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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1911)
'"' AGK KIGHT WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 20, 19,, (Continued from Page 5.) WWtern hotel, board char B. & G. Aid nociety ... 13.00 Eaton, ' lumber for roads.... 17.93 R. O. Burr, work on road S 00 8. F. Chejhlre, cash for pau per : fc.95 Stanton Rowell, supplies clerk's office , C.35 J. B. Peterson, stamps and supplies 7.60 Oregpn Observer, printing . . 4.00 C. L. Barlow, mdae for roadi 13.40 Southern Ore. Sup. Co., mdse Co. home 28 45 B. F. Seaton, work on roadu 134.00 Oregon Library Communion Krhool books 31S.63 G. A. Savage, asst. 8th grade exam. 4.50 C. L. .Barlow, commissioner!! per diem 2X.80 Will C. Smith, expense, atati r. Wallace 42.45 Silas McClug, witness Juven ile court 3.00 Robert Dunlap, viewer Booth ferry road 1 C 00 J. M. Jones, viewer Booth ferry road 16 00 W. R. Whipple, surveyor - Booth ferry road 2T 00 .Tatncs Rush, man and team, Booth ferry road 20 00 H. A. Whipple, assst. Booth ferry road . 10.00 C. C; English, asst. Booth ferry road 5.00 Three Pines Lbr. Co., lum ber for roads 16.90 Andrew Carson, work on roads -' C3.00 Pacific Sta. & Printing Co., supplies 6.00 Blanche Epperley, witness circuit court 7.00 L. Speaker, Mds. for pau per 16.95 Grants Fans Truck Co., dray age 2.50 Kllham 8ta. & Print. Co., supplies . 2.50 Parlflc Sta. & Print. Co , supplies 49.75 Joseph Moss, office rent 23.00 'Security Vault & Metal works culverts 219.00 G. O. Olum, Telephone Co home 8.75 Parlflc Tel & Tel Co., tele- i phone service v 41.10 Rogue River Courier, print ing R6.80 Grants Pass Llverty Stables teams for roads 14 00 K. S. Van Dyke, expense dlflt atty office 5.50 13. S, Van Dyke, atty feeu cor. exam 5 00 F. W. Van Dyke, exam of ln- sane 5 00 National Druge Store, nidHO. Co. home 6.60 Chas. A. Crow, Justice 'ate v. Crow 4.45 J. M. Mason, constable, state v. Crow 9.70 Mnrgaret Wilson, wltnens JuBtlce court 3.40 .John Farmer, witness Jus tice court 1.70 James MadlHon, witness Jus tice court 3 20 Chas. A. Crow, Justice, state v. Trimble 4.35 Jj M. Mason, Constable, state v. Trimble 3.50 Chas, I.ndd, witness Justice court 1.00 James Farley, witness, Jus tice court 1.00 B. F. Seaton, Juror, JiiHtl'-c court 1.00 Milton Reynolds Juror J'lutlee court : 1.00 Frank Moody, Juror Justice court 1.00 P. D. Williamson, Juror Jus tice court 1.00 t M. I.. Boucher, Juror Just Ire court 1.00 W. H. Ayer, Juror Justlen court 1.00 J. M. Mason, constab'e State v. Allen 5.00 V M. Mason, rnnstablo State v. John Hoe 16.00 ,;. O. Kvans, Iiouro rent pau- i'er 10 00' Grants Pas Co., lmn- Oliver Plows, the world's best, Iter for roads 2.00 h,.1, only by (niner Bros. Jewell Hdw. Co., mdse for roads ..... 100.00 Jewell Hdw. Co., mdse for roads 84.65 Stephen Jewell, expense In specting roads 18.35 Cold Storage Co., ice for court house SS.&0 A. II. Mock, constable State v. Sisson 1.20 A. II. Mock', constable State v. Opwood 6.00 A. II. Mock, constable State v. Tlbbettg 61.55 A. H. Mock, constable State v. Jeter ' 4.10 A. H. Mock, constable State , v. Sisson 120 A. H. Mock, constable State v. Allen 1 70 A. H. Mock, constable Stato v. Merrill 1-60 A. II. Mock, constable State v. Wallace 3.90 A. II. Mock, constable State v. Scott 7.90 A. H. Mock, constable Stae v. Lewis 1-20 A. II. Mock, constable State v. Colvln 1.20 People's Market, meat for pauper 6.00 Rogue River Water Co., wa for Aug., 11 :.. . 32.70 Rogue River Electric Co., lights for Aug., '11 8.83 Cramer Bros., mdse for roads 21.10 Glass & Prudhomme, up- , plies court house 69.45 T. R. Graves, house rent for pauper 2. 50 A. U. Brannard, mdse for Jail 11.60 John L. Jewell, painting Co. home 28.50 Rogue River Hdw. Co., mdse for roads 1.00 Mort Gates, transportation of pauper 15.00 C. H. Demaray, mdse for court house 17.50 W. M. Cheshire, Jfivenlle officer 4.00 Will C. Smith, stamps sta tionery, etc 6.40 Will C. Smith, board of pris oners ;. 106.48 James Ilolman, Justice Stato v. Opwood 5.80 James Holnian, Justice State ' v. Scott 5.80 James Ilolman, Justice State v. John Doe 3.85 Jamefi Holnian, Justice State v. White 1.85 JameB Holnian, Justice State v. Scott 9.25 James Holnian, Justice State v. Wallace 8.70 James Holnian, Justice State v. Merrill '. 2.95 James Holnian, Justice State v. Slsnlon ... 10.80 James Holnian, Justice State v. Riitigan 1.85 James Ilolman, Justice State v. Prate et al 2.85 James Holnian, Justice Stace v. Allen 3.60 James Ilolman, Justice State v. Jeter 6.05 James Holnian, Justice State v. Jeter 1.95 i James Ilolman, Justice State I v. Lewis 4.30 Barle Hyde, witness Justin court 1.00 i Gale Smith, .vltness JuBtlc court 1.00 i Earl Albro, witness justice j court 1,00! Carol Cornell, witness jus- i tlce court Pearlle Herblg, witness Jus tice court Chas. Taylor, wIUiprh Justice court N'. C. Bo.lngton, wltuess jus tice court Mrs. f. C. Christie, witness Justice court Roy Hackett. witness Justice court 11. P. Tracy, witness justice court II. A. Dillingham, witness Justice court WILLIAMS FAIR IS A GREAT SUCCESS From Thursday's Dally. The first annual Grange Fair la in progress at Williams today and will continue through tomorrow. Those who Inaugurated the move ment planned to have a neighbor hood gathering and exhibit of farm products and furnish as opportunity for the neighbors to meet each other, but the movement has outgrown ex pectations and developed into a full fledged fair which would do cedlt to any district. Hundreds of people are in .attendance and the exhibits for quality could not be surpassed at any state fair. The first floor of the Williams hall contains an exhibit ot fruits, vegetables and farm products, while the second floor contains the wo man's department and has a splen did showing of canned fruits, needle work and curios brought across the plains by Williams pioneers. There are splendid exhibis from the farms of Jim Clute of Kerby; H. A. Blodgett, Mr. Hulbert and the iKairdale farm owned by Kinney and Gllkey, and a superb exhibit of grapes by A. H. Carson. Mrs. Blge Iow and Mrs. Blodgett also have ex cellent exhibits. Tomorrow Is livestock day and there will be an exhibit of every thing on legs from Guinea pigs to I'ercherons. Friday is also Grants Pass day and town people to the number of 50 or more are planning to attend. No special arrangements have been made for transportation to W'lllams but Individuals can make their own plans. The Williams people will have a lunch counter on the grouads to serve the public. Williams Is ex pecting a big crowd from this city and it is hoped that the crowd will be there. 1.00 j i.oo ! i.oo ; 1.00 j i.oo ! 1.00 i 1.00 1.00 t urn s Fruit gathering Vessels in T II 5 Ttw On u y Prevents Bruising Saves Time Hero Is the only pnu-tleul fruit handling device for careful fruit grower. Not only Haven time, which Is monev, but wive at least L'j per cent of the brul-ihig of fruit, thus keeping up the grades and consequently the price, Knubles the use of both bauds lu 'pick ing, saving much time See It -nui will ufo no other nftei ward. rt.l., et en ..-i. rr V1IIY ftl.tJU L'UL'll vrv ' - n ""I. IF lM,l III " V Rogue Kwer lldwe to. ; (Tli III R,i i.n,lltl Not Lv.vj Arthur Clemo arrived here Wed nesday from Drain to spend several days with relatives In and near this city. Aluminum Tea- Pots and Coffee Pots will not rust or tarnish. For sale by Cramer Bros. If your house needs painting give Patton's Sun Proof pa.intV trial. Sold only by Cramer Bros. NOTICE OF SALE ' OF STATE LANDS Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive seal ed bids until 10:00 o'clock a. m., De cember 5, 1911, for the following de scribed school lands, to wit: All of Section 36, T. 38 S. R. 7 W. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly executed application to purchase and at least one-fifth of the amount offered. No bid for less than $7.50 per acre will be considered. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids should be addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon and marked "Application and bid to purchase state lands." G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated, September 28, 1911. REFEREE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given: That the undersigned referee, by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Jo sephine county, In the suit entiH , F. M. Galvin, plaintiff, T fi Galvln, Rose May Norrja and JnhTS.' Galvin, defendants, In a suit in 5 ty for partition of real pronertv pending in said court, to me dW ed; commanding me, as such refr to sell at public sale, all of the SS property hereinafter described In cash in hand, to the Highest bidder Now therefore, in pursuance f said order, I will offer for sale anri sell at public auction, at the front floor of the county court house in Grants Pass, Josephine county 8tat of Oregon, for cash In hand, to ths highest bidder, on Saturday, Octoh the 28th, 1911, at the hour of twi o'clock p. m., all of the followlne described real property, to wif . The east one-half ( ) of lot num. bered eleven (11), and all of lot numbered twelve (12), In block thirty-one (31), in the . original town" now city of Grants Pass, in Josephine county, state of Oregon together with the tenements and appurten ances thereunto belonging; known ag the late residence John T. Galvin deceased. Such sale subject to the approval of the circuit court, above named. Dated this '29th day of September 1911. SAM H. BAKER, Referee. Colvlg & Williams, Attorneys.. -v. ' h 11 XV' ffW W1A i W i lilt v f 44; i v i Wk tilt . pm osi I. CLOTHEO FOR YOUNG MLN X -s. V . H ) , I! ' !H Unit FavirIteo 1 AH through our splendid Fall and Winter Suit dis play, the new Grays and Browns are easily the fav orites. Gray is always a pleasing coloring restful to the eye and never tiring. Brown, too, is an unobtrusive color lending itself to many varieties of shading and to many forms of pattern. Just as our styles are exclusive, so too, will you find the same characteristic distinction in the materials used in our "BETTER CLOTHES." Our new English Models of suits are very smart and K'triking. Prices that will please and satisfy. $12.50 to $35.00 Standing of Contestants No GO, the girl from Murphy, comes in from this rural district with a hay rack full of es, the exact number being around 600.000. Sha Wrk wuv, a,, "t ? FrJf.i?"?.1. being recond SureW these ladies from the country ar going aft r he Pee rlels r,iano in a way that looks like music for our country friends. Look ov .Tf . J? it. has made a good gain this week No. 10 2.523.050 No. 52. 2.768.69.1 Nn 7ft o nno itt v. . go. 13 2,870220 Ho. 59 2 861076 No! . X; Ho 28 ?? S No. 17 2,7CG,095 No. 60 2,937,090 No. 87. 2 858W Mn' f JSJS? No. 22 2,703,180 No. 69 2 851335 No. 90 ' I'S No' w! H&S? No. 29 2,921,330 No. 75 2,817 270 No. 100. .. "II S H? JSSS ,w,w iw, in Z,O01,V0U awl s'i,inx- muimvn Peerl ess Clothing Co "If Men Wear It, We Have It" -1 Pi D