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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1911)
i'AUIC EIGHT DELINQUENT TAX LIST. WKEKLv'lUKJirK ."RIVER COURIER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER l9 (Continued Irom jiage 7.) 7.JMI 17. n 22.f.1 33. im ,i;.r.s 11.70 7.56 i 31. OS 12.00 :i t;.i)(i !l.72 3fl.!', " 2 :(.! ! 22. 0 n.fii 27.72 12.22 21.2:1 22.08 2S..-.3 111. II) W B. Sherman, Ixjts 6, 7, and 8. In Sec. 10, T. 35 8., II. 7 W., 5f a;res ( VV Sherman, HO ueres in ',... 14, T. 3S S., H. 7 W. A T. Shoeniake, 12S acres In "S.. 30, T. 38 S., II. 7 V l-Ysmk Sliull, 100 neres In Sec 14, T. 3 3 8.. H. 7 W. U (!. Smith und C. It. Hay, NVVV4 f ' . T. 30 S.. II. fi VV 100 acres It. C. Smith and C. It. Kay, 120 ncres In Her, X. T. 30 S.. It. 0 VV Forest J. Smith, N K V ' SV U of Sec. 24, T. 35 8., It. 7 V., 40 acres Win. II. Smith. NVj of NVk of Hw. 24, T. 34 9., It. W. li; 11 aeri'H .1 K. Sniiirin. HV4 of NWVi of Sec. 30, T. 37 8.. 0 W., SO acrt'H M. 12. Hollle, KV of Sec. 30, T. 40 S.. It. S W.. 100 acres JoHeph I.. Sow HI, SKlA of NKV of See. IS. T. 40 S.. It. 7 W., Jo uircH Frank Siei'r. 100 acres In See., 3. and 10, T. 41 S., It. II W. Mlrla M., NW'4 if Sec 2, T. 3W 8., It. H W. IliO acres - (ico. W. Stephenson, 810 less 5 Vk acres, in Sec. 20, T. 34 S., It. 0 W I, J. Stewart, SK'4 of SWVi 'of Sec. 21, T. 30 S It. 7 W.. 40 acres Elmer T. Stewart, 120 acres In Sec. 0. T. 33 8.. It. 5 W. Mary Stock, N. 100 feet of lot 1, lens 50x100 feet out of NV corner Illock T. Ronnie's 1 Ht. Addition 14.00 Frank C, Stiwalt. NWV4 of Sec. 30. T. 40 S It, X W 151 acres llarrv ('. Stoddard, 42 acres In Sec. 14, T. 30 S.. It. 0 W. A. .1. Slover, S4 acres in Sec, 4. T. 3!l S.. It. S W. W. II. Sullivan, N1, of SW',4 and I .(it h I and 2, Sec. 10, T. 41 8., It. It W., 12U acres 2!.2 Anton SwaiiHon, Lot 1 and KVi of NVV'i of Sec. IS, T. 33 8., 11. 7 W., 120 acres.... 8. J. Tavlor, 1 acre in Sec. S, T. 30 8.. It. 5 W V. A. Taylor. SVV'4 of SFV, or SK'i Sec. 13, T. 30 S.. It. 5 W 10 acres Walter Taylor, 10 or NE'4 or Sec. 2, T. 3 4 S., It. 5 W. S3 acrea 52. SO Laura Taylor. Lots 3, 4 and 5, and SIC '4 of NW4 of Sec. 2. T. 31 8., It. 5 W., 105 aeri'H Throe . I'lues Tlnilier Co., NK'4 of Sec, 25, T. 34 8., It. 5 W., 100 lures Three I'lues Tlnilier Co., SN'4 of Sec. 25, T. 21 S., It. 5 VV., 100 acres Three Hues Timber Co., NW'4 of Sec. 25, T. 34 8., U. 5 W., 100 acres 12S.92 Three rines Tlnilier Co., SVV'4 of Sec. 25, T. 34 8.. It. ft W., 100 acrt'H Three Pines Tlnilier Co., K of NH'i or Sec. 35, T. 34 S.. II. 5 W., S(i acres .... Threo IMuch Tlnilier Co., Lot 1 of Sec. I. T. 35 S., It. 5 W., is acres . Three Dues 'i'liulier Co., NIC 4 of Sec. K, T. 3 4 S.. It. 5 V., 100 acres Three I'lncH Tlinher Co., SK'.i or Sec, 30, 'T, 31 S.. It. 5 W 100 ai res 7S.70 Three I'lues Tlinher Co., NW'i or See. 30. T. 31 S.. It. 5 VV., I HO acres Tliree I'lues Tlnilier Co., SW '4 of Sec. 3d, T. 3 I S., It. 5 W., I0O a. rcs Three I'lues Tlinher Co., SK'i of NK'; of Sec. 3ii. T. 3 I S.. It. 5 VV., Ill lines Three I'lues Tlinher Co., Kill nfieH In Sit. Ill, T. 34 S It. 0 W. . Minerva ToiiIiikh, K'i of V. of Section 10. T. IIS 8.. H. 5 W., ItiO ai'ies A. Torrey, Wa or W Vj or See, 12, T. 3! S . U. 5 W,. 103 acres . Susan T. Trayiior. 10(1 acres In Si r, 20, T. 34 S . It. "7 VV. ,1. N. Ti in-. SW'., id NW'4 and Lot 1, Sec Ill, T. 3H S . It. S VV., mi a. ics F, C. Tnisslor. Pa , l of Lot :t, llloek S, lloin tie's 1st Villi VV. I Tiycr, NW ', el NVV or Sec. I :. T, :!tl S . It 7 VV., in urn" 'oiu S Tin 11. 1 , N '.j el' NVV 4 i.r See. 32. T 3:i S . I! I'. , mi (icies Com S Timiri . S ol NVV, 11I Si e. 32. T. 3.". S . U. 0 VV , Ml acres I'iiUhihii Owner, 8K', of Sec 12, T. IIS, It. 5 W.. I mi acres I'. S Mliiiuk! Co . Lots 3 iiud 1, See .'li, t. :;;i S , It 5 VV , '1 U ;i 1" I'l-H M T I Hi , SW ', el NVV, nl Sec ('., ;u; S , 0 VV . 4u ;1. i cm Isiiiic Van hum, I.uik ;i ;im 4. Si. 2ii, s , It. 7 VV . It U 111 I eh F, S Van lvl,e. 4 iicren In Sec, 17, t. s it r vv Vindicator Plat ,m Vtlnlnu Co , 13 nuts In See ;1, T 33 S , K. 7 VV , VV. W, Walker. NVV4 of HW, of Sec. in, T. 3 0 S . it ;. vv. S li Walker. Lm 4 and Sr, of SW '4 or Sec. is, T. 33 .. U. 0 W.. 79 to res 33.00 31.08 45.90 10.80 4.00 4 2.011 17.70 122. 5i 129.49 92.15 IJ. It. Warner, W'i or KV4 of 8ec. 32, T. 39 It. 0 W., 160 acrea K. Waters, NB'4 of Sec. 20, T. 35 8., It. 5 W.. HO acres John M. Watson, W4 of W14 of See. 14, T. 33 S., It. 7 W.. 160 acrea Geo. If. Went, VWa of NW'4 of Sec. 30, T. 37 S., It. t. W 80 acres Western Del. Co., NW'4 r NVV4, less 12 acres In See. 27. T. 34 8.. It. 0 W., 20 acres Western Del. Co., N Mr of Lots 7 and 8. Block 10, O. T. S. I. (). Welherbee, N14 of NK'4 of SH'4 of Sec. 10. T. 37 8., R. 0 W 41.70 Dorothy B. Whlpp, S1 or NKVi and NW'4 of NE and Lot 1, Sec. 12, T. 40 8., It. 9 W., 152 acres 13.08 Jennie E. White, W'Vj of Lots 5 and 0, Block IJ, Bourne a 1st. Add., (irants Pass C. K. Wickstrom, 10 acres in Sec. 0. T. 3C 8., R. 5 W W. W. Wilcox, Uit 1, Ulk. A, Judson's Add. Grants Pass Charle E. Wilder, NE'4 of Sec. 20, T. 34 S., It. 5 W S. I). Williams, SVV'4 of NK'4 of SW'4, Sec. 16, T. 35 S., It. 0 W., 10 acrt'H F. F. Williams, NE'4 of SF'4 . Sec. 20. T. 35 8., It. li W., 4 0 acres A. .1. Williams, Lot 18, Block A. Nelson's Add Williamson & Mason All of Block 37 and 38. O. T. S... Williamson & Mason, Lots 1 to 4 and 13 to 24, Inc., Blk. 39, O. T. S Williamson & Mason, Lots 3 and 4. Block 39, Boundary Line Add 24.50 Williamson & Mason, Lots 23 and 24. Block 4 0. O. T. S. Williamson & Mason, 82 acres in Sec. 17, T. 30 S R. 5 W 4 S3. 00 F. C. Wilson.. 158 acres in Sec. 4. T. 37 S., It. 0 W Frank S. Wilson. 100 acres in Sec. 4, T. 37 8., It. 0 VV. II. F. Wlmei, 2 acres In Sec. 11, T. 4 0 S., it. 8 VV I laddie P. Wire, 120 acres in Sec. 0, T, 33 S., It. 7 VV 22.08 John T. Wiseman, S'd ot SVV'4 In Sec. 10, T. 3S S., 11. 7 VV., 80 acres 29.02 Wolf Creek .Vilnius & Devel oping Co., SO acres In Sec, S, T. 33 S It. 5 W 25.30 Julia C. Wood, SVV'4 of SVV'4 Sec. 30, T. 30 S., It. 0 VV., 4 0 acres Alice Woodson, Lot 8, Block 04, I). T. S I). M. Woodson, Lots 1, 2 and 3. Sec. 22, T. 3 7 S., It. 5 VV.. 49 uc.res ll.f.O Ceo. VV. Woodworth, N xk of N'.i Sec. 4, T. 35 S.. It. 0 W., 1S3 acres 18.14 C. 10. Wool folk. NVi of NW'4 Sec. 30, T. 30 S., It. 0 W.. 80 acres 11.00 Alhert E. Zentner, 8 of NE'4 "ml NE'4 of NE'4 , Sec. 32, T. 37 S., it. 5 V 120 ncres 35.91 W. (1. .iniinerman. N'A of NE'4 Sec. 20, T. 38 S., H. 7 VV., 80 acres 11.45 WILL C. SMITH, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Mrs. C. F. Oenlner, lert Tor their home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sarg and fam ily are noon to leave us as they have traded their farm for another In Ne hrflskn: we are very sorry to lose these good people from among us but oiir loss will be Nebraska's gain. A farewell party In honor 01 Miss Elfie Sorg was given by Miss Winnie Osborn at the home of Will and Eu gene Hayes, last Friday evening, which was well attended and much enjoyed by those present. 29.74 39.33 37.91 f.S.97 35. 34 10 MOO 9.35 11.93 10 21 10 53 13:! 14 3 5 i! mi 15. li 00 0 S 01 It S9 21.00 5.98 15.10 41.58 5.4 0 8.10 1.40 141.90 90.43 45.50 33.3 2 17.00 9.09 HYREK MINERAL SI'RIN'CS. 4.40 30.23 This famous health resort, 17 mil'-? from Woodvllle, Oregon, noted for Us curative qualities, especially ior stomach and paralysis, Is under new management; It Is now conducted by Galbreath, from California and his wife, who spare no pains In endeav oring to make their guests comforta ble. The table Is supplied with good, home cooking like our mothers used to serve. Plenty of fresh vegeta bles, fruit, berries, milk, butter, epgs and this wonderful climate and min eral water, rids one of lhat tired feeling which has been acquired from long study and Indoor work. A carpenter from Grants Pass has put the Maple Wood cottage in fine con dition, which Is now occupied by Mrs. W. S. Webb of Grants Pass, and her sister, Mrs. J. C. Clark, from Med ford. The Lone Fir cottage and the Orchards will be fitted this week. Good camping ground exists here, and fine fishing, swimming pool and hnniln!? An nnirler brought In a t string of speckled beauties today that would tempt anyone to get out and wield the rod. The county has a force of men working the road from here to Wood vllle, putting it In fine condition. Harry Triplet, the merchant from Wimer, makes two and three trips a week bringing in supplies to the tourists. We have a dally rural mall deliv ery and expect to connect with the telephone In two or three days. Mrs. Weston from Medford, Mrs. Roberts and two daughters from Yr eka, Cal and some parties from Cilendale, Hugh Stevens and Brother are guests at the Hotel. Miss Gladys Miller, who will take charge of the Meadow school, was a visitor here today. Mrs. Johnson and two daughters from Medford, I. Hays and Van Houghton and two bous from Gold Hill, and several others visited here. . , .1 Sunday. He Is clearing mini re cently purchased from the Tnre Pine Fruit Tracts company and win plant five acres to Mulr peaches. Thirty-five acres of peaches will be planted In this vicinity during the coming year. Much If this acreage will be ,put out this fall, and more In the spring. Mr. Dean is enclosing nve with a substantial woven wire fence. Mr. Sehochard, who recently pur chased 96 acres of the famous Bur rell orchard, was a recent visitor here and Is much impressed with flie fruit outlook. Special Agent Thomas of the Unit o,t States land office has been for some time Investigating homestead entrlcB on the Jump-Off-Joe. The land in question Is the same that has been in controversy for a long period and had been declared to be mineral and timber. The recent ruling of the secretary of the Interior, however, has placed the whole situation where it was at the beginning of the con test. This means long drawn out hearings and much expense to all in terested. The school house Is progressing so favorably that school will begin Sep tember 18. Miss Irene Darnielle of Grants Pass, will be the teacher. The Hugo-Three Pines baseball club is still looking for a game, but with poor prospects, as the Interest In that sport has, to all appearances, subsided for this season. But the Interest In the national sport Is still keen here, Vnd a game will be played at Hugo Sunday between two nines picked up in the two hamlets. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given, that Ed- wartl s. Van Dyke, the undersigned, has been appointed executor of the Lust Will and Estate of F. VV, Van Dyke, deceased, by the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said state are hereby notified to present the siiiue,' tluly verified, to the un- lerslgnetl executor, at ills law office at Grams Pass, In Josephine County, Oregon, on or before the expiration of six months from the date of the first publication ot this notice. Date of first imlilleai Ion, Septem ber I. 1911. KI'VV'.VItl) 8. VAN DYKE, Executor. JEROME PRAIRIE. J. T. Middleton and family of lower Applegate, spent Sunday at W. W. Tucker's. Mrs. W. A. Oeorge and Mrs. Hall of Wonder, were on the Prairie Mon day. M. F. Clothier and family were viewing the country around Missouri Flat Tuesday. J. C. Morgan with Ralph Harman of Grants Pnss, has gone to Gallce on a hunting trip. Charles Lathrop's mother, brother and sister arrived Wednesday from Portland, where they have been vis iting relatives. They expect to re- nnln about ten days then will go to Ml'RPIIY. 14 94 M. M. AliiHWorth, Karl Moncrlef ud Alva Gllmoro returned home last week from Walla Walla, when they had been the past two months work lug In the harvest fields. Louis Centner, of San Frauclsco, who has been visiting his parents Mr. and M m. C. F. Centner, for the past three weeks, relumed home on Saturday. Miss Oro Wilson of Grants Pass was visiting MIhh Winnie Osborn the last of the week. VI Mathews nut Willi a very pain ful accldenl a few days ago. II v.Hi working 011 u hay baler, when In mime manner his band got be tween 11 iope and pulley, bruising and mashing his fingers Hover!)'. IV Sweeney dressed the Injured member and Mr. Mathews wlfl soon be us so iiihI km ever. Miss Lucy Harmon of Grants Puss, visited MImm Kiln Haberman FiMay and Saturday, returning homo Satur day evening. Lester Dniiii'lllo ami Wheeler (in born left Monday for a week's fishing doNv n Rogue river, Master Maurice Miller of Grunts Pass, Is visiting bin uncle inn mint, Mr, nud Mr. W, .1 Steluniett, nt the Mlchluan mine thU week. Mrs Ah'x .less and children of Sa letn, whrt have been Uniting at the homo of Mrs. Joss" parents, Mr. and BEAUTIFUL HAIR C. If. Deinaray Sells the Greatest Hair Boautlfler in the Would Parisian Sage, the grand and ef ficient hair restorer, Is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks, or your money back, Parisian Sage stops falling hair- It prevents the hair from fading. It Is the best beautlfier of ladles' hair, as it makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. It Is a most refreshing and daintily per fumed dressing, not Bticky and greasy. Parisian Sago is sold and rigidly guaranteed by C. H. Demaray. Price 50 cents a large bottle. The girl with the Auburn hair Is on every pack age. "In the time I have used Tarislan Sage I have found it very satisfac tory both as a grower and dandruff cure." Miss Ada M. Bratt, Hooslck, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1910. WHITE SEWING MACHINES Best the World Over Because of PRESTIGE Host known everywhere. PRICE Lowest, quality considered. TERMS Unequalled for liberty. QUALITY their home In California. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and daughter 1,1,0 ,0 experience and superior fae- and Mrs. Druce of Grants Pass, were visiting here Friday with Rev. and Mrs, Leslie. Mrs. Frohbach and children of Milwaukee, who have been visiting at llomewood farm, have gone to Ash land. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Grants Pass, spent Sunday at W. E. Wheel-! or s. Rev. Hoxey of Wlldervlllo, will preach next Sunday morning at the school house. Clarence Anderson and boy friend were t ailing Monday at W. E. Wheel er's. Mr. and Mrs. Wylberg of Home wood farm, iicitiiupiuilcd ClaiN Schmidt and family Sunday la the auto on a trip up the Appti .,.:tte v :t 1 ley. tory facilities. VARIETY Vibrating, oscillating vertical, oscil lating horizontal, rotary, rotlaclllo and chain stitch. Two Bar s of Laundry Soap and one Can of Dirt Cleaner . ET Io f" r n t with our special next two weeks only. Ak us about it. ' ;. ,1 Whitehouse Grocery 1 . m THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT and simpIyMEANS THAT NOTHING SUCCEEDS like success! All Business Success Begins with money IM THP R A KIK START tf 1 iiuunni now The sooner vou bedn to kavr mntifiv thn flnnner will have money. You cannot foolishly squander what m earn and also have it. Begin banking your money and jm Till mamma - - 11 1 . 1 wiu luiu muio picubure m saving man m spending. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety per ait MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. Josephine County Bank GRANTS PASS, OREGON. I J. ri MAI1AN. 'Ki I! Mt.WTS I'ASS m;j) TIIKI K PINTS. SVilnrduy tilht, Scptem!., r 2, 11 dance V be nlvcn it t the .ln(f,iim tin the ii nl.' KrnimtN Thl., will be the mim'Iu! , f U10 sen mm. Wl Hi-k'U Will be in.vler f 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 n I es, I'irM elicit iiinsli' tuiH been en mined Mud nn eii.l.iy.ibl,. time m Hiiro to re milt. The Ice r renin social Saturday ev ening wax largely attended nml wns n' siiitom socially nn,i rinnncliilly, IV W. Oavln lll nt on.o begin tho work of finishing th( ncoond story of bis hiitldlnit for ft public hail, which ' much ncoded hor. William Holph was a visitor lore Nursery Slock Having aecurej the agiey for The Ballygreen Nursery Co, f Hartford. Wash., for the counties of Josephine and Jack. n. I uui in a better poaltlon than ever before to give my cuMtouieri satisfaction. They re the originators of certified pedigree nursery stock, and Mowers are flndlnf that certi fied pedigree Is ns necessary to iiurery Btock as in dairy atock. I also handle common atock of the best grade. All kinds ot (trapes a specialty. Mo nKent for tho Frost Pre vention ro.'s orchard heater. Geo. H. Parker I0:l WK8T II STKKKT. 5KWTH PASS, ORMJOV. T. B. CORNELL, President J. G. RIGGS, Vice President SAM UAKER, Cashier GKO. R. DICKINSON. Asst. Cashier J. L. CALVERT MARCUS ROBIlSS , J. M. tetherJv S. LOUGHRIDi Dftttors . PATRONIZE THE Eden Valley Nursery MEDFORD, OtlE., BOX 823. The IcwUlng nursery of 8ou(hero Oregon. The nurflcrjr thatlHIn over 100,000 trwa eurh scnuoii without canvasMiiie. Blithe ........ I poini r .. i lie gootfs do the talking. N. S. Bennet MKI)IXRI, ORE, BOX 823. Tveuty-one yean a reuldent of the Rogue River VIij Eullhurst Nursery Wolf Creek, Ore. Offer. a complete stock of No. 1. one vearF;oi)lt trees for this fall aud next spring. planting. Let a ijuuiv ,uu incug ou large or smau orders. Win Uo1i"you prices on anything you want in lljt mis ery Ime. EULLHURST NURSERY CO., Wolf Creek, Ore., V. P. tXX Hi. I'rmMfiit anil Mumper p. n. wofc ! I J. M'lWMAV, fcmvtary Rogue River Valley Nursery . . . u 14 L Inrorporatetl MKDKORII, (lllir.OX IM 'MIS OK ALL KINDS SKKIW OF AIX tSM (JrowrM i.f RelUUp Nursery Stock, tY Mn.l Uit.ttt,,.! Tr.Hft, Hliruhs, XUm'n, Vines, rnlnn, Hmall IVnlts, li. t Wrlt for IYI,on Of flee 2.1 West Main Ktrrct n I 411