephon ed James O'Connell of th machin ist' union, who Is now at Davn port, and other officials to th ffect Wolf Creek Mchool Houee The fin nw, brick school house which Is being built In Wolf Creek Is progressing finely. Th building Is being rected by Smith Bros., con trartor and builders of this city, and they have begun th brick work whbh will b completed In about two weeks' time. Classified ad. work wondeii. J