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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
FRIDAY, BFITEMBER, 29, 1911. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE 8EVKN FIVE J)KAI FROM OIL FOR STARTING FIRE son, C. Frankford, and Theryl Vand- erer, 8, were seriously Injured. MITCHELL, 111., Sept. 28. Using coal oil to Improve the kitchen fire early today, Virgil Vanderer started a conflagration that resulted In the death of five members of his family "MUTE" FOUND HIS TONGUE. PORTLAND, Sept. 28. "I am deaf and dumb. I want a permit to peddle laces," wrote a man and handed It to the mayor's secretary, and the serious Injury of two others ; Gecrge McCord. and himself. "How did you lose your voice, Mrs. Virgil Vanderer and her four 'sir?" asked McCord sympathetically. children--Gertrude, 15; Bessie, 13; "In a mine accident," replied the Earl, 6, and Wande, 4 were burned j fellow, forgetting his role. to death. j "You're cured, get out." shouted Vanderer and his 18-yer-old step-1 the secretary. mm a Hon LIS A D BREAK t ' Tripoli, domain of the Turks for 360 years, has a commercial business valued at $4,000,000 annually, which Is derived from products of wool, wheat, oil and cattle; and the Central Afrl can exports of gold, feathers, ivory and rubber. Its eare la 400,000 square miles, equal to the combined areaa of thii three Pacific states aud Nevada included. The population, consisting mostly of Berbers and Moors, la ts tlmated at 1,000,000. Large water courses are not shown on the maps of Tripoli, but this country has ample water from springs that exist almost everywhere. Tripoli, with its vast area, abundant resources and scant pop ulation, is within two days' easy sailing from Italy's shore. " In ancient times it was Included in the empire of the Cartha ginians, passing successively to the Romans, Vandals, Greeks, Arabs, Ferdinand the Catholic, the Knights of St. John and fin ally, In 1551, to Turkey. A center of empire and civilization, the country descended until It became a pirate stronghold, the terror of all Europe uu tll the United States was born. ..Then in 1801-5 and 1815, the United States government directed history-making expeditions against the pirates, that were successful, and which forever si lenced the claim of tribute which Tripolitans exacted from every merchant ship that sailed the sea. WIRE BRIEFS. ' ' VALDEZ, Alaska, Sept. 28 Lieu tenant Orchard, U. S. A., will be tried here by courtmartlal on the charge of appropriating $35,000 of army funds to his own use, JUNEAU, Alaska, Sept 28. Ter ritorial Governor Walter E. Clark announced today, that he will go to Seattle next month to meet Presi dent Taft when he arrives In that city. "I want to talk, to the presi dent about six Important laws that ought to be passed for the good of the territory at the next session of congress," Governor Clark said. ASK THOSE who have banked with us for years whether or not they like our business meth ods. You wish to cross the ocean in a ship that has ridden through many storms? Rather than keep your money yourself, don't you want to put your money in a bank that knows nothing but success? Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. Josephine County Bank GRANTS PASS, OREGON. T. B. CORNELL, President J. O. RICGS, Vice President HAM BAKER, Cashier (1KO. R. DICKINSON. Asst. Cashier J. L. CALVERT MARCUS ROBBINS J. M. TETIIEROW 8. LOUGHRIDGE Directors LONDON, Sept. 28. With four - . . . A- ... t Italian battleships, three cruisers ! and a fleet of transports containing 30,000 Italian troops lying off the city of Tripoli, British officialdom expects hourly today to hear that a landing has been made and that It aly's blow at Turkey for the acqul sltion of a new African empire has been struck. There is confidence ex pressed by all officials that war Is sure, and news of a battle Is ex pected at any moment. r, i a i . , uneianunopie reports today say that the Italian charge d affaires has handed the Turkish foreign min ister a n official note declaring that Turkey's reply, refuting allegations that the porte was strengthening its hand In Tripoli by landing arms and ammunition from the transport Derna, was unsatisfactory to Italy. The charge d'affaires is expected to demand his passports at any hour. Backing up the Italian force off the city of Tripoli a second expedi tionary squadron of warships with the battelship Umberte In the van, left Spezla last night. ROME, Sept. 8. La Stampa, a semi-official paper, today declares that Italy will use the landing of a few hundred Turkish troops and a quantity of arms and ammunition from the transport Derna at Tripoli as a casus belli. SPOKANE,. Wash., Sept. 28. With a view of Increasing the num ber of marriages. In Spokane, an or ganization known as the Fraternal Souvenirs of the World is to be formed here today. The society will give a wedding present of $100 cash to every man and girl who is mar ried If members of the society. If both are enrolled they will be given $200. SEATTLE, Sept. 28 The Seattle Electric company will not be re quired to sell discount fare tickets at the rate of six for 25 cents, as provided by a city council ordin ance. The corporation counsel has Just decided that the ordinance is illegal. ROME, Sept. 28. Pope Pius to day officially endorsed the Italian expedition for the occupation of Tri poli. His Holiness approval mate rially aided the government in pre venting a great strike of protest planned by the socialists. BERLIN, Sept. 28. Hopes of a peaceful settlement of the Tripoli affair through plans of Pope Plus have been virtually abandoned, but the German ambassador at Constan tinople, Is still seeking to find some basis of agreement between Italy and Turkey. Two German warships were today ordered to Tripoli to safeguard Ger man Interests. The foreign minister Is In constant communication with the ambassador at Constantinople. SEATTLE, Sept. 27. More than 200 members of the W. C. T. U. of the state are in session here today. This is the 28th annual convention. Mr. Rratton to Eugene H. C. Bratton, who has been farm manager of the Penn-Oregon ranch near this city since March, 1910, left Tuesday with his family and his son Herbert Bratton aid Um.iy, for Eu gene, near where they have leased a farm and on which they expect to make their permanent home. N. E. Towiisend, who has been overseeing the company's business here since last January, will assume full, con trol, with J. Wes Smith as farm as sistant. It is the intention of the Penn-Oregon ranch company to do extensive developing on this land, planting trees and seeding 200 acres to alfalfa as rapidly as the land can be prepared. , SELMA. Miller and Al Jefferson, vMn Moore and Ernest Masters left m!? day for Klamath county and Cat" nla to work. 'uror- ; S. E. Chastln and famIIy , trip .to the Pass Monday Mr , Mrs. Chastln going to have Z teeth extracted. 6 "ome Bert Phillips of Ashland came here Monday and is visiting with h ! father and looking over the mtn,n! prospects he has here. Mrs. Ralph Honey recentlv ieft t0 spend some time In the Pasa where Mr. Honey is working. Gritz Kraus went to town the tw of the week . rst Will Tree fathen and John ciem ents of Sucker creek, have been buy. tame nere this week. . The Woodcock Bros. fnshed threshing at Mr. Tuckers and the Roberts places recently. Both nf the ranches had a good turn out wheat running better than 20 bn.h' els per acre and oats 55. Th places threshed over two thousand bushels, besides a heavy hay crop. uoaa worK is progressing nCfi. ly and the, people living at distance know that something Is Boing on from the noise of stump blasting. wrs. juevi rnuups and little grand son came out here Wednesday from the Pass to live on Squaw creek. Mr. Phillips has been here for the past two months. Cale Springer was visiting at the home of C. E. Roberts returning to the Pass Saturday. J. F. Stevens and family Rpent Saturday on upper Deer creek. A number of the young folks of the creek attended a party at Ml Taylor's place near Dryden last Tuesday night. Several of the road hands who were working single handed have been laid off, as their part of the work Is about completed, and the road ready for rock. The crusher will be ready to start In a day or two and a new traction elglne, which has been ordered some time Is expected to arrive soon to do the rock hauling. As usually treated, a sprained an kle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamber Iain's Liniment freely as soon as the injury is received, and observing the directions with each bottle, a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by all Rood dealers. 1C MEWASI1D) I.. if. ft FIFTY DOLLARS will be paid to the first person advising this office of the location of the big pump which was carried down stream from Golden Drift Dam by flood of November, 1909. GEO. L SANDERS, Agent 210 North 6th Street M A V5 i