PAGE SIX PROFESSIONAL GAUDS M. 0. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to BYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Glasses fitted and furnished Oirue nour 8 to 12; 2 to 5; and a spy ointment. Phouei 182 tnt 116-R. Grant l3uu, Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Don tlit feUcn bldg., cor. 6th and 0 itreet. Phone 111-J, Crown, Bridge Worn and Filling! of all klndt a ipeclalty Office Honri 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. tn. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PA89, OREGON E. C. MACY, D. M. D. i acceptor to Dixon Bros., Dentist rirtt-Claii Work Booth Sixth, Grant Paw, Ore, DR. H. C. DIXON . :;vmst Prlcae reaaonable. All work guaran teed. Examination free. Phone: Office 228-R; rea. 1-J Office Houri: 7:30 a.m. to 6:10 p.m. Location: Schallhorn Building, Granta Pasi, Ore. DR. L. C. McCABE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, In Howard Bldg., S. B. cor. Sixth and Q Streets. Phone 24S. Prompt attention to city and country calls. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. DR.F.M. HARTSOOK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 202 U South Sixth Street. Of fice hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Phones: Office 18; Residence, 184-J. E. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ctice In all State and Federal Xurts. Office Opera House Bldg j ' Grants Pass, Oregon OUTER S. BROWN LAWYER Grants Pass Orrgon 0. S. BLANOHARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust' Co. Bldg. Grants Phm, Oregon r. n. WURTSIUUGH Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public la office tfflce tn Howard Block. Phone H-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON I). I,. JOHNSTON ASSAY Kit Rooms 6 and 7 Opera Houa lib It North Stairway GRANTS TASS, OHKUON M. II. DAY Contractor and ltuildcr Resldsncvs a Specialty Plans and estimates furnished .esldence East A St. Phone 10S-J Singer and Wheeler (EL Wilson SEWING MACHINES (or sale or rent, oa easy naymenta. Supplies ar.d repairs (or M makes. Stocking darner and cot ton. T. HASSELL 100 Front St. (Irani PftSS Raises V (f the ppa If Dough fl Better! fmm 25c .Vigil round Can ! I Ns. f PERSONAL AND LOCAL f -f -f Mra, H. Burr of Merlin, was a Grants Pas3 visitor on Saturday. Mr. S. T. Hammond left Monday morning for Iloseburg, where she wlli spend a month with relatives. Mrs. It. A. N. Reymers and daugh ters, Miss Minnie Reymers and Mrs. Bob Adams.who have spent the- sum mer at the mill at Worden, Oregon, returned Sunday evening to this city. Mrs. A. Bacon of Merlin, was vis iting with Grants Pass friends on Sat urday. A. B. Cornell went to Medford and Ashland Monday to spend a week on business. Ralph Shaw and Wado Horshberg er, who have been spending their summer vacation at New Hope, re turned Friday evening to their home at Portland. Miss Alice Smith left Sunday for Wolf Creek, where she will teach school this fall aud winter. Mrs. F. I). Luddinglon of New Lon don, Conn., and Mrs. J. W. danong of Portland, left for their respective homes Sunday evening after spending two weeks with their sister, Mrs. ! Harry Smith, and famly of this ity. Henry Ahlf Ktc Saturday evening tor Portland, where he will attend the Y. M. C. A. school this fall. L. E. McDanlelg wen to Medford Monday to spend two weeks In camp at his Rhodonite ledge near that place. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Luce arrived hero Monday morning from Etna, Cal., where they have spent the past several weeks.' Mrs. F. A. Dudley of Portland, is a guest of her brother, Martin Angle this week. Mrs. Dudley has been on a trip to Crater lake and stopped here on her way home. Miss Pearl Dyer returned Sunday from a month'jg vacation trip, spent with friends at Philomath, Portland and Newport. She was accompanied from Riddle by her sister, Mrs. C. F. Blundell, who will visit here for sev eral days. O. S. Goodnow has returned from Mountain, where he and his wife spent the summer. Mrs. Goodnow will arrive Friday. Miss Marjorle Mahn arrived here Saturday evening from St. Louis, Mo., to teach In the Wlldervllle school. 0. S. Brown made a business trip to Hugo Saturday evening. DvSuutcl-Hnndl Arthur S. DeSautel of Jackson county and Miss Ruth Randle of Grants Pass, were united In marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Randle of this city on Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Only Immediate relatives v were present to witness the ceremony which wns performed by Rev. F. C. Lovett. The bride Is ono of Grants rasa' chnrmlng young ladles, who Is I popular in the younger circles of so-1 duty In which she moves. Many Grnnts Pass friends join with those of Jackson county tn wishing the young people much happiness and prosperity In their wedded life. Young People M m i lcd church parlors. Music was furnlsh- Albert P. Keppel of Portland, nndjed b? ft number of little girls and a Miss Helen Henry of Hugo, were unit-, vornl solo was rendered by Ross od In marriage at the home of the'nnnev- M1"s Merle Caldwell favored hrldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. c. j thn fnmpany with a reading. The ad Henry on Sunday, September 3, 1911. h7 F- M- Brooke on "The Boy," Tho wedding ceremony was perform- jWM of nuirn Interest, od by Judge Stephen Jewell of this Tne convention dosed with the ev clty In tho presence of the relatives ipn,n IP",on' of the bride and groom. Mrs. Keppel ' " Is n sister of Mrs. Harry Schmidt of l,5,,,,,n lo '"'n College this city and during her visits here! Mlts Pauline Coo, who hag spent has made many friends who extend j1,tr iiimor vacation with her par henrty congratulation,, and best wish-1"19- '' R111 Mrs. K. L. Coe, of this es. Tho groom Is In tho employ ofcl,' loft Sunday evening ou her ro the Block Signal company of Poit-,ulu 10 Wooster, O., where Bhe Is a land and they went to that city Sun- ;8t,tilont In the college at that place, day evening to make their permanent jno BS accompanied as far as Port home, laud by her father, U. L. Coe. ii(((licr .lnxkit 1'iimll) - Omar Krcy nnd family, of Tatr. hunk. Alnxlui nr vUttlnir M, " Klclnhman, nt Mndronn. Thtw north-1 r-rn i.roplo hav com,, down to m-ttlo in tins pan or tno touiitry uiul It chu io kbUI that they aro much pleased tiinut-aniiH or men nmoke too much with the. climate and general condl-VK" ,all? ,lu' ,v,,n,n- Pie are leaving Fairbanks and that O-N.V t touiio h tablfs In fote you Kl, lo I ho KoHiie Hlvor nlley U well known I'Cd and you'll awake minus a head In that purl of Alaska, and rouse- 1,0 1,1 ,no niornlnK. tiaently wo can exi-ect a conshleral.le ', 1M.MI I' f ;' " are unar- .... , . . nutecd !o i ml Indkestlon aculo or number of those coining out of that rhnml, ; ,ont).tlv banlM, urn, louniiy to neuie Here. Ihl uentle- man Is experienced In tho meat bu lues's, havliiK been the reM-esentatlve of the t.mkn fold StoraRi' coihimiiv for a number of cam He Is looking for a location wheio lie inn ko Int. (lie no-al btinlncss "1 haye a w oi Id , t coin idiMo e Chamberlain' Ke'ned fin- lb:ti' lived It ui'h tn'ifed i,ri'w Iwilttw M i n M I Hi. tor, I. rn.. Ml! Md. I'er sale bv a'! ,,'..! dealer WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER INTERESTING COUNTY CONVENTION W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. county convention held at the Newman M. E. church Friday was a most successful affair In every particular, and was greatly enjoyed by local members as well as the large number of visitors in at tendance. ' - At the morning session, Mrs. Cald well, county president, was In the chair and thu work for the forenoon was as follows: First, a devotional song service, led by the president. The following committees were ap pointed: Nominating committee, Rev. Cady, Mr. Calvert and Mrs. Henkle. Committe on resolution, Mrs. Court ney, Mrs. Canfleld and Mrs. Church Ill. After the report of the county pres ident had been read'and accepted, the reports from the varlouB unions were read. Kerby was reported by Rev. Cady. Grants Pass was reported by Mrs. Courtney as follows: Flower Mission, Mrs. Henkle; Mercy and Peace. Miss Spauldlng; Literature, Mrs. Lamphear; Social Purity, Mrs. Graham; Evangelistic, Mrs. Sturte- vant. Tress Work, Mrs. Caldwell. Merlin and Wlldervllle were report- jed by Mrs. Caldwell. These reports were followed by music and prayer led by Mrs. Courtney, after which din ner was served In the church parlors to the large gathering and a social hour was passed over'the tea cups. Afternoon. After dinner the afternoon session opened with devotional services led by Mrs. Sturtevant. Round table talks were led by Mrs. Henkle and an Interesting talk on "Savings Banks" was given by Mrs. Nichols. Rev. F. M. Canfleld gave a most Interesting and holpful address on "Co-operation of W. C. T. U. In Sunday School Work." This was followed by a reci tation by Mrs. Ella Harper, who, as usual, held the rapt attention of her hearers by her excellent rendition of her reading. The Address by Rev. Robert Mc Lean on the subject, "Law Enforce ments" was one of the best addresses ever heard In the W. C. T. U. circles and furnished material for much val uable thought along this line. Fol lowing this address came an address from Mrs. Courtney, she taking for her subject, "Mothers' Meetings." This was another treat for the audi ence. A short recess was taken at this hour, after which a song, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," was sung by all members. Following this came a piano solo by Olive Courtney. The children then sung "All 'Round the World." The nominating committee gave In Its report as follows: President, Mrs. A. E. Dixon; secretary, Mrs. O. Swny- p: treasurer, Mrs. Cora Henkle. These names were elected by accla- mntlon. Mrs. Dixon of Kerby, was elected delegate to the state conven- it,on Evening. At the evening session an Interest ing program was held after the serv ing of an excellent supper In the ;ooi STOMACH? ! :liivll HV (if MI-OA'A In your lloicc and You'll Alwnyo Have One. Som ,,,,,,, ,,ut , pon)0 iilrliik too much, and hundreds of i In arllnirn, mmi.. i IhIiicx rt Tlu'V I Hie the best trilled) for dlMiiess. bil-i loiisnc. iicrMuisms, headache, rn n- . 4 ,(,.,, ,...,,.1,1... r ' i'i 1 1 1 etna to v ar or x. a -I. l,ms, foul bieath. nkbt-, owraln i.ul di e.uti-.. i oatt i t ti'imue ;iit ' nd a box onv tests ,".o cciiI.j nt i II Ih'tuaniyV. anil ilpiiata every. '-'' I- " I . Grants visitor i , une down from Central . W M lo.lav. !! Point but COURIER TtYoSivrum catarrh: World's Greatent Remedy Free From Cocaine, Opium and All Habit j Forming Drugs, Start right now, before the cold j weather comes, to kill catarrh germs j and get rid of catarrh. It's the best . time. ! Breathe HYOMEI (pronounce It Iligo-o-me), C. H. Demaray guaran tees it. It Is made of Australian eu calyptus, thymol and other antisep tics, and besides destroying the I germs it sooths and heals the sore, j raw membrane and prevents mucous , from forming in the air passages. j Breathe it a few times a day. It's J an easy and pleasant treatment and ! results are quick and certain. j HYOMEI is guaranteed for catar-; rn, asthma and catarrhal deafness, or j money back. A complete outfit In- J eluding hard rubber Inhaler, costs j 1.00. Extra bottles If afterward needed cost but 50 cents. Today near White Rock riffles, Seth Blake and Bertie Presley, two of the Daily Courier carrier boys, suc ceeded In landing with a hook and line a splendid specimen of the Chi nook salmon, which measured 39 Inches in length and weighed 26 pounds. The finny denizen of the deep was hooked by Master Blake, but it required the combined efforts of both youths to land tile beliggerent and aggressive quinnat. Mrs. J. F. Hubert returned Satur day evening from Medford and Jack- sonville, where she had been visiting with relatives. C. A. Street of the Warren Con struction company, made a business trip to Medford Monday morning. Miss Blanche Plumley went to Hugo Tuesday to visit with Mrs. D. E. Heller for a few days. HIVES AND PRICKLY RELIEVED FREE! HEAT There are no conditions attached to this offer. If you aro suffering with hives, prickly heat, Insect bites, or any other skin affliction, we want you to accept with our compliments a free bottle of ZEMO, the clean liquid remedy for eczema, and all diseases of the skin and, scalp. This free bottle Is not full size, but It is large enough to show, you the wonderful healing and soothing effects of ZEMO. Call today for your sample bottle of ZEMO at the C. H. Demaray T-rug Store. BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.E.Peterson.PIoneerlnsuranceMaa. Rexall Remedies at Clemens, sells drugs. Diamonds and watches sold on th Instalment plan to responsible par ties at Letcher's Jewelry store. Alfred' Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dixon's old tand. Front st. Eyes tested free. GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. RCNCH BROS., Propria." PROMPT A XI) RELIABLE SERVICE I' in nog and Organ Carefully Removed Phones: 41-L and 20D-K Grants Pass. Ore. Near Otklutd, California The onlv Woman's College on the Pacific Coast. Chartered 1HS5. Near two Rrciit I'nivcrnitie. Meal climate throuuhout the year. Kntrance and graduation miuiremeiits equivalent to thote of Stanford and I'nivcrsity of California. Laboratories for science with modem equip ment. Kxccllent opportunities for home economics, library study, nuuic and art. Medcrn n y ri 1 1 1 a 1 i u rn , Special care for health of students, out-door life. President, Luella Clay Carson. A. M I.itt. D.. LL. D. Far catalogue address Secretary, Mills College 1', (.)., California. , rrtUnd.Urf - HaslJont kid XT School for Girls liT rbarn ot Hlatfn of tit. Joha Baottit I KbIimmI il Oslltitat. An4ult aat lUaumUry SsaarSaisaU, Mails, Art, IlocitlM, vanattua. For eatalog atMnwa THE HISTfcH CI FERIOR Offle2S. ft. Holms Hall tot ( .Ifll l'nA.tiu-tJ hm tk. Kit I I U 12 ll TUC UOI W MlllS OF JIMS AND DAN. V,.Z. J.ZVi iMrtm. Muiir, Art. Kloctitioa and Coamff ctsl Prats. Do S4.ti.krtr4 Uoni tni Inwllffliul Twalnf. Wrtte fat Anoouncraxnt. Addrrts Are You Planning to Build oto-iJ-Uiw7lillO Schools, Brickyards Creamrries, C'cn vlensors, or any Fr.pinrerine l'rorrt 7..t ,t xtist l; t Mrt.t s Th ,rt;i IT WILL V A Y YOU 10 CON It) LT LI r.FlKRKTkr rMr.ivrrDivr. rn 1 "'-'J'--l "Jl. Vl r a hi l l i r h hi i Biibvr.wt pv;'T ulKr icrau DWg. o H E u u S CHICHESTER S PILLS ,.r.'v . 1 : MM lM IlKAMt. 1 l0,l Alt?..rlra4,oA ! 4"V-X-A '"' ' . V ! A i- V L tf nuiSMtvi ivmv.JJ 1 ' I. - .' 1 1.1 .1 1. Ahsoluiely Pure The only Baking Powder mad from Royal G rape G ream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE BENEFICIAL RAINS. The second rain storm of the sea son occurred Tuesday and while it was not heavy as that of the night be fore, it continued longer and a great er" amount of moisture fell. The shower Sunday night caused abun dant rejoicing which continued all !day, and this morning everybody looked pleased over the second rain- storm. Just how much good this 'moisture will do to the crops, which jare not yet matured, it hard to say I but from inquiries among those who ; ought to know, no damage has yet been done Dr. Flanagan, one of the largest hop growers In the county, says that no harm has so far resulted to hops and it not likely to continue long enough t0 miiew the crop or do other Injury. Forest fires have been extinguished not only in Jose phine and Jackson counties but all over the state and the fire- fighters have returned to their homes. The dust which has covered the entire Rogue River valley, has been wet down to an extent that will make the traveling most agreeable. The hu midity which generally prevails Is thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. SEATTLE, Sept. 5. Once a noted boxer, James Harrison is today a suicide. He took his own life by drinking carbolic acid. In his youth he was a member of the Olympic club. For ths (f t' I IT m A Cur for Chronic Cons'Jpaiion, Torpid Livr and Irregular Bowel Movements. Constipation Is tha most common dlsoro . o." the bowels?. It affects both sexes and all ages but is m n prevalent . among women because their duties In tho household . '.livo I093 phys'cal exercise than the occupations of men; tut: c'.ovo wotren Buffer uiost from Its baneful effect. A constipated person is an easy victim v '. or.porcd to ony rerious disease Pneumonia, Typhoid Fever, 1. .'. .U'..euTmtlsrt, .Small Pox, Yellow Fever and ErisiU'a Disc '-? " -r their annual harvest of death among: tiioso who cro ' '.".!.' conntlpatsd. Even thoush they escape tlu'.so diseases, r :v. 0; ar6 alwaya oiling more or less. They have ' - : ".'. dlscstlon, dizzi ness, vin..: (blind Btapffora), r -! "- icr.ion, flatulence, loss tf Btrcnijt'., ; utd no energy at ' ! as a most ndmirablo tffect In .N towels; it Is coii- , .'vm;; and regulating. It puts a pix.'-uir cheek on lil!o"' ., wkiJ in the boweU, nervous ness, heartburn, bad brrrun. . pirits, drowsiness In tho day time and nervous v.t ?-- . , a; night. .-wi'Gc per Bottle. MO'SICTOA J.tME3F.EALUr:D Tor 'Vc;ik Sunlit cr Sor5 Vyea, fflScce And RtcoHmwoie BYt""' "" ' T National T YOU W3S?n'G ARRANGE tor mm$&Ei ' (OWE HAVE THE) y- :: in CU6LITY rcH A v and price jp MADAM: Are you entirely satisfied with the Rango you are now cooking on? Tho health and happiness of the whole family de pend 'ipen their having wholesome food. Cooking at best is hard work. Should you not lighten. your work b yusing a labor-saving new Range? WE SELL THE BEST RANGE MADE. We have a large stock. Come see. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1011 pi He sparred In the finals for the mid dleweight championship of the Pa cific coast and lost by a very close de cision. ELSAH, Ills., Sept. 5. With the understanding that they would mar ry If each proved satisfactory to the other, Wilson D. Sherman, of Wll liamsport, Pa., and Miss Maude Sher man, kept house three days at her mother's home. They tested cook ing and tempers and are now on their honeymoon. PORTLAND, Sept. 6. "My son is i husky, but he can't lick the whole community," wrote Mrs. L. M. Devlin, a widow who just arrived from Los Angeles. The boy, who Is 15, will be protected by, the police when he returns from the country, where he is recuperating from nine victorious battles. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 5. Although he lost a tablespoon full of brains and a hole as large as a half dollar, was made In the frontal bone of hl3 head, when he was kicked by a Jiorse, It Is expected today? that Joseph McKenna, aged 14, will re cover. After the horse had kicked him, McKenna leaped to his feet and chased the animal for several hun dred feet. He did not lose consalous ness until he was placed on the oper ating table. Bowels ST. LOUIS, M0. uie Stephen Eye Salve. It cure. Drug Store EHAYE THE