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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 20, i9ll PAGE BIX WEEKLY B0Q1HE BITER COCKIER PROFESSIONAL GABDS M. 0. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to YE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT , tilasMt fitted and furmUhed OHice hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and ia appointment. Phonee 18 J ant ue-R. Oranta Paaa, Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentist Fetaca bldg., cor. 6th and 0 street Pkone IU-J. Crown, Bridge Wora and Fillings of all kinds a specialty Office Honrs to 13 a. m.; 1 to i p. ou All Work Positively Giuuraataed GRANTS PA88. OREGON E. C. MAOY, D. M. D. successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists rirst-Class Work lOttt Booth Sixth, Grant Pace, Ore. DR. L. C. McCABE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, In Howard Bldg., 8. E. cor. Sixth and G Streets. Phone 141. Prompt attention to city and country calls. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. DR.F.M. HARTSOOK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 202 Vk South Sixth 8'reet. Of fice hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to I p. sa. Phones: Office 18; Residence, 234-J. D. NORTON, ' ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW A'rtctlce In all State and Federal ifrurts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants Patw, Oregon OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Grants I'm Oregon 0. S. BLANCH ARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Van, Oregon F. D. WURTSBAUGII Attorney and Couneelor at Law Notary Public In office Ifflce In Howard Block. Phone ll-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON 1. I, ."JOHNSTON ss.w i - Rooms 6 and 7 Opera .'Jotim- .11 North SUtir,.t GRANTS PASS, OH KHUN M. 0. 11. IA V Contractor and lWiilih r Houldcnrvs a Specialty Plans anil estimates furnished 'denoo East A Pt. rhouo 10S-J Singer and Wheeler (Q. Wilson SEWING MACHINES for sulo or rent, on eiy payments. Bupplloe ard repairs for a'l uukes. Stocking tinnier and cot ton. T. HASSELL 190 Kront St. Oram Pass Better Baking With Crescent A Bittrr Ilakinjj Powder Chas. l.add of Merlin wan shoiping In this city on Monday.' He return. d lu the evenltm to hlt home. John C. lleni) of Knhv Uslt. d n,,. rotinty seut Monday to lonk (t,-r business matters demanding his at tention and to call on (limits rum friends. m PERSONAL AND LOCAL W. C. Debly, piano tuner of Med ford, came down Monday morning to Bpeod several days here. , Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shattuck went to Medford Monday morning to visit with friends. R. C. Robertson of New York Is In town this week visiting with his son, F. C. Robertson. W. R. Whipple left Sunday for Oakland, Cal., and other points south to be absent several days on business. John McArthur visited with his wife and son at Reuben over Sunday and returned Sunday evening to this city to be with his father, who is ill. Mrs. R. M. Johnson returned Mon day from a visit with their daughter In Abfrdeen, Wash. J. W. Darnielle returned to Throe Pines Monday after spending Sun day with his family here. MIbs Jennie Telford" of Klamath Falls visited for a short time with her aunts, Misses Emma and Hattie Telford and left Monday morning for Albany, where she will attend school this winter. Mrs. T. F. Stackhoug and children left Sunday cveulng for St. Joseph, Mo., to visit for several weeks with relatives.' Mrs. Carl Hoots of Ashland came down Saturday evening to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Satchwell of this city. Mrs. E. E. Kuykendall of Rose- burg is visiting with Grants Pass friends for several days. Mrs. A. E. TamleBie, wife of Dr. Tamlesle of Salem, Is spending a few days in Grants Pass, the guest of Mrs. L, R. Steelhammer. Friends of Miss Nellie Miller, stenographer in the Shank real es tate office have received word from her stating that her brother, Attor ney Louis C. Miller, a prominent lawyer of Marshall, Mich., died at that place Wednesday, August 23. Death followed an operation for a cancerous growth of the bowels. Miss Miller left Grants Pass in July to be with her brother, who was then In poor health. Miss Jessie Hale went to Portland Monday evening to spend Beveral weeks with relntlves. Ralph Duvis spent Sunday with Glcndalo friends, returning In ev ening to this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Haven of Mer lin were visiting with Grants Pass friends on Monday. MIhs Clara Light spent Monday in Grants Tass, shopping and vteltlns with friends and returned in the evening to her home at Hugo. J. H. Hall, local freight conduc tor, went to Medford Monday on the motor. He will be relieved by A. L. Curler of HoHeburg while absent from the city. Clarence Wlnetrout went to Mer lin Monday evening to spend a short time on business. lames Tuffs and Chas. Welter left Tuesday morning for Dorrls, Cal., to look after saw mill business. Mis. Maggie Taylor went to Wood vllle Tuesday to visit relntlves. Dr. M. C. Flndloy and .1. M. Isham returned Monday from the M. E. con ference at Salem. Mrs. 8. I.oughtidgo returned Tues day morning from Tortland where Bho haH spent the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Kittle Day. Mrs. Koy McLean came down from Woodvlllp Tuesday morning to spend the dny with relatives. J. 1. Cook of Three Tines Is spend ing a short time in Grants PaHS look ing after business and visiting rela tives. THI First National Bank of Southern Oregon (iUANTH PAHS. P. S. lrMwltirT. ( Hiltitl, Surplus and I'ltdUldrd Profits 1100.000. We Invite the public to call on ui lu our new lutein Quar ters aud consider our ability properly to care tor the banking nerds of the community. Oar fire-proof and burglar proof Safe Deposit Vault It now rvniT i"T !. snd wo fr for rent Sifety IVposlt ilexes, rent als rntlti(! from tl 00 to $10 00 per year. Intervt Paid On line )epula U H. IUII, i'letidtitl J. C. CaittplH ll. Vice r-M II. L. UllUjr, Cashier II. K. Itnrhetl. t l'a-hl,v I. T. Pry, A".latit Cssh! J. W. Reeves of Galice was In luwn zivnuay luuniug tuier uusiness. Rev. W. R. Jeffrey, Jr., of Port land, has' been assigned the pastor ate of the Newman M. E. church In this city and will arrive . In Grants Pass this week and have charge of the services on Sunday. Mrs. John Banks came up from Roseburg Monday to take eye treat ment from Dr. FIndley. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adams came up from Portland Tuesday afternoon and will be guests at the home of Mrs. Alice Carlon for several days. Mrs. M. A. Shattuck left Tuesday afternoon for a visit to relatives In Tehama, Cal., after which she goes farther south for the winter, vi6ltlng with her son at Fresno. 1 Attended Ceremonial Session The following Grants Pass men at tended the ceremonial session of Hll lah temple, order of the Mystic Shrlners at Medford Monday; T. B. Cornell, I. A. Robie, E. E. Dunbar, Frank Mashburn, A. E. Voorhies, L. L. Jewell, R. E. Kroh, Florenz Brelt meyer, J. H. Hall, Geo. W. Donnell A. C. Hough, W. J. Shattuck and Mr. Vlnlng. Bond Mining Claim John Breeding and Ed. Bagley have bonded of August Fetsch the Dick mining claim in the Jump-off-Joe mining district, and are open ing good ore. Slays Big Rear Ed. Bagley and John Breeding, while hunting on Green mountain near Hugo, killed a black bear, the weight of which was close to 400 pounds. Paint Shop Burns Henry Bacher's paint shop, locat ed between 3rd and 4th streets near the Dr. FIndley residence was the scene of a lively fire yesterday noon, that completely demolished the building and Its contents, Some chil dren in the neighborhood discovered the blazo and' reported the same but were too late to do any particular good, the building being full of paints, oils and Inflammable mate rial, which burned furiously. It could not be learned whether the building was Insured or not. NATURE'S WARNING Grants Pass People Must Reeognize and Heed It Kidney ills come mysteriously. But nature always. warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See If the color Is unhealthy If there are settlings and sedl-j ment, Passages frequent, scanty, pain ful. It's time to use Doan's Kidney Tills T t ward' off Eerlous disease. Doan's have done great work, In this locality. Mrs. B. Cole, 125 Scond Street, Ashland, Ore., says: "I suffered for a year from kidney, and bladder complaint. If I stooped a stitch darted across my back, and often I Hon than prosecution, could hardly straighten. The kid- ney secretions were also unnatural PcY to nr-r nin np mvnnrvw and I was badly run down when I ,AR GLT RIBOF DAMmltF began using Donn's Kidney Pills. ' They seemed to be just the remedy Dandruff means that down near I required, for In less than a week the roots of your hair there Is a vast my health improved and the pain army of little Invisible germs or mlc ar.d lameness was less severe. My robes. condition Is now good nnd I am glad 1 , And this army never sleeps: It to any that Doan s Kidney Pills are wagea ft war of destruction night and all that la claimed for them." ,iay it destroys the nourishment For sale by a dealers. Price 60lthat the hair must have In order to v v V" , 0 r . ".V "iV?.10: New ork. sole agents for the United " 'rn,n,i. .v, anJtak lbnor ot e . IU 8INi:SS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.K.Peterion.rione'irlnsuranceMao Rexull Remedies at Clemen!", " drugs. Diamonds and watches sold on th instalment plan to responsible par- ties at Letcher's Jewelry store. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto- wtrlst and Jeweler In Dixon's o!u taud. Front t. Eyes testod free. I'm in Kevldetii e ltunis j l'lro Thursday afternoon com pletely dcslroed the farm :esldcnee and furnishing on the ram1, home of II, C. Kgl'org and Herbert Lup jloti, loeated one mile up ,lo,ie creek and about two and one-half miles I from Grants Pass. Mr, and Mrs. Kgbor ocnpiied the home, though me 'minting was destroyed, Mrs. I'vberg was In Grants Puss nmi Mr. Euberg was In Portland. Mr. l'tberg will return tomorrow morn ing. The ,-htn Is to rebuild at enco. The loss Is estimated at ICC 00. DltfeMloii iukI vnillrt(otl. It is not the quantity of food taken It tile amount digested nnit t It l " v ''"'' "' Klv length and vital- I iT-V'iC. A IT ,,!" Chamberlain's Vn!r.ViT7b.r0) Mvm;-., !! 1 Liver Tablet Invigorate " V i ' i t. the Men.aeh and liver and r-t.abl ,"1 t'!V,.rV,?Vra- them to r-rfor:n their f'trlon tin-' t ' ! :x" ' ' ' I-' v -ale bv alt curil d,.nlr' ' .. . GOVERNOR PARDONS f PRATT AND HARPER A B. Pratt and Frank Harper, the latter a youth, who were fined $50 each several weeks ago by Justice John Holman on pleas of guilty of fishing in the Rogue with a "foul" hook, have been pardoned by Gover nor Oswald West, the document ar riving Saturday morning in Justice Holman's mall. This is the case wherein Pratt sought to take a salmon for food, the man living in a tent and nursing an invalid wife. Tfie boy was pres ent at the stream with Pratt, and was gathered in by a game warden when Pratt was arrested. The hook was a large steel affair which Pratt was lowering Into the water in efforts to snare a salmon. This Is a violation of the law, and Justice Holman was compelled to im pose the fines, especially as pleas of guilty were entered. Justice Holman, however, paroled the prisoners, pending an appeal by petition to Governor West, asking that official to pardon the unfor tunates. The petition was numer ously signed, one of the prominent signers being Justice Holman him self, who wrot opposite his name on the petition the words, "The Justice who tried the case." After being paroled Pratt and Harper secured Jobs in a hop field, reporting at intervals to Justice Hol man, pending favorable or unfavor able action by the governor. Some time having elapsed and no word coming from the executive, Justice Holman wrote Governor West, stating that he, the justice, was allowed only 30 days from date of trial to turn in collected fines or Imprison the defendants, and asked for some word in the matter. Gov ernor West replied Immediately, as follows: "Honorable John Holman, Grants Pass, Oregon "Dear Sir: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 18, In which you recommend that the fines imposed by you upon A. B. Pratt and Frank Harper, for having plead ed guilty to an attempt to foul hook salmon In the Rogue river be re mitted. This cage has been called to my attention before and I have had it under consideration. I re ceived report from Mr. R. E. Clan- : ton notifying me that the state board of fish and game commissioners rec ommends remission of this fine, and i therefore, In accordance with this recommendation, I am herewith in closing you remission of the fine. "With kind regard, 1 am, "Very sincerely, "Oswald West." Pratt and Harper will now go free, and there were many expres- 1 slona nf sntlKfaptlnn Rntnritfiv nn ttio . . . ... . . . ,. Greets that this Is a fact. The case spemed to be one more of persecu- grow vigorously and abundantly. fatmsian SAfirc now ni,i nil nv. er America will destroy these germs T M W roots with Just the proper nourish- jmont to make hair grow lustrous and luxuriant. PARISIAN SAGE Is guaranteed by C. H. Demarny to banish dandruff, stop falling hair nnd Itching scalp or money back. It Is a delightful hair dressing that wins instant favor with reftned women. Sold for only 50 ients a large bottle by C. H. Deniarflv and druggists everywhere. Girl with Auburn hair on every carton and 1'ottlp- DJ TDITfV P A UKAMIJ) tAM lKllK CO. HUNCH BROS. Proprietor PROMPT AND KL'LIAHLK SERVICE Pianos and Organs Carefully Removed Phone: 41-L and 200-K Grunt Pa, Ore. Arc You Planning to Buiia UunKakiwit, Mills, Morel. Warehouse!. Schools, llrickyarils, Crcainericn, Con denser, or any Ftii'inrrrinij Prnirrt" (It f rf Jm AM . SA HI't.fs TKil't l IT WILL r Y V no in i-nu.eiT i CEIJSBEErC ENGINEERING CO. 604 Blake McFall BUg. )' O H T I N t o a ft u o it CHICHESTER S PILLS IU..I til I -There is Money in the Waste of your orchard every season. Last year twenty million bushels of wormy and inferior apples were placed on the market, and twenty million bushels moro was the total loss from coddling moths alone. But why the waste? Why not regain your own loss this season by using our Famous spraying outfit ? The investment is safe and results quickly follow. You will have bigger and better crops, more apples to sell, can command higher prices for a lughcr quality of fruity and will effectually counteract the evil ravages of insect pests and plant diseases. You can not well afford the loss you suffer each year. Begin saving now by ordering a spraying outfit. . Write us for particulars and catalogues. ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE COMPANY. THE BIG RED FRONT ROGUE RIVER VALLEY INDUSTRIAL FAIR MEDFORD, OCTOBER 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Wednesday, Old Settlers' Day-$10 in gold to the largest family that has settled in the valley and lived here the longest time ; $5 in gold to oldest settler, male; $5 in gold to oldest settler, female. Thursday, Medford Day. Friday, School Day and Grants Pass Day. Saturday, Ashland Day. Fine Trotting, Pacing and Running Races each day. Some of the fastest horses that raced at the State Fair have entered. Balloon' Ascensions, Music and amuse ments,of all kinds. Splendid Exhibits of Fruit, Grains, Vege tables and Stock. " REDUCED RATES ON THE RAILROADS EVERYTHING WE SELL IS THE BEST THERE 15 IN Let's bury the hatchet, but let the hatchet be one of our make for they are warranted to go deeper and cut better. We know that, and want you to know it you, yourself, come in with your axe to grind and we'll show you our best line of axes. You can find everything good in hardware in our store. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. PLUMBING AND SHEET METAL SHOP.' A