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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 20, 1011. WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE THREE DR. SMITH TAKES GOVERNOR TO TASK Dr. J. C. Smith, member of the leg islature from Josephine county, In an' Interview with The Courier, takes a hard rap at Governor Oswald Wcai, as a result of the governor's position and statements regarding a proposed extra session to create good roads leg islation. Dr. Smith talked as follows: "The only question Governor West should consider, If he is honest In his assertions that he is in favor of good roads legislation, is whether the in terests of the state demand that such legislation should be created. If ho finds that it would be advantageous to the state to have good roads,, it is his duty to call the legislature to gether in extra session, and after the members assemble he can send his message advising then of impor tant points that he wants them to consider. ACTOR FISHERMAN BEFORE THE COURT James Dunn, an actor keeping a short engagement at one of the local theaters, Wednesday afternoon was declared "not guilty," when arrested for fishing without a license, and thereby hangs a tale. Dunn and his wife were taking In the beauties of : Rogue river, down at that portion In the vicinity of the steel bridge on Sixth street. They heard much talk of the many fish In the stream, and decided to try their luck. So Dunn borrowed a pole and line and with his spouse took up a position at the dam near the bridge, and was In tently watching for a "bite," when Game Warden Wright hove in sight and arrested the actor for fishing at a dam. The disciple of Booth was j presented to Justice John Holman, a Jury trial was demanded. Then the question arose as to whether the Edam was a dam; whether it was a "When the governor, however, af-Ple ' rubbish or a real Simon-pure ter vetoing some 72 bills, among flam- To make the matter safe, the which were good roads and other complaint was changed, and Dunn bills of importance to the rest of j Put 011 trial for fishing without a li the state, finds he has made a mis- i cense. The man was ignorant of the take,' that his vetoes, which were got- j ,act that he had to have a license; al ten up wholly to show the wonderful 80 ignorant of the law regarding flah wlsdom and statesmanship of him- J ,nS near a dam. Belf, and t0 belittle the work of the ! The ase went to trial before the legislature, have not met with the ' Jury, and Attorney Fred Williams de popular approval and laudation he fended the accused actor. The de had hoped for, and now when there j fense of Mr. Williams was a hummer, conies a demand for relief from con-; the lawyer contending that the case dltions which his vetoes have caused, was n6t one wherein a man should Instead of calling the legislature to- be punished. When the Jury took gether in a manly way, he seeks to ' the case It was the unanimous ver lmpose conditions which he knows j diet, and a quick one, of 'not guilty.' no member, that possesses intelli-' Therein lies the moral. The' Jury gence or manhood, could accept, and took position that Dunn caught no then, when he claims he la in favor j fish; that he might have been fish of good road lews, it stamps him a 1 lng for suckers for which no license a cheap demagogue. ! Is necessary; that Rogue river U "I will meet Governor West half 1 becoming tied up like a canal in Uol way. I will serve the state ot Ore-, nd, much to the detriment of the gon for the rest of my term as a j much-advertised fishing grounds member of the house of representa- near Grants Pass, Oregon; that peo tlves without pay If he wiy agree to , Pie are invited here through lurid erve the balance of his term as gov- j and paint-bedaubed literature and ernor without compensation. One; told they can catch more fish and proposition Is as fair as the other, j get more fun In 'steen minutes than and if he wants to play politics by ac- j anywhere else on the continent; that ceptlng my offer, he will find the ; when a man with a hungry wife people will all applaud him. Each ' and two children in, a tent tries to member of the legislature swore to 'snare one salmon among nlany tons, perform the duties of his office to ' with a "foulhook," and that when the best of his ability, and if they are ' an Ignorant $15 a week actor drop called tocether In extra session it Is an amateur line in the water their duty to consider those 72 ve-j therefore, for all these and other toes. This Covernor West knows or ' reasons such petty arrests by game ought to know, and that Is the rea- 't wardens are unnecessary and work son ho Is afraid to call an extra ses- injury to the city of Grants Pass, in sion without a pledge from members 1 that tourists will soon fear to even to violate their oath of office. And, ! look upon the blue waters of the while pretending to be favorable to ''Rogue, but will Instead . hurry extra session, he makes It lm-, tnrougn me cuy eurome w piaufB where game wardens re jot bo Daniel Walker and E. B. Ferrin of Roseburg arrived in Grants Pass Monday to spend a short time here on business. Alex Watts of Applegate was visit ing the county seatDn business Monday. IP YOU HAVE ECZEMA OR ANT SKIX OR SCALP TROUBLE HERE IS GOOD NEWS. You have probably tried one or more remedies with small success. This costs money and it is uncertain. We want you to try ZEMO, the clean liquid remedy, but we do not want you to pay for it unless you are satis fied with results. We have so much faith in Zemo that we want you to try it by sending to the E. W. Ross Med cine Co., 3032 Olive St, St. Louis, Mo., 10c In stamps to pay postage for a generous sample of ZEMO and ZE MO (antiseptic) SOAP and our 81 page booklet on skin diseases OR get a brttle today at C. H. Demaray's Drug store and if you are not pleased with results they will refund your money. ZEMO is a clean scientific prepar ation that washes away and destroys the germ life and the poisons that cause the trouble. Stops the itch ing at once and results can be seen after one application. ZEMO abso lutely cures eczema In all Its forms a? well as hives, rashes, acne, tetter. Larbers' Itch, prickly heat, etc.ln in fants the same as on grown persons. Indorsed and sold by druggists ev erywhere and in Grants Pass by C. H. Demaray's Drug Store. an nncaihio tn have one. and then ex pects to lay the blame on the mem bers. "If Governor West wants an ex-, tra session, he knows how he can , get it honorably. If he doesn't want an extra session, It Is up to him; but he doesn't need to try to be on both sides of the road question and expect to humbug the people. r.enlouB in filling bastlles with shiv ering fishermen. And now, bless your heart, Actor Dunn was hauled up agalu, dragged from Medford and had to face Jus tice Holman a second time. And "they do say" that Justice llulmun was w.rathy at such goings on. And the way that Dunn was.put it. Jeop- . . ... i ;n.. Eunfin A tlttia tL'n d (ri 1 h tu ..... . l n n t 1 nTAPTI D1 T1V U1UT I U 17 DCCUUU ' J . .. we are luimiouuj iui . t, Tnmni of rrent sav-1 wise: When the Jury declared him i lie i uiiituiu - !- SOCIALIST PARTY WILL HAVE CITY TICKET In a communication to The Courier a member of the socialist party in Grants Pass states that a full social ist ticket will be put iu the field pre ceding the coming city election. The statement Is made that the party has a man in view for mayor who will "place Grants Pass In line with other progressive cities where socialism is carried to Its ultimate aim, which means municipal ownership, equal representation and equal distribu tion." The name of the resident Is not given out, but It Is stated that "he Is a mechanic and thorough econom ist, one who understands the needs of a municipality." The further statement Is made In the communication to The Courier that "socialist councllmen from each ward will be chosen to fully co operate with the socialist mayor." Lauren Gale came up from Merlin Tuesday to look after business. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Williams, who have spent the summer at Kathlamet, Wash., returned Monday to Grants Pass, where they will remain indefinitely. Diarrhoea is always more or less ' prevalent during September. Be pre pared for It. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by all good dealers. Dick and Joe Shattnck of Apple gate came to town Monday to visit with Grants Pass friends. Chas. F. Augensteln of Napoleon Ohio, who has spent the past four days visiting with R. R. Turner,, su perintendent of the Grants Pass schools, left Monday evening on his return to his Ohio home. "with strength tnd ease the always pleas" TWO HORSE OVERALLS MADI av LEVI STRAUSS CO. QX mmmmm Nursery Stock Having secured for ' the agency The Bally green Nursery Co. of Hartford, Wash., for the counties of Josephine and Jack son, I am In a better position than ever before to give my customers satisfaction. They are the originators ofVcertlfled pedigree nursery stock, and growers are finding that certi fied pedigree Is as necessary in nursery stock as in dairy stock. 1 I also handle common stock of the best grade. All kinds of grapes a specialty. Also agent for the Frost Pre vention Co.'s orchard heater. Geo. H. Parker 40; WEST 1) 8TUEK"r. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Absolutely Pure Tho only Baking Powder made fromRoyalCrapeCrcarofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE REV. W.R.JEFFREY, JR., CONES TO M. E. CHURCH RARE OLD COINS FOUND ON GRANTS PASS LOT Rev. W. R. Jeffre) Jr, ha been assigned to the Newman M, E. church at Grants Tass by the prtsld Inr elder as announced at the close of the conference at Salem. The Oregonlan says: One of the notable features of the appointments. Is the transfer rf W. R. Jeffrey, Jr., from University Tark to Grants Pass and the appointment In his stead of Rey. W. B. Hol'ings head. The latter was for six years superintendent of the Portland dis trict. Rev. Mr. Jeffrey has cerved for five years at University park and has accomplished a great deal while there. , Ills congregation ask ed for his return, but without much hope of their request being gnrted, on account of the long service he had been permitted to give them. Rev. Mr. Holltngshead has hnd no charge for the past year, having done tome special work for the board of home missions and church extension, Rev. D. II. Leech, who has Pcrvod the Newman M. E. church so accep tably has been transferred to Albanj. Inz to the state of $600,000 by those ; "not guilty of fishing without a 11- T.f t . look at this saving, i cense" Game Warden Wrla, was The sum of $340,000, or more than j keenly disappointed that bis man one-half was for state aid to roads,! went scot free. Then the game war " which if property expended, would 1 den thlnked a thunk, and hit on have been returned to the people in ; the plan to nab Dunn on a charge a very few years. The sura of $50,- j or finning ' near a dam. in the 000 to build a new and suitable pa- j meantime, Dunn hnd gone to Med ylllon at the state fair grounds, a ' ford to dance on the sawdust or do building In keening with the dignity whatever stunt Is his specialty on of the state and very much needed,! the theatrical boards. Now Game the present building being totally nn-: Warden Wright did not go t. Dep. fit for the purpose. Another saving uty District Attorney Van Dyke for was In the naval militia bill, which this second complaint, but went to he refused to file without an illegal .Jacksonville where he told of his nledue that thev would orly use part; wo. v w. piHim Ull U.VJ T I,ln Allnrntv Vnil.ov ant of it. And. afterward, wnen me, " ' " , , (1 burned some pow-' niniseu uowh mm m. him he grac- quill wrote out an indictment cnarg- them the j lng Actor uunn un usum u Thls Is a ; In 200 yards of n flshway." This naval militia hai: iously consented to give rest of the state's money. mm INDUSTRY 0 YOU SHOULD LOOK AFTER YOUR OWN INDUSTRY and you are not doing that, if you have not a bank account. To operate your business success fully YOU SHOULD USE OUR CHECKING ACCOUNT It protects you, and gives you a higher commer cial rating among your associates. If you should ' require financial aid it would be to your interes to have an account with us. Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co. GRAXTH PA88, OIIEGO.V. sample of his vetoes and what he saved the state. His threat to veto r,f .nlnrv during the In- mij I mow - has' document Game Warden Wncht put In his pocket, and riding deep he reached Grants Pass. Dcforo Jus- ... . . a, .. ... ... 1 iinimn tt-pntn upcdki lime. cumbenfs term only applied io - - - rountles that did not give West a ma-! Justice Holman was compelled to o I f 4t Witness the r..e j act. He sent Constable Mock to X ; salary of the county school super-1 Medford for Actor Dunn. Mock go i men. niuukin uuji . If HE Intendent of Jackson county. CI.K W IT VOI R STOMACH- him to court. Attorney Fred Wil liams was there. Attorney vVllllams looked at the romplalnt. "No good," r;a. Sourncw., PIHiim. Head-! Pald Mr. Williams. aches and Bad Prcam Will Go. j charged with no crime this rron Is If you reallv want a rleau, sweet, pure stomach, free front en, sourness and distress, go to C. H. today and get a t0 cent box of MI-o-NA Sto-.nach Tablets. Take these little tablets according to directions, and If nt the end of a week your are not brighter, stronger and more vigorous, Just sny so and get your money back. For heaviness after eating, eructa tion, heartburn and dlstrrswd feelln?. MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets .will give relief In five minutes. box of MI-0-N4 STOMACH TAni.KTS. 0 rents at C. H. Demar nv'g and druggies everywhere. under the laws of Oregon, the Unltel States or Imhomey. This complaint reads for flt-hlng within 200 feet of a flshway.' Th" law reads that no man Miall fish within :0 feet DKIOW a flhway I submit a demurrer, your honor." Granted!" nutekly said Jut)re Holman. Dunn a free man. flame warden mad. Van DykP delisted. Dunn Iniii.Minr Ht'O'-f (Mors t' N't lie. n 3 RBSNE For the Bowels A Cure for Chronic Constipation, Torpid Llvtr and Irregular Dowel Movements. Connllpfttton l tb mit rnmn rn 5:-irr c! 4hn bnwctn. It nVrt both (' uml nil ug"n let h coin prrvnlfnt ftmnntc woin.n brnuo tln'lr dutnn In tho Jr in. -i - il rcqulrn l'M pliy'cl miTi'lH" than t lie e".i,fi',l'i;,j f men; tii'Trforo women sufTr inoit from It" I'.in'fi!'. tfli i-t. A rnrif'.lp: i .ri.n i m tr(!n i !ni rxp',""l to sny t rtniH in " I'lie'iriK nl 'J'j-noifJ t'"ve, V iCim, JlMrlimathifn. I"mii! 1'". ' ;!'.v Fi r .v; ?.i itf'u's ! ..!. i . niu r tin Ir amhm! l.arv'nt if )' .tll fiTTidi;,- r wim rr '..i!nPi.ii;y c'Tint !j, il-.l. i;v n thnti-h ti f y i j otir. :.- "i": . "i !i j-Ti".n am bIv ij-i Blllt.i; ir.'.'i or l'. 1,v I V" ' .0 k Imk t . I iiKiiiori, Oil-rn-M. vlrtlfu 'Mind mv,:. n i. r llvw t .m ,.,, fatulcnre, Ion i f 'ri rii'i: e I f.o tvrry it ill. l?TMn ln it rn'mt 'liti' ffcit In ti e I uw.s; It In r . ".r-.g, pur'fvifii' an. I pk ulutlf.. Il full a i.ruinijt Iim k en I II i'-i r.i. wln'l In tlm biwels, tinrvritin. rir.n, ) i sribiiif . bn' .r.- : j.irlln, Oruwiintsi In tli uuy. tirin ami i.trvmj itk -. li tn ut Mglit. Trice SOs per Dottle. V 5 1 V? I 17. L0UI3, M0. I or Wtn'i lrl.l r Surt ! Urmhrma f t Sl. It rum. n I Mil AI 'IMIHII National Drug Store The case of State of Oregon ts. M. F, Hull occupied the attention of tho circuit court this morning. Ttat case was called and a jury diawn, but on account of the absence ot the principal witness, E. S. El'eiman, it was necessary to postpone tin trial until tomorrow morning. The Jury Is composed ot Ernest Measenei', W. L. Gibson, P. P. Paine, D. F. George, A. L. Espy, John Wolf oik, W. A. Powers, JohnAnderson, B. Coftla, O. C. Pollard, A. Morris and E. S. Rice. One case against J. W Wbltsett waB dlsmlHsod on account of the fail ure to find two Important witnesses, Geo. Harrows and Mrs. Tom Dooth. , State of Oregon vs. W. H. Emei lck was dlmnlBsed on motion ot the pros ecuting attorney. Frank C. Wlmbels vs. W'U! E. Pur dy et al, default and decree. . The grand Jury returned "uit a true bill" In the case of th State vs. Lloyd 8cott. , A. C. Howland of Swastika was a Grants Pass visitor Monday RIFLES $ GUNS There's no use hunting deer with a poor gun. Look at some of the really good 1911 models of standard Rifles, Carbines, etc., in our window. They are the best fire arms made and at the best price. mmmmmrmtmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTmmwmmmm Campers Supplies Such as tents, sheet Iron stoveH, cooking utensils, hunt ers' axes, and many more things you're going to need we keep conatantly on hand. I JEWELL HARDWAHE GO. PATRONIZE THE Eden Valley Nursery MEDFORD, ORE., BOX 823. The trading nursery ot Hontliern Oregon. The nursery tht silt orrr 100,000 trees rri season without canvsjwlng. 8 Ute (Hilnt? ..The goods do the talking. N. S. Bennet MKDFOni), OIIK, BOX b'iSt. Twentv-one years a renldent of the Rogue Klver Valley. Eullhurst Nursery Co. Wolf Creek, Ore. Offer a complete stock of No. 1, one year, apple trees for this fall and next spring planting. Let us quote you prices on laro or small orders. Will quote you prices on anything you want in tho nurs ery lino. EULLHURST NURSERY CO., Wolf Creek, Ore., C. F. COOK, I'rrsldent and Manager V. It. WOK, Trramirer , l J. Xl:W.MIV, Hwrctary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. lurorporaled Ml IH OKD, OIti:JO III HIS OF AM. KIM H 8FI.DH OF A Mi KI.M (irmu'ro f'f ItiliuHe Viiimij- HI(n k, I 'ri lit Mini Ornamental Trees, Klinilit, r.M', Vliien, I'mIiiih, Sum II FnillH, Write for I'rlcfs Offlrr 2r, Vtft Muln Ntrtl Phone ISO