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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1911)
FRIDAV, SEPTEMBER 1, 1911 MINERAL APPLICATION 07121. U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Ore. August 25, 1911 Notice of Application of Lydla H Dean and H. A. Corliss, for United 'Partly by vacant and unoccuDlad land cota. Patent f "D.i..!hoiAn.i uuuu.upiea iana States Patent of the Robert Dean" Placer Claim. Notice Is hereby given, that in pur suance of Chapter six of title thirty two of the Revised Statutes of the United States the undersigned Lydla H. Dean and H. A. Corliss, the post office address of each of whom Is Grants Pass, Josephine County, Ore gon, co-owners and co-tenants of the said "Robert Dean" placer mi,ne, ly ing and being situated In the East .Vi of Section 25, Twp. 34 South, Range 8 West, and the Northwest of Section 30, Twp. 34 South, Range 7 West, W. M Gallce Unorganized Mining District, County of Josephine and State of Oregon, are about to make application to the United r r - a r r q notanr tah Ina caM mln. ii i 7 , , Inj c aim, which is more particularly described as. to metes and bounds by the official plat herewith posted and by the field noios of survey thereof now filed In the office of the Register of the district of lands, subject to sale at Roseburg, Oregon, which field notes of survey describe the boun daries and extent of said claim on the surface with magnetic variation at 20 degrees East as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point from whence the one-quarter section corner on the West boundary line of Section 30, Twp. 34 South, Range 7 West, bears South 660 ft. distant, running thence West 660 ft. to corner No. 2, the point for which said corner falls on the East edge of a black oak 24 Inch es In diameter, which is blazed and scribed "2-734"; thence South 1,320 ft. to corner No. 3, a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set IVz ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scrib ed "3-724 B. T."; thence West 660 ft. to corner No. 4, a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 inches square,. set 1 ft. In the ground in mound of stone, scrib ed "4-734"; thence South 660 ft. to corner No. 5, a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set 1 ft. in the ground In mound of stone, scribed "5-734"; thence West 165 ft. to edge of precipitous bluff above Rogue River reaching to water's edge; a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set 1 ft. In the ground in mound of stone, for witness corner to corner, No. 6, scribed' "W. C. 6-734"; thence 125 ft. to the right bank of Rogue River and point for corner No. 6. Thence North 11 degrees West on meanders of Rogue River, right bank, down stream 270 ft. to corner No. 7; a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 inches square, set xk ft. in the ground in mound of "stone, scribed "7-734". Thence North 38 degrees and 30 min utes West on meanders of Rogue River, 460 ft. to corner No. 8; a black oak 4 ft. long, 5 Inches square, set 1 ft. in the ground in mound of stone, scribed "8-731." Thence North 46 degrees and 56 minutes West on " meanders of Rogue River, 1292.2 ft. to corner No. 9; a fir post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set 1 Vi ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "9-734." Thence North on meanders of Rogue River 270 ft. to corner No. 10; a pine post 4 ft. long, 4 Inches square, set k ft. in the ground in mound of-stone, scribed, "10-734." Thence North 49 decrees East on the meanders of Rogue Riv er 370 ft. to corner No. 11; a pine post 4 ft. long, 4 inches square, set 1 ft. In the ground in mound of stone, scribed "11-734." Thence North 78 degrees and 13 minutes East on the meanders of Rogue River S10 ft. to corner No. 12; a fir post 4 ft. long. 4 In, square, set 1 'a ft. In the ground In mound of stone, scribed "12-734." Thence North 71 degrees East on the meanders of Rogue River 740 ft. to corner No. 13, point for which corner falls on exposed bed-rock on which is chiseled a cross (X) at exact corner point and marked "1 3-73 4". Thence North 03 degrees and 15 minutes East on the meandi-rs of Rogue River 1250 feet to corner No. 14, which falls on the West boundary of Section 30, Twp 34 South, Range 7 West; a willow post 4 ft. long, 4 inches sauare. set l!i ft. in the comer No. IB; nn aider pom u. Kiuiiiiu in niuuuu .i tiiw...., .!, 1,-ifi len adverse hostile con- "14-734" Thence North degrees -J Jt II con East on the meanders of Rogue R ve r (, defcndant Bnd 170 feet to corner No. la; an alder M thereof post 4 ft. long, 4 In. sauare, set l h ; ' j , , f ,n jecred tnat the ft. in the ground In Wound ot on, f d ethor thf,roofi have scribed "15-734". Thence North 0. J or ,nterest whatever in and degrees and 30 minutes Las on the sc9i or any prt or meanders of Rogue River 2.'i ft. to . ,hn, th nf long, 4 In. square, i-.-t 1 1i- ft. In th'1 1 iniants and each thereof be for sround In mound of stone, sci ibo'l j0V(.r cnjolnr-d and debarred from as-"16-734". Thence North 35 degrees r- r i- i n tr any claim whatsoever In and East on the meanders of Rogue River ,0 s:i,i premises, or any part or por 220 ft. to corner No. IT, the point jtIoI) (h(reof adverse to plaintiff, and for which corner falls on the South-if0r gllch other and further relief as oast edge of an aider 20 inches ln;t0 this. Honorable Court shall seem diameter, which is blazed and jcrlbed .,nr,.t and proper and In good cons-"17-734". Thence Eat, leave river jr,,nr0 just and equitable, and for Its and ascend to eorn.i No. 18; a live , costs and disbursement, oak nost 4 ft lor. 4 In. square, pet T,g summons Is published by ord- iu ff i n mil ml lii mound stone, scribed "1S-73 4". neme South 660 ft. to coiner No. 19; a llv oak post 4 ft. long. 5 In. pq'iaiv, 1,01 IV, ft. tn the Aroufd In mound nf stone scribed. "19-731." The:,c' V .1 A est 660 ft. to corn.r -o. """!" , rlrru1iiHon published week West boundary lino .''' I ; Regularly at Grants P.. Jo-a- ip. a nun, ii.Mi- . ,,!,.,-. Count v. Oregon, for six sue- oak post 4 ft. long. I In - 1 frnm" , ,!a((l 0f th. U4 ft. In the ground in immnd nf ' thereof, and which stone scribed "20-. ..r 1 ""! C.Mit. a i.irn. r N I. 1. ill "'Mini wu'r . i. i. . place of beginning. The variation at all comers 20 degrees lVt: and cotn prlHlnon total area 9S.M9 w- The notice of local inn of saM "Robert Dean" placer mine Is of re ord In the office of the Ckrk .f .! sephlne County. Oregon, nt olumc 13, page 482 of the Mining Record of Josephine County. Oregon. The said mining premised hen t "ought to be patented are bounded s follows, to-wlt; On the North part- ly bv Rn --0 vw 4u Tcr una narriv rv xra " ' unoccupied land belonging o the Lnlted States Government; on the West by Rogue River; on the .U .Partly Rou i"r and ! belonging to the United Staf n. eminent; and on the East by vacant and unoccupied knd belonging to the United States Government. There are no mining claims, quartz or plac er, adjoining or conflicting with the said "Robert Dean" claim as above described to the knowledge or belief of either of the owners thereof; the said claim being designated as sur vey No. 734 on the official ilat past ed herewith. Any and all pirrens claiming ad versely the sail placer mining ground, or any portiou thereof so de scribed, surveyed, platted, applied for, are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly filed as aCCOrdtnsr tn law and tha Kfimilorn .t. - ... Hereunder, within the time pre3crib ed Dy law wlta th(J Reglste of hi the United Staes Land Office at Rose burg, iu the County of Douglas, State of Oregon, they will be barred in vir tue of the provisions of said statute. Dated and posted on the ground this 9th day of February, 1911. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. SUMMONS. SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the 'i'cu;t Court in and for the County of Josephine, State of Ore gon. The Josephine Investment) company, an Oregon cor-) poratlon, ) Plaintiff,) vs. ) F. D. Keye, and also, all) other persons or parties) : unknown, claiming any) right, title, estate, lien) or interest In the real, es-) tate described In plain-) tiff's complaint, ) To F. D. Keye, and also,) all other persons or par-) ties unknown,, claiming) any right, title, estate,) Hen or Interest In the) real estate described In) plaintiff's complaint, ) Defendants.) In the name of the state of Ore gon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear In the above en titled court and cause and answer the complaint on file against you therein within six weeks from the day of the first publication of this summons, which date of first publication there of Is Friday the 18th day of August, 1911, and you are hereby notified that if you fall so to appear and an swer said complaint within said time, or otherwise pltad thereto, the plain tiff will apply to said Court for the relief demanded In said complaint, to-wlt: That It be declared, adjudged and decreed that the plaintiff and Its mesne grantors have been and now are in possession of and the owners in fee simple .of. the following de scribed premises, situate In Josephine County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 3 and 4 In J. D. Drake's Sub division of Lot 1 In Block "L" J. Bourne .Ir.'s First Addition to the Town, now City of Grants Pass, Jose phine County, Oregon, ns per'plat on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Josephine County, Oregon also beginning at the North east corner of Lot 2 J. Bourne, Jr.'s, First Addition to the City of Grants Pass; thence running Southerly along the Westerly line of SJxth Street a distance of 45 feet, more or less to the Northeast corner of a tract of land heretofore sold by grantors here in to Joseph L. Chrlstlieb; thence Westerly parallel with the North line of Lot 2 a distance of 140 feet; thencP Northerly parallel with the Westerly line of Sixth Street n distance of 45 feet, more or less to the North line of I .of 2; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Lot 2 a distance of 141 feet to beginning. And have been the owners thereof and in fee simple for a period of more than 20 years, and such own-! tltln nml nncsrsston for said , tn k,,a nr,.inlses. or anv nart or of:,,. (,f the Honorable F. M Culklns Tii.ia,. nf the County Court for Jose phine County, Oregon, which order was made and dated on August 17th, T.U1, find which enld order requlrei the ?aid summons to be published In 1 U ft J 1 Klver Courier, a newspaper oi ,i. . ,,f fir6t n iblimtln thereof Is on V.i P"" ". . m ft a j. rirjnv. the ISth day or ausuhi. a. D 1911, and '" BnJ parD of 'rou are h t.y required to appear and aniwer a!'J complaint, or otherwise appear in this cause on or before the last ,1'iv nf the publication of said ium ;., to- It: t.n or before six weeki frmi the first day of publication Vr-of, hlch Ik tne mu q? "i - curt. 1911. W. I. VAWTER. M. rURDlN, Attorney to- P'slnUff. II. I imivwi. unit wv v.-.- WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County. Hugh McCourt, ) Plaintiff,) vs. ) Ralph H. Bacon, Jessie L.i Bacon, Frank E. Baker) Co., a corporation, Rogue) River Irrigation and Pow-) er Company, a corpora-) tion; H. H. Cummlngs.) Merlin Heights Orchard) Company, a corporation,) A. M. Crawford, United) States' National Bank of) Salem, Oregon, a corpora-) tlon: Fannie B. Richard.) son, C. C. Griggs and A1-) ice Bacon, ) Defendants.! To C. C. Griggs, otherwise known as Clifton C. Qrlggs. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby summoned and requir ed to appear and answer the com plaint filed in the above entitled cnnrf and cause on or before the expiration of ten days from the date of service upon you if served within Josephine County, or on or before the exnlra- tlon of twenty days from the date of such service, if served In any other county within the State of Oregon or in case of service of said summons by publication, then on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of said summons, which date of first publication Is Fri day, August 25, A. D., 1911, and the last date of service and the last day for your appearance will be thy 6th day of October, A. D., 1911, and you are hereby notified that In case you ian to appear and answer the com plaint "within the period aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief craved for In the comnlalnf . viz., for judgment against Ralph II. Bacon and Jessie L. Bacon for the sum of f 1,850.00, with Interest there on at eight per cent per annum from April 30, 1910, and $200.00 attor neys rees, and costs and disburse ments of this suit; and for decree foreclosing that certain mortgage de scribed In the complaint upon the un divided one-half interest of Ralph II. Bacon and Jessie L. Bacon upon the following described property: The Southeast 4 of the Northeast V , and tha Northeast 4 of the Southeast of Section 17, and the West Vi of the Northwest Y of Section 16, and the South Vi of the Southeast U of Section 16, and the Southeast M of the Northwest K, and the South west of the Northeast V , and the Northeast V. of the Southwest U . and the Northwest M of the South east V of Section 6, all In Town? ship 35 South, , Range 6 West, of Wil lamette Meridian in Josephine Coun ty, uregon; and ror the sale of said premises In the manner provided by law and the Dractlce of this Court. and the application of the proceeds tnereor to the satisfaction of the judgment aforesaid, and for such oth er and further relief as is equitable, and that all other defendants In said suit, having or claiming any right or interest in said premises, or any part thereof, be forever barred and fore closed of all right, claim and equity of redemption In and to said prem ises, ana every part thereof. This summons In nuhllRhpd hv ord er of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, Coun ty Judge tor Josephine County, Ore gon, requiring publication theroof In the Rogue River Courier, a newspa per of general circulation published at Grants Pass In Josephine County, Oregon, for a period of six successive weeks, ana dated August 24, 1911. Date of first publication, August 25, 1911. ' Date of last publication. October 6, 1911. JL a NORTON. NOTICE FOH I'l nLH ATIOX. Department of the Interior. j U. S. Land Office at Koschurg, Ore. August 26, 1911.! Notice is hereby given that Wil liam Wallan Havener, of Selma, Ore gon, who, on August 9, 1911, made Homestead entry, Serial No. 07458, for SW'i. being lots 3, 4 and 5. and NE'4 SW'i Section 28, Township 3 S., Range 7 west Willamette Meridi an, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above d"-; scribed, before Herbert Smith, Unit ed States Commissioner, at Grants TasK, Oregon, ou the 20th day of Oc-i tober, 1911. - ' Claimant names as witnesses: A. E. Hampton, of Selmn, Oregon. R. L. Tolln, of Selma, Oregon. i W. N. Tolln, of S.'lma, Oregon. C. S. Rugg, of Korby, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Josephine County. In the matter of the estate) of Paul Bertleman, de.) censed. ) Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned, U. O. McCorml'k, bfls been appointed administrator of the estate of Paul Bertleman, deceased. All persons having claims agalnut the said estat are hereby required to present the same with tho proper; vouchers attached thereto to the ad-j at (be law office of Oil-1 ver S. Brown, In the City of GmntoJ Pnex, Josephine County, State of, Oregon, within sit months (nun the date of this notice, Dated thU 1st day of September 1911. V. O. M COUMICK. Administrator, Oliver 8. Brown, Attorney for Administrator. The correct form of qutrti and pis rer location notices sr on sale at The Courier office; tRc for I; 40r Derdotea. tlltf NOTICE OP PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore. July 10, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Julia A. Lytle, whose post-office address la 677 N. 16th street, Salem, Oregon, did, on the 28th day ot June, 1910, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 06424, to pur chase the NE4 section SO, Township 40, S. Range8, West Willamette Me ridian, and the timber thereon, un der the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law." at such value as might be fixed by ap praisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $555.00 the timber estimated 710,000 board feet at 50 cents per M., and the land $200.00; that said applicant will of fer final proof In support of his ap plication and sworn statement on the 6th day of October, 1911, before register and receiver United States land off'ee at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the interior, U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore., July 10,1911. Notice is hereby given that John W. Blackburn, whose postofflce ad dress is Rldgefleld, Washington, did, on the 27 day ot October, 1910, file In this office sworn statement and ap plication, No. 06706, to purchase the NV4NEK. SEViNEV. NBUSEK, section 28,' township 34 S., range 3 west Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 187S, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value es might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised $626.00, the timber estimated 910,000 board feet at 60 cents per M, and the land $80.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 23d day of September, 1911, before Register and Receiver United States Land Of fice, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Init iate a contest at any tlnn before pat ent issues, by filing a corrobrated af fidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry, BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office, at Rosebur. Ore., July 10, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Sam uel H. Blackburn, whose poBtoffice address is Rldgefleld, Washington, did, on the 27 day of October, 1910, file In this office sworn statement and application, No. 06705, to pur chase the east half of west half, sec tion 28, township 34 S., range 3 west Willamette meridian, and the tim ber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and nets amendatory, known aa the "Timber adn Stone Law," at auch value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the Jand and timber thereon have been appraised $528.00. the timber estimated 580,000 board feet at 60 cents per M, and the land $S0.P0; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his appllcallon and sworn statement on the 23 day of September, 1911, bef.jn Register and Receiver United States Land Of fice, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to pro test this purchase before entry, or In itiate a contest nt any tlnn before patent Issues, hy filing a corrobor ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat th entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE OF M WRDIAN'S MILE OF s REAL PROPERTY. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, by virtue of an order of ale Issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine County, licensing me, tho undersign ed guardian of the estate ot CorllHS H. Topping, Edwin C. Topping and Ethel E. Topping, minors, to Bell at private salo all of tho estate, right, title and Interest of said minors of. In and to the EH of the N.E. '4 and the E'.i of the 8. E. Vi of Sec. 10, Township 88, S. of R. C W., of the W. M. In Josephine County, Oregon, I will offer for sale and soil for rash In hand or for not less than ono thlrd of tho purchase price In cash and the balance secured by a mort gage on the premises sold the undi vided three-fifths Interejit of said minors In the east ono-hulf of the north-east quarter and east one-half of southeast quarter of Section Ten, Township Thirty-eight, South of Range Five Went, of the Willamette Meridian In Josephine County, Ore gon, and will accept and receive the highest and best bid therefor which shall bo off.-red. All bid must be submitted In writing addressed to me at Murphy, Josephine County, Ore gon and inuitt be accompanied by a certified check f.r.'he amount of the bid. All sales subject l the approval of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jonephlne County. Dated this 4th day of August, A. D. 1911. MINERVA TOPPING, Ouardlan. Colrlg A Williams, Attorneys. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deartment of the Interior, U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Ore., July 10. mi. Notice Is hereby given that Ger trude Blackburn Simpson, whose postofflce address Is Palo Alto, Cal ifornia, did, on the 16 day of No vember, 1910, file In this office sworn statement and application No. 06768. to purchase SW&NEU, and W'SE hi, SESEVi, section 3S, township 34 S., range 3 west Willamette mer idian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878. and seta amendatfirv known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value aa mleht be ft red hv nn. 'pralsement. and that, pursuant to such application, the land and tlm- Der inereon nave been appraised $516.00. the timber eatlmatnd fiSn . 000 board feet at 60 conta nr M and the land $S0.00; that said ap plicant win orrer nnai proor In sup port of hla application and sworn statement on the 23d day of Sep tember. 1911, before Register and Keceiver united states Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person la at liberty to nro- test this purchase before entry, or inmate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corroborat ed affidavit In this office, ullerlnr facts which would defeat the entry. lirJINJ AM1N F. JONES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ot the Interior U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., August 1, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Adeline Ersklne Lawrence, whoso post-office address Is 415 Kerr Avenue, Ho qulam, Washington, did. on the 8th day ot July, 1911, file in this office Sworn Statement and Application. No. 07,343, to purchase the NEVi NE Section 4, Township 39 S., Range 8, west Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known aa the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised, $26,342, the timber estimated 240,000 board feet at 75 cents per M, and the land $83.42; that said applicant will of fer final proof In support of her ap plication and sworn statement on the 20th day of October, 1911, before Register and Receiver United States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase betore entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defent the entry. BENJ. F. JONES, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore. June 28, 1911. Notice la hereby given that Rob ert J. Craig, whose postofflce addreee Is Wellen, Oregon, did, on the ST day of June, 1911, file In this offloe sworn statement and application, No. 06421, to purchase the BEM, section 14, township 19 ., range 8 west Willamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act ot June t, 1171, and acts amendatory, known at the "timber and stone law," at such val ue as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and timber there on have been appraised, $165.00, the timber estimated 220,000 board feet at 75 cent per M, and the land not Ing; that said applicant will offer rinal proof In support of his applica tion and sworn statement on the II day of September, 1911, b-fore Her bert Smith, United States commis sioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Ini tiate a contest at any time before pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Reglutor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given, that Charles D. Sexton, the undersigned has been appointed administrator with tho Will annexed ot tho Estate of Caroline Sexton, deceased, by the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against ald estate are hereby noti fied to present the same, duly veri fied, to tho undersigned administrat or at the law office of II. D. Norton, at Grants Pium In Josephine County, Oregon, on or before the expiration of nix months from the date of the first publication of thin nottlce. Date of first publication, August 4, 1911. CHARLES D. SEXTON, 8-4-5t " Administrator. NOTICE TO CP.iaUTOHH. In the County Court for Josephine county, Oregon. In the Matter of tho EsUte of Frank M. Oggler, Decensod. Notlco Is hereby given, that Mar- Ksretto J. McCnslln, tho undersigned, has been appointed administratrix of tho Estate of Frank M. Oggler, dev reased, by tho County Court of Joro phlnn County, Oregon, and all per fotm having claims against said es tate aro hereby notified to present tho same, duly vrlfl"d, to the under nlgned administratrix at tho law of fice of II. I). Norton, at Grants Pass, In Josephine County, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months from tho date of the first publication of this notice. Date of tint publication, July 28, 1911. MAROARETTE J. McCASUN. Administratrix. PAGE MXS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. S. Land Office at Rosebure. Ore. U August 18, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Emma L. Lamphere, whose post-off Ico ( ad dress Is Hotel Del Mar, Long Beach. California, did. on the 29th Anr of August, 1910, file In this office Sworn Statement and Application, No. 06556. to purchase the EM NW 4 and NW4 NE4, Section 34, Township 35, S. Range 6 W.. Wil lamette Mortdlan, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of Juno 3. 1S78, and acts amenda tory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appralsment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon hare been appraised, $500.00, the timber esti mated 500.000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land nothing; that saia applicant will offer final proof In support ot his application and sworn statement on the 31st day of October, 1911. before Register and Receiver. United States Land rvfica. at Roseburg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by Mln a corroborated affi. davit In this office, alleging facts wnicn would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court for Josephine county, Oregon. In the Matter of the Estate of George w. cooper, Deceased. Notice Ib herebr (riven, that Tna Cooper, the undersigned, has been ap pointed executrix of the Last Will and Estate ot George W. Cooper, deceas ed, by the County Court of Josenhln County, Oregon, and all persons hav ing claims against said Estate are hereby notlflod to nreaont th iinu. duly verified, to the undersigned exe cutrix at the law office of II. D. Nor ton at Grants Pass in Josephine Coun ty. Oregon, on or befom the emir. tlon of six months from the date of the first publication ot this notice. uate of first publication, July 28. 1911. LENA COOPER, Executrix.' NOTICE TO DELINQUENT CO- Notice Is hereby given, that B. If. Albrlaht and Ed Burke, who with Carl Wlntjen are co-owners In thoaa six certain contiguous quarts mining claims situated In the Illinois (unor ganized) mlninar dUtrlct In Jninnhla county, Oregon, and hereinafter mora tuny aescriDea, nave done and per formed all of the annual asiMimMi and representation work required un der the mlnlna- laws of tha TTnir4 States and ot the state of Oregon for me year ihub ana the year 1919; the work thereon for the year 1901, having been done and performed by the said E. M. Albright and Ed Burke, of the value of $600.00, between the 6th day of July, 1909, and the fltt 1 day of December, 1909; and tha sail E. M. Albright and Ed Burke did also during the year 1910 nerforn the annual assessment and represent ation work required upon said claims under said laws in the sum of $609, between the 3d day of January, 1919, and the 15th day ot March, inclu sive of both dates; and that the said Carl Wlntjen, one of the co-owners la said mining claims, has failed to pay any portion of the assessment work for the year 1909 or the year 1910, and that the full sum of $400 Is due and delinquent upon the share and Interest ot the said Carl Wlntjen for said years. The said Carl Wlntjon Is hereby . notified, that unless he shall wltaln ninety days from the date of the serv ice of this notice upon him, pay unt tbe undersigned, his co-owners, the sum In which he Is delinquent, or fall or refuse to contribute his due proportion of said assessment work, that hlg said Interest In said mining claims will become the nronnrtv at tbe uuderulgned co-owners, who have performed and caused to be perform ed such assessment work. Tho mining claims and premises herein referred to consist of six con tiguous quartz mining claims o! about 20 acres each, and named res pectively: San Pedro quartz mining claim, recorded In Vol. 9 of Mintng Records of Josephine county, Oregon, at page 48 thereof ; Tho Golden Eagle quarts mining claim, recorded In Vol. 9 ot said Min ing Records, at pago 20 thereof; Tbe Cleopatra quartz mining claim, as recorded In Vol. 12 of said Min ing Records at pago 627 thereof; The Excelsior quurtz mining claim, as recorded In Vol. 9 of Raid mining records at page 52 thereof; Tbe Moss Back quarts mining claim, as recorded In Vol. 18 ot said mining records at page 626 thereof; Tho Web Foot mining claim, as rec orded In Vol. 15 of said mining i cords at page 8 thereof; reference to which records being here had for a moro complete description of sdd mining claims. Dated at Kerby, Josephine coun ty, Oregon this 9th day ot Jane, 1911. E. M. ALBRIOIIT, ED BURKE. NoncK To Whom It May Concern: Notlee 1 Is hereby given that I, the under signed, owner of one half Interest la the Bugsr Pine mine at Gallce, Ore gem, will not be rosponslblu for any debts Incurred against said Sugar Pine mine or for any labor or Im provements performed thereon; alee that no person entering on said prem ises tor any reason whatsoever shall remove thersfrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated February 88, 1919. (gigatd) r. i. iNiQirr,