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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 29, 1011. WTJCKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAoa mm High Flight and Olympic Flour You make no mistake when yon buy these two brands. Re member we always guarantee them to give satisfaction. J. Pardee ri;ocEEmxGS of cvintv . COURT; SEPT, 1011 TERM PERSONAL AMI LOCAL Iff A. C. Howland went to Olendale on business Tuesday evening after spending two days with his brother, Geo. Howland of this city. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jewell and Dr. Flanagan went to Portland Tuesday. Millard Dean left Tuesday evening for Portland where he will resume his studies in the Behnke-Walker business college. Mr. Dean will com plete his course this winter. Ira Wlmberly of Drain, who oas been visiting with his Fister, Mrs C. L. Clevenger of thin city,' le't Tues day evening for Roseburg wliite be will spend a day wltf his brother be fore going to his home. Ed Kellog, formerly of this city, but who has spent the past several years in Mexico, passed through Grants Pass Tuesday eveulng, visit ing with Grants Pass friends between trains. Mr. Kellog was on his way to Glendale to visit with relatives. Mrs. Ella Shutt, who has spent the summer In Grants Pass, for her health, left Wednesday morning for her home in Spokane, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. DeArmond went to Woodvllle Tuesday morning to spend a few days with their daughter and family. Miss Ada Smith returned Sunday from an extended vacation trip, spending two months with relatives at Portland, Seattle, Vancouer, B. C. and other places north. Miss Smith reports a delightful ouilng and returns to Grants Pass gieatly refreshed and benefited by bor out ing. Elmer Shank has returned from Portland where h? had been spending several weeks on .business. Mrs. Shank and the children will remain for several weeks visiting with rela Uvea. Special price on Aluminum Sauce Pans, 33 cents each at Cramer Bros. G. H. Garner of the Grants Pass Lumber company returned Wednes day morning from a trip to Portland and Eastern Oregon, where he bad spent several days on business. Court met Wednesday. September 6th, 1911, pursuant to law, there be ing present: Hon. Stephen Jewell, county Judge, C. L. Barlow, commissioner, S. F. Cheshire, clerk, and . Will C. Smith, sheriff when the following proceedings were had, to wit: The petition of C. C. English tt al for a county road at Booth's ferry on Rogue river heard upon the report of the county board of road viewers, and the matter taken under advisement by the court. Plat of Tokay Heights examined and approved by the court and the same ordered filed and placed of record in the office of the county clerk. In the matter of the change of a portion of the Oregon & California wagon road from a point near Sex ton's ranch north of Grave Post Of fice and from the bridge acress Jump Off Joe Creek running up the creek; the county beard of road viewers was ordered to survey and view the nec essary changes to be made and to as sess damages, etc., and report to the court at the next term. Statement of the county clerk In the matter of the issuance of county warrants for scalp bounties for the motrtbs of July and August 1911, examined and approved. The previous order of the court di recting an election to be held on September 16th, .1911, in the matter of the establishment of an irrlga tion district in Josephine cqunty, set aside ana annulled The following plats were examined and approved and ordered placed on file and of record in the office of the county clerk: Plat of Fair Acres. Plat of West Hillside Addition. ' Plat of Lundburg's Subdivision. The following accounts were audit ed and the clerk ol the court ordered to Issue Josephine county warrants in payment of the same: W. H. Fallln, deputy asses sor's salary $ 84.00 J. R. Williamson, board coun ty poor 147.20 C. R. Ryder, nursing pauper 19.20 J. R. Williamson, board county poor 181.60 C. V. Campbell, work on roads 16.00 W. M. Campbell, work on roads 20.00 F. D. Strieker, Cor. fees, Strong exam 32 65 James Holman, depositions .. 5.00 F. D. Strieker, Cor. fees Gibson Inq 12.00 W. H. Flanagan, post mort. exam. Gibson Inq 25.00 S. Loughrldge, post. mort. exam, Gibson Inq 25.00 E. J. Ruland. witness cor. Inq 1.50 C. G. Allen, witness cor. Inq C. H. Rhann, witness cor. Inq. H. R. Moses, witness cor. Inq. Lester C. Gibson, witness cor. Inq Blanche E. Wile, witness cor. inq Mrs. A. K. Cass, witness, cor inq A. K. Crsb, witness, cor Inq. S. W. Phillips, juror cor Inq. Wm. Rood, juror cor. inq W. L. Herzinger, juror cor. inq J. R. Rush, juror, cor. Inq 1.00 Will E. Seal, juror cor. inq 1.00 J. F. Wolfsberger, Juror, cor. inq F. B. Oldlng, Juror cor. Inq W. J. Wimer, Juror cor. inq. J. N. Dean, juror cor. inq Robt. Treagor, work on roads 10.00 W. E. Hudson, work on roada 64,00 Smith-Thomas Lbr. Co., lum ber for roads 11.58 So. Ore. Supply Co., Mdse Co. home 42.10 R. A. Dean, re-establishing pub. corners 4.50 Cramer Bros., mdse for roads 29.90 Rogue River Hdw. Co., Mdse for roads 17.19 J. A. Hubbard, repairs court house 2.50 Williams Bros. Lbr. Co., lum ber for bridge 362.00 Grants Pass Lbr. Co., lum ber for roads 16.45 Coron-Booth Hdw. Co. Mdse. Co., Home : 10.60 L. Trask, drayage for cor oner, T. . R. Graves, house rent, 1.00 2.50 22.17 pauper Rogue River Water Co., wa ter for July '11 .: Rogue River Electric Co. lights for July 7.70 Grants Pass Hdw. Co., Mdse for roads 8.74 Josephine Livery Co., teams for roads 5.00 Grants Pass Livery Stable, teams for pauper 1.50 National Dray Co., drayago .. .50 MISSOURI FLAT. Joe McFadden returned home oa Tuesday from Alaska where he has been mining for the past five years. We are glad to welcome him home again. He spent several days In Se attle and Portland enroute home and met with quite a surprise in Grants Pass, in the way of Improvements, since leaving here nve years ago. L. C. Basye, left Wednesday for Waldo to atteud the funeral of his brother-in-law, Richard Slagle, win died there Wednesday morning. Mrs. J. T. Cook has been on tha ' sick list but is some better this week. John Meek went Wednesday for a week's hunting trip on Powell creek, Will Farls taking bis place at tha : saw mill during his abseuce, John Davidson of Williams creek i wa visiting here with his brother E. J., Wednesday. . ! Messrs. Rlggs, Lucas and Gardner ! of Grants Pass made a business trip through here Monday. . . j E. J. Davidson and family will leave soon for Albany to reside, hav r Y. M. Wlchman, burial of ; pauper 8.00 . jng gold their farm and mine to Mr. J. F. Burke, Co. Fruit Inspec- n Nea Mr Neall ,8 mBklng EOme ior Miiaijf m.fcu G. W. Harrison, witness Jup- i tice court -OP Dollle Harrisor, witness jus tice court 1. 00 Mollie Harrison, witness jus tice court 1 00 T. Y. Dean, witness Justloi court 1.00 Willard Dean, witness Jus tice court 100 Mrs. T. Y. - Dean, witness Justice court J. 00 Bert Banks, witness Justice ' court 100 Eugene Coburn, witness jus tice court 2.00 R. W. Young, witness justice court 1.00 A. T. Rutherford, witness justice court 100 N. W. Cole, witness Justice court 100 W. A. Ralne, witness Jus tice court 1.00 John Woolfolk, witness -jus tice court 1.00 M. Jordan, auto hire for co.- We are State Agents for DR. D. ROBERTS Veterinary Remedies. Clemens The REXALL Store Hi Drug 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 A. H. Mock, juror cor. inq 1.00 J. W. Heston, Juror cor. inq. 1.00 W. M. Rood. Juror cor. inq. 1.00 Harrv McCormick. witness. cor. inn 4.30 U. G. McCormick, witness cor. Inq 4.30 J. C. Smith, physician cor. inn : 5.00 E. S. Van Dyke, depositions cor. Inn 5.00 F. D. Strieker, cor fees Ber- tleman inq 22.50 F. D. Strieker, cor. fees Crow- lev exam 10.00 filnsH & Prudhomme supplies 29.90 r 7. Hartzler. wood for Dau- ner 2.00 Wm. I.ichtenbereer. work on roads 26.50 P H. Barnes, work on roads 7.50 w H Jordan, work on roads 15.00 TVmmna Oprfpn. WOrk OU roads 12.60 F. C. Stlwalt, work on roads 10.00 H. L. Lewis, work on roads 9.00 p v r.ihunn. work on roads 22.50 3 For 25c We are making this special price on Egg-O-See, Quaker Corn Flakes or Wheat Flakes. Nice fresh goods. This is a good buy. , EXTRA SPECIAL Get our closing out price on fruit jars and canning supplies. It's going to be worth your while. supplies 5.00 changes at the mine and will operat? j it with machinery instead of the hy-j draulic process. Water! Water! Water!Seema to be the general topic now-a-days, and everybody says to everybody else : be Bure and remember Ttose Hall, October 7. , We do not wish to intrude on oth-! er's territory, but must make nien-j tlon of the fine new bungalow that! Herman Messenger is Just complet-j ing at Provolt. Fleda Woolrldge Is visiting In Grants Pass this week. Several of the school children gave Evan Kubll a surprise birthday party Friday evening. . 17.50 2125 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ' J.50 1150.00 5.00 14.00 7.50 4.00 Whitehouse Groceiy oner R. F. Whltmore, court house W. C. Beares, work on roads Hugh Rimer, work on rauM George 'Gebers, work on road Scott Stringer, work on roads John Friti, work on roads ... Dan Robertson, work on roads J. G. Miller, witness county court H. A. Dillingham, witness county court Floyd Christie, witness coun ty court -v - - Arthur Gilbert witness coun ty court L. B. Hall, coffins for pau pers Columbia Bridge Co., Wil liams creek bridge John llavlln work on roads Alonzo Jones, work on roads E. C. Underwood, work on roads iJO.OO Ed. Woolfolk, work on roads 13.50 Price Sloan, work on roads 7.50 Floyd Sloan, work on road D. Kerr, work on roads .. W. F. Henchnke, work., on roads 27.50 Chas. Hall, work on roads ... 30.00 T. A. Pollard, wok on roar's 4i.50 I. C. Lowden, work on road I!0 00 J. J. Brown, work on roads . 57.75 S. F. Cheshire, stamps, ex press, etc 21.95 S. F. Cheshire, caBh for pau pers 10.00 S. F. Cheshire, freight 011 road material . 164.37 Otis, work on roads (i.00 R. O. Burr, work on road.... 10.00 M. A. Wertz, work on roais 4 0.25 M. A. Wertz, work on roads :(5.00 E. A. Rathbone, work on roads 33.00 T. B. Cornell, Juror Juven'lo court . 3.00 F. W. Russell, Juror Juvenile court 3 00 Charles Taylor, Juror Juvi-n- ile court 3.00 M. O. Evans, Juror Juvenile court 3.00 John Hall, Juror Juvenile . court 3.00 George W. Lewis, Juror Juv enile court . 3.00 Glenn Bagley, work on roadi 8.00 J. H. Eggers, work on road 4.00 F. Deardorff, work on roada 15.00 Joe Powell, work on roads 18.00 C. R. Hakln, work on roads Is. 00 C. E. Phillips, work on roads 39.00 Kate Phillips, work on roads 20.00 M. A. Wertz, work on roads 20.00 C. E. Phillips, work on roads 31.00 Edgar Hakln, work on roads 18.00 J. H. Campbell, work 0.1 roads IS. 00 Robt Sexaue.r work on roads 18.00 Chas Roberts, work on roads 18.00 Kinney & Truax, mdse for pauper 50 P. P. Proctor, 5000 tax re ceipts 63.75 F. C. Lovett, rare of pau per li.00 Boys & Girls Aid Society, allowance for Aug '11 10.00 B. Frankum, tending ferry on Rogue river 40,00 Otis Burr, work on roads . 8.00 A. Kprllger work on road 2.51 W. B. Ayer, work on roads . . 6.25 W. C. Fry. work on roads 41.75 dr Weatherwax, work on road 11.25 Julius Sappl, work on roads 2.o0 II. L. M'wIk. work on road 6 00 K. M. riiPHhlii', 'Xi)onc ujite v. Allen 27.50 M l.enn Auto Livery, auto hire for road 2.& , (Continued on pace JEROME PRAIRIE. Mrs. C. J. Armstrong and daughter Mildred were visitors at J. T. Mld dleton's on lower Applegate Sunday. The lumber mill that has been op erating on Luther Robinson's place was removed last week after a uc- 3.20 22.75 22.75 55,85 1 cessful run of about ten weeks Mrs. J. C. Morgan visited with her son and daughters In town Saturday and Sunday. Snub Robinson and family of Ap-! plegate were visitors at Bible school ! and J. H. Rbblnson's Sunday. Mr. Baldwin has secured several contracts In our vicinity for cutting wood with his stean saw. lie. la cut ting for W. E. Wheeler at present. Rev. Hoxey of Wlldorvllle will j preach Sunday morning Immediately after Bible school. All are Invited. ; A hunting party made up of J. C. ', Morgan and son Austin and Edwlo j Schoonmaker, with Ralph Harmaii 1 and Lansing Schooninnkor of Grants' Pass,, left Saturday morning for WI1-' Hams creek where they expect to: spend a few days. LeRoy Tryon, pressman a. The Courier, returned Tuesday afternoon ; from the Selma country with n fine : big buck which he shot on M vdny. Alum In 11 111 Sam e Pans cents at Cramer Bros. only 3T WILLIAMS ITEMS. C. O. Blgelow Is out on the moun tains rounding up his cattle which will number about 400 head. He has sold them all to a firm In Medford. "Rounding up," along with the erec tion of a largo barn over his straw stack, makes plenty of work for Mr. Blgelow. Mr. Carl Is doing his part In beau tifying WIlllaniB creek by burning the clearing on his recently purchas ed lands and building a new-barn. A large crowd attended the dedica tion of the new Brethren church last Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Stover preach ed a very fine sermon and will con tinue the meetings during this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bryan, Mrs. Sutton and Dave Vlnyard made a business trip to Grants Pass last Ffat urday together. C. F. Thompson vlBlted on Jump- off- Joe creek over Sunday. Sight seeing at tho caves Is about ', over for this year, the fall rains hav ing started. The grangeis will hold a fair t the Williams hall on Thursday and j Friday of this week. On Friday eve, September 29, they will have a dance with the Demaray orchestra of , Grants Pass, furnishing the music, Miss Minnie Vlnyard and Philip Bnel) visited the county clerk's office at Grants Pass yesterday. 1) ?Capm(ltt Wll VI I MKhKmfcColl I loikaa, R V. 11 1 WEAR That's the chief reason for 'BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES popularity. , ' Of course, their up-to-date Style, variety of design and beautiful finish, at rea sonable prices, are also fac tors in the wonderful suc cess achieved by 1 BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES But it's because they keep their snappy appearance so much longer than other makes, that men who know always demand them. Fall and winter Suits and Overcoats of this famous make are now ready in this store. They'll sell fast. Be early. Prices $10 to $35 CP. Bishop & Go THE CLOTHIERS. Ilth i II Sin. Old J,ii j ton Building ALUMINUM Special Sale As au introductory offer we are making a spe cial price of 35 CENTS EACH on Six-Inch Aluminum Sauce Pans. We have just added a fine line of all kinds of Solid Alum inum Ware and invite you to look at tbe prices in our corner window and then come in. CRAMER BROS Odd Fellows' Block. Jap s-lac at Cramer Bnm. I W. F, Powers of Ashland wan. vM K Ing with Grants Pan Mend Weilntmhy and uNo looking up b'il nesn here. All Oliver j.J'iw etrn m .,1,J by Cramer Urns. noitN. OULKKHY At the flout h PaclHo hospital In this cliy, Thursday, Sep tember 21, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Junes Oglesby of Three Plneg, a son. TIIVOKfiKN -At (Jrants Pns. Ore roii, Thursday, September 21, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs K K. Thy i:eHn. q son. M RllY ITKMH. Hairy Flo)d and Weley Grants Pass, where they hav ben attending high school. Threshing Is finished and every body wants rain. All hav had goo I crops and threshing took loncer tl v i usual. The Kerby school began Septcm. hcr 11. The principal Is Miss II. lit and the primary teac her Miss Reck. Wood- By Culled Pretis Leased Wire. SEATTLE, Sept. 2R. -An orator! (Hi contest, with temperance as tht theme and a diamond medal for I prize, will bo the feature of the W, im k wit.' In Kei tiv KnMidny from C. T. t convention here tonight. 1 .win f" "i""ii'tjia !